
Chapter 501 - A Camp Of Sorts.

With the end of his record-breaking Orgy, Hal retreated into his Harem space where he sat cross-legged and began to refine all the combined essence he had farmed all through the session.

What he had been attempting over the course of two months through his frequent visits into his Harem space (To cross over the gorge that was the large energy requirement needed to advance to the cosmic Aurora realm) with little to no success had been easily achieved during this orgy of his.

There was now more than enough energy for him to cross the gorge and begin the process of turning his Cosmic Phenomenon into a Cosmic Aurora. Which was an all-important process if he wanted to advance.

Soon, he completed the process, and with a small satisfying explosive boom to announce his completion, he advanced to the Cosmic Aurora realm, but his advancement did not stop there and by the time he completely refined every essence he had farmed, Hal was at the Mid-stage of the Cosmic Aurora realm.

Needless to say, he was more than satisfied.

Now that he was at the Cosmic Aurora realm, he could now see the gorge between stages in the realm go past something that could be surpassed by an explosive burst of energy. Time was an important factor involved in advancement in this realm.

The longer one was in the realm, the more naturally their body absorbs Cosmic energy and the better they utilize it. This meant that not only was it going to take even more to advance in the Cosmic Aurora realm, it was also going to require Hal to wait long periods between advancement.

Anyway, Hal was not disheartened at the thought of the difficulty. He had broken the system so many times already (He was just twenty years old at the Cosmic Aurora Realm) and would break it once again.

As for the advantages to this realm, it stood to reason that now that he had secured advancement, his essence was all the more beneficial to his ladies that were not yet at the realm, and with constant copulation with them, he would have them getting higher in no time.

Which was his sales pitch to the ladies in the Harem space when they asked why they had not been involved in the marathon two hundred day orgy.

Of course, they were quick to tell him, it was the experience they actually wanted and not the opportunity for advancement.

There were downsides to his Orgy session of course. One of them was that he kinda got all his first-time-having-sex advantages with all those ladies all at once which meant that conducting such a large scale Orgy would not grant him the same advantages and significant boost.

At least not with the same time constraint.

In other news, Sassy was at the moment in a corner in his room, wrapped in an Emerald cocoon as her body underwent the transformation from beast body to human.

Hal had been surprised with the cocoon. Thinking the process should have simply been instantaneous with a lot of bright shining lights which even he admitted would only be good for adding a theatrical flair to the transformation scene.

Later on, when Hal faced all the ladies in the Harem space, he had an idea which saw to him taking them out of it and into the Silver moon sect territory where he told them to feel at home.

While taking them around with him, always at his beck and call for intercourse was great, he felt he needed a break from their company, just as much as they needed a break from him.

It would be best that they live in the Silver moon sect for a while. Mingle with other empowered females and not be stuck in the Harem space all their life.

Going into the space to relax and copulate was fun and all but he just felt it should not become a permanent living situation.

After all, if his two months of constant visits with no results had proven anything, it was that keeping them at a close distance was not going to be forever advantageous.

'Even if you had not been able to advance, you still always added more trickles to your progress. Not having them in the Harem space for frequent visitation could put a stop to that' Grimoire said and Hal shrugged.

'I'll take that chance' he said.

He had a large sect, one that could very easily hold two thousand women thanks to its large and imposing structure, at his beck and call. He saw no reason not to take advantage of that.

The Silver moon sect was no longer just an all-female sect, it was now a camp of sorts for members of his legion.

Of course, while Hal brought out all the ladies in his Harem space, it was not all of them who would be staying behind in the Silver moon sect. Rita, Marla, Karmen, Olivia, and Lillian would still be coming with him.


In the case of Rita, Marla, and Karmen, this was a clear act of favoritism but none of the ladies had anything to say against Hal.

If anything, it just motivated them all to be better. To show their own special something and prove to the only man who mattered that they were to be favored above all others as well.


Every member of the Silver moon sect once awake was now busy refining the essence they had gotten from Hal with the Cultivation techniques they had gotten from Hal. That included Leona and Corrina.

Being at the Cosmic saint Realm, Makena had helped Hal more than he had helped her in regards to cultivation so she was long done refining the essence he left within her.

Of course, according to Makena, it was only in terms of cultivation that Hal had not helped her all that much. In regards to everything else, the advantages of sleeping with him were immense in value to her.

The pleasure she had felt from being with him and the contradicting feeling of satisfaction and never-ending hunger for his touch were things no one could possibly put a price on.

As she leaned back against him on her bed while he fondled her ample breasts through her flimsy nightgown, she knew how special Hal and his whole person was.

He was the most important thing to her.

Not even her sect could compare in importance.

"Mmnghhh" she moaned into his touch with an aroused smile while Hal chuckled as he continued his fond fondling.

And then he asked,

"How close of a relationship do you have with the Emperor?"

Makena sighed,

"Fairly close, I'd say. I've met him a few times. Most of those times, it was him coming to visit the sect personally. He has valued the sect since he has been Emperor and long before I became sect head so his relationship is not exactly with me but with the Sect itself."

Hal nodded to her words,

"And you have made helpful predictions for him?" He asked.

"Of course. I have seen many things that were of importance to the well-being of the Continent. My visions are usually vague but they have been helpful nonetheless" Makena said.

Hal frowned lightly,

"But the Continent has not yet been able to defeat Dystopia" he said.

Makena took a deep breath but did not look or sound as though this was a sore subject for her as she said,

"It will take much more than soothsaying to defeat that monster continent. While my sights have never actually penetrated the Continent, it doesn't mean I don't know of the Dystopian powerhouses.

And they are indeed powerful"

Chapter 502 - A View None Could Miss.

"That said, the Haron Continent is no slouch and. neither is the man at the helm, the Emperor himself" Makena said.

"So how strong is the Emperor exactly?" Hal asked and Makena paused before she began,

"First off, I should probably tell you that I cannot see the Emperor's fate. It's kinda forbidden to look into his fate without his permission which is actually much more than him simply ordering me not to look and more like he knows some secrets of the Artifact to make it impossible for me to look unless he allows it.

Since he was not Emperor since the creation of the Silver moon sect and not the first Haron Emperor to take a liking to the Sect, I believe it's fair to say it's a secret that has been handed from Emperor to Emperor.

As for his strength, the Emperor is definitely stronger than I am. I am only a three-star Cosmic saint but the Emperor is a Nine-star Cosmic saint."

At this point, Makena paused before she continued while Hal remained silent,

"Every star in the Cosmic saint realm is a significant and ginormous boost. The stars of Cosmic sainthood are not just power levels. They are so much more. I can't explain it but you will understand when you begin forming yours.

My first star took me a hundred and fifty years to form which is me saying I was stuck at the peak of the Semi-saint realm, the very peak of the realm for a hundred and fifty years.

My second took me two hundred years while my third took me three hundred years... That was two hundred years ago and I am still not halfway into the creation of my fourth star." Makena said.

"Wow" was all Hal said.

Makena nodded,

"Wow Indeed. There are saints who reach the end of their life span before they are able to form all of their stars but the Emperor, Amador Haron succeeded with the formation of all nine stars and is now said to be attempting advancement to the Demi-god realm.

I think it goes without saying that becoming a Demi-god is a big deal" she said.

Hal chuckled and nuzzled her cheek while pinching her erect nipples,

"You almost sound like a fangirl" he said.

Makena chuckled as well but when she spoke, it was with uncompromised seriousness,

"For that level of talent? Absolutely. The Emperor is someone Cosmic saints like myself can look up to"

"You do realize that I wish to take over this continent and defeat your role model all with you helping me, right?" Hal asked with a smirk.

Makena shrugged,

"Of course I do. Over the last couple hundred days, I have had an insight into your ambitious mind. Aided further along by the Devil Contract you drafted for me to sign.

I could be planning a person's downfall and still admire their talent. The two are not necessarily exclusive of one another" she said.

"You're really taking this whole 'turning against the Emperor' thing really well. You almost revel in the whole idea" Hal said.

"I will do anything for you. If you say you want to overthrow the Emperor, I would gladly offer as much assistance as I can. Besides, while the Emperor does care about the sect and I watch out for the Empire's future, it does not mean I am not open to the idea of rebellion.

I always felt the Silver moon sect gave up way too fast during the First Emperor's unification quest"

"What? Hal said in mild confusion,

"What, you didn't know? When the first Emperor first began presenting his unification pitch to all Duchys, only two surrendered without any trouble, One of them was the Dreg Duchy and the decision had actually been made by the then Silver moon sect head.

She probably predicted that the unification was unavoidable.

Anyways, if you say you want to attempt something so insane, I will offer you my support"

"Why thank you" Hal said with a smile.

"Exactly when do you plan on this overthrow?" Makena asked.

Hal took a deep breath,

"One hundred years" he said with a grin.

Makena's eyes widened and she pulled away from him to look back at his face to see if he was being serious.

She couldn't tell.

"Are you being serious?" She asked.

"What, is a hundred years too long? If it is, it might not actually take that long. It's just that there are many things I need to put in place. And mind you, I might very well be attempting this overthrow without the comprehension of an Ordinance so my strength needs to be irrefutable" Hal said in a tone that suggested he was explaining something sensible as opposed to something absolutely insane.

"You're insane. A hundred years? I took more time than that to congeal even one of my Cosmic stars. And you're still only at the Cosmic Aurora realm!" Makena said.

"Well, two days ago, I was still only at the Cosmic phenomenon realm. Even if you say the time was warped and it was actually two hundred days ago, how many have you seen achieve the same" Hal asked with a raised brow and while she still looked at him like he was insane, Makena said nothing. For now.

Hal continued,

"Makena, I am not yet twenty years old. If you take into consideration all the amount of time I have cultivated with the use of time warping Arrays then maybe I just make it past twenty-one. Maybe. I am at least sure I will not have made it to twenty-five just yet."

Makena's eyes widened.

With her not being able to look into him with the Divining Artifact, and having not yet done any research in regards to who Hal really was, there was no way she could have known his age.

Of course, it can be argued that she did not actually care about his age but that was with her thinking, somewhere in her subconscious, that he was at least well past one hundred and fifty and not that he was barely twenty.

It was almost as though her well-established thoughts on advancements were turned upside down which considering she was an experienced Cosmic saint was really saying something.

Then she thought,

'Actually, it makes sense that he achieves such abnormal feats. He is a Devil who slept with seven hundred women over a marathon Orgy session that had lasted two hundred Time warped Days. Time that he had warped through his own mysterious means.

This young man was anything but normal'

Never once did she consider that Hal could be lying.

She just knew with certainty that he wasn't.

Hal watched her think for five minutes before he asked in a soft voice,

"Are you alright?"

He worried that he had broken her.

Which considering her impressive mental fortitude was an arrogant thought on his part.

Makena collected herself and her lips twitched multiple times as she attempted and failed to smile like it was all normal when it clearly wasn't,

"You're a monster" she said.

Hal grinned and pulled her closer to himself to join their lips in an ardent kiss that the Silver moon sect head happily melted into and only when they separated did he say,

"Yes, dear. Yes, I am"

* * *

It was a view no one in the city could miss.

How could they?

It was way too eye-catching...

A man was standing in mid-air with his two hands ablaze with violent fire which he propelled against the most powerful and beloved sect in the Dreg Duchy,


Then the man burst into loud maniacal laughter,

"Hahahahaha, Makena Dear, I'm Back!"

Chapter 503 - When Foresight Fails. Part 1

Of course, while the man in mid-air was very eye-catching and easily grabbed attention, the army of men right outside the Silver moon sect was definitely no slouch to the audience.

Especially since they numbered more than two thousand.

An all-male army ready to wreak havoc on the sect of women once their leader gave the go-ahead which was sure to come right after his intro blasts of flames against the sect's beautiful structures.

It had only been a day since the end of Hal's two-day marathon orgy with the sect members of the Silver moon sect but it had been more than enough time for every single one of the ladies to refine the essence Hal had left inside them.

So, the moment Dhruv announced his presence with explosive blasts of flames against the Sect buildings, they filed right out and released the full blast of their cultivation realms.

The lowest of them all in cultivation was at the early stage of the Cosmic Aurora realm and while this was quite impressive, it was nothing that bothered the smiling Dreg man who stood in mid-air and watched them like they were only struggling against the inevitable.

"Father" called a voice from within the crowd and Dhruv paused his destructive attacks to look down at the lovely face of his youngest daughter, Leona.

"Father, you don't have to do this" Leona said and even as she said it, there was little conviction and even littler warmth.

She felt such a statement was to be made when you know the character of the one you are speaking to and know that they don't have such wickedness within them.

Alas, she knew nothing about this father of hers.

"Actually, Daughter dear, I do. I really do. Your mother and I had an unspoken agreement in the name of infatuation. I give her daughters and she gives me what should rightfully be MINE!"

At the end of his words, Dhruv's expression turned to one of anger and his tone increased in volume.

Before he could continue, because he definitely had very much more to say, another voice spoke out, this one belonging to his first child,

"Really? You have no shame, no filter, and will tell us we are mere products of a business deal?" Corrina asked with a sneer,

Dhruv looked down at her and shrugged,

"Not exactly the words I used but true nonetheless. Yes, you are products of a business deal. But you shouldn't feel bad, I might have come here to destroy your sect but you two don't have to die.

Once I take care of your mother, you can both take your seat as my daughters that you are and watch first hand as I take over the Duchy and rule it as I rightfully should."

Corrina smirked and a black hole appeared right in front of Leona who leaped into it,

"Oh, we'll watch alright. We'll watch first hand as your plans fall apart and you are taken care of like the nuisance you are"

Another black hole appeared above Dhruv who did not react as his daughter fell out of it and charged a cosmic Aurora which she tossed at her father.

Even before the attack reached him, he released his saint pressure that easily erased the attack and continued on to hit and knock Leona out of the air but the sudden appearance of another black hole to swallow up Leona protected the Silver eyed lady from his attack.

Dhruv rolled his eyes as another black hole appeared right behind him.

'How utterly stupid can you girls be?' He thought as he saw this as an idiotic attempt at a sneak attack which was pointless considering their low-level cultivation.

Even if he was not predicting their actions with his Ordinance of Destiny, which he was, they still had no hope of successfully harming him.

He did not even bother to evade or destroy the cosmic Aurora this time around as he allowed it to move unimpeded towards him.

Ready to cancel it out with his bare fist before retaliating with an attack of his own. This one of a speed his daughter could not hope to avoid.

Alas, before the cosmic Aurora hit him, a vibration of sorts reverberated in the surroundings and it detonated, not as Cosmic aurora as Dhruv had been expecting but as a saint attack of such magnitude, it blasted him right out the sky...



... To the ground right in front of Corrina who grinned at his fall while charging cosmic Auroras wrapped in Semi-saint energy in both her hands.

Dhruv rolled to his feet immediately and Corrina wasted no time tossing her attacks at him. However, being the three-star saint that he was, Dhruv was much faster than any attack she could possibly charge up.

Or so it should have been if not for a vibration that altered the reality of the attack and granted it the speed of a three-star saint attack.

Dhruv leaped into the air as he took flight to escape the attack.

He escaped it successfully, having predicted its movement path but another vibration of reality and his position in the air changed so that he intercepted the attack.

However, even though Dhruv could do nothing against the changing of his reality (Even his Destiny Ordinance could not help him avoid his reality getting altered and could only warn him ahead and allow him a second to prepare his move after the alteration) the one second to prepare was more than enough for him to defend himself with cosmic saint energy...

... Or deflect the attack somewhere else.

The Front gate for instance.

The moment he deflected the attack, it moved much faster than any alteration the still-hidden Silver moon sect head could perform with her Ordinance of reality.

She had limitations after all.

There was only so long she could keep herself from battle and simply settle for altering the realities of her daughter's attacks. The mere act of which was weakening and taxing on her Cosmic energy reserves as she was actually making use of her Ordinance to infuse her daughters' weaker attacks with her own.

It was more or less like she was attacking in their place.


The reflected attack hit the front wall and reduced it to rubble which the waiting army took as a non-verbal signal to wreak the havoc they had been invited to wreak.

To lay waste to every single member of the Silver moon sect, the one true obstacle to their leader taking over the Duchy.

Once the attack was deflected and his army flooded the Silver moon sect, Dhruv rose back into mid-air, one hand brushing his clothes with a casual nonchalance while the other tossed a Cosmic Saint attack at Corrina and Leona who was now by her sister's side.

The attack mostly targeted the older and more powerful of the two.

Corrina helped her sister escape with a black hole while she evaded with an ingenious combination of her semi saint wings and her Void ordinance.


The impact of the attack told the sisters their father was not joking around but they need not worry as at that moment, runes began to appear all around the Silver moon sect territory and soon created a gigantic Dome of Astral energy.

So large was the Dome that it actually enveloped Dhruv who was still standing in mid-air.

The Dome was completely opaque and cut off any prying eyes from the outside which was necessary as the one who was soon to make an appearance was not to be seen by anyone who was not a member of his party and not part of the soon to be dead attackers.

Chapter 504 - When Foresight Fails. Part 2

With a speed that was deserving of a Three-star Cosmic saint, Makena suddenly appeared in mid-air with her saint energy wrapped around an unknown man (unknown to Dhruv) who was flying with the use of large Crimson Devil wings.

That's right, Dhruv saw the wings for what they were.

And how could he not when he felt the nefarious energies they were giving off.

He was not so misinformed to think Hal was a monster or simply someone with a connection to the Dystopian continent. No, this strange, smiling young man was someone with a Connection to the Devil.

Although to be fair, Devil worship remained something to be linked with the Dystopian continent's Devil tribe.

"Well, well, well. So this is the one-man reinforcement I foresaw. This is the one you have as a backup, Makena?

A child?" Dhruv was incredulous as he looked Hal up and down.

Nefarious as the energy Hal was oozing felt, it did not affect the Cosmic saint who was well above his level of influence.

As for the 'Child' comment, Hal was not offended,

To the old Cosmic saint, he truly was a child. That said, he did not come here to smile and take any and all derogatory comments.

Hal gave a little bow,

"Dhruv Dreg, we finally meet. I am Hal, the Sapphirine Prince and the newly crowned lord of the Silver moon sect. All that happens on this perversely hallowed ground is according to my whims. Every single member of the Silver moon sect is mine to do with as I please.

Which is also to say, I cannot and will not allow you to destroy or harm my property" He said with a natural smile while Makena nodded along by his side.

Drug looked from Hal to Makena and back to Hal before he asked,

"Is this some sort of joke?"

"No, it's not..." Hal said before waving towards the scene on the ground which was very peculiar and eyebrow-raising, "... See as my empowered ladies have taken the fight to your idiotic brutes"

Every single one of the ladies in the Silver moon sect was now giving off demonic energy vibes. Including Leona.

More than a hundred of them had now armed themselves with large Demonic Bows and were being directed on how to use it by Rita and all the other women who used to live in the Harem space.

Shooting arrows at many of their opponents and causing them to combust and be slowly reduced to mere husks of their former selves.

Of course, once many in their ranks had fallen victims to these attacks, the others took better precaution to protect themselves with Cosmic energy with which not all of them was successful.

As for those not shooting arrows, they had their cosmic Armaments out while imbuing themselves with lust flames that drastically increased their strength while also enhancing their reflexes and battle awareness and they were led into battle, not by Karmen, Olivia, and Lillian who were fighting alongside them, but by a battle-hungry Marla.

Marla summoned her very heavy-looking Cosmic Armament (Spear-like with a gigantic ball right underneath the spearhead. A gigantic ball perfect for bashing heads with) which she wielded with impressive ease.

Her body was now covered in a liquid-looking Armor that seemed to whirl around her form like a whirlpool; a manifestation of her Vetted mastery of the Dark Maelstrom Physique.

She tore through the ranks of opponents, overpowering them with strength that surpassed what she should have had at the mid-stage of the Cosmic Phenomenon realm which was the cultivation her released pressure said she had.

Marla grinned in enjoyment as she waved her hand and surrounded an opponent in a whirlpool of dark energy and used it to pull said opponent closer before swinging her Armament at his head and crushing it with the large ball of the weapon.

Still smiling and without looking behind her, she turned her weapon and used the spearhead to skewer an opponent who attempted to attack her from behind.

If the stab did not kill said opponent, then the connecting heaviness of the gigantic ball with his body, once the spearhead had gone into the said body, was sure to finish the job.

Karmen, now at the late stage of the Cosmic Phenomenon followed her lead with the brutal swinging of her Fiendish Armament, Executioner, as she reaped the blood essence of so many and stored it away to be used for further strengthening of her cultivation.

It was the same for Lillian and Olivia, although they were not making use of Executioner but were weaponizing their fiendish fog to stab their opponents and absorb every blood essence they had to offer.

None of the members of the Silver moon sect were put off by this brutality as they fought with a ferocity that matched and threatened to surpass that of these women.

Leona fought not too far away from her sister who was busy dealing with the Semi-saints in the ranks of Dhruv's army but she was not fighting alone as she was not the only Semi-saint in the Silver moon sect.

There were quite a few senior members in the sect who were also at the Semi-saint realm and together, with their strength enhanced with the Lust Demon Bloodline Hal had bestowed them and the use of their Ordinance (for those of them who had comprehended Ordinances), they were more than holding their own.

With her Cosmic Armament in one hand and charged with a Semi-saint attack, Corrina opened a black hole mid-battle with the exit right above her enemies to catch them by surprise by tossing the attack into the black hole in front of her and striking them from above.

Of course, that was not enough to defeat them since as Cosmic Semi-saints themselves, the men could adequately protect themselves.

One of them chuckled and turned towards Corrina to strike at her but a quick wave of her hand saw the Semi-saint whisked away by a black hole only to be deposited right in front of another Silver moon sect Semi-saint who slammed her palm against the man's chest and burned him up with lust flames which took him by surprise.

Leaving him nothing more than a husk as his essence was siphoned with the flames.

An outcome that greatly terrified the others.

Corrina smiled and closed her eyes for a second to truly tap into her Harnessing level of Comprehension with her Ordinance of Void.

When she opened her eyes, multiple black holes appeared all around the Semi-saints.

Despite their considerable strength, only a select few of them had comprehended ordinances and those few were quick to begin to attempt using their Ordinances against Corrina's scary void constructs.

The Black holes released impressive suction pressure that targeted only the men, many of whom found it impossible to fight against, and soon they were swallowed up.

However, they did not exit as the holes were not opened as gateways between one another but as gateways into a chaotic and unstable closed void.

Every opened black hole then imploded with a sickening aftereffect of instability in the very space they had appeared.


After the implosion, the Semi-saints were spat out with many of them having mangled body parts and all of them being way too weak to defend against the following onslaught by the Silver moon sect Semi-Saints.

Corrina frowned. If they had not been Semi-saints like her, she was sure she would have been able to kill them and not just mangle and weaken them.

She was even more annoyed when the few who had been able to wrench themselves away and escape getting sucked into the void quickly interfered and managed to buy enough time for their mangled companions to pull out mending pills and begin their healing process.

Soon, they were more than healthy enough to return to their feet, ready to continue.

Even now, they still outnumbered those of the Silver moon sect.

Their leader had 'seen' and warned them of the possibility of such a situation which was why they had brought along powerful mending pills in preparation.

However, even as Dhruv saw his foresight prove useful in this case, he was far from satisfied and how could he be satisfied when almost everything that was happening right now went against his foresighted preparations?

Chapter 505 - A Clash Of Reality And Destiny. Part 1

What annoyed Dhruv the most about this situation was the fact that he was sure all the peculiarities were due to the single man reinforcement. A.k.a the smiling young man with large Devil wings in front of him.

In anger, he charged a Cosmic saint attack at Hal but a vibration of Reality later and Hal's position shifted which caused the attack to miss.

However, this did not bother Dhruv who smirked and was already attacking the spot he had predicted Hal would appear.

The attack would have successfully hit had it not been for Makena's speedy interference.

All through this, Hal never stopped smiling.

And how could he?

He was completely confident in his woman and knew she was more than capable of protecting him.

Now, Makena was once again by Hal's side, and together, they watched Dhruv. Hal with a jovial smile and Makena with a glare.

Hal then wound an arm around Makena's waist and pulled her closer to himself in the air,

"You fight is not with me. Honestly, even though I quite dislike you for whatever reason such as threatening my woman, this is between the two of you Cosmic saint powerhouses. I'm just here to offer emotional support and watch your demise" he said and planted a kiss on Makena's lips.

A kiss that she moaned happily into.

Dhruv's eyes widened and for the first time, Hal's claim that all those who were in the Silver moon sect were his property finally sunk in.

Dhruv could not believe it,

"Makena, you actually slept with this child?" He asked with an angry sneer that the Silver moon sect head ignored even as she separated from Hal.

Hal grinned at Makena,

"Give him hell" he said and his skin turned Crimson marred with black lines as he took on the Mid-World Devil form.

"Will do" Makena told him as he flew downward to join the ongoing battle.


As Hal descended, he felt a wave of aftershock caused by the repelling force of the connecting blows of the two cosmic saints and it went farther than simply being powerful.

The shock alone damaged buildings and propelled Hal even faster downwards to the ground.

Makena knowing the resulting shocks from her battle with Dhruv, with them both of them being at the Cosmic Saint realm, could prove disastrous for her sect, decided to move battle even further up.

The two went right out of the opaque dome Hal had erected to surround the Silver moon sect.

Their battle moved so high up that every denizen in the Dreg Duchy capital, as large as it was could spectate.

A mirage seemed to pass over the opaque dome and for those inside it, it was no longer opaque but translucent and tinging every outside view they had with Royal blue color.

Of course, the on-ground battle being as busy as it was, no one really had the time or opportunity to spectate.

Even Hal wasn't watching.

Once his feet were on solid ground, he fashioned Devil energy into multiple daggers that all appeared around him and targeted every man he could find.

Then he summoned Executioner and his Cosmic Armament, dual-wielding the two to cut through the numerous enemies and absorb their blood essence while his Devil energy instilled immense fear in them.

Outside of the Done and high up in the sky...

Makena and Dhruv had just separated after a powerful blow.

Makena had been the one to strike at her ex-lover and Dhruv had accurately predicted her point of attack and moved his hand to appropriately defend himself.

"Haha, give up, Makena" Dhruv said and sent a charged attack at the Silver moon sect head who used her Ordinance to intercept the attack with one of her own.

"Why should I? Surely by now, it should be more than clear that you no longer hold the upper hand" Makena said with a sneer as she raised her hand high up in the air to charge an attack that she prepared to toss at Dhruv.

The Dreg man took on a defensive pose as he said,

"What? Because the disciples of your sect somehow got a bunch of flashy upgrades? Ha, you have no idea what I am capable of." He said and suddenly relaxed his pose.

Makena frowned as Dhruv closed his eyes and strange grey energy began to ooze out of his form. Energy that the Silver moon sect head knew immediately was related to Dhruv's Ordinance of Destiny.

Knowing she could not possibly let Dhruv complete whatever he was doing, Makena began sending saint attack after saint attack at him but even with his eyes closed, Dhruv was able to accurately predict and intercept all those attacks.

Then suddenly, he stopped moving his hands. Stopped making any more moves as the grey energy around him got even thicker.

Makena's senses were on high alert as she spread her Ordinance throughout the area she and Dhruv were. The reality of everything that happened in that area from that moment on was hers to control.

Or so it should have been but she found herself unable to affect the area Dhruv himself was in. The area thick with the grey unpredictable and untouchable energy of Destiny.

And then the buildup ended.

Dhruv opened his eyes and fired a beam of grey energy at Makena whose eyes widened when she realized she could not move away.

She was rooted to the spot.

Somehow she understood what was going on.

The grey energy charging right at her was not actually physical. It was merely a representation of what Dhruv had decided of her Destiny. A representation of what he had destined would become of her.

Even if she could move, which she could not because he had destined she would be rooted to the spot, she would not have been capable of avoiding it unless she had achieved Harnessing level comprehension in her Ordinance of Reality.

Which was virtually impossible for any human no matter how powerful as it was a comprehension level (in terms of Abstract Ordinance) reserved only for gods.

That said, the reason for this grey manifestation of Destiny was because, while definitely still at Insight level of comprehension, Dhruv was much farther along with his Ordinance than Makena was.

The Beam hit noiselessly and without any nuisance of unnecessary sound.

Immediately, Makena's internal Organs went out of control and...


... She spat out blood.

However, the blood she spat was nothing compared to the weakness that now descended upon her.

Her organs going out of control and nearing rupture was because Dhruv had destined she would be diagnosed with a chronic terminal illness that would weaken her to the bones.

Rendering her incapable of harnessing Cosmic energy or even making use of her Ordinance.

In other words, it made her no more than a sitting duck who was at the mercy of Dhruv's sure-to-be merciless attacks.

Unable to muster any strength, there was no way Makena could remain airborne and she fell fast towards the ground.

Of course, even weak as she was, a fall from that height would not result in Makena's death as her body was still that of a Cosmic saint and sturdy enough to withstand it.

Before she hit the ground, however, Dhruv caught up with her as delivered a roundhouse kick to her unprotected side.


The kick sent Makena rocketing and slamming into a hill at the outskirts of the Dreg Duchy capital.

"Ack" the Silver moon sect head groaned and struggled to pull herself out of the hill she was now encased in.

Dhruv, who was floating above her grinned and then waved his hand to pull her out with Cosmic energy and get her on the same level as himself before he struck her with a Cosmic saint attack.

However, before the attack hit Makena, she managed to release an angry blast of energy to intercept and the resulting blast of collision struck her and sent her smacking into the ground.


Dhruv frowned.

That Makena had managed to summon the strength to defend herself did not entirely surprise him.

He had limitations in the use of his Ordinance.

Especially since she was a Three-star Cosmic saint like him and was also an Abstract Ordinance wielder.

Just as he could not simply destine her to die, he could not also permanently destine her to be ill.

At some point, the effects of his Destiny beam would wear off and he would need to reapply.

That said, the speed at which the effects wore off surprised him immensely.

But not as much as it surprised him to see Makena grinning.

He shot another beam at her and like before Makena could not evade it and she never tried to.

When it hit, she spat out blood once again and became incapable of harnessing Cosmic energy or making use of her Ordinance but even then she was still grinning.

In fact, it transitioned into rapturous laughter,

"Hahahaha, Chronic terminal disease? That sounds about right" she said and a vibration reverberated around her form.

A result of what she had previously set in motion when she had briefly regained the ability to use her Ordinance.

However, it was not colorless like it usually was but instead a light red color.

As it surfaced around Makena's form, she used it to take control of the illness within her and switched her and Dhruv's realities.

There was no way the Dreg man could defend himself against the switch and as Makena became healthy, he clutched his chest and tried his utmost best to hold back a blood spurt...


.... With absolutely no success.

Chapter 506 - A Clash Of Reality And Destiny. Part 2




Deciding to give Dhruv a taste of his own medicine, even more than she already had due to the switching of their realities, Makena followed up with a series of blows that not only interrupted Dhruv's descent (on account of his weakness due to his chronic illness) but propelled him right back into the air.

Dhruv tried to muster some manner of strength to reverse the situation or at the very least, lessen the amount of damage he was taking from Makena's attacks.

Alas, compared to Makena, who had been able to recover fairly quickly to defend herself, Dhruv's recovery was incredibly slow.

And Makena took her sweet time to develop a rhythm to her attacks.

Much as she disliked Dhruv and planned to end his life on this very day, Makena wished to make him suffer first.

Each blow was to sink it into her ex-lover's thick skull that no matter how talented he was, he was nowhere near her level.



They were now back above Dreg Duchy capital, above the Dreg Duchy palace to be exact as Makena had quite literally punched Dhruv back home with a particularly hard kick sending him rocketing down towards what used to be his residence.

His impact with the building was immense but Makena gave him no time to rest as she charged and struck him with a Cosmic saint attack that was immensely powerful but could never take the life of her opponent.

Despite his illness and lack of strength, Dhruv's body was still sturdy enough to withstand the attack of an opponent with the same cultivation as him.


While she looked down at the now-demolished residence, Makena grabbed her sides as she felt a sharp pain that caused her to groan.

Although she had switched her and Dhruv's reality to make him the one who was sick instead of her, it did not rid her of the injuries he had inflicted on her while she had been too weak to fight back or even defend herself.

'It's fine. I can fight through the pain. If I can avoid getting injured further, it will heal up soon anyway' Makena thought to herself.

Thanks to the resilience of her saint body, she would indeed heal from the injury fairly quickly as long as it was not aggravated.

Suddenly, something darted out of the ruins of Dhruv's demolished Residence and it was none other than Dhruv himself wrapped in the grey energy of his Ordinance of Destiny.

At this point, there was no one spectating the scene in the Duchy Palace. Anyone who was not already knocked out and away by the aftershock of the hard fall of a Cosmic saint followed by a blast of Cosmic saint energy that actually destroyed more than the building that had been its target was wise enough to get as far away as possible.

Anyway, having recovered from the effect of his Destiny-induced Illness, Dhruv had used his Ordinance of Destiny on himself. He had destined himself to land a successful hit on his target and as such there was no way he could miss.

Or so he thought.

Shrouded by the light red energy of her Ordinance of reality, Makena tweaked her own reality so that she was never in his line of sight in the first place.

And as such, she was never his target, and quite naturally his hit missed.

Her reality had now been tweaked to be out of sight where she bided her time to strike at Dhruv from close range and while he swiveled on the spot in annoyance at what he felt was Makena's petty tricks, she fired her attack.

Dhruv could not dodge and he did not try to.


When the effect of the explosive impact of Makena's attack cleared, Dhruv was still standing in mid-air... Unharmed.

An Eight circled defensive ring of an Eight-grade defensive skill having protected him from his ex-lover's attack which he had predicted with his ever active and ever foreseeing Ordinance of Destiny.

Makena frowned.

Never had she been a fan of skills. And for the most part, she had believed Dhruv shared her beliefs but clearly, he would do anything and everything he could to achieve victory.

That was when it hit her... Anything and Everything.

She needed to do everything and anything to win.

She and Dhruv were practically equally matched.

Their cultivations were equal.

Their abstract Ordinances at the very same level of comprehension.

If she wanted victory, she had to be ready to risk absolutely everything.

She needed to do anything and everything to win.

Suddenly, when she had this sudden epiphany of sorts, Hal's mellifluous voice spike in her mind,

'You're about to do something stupid, aren't you?' He asked.

Makena smiled,

"Yes, I do believe I am... Are you going to stop me? Command me not to?' She asked Hal who chuckled,

'What good would that do? You are way more experienced than me and I would like to believe crazy and stupid as your plan is likely to be, you know exactly what you are doing. Like I said before; Give him hell'

With that, the connection broke off just as Dhruv faced her squarely with a smile,

"You really have no hope against me. I admit you have indeed taken me by surprise a few times with your unusual antics but that won't ever last. I can still predict your moves. I can still control your destiny and with your Ordinance still at Insight level comprehension, you are completely at my mercy." He said.

Makena sighed,

"True. I can't evade your beams of destiny... The same way you can't avoid your reality getting tweaked by me."

At this point, the two were back above the Dreg Duchy.

Dhruv chuckled,

"So what? You tweak the present, I see and control the future" he said.

Makena rolled her eyes,

"Pretty boastful words for someone merely at the insight level of comprehension. Take it down a notch"

Dhruv shrugged,

"I'm only saying what I have proven thus far" he said.

Makena sighed,

"Okay then. I give up"

Dhruv's eyes narrowed,


"I said I give up. I have grown weary of this dance. It almost seems never-ending. It's only a matter of time before I slip up and you take advantage anyway. Might as well move things along."

Dhruv became flustered,

"Impossible. You are not the type to give up. I know because you are exactly like me. We are the same. It's what attracted us to each other in the first place. I refuse to believe you don't have anything up your sleeves" he said with a frown.

Makena smirked,

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Either way, you need to attack me to find out. What, you can't predict what happens next with your foresight?"

In his flustered state, Dhruv forgot that this was an option.

When he did look into that not-so-distant future, he saw Makena... Dying with his hand inside her chest.

Makena had now floated closer to him, within his reach.

Dhruv could not believe it.

Could this really be how it ended?

Could there truly be such an anti-climatic end?

And then he thought to the absolutely loved-up look his ex-lover had had with that boy and his anger boiled. He decided, there was no way his foresight was infallible.

He drew his hand back and coated it with Cosmic saint energy before driving it through Makena's chest.

Just as he had foreseen, she did not move. She did not attempt to avoid his strike.

However, while blood trickled out the side of Makena's lips, she smiled and then chuckled as best she could,

"I knew it. Your foresight might be infallible, but there is a limit to how far you can see. You can't see the moment you die..." She said and the light red vibrations of her Ordinance of reality reverberated and her chest healed up.

As though Dhruv's hand had never gone through it...

.... And how could Dhruv's hand have gone through her chest when it was deep inside his own.

Chapter 507 - Freeing...

Dhruv's eyes widened and his feet went slack. His strength was quickly leaving him.

Makena waved her hand and used her Cosmic saint energy to have him remain in mid-air.


Dhruv spat out blood.

He was dying.

Stabbing your hand which is coated with powerful cosmic saint energy inside your chest will do that to anyone.

"What... What the hell is this?" He asked with widened eyes as fear gripped him.

Surprisingly very articulate despite his quickly fading life force.

Makena's eyes widened comically,

"Oh, you don't understand it yet? I played you. With the help of a terribly dangerous risk taken by me."

"But... How? I saw you dying" Dhruv asked.

Makena rolled her eyes,

"But you didn't see me dead. You saw me dying and you did not bother to question why your foresight stopped there. Why you didn't actually see me die.

I know quite a bit about foresight, Dhruv. Remember I run a sect of diviners. Sure, it is borrowed power and not really to be compared with someone who comprehended the Ordinance of Destiny like yourself, but it is more than enough to grant me some useful insights.

You predicted a future based on a Reality I had tweaked.

From the moment I said, I give up, I already set things in motion.

I had set things in place by tweaking the very reality of our situation.

What you foresaw was indeed true and I indeed was dying but with My Ordinance of Reality already tweaking things to suit my wishes, changing the outcome only required me to be alive long enough to... Flip the switch. So to speak.

Remember, I admitted; I can not avoid your beams of Destiny just like you can not avoid your reality getting tweaked by me.

From that moment, I 'created' a reality where a life-threatening injury would render you incapable of making use of your Ordinance.

An incapacity you can already sense.

A reality where your desire to kill me would drive you to do it in a close and personal manner.

Although to be fair, even if it had been long-distance or with the use of your beam of destiny, as long as I had a spark of life to 'Flip the switch' the results would have been the same."

Dhruv's eyes fluttered as he neared the end but he still managed to say,

"Y-you could have died."

"But I didn't" Makena said with a smirk.

Maybe there truly was another way. One not as risky as this but she did not see it, even now, this seemed the best course of action.

After all, to defeat someone you are practically equal with in all aspects. Someone whose very existence seems to be for the singular purpose of being your nemesis, you need to do something unpredictable.

It just so happened that her unpredictable act was also a risky one.

"You're... Insane" Dhruv said before his eyes closed and he became limp, never to move his body again.

Makena gazed at him for a few seconds before she said quietly,

"No, I'm alive... And You're dead"

'Talk about stating the Obvious' Hal told her telepathically with a chuckle.

Makena grabbed Dhruv by the hair and pulled him effortlessly with her to the still Domed Silver moon Sect Territory.

Ready to clear her sect of its attackers while feeling trepidation at the potential death of any member of the said sect.

However, when she went through the Dome, she beheld a scene of a complete and total massacre.

Even with a quick look, she could already note every member of the Silver moon sect was alive and mostly only spotted injuries that would very well heal completely without scars with the proper care.

Even the Semi-saint attackers Corrina and the other semi-saints of the Silver moon sect had faced, had been completely downed and Hal who had now reverted to his human form viewed it all with a look of pride.

Makena sighed with relief before she smiled.

While things with regards to her battle with Dhruv did not go as smoothly (for her) as she had initially expected, she had still won like she was always confident she would. Her true worry lay in the fact that even if she won, she would lose many of the Silver moon sect disciples.

But that was not the case and as incredibly and a tad unbelievable as it may seem, they had defeated an army of more than two thousand men with their meager force of Seven hundred with no casualties.

It was a good day.


The attack on the Silver noon sect was a public affair.

Soon, anyone who did not already know, now knew the attacker was a member of the Dreg Family who also happened to have at one point been a sexual partner of the Silver moon sect head and the one she had her children with.

As was unavoidable in such a high-profile event such as this, the news became extremely embellished... In favor of the victors, the Silver moon sect.

The number of attackers doubled overnight and the manner of their defeat also became an immensely spectacular story to tell.

It did not matter that other than the fight between Makena and Dhruv, no other part of the battle had been seen due to the opaque Dome of Astral energy that blocked their sights.

If anything, this just allowed their overly embellished stories to seem more believable since no one actually had any concrete idea what had actually gone on within the Dome.

It let them be even more... Creative.

Anyway, the already impressive reputation of the Silver moon sect increased even more and became even more terrifying. Especially due to the manner in which a powerful cosmic saint like Dhruv Dreg somehow stabbed himself in the chest in his fight with the 'obviously' more powerful Silver Moon sect head.

The Dreg Family was grateful to Makena and the Silver moon sect for taking care of what was sure to be a danger to them should the Silver moon sect have been defeated.

The current Duke of the Dreg Duchy most especially was happy Makena had helped him retain his title.

Knowing full well that had Dhruv been capable enough to defeat her, there would be many within the Dreg family itself that would rally to support his rise to power.

Makena was stoic to their thanks. Safeguarding the rule of the Dreg family in the Dreg Duchy was no longer a priority and she would aid Hal in his upcoming plans to take complete control of the entirety of the Dreg Duchy.

She gave Dhruv's body to Hal who smiled at what he considered to be prime material for his beasts to further evolve. Sending the body into his inventory for the time being.

"How did it feel?" Hal asked Makena as he planted a kiss on her exposed, smooth, and creamy shoulder.

The two were in a bubbling pool to better ease any sore muscles from their battles.

"How did what feel?" Makena asked with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feel of his lips on her skin.

"Finally closing the chapter of your life that involves Dhruv." Hal clarified and took hold of one of her breasts.

Makena moaned while she took a few seconds before replying,

"Freeing... I guess. Free to finally look forward and not over my shoulder" she eventually said and turned a fraction so she could better look into Hal's incomparably handsome face,

"Free to fully and irrevocably devote myself to your grandiose plans. Overthrowing a long-standing Dynasty is really sounding good to me right now" she said with a smile before Hal took her lips passionately.

Heating her body even more than this bubbling hot pool possibly could.

Chapter 508 - Unfavorable Situation? (I Don't Think So)

Imperial City, Imperial Palace,

Princess Tanya's Residence,

Tanya lounged on her sofa with a contemplative look on her face.

It had been seven days, (going on eight) since Hal went to Dreg Duchy to charm his way to the next piece of the puzzle that was the map to the Nexus stone.

As events within the Silver moon sect were not for her to view or know due to the closed-off nature of the Sect, there was no actual way for her to know how things were going.

She could only hope that it was taking Hal much longer to succeed and not that he had angered the Silver moon sect head.

After all, while she would admit he had a way with women, Makena was a Cosmic saint and surely much too experienced to fall for his usually overconfident manly wiles.

Then she received news that the Silver moon sect was under attack having been contacted by one of her informants in the Dreg Duchy capital.

The details of the attack, as much as her informant could get, were straight to the point and not exaggerated for effect.

The Silver Moon sect territory had been shrouded with a Royal blue Dome of Astral energy.

That saw Tanya raise a brow because, from many of her investigations into Hal's dealings, she knew what color his Astral energy manipulation took, and while it was certainly not uncommon for Runemasters to share common colors, she wondered if Hal could have had a hand in that battle.

If he had, it meant;

One, she could rest easy as the mission was still on track and very likely to succeed.

Two, Hal's talents with the ladies was still being underestimated by her and finally, -the most important observation-

Three, he was hiding much more than she could have ever thought as the amount of Astral energy required for such large-scale coverage should not be possible for the Rank Five Runemaster that he was.

It would even be difficult for a Rank Seven Runemaster like her.

Very possible... But difficult.

The informant continued but the tale ended quickly,

The Silver moon sect head won with an impressive show of dominance that saw her reputation and the reputation of her Sect soar.

Thus ended the report.

Tanya had not been alone when she was given the report.

Her attendant, Lena was with her and being privy to almost every piece of information Tanya got, she knew what the Princess was thinking about and decided it was as good a time as any to reiterate what she had said many times since Hal had left the place for Dreg Duchy,

"He can't be trusted"

Tanya looked up at her face with a smile,

"You sound a lot like Ehrlich right now. He also seems to believe Hal should not be trusted" she said.

Lena shrugged,

"Well, in this matter, the oaf is correct. Your highness, the matter in the Kirsten Barony has only gotten more extensive with time" She said and as though to showcase the urgency of her words, she took one step closer.

Tanya pursed her lips but said nothing which Lena took as permission to continue.

"There is a new religion, A Cult taking root in the Barony. It's all the rage right now. A cult dedicated to some god called the 'Sapphirine Prince'" she said.

Tanya nodded,

"I am aware" she said.

"This cult is said to originate from Sapphire city, the city that was once named after a Salmon and happens to be where Hal comes from. Of course, I do not believe for one second that this 'Sapphirine Prince' is a true god.

It's merely propaganda cooked up by Hal and his allies to take the Empire by storm." Lena said.

Tanya shook her head in mocking shame,

"Never took you for a Bigot, Lena" she said.

"It's not bigotry if it's true" Lena retorted.

Tanya sighed,

"And who says it's not. For all we know, someone in Sapphire City found a way to contact one of the many gods who reside in Paradise. Honestly, it's not our place to say if it's bogus or not.

After all, other than the influence religion has on minds of people and their wish to follow the wishes of their gods of which I am no exception to this and neither are you, there is nothing evidently harmful about the cult"

Lena looked down at her feet,

"But there is evidence" she said in a low voice.

"I assume you are referring to the missing Beasts in Tretch forest?" Tanya said.

Lena nodded.

"Well, that is clearly suspicious..."

"Ah-ha" Lena rejoiced but Tanya was not yet done,

"... And falls under the job descriptions of the hunters. So far, they have not found any evidence the disappearance has anything to do with the denizens of Sapphire City." She said.

Lena opened her mouth then paused and closed it as she furrowed her brows,

"You're rationalizing. You sound like you are looking for any and all ways to not see Hal as a conniving bastard working towards the downfall of the Empire" she said.

"Conniving bastard?" Tanya said with a raised brow.

"I told you I don't like him" Lena said in her defense.

Tanya took a deep breath and then said,

"Lena, you know of my ambitions. You know what I wish to accomplish?"

Lena made to reply but Tanya simply interrupted,

"I want to rule the Continent. I want to be Empress. Everything I do is towards achieving this aim. To that end, Hal is useful.

He has made it clear already that he is not loyal to me and is only working to be paid so I know to be cautious.

That said, I know I can make him an asset.

Lena... I know what I'm doing"

Lena bowed.

"Of course, Princess, I know you do"

The tone Tanya had used at the end of her sentence was one thick with her authority as a Haron Princess and it brought Lena back down to earth.

It was quite easy for her to sometimes forget that while Tanya was jovial and familiar with her, she (Lena) was serving her and should limit the level of her disrespect.

Tanya nodded in satisfaction before smiling,

"Don't worry too much. Hal is capable and that will be proven when he returns with what I asked him to retrieve" she said but then added in her mind,

'Except if his situation is not as favorable as I had thought'


The Silver Moon sect...

At the moment Tanya had that thought of hers...

"Mmnghhh" Makena moaned.

She was at the edge of the pool, bracing herself with her hands stretched behind her, having been lifted there by Hal who had part of his body still submerged in the hot pool water while he grabbed the Cosmic Saint's thighs and exposed her pussy to his lustful gaze.

Just the touch of Hal's hand on her thighs was bringing Makena incredible pleasure but of course, that was nothing compared to when he actually delved in to take a long sensual lick of her slick pussy lips and cause the Sect head to shiver with pleasure.

"Mmngghh... oh yessss" Makena moaned and thrust her hips towards Hal's face for better traction.

Hal found the little erect nub at the top of her pussy and grabbed it into his mouth before sucking on it hard.


While Makena moaned, Hal released one of her thighs to stretch his hand towards her large and perky breast and knead it simultaneously with his sensual licks of her delicious tasting pussy.

Chapter 509 - Never In Doubt. R-18

Makena grabbed a fistful of Hal's hair and pulled him even harder into her pussy to enhance the licking experience.

Hal did indeed get even more diligent at it.

With the stimulation of her pussy and her breasts, Makena was leaking and Hal was not allowing a single drop to go to waste as he now pulled his hand down from teasing her breast to ease two fingers into her pussy while his mouth now became focused on her clit.

"Nnghhh, right there" Makena moaned at the intrusion.

Then Hal began thrusting his fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy, bringing her ever closer to climax and giving her that familiar feeling of pleasure that still managed to feel special and different.

As she was still lucid enough to have rational thoughts, Makena could not help but chuckle in her mind at the thought that the old her would never have been so easily subjected to such mind-numbing pleasure.

The old her was proud of being master of her body and being able to keep herself in control and command the lovemaking between her and her now-deceased ex-lover.

Now she could not help but think of those times as moments of foolishness.

What use was control?

Why not give up and surrender one's self completely into the hands of the one that would make them feel life was truly worth living?

Why not surrender one's body into the hands of the most experienced lover?

Why not surrender into the hands of Hal?

"Ohhh, Mnnghh, yess" Makena moaned out loud as she shuddered from orgasmic bliss.

Squirting her pussy juices into Hal's open and ever receiving mouth.

Hal lapped up any residual pussy juice as Makena came down from her orgasmic high and occasionally spasmed to thrust her hips and pussy even closer to his delectable mouth and ever nimble tongue.

A vibration of reality later and the two were no longer at the pool but instead inside Makena's room which had already seen a lot of 'action' in recent (warped days).

Hal was on his back, lying on the bed with his legs spread. Makena was between those legs with one hand grabbing hold of Hal's semi-erect cock while the other fondled his hefty balls.

*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*

Starting with a slow stroke, the Silver moon sect head quickly got into it in spectacular fashion. Stretching out her tongue to take long, languishing licks of the semi-erect but ever intimidating looking member.

Then she took the large head into her mouth and began to suck on it while still managing to focus attention on the sensitive ridge beneath the head.

Hal groaned at the stimulation and Makena smiled around the head when she felt the semi-erect organ get bigger inside her mouth to become fully and wonderfully angry, veiny-ingly erect.

Now she took her other hand off his balls to join the one already gripping Hal's shaft so that she could cover more grounds in her stroking which she did much to Hal's delight.

Makena was dexterous. She knew what she was doing and was not afraid to take charge (in this regard) which Hal enjoyed.

While constantly directing your lover on how to better please you is fun and all, it was much better (in his opinion) when they either knew what you liked without you speaking or simply winged it and still got it right.

For Makena, it was the first since they had already had so much time to get to know each other better.

Two hundred warped days' worth of time.

"Mmmm, mmmm, Mmmm"

Makena moaned constantly even as she sucked him off and stroked him. The vibrations of which were doing wonders for Hal's pleasurable sensations and that was before she progressed to deepthroating.

As she had done this more than once over the course of her and Hal's time together, she wasted no time working her way down his shaft and slowly getting the large member to reach the back of her mouth and then work its way down her gullet.

Hal groaned and smiled at the effort she put in to get him into that tight and warm space that was assured to bring him pleasure.

Makena continued to push forward until the entirety of his length was buried inside her throat and her nose hit his pubes, the scent of which was erotically captivating just like every other part of his body.

There she waited, while constantly constricting her throat, for the moment Hal would let out his seed.

She was ready to wait as long as was required but Hal soon groaned at the fast-approaching feeling of release before he fired his seed directly down her throat but Makena was not just going to let it all go directly into her stomach without savoring what she knew was delectable tasting semen.

While she pulled back and only let his large cock remain inside her mouth to receive the remaining, very substantial and mouth-filling, amount of seed, she reached down and massaged his balls in a bid to coax even more of his seed out of the ball sack and into her rapidly filling mouth.

When Makena finally pulled off his cock head and let Hal's still-erect cock fall partially backward towards his very toned stomach with his very visible and well-defined abs, she moaned at the taste she was enjoying inside her mouth.

Using her right index finger to stop any of it from dripping out the edges of her lips and getting them back inside her mouth to be enjoyed.

"Nice treat" she told Hal who watched her with a smile.

His Bloodline reveling in the conquest of a powerful woman such as her.

"Glad you liked it" Hal told her just as Makena lifted herself from between his legs only to straddle him and position her pussy directly above his cock.

Makena grabbed Hal's cock to best position her pussy above it before lowering herself on it while moaning at the pleasurably stretching of her pussy around its large invader.


*Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

It didn't take long for her to settle into a speedy and steady rhythm that saw her fucking herself with his cock over and over again.

Her pussy tightened even harder around Hal's cock while also leaking copious amounts of juices that all added to a warm, tight environment for his cock that had Hal groaning with pleasure while permeating the room with pheromones.

Hal grabbed her hips and watched, captivated by the movements of her ample breasts, so much so that simply lying down and allowing Makena to do all the work, while fun and very pleasurable was no longer enough for the blue-eyed devil who slowly rose off the bed.

His hands went from being on Makena's hips to being around her back and grabbing her even closer to himself while he dipped his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth.

One of his hands even left her back to grab hold of her free breast and knead it.

"Mmnnghh... Oh, Hal, you're the best" Makena moaned. Her thrusts slowed down but never stopped.

The pheromones in the room which she breathed were making her hornier than she already was while Hal's pleasurable treatment of her breasts and the Erogenous feeling she got from just having his cock buried in her snatch managed to quench that horny thirst of hers.

At least it was quenched until the pheromones reignited them only so they could be quenched all over again.

Creating a seemingly never-ending pleasuring cycle.

"Was that ever in doubt?" Hal freed her nipple from his mouth to ask her with a cocky grin.

"Nope, never in doubt" Makena moaned and grabbed his head tightly against her breast while also maneuvering her legs to wound around Hal's back.

To which Hal took his hands off her back and breast to grab hold of her ass and take control of their pleasurable essence sharing session.

Chapter 510 - The Gang-up And The Blow-up.

Three days later...

The Imperial City,

Hal stepped off the teleportation circle in the teleportation building finally ready to deliver a very doctored report of his deeds in the Dreg Duchy or more accurately, the Silver Moon Sect.

Finding a secluded area closest to the Teleportation building, Hal opened up the portal to the Harem space to let out five of all six women within. Them being Rita, Marla, Karmen, Lillian, and Olivia.

The only woman left inside the Harem space was Sassy who was spending time getting used to the use of a human form.

It was harder for her since she had never had limbs all her life.

Going from slithering on the ground to walking on two legs was quite a change to adapt to and while It was taking her a while, she was getting better at it.

Telling Hal, it was not as uncomfortable as it had been when she first transformed.

As for the other five, he felt they very much deserved to enjoy the sights of the most important location in the entirety of the Haron continent.

And the imperial city really did have a lot of sights to enjoy.

From the large Imperial palace to the smaller (in comparison) noblemen mansions, Manors, and castles. The continent truly had it all.

Maybe not as beautiful as the Doxon Duchy or as stately as the Silva Duchy, but definitely more regal.

Just being there gave them a feeling of being in the presence of Imperiality...

"Meh, I want to go back to the mansion. I'd rather be cultivating in there than looking at these phony sights. If anyone deserves to be called imperial, it should only be Hal, not those totally stuck-up Harons" Marla said.

Hal's forehead was filled with black lines. Especially since they were now out in the open and Marla was not making an attempt to keep her voice down.

Ever the trouble maker, she looked to be inviting conflict.

Hal looked to Rita as a voice of reason,

'Surely, she would set her right' he thought, Alas, to his surprise, Rita was nodding in agreement,

"I totally agree. I mean even Silva is better than this dump. This is where the Emperor lives and acts all superior?, *snort* well, I guess we will really be doing this continent a favor when we take over" she said and folded her arms beneath her breasts.

Hal was so happy he had been quick to cast a noise-canceling from the moment Rita said 'I totally agree'.

Who knows what sort of trouble their words would have incited.

Cocky and confident he was, but definitely not stupid.

"Hal, what's with that look?" Marla said and grabbed his arm to pull it towards herself and get it snug between her breasts.

Hal's lips were twitching and so was his right eye at how careless the two ladies were,

"How could you ask me that? Had it not been my noise-canceling Rune, the whole city would probably be training their weapons at us right now" he said in an irate tone of voice.

Ready to remind them that they were in a city, with the size of a Duchy, which consisted of multiple superpowers when Rita asked with a confused expression,

"I thought you cast the rune the moment you asked for our opinion. What, you only just cast it? How careless can you be?" She asked him and placed her hands on her hips.

"What?" Now Hal was really confused.

Then Marla decided to chime in,

"Yeah. We could have literally said anything. You should have prepared a safe environment for us to rant. We have a right to rant.

Honestly, you have impressive intellect, you are talented, the absolute best lover, the most good looking man to have ever lived but sometimes you can be a bit... What's the word?" Marla paused and Karmen cut in to add.


Lillian chimed in after with,


Olivia added,


Marla clicked her fingers,

"Yes. Yes, Yes to all of that. Hal, sometimes you can be a bit clueless, slow, and careless. Or I am wrong Rita?"

Rita shook her head,

"Nope, you are absolutely right. Honestly, Hal, you need to work on that"

'What is happening?' Hal wondered and Grimoire chuckled.

'Your very first gang-up. I expect more to happen in the future usually for the purpose of getting you to give in to a particular line of thought.' It said.

'I will never give in if I don't want to' Hal said with confidence.

'I'm not so sure about that." Grimoire said in a sing-song sort of voice.

'The power of the feminine masses should never be underestimated.' It added before Hal cut off the connection and addressed the ladies,

"Okay then, I'll indeed work on that" Hal told them.

'Ah, it's working already' Grimoire rejoiced.

Hal gritted his teeth,

'No, it's not. It's just that they make some good points. I know my ladies and I know how they are so I should have indeed anticipated for their behaviors so it would not put me or them in danger' he told the artifact.

'Who is to say that's not the power of their gang-up. Making you THINK they have a point when in fact they don't' The artifact pointed out with glee.

Hal fought back the urge to yell at Grimoire in annoyance before focussing on the ladies once again to continue where he had left off,

"That said, I brought you out here to sightsee. Not liking the city and preferring other places to it is a part of sightseeing. Spending some time away from each other will do us some good."

Karmen stepped forward, her expression no longer mocking but respectful,

"Master, It's my job to protect you. I'm your Blood Knight" she said.

"So are we" Lillian and Olivia said.

Hal smiled lightly,

"It's also your job to live. Have some fun" he said.

"Since when is that our job?" Karmen asked.

"Since you began to share my bed. Besides, can you really not fathom the thought of being away from me?" Hal asked and instantly wished to take the question back because he knew what the unanimous answer would.

"Yes" they all chorused.

Hal grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed,

"Just take a walk. Okay, Enjoy yourselves." He tossed Rita a spatial ring containing more than enough blue gems to enjoy themselves in the most high-end city on the Haron continent.

"Fine" Rita said and slipped the ring on her finger.

However, Marla did not let go of Hal's arm,

"I want to come with you" she said.

Hal sighed and made to disagree when Marla added,

"Going with you still counts as sightseeing. You are going to the Imperial palace, aren't you? That's a structural view to be enjoyed" she pointed out.

Hal took all of two seconds to decide,

"Alright then. Marla can come with me. Only Marla" he said.

"Haha" Marla rejoiced while Rita frowned.

"Foavoritism" she said before turning away and ushering Lillian, Olivia, and Karmen to follow her.

"See you later" Marla waved with a cheeky grin and Rita waved at her with a disgruntled expression that Marla could not see as her back was to her.

Hal smiled lightly at the whole dynamic before he said reversed the noise-canceling rune,

"Let's go" he told Marla and they began their walk towards the grandest structure in the Imperial City.

They had not gone far that a commercial carriage stopped in front of them.

'Why not?' Hal thought.

It was going to get them to the palace faster anyways.

"The Imperial palace" he told the driver once inside the carriage.

The driver said nothing and simply drove the carriage towards the palace.

They had only just started moving that Hal frowned,

"Something isn't right" he said.

Marla also perked up,

"This driver... He's weird" she said also picking up on something.

She had only just made the claim that the carriage doors sealed shut and something was tossed into the part of the carriage they were seated in from the driver's compartment.

Speaking of the driver, Hal heard the unmistakable sound of him opening his door and dashing out right before the thing he had tossed into the back exploded...


.... and the entire carriage was blown to smithereens.