
Chapter 134 - Visiting A New City

It has been two days since I left that dungeon. I have been spending my time trying to use the wand I recently gotten, but there was no progress. Maybe it's because I have no aptitude to the element of this wand.

Maybe I'm right that this is an earth element magic wand. I'll just keep it for now and when I return to Cassau, I'll give it to Sam so her appraiser can appraise it. If it's an earth element wand like I thought, then it's better if I give it to Kayla. As for Angela, she already has a lot of attack magic in her arsenal.

Right now, I'm in Hirugas city. My main goal for entering this city? It's to buy a new pair of shoes. Even though I can cover my feet with Aura, being barefooted all the time is no good. Many kind of illness can happen just by walking barefooted in the wild. That's what I learned as a doctor.

About this city I'm in… it's one of the cities that will be attacked by a stampede along with Melk. That's why I've seen several people I know. They are all the winners of the audition who won Albert's trust. There are also several people who has exploding devices in their mouth, but I won't make any move since Albert's agents are already here.

But I can still help a bit. I'll just grab one of Albert's men and tell him I'm Ninja, then I will point my fingers at those who have explosive devices inside their mouth. That's good enough.

Good thing I tried to memorize people's faces. If it was me in the past, I won't bother remembering other people's faces other than those I meet most, or some famous people. Just like how I don't remember the face of the nodding guy. Is he well? Is he nodding at someone else? Does he not remember me? I hope you're doing well, nodding guy. Unless you're secretly member of the cult. If you are, please die.

I went into a shop and buy me a nice pair of boots. It feels better than my last one. As for its color, it doesn't matter since it will be mud-colored soon.

After buying a pair of boots and equip them right away, I left the store and look for a face I know. I then grabbed one audition winner and point him the members of the cults nearby.

"Hey, you!"

"Hmm? Who are you and what do you want?" The man asked.

"I'm Ninja. You've seen me at the audition." I whispered to him so no one can hear.

"You're Ninja? But what audition?"

"For you, it's an interview. But for me and Albert, we called it audition. I wear a mask that day so it's normal for you to not know me."

"Oh, you're Ninja. I never thought that you are so young. Can I help you?"

The man's attitude changed after I told him who I was. Albert or Candy should have tell the winners about the fact that I'm Albert's friend and the one who inform him about the cult. But they never told the winners about me coming from the future.

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"I'm leaving this city right now and I want you to accompany me to the gate so I can show you some people who belong to the cult. I'll left the decision on what to do with them to you."

I have finished taking care of my business in this city. I just need to buy a pair of boots, and some supply for the rest of my journey. As for resting, I can do that in the wild as long as I find a good location. I don't need to waste my time staying at an inn for that.

"Are you busy today?" I asked

"Not at all. I'm here as a hunter and I just finished my request today. I'll follow you to the gate. By the way, in case you forgotten my name, its…"

"No need. It's already difficult for me to remember your face. I'll just end up forgetting about your name. And it's not like we'll meet again in the future."


He seems dejected when I said I don't need an introduction. Well, that's fine. After all, in case we meet again in the future, I might have forgotten your face.

"I hope your memory is better than mine since I don't want to repeat if again. Let's go! By the way, the old man you speak to before is one of them."

"What?! So our guess is right."

He seems surprised when he heard about it. But saying that their guesses is correct meant that he was just trying to get some info from the old man.

"I'll tell you about everyone with explosive devices inside their mouth within our sight so there might be some people that I missed."

"So you really do have a see-through vision! I'm so envious of your ability! I thought that Candy was just speak nonsense. By the way, I heard that she's your girlfriend now. Is that true?"

"Yeah she is. Why?"

"Nothing. Just many men crying after hearing that. Both Candy and Wendy are the goddesses in the agency, you know?"

"I see. Well, just don't try to flirt with her or I will come to you, okay? And the two girls who were just passing us are members of the cult."

I continued pointing the people who are members of the cult.

"Are you in a hurry? If not, I can pretend to show you around the city while you tell me all the members of the cult we passed. That way, we will find most of their members in this city." The man suggested to walk around the city.

"Sure. Let's do it. And that man with one eye is also a member."

The man whose name I don't know took me around the city while I told him about all the members of the cult I find.

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"That girl with a peg leg is a member."

"That bearded auntie is a member."

"That one who ate banana by eating it from the middle first is a member. You know from how she ate that banana. She's totally evil."

"That man wearing a thong is a member. Sometime I wish I'm blind."

"That granny selling flowers is a member. But be careful because she has the strongest muscle I've ever seen other than me and some people I have met. I think she could be in the top ten. Scary…"

"That hooded man sitting on the park whose face can't be seen but actually is crying at the moment, he's a member of the cult. He must have stubbed his toe from how his toenail broke. That's why you should always pick a good boots."

I pointed at everyone who has explosive device inside their mouth to the man I'm with.

"…umm, thank you for telling me but I think some comments are unnecessary. I mean some of them are something that only you can see."

"You think being able to see-through objects is a blessing? Think again. Still envious of this?"

I still remember how he said that he's envious of this vision. Let's tell him how much of a curse this ability is. Although most of the time it's a blessing, the things I've seen… is too much for a mere mortal.

"I guess that's all I've seen over here. There are some people inside buildings that haven't come out so you need to judge them properly whether they are from the cult or not. And so far I can tell if someone is a member of the cult by looking inside their mouth, but I believe there are other members who doesn't have them inside their mouth. My guess is that they are the higher-ups of the cult." I explained.

"I see. I'll keep that in mind."

"Do you think the plan will work? Letting the stampede happen and you can kill all the monsters while evacuating all the citizens?" I asked the man.

Although it was Albert's plan and I had already let him do whatever he want, I'm still worried about letting the stampede happen.

"Yes. Most of the agents here works as hunters. We also take care of all powerful monsters nearby so when the stampede happen, there will only be weak monsters that even E-rank hunter can defeat. Let's hope the reinforcement his majesty will get us to help evacuate the citizens are capable."

"Don't worry about it. If they are still training after I left them, and I believe that they are, evacuating the citizens is something easy for them. Albert said that he will meet them and auditioned them soon. As for you, the monsters and the citizens are taken care of, but be careful of the member of the cult. I suggest some of you will pretend as a thief to rob and kill those people. Pretend you're stealing, but your main goal is to kill them. And try to aim for a normal criminal as well even if they are not from the cult. That way, it won't make them think that we are aiming for them." I suggested an idea for him.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll discuss it with the one in charge of this area. But that mean we will lack manpower if we do everything." The man seems pondering about it.

"Well, that was just a suggestion. Whether you do it or not, I'll leave the decision to you guys. I'll be leaving now. Take care."

I shook my hand with the audition winner whose name I don't remember and leave the city.

Now my next destination is home. Let's take another detour and see what I can obtain. I hope I can find a Pear-y Fruit for Lina. And for me in case I reached Advanced level.

Chapter 135 - I'm The Weakest

About five days since I left Hirugas City, I've decided it's time to go home. I'm so lonely.

I traveled from Hirugas to Cassau directly, but whenever I see a dungeon I would enter them. All the dungeons have been long discovered and the treasures inside are scarce. Some of the dungeons even doesn't have any treasures since hunters often enter and fight for the treasures. The only thing left for me are magic stones which I sent all of them to Victoria to carry.

But yesterday when I sent some magic stones to her via portal, Victoria told me that she will separate herself from the group and hunt monsters on her own. Which means if I get more treasures, valuables, or delicious monsters, I have to bring them with me.

And today, I found out the reason why Victoria left the group. Just when I'm preparing for lunch, Sonia appears to inform me about the girls' whereabouts.

"Sonia. It's been a while."

"Yeah. How have you been?" Sonia asked.


"I bet."

"How's everyone?" I asked about the others' condition.

"Ruby's group is doing well. Ian decided to become a hunter to help us build a clan quicker. Especially when you're in the group. You will end up trying to delay building the clan as much as possible so you don't have to take Albert's requests, right?"

"Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. How's the kids?"

"Hannah and Daniel played a lot with Lana. Daniel even read Lana a book even though he can barely read. It has been decided that most of the time, Ruby and Ian will take care of Lana. They say that they are already too old to have their own child so it's a good idea for those two to act as Lana's grandparent." Sonia replied.

"That's good. How about Albert?"

"He told me that there have been several attempt to probably kidnap Alan. But ever since your so-called audition help him gain more trusted allies, the security in the palace has been increased. Especially after knowing the enemy and what they capable of."

Yeah. Even a noble's wife in the capital was secretly a member of the cult so I bet there are still some of them in the palace that I don't know of. But I guess Mustache and other agents are doing well.

"Albert also said that he will go to Mellian in three days to meet Hill and the other. He said he will interview the noble there first and then Hill and his men so he know if he can trust them or not." Sonia continued.

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"How about the girls?"

"We just arrived at Cassau. That's why I'm here. Also we are getting Sunny a new vase and other necessities by using some the profit that you gain from the leftovers that Sam sold."

I guess that's why Victoria told me she's leaving the group. The other have arrived at home after all. But there's one thing Sonia told me that's bugging me.

"Those necessities are unnecessary!"

How could they just use someone else's money freely?

"Too late. Money has been spent."

"How much?! How much did they spent my money?!"

"… I think it's better for you to go diving after you return"

Those are my money! My money! How could they do that to me?

"Roy. This is what it meant to have girlfriends. Your money is not yours anymore. Your belongings doesn't belong to just you anymore. I tell you this because I was a girlfriend of many." Sonia said telling her experience of taking the wealth of men she seduced.

"I still don't like it, okay?!"

After few moment of silence for my money and all the things that I owned become co-owned, Sonia continued speaking.

"By the way, right now you're the weakest in magic level along with Lina. Kayla has breakthrough to intermediate level in her healing magic, while Sonia has improved in her lightning magic. And Angela even already improved her fire element into intermediate level. As for Lina, if she want to, she can let Sunny fight and improve her level. Which mean you are the weakest among us in magic level. Of course not counting the non-combatant."

"That's great! It means that their effort bear fruits! I need to go back to Cassau to be able to cultivate using the air element magic stone I made. Are they done yet?"

It has been a while since I tried making them. But when I checked on them the last time, the magic stones haven't change their element into air element at all. But I think it should become one soon.

"Yes they have. You should come home soon so you can cultivate." Sonia said.

"I think I'll be home in a few days. Don't spend all money before I return."

"…no promise." Sonia said as she disappear.


They still want to spend my money again? What are they spending so much money for? Decoration for house?

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I quicken my pace so I can get home faster and stop them from spending my money. But whenever I encounter any monster, I would stop and greet them first before I killed it or let them escape.

There are several monsters who seem to understand my language. I think that's why they choose to leave me alone when I said "I come in peace". But the number of monsters who doesn't understand is a lot more.

I also found some dungeon which I entered and explore it for a while. But if it takes more than one day to explore the dungeon, I'll leave.

The progress of strengthening my Aura seem to be going well. But I think it's too slow considering I only practiced against weak monsters. The strongest monster I practiced with are those with similar strength as hobgoblins. Any stronger than that then I killed them without practicing.

But now, when I'm covering my whole body with Aura and got hit by a hobgoblin's attack, I don't feel as much pain as before. So I think I can practice against monsters a bit stronger than that. But as for the giant fire lizard that burnt my shoes, I think it's still impossible without Victoria.

Should I summon her? She said she was leaving on her own so I guess she's working her best. Even she want to be able to stay in control forever and not let Blobby take charge of her body. Having a shared consciousness must be tough.

I still wonder today what kind of monster a black slime is. I've never seen any other black slime other than Blobby even in my past life. And what kind of slime able to return someone into the past? There must be an answer inside Blobby's real consciousness. That's why I need to increase the level of my summoning level.

The increase of level for summoning mage doesn't seem to be much. I was only told that our summoning speed become faster. But one of my patient in the past who was a summoner told me that her contracted monster also slightly getting stronger than before she leveled up. She used to think that once she leveled up, she would kill her contracted monster and try to make a contract with a stronger one.

But when she leveled up, not just her summon getting stronger. Even the communication between her and her summon become smoother. Her summon become able to understand difficult order. That's why she became reluctant to kill her summon.

Maybe if I level up, I can communicate with Blobby's real consciousness which I never know about. Victoria also doesn't know about the real Blobby, but she somehow understand Blobby's power to return back in time. Maybe Blobby also has other power than shapeshifting.

While I continue my travel, I encounter an orc. It should be an easy win, but I never tried fighting it without using magic or without Victoria by my side. And I never let it hit me even once before. Let's see if it's stronger than a hobgoblin or not.

"Let's have a fight, pig face!"

This time, I don't bother try to see if the orc understand me or not. I just asked for a fight with it.

The orc then swung its club at my head which I blocked with both my arms crossed above my head. Of course I used Aura to cover my whole body, not just my arms.

And the result is I blocked the attack but I got pushed down a bit. I guess orc's strength is only slightly stronger than that of hobgoblin. Which mean this is a good opponent for practice.

This time, like usual, I tried fighting it unarmed, without using my spear or any kind of weapon. I pretend to swing my fist slow so the orc can dodge it and the fight will last longer and I can get hit more.

Wait, no! That's not my intention! I want to get hit, but I don't want to get hit! I mean I'm willing to get hit so my Aura can be stronger, and not because I'm a pervert!

There's no way I want to get hit on purpose because I love to get hit! I did it because it's a practice!

After a few bout, the orc became tired and move slower. I think it's time to end it so I threw a combination punches and kicks and defeat it.

After defeating it, I don't feel good at all.

"Why is Aura user's practice has to be so perverted?!"

I think about it every day since I began my journey.

Chapter 136 - It's A Net! It's A Stocking! It's A Fishnet Stocking!

I found a dungeon again on the way back to Cassau. It has been two days since the girls are home.

This dungeon is one that has been discovered for a while which means that almost all of the treasures here have been looted. As for me, since there's nothing here to block my vision, I found one treasure chest that hasn't been found.

There's a party of hunters that has been stalking me ever since I entered this dungeon, but I pretend to not notice them.

A party of six hunters stalking one person? How shameless.

I ignore them while I continue walking through the path where the last remaining treasure chest is.

I heard that in time, the dungeon can regenerate the treasure chests inside of it, so even if all the treasures has been taken, one day there will be more appear.

Maybe the party who's following me knows that and think that if they follow me, they will reach the treasure. Well, they're right.

I'll lead them to where the treasure chest is and if I think that the treasures inside is not anything good after seeing it with Divine Vision, I'll just leave. But if it's something good, I'll take it. If they tried to rob me, I'll kill them. But if they want to negotiate, I'll listen what they want to offer.

When I'm about fifty meters from the treasure, my Divine Vision finally able to see through the chest and shows me what treasure is inside of the chest.

It was still too far for me to decide what it is so I walked closer and I found out what it is.

Is that a net? Yes!

Is that a stocking? Yes!

Is that a fishnet stocking? Yes! Why?!

Why is the treasure a fishnet stocking? Is this some kind of magic equipment? There's no way I would want to wear it!

Although I already know what's inside the treasure chest, I still approached it out of curiosity. The stalkers haven't found out about the treasure yet, but I don't know what they will do once they find it. It might be interesting knowing that two of them are girls. Maybe I can see one of them wearing the stocking.

As I walked closer to the treasure chest, the party following me finally have the treasure chest in their sight and come out of their hiding spot.

"Stop right there! We'll take the treasure!"

Is this how they want things to go? Stopping me from taking the treasure and took them from right in front of me? That's cute.

If I hadn't took the path with no monsters, they would realize how strong I am and retreat before offending me. Well, this is the reason why I choose the long way to this place instead of the shortcut.

This should be interesting.

"You want the treasure? Then please take it. I just want to see how good that treasure I let go is. Just let me take a peek when one of you using it." I said.

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"You just want to let us take the treasure without a fight?" One of them asked.

"Fighting is tiring. I'm just curious if the things inside the treasure chest is a magic tool, what kind of effect do they have? You too, right? You want to know how good the thing inside is. If it's useless, then I'll laugh at how you're trying to take it from me. If it's useful, I'll cry because I let go of something so good. Just let me see the effect of the thing inside the chest if it's a magic tool."

I already know what's inside, and seeing that there are two girls in the group, I want to see it worn so badly. They are not as beautiful as any girls in my group, but they are still considered beauties. That's why I hope one of the two girls will wear the fishnet stocking. Just please don't let it be the guys.

While I'm thinking of it, I tried using Divine Vision on them and I see that two men have explosive devices inside their mouth. Is this how they recruit new members? By approaching them and join their party, then told them to join the cult? Maybe.

Should I kill just two of them or kill everyone? Well, the answer is obvious. Fishnet stocking first.

"Well, if it's just seeing then it's fine right?"

One man who seems to be their leader said that to the other party members. This one doesn't has explosive device inside his mouth. Maybe the two who have them are their new party members.

Everyone nodded in agreement and approached the treasure chest and opened it.

Then the leader picked the thing inside the chest up for everyone to see.

"Fishnet stocking?"

"Awesome! Now your promise! Let one of the two girls in your party wear it!"

I am not pretending that I'm not interested. They have made a promise so they should keep their promise.

"But…" The leader looked at the two girls.

"You're the leader so you should be smart enough at least. This guy entered the dungeon alone while there are six of us. Which mean he's confident with his strength. We shouldn't make him our enemy." Said the other man who doesn't have explosive device in his mouth.

I think the two cult members have an agreement to not talk unless it's necessary. They haven't speak any words at all but none of them disagree with having a girl wear the stocking. After I got out of this dungeon, I'll snipe them from afar. Without Victoria, my sniping power is lessened, but as long as I used bigger stones, I think I can kill them.

"I'll wear it. I'm wearing a skirt after all. It's easier for me. You don't mind, right?"

One girl is wearing a skirt while the other is wearing pants. The one wearing skirt suggested to wear it and also winked at the leader. I see…

I asked the one who agreed with me to keep their promise.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes. Our leader is just so dense. He never noticed her trying to flirt with her all the time. It might be her chance to seduce him with the stocking." He whispered.

"What about your other friends there? They haven't said anything at all." I asked him about the two cult member.

"We just met them today. They are newbies and our leader thought to guide them for their first exploration." This time, he no longer whispered and spoke in normal volume.

"By stalking me since I entered the dungeon you mean?"

As I replied to him, he and the other men made a shocked expression. While the girls are nowhere around us as the skirt wearing girl is changing. Well, it's not like I can't see them.

"You noticed?"

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"If you choose to fight instead of asking, it will be you guys who died." I pretend to be strong even though I'm just a beginner level.

"I see. No wonder you dare to enter dungeon alone. Sorry about that." The leader apologized for his action.

"It's fine. After all if I got the treasure, I don't think I will wear it. And I can see something good."

Then the girls come out. All the men here awed by the appearance of the girl with fishnet stocking.

"How is it?" The girl asked the leader.

"Umm… it looks good on you." The leader answered shyly while his face became so red.

"Thank you!" The girl replied happily.

"Thank you as well for showing us something great." I clasped both my hands and bowed to the girl. Then the guy I chatted with followed suit.

"I thank you very much."

As for the other two, the still doesn't speak at all. But their eyes are locked to the girl's thighs.

"Seems like those two will get closer from now on." I whispered to the man next to me.

"Yeah. It's just today that I found out his taste is in fishnet stocking." He replied.

"It's annoying to see how dense our leader is. Finally they will make some progress. By the way, how come you two become so close?"

The other girl suddenly approached us joined our conversation.

"You're not going to those guys?" I asked the girl and pointed at the two silent guys.

"Somehow I feel like it's a bad idea to get close to them. They are dangerous. I said I disagree to let them follow us, but our leader is both dense and naive. That's why he let them follow us. I need to watch them in case they tried to do anything to us."

Her instinct told her that those two are dangerous. But why is she talking to me?

"What about me? Am I not dangerous enough for you?"

"You're not dangerous. You're just a pervert."

"Hey! It's not like I know what's inside the chest!" I lied.

"Look! Those two are whispering something to each other!"

The girl said and the three of us looked at the two men while there's a couple who doesn't realize anything.

I eavesdropped on them and I know what they're looking for. They're aiming for the fishnet stocking if it's something good and planned to kill everyone here. I guess that mean no one other than those two is a member of the cult.

I think I'll stay around with these guys for now. They seem like good guys.

More importantly, what is the secret behind that fishnet stocking?

Chapter 137 - It's All Because Of The Stocking

I don't like how I found the enemy just before I returned home. But I guess I just can't let this thing be after knowing that they're also planning to kill me.

They must have told… I forgot to ask their names. Well, these two cult members must have told this party that they are weaker than their actual strength. That's why the leader of this party let down his guard.

But one of his party member, the girl who wears pants, keep watch on the two. She must have a good instinct. And the fact that she's approaching me means that I'm a good person. That must be it!

"Rose. You said those two are dangerous, but why are you approaching this guy? Is he not dangerous?" The man who chatted with me asked the girl whose name is Rose.

"I do think that he's a pervert, but not a dangerous one. Well, you're also a pervert so I thought if you two can get along, I think he's fine."

Hmm… can't deny that.

So her name is Rose and his is Kite, huh? It should be easy to remember but I make no promise.

"By the way, what's your name?" Rose asked me.

"Roy. I apologize firsthand because I suck at remembering people's name so I might forget yours."

"That's fine. I'm Rose and he's Kite. The two who keep flirting is Joshua and Josephine."

"And I think that girl called Josephine will wear that stocking from now on." I said.

"Hah! After trying many times to seduce him, it was a fishnet stocking that make him noticed her? Just how dense is that guy seriously?" said Kite.

So the party consist of a dense leader, a girl who falls in love with the dense creature, a girl with good instinct, and a pervert. Then there are two cult members here planning to kill us all.

"Alright, you two keep watch on those two guys who's whispering to each other."

"What are you going to do?" Kite asked.

"The reason why I'm still here."

Then I walked to the two couple who keep flirting and ignoring us all.

"It's so nice to see you and your girlfriend getting along, but don't forget that I'm here to see what kind of effect that stocking has. So, can you test it?" I said to the couple.

"I'm not her boyfriend!" Joshua said.

"Deny all you want but that's not what everyone here thinks. And if you don't like her you need to be clear about it. I don't think you don't like her though. Anyway, pour your magic to that stocking."

After telling the girl to try pouring her magic to the stocking, she paused for a while. Then she tried pouring her magic to the stocking and test what kind of effect it has. Everyone now is looking at her curiously.

"How is it?" I asked Josephine.

"I feel… warm?"

"Only on your legs or your whole body?"

"It's… my whole body." She replied.

"Josephine, are you okay?" Joshua asked her condition.

"I'm fine."

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A stocking that keep your body warm. I think that's all it is. Maybe it's some kind of protection magic.

"Anyone has aptitude for ice magic please make some ice."

Then Joshua walked forward and made a ball of ice.

I took the ice ball from him and gave it to Josephine. The ice then melt in an instant. I then touched the water and feel the temperature is normal. Not hot or cold at all.

For an ice to be melted in an instant, I thought the temperature of the water will be hot. Maybe it's not something that makes cold things hot, but make the temperature of anything it touched to normal.

"Let's try with fire."

"I can do that. Hngggh! I can't do that." Josephine volunteer to do it herself but somehow there's no fire come out.

"Then my guess should be correct. It's a magic tool that make anything it touched to be normal temperature. My guess is about the normal temperature of human's body. It's good if you're fighting in cold place or hot place, or if your enemy is either ice mage or fire mage. But if you're an ice mage or fire mage yourself, you won't be able to cast any magic."

Then I grabbed a piece of paper from my pocket and hold it out.

"Is there any other fire mage here? Burn this paper and I'll try touching the fire to her body."

Without saying anything, Rose shoot a fireball and the paper is on fire. She has a good aim.

Then I let Josephine touched it and she doesn't feel hot at all. Which mean that fishnet stocking is the best equipment to protect you against hot and cold. Now I really want that. I don't think I will wear it but I guess I can give it to Kayla or Sophie. But since I promised to let these guys have it, I won't take it from them. Unless they do it willingly.

Just as we finished our experiment, the two cult members attacked us out of nowhere. One guy aiming at Rose and Kite while the other is targeting the couple and me.

Because they know the effect of the fishnet stocking, he used a powerful earth magic, Earth Lance at us. But I managed to grab both Joshua and Josephine and dodged it.

As for Rose and Kite, both of them have been vigilant to the two so they dodged it well.

"Earth Lance? And this strong as well. You are an advanced level?" Joshua asked the attacker.

"Yes. Now we can't have anyone has that powerful equipment other than us so please die for the sake of our god!"

But before he casted any magic, I moved. I grabbed his head and smash it to the wall. He died in one hit.

"No!" the other attacker shouted.

"Yes! By the way, before I checked the inside of his mouth, I want to ask if you have explosive device in your mouth or not." I already know the answer, but I think it's a good idea to let other knows of their existence as well.

"How did you know?"

"On my journey, it's not the first time someone has explosive in their mouth. I know that because one person I decapitate spit it out after his head is rolling. Who are you and why are you guys attacking hunters? I don't think anyone with tools for killing themselves is good people."

Of course I lied. Normally, even if I decapitate someone's head, it's impossible for something stuck so hard on the back of their teeth to fall of easily. But I guess he's too panicked to notice it. And it's not like anyone here have ever seen a decapitated head before. I also said I killed several of them so he might think that he's too weak to fight against me.

"Hmm… I guess it's time for me to die. Everything is for the sake of our true god!" He said as he tried to pour magic into the explosive device.

"Wait! Before you kill yourself, tell me what should I call those explosive device in your mouth is!" I keep calling it explosive device but I don't know what they called it.

"You mean the HGB?" The man paused and replied my question.

"HGB? Seriously?"

"It's from 'Head Goes Boom'. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to die here."

After he excuse himself, he explode his own head in front of all of us. The brain of that guy splattered everywhere but I used the corpse of the guy I killed to protect me.

Then I insert my finger to the corpse mouth and picked the HGB.

"So you're called Head Goes Boom. What a stupid name."

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I activated the HGB and throw it away quickly. It explode soon after.

"What kind of cult are those people in? They're not afraid to kill themselves." Joshua asked.

"You're asking that now? Not when you naively decided to have them join your group? You almost cost your party and your new girlfriend their lives!"

I can't tell a naïve person about the cult. He might alert everyone from the cult. So I guess I just teach him to be wary of other people.

"That's… sorry."

"Sorry? I liked you because you're kind and strong! But now! I don't think I can stay with someone who might end up having me dead because of his naivety! I'll leave this party as of today! And here's your fishnet stocking you like so much!"

Josephine throw the fishnet stocking from who know when she take it off and throw it to Joshua. Then she leave right away.

"Roy, thank you for your help. Joshua, I will leave together with Josephine. So this is our goodbye." Rose chased after Josephine after saying goodbye to us.

"I'll stay with you. I'm your childhood friend after all. If I'm not around, you would have died many times. But this time, you need to discuss with me before you make any decision, okay?"

"Kite… thank you for staying with me. It's all because of this fishnet stocking! Here! You can have this!"

Joshua throw the stocking at me and I grabbed it. It's still warm.

"By the way, it's not the stocking's fault. It's whoever decided to have those two followed you. Which means you. Next time, if you haven't died because of your naivety yet, think carefully before letting strangers join you. I'll be taking this stocking then."

The three of us then leave the dungeon together. We're going to the same exit after all.

How could someone let go a powerful equipment so easily? Is he stupid?

Then at the exit, the two girls are still there.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We don't know the way home."

That's hilarious. Leaving first and then waiting for the other to ask the way? That's the first time I've seen someone doing it.

"Josephine…" Joshua tried to talk to Josephine.

"Don't talk to me!"

I guess she's still angry. Well, I don't care what they're going to do.

"Where are you going?" I asked them.

"I think Joshua and I will return to our base. What about you?" Kite replied then asked Rose.

"The both of us born in Cassau so we thought of going there. But we don't know the way." Rose replied.

"I'm going to Cassau as well. It's straight that way, but if you want to go through the main road, it's over there." I pointed the location of Cassau and the main road is to Rose.

"You're not gonna tell us to follow you? We're going the same way." Rose asked.

"I'm going straight to Cassau and probably encounter some monsters on the way. Your friend need to calm herself first before going into danger so I suggest you go through the main road which is safer." I explained.

"Alright, thanks. Since we're going to the same city, we might meet again so see you later!"

Rose left to the main road together with Josephine. Then Kite and Joshua also left leaving me alone again.

That's fine. I don't feel so lonely anymore especially after watching some drama.

Now it's time to go home.

Chapter 138 - Appraising The Wand And The Stocking

Finally I'm back at Cassau! The first place I'll go is obviously my home first. I have been away from Daniel too often and too long. Did I really take him in so other people can take care of him?

Good thing back at Hirugas I bought some candies for the kids that can't be found here. I hope that's enough to make them happy.

"I'm home!"

I said as I entered the house. Then Sonia appears in front of me and Ian and the others greet me.

"Welcome home, Roy. How was your journey?" Sonia asked.

"It was good. But I don't want to do that too often. Maybe once in a while." I replied.

"Master, please have some tea."

There at the table, Lina somehow has prepared a tea for me even though I have just arrived. When did she made it? Or does she know I will return today?

"Thanks, Lina. I missed your tea. Hmm? It's sweeter than the last time." I said.

"After I returned, I practiced more with the help of Ian. How is it?"

"I like this one better. You have certainly improved."

I missed to see how she blushed after every praise I gave her like this.

Then I see something that wasn't there before in the corner of the room. It's a vase with a small

"Is that Sunny's new vase?" I asked Lina.

"Yes. She enjoyed it very much. Now that she can change her size, she used her small size when she's indoor."

I looked at Sunny who waved her leaf at me showing her satisfaction with the vase she got. With my money.

"Where's the other?"

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"Daniel, Hannah, and Lana are napping in the same room. Ever since we return home, those three are inseparable." Ruby replied.

"It's great that Hannah love acting as their older sister. Now she has more friends to play with. Daniel also loves Lana very much. He is much more motivated to learn to read now so he can read Lana a story well." Penny said happily.

"As for Sam, she's at her office. The new appraiser we got from his majesty is doing a good job." Lina said.

"I see. I also have something to appraise so I think I'll go there in a bit. What about the girls and Ian?"

"They are taking request from the guild. The guild said that those who wants to build a clan should have made several contribution to the guild. We're lacking in contribution so they split up and took several requests at the same time."

They need to chill for a bit. There's no point to hurrying up building a clan. There's only more jobs once you finally build it.

Well, that's the main point of building a clan. But if the job given to us is something from Albert and can affect the world, that's a bit difficult. Instead of taking requests so they can build a clan faster, they should take different type of request so they will gain a lot of experience. I'll tell them later.

"Alright. I'll take a rest in my room for now then I'll go to Sam's office. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yeah. First, Sam's office has moved right next door. I suggest you go there first before you rest since it's so close." Lina replied.

By this time, everyone already return to do their own chores. As for Sonia, I think she's reporting my return to the others.

"When did she moves?"

"Just as soon as she returned here. Most of our neighbors doesn't like that they live next to a haunted building, so as long as we pay them enough money to buy another house, they will gladly move." Lina replied.

Nice. That means we can buy the next building so we can build a park for the kids to play.

"Once we have enough money, we should buy all the lands nearby. The kids would be happy if we made a park for them to play. We can also make it so all the kids in this town have a place to play at."

This way, Daniel and the others can play together with a lot of friends.

"That's a good idea! There's no park here for kids to play at. They just play on the street which could be dangerous sometime. I'll negotiate with our neighbors now!" Lina turned around and prepare to go out. But I stopped her.

"Wait! After your shopping with the girls, I don't think I have much money left. Wait until I earned more money before doing anything, okay?"


Everyone's here loves children. All of them want kids to play a lot and have fun as much as they can. If I told them this plan, everyone would agree with me. Maybe they would even pitched in some money?

After finishing my tea and chatted with Lina for a while, I went to Sam's office next door.

There, I greeted Sam and after some pleasantries, I told her my intention which is to have her new appraiser to appraise the two items I got from two dungeons.

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Sam's appraiser whose name is Jeremy, received the two items and said that he will only take a few minutes to appraise them so waited while having a chat with Sam.

Soon, Jeremy finished and told me what the effects of the two item I gave him.

"Thanks for waiting. The first item I'll tell you is the fishnet stocking. Like Roy said, the wearer of this stocking will have her temperature stay the same at all time, ranging from 15 degree Celsius to 35 degree Celsius. Ice will melt instantly, and fire will disappear as soon as they touched the wearer. So this stocking is good for defense against ice and fire magic. But if the wearer is an ice or fire mage, they wouldn't be able to use their ice and fire magic." Jeremy explained about the fishnet stocking.

"So I'm right. I think this is a good item for Kayla or Sophie who doesn't have either elements." I said.

"But why is it in the form of stocking? If it can affect the whole body, then it can be a bracelet or a ring, right? The one who made it into a fishnet stocking is a weirdo." Sam said.

"The one who made it into a fishnet stocking has a unique taste." I said as to protect the one who create it. Then I continued, "Treasures from dungeons are not known where they come from. No one knows if they are made by the dungeon themselves, or there's someone who purposely left it inside the dungeons. I can only praise them for this invention." I said as I clasped my hands together like I was praying.

"Then next is this wand. This is a great equipment for earth element mages. When they used earth magic while wielding this wand, not just the power of the wielder's magic is stronger, the wielder can also gather the earth in the surrounding and shape it to whatever they want, while the weight still stay the same. For example, you can build a wall that you can carry it with you wherever you're going, and it will be your portable barrier."

"A shield. You want to say a shield." I corrected his word.

"Yes! A shield. And you can carry the earth shield around with you so if you enter a place where it's difficult to find earth, you can still use your magic." Jeremy continued.

"Difficult place to find earth? You mean like the North Pole or the South Pole? I heard that those places are covered with ice."

I never been there before, but I think I remembered reading about those two places covered with ice. Nothing but ice floating in the sea. Some says that there are small part of earth under those thick ice, but no one ever seen it since it's just speculation.

"Yeah. Maybe there are some dungeon which limit your ability when you enter. Or unchangeable dungeon which earth can't be taken so bringing your own earth is useful for earth mage. And it can also be shaped into anything the wielder want."

"That sound similar to Blobby." Sam said.

Yeah. Having something that can change its shape into anything is just like Blobby.

"But can the wand's shape itself be changed? Like make it smaller or bigger."

"No. The wand will stay the same. Only the earth will change its shape so the wand can't be smaller." Jeremy explained.

"That's good enough. This is a perfect weapon for Kayla considering her fighting styles. Now she no longer need to use a spike from Earth Spike magic as a weapon. With her intellect, I think she's a good choice to be the owner of this wand. If I give this to Kayla, then it's better if the stocking goes to Sophie. Thanks, you two. I'll take my leave now."

"Ah, Roy! When will you go diving again? You know that you don't have much money since your girlfriends and friends took them away." Sam reminded me of my financial problem.

"Sigh... I'll do it tomorrow. I'll go deeper next time. Bye."

I said my goodbye and left her office. Good thing that they renovate the building so there's a door connecting my house with her office. Now it won't take time to go to her place if I needed something.

After checking that everyone hasn't returned yet, and the kids still asleep, I went to my room and took a short rest.

Sleeping at my own home is always feel better than sleeping anywhere else. If only Blobby is here to be my bed, then that would be perfect.

Chapter 139 - Everyone Loves To Tease Me

After I wake up from my nap, I was surrounded by kids. Daniel is laying his head on my stomach as he looked up to my face.

"Roy is up!" He said.

"I'm up. I heard that you learn difficult words. How smart are you right now?"

"I learn something from Sister Angela! She taught me what you are! A lazy bum!" Daniel said with a bright smile.

Well, that was not wrong. But considering what I have done, I don't think I have time to be called a lazy bum. I have been so busy these past few month.

Then I looked at the side to see Hannah is carrying Lana in her arms.

"Have you been a good big sister to these two?" I asked Hannah.

"I have. We have been sleeping together all this time!"

"How's Lana? Did she freeze anything?"

"Not anymore. As long as someone is with her, she won't freeze anything. I think Lana is just lonely."

Then Hannah told me that during the first day of travel, Lana freeze the wheel of the carriage at night when she can't sleep. Then when Hannah come close to her and hugged Lana, she didn't freeze anything anymore.

"You're a great big sister." I said as I patted Hannah's head.

"Me too! I'm a great big bother!" Daniel said. Seems like he wanted to be patted as well.

"Haha! You're missing one letter there. It should be a big brother. Not bother. And you have never been a bother to me." I patted Daniel's head as well.

Seriously, why did I have to be so busy and leaving these cute kids behind in the care of others? I wish everything will be over soon and no war happen. But that's just a wistful thinking knowing how capable the cult is. I just hope that Penny and Ruby can raise the kids well despite the danger that happen in this world.

"So, why are you guys here?"

"Mom said dinner will be ready soon so she told us to wake you up." Hannah replied.

"I see. Let's go down then."

Daniel quickly stand up on the bed with both his hand raised up.

"Carry me!" He said.

"I thought you are the big brother?"

"Now I'm the little bother! So carry me!"

"It's brother."

I picked up Daniel with one arm and prepared to leave my room when I looked at Hannah's expression. She looks a little jealous and seems to want to be carried as well.

"Hannah, you can jump on my back, you know? And I will carry Lana."

"Umm… no. I'm the big sister so I can't be spoiled." She replied.

"Sure you can. Even I want to be spoiled sometime."




"Then I'll take your offer!"

Hannah then let me pick Lana and I put Lana on Daniel's arm.

"Hold her tight, okay?"

"Yes, sir!" Daniel replied happily.

Then as I turned my back to Hannah, she climbed the bed and jumped on my back. She hugged my neck with one hand while the other hand is patting my head.

"Since you want to be spoiled, I'll pat your head!" Hannah said.

"Oh. This is nice. Let's go to the dining hall." I said.

"Let's go!"

Down in the dining hall, the meal has just been prepared on the table. I let the kids down and they ran to their seat.

It's been a while since I'm here and the number of chairs increased. Of course it has considering we got new family members. Candy, Shirley, Ian, and the baby Lana.

But today, most of them are empty. There are only the kids, Lina, Penny, Ruby, Ian, and me.

"Where's the others? They haven't finished their requests?" I asked Ian who has returned.

"We all took subjugation quests for all kind of monsters nearby. But each one of us took different route. Ms. Sonia told me that everyone is okay. They are competing among themselves to find who subjugated monsters the most." Ian replied.

"Being competitive is fine and all. It helped everyone grow stronger. But that doesn't mean they have to skip dinner for it."

"Don't worry. I have prepared them some meal in case they haven't returned for dinner. But since they haven't returned by now and the gate already closed at this time, they should be returning tomorrow in the morning."

They are competing to the point of camping outside? Should I visit them tonight?

Nah, I'll just stay here and play with the kids.

As for the gifts for Kayla and Sophie, I'll give it to them tomorrow after they returned.

Before I forgot, I gave Lina something to do.

"Lina, can you help me?"

"What is it, Master?"

"I want you to wash this stocking."

When I hand her the fishnet stocking, everyone froze other than the kids.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Did you made another girlfriend?" Penny asked.


"Did you cheat on your girlfriends?" This time it was Ruby.


"Where did Master stole it from?" Lina also asked me.

"I didn't steal it!"

"I didn't know you have such hobby. Now I think I can believe the story Ms. Victoria told us about you and Hill." Ian said.

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"I don't have such hobby! This is a magic tool I got from a dungeon! Even I don't know why it's a fishnet stocking!" I cried out loud to make everyone believe me.

After many times telling them that Victoria's stories are 90% lies, how come they still believe her?

"Master, you found this stocking and asked me to wash it. Does it mean you wore it when you found it?" Lina asked again.

"No! I'm with another party back then and there's a girl who willingly put them on and tested it! It was not me! And that girl doesn't want it anymore because something happened so I take it with me since it's a useful magic equipment. I did say that I'm visiting Sam so her appraiser can appraise some things for me, right? This stocking is one of them. I'm planning to give it to Sophie."

"Oh, is that so? Then I believe Master." Lina said as she turns back to do some laundry.

I can see her grinning. Everyone is also smiling and laughing. So it means they're doing it on purpose? Everyone is teasing me? Even Lina and Ian?

Don't tell me that everyone is getting along because whenever I'm not around, they started talking about me. Making fun of me. That's why everyone's chemistry is so good when they are teasing me or making fun of me.

Right now, I felt so alone even though I'm with other people. Let's ignore the adult here and just play with the kids.

I spend the rest of the day playing with the kids and reading them books. After keeping them company, I grabbed the tank where I put magic stones so they can be transformed into air element, and took out the magic stones.

I took out the magic stones to my bed and prepared to cultivate when Victoria entered my room.

"Hmm? You're not with the girls?" I asked Victoria.

"What? You don't miss me at all? I'm so sad." Victoria pretended to cry.

"Yeah, right. By the way, what did you girls doing on your journey? How could everyone improved so fast and leaving me behind?"

"Simple. We just had either me or Sonia on watch duty every night since neither of us need rest. Then as for the others, they can either rest or cultivate. Everyone choose to cultivate every night other than Lina. That's why they improved quickly. What about you? What did you do? I heard that you entered a dungeon."

"Dungeons. I entered all the dungeon I found on the way here. Most of them are dungeons that has been conquered many times by other hunters so there are no treasures over there other than some magic stones that I sent you. Only the first and the last dungeons is different."

"Explain more before you cultivate. I'm bored."

"Nothing much to tell. The first dungeon's entrance is through underwater tunnel under a waterfall. That's where I found those eels you eaten."

"Aah… those were delicious."

"I know, right? And I heard from Lina that there's only one more eel left and we had it for dinner tonight. Where did the rest go?"

"Obviously, we ate them all. When we reached Cassau, there were still three eels left. Then we ate two of them before you returned. And now you have returned, Lina used the last of the eels for your dinner."

"Sigh… at least I can still eat it even though it was just one."

Then I continued telling her about my experience in the first dungeon. How I tried to talk with monsters and how I took the treasure and escape from the giant fire lizard.

"What's the treasures you got? Are they something good?" Victoria asked about the treasure.

"I'll tell the rest when everyone returned tomorrow. I still want to cultivate so don't disturb me."

"Fine. Then I'll be in my room writing some stories about Roy x Albert. By the way, my books will be published soon. Isn't it great?"

"Not at all! Burn them before they spread!"

"You can't take what I love from me! Good night!"

Victoria slammed the door and went back to her room. I used Divine Vision to see what's she's doing. And thinking that I'm looking at her, Victoria opened a page and direct it to my room.

…I read a bit and I regret reading it.

I hope no one realized where she got the reference of the characters in her books from.

After clearing my mind, I grabbed a magic stones and cultivate my air magic.

Ignore everything and focus only on improving my magic level.

Chapter 140 - Giving The Presents

This is the first time I ever cultivate using a magic stones. Even in my past life, I never did it. It's obvious since I only had aptitude in summoning element of which cultivating is not necessary to improve my level. But in the end, I died while still in beginner's level.

I feel that my air element has slightly improved, but still not enough for me to level up into intermediate level. I guess I should turn more magic stones' element into air element. Maybe I should build more tank to store the stones so I can make a lot of them in one go.

And if there's a leftover tank, maybe I could use them for oxygen tank. Although I might not need it, it can still be useful. Then once I entered medical college… if I entered medical college, I don't know if Albert can do something about my graduation degree, I can tell every doctors about it. Then maybe I could finish school in one year. Or maybe less if I show them all my knowledge which come from the future.

Because of the war, medical skill also developed a lot. Just around ten years ago, whenever someone broke their bones and there's no healer around, doctors would just amputate the broken limb. The knowledge of how to fix broken bones by surgery is still unknown after all.

I heard that the first surgery of fixing a broken bone was done in a country that's at war with the neighboring country. I guess that's make sense since there are a lot of people to use for experiment.

But now, medical knowledge has advanced slightly. And I know more than any doctors and surgeons in this world. I hope with my knowledge, medical advancement will happen faster and more illness can be healed faster than before.

In any case, I will only do that if I can attend medical college first. If I couldn't become one, I'll think another way but it might take a long time for my knowledge to spread by that time.

What about now? I'm still too young and no one will believe me because of that. Even though my mind is that of a 45 years old man, I'm still a 15 years old boy. Or maybe 16 now.

Let's hope I won't forget any medical knowledge I've ever learned.

I opened my eyes after cultivating for a few hours to see that it's already noon. I checked the house with my Divine Vision and I can see that the girls are already returned and about to have lunch with everyone.

Did I skip breakfast? If I eat lunch twice, does the first lunch considered as breakfast?

It doesn't matter whether I skipped breakfast or not if I keep eating, right?

I walked to the dining table where everyone is already seated and the meal has been prepared.

"Been a while, Roy." Angela greeted me.

The girls also smiled at me or waved their hands for greetings.

"When did you all return?" I pulled back my chair and sat on it while asking the girls.

"Just around one hour ago. We heard that you're cultivating so we just leave you be. How was your journey?" Kayla asked.




"It's good. I heard that three of you has improved your levels."

"Yes! My fire element has reached intermediate already. Soon, it will be my wind element that will reach Intermediate. Aren't I great?" Angela proudly telling her achievements because of the journey.

"Yeah, yeah. I always know that you're genius in magic. Good for you. Then, Kayla?" I turned my head to Kayla next to me.

"My healing magic. It has reached intermediate and now I can heal a more severe injury." Kayla replied as she smiled at me.

"You're making healing magic your primary element? I thought that you wanted your earth element to improve first."

"That was in the past. Now I have a boyfriend who can only fight as vanguard so he will without a doubt get hurt over and over again. If I can't protect him, at least I need to be able to heal him." Kayla said.

"…that's a nice way of thinking. I'm moved to tears hearing you care about me so much." I wiped my teary eyes hearing Kayla's reply. Then I moved my head to the opposite and face Sophie. "What about you?"

"It's my lightning element. There are a lot of lightning element magic stones in the treasure chest we found in the dungeon here back then after all. As for my light element, there's no change at all."

We chatted while having our lunch together. This time, everyone is seated together. We enjoyed our time together. Even Candy, Shirley, and Ian doesn't feel like strangers anymore. Everyone is getting along really well. I bet it was because they have a lot of fun making fun of me.

Even during dinner, two out of three topics we talked about is about them making fun of me. For Clarence the clown, being made fun of is something great. But I'm not a clown right now so it's not great.

After finishing our meal, Shirley asked me something she heard about from Victoria.

"Roy, I heard that you got treasures in a dungeon. I've never entered a dungeon before so I'm curious about them." Shirley asked.

"I only got two items. Both are equipable items. The first is this wand which I will give to Kayla." I took out the wand from my pocket and gave it to Kayla then I explain the function of the wand.

"So it's basically similar to Blobby." Kayla said after hearing my explanation.

"Yes. The earth you gather will envelope the wand so you can't make it into anything smaller than the wand. As someone who has Blobby, I can say that this is something amazing."

"Maybe I can make a bed made of clay just like Blobbybed. I guess I need to experiment a lot of things with this wand. Thanks, Roy." Kayla thanked me for the wand.

"You're welcome. Then the next item is… Lina, has it dried yet?"

"I brought it with me. Here you go." Lina gave me a bag with the stocking inside of it. Why did she has to put it in a bag?

I put one hand inside the bag and pulled out the content of the bag.

"It's this!" I showed everyone the magic item in my hand.

"…Roy, I never thought that you have a hobby of wearing that thing." Angela said.

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"Ian already said that yesterday. You need to be more original." I said.

Then Victoria intervened.

"You returned home without catching anything? You're a shame of a fisherman! Your father the legendary fisherman cried in heaven for you!" said Victoria.

"It's turned into a drama? You sure answer like someone who writes stories. As you can see, this is a fishnet stocking. I got this on my journey after watching some kind of drama." Just like before, I also explain the function of the fishnet stocking to the wearer.

"Why fishnet stocking?" Sonia asked.

"I asked the same question, but I don't know anyone who knows the answer. I thought of giving it to either Kayla or Sophie since they don't have aptitude in either ice or fire element. But since Kayla has received the wand, I thought to give it to Sophie. What do you think?" I asked Sophie about her opinion of receiving the stocking.

"Well… I don't like fighting, but because war is coming, I thought I need to do my part as well. So I'll gladly accept that. But I think I'll wear a pants over these stocking." Sophie said.

"What about me, Master Roy? I'm not even in the corner of your mind?" Ian asked me.

"I know that you don't have aptitude to either element as well, but a falcon flying in the sky wearing a fishnet stocking is suspicious. So you're no good."

And I don't want to see it being worn by an old man.

"You said that you've seen a drama unfold and you got these stocking. What did you experience?" Victoria asked.

"A story of a broken heart. It started with their party stalking me inside the dungeon, then once they see the treasures, they stopped me and took the treasures for themselves. I told them that they can have it only after I've seen the effect of whatever inside that chest is." I explained.

"Of course you did. You've seen through the chest before they stopped you so you did it on purpose to let someone wear it!" Said detective Angela.

"Nice deduction, detective Angela! Then the leader of the party got entranced by the girl who wear this thing. Then two cult member who somehow invited by the leader attacked us in order to get this stocking. Then the couple had a fight and the party break up. None of them want this stocking filled with sad memory anymore so I took this with me."

"Do you then get along with the girl?" Victoria asked skeptically.

"What? You think I tried to seduce a girl who just got her heart broken? No! Ah, by the way, the two girls in that party seem to be from this city so we might meet them." I said.

"Really? What's their name? Maybe we have met them before." Kayla asked about the girls' identities.

"I think they are… Jose and Rosephine." I don't remember their names clearly.

"What kind of names are those? I don't think we meet them before." Kayla said.

"Alright. Then I'll be going diving now. Bye."

After giving the two items to Kayla and Sophie, I left the house to find more treasures. I need to have a lot of savings since now I know that my money will be taken from me so easily.

And few days pass by peacefully without any incident in Cassau.

Chapter 141 - After A Week Of Peaceful Days

It has been a week of peaceful days. And I don't have anything urgent to do at all. I just went diving for a few hours every day and return home with more money. Now I have enough to buy the neighboring buildings.

Sam really is good at business. She said that she found a client who's willing to pay a lot of money for the treasures I find from diving. She told me that it was some rich group who wanted to sell merchandise across the sea in the past but the ship sunk and they lost a lot of money. Maybe the ships I got my loot from is one of theirs.

I think that's why when they found out about the stuffs that Sam sells, they are willingly paying a lot of money. And then they try to find out where she gets those stuffs from which lead them to follow me to the beach. But of course they are not diving to the sea.

Since they don't have any intention to harm me, I just let them be. And if they try to approach me, I'll ignore them.

I'm fine with being followed, but having ten people following me is annoying. So today I went to Sam to give her the loots and tell her to inform her client to not have so many people following me.

"Today you got a lot as well. I heard from Lina that our neighbor is moving since you bought their plot of land. Trying to make your house bigger?" Sam asked after I gave her employee my loots.

"Yes. That and I'm planning to build a park here for the children to play. It's so that the kids can make new friends."

"That's nice. Anything else?"

"Yes. Tell your client that they have too many people following me and it's started to get annoying. If they become more annoying then I will kill them. Tell your client to never blame me for killing his men in case that happen. They even started to check around my house."

"Hmm… that's fine. I'll tell him to reduce the number of people following you and that you will kill anyone who tries to invade your privacy. Is that okay with you?" Sam asked.

"Yes. Tell your client that I will kill anyone who checked on my house and following my friends. As for those who follows me to the sea, just reduce their number is fine. But if it's too many then I'll kill them. Even if the number is increased and the new faces are not their people and from a third party, I will be fair and kill them all." I said.

"Is killing people a fair thing to do?"

"It is if I kill everyone. If I choose favorites then it's not fair."

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"Okay. He'll be here in the afternoon so I'll tell him then. Oh, right. I think the girls are gathering together now. They have some kind of discussion. I think you will be busy again soon."

I got a bad feeling about this. Just after a week of peaceful days, some bad things will happen that might need me to work hard. Should I escape? Or just give up? I guess I'll just give up and do the work.

"Thanks for telling me. I guess I'll go now. They seem to be waiting for me." I said as I look at my house with my Divine Vision and see that the girls are gathering around Sonia who seem to have some news from Albert.

I left Sam's office and return home then I approached the girls.

"Will I be busy again?" I just asked them directly.

"Here's some parfait so you feel a little better." Lina offered me a parfait she made.

"Thanks. So? Is there any news?" I asked Sonia.

"Albert has visited Hill in Mellian city. He also visited the noble in charge of that city and Albert said he can be trusted. As for Hill and his men, everyone agreed to help him evacuating people. Some of them also strong enough to help the agents to defeat monsters. Luckily, none of them are members of the cult. That's what Albert said about Hill and the others." Sonia explain what Albert told her.

Seeing everyone's reaction, I already know that they have heard it from Sonia first. I bet there will be more than this news.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Albert wished that it was the last time that he will see Hill, but that's impossible. Then the next info is… you do know that Albert contacted Wendy by using me, right?"

"I know. She has a necklace, right?"

Since everyone who can call Sonia are given a piece of accessory by me, of course Ms. Wendy will contact Albert via Sonia.

"Yes. Albert told Wendy that even though we have more people, it's still not enough. So as for Melk city where Wendy is located, Albert will send Hill and about ten of his men to Melk."

"But they are only responsible for evacuation, right? As for those responsible to defeat the monsters during the stampede… don't tell me!" I raised from my chair as I figure out what comes next from Sonia's mouth.

"Yes. It will be everyone here. Of course Wendy will have some reinforcement coming as well. And you can finish your school as well. Wendy said that no one knows about anyone who got involved during that time Angela breaking through. But for safety purpose, she suggested you to not stay in Red Tail anymore. Don't worry since she has prepared a place for everyone to stay in. She bought a whole hotel building for everyone to stay at." Sonia explained.

"Sigh… At least I can still attend medical school after this."

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"Hmm? You're surprisingly not refusing this job like usual? Why?" Angela asked me curiously.

"Well, even if I refuse it, you all have already thought of a way to convince me, right? Let's just skip the convincing part and do this. But after I graduate, I have to have two years break from any works from Albert related to the cult. Tell him that." I pointed my finger to Sonia as I said that.

"I'll tell him that. What will you do in those two years?" Sonia asked.

"Training, cultivating, becoming richer, and resting. If we haven't changed the future too much, then it should be around seven or eight years before the cult started their next plan. Then during that time we can improve our strength before the real war happen. And that should be enough time for me to finish medical school as well. But since we are trying to prevent casualties during the stampede, the future will be different. But I don't think the cult will make any big moves during the next two years. Which is enough for us to improve." I explained my plan to everyone.

"I see. That's a good plan. We can also look for trusted allies after the stampede. Which will make us stronger." Candy thought out loud.

"I'll tell Albert about your plan. He will most likely agree to this two years break. Oh, if you're going to Melk, Wendy told me to go there as soon as possible. Since if you're still aiming to finish school, there will be an important exam next week." Sonia said to hurry up.

"Then tomorrow I'll leave. What about you two?" I asked Angela and Kayla if they wanted to finish school as well.

"I'll go with you. Since I want to be a healer, I guess I'll go to magic college specialized in healing magic after the two years break." Kayla said.

"Me too. I think it's a good idea to aim for the best magic school in this country." Angela also agreed.

"Isn't that the college in capital?" I asked Angela.

"Yes. Then I could ask Albert or Marie to find me a lodging. After the two years of training, I believe I can be the strongest in the college. Then I'll learn everything I needed and return here." Angela said confidently.

"Oh! If you're aiming for that school, then me too! I already graduate Introductory School few years ago so I might be the oldest student there. But that's okay with me." Shirley also aimed for the same college as Angela.

"Why didn't you attend college before?" I asked her curiously.

"Brother told me that it will be troublesome if member of royalty go to college. Since he's afraid that someone is trying to approach me with ill intention. But if I return there after two years, I think no one will recognize me after I return since I almost never leave the palace before. But I only got introductory school degree by being home-schooled so I also want to experience going to school before then. Can I come to your school as well?" Shirley asked to go to Melk as well.

"Fine. The four of us will leave tomorrow then. What about the three of you?"

I asked Sophie, Lina, and Candy if they want to go as well.

"We will go too. But we'll leave later than you guys. Ian will stay here to take care of the others. He said he'll leave everything in Melk to us all." Candy replied.

"Which mean everyone is going, huh. Sonia, tell Albert and Ms. Wendy that we're going."

I guess it's time to visit Melk again. Although I don't like how I have to work hard over there, I'm still happy to be able to finish school. But Hill will be there as well. I hope Hill and his group of muscular men won't cause any problem there. Especially to me.

Chapter 142 - Strategy For The Stampede

"Welcome, my favorite students who love to skip classes. And your highness."

Ms. Wendy greeted us and kneeled in front of Shirley just a bit away from the entrance to Melk. We traveled quickly to Melk by transforming Victoria into a wagon and let me pulled it.

"Just call me Shirley. I don't want anyone to know my identity. Please stand up." Shirley says as she helped Ms. Wendy to stand.

"Then you should have did as I suggested. Disguising yourself." I said.

"No! A girl and a mustache is not a good combination! In fact it will make others pay more attention at her!" Angela protested.

"Well, she can have Victoria as her wig to change her hair color to black if she want to. That's fine, right? While Victoria acted as her wig, we can find the ingredient for a hair dye. I think there are a lot of those in this area."

"You can make one?" Angela asked.

"Yeah. Back then although I can't fight, I still became a hunter. But the only requests I'm doing is herb gathering and the likes. I was lucky to be able to help someone make a hair dye and other kind of potion."

"Then you should have done that from the start!" Angela said.

"What's done is done. I can just do that later. By the way, I heard that you own a hotel, Ms. Wendy?" I deliberately change the topic.

"Yes. It's a good place. I made it so only those with personal connection can stay in that place. I think that place is big enough if everyone in the defense group and evacuation group stay together." She replied.

Defense group are the one who responsible to defeat the monsters during the stampede. We are in that group. As for evacuation group, it will be Hill's and his subordinates' responsibility.

Sophie said she will come here in a week, and I don't know when Hill will come. But I guess it should be days before the stampede.

"The three of you should forget about the stampede at the moment and just focus on the exam. The exam will start next week. If you want to graduate, you need to study since you have been skipping class for a long time." Ms. Wendy reminded us of the exam. After everything that happened, I almost forget that she's also a teacher.

"Ah! I haven't studied for a long time!" Angela cried in despair.

"What? Did you forget that we returned here mainly to take the exam instead of fighting?"

"I thought that we're here mainly for the battle and not the exam. But I heard there's a practical exam, right? I think I can get a high grade in that exam. The grade from practical exam is the most important thing if I want to enter magic college, right?" Angela asked.

"Yes. So for Kayla and Angela, the practical exam is more important. As long as you passed it, the written exam is not important anymore. As for me, written exam is more important since I want to attend medical school. So our plan is to pass the exam, taking care of the stampede, and pass the final exam later."

"You don't need to do that. As long as you at least passed two out of three exams, you can graduate safely. You have passed the first exam and if you pass this one, you don't need to join the last one. But you can take part in it if you want to get a higher mark."

"Seriously? Then we can just go home after the exam." I said happily.

I never thought that we only need to pass just two exam from three. In the past, I just worked hard to pass all three exams. But since the last exam is where my grade is the highest, I guess that's fine.

"No. His majesty said that if you leave before the stampede, I will make sure you didn't pass the test. It's my privilege as your teacher. So even if you passed, you have to wait until the stampede before you got your degree." Ms. Wendy explains.

"…so we have a corrupt teacher. Can I just bribe you?"

"You can bribe me by helping us take care of the stampede. Then no matter how badly you are on your test, I can give you a passing grade."

So I can't escape fighting in the stampede.

"Sigh… can't we just kill everyone in the cult here since there are several other cities that will get attacked?"

"Well… no. Actually, the reason you're here is… the reason we head Shirley here is because of her status." Ms. Wendy explained the reason why we're asked to help here.

Albert asked us to come here was mainly to use Shirley's status as the princess and my Divine Vision to look for the members of the cult. So we will take care of the stampede, then after that, it will be our duty to clear out all the cult members left in this city using my Divine Vision. Then using Shirley's status that will make everyone believe her when she make a speech about the reason behind the stampede. She will convince everyone about the existence of the cult. Then the information will spread to other cities.

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So Sonia keep this as a secret. Does Albert really think that the cult will cease their attacks after we told everyone about their existence? Or maybe because once we stopped the stampede and the news of the cult spread, the cult will be more cautious and won't do anything big in near future. Giving us more time to reinforce our strength.

Whatever the case, the king is smart. And he's also being helped by the prime minister and the future prime minister. So they should have thought about it clearly. So I'll just trust his decisions.

"So my brother is using me?" Shirley realized it after hearing Albert's plan.

"Welcome to the club of people that's being used by the king." I grabbed her shoulder and give her a thumb up.

"Who's in the club?" Kayla asked.

"So far, it's just me and Shirley. All his subordinates doesn't count because it's their job to be used." I replied.

"Let's ignore him and continue about our plan. How many evacuation center we have?" Victoria asked Ms. Wendy.

"We have about fifty location. Maybe the number of people in evacuation group is too little. But during the stampede, we can ask the hunter guild to help us. We can tell them to gather people in those spot without telling them that we are ordered by the king. Of course my hotel is one of the evacuation center. We have a basement big enough to hold a hundred people. If we used the whole building, we can let about five hundred people in."

Wendy told us about the location of evacuation center. Unsurprisingly, Red Tail is one of them. Maybe because she know that is our place and it's empty. So I gave her the key to that building I received from Ruby.

"All the evacuation centers' wall has been reinforced with magic. It will hold for a while. So once you see one of the buildings is under attack, make killing the monsters there as your priority." Ms. Wendy continued

"Not me. Once the stampede happen, I will find the cult members hiding among the crowd and kill them before they enter the buildings. It will be dangerous if even one of them enter one of the building. Before the stampede happen, I will look everyone with explosive devices inside their mouth. Tell me about all the secret agents here so I can tell them the people who belong to the cult. But there might be some of them who doesn't have any explosive device inside their mouth so after I told the agents about the members of the cult, they need to investigate on their own. Then once the stampede happen, I will kill them and make it seem as if the monsters killed them."

With this, the number of casualties will be lessened. The thought of cult member hiding among the crowd and entered the building make me shiver. Casualties is inevitable, but the fewer casualties the better. I can only pray to the safety of everyone in other cities.

"Good idea. When will you start gathering info?" Ms. Wendy asked me.

"Once we entered your hotel. At this time, the cult member should be wary to the newcomers. So I thought of making them think that I'm resting after a long journey. I will sneak out of the hotel in disguise and search for the members of the cult."

"Then how will you tell the agents about the members of the cult? Are you good at drawing?" Ms. Wendy asked me if I'm talented in drawing.

"No. But I can just transform Victoria into the cult member's faces. Then I'll leave investigating them to you and your fellow agents."

So far so good. I made sound plans to what we will do later. I'll tell Sonia to inform Albert and Sophie's group. As for Hill's group… I'll tell them once they entered the city.

Chapter 143 - I'm Strong!

The written exam was finished already. I'm confident with my grade. It will soon be the magical exam. I heard from Ms. Wendy that it is optional so I don't think I will participate.

It was made optional because it will be bad for the student who is good academically, but bad in practice to participate. They might lose their confidence. Just being good academically was enough for the student to study to the higher education. Like how I want to enter medical school.

The past few days, I went around the city to look for any members of the cult and other suspicious people. Then I give report of what I found to either Ms. Wendy, or the other agents.

Those whom I have told the agents were closely watched of their actions and with whom they are interact with. In case there are more members without any of the HGB device in their mouth. Seriously, why would anyone called it Head Goes Boom? And even after being named as such, these people are still putting that thing inside their mouth.

I tried to imagine what happened. Someone from the cult is giving a new recruit the HGB device.

"Hey! I want you to have this."

"What's that?"

"It's called Head Goes Boom! Put it on the back of your teeth and you just need to pour your magic into this item to make your head goes boom."

"Oh, wow! I want it!"

Yeah, right. Such conversation wouldn't happen. Unless they are really stupid.

Well, those are things I did in these past few days after returning to Cassau. Finding people with HGB, reporting to the agents, taking exam, and imagining something that would never happen.

And today is the day for the practical exam. I choose to watch from the sideline with Shirley who want to watch. She goes to school with us but never entered the class during the exam. But once the exam is over, she will start to attend class like other students despite already graduate. Ms. Wendy already gave her special permission for it so she is allowed to stay in class even though she's not a student. That's called abusing your power, Ms. Wendy.

Then for Sophie, Candy, and Lina who want to come here as well, they said that they will arrive tomorrow. That's the message I received from Sonia. I also asked Sonia to guide them to the hotel.

As for Hill, despite him and his people is needed here, sometime I wish that they got lost. But we needed more people so he is important for our plan.

Hill getting lost is impossible. Why? Because he's already here behind me!

I turned around quickly and faced the man who's all smile and greeting me.

"Why are you here?" That's the first thing that comes out of my mouth after a while not meeting him.

"Oh, Roy! Don't you miss me? I read your… letter." Hill said.

"Why is there a pause before the word letter? It's just a letter, alright! Back to the main question. Why are you here?" I asked the same question again.

"Because I heard that the magical exam is open for public to watch. And then I saw you here." He replied casually.

"What I mean is, why are you behind me? Anyone can stay behind me but you!" I shouted.

"Well, we can take our time." Hill said as he stand beside me.

"We won't have any time for anything. Shirley, this is Hill you should have heard a lot of lies from Victoria about him." I introduced Shirley to Hill while slapping Hill's hand that's grabbing my shoulder.

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"From what I see, it might be the truth. Nice to meet you, Hill. I'm Shirley. Albert's brother." Shirley introduced herself to Hill.

"So you're the pr- his sister! Nice to meet you. And please let me hear about what you heard from Ms. Victoria. She's Roy's summon, right? I believe we can get along really well." Hill shook his hand with the princess.

If this is a formal meeting, he could be punished for being too friendly. Especially when Hill is the captain of the guard of Mellian. If it's a commoner, saying that they lack manner is normal. But Hill's position mean he must know the manner when meeting with royalties.

Well, considering how I interact with Albert, it will be me who ended up becoming Albert's friend, it would be me who get sentenced the most. I even kidnapped his daughter and sister… and butler.

By the way, Victoria's not in control of the Black Slime at the moment. It's rare seeing Blobby again.

We chatted while watching the exam. It was still other students who shows their talent. Most of them are just beginner level mage. Only rich students have reached intermediate level. Well, even though they have reached intermediate level, from what I see, they are still inexperienced in using magic. They must be spoiled kids who never left their house and only practiced using inanimate target.

There are also some intermediate level mages who seems capable, but if they are compared with either Kayla or Angela, they would lose.

Soon it's finally Kayla and Angela's turn. For the exam, the students need to attack a target designed to receive attack and calculate the power behind the attack.

The target is some kind of pillar with the height of two meters and its diameter is half mater. It was designed to absorb any attack. It will calculate any attack it received. The range of attack power it received ranging from 0-10000. The ten thousand mark is about the average power of advanced level mage.

For average mages, beginner level should reach attack power of about 2000 as the average. The average intermediate level mage should reach attack power of around 7500. And 10000 is for advanced level mage.

Of course it's also depend on the mages. A powerful beginner level mage can even reach 3000 attack power. And powerful intermediate mage can reach attack power of 9000. And even weak advanced level mage, can barely reached 5000.

As for Kayla and Angela, we'll see how strong they are.

It's Kayla's turn first. For healing element or light element, there's another test for them. But I told both of them to keep their real power as secret because I see some cult members in the audience.

Both Kayla and Angela will use their earth element for the exam.

Kayla used Earth Spike and make a giant earth spike protruding from earth. The spike attacked the target. Soon on the pillar, there's a number.


That's the strength of Kayla's earth magic. Of course she hasn't used her full strength yet, but that's already the strongest among the beginner level mages who takes the exam.

There are cheers from the audience seeing the numbers. Considering that beginner level earth magic aren't strong because of their common sense, everyone has high hopes for her. Well, some of them are cheering because of her beauty. But she's mine and I won't let her go!

Next is Angela. She used Wind Slash to attack the target. And the numbers that appear surprised everyone.


That's already within the reach of Intermediate level magic even though she only used basic wind magic!

I thought I told them to not gain attention, but it seem it was impossible for them to do that. Even their appearances alone will gain everyone's attention.

Then it will be my job to protect them.

"3924! What a number for a beginner level mage!" The examiner, Ms. Wendy, commented about Angela's strength.

"That's not all. Even the previous student is surprisingly strong. Seems like the students we have this year are exceptional." Another teacher also make a comment.

"Yeah, but there's also another unique student who didn't even try to take this exam. Can I call him so we can see how exceptional he is?"

Hmm? It was Mr. Wig who said that. So there's another exceptional student here other than those two, huh? I'm curious.

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"Sure. I'm curious about the student who doesn't want to take practical exam as well. If he's exceptional, why would he decide to not take part in the practical exam?" The previous teacher asked Mr. Wig. I should try harder to remember names.

"You'll see. Alright, since student Angela is the last student to take part in the exam, then if student Roy is here, please come forward and test your strength!"

Whoa! Surprisingly it was me who was called. He should have known that I'm weak and only has a black slime as a summon, and a useless air element. That's why he picked on me so all the other students who received small numbers on the exam will gain their confidences.

Or maybe because he realized back then that I stole his wig? Maybe that too.

Because I was called, I walked forward to the testing area. Then I confidently summon Blobby and attacked the target.

"Blobby Throw!"

My attack is… just throwing my slime to the target. It shocked everyone in the audience and those who knows me are holding back their laughter.

Soon the number appear and it says…


"Uoooh! That's awesome! I'm strong!"

Everyone laughed at my antics. Although Mr. Wig called Roy, I'm taking part as Clarence the clown. To make everyone enjoy the show. And I did it well.

"Eight? Eight?! Even the weakest to take part was in his 500s and you only got an eight? You're really exceptional! Hahaha!" Mr. Wig laughed loudly.

I guess he called me because he wants to make fun of me. Well, that's fine.

"It's good that he confidently take part. It shows how much we shouldn't treat our students badly. Even those who had terrible strength in the practical exam, might be great in the written exam. Maybe they could be a magic researchers." Ms. Wendy kindly supported me.

"Or a clown! Ahaha!" That's really not a good manner for a teacher.

If entertainment is what you want, then I will kindly give it to you.

"Well, this is all for the practical exam today…"

I ignored the closing speech and instead return back to Shirley's location where Kayla and Angela already waited for me. Then I compress air to shoot the target from this far. I took a button from the shirt of another audience, then shot it to the target.

A loud sound suddenly heard from the target. Everyone's attention now is at the target again despite seeing no one nearby. Then a number appear at the target pillar.


My shameless act doesn't end there.

"Who is it? Who did that? Can't you please don't do that? You're scaring me!"

I pretend that it was not me and looked for someone who might have done it.

Of course the three girls around me are laughing while everyone is busy looking for the perpetrator.

Oh wait! Did I just make the cult wary about my existence? I shouldn't have done that? How stupid of me.

After we return to the hotel, Ms. Wendy is asking me if I'm the one who did it. Then she scolds me for hours.

I'm sorry, okay?