
Chapter 199 - Javier Disappears And Victoria Returns

"Any other question? I don't want to take much of Victoria's time anymore."

Javier asked if we have other questions. He taught us about improving magic using the method that his first master and the founder of Tatrama used in the past. I think the others will gladly try those stuffs after I told them. Wait, I can just tell Sonia to tell them so they can improve faster rather than having them wait for me.

But for now, it's time to ask Javier some questions.

"Tell me everything you know about summoning element." I asked.

"Summoning element. What do you want to know?"

"Which part of everything you don't know?"

"If you give me the freedom to tell you whatever I want, I might not give you the crucial information since I have to summarize everything. Just tell me what you want to know."

I guess he's right. If I asked him to tell me everything, he might end up telling me what I already know.

"Is having my summon kill enemies the only way for us summoners to improve our level? Or as Victoria says, gaining Experience?"

"Yes. That's all I know. Even my first master, the strongest mage at the time, can't do anything about it. People always say that I'm the only flaw that my first master had. If it was any other monster, he would have reached Master level in all of his elements." Javier said.

"By the way, what was your first master's name?"

"His name was Mario. By the way, Victoria is saying something when I told her about my first master's name. 'That's not Spanish name! That's Italian name!' is what she said."

That mean other than common language and Spanish, they have Italian as well. I don't know what to do with this information, so let's forget it. Mario is common name in this world as well after all. And there's no Italian here. Maybe.

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"Back to the summoning element. What is Pear-y Fruit?" I asked again.

"That's the only fruit that can makes summoner able to summon another monster. You might have already known about this, but I'll tell you again. After eating Pear-y Fruit, each time summoner level up, they will be able to make contract with another monster. But it only works until you leveled up twice. That mean, since you have entered intermediate level, you can make contract with another monster. Then once again after you reached advanced level. But after that, you can only make contract with another monster if you ate another Pear-y fruit before you reach expert level. Pear-y Fruit is… A magical fruit that shaped like a pear."

"…I have a question. Is an orange called orange because it's orange, or it's called orange because the color is orange?" I asked.

"…language was invented a long time ago. Probably even before I was born. Anyway, I can only tell you what I know. Pear-y Fruit is rare in this world, but it's quite common in Monsters World. It's a staple fruit for most monsters. When you enter Monsters World, you should grab some for your maid and other summoner to consume. Or you can sell it for wealth. I'm sure many people would love to pay a lot of money for it." Javier suggested me to find some Pear-y Fruit and sell them.

"Good idea, but no thanks. Pear-y Fruit is well-known in the past, right? If we sold them publicly, then sooner or later this Evil God will notice that someone has the knowledge from the past. Our only advantage is that we have knowledge of the future and a bit of knowledge from the past. Other than that, nothing at all. If this Evil God noticed the Pear-y Fruit, no doubt that he will assign task to his cult to eliminate everything related to Pear-y Fruit. By the way, is the Evil God a summoner?"

"I don't think so. During the fight with Rama, he didn't summon any monsters. But I believe he still has the knowledge of it." Javier said.

"That mean he has no way of entering Monsters World at the moment. But he can still teach his worshippers who are summoners to do it." Albert thought out loud.

"I think it should be fine. The monsters in that world are generally stronger than monsters in this world. Even if they are the same species, monsters summoned from that world will be stronger. That's why unless those summoners are powerful, I don't think the Evil God will go with anyone to that world. He has to protect his summoners friend instead when he come to that world. I think that's why he only attacked that world after he finished with this world." Javier explained.

"So, the difference between summoners and tamers are basically from where they gained their monsters?" I asked.

"That's one of it. Tamer can tame as many monsters depend on how powerful the tamer is, while summoners needed Pear-y Fruit to be able to summon new monster. Summoned monsters are harder to raise, but when the monsters' level raised, or when the summoner's level raised, the increase of strength is higher than when tamer's monsters. The biggest difference is of course the fact that summoners can open a portal to Monsters World, or wherever his summoned monsters are." Javier said.

Doesn't have powerful summoners meant that he won't be able to enter Monsters World calmly. He has to go there while protecting his summoners friends. So, I guess he must be looking for summoners so he can brainwash them. Probably the easiest way is to find summoners with multiple elements whom has great potential to reach expert level, or even master level. I don't think it's the Archbishop. Although it seems like he trusted the Archbishop, the Archbishop doesn't seem have summoning element from what I heard.

Another thing to consider is another world where Victoria and Javier's first master, Mario come from. There's a possibility that someone from the cult is also from that world.

Just from how Javier's first master, Mario able to be the strongest mage in his time, and from everything that Victoria know, if the Evil God had someone like that, even if it was in the past and said person already dead, the knowledge this Evil God learned from person from another world will be dangerous. Maybe this Evil God is actually someone from that world. That would be bad.

The knowledge of that world is far too advanced than knowledge of this world. Maybe I should ask Victoria to teach me more about what everyone in that world learned. At least just the common knowledge should be better than nothing. She should know about the common knowledge, right? I hope she won't teach us about the bad thing in that world. Like her hobby or her hobby.

Well, if she wants to enjoy her hobby, that's fine as long as she doesn't bother anyone. She has tried to spread that virus to other girls and even published novel which is quite well perceived. That is fine, but she can not use me as the model!

After that, Javier continued answering Albert's question. I have done finished asking since all I'm curious about has been answered. Well, most of them. So, I let Albert get his turn. Sonia seems to have some question as well.

While they are having some Q&A session, I was there sitting while thinking on how to get even stronger. Just Sonia's and Victoria's advices alone doesn't seem to be enough to learn more about my Aura ability. And the fact that I'm not really motivated must be the biggest issue. Well, can't do anything about motivation. I'll take care of that part slowly.

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After Albert and Sonia finished asking questions, Javier turns at me.

"Roy, you are by far the least talented mage that have ever summoned me."

"I don't need you to remind me that!"

"But with my- with Victoria's new ability she gained from you leveling up into intermediate level, you should be able to get even stronger. Although you have muscles, you used your head better now than in your previous life. Your death must have so traumatizing for you." Javier said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get to the point. You're trying to tell me about Victoria's new ability, right?"

"Yeah. Her new ability is… Cloning. She can make as many clones as she wants, but other than the main body, all the other clones doesn't have any intellect. You can say that they are all Blobby."

"AWESOME! Wait! Does that mean crafting some light armor was useless?"

"No. You still need them so your Divine Vision can improve. You can't use magic or have someone helped you next time you encounter All-Seeing Eye."

"Does that mean you know where to find them?" I grabbed Javier's shoulder and shook him.

"Yes. In Monsters World at least. I have told Victoria where to find them once you entered, and also where you can find Pear-y Fruit. You can ask her once you have entered that world. Oh, I also told her several powerful monsters which might be good for you to make a contract with. You can also ask her that."

"Great! Thank you very much for everything! We'll try our best to save the world!"

After giving us some more advices, Javier's human form turned into a blob like a normal slime. Then it turned into a female human form. Victoria must have returned.

"Welcome back!"

"It's nice to be back."

There are a lot more to do, but for now, we need to get some rest. Tomorrow, I'll have some discussion with Albert on what to do.

Then Victoria said that she has something to discuss with Sonia, so she left me a clone of slime to turn into Blobbybed! This is awesome!

I asked what they are going to discuss, and Victoria said that it was something that I forgot to ask Javier. It's not important to me, but it's necessary to inform Sonia.

She will tell me about it if she thought I needed to know. I'll just ask her tomorrow if everything is okay.

Chapter 200 - Experimenting With Victoria's Clones

The day after Javier gone, we gathered together again when Albert is not busy. It's about what I forgot to ask, but Victoria asked Javier about it.

"So, Rama wrote that story about you, from another Aura user who can see the past?"

"Yes. That's what Javier told me. He made the Evil God as the hero in the first book because at the time of the publishing, stories about anti-hero protagonist won't be able to be released. Everyone wanted to be a hero. If people started to have a dream about becoming an anti-hero or villain, it will be bad for the kingdom that he just built." Victoria explained how the Evil God became a hero in Rama's book.

Now that I thought about it, there are too many plot holes I forgot to ask Javier! And now that he's gone, I will never know about them! How can I be so stupid!

"What about that Aura user who can see the past?"

"Javier said that she and Rama went to fight the Evil God together. Then she left looking for the Evil God after his power is sealed. She told Rama that she's going to kill the Evil God before something happened again. Looking at the present, we can tell that she failed to kill the Evil God. Maybe she never found him?"

"And you spoke to Sonia about it last night?"

"Yeah. Just informing her on how in the story, the author seems to know about us."

"And Sonia forgot to ask about it to Javier? I thought I'm supposed to be the forgetful one."

An Aura ability that lets you know about the past… that's really useful. But it's kind of scary.

Aura user will gain new ability from what they desired in their heart. That mean that person who can see the past truly desire to see something in the past. What is it that made her want to do that?

Everyone want to see the past, but for that person to truly desire it from within her heart, there must be something happened. Though I won't ever know about it. I guess I'll forget about it.

"But it's good that everything that we learned are the most important parts. Now we need to discuss about the future instead of the past." Albert said.

"Like I said, we need to find other ancient magic items. There should be something we can use against the Evil God. And he should have told some members of his cult to do that as well. To enters Dungeons and Ruins so they can find magic items for themselves. Just like how they disguising themselves as weak mages to enters dungeons." I said.

"You mean back when you found that fishnet stocking?" Victoria asked.

"Now that you mentioned it, I heard that there's a Living Armor who wears fishnet stocking. That Living Armor is the one responsible in killing the Giant Salamander."

I noticed Albert is grinning at me. He must have thought of teasing me. I won't let him have his fun.

"I feel pretty sexy at the time. Wanna try wearing it?"

"…no thanks."

It has been a long time since the accident, so I'm quite cool with saying it. But I don't want to wear them again. That Fishnet stocking, I already returned it to Sophie. Though she said that anyone can wear it if they want.

"Basically, what we do won't be changed. We'll try to find anything that can be used against the cult and that Evil God. Sonia, try to contact Veronica if there are any summoners who are close with the Evil God, or the Archbishop."

"Last time I met her was a few days ago. She said that she's traveling to another country, so I might not be able to meet her until she says it's clear. She will call me when she arrives." Sonia said.

"Which country?" Albert asked.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me. But she said that the cult is trying to spread their belief to the people of that country. Which probably means that that country is still safe from the cult."

"I see. I'll try to contact other kings and leaders of their countries and tell them about the cult. We might be able to stop the cult before they spread to the higher ups of other countries. It will be terrible if any of the kings have joined the cult." Albert said.

I guess that's it for the discussion about the future. Now for another important thing…



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"Victoria, try to make clones as much as you can."

"You want to try it here?"


Soon, the room is filled with black slimes. She can make this many? It's a lot!

"I think there are roughly a hundred of my clones. Like Javier said, they don't have intellect, but can still follow your order like Blobby. They are group of Blobbies!"

Blobbies? What a funny name.

I grabbed one Blobby and try to transform it into an armor. But it's too small and just barely able to cover my face.

Then I had the Blobbies to gather around me and turns into the armor I used during the stampede. Not all of them gathered around me, but just about twenty of them.

"Wait wait wait! Do that again!" Victoria suddenly said.


"Do that again! But this time, say 'Transform!' while making a pose!" Victoria said.


She has so many things that she wants to fulfil. Just what is up with her world?

But I still do it anyway. It seems fun.

So, I did it again, and dozens of Blobbies surround me.


And made a pose with my arms spread open to left and right, and I raised my left foot as well.

And I…transformed into a clown. A clown in all black.

"Why a clown!? Why not that armor before!? It was cooler with the armor!" Victoria asked angrily.

"This is way funnier. Look at this belly! So fluffy! Touch it."

Of course, the clown I transformed into is that in the form of Clarence. The fat clown. Using Blobbies, I got even fatter. Unfortunately, the color is all black. What kind of clown wearing all black? Clown should have worn something bright colored.

Then Victoria, and even Albert, touching my huge belly.

"Oh, this is so fluffy indeed. Wait! This is not what I want!" Victoria shouted angrily.

"How many months is it, Ma'am?" Albert asked.

"8 month. The due date is soon." I said jokingly.

"Don't play around, you two fools!" It was Marie who told us to stop.

I guess I shouldn't go any further. She must be jealous seeing her husband touching someone else's belly.

Marie is here with Lana in her arms, and Alan is being carried by Ian. Both few months old babies are looking at me happily.


"Au gyaha! Pleb! Ha!"

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"Wait! Did Lana just spoke her first word!? And that is not something I want a baby to say as her first word! Even more, from a royalty!"

Did I hear it correctly? Lana just said 'Pleb' at me and laughed? I'm fine with being laughed at, but who the hell taught her that word?

"Lana? That's just a random word, right? You didn't actually say something, right?" Albert looked at Lana worriedly.

Albert and I were the only ones worrying about Lana's first word, while the others are laughing.

"Come on, Lana! Say, Dada!" Albert said.

"No! Say, 'You have failed me, father'." I said.

"That's too difficult for a baby to say!"

"But you didn't deny that, right?"

While we both arguing, Lana spoke again.

"Pleb! Ahaha! Pleb!"

"Lana! No! You can't say that word!" Albert shouted.

"Pleb pleb."

This time, the voice is coming from the baby Ian carried.

"Even Alan? Please say Dada or Mama like normal babies!" Albert begged

And today is marked as the day that both babies spoke their first word. Let's pretend that I didn't hear anything. No babies said anything about plebian.

"Anyway, let's continue the experiment. Have four Blobbies spread into four corners of the room."

After hearing my order, four Blobbies moved toward each corner of the room. I had them on standby there.

"What are you trying to do, Roy?" Victoria asked.


Then I used my summoning magic to make a portal. Since the blobbies are the clones of my own summoned monster, I hope that I will be able to open up a portal to each of them if they are separated. This way, I can move quickly to another location using portal.

Then, as I hoped, two portals appear in the room. One is in front of me who is still wearing my clown transformation, and another is in front of the Blobby that I targeted.

Then I quickly jumped into the portal and I appear in the location where the other portal is.

"Is that… the portal that summoners can use to travel to Monsters World?" Albert asked.

"Yes. And by using my clones, Roy is able to make a portal to travel in this world. I guess that's what he wanted to do." Victoria said.

"That's right, but I still need more experiment." I said while making portal and transported to different corner of the room.

Then I grabbed the Blobby in that corner and try to rip it in half.

Unlike the real black slime which is immortal, the clone is able to take damage and got destroyed. But it was still able to endure when I tried ripping it in half. I can only do it when I put a little bit of Aura. But that mean even the clones are quite strong.

"…are you planning to give a clone to us just like Sonia's accessories?" Albert said. He is sharp indeed.

"Right. This way, I can travel to a lot of places. But the mana consumption is quite high. I don't think I'll be able to do it anymore today. I'm tired. I'll go back to my room today. See you tomorrow."

Having been exhausted, I return to the guest's room in the palace and slept as soon as I lie on the bed. Making a portal is good, but it was too exhausting.

Chapter 201 - Taking Care Of Spies In The Palace

I wake up when it's time for dinner. Good thing that everyone in the palace are people Albert trust. They are fine seeing a commoner like me entering anywhere inside the palace. Other than some places which are restricted to men. Though I can see them with my Divine Vision.

I entered the dining hall and the dinner is already prepared. And as usual, Mustache and Ian refused to join us in the table.

"You're not going to join, Mustache?" I asked Mustache.

"No. No matter what, I'm still his majesty's guard. And I already have my dinner." Mustache answered.

"Don't you have any time to cultivate or practice? Getting stronger is important, you know? Even more in this current time."

"Don't worry. Whenever I'm not guarding his majesty, I always used that time to practice and cultivate. As his majesty's guard, I have to be stronger than anyone."

"I see. Suit yourself. Anyway, you seem to have become comfortable with being called Mustache now." I asked.

"Yes. Thanks to this Mustache, his highness Alan feel secure whenever I'm around. And I think her highness Lana feels the same way as well."

Just as soon as Mustache spoke, the twin babies shouted something.


"Ahaha! Pleb!"

"…seem to me that they are making fun of you." I said after hearing what the babies are saying.

"…doesn't matter. I'll keep being Mustache for a while longer."

After chatting for a while with Mustache, I took a seat on the opposite side of Albert and eat the dishes that has been prepared while they are still warm. Well, from my experience, whether the food is warm or not, anything Ian cooked is delicious. But they are tastier when they are warm.

"So, what will you do now?" Albert asked me after we finished our dinner while Ian and the maids cleaning up the table.

Is it just me or that maid showing her cleavage at me on purpose?

When she made an eye contact at me, she winked. I guess it was on purpose.

"By the way, who's this maid? First time I see this one." I asked.

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"Hmm? No. We haven't hired any new maid or servant inside the palace." Albert said.

Hearing that, I understand what's going on. Albert also smiled at me.

It has only been a few hours since I exhaust my mana using portal, but during that short period of time, he actually reduced the security inside the palace and make it easy for spies to enter. Then when I wake up, I will be the one to take care of them.

Just what has been going on in the past few hours?

Anyway, this maid is a spy. Or more like, this man is disguising himself as a female maid with fake boobs to enter the palace. I wonder where's the real maid is.

I looked around to see if there are any other spies before capturing this fake maid. And there are only one other spy hiding in near the window. If it's me, I can easily capture them. Should I?

"Albert, there are two unknown people here. Should I capture them dead? Or alive?" I asked Albert who is still calm despite telling him that there are spies.

Seeing how calm the other was, I know that this is something they prepared already.

"Capture them alive. Or dead if you can't. Those spies are already here, right? They already see Lana, so I can't let them free." Albert said.


Then I grabbed Victoria who is already there, and make clones of her.

I transformed her cones into a whip, and swung it at the fake maid.

The fake maid was shocked that I tied her… him out of nowhere. He tried to use magic, but I kicked him toward Mustache to let him restrain this fake maid.

It's great using clones. I can still have other weapon, while letting some clones turned into a rope to restrain that fake maid. I can also use clones as bullets from now on! That mean I can improve my summoning level and gain Experience by shooting enemies!

Blobby's cloning skill is perfect for me!

After capturing the fake maid, I quickly change my target to the one hiding near the window. There's a hidden passage there. I don't know how he knew about it, but that's where he is at the moment.

Thinking that he's safe, he chose to stay still until I opened the hidden door to the passage easily, and grabbed him and threw him to where the fake maid is.

So easy.

"Just two of them." I said.

"Thanks, Roy. Good that you're here. By the way, the real maid is safe and she's with Sonia at the moment." Albert said calmly.

"Hah! So, you are indeed using me freely while I'm still here! Well, I need a reward."

"I'll transfer some money to your card later." Albert said.

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Then I returned to my seat along with Victoria in her human form. Sonia also soon appear with us.

"These two will be undergoing some questioning. I doubt they are from the cult. The cult is busy at the moment because their stampede failed. They are either from noble who are hostile to me, or spy from another kingdom." Albert said.

"I don't care about them. Do whatever you want with them." I said.

"I will. It's a good thing that we reduce the security only a few hours during the time you take a nap. They don't have the time to send messages to their boss. Now, back to what I'm saying. What will you do now?"

"I'll go prepare myself to go to Monsters World and get myself a new summon. After that, I'll go to other cities and lend our friends some Blobbies. I think this information is too important for those two spies. Are you sure it's fine for them to hear it?" I asked while pointing my finger to the two spies who are being tied with a real rope by Mustache at the moment. After he finished tying them up, I ordered those Blobbies to disappear, and Poof! They're gone. So simple.

"Don't worry about them. They can only choose to die, or join us as our ally. I'll be the one taking care of the interrogation."

If Albert is taking care of the interrogation, then no matter how good they are in lying, Albert will find out about it. He might just ask some yes or no questions. That way it will be easier for him to get something out of these two spies.

Oh, right!

"Albert, do you have any Magic Restriction Collar?" I asked.

"Hmm? Although it was made that those things are forbidden, we actually have lots of them for the prisoners on death sentence or sentenced for life. We don't want them to cause any trouble after all. What do you want with them?"

"I want a some of them. They are quite useful when encountering someone with a lot of information. Though unlike you, I will have a harder time interrogating."

Though I can't detect lies as good as Albert, I can see other person's heartbeat. But if they are good in lying, I won't be able to tell if they spoke the truth or not from their heartbeat.

"Sure. I'll give some to you. But remember that those things are forbidden. If anyone finds out that you have them, it's considered a crime just to owning some of those. I think you'll be fine in Melk or Mellian since the captains of the guards are your friends, but still be careful. Just possessing those things will guarantee you to wore them during your time in prison… though it will be fine for you."

"Haha! There's no prison that can contain me!" I said proudly.

Then I turned my head to Ian who is quietly watching us.

"Ian, you can go back to Cassau. And bring some Blobbies with you. I'll try going back via portal. I wonder if distance matter in making a portal?"

"I think it will be fine. After all, summoner can make a portal to Monsters World which is basically another world. I don't think distance matter." It was Victoria who answered.

"Ian, you can go back tomorrow since it's already dark. And since we're in no hurry, you can take your time flying. Just contact Sonia once you're there."

Then I threw a Blobby at him which transformed into a wristband on Ian's arm.

"A wristband?" Ian asked.

"Yes. Although they don't have intellect, they are still following my orders. I make it so that any Blobbies I give out will protect the people I give them to. Now you will have protection against physical attacks. If they ever get destroyed, contact me again so I can give you another one. Oh, you can think of them as a piece of accessory that you can wear and take off whenever you want."

"They are pretty useful. I'll take care of this one well." Ian said with a smile on his face.

If I give them out to everyone, I will still have enough for me alone in case Victoria is not with me. Just turning them into an armor need dozens of Blobbies.

I hope like Victoria said, these Blobbies allow me to make portal no matter how far the distance is.

Chapter 202 - Learning About Advanced Technologies

The next day after I captured the two spies, we send Ian off as he's returning to Cassau.

"Roy. We're not going back yet, so what are we doing here?" Victoria asked.

"Learning. Albert, you free today, right?"

"Yeah. You told me to clear my schedule for today. What are we going to do?" Albert asked.

Then I looked at Victoria who is confused as well.

"Victoria will teach us about technology from her world, while you will record anything useful and discuss them with researchers. Javier told us about some methods that his first master, Mario did to became the strongest mage at the time, right? And he's supposedly came from the same world as Victoria. I hadn't asked you before, but what do you know about anything Javier taught us? Some of them are something I don't understand." I asked Victoria.

"Oh! I understand what you want to do! What Javier told you is some method to improve the use of magic. Like using air to make flame bigger that I have told you about by changing the properties of the air in the area. Then to make ice frozen for longer, using another element as support, those are actually something everyone from my world should have learned. They are common knowledge to us. Well, for that Mario, I think he is talented as a mage as well. At least as good as Angela." Victoria said.

"That mean you understand some of it, right? By the way, why didn't you become a powerful mage in the past if you have such knowledge?"

"Oh, I just thought that using Aura is cooler. I was also too lazy to cultivate. And when I gained ability to fly, I choose to travel around the world instead of improving myself. And then I died. I regret that I didn't put enough effort."

…she's lazy and I'm lazy. We're perfect for each other.

The biggest difference is that she knows what she's lacking and that's why she thought of escaping when fighting against the Evil God, but die anyway, while I die because of overconfidence while not knowing what I'm lacking.

Yep! I'm stupid!

"What about the training camp? I think it's better to talk about knowledge from my world when everyone is here. Miguel, Kron, Hill, Oleg, Wendy and even other agents can learn as well. Maybe we'll arrange it so that not just us, even those in Melk and Mellian can come as well. It's a training for all of us. And to make it so that everyone knows each other. Who knows if there will be a day where everyone will gather in one place to fight?" Victoria suggested.

"That… is a good idea! Let's do that! I have a good place for that after you informed me about it. Though since you have portal already, it will be easier for us to meet." Albert agreed to Victoria's suggestion.

"Though as you can see from yesterday, I can only use portal a few times. The mana consumption is great only when opening the portal. For maintaining, closing, and when someone is entering the portal, the mana consumption is not big. But I can only use it five times max at the moment." I said.

"Don't worry about that. I'll provide you with as many Mana Potions as you want."

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"That bitter drink? I often heard in my past life from my patients that those drink are much more bitter than the medicine I gave them. And I agree to that. I don't want to drink them if possible."

"Don't you know? If you mix honey with them, it will be easier to drink. Honey doesn't change the effect of Mana Potions, so many experienced hunters mixed honey with Mana Potions. That's also what I did in the past before my father passed away and I became the king. I would go on a quest, and drunk Mana Potions like water."

"Why doesn't anyone know about that!? That's an important information! In my past life, there are no healer in the village where I opened my clinic. When they are wounded, they would come to me. They would say that they rather die than drinking Mana Potions! If this information spread, we can save more lives!" I said.

"…I'll get someone to spread the rumor. The one who taught me this was my senior hunter. He died about two years ago. I guess he died before telling everyone about it."

Too many people died in my clinic because they chose to not drink Mana Potions even though they have it. Villagers would knock on the door to my clinic and brought hunters who are on a quest nearby. But it was too late when they were brought to my clinic. Before they died, they would say something like how they regretted that they didn't drunk the Mana Potions. That's how I had a lot of Mana Potions in my past life.

"Then we have taken care of how we will go there. It's a private island owned by me, the king. The island is safe from monsters, but there are several islands nearby with a lot of monsters. We can go there during the camp." Albert said.

"That mean I have to go there and left some Blobbies in that island, and I have to go to Mellian and Melk to get other guys as well. What a pain."

In the end, I still have too many things to do even during this break. As long as it makes us stronger, it's fine.

"Then about knowledge of technology from my world…" Victoria about to continue when Albert stopped her.

"Wait! If it's about research, let's talk with Marie. She's a genius researcher. She's on hiatus from researching because of our children. But she will return to do research soon. How about it, Marie?" Albert asked his wife who is taking care of the twins while sitting on the sofa.

"Sure. I'm also curious about these so-called advanced technologies from Victoria's world." Marie said.

I never know about Marie being a researcher. Her burden because of delivering only the crown prince at that time was so huge that she became mentally unstable. Good thing she is fine now. And that mean we also have a researcher as well.

"You seem enthusiast in returning to your lab. Is something the matter?" Albert asked Marie.

"Yes. After the twins were born, I thought that I don't have to go back to my research since my children is more important than any research. But after hearing more and more about the cult, and how dangerous the future is, I don't want to let my children to grow to fight in the war. But I don't have the power to defeat the cult. All I have is my knowledge and my research. Then hearing about how advanced the technologies from Victoria's world, I thought that this might be the way for me to join. I also hope to reduce the burdens on Albert's shoulder." Marie said.

"You always think of me? Oh, Marie…"


The two husband and wife hugging each other with their kids in the middle.

"Excuse me, but I'm curious about Victoria's world. Can you stop hugging and continue on the pressing matter?" Sonia said.

What the hell is this succubus saying? For someone who wanted to be loved so much, she sure hates to see other people being happy.

There's only one thing to show Sonia.

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"Victoria!" I shouted Victoria's name.

Surprised being called suddenly, she looked at me and realize my intention. Then she opens her arms and shouting my name as well.


We ran to each other and when we get close, Victoria jumped at me. I hugged her with all my might.

Although we did it just to piss off the succubus ghost, still, bonus point on romance for me. I don't think I ever hugged anyone this tight before. Though I can do it with Victoria since she can endure it.

"Why are you two also hugging!? You're doing it just to make fun of me, right!?" Sonia shouted.

""You are correct!""

Both Victoria and I answered together.

"Fuck you!"

She doesn't like it when she's the only one who is not hugging anyone. Well, she's a ghost after all.

Oh, wait! Mustache is also here! He must be jealous as well.

"Mustache!" I released Victoria from my arms and charged at Mustache.

"Wait, no! No No No! I'm not hugging any men!" Mustache stopped me from hugging him. But there's another person who can hug him.

"Miguel!" It was Victoria trying to hug him.

Am I fine with my girl hugging other men? The answer is no. But it's Victoria I'm talking about.

Mustache accepted Victoria's hug, but just before Victoria hugged him, she turned her form and changed to look like… Hill. It was too late for him to dodge it.

"No! Revert back to your female form! Please!"

"Haha! Pleb!" Lana shouted happily.

She keeps saying pleb again and again. And I think I saw Sonia last night trying to teach her to say 'Bad influence'. There's no way a baby can say those words! More importantly, why is she trying to teach a baby those words? She's not going to say that while pointing at me, right?

After this short moment of fun, we return back to the topic. We spend the rest of the day listening to technologies from Victoria's world, and many questions from Marie.

…I don't understand most of them.

Chapter 203 - Return To Cassau Using Portal

Both Albert and I, left Marie and Victoria talking about technologies from Victoria's world. One reason for that is because I don't quite understand what they're saying. Another reason is because Victoria would sometime say something like how a certain technology can makes it easier for her to enjoy her hobbies. She's still trying to rope more people in with her hobbies. So, I just talked with Albert while those two are busy.

"So, when should I start to put some Blobbies for the all around the place? Let's see… the private island for the training camps, Melk, Mellian, and obviously Cassau. Then the capital, I already gave you, Marie, and Mustache each one Blobby."

"Thanks for that. Can these Blobbies turned into anything I want just like Victoria?" Albert asked me about the Blobbies.

"They lack intellect but can still follow order. I already gave them order to obey the people they are attached to, and also to protect them from physical attack. You can test if Your Blobby can turn into a key in case you got captured by enemy. As for the protection, let's find out if it's working by punching you." I said as I pulled my back my fist so I can throw a punch at Albert.

"Wait, no! Anyone but you!"

Albert tried to stop me, but he failed. My fist is getting closer and closer to his face. But the Blobby on him suddenly moved from where it was before, to Albert's face and formed a shield to stop my punch.

"Haa… luckily, it works. What would happen if it doesn't work, you idiot!?" Albert shouted.

Mustache who is watching our interaction from the sideline also panicked when he saw me throw a punch at Albert. He's a good guard.

"If it doesn't work, obviously your face will get hit. Bruise or black eye is normal when you get punched in the face. Anyway, I can't tell if it works or not. I might have unconsciously told the Blobby on you to protect your face from getting hit. Let's have someone else to hit your face." I gave another suggestion to Albert.

"Why does it have to be my face getting punched!? Miguel! Come here!"

"Umm… no, sir. I also don't want to get punched for no reason." For the first time since I met him, this is the first time Mustache disobeyed Albert's order.

It means…

"Punishment time!"

I grabbed a wooden chair nearby, and swung it at Mustache. The Blobby with him blocked the chair, and the chair got destroyed as a result. Only leaving two of the chair's legs on each of my hands.

"Why did you do that!? And why did you use a chair!"

"Punishing you for disobeying Albert, and testing the Blobby if it can protect you." I replied calmly.

"Didn't you just say that we can't tell if you're the one hitting!?" Mustache asked angrily.

"Then I guess I'll do it."

Albert then grabbed a wooden leg chair from my hand and swung it at Mustache's face. So barbaric this king is.

And just like before, the Blobby with Mustache blocked the attack and the wooden leg chair broken in half. Albert didn't even hold back his strength if it breaks like that.

"… Your Majesty?"

"What is it, my loyal guard?"

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"Why did you do that!? What if it doesn't work!?"

"But it does works." Albert replied calmly.

"I mean… AAARGH! It's all his fault! Because of him, Your Majesty's mind is corrupted!"

Mustache suddenly pointed his index finger at me. Why is it suddenly my fault?

"I didn't corrupt anyone. Albert already has the talent to piss people off from the beginning. I just pushed him a little." I said.

"Your Majesty! You shouldn't interact too much with that person! He's a bad influence for Your Majesty, the queen, your children, and even the kingdom!" Mustache said to Albert.

"You see, Miguel? I need a little… bad thing in my life, okay?" Albert replied.

"But it doesn't have to be him!"

While the three of us talking, I can hear Victoria, Sonia, and Marie shift the topic from research to us.

"What are they doing?" Marie asked.

"Just boys doing boy things." Sonia replied.

"In my world, there's a saying about boys will always be boys. They never really grow up. Only their toys getting bigger." Victoria said as she told the girls about saying from her world.

That… is pretty much accurate.

"Albert, you haven't answered my question yet. Should I go all over the place right away?"

After playing around for a while, I asked again.

"Hmm… Victoria can recall any of her clones, right?"

"Yes. She did that after I experimenting with the portal. All the disappeared clones returned to her." I replied as I remembered the event before I went to take a nap yesterday.

"Can she select which of her clones to return to her body?"

"Hmm? Victoria?"

I asked Victoria since I didn't know about it.

"I can sense where my clones are as long as I concentrated. If I want to, I can recall any clones far from me back to my body. Though I don't think there's a reason to do that." Victoria answered for me.

"That is useful in case the enemy captured one of the Blobbies. My plan is to mail to several location with your clones attached to the letter. It's just in case those letters are missing or the messenger got robbed by bandits. This way we don't need to have Roy travel all around the kingdom." Albert said.

"That is a good idea. Now I just need to focus on getting stronger." I said.

"Yeah. That's why you don't have to worry about anything else. I want the training camp to begin at least after you make a contract with a new monster. With your new monster, we can also hope for a good battle experience by sparring."

"I see. I'll try to scout the Monsters World first for a few days. I will start looking for a monster to make a contract with as soon as I can walk ten steps using Air Steps. Ten steps should be enough to escape to safety."

Just six more steps and I can reach ten steps.

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Wait! I just think of that technique as a way for me to walk or run mid-air! I shouldn't have done that!

Four steps should already be enough already. As long as I don't step on them as if I'm running. But more like leaping or jumping. That way, four steps should allow me to get further.

But improving the numbers is a good idea as well. I think I'll practice until I can take one or two more steps. This technique needs a more skilled air mage to do it. I need to reach Intermediate level faster.

I'll practice for another week or two and then scout the Monsters World before I look for a monster. I think that should be enough to gain another step in my Air Steps.

The next morning after breakfast, Sonia joins our table to inform us that Ian has reached home.

"He just informed me about it. He said he has returned last night, but he doesn't want to bother you to return right away. So, he told me to inform you after breakfast." Sonia said.

"That's okay. Tell him that I'll open up a portal soon. Once he's ready, inform me right away. Victoria, can you sense your clone in Cassau?"

I asked Victoria as Sonia disappear to Cassau.

"Yes. I can feel the presence of my clone in that direction."

Victoria pointed her finger to where Cassau is located.

If she can sense her clone, with our connection as master and contracted monster, I can also sense Blobby's location. I'll try to use that as a guide to where I should open my portal from now on.

"They are ready." Sonia returns and informed me right away.

"Wait! I'll come with you. Though I need you to return me before dinner since Albert will be lonely." Marie suddenly said she wanted to join us. Well, I don't mind though.

"Marie! Why would you follow a guy like him!?"

"And why are you making it as if she's having an affair with me!?" I shouted back at Albert.

"Well, if I know more about portal, I might get something from it for my research. It's okay, right? I'll be back before dinner after all." Marie said.

After receiving permission from Albert, Marie will be coming with us. Along with the twins.

After everyone is ready, I opened up a portal by concentrating on the presence of Blobby in Cassau. And it works!

The portal opened and we can see Ian, Ruby, and the others as well. Seems like they wanted to see if they can travel to the capital as much as they want from now on. Especially Shirley.

"Alright, Albert. We'll be going now. Since we know how useful the Blobbies are, I want you to buy a property in the capital so I can come back here any time I want."

"What about the palace?"

"You want people to see an unknown commoner going in and out the palace however he wants?"

"I'll get you a house as soon as possible. How about Ian's house?" Albert asked Ian who is on the other side of the portal who is receiving Marie and her babies who just entered the portal.

"I'm fine with that. It's not a big house though." Ian answered.

"That's fine. Here, another Blobby for you to put in Ian's place." I threw a Blobby at Albert and entered the portal.

And to not waste anymore mana, I closed the portal immediately even though Albert wanted to say something. Well, that doesn't matter.

After returning, I informed Kayla and the others what I learned from Javier. Then in the evening before dinner, I returned Marie and Alan to the palace. I think she will come here more often since I can use portal.

Now for the next schedule, I will go find another monster to contract. I wonder what kind of monster will it be? I hope it's a powerful one I can communicate with.

Chapter 204 - Entering Monsters World

Two weeks has passed since I returned from the capital. I think I'm ready to scout the Monsters World now.

I practiced a lot and I managed to have more steps for my Air Steps. Just like I thought, being able to take several steps for running and leaping are different. Now I can take seven steps mid-air, and when I leaped forward, I can roughly reach 1 km in distance. Much better than if I'm running.

My portal is very useful. I can go back and forth to the capital easily. Some Blobbies Albert sent has arrived to their destination, and I have greeted those in Melk and Mellian. As for other cities, I don't know anyone there.

And when I travelled to Melk with portal, Ms. Wendy was just preparing to call Sonia to inform us about our graduation.

"Roy. You, Kayla, and Angela can visit the school anytime you want to receive your graduation degree. It took a while but you can finally graduate." Ms. Wendy said.

"What about Ms. Wendy? Are you going to continue being a teacher?"

I asked Ms. Wendy if she will stay as a teacher or not. With her strength and knowledge, she can choose any job she wants. Though I think she will stay as the kingdom's secret agent while performing any kind of job.

"I will continue my teaching job. Although it won't probably be in Melk. I have told Candy about this before that I wanted to be a teacher after everything is over. Though I doubt it will be over soon. So, I wanted to be a spy who play as a teacher. Or maybe professor if I'm to be assigned to teach higher education. That's why I'm curious about what Javier taught you. I'll wait patiently for the training camp so quickly get a monster already."

That's what Ms. Wendy told me when I visited her.

As for Oleg's case:

"When the training camp is ready, contact me right away. I'll bring several people I trust with me. And can I bring my wife as well?"

"Sure. The queen enjoys talking with other girls. And as a fellow wife, they have something in common." I replied.

"My wife is one month pregnant. She's quite afraid of what to expect during pregnancy. Having other mothers with her would be great. She doesn't have much friends in Melk."

"Really? Congrats on being a father!" I congratulated Oleg.

"Thanks. Is it okay to bring so many people?" Oleg asked.

"Don't worry. Albert will be there to tell everyone to keep the training camp as secret. Those who lie will be killed. As for me, I'll try to see if there are anyone with HGB in their mouth. No traitor will survive the training camp."

"…I'm having second thought of getting my wife there hearing you say killing so lightly."

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That's what happened when I visited Oleg.

As for Hill and Kron who is visiting Mellian:

"Training camp!? I'll join!" Kron agreed to join right away.

"This portal is really useful. I'll be sure to treat this Blobby as our child. You are free to visit whenever you want."

I got a chill hearing that from Hill.

"I'll be sure to visit more often!" That's what Victoria said.

As for me, "I won't come back! We will only contact each other using Sonia! I'll only open the portal when it's important!"

And then I left quickly.

Then today, it's finally the day when I will scout the Monsters World for a while. I'll just go there for a few hours, then go back. I have no plan in looking for a monster to make a contract with today.

I have sent Victoria yesterday to find a safe location for me to enter. She told me to open up a portal 12 hour after I sent her. There might be difference in time between the two worlds, is what she said.

It will be the time soon for me to open the portal. I made sure that I filled my belly before I go and take some supply. I also left a Blobby in my room so I can open a portal there where I put all my belonging.

When summoners open up a portal to Monsters World, the location the portal will appear is random. Unless their contracted monster is there. If the contracted monster is in Monsters World, summoners can make a portal to where their monster is located. And it's safer that way as well.

But when summoners open up a portal from that world to this world, they will automatically open a portal right to where they were before entered the portal. Unless they also have a contracted monster in this world as well.

I should be able to do it as long as Victoria can sense a connection to Blobby in my room. And even now, if I'm focusing my connection with Victoria, I can sense her even when she's in different world. And for the last few hours, she doesn't move from her spot. She must be in a safe place then.

Finally, it's time. Since everyone is curious about the Monsters World and want to take a peek, I will open the portal in the first floor instead of my own room.

Everyone already waiting for me to open a portal. Now that I'm ready, complete with my new armguards and shin guards, I opened a portal in front of everyone.

The oval shaped portal appears in front of me. I can alter how big the portal will be, but since it consumes more mana and I will be the only one entering it, the portal is just big enough for me alone to enter.

When everyone saw the Monsters World, everyone is silent because there's one thing come to mind after seeing what's in front of us. And Angela is the one who breaks the silence.

"That… is that a dragon's corpse?"

"Yes. Though it's just a skeleton now."

The one who answered is Victoria from the other side.

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"What the hell happened?" This time I'm the one asking Victoria.

"Who knows? But seeing skeleton of dragon or any other powerful monsters are common in this world. I choose this location because when we're near the proximity of this skeleton, no weak monsters dare to go nearby, which makes this place safe." Victoria replied.

Well, I can't just stand there and watch. I have to go before I'm out of mana. I need to save it so I can return home. Although I am bringing some Mana Potions, I can't waste my mana just to watch a skeleton of a dragon.

"Well then, I'll be going. Be back in few hours." I entered the portal and as soon as I'm in the Monsters World, I closed the portal.

I didn't notice it before because the appearance of the dragon's skeleton is too shocking, but it seems that it's night at the moment in Monsters World. Just like Victoria said.

"Victoria, where should we go now?" I asked.

"Wherever you want. We're just here to experience what this world is like, right? Just go anywhere you want and fight the monsters here."

"Then can you show me the way to where we could find Pear-y Fruit? Javier told you where it's located, right?"

"I know where to go. Although Javier told me about where I could find them, I used to explore this area before you summoned me. I didn't understand why I would go exploring, but now after hearing from Javier I understand that it was everyone's idea to go exploring. And by everyone, I mean Javier, me, and other consciousness inside Blobby."

"How many consciousness were there?" I asked.

"I don't know. I forget."

"I see. Don't mind it."

"Of course I mind! Don't you see that we are the perfect partner? A slime who loss her memory and a man wit terrible memory. We're such a perfect couple!" Victoria said proudly.

"And you're proud of that!?"

Even when she's the closest person to me, I still have difficulty understanding her.

"Roy, the location of where we can find the Pear-y Fruit is over there. It's quite far, so I suggest you to use your Air Steps." Victoria pointed her finger to where I can find the fruits, and then she transformed into a sword.

It's not that I want to use sword, but sword is the most all-rounder weapon I can use. And I expect that we will encounter a lot of monsters here, so it's a preparation for battle.

"I won't use Air Steps for now. I'll save my mana in case of emergency. For now, I can use my Divine Vision to see and evade monsters."

"Alright. Whatever you want."

I run to the direction Victoria pointed. Even with my Divine Vision, I can't see the Pear-y Fruits yet. They must be quite far. Just like Victoria said.

But I still choose to run on land while evading monsters. Safety is always number one!

If they are monsters I see for the first time, I would change direction and evade them. But if they are monsters like wolves or goblins, I can defeat them easily. Although they are stronger than the same monsters in my world, they are still considered weak here.

I hope I can at least grab one fruit for Lina. Then I'll help her looking for her second monster once she leveled up.

Chapter 205 - Found Pear-y Fruits

"Hey, Victoria?"

"What is it?"

"What about animals? Are there any animal in this Monsters World? Like chicken, cow, sheep, any animals that can be considered as livestock. What about their existence in this world?" I asked.

"Hmm? I don't think I ever see any of them. All I ever saw in this world is monsters. Chicken monsters, cow monsters, everything is monsters."

"Even earthworm?"

"Earthworm? Why ask?"

"Because one is chasing after us from underground! And I see three others following that one!"

"Run faster! Earthworms in this world are no joke! Some of them even have evolved and able to swallow a small island!" Victoria panicked.

This is the first time I see her panicked this much. I guess Earthworm are that dangerous. To think that such a small creature in human world turned into island-eating monster… this world is more dangerous than what I have heard from Victoria.

"I think we'll be fine. I'm faster than them even on land." I said as I tried to calm her down.

"I just don't want to see them! They look disgusting!"

I looked again at the creatures that following me from underground. Victoria is right. They are disgusting. But in my previous life, I see many other disgusting things than Earthworms. I was a surgeon back then and what I see after cutting someone's stomach open… I don't want to talk about that. Parasites are so damn scary…

I hope I won't encounter similar case in this life.

"Oh? Those Earthworms are fighting each other now. I guess we're safe now."

Using my Divine Vision, I see the three Earthworms are attacking each other. The one that has been chasing me this far seem to lost interest in me and fighting the other two Earthworms.

And while the Earthworms are fighting, we are already far away from them that my Divine Vision can't reach them anymore.

Then as we continued marching toward the location where I can find Pear-y Fruit, someone appears next to us.

"Hola amigos!" It was Sonia who appears as she greeted us just like Javier.

"Hola." Victoria replied Sonia's greeting.

"Hola indeed. You can freely come and go between two worlds now?"

"Yes. But it seems that it took some time for me to arrive here although I left as soon as the portal is closed. How long have you guys been here?"

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"About an hour or so."

I told Sonia to try follow us into the Monsters World. Initially, I asked her to come qith Victoria who will get there first, but Victoria says no. She said that there might be monsters that can kill ghosts.

So, I told Sonia to forget that idea. But Sonia insisted in coming as well since she will be useful for communication with everyone in human world. Since she refused to be left behind, I told her to come after I entered that world. I should be able to protect Sonia in some way.

But for monsters to have the ability to kill ghosts… are they also ghosts? That seems to be the most likely answer. Can they communicate with humans? Are they used to be humans? I won't know the answer unless I met them in person.

And if they can attack, that means there should be a way for Sonia to fight, right?

"So, what did I miss?" Sonia asked.

"A great battle between three giant Earthworms." I replied.

"…I don't think I want to see that."

"We're going to get some Pear-y Fruit for Lina. I never thought that it was so far." Victoria said.

Anyway, I continued running to our destination while having a chat. Of course I am still evading places with powerful monsters or if there are too many of them.

"Victoria, in that place where Pear-y Fruit is located, won't there be a lot of monsters? Since I heard that some monsters ate them like regular fruit." I asked Victoria.

"Yes. There should be many kinds of monsters there since that place has a lot of Pear-y Fruits. What about it?" Victoria said.

"What about it? What do you mean what about it!? If I'm going there, won't I just be their target!?"

"Don't worry about it. It has been a long time since the last human entered this world. I think for those monsters, they will only think of you as a new kind of monster. Most of the young monsters shouldn't know about the existence called human."

Oh, right. Since they don't know what a human is, they would think that I'm just another monster looking for the fruit…

"But I will still be attacked, right!? There are even monsters who fighting the same species as they are!"

"Just prepare for battle. It's not like you are not ready for it right? By the way, is today's goal is to harvest some Pear-y Fruits?" Victoria changed the topic.

"Sigh… that's right. After getting some Pear-y Fruits, we'll return. After resting for a few days, we'll go back to this world and that time, we'll be looking for another monster to make a contract with. Do you have any good monsters? One that have intellect and capable of our language."

Since Javier has told Victoria about some useful monsters to make a contract with, we can just go look for them instead of exploring to unknown area. It's faster that way.

"Yeah. Javier told me about many kinds of monsters that you should make a contract with." Victoria said.

"Good. Tell me about that later. It looks like we'll arrive soon."

I can see that there are many Pear-y Fruits hanging on the trees ahead of us, but they are being protected by monkey-like monsters.

Once we get to a good place I think is safe, I stopped. The three of us are looking at the monkey monsters protecting the Pear-y Fruits.

The monkeys are less than a meter tall, with their boss seem to be around 120 cm tall. They have brown fur all around their bodies, a pair of arms which are longer than their legs, and a tail as long as their arm with black color at the tip of their tails.


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"They are called Long-Tailed Monkey. Or just monkey for short. Although they prefer fruits, they are omnivore and extremely territorial. I don't think we can avoid battle." Victoria explained.

"… and you led me to their territory?"

"The only place that I know where we can find Pear-y Fruits is here, alright? I'm immortal so I never care about how dangerous this place is."

"…there are too many of them. And each one of them is very strong. If I get surrounded, it will be over. Let's find an opportunity to steal at least two fruits. One is for Lina, and the other if we can find a solution to grow that fruit in our world. It will be great if I can grab a lot more of them."

I see those monkeys easily lift their own body with just one hand while swinging on the branch. They could even lift their body weight with their tails. And they are quite fast.

I need to find a route where there are less monkeys and grab as many fruits as possible, then open a portal to return right away.

"Well, good luck, Roy. Although I'll be going home first, the one to arrive first might be you. Bye-bye."

And Sonia left us here as she returns home alone. Did she forget that I can just open a portal for her to go home right away instead of being delayed when she teleports between two worlds? I haven't used much magic since I arrive, so I should be able to create a portal two or three more times.

Let's forget about Sonia for now and just get those fruits.

"So, any plan?"

"Run as fast as possible, grab some fruits, then escape to the sky. I'll try to open up a portal mid-air."

Just a simple plan from a simple man. Simple man who can easily leap to the sky,

When I saw the opportunity arrive, I quickly commence my plan.

When I entered their territory, only the closest monkey noticed me. Then I jumped from branch to branch like those monkeys, and that previous monkey already shouted a warning to its allies. Everyone now has noticed a trespasser entering their territory.

Good thing it's still night here. Most of the monkey are still asleep. But they woke up because of the warning and now all of them are chasing me. By the time their leader appears, I already grabbed five fruits.

And now with the leader's appearance, it's time to escape. Using the tree trunk as a step, I jumped to the sky. Then I leaped further with my Air Steps, but I'm still inside their territory. Then I jumped higher for the second Air Step, and then the third as well. Now I'm too far for those monkeys to reach.

As I fall down from the sky, I opened up a portal right below me back to my home in Cassau. And I succeeded transferred back to my world as I crashed to the floor and destroyed it.

"…welcome back, Roy. What happened?" It was Kayla asking.

"Just fifty meters free fall to escape from monkeys."


Of course she would be confused with that explanation.

Then everyone gathered because of the loud noise from the floor being crashed and asked me about my scouting.

"Lina, here. That's the Pear-y Fruit I told you about. Eat it right away and soon, after I get my second monster and your level has increased, I'll take you to that world so you can get another monster."

I give one of the fruits I got to Lina and she smiled happily with the gift she received.

"Thank you, Master! When that time comes, please take care of me!"

"I will."

I looked outside and see the sun is still up. But I'm already tired, so I left the explaining to Victoria as I go to sleep in my room.

Chapter 206 - Which Monster Should I Get?

"You're going back there already?" Kayla asked.

"Yes. From my previous experience there, I can open up a portal mid-air and entered it. It's good for escaping. But I don't want to destroy our house, so I'll go there from another place."

It has been two days since I returned back from Monsters World. I don't need to have Victoria to find me a safe location again since back then, she created a clone of herself and left it near the dragon's skeleton. I'll be going there again until I find a better location.

I wanted to go there right away yesterday, but I need to fix the floor I destroyed first. That's why I will enter that world from the empty island I used to store my loots. Now no one will scold me if I destroyed the ground.

My goal this time is to find a monster. And it might take longer in that world. Maybe days or weeks. And if possible, I would like to improve my Divine Vision by defeating more All-seeing Eye.

"Alright then, I'm going! Kayla, don't forget to bring Sunny with you if you're going on a hunt. I hope Lina can reach intermediate level before I return."

Lina had eaten the Pear-y Fruit as soon as I gave them. Now just like me, she will be able to make a contract with another monster.

As for the rest of the fruits, I gave them to Marie for research if we can cultivate them here. Though one of them was eaten by Angela because she was hungry. I'll go grab some more if I found any.

After saying goodbye to the others, I go to the empty island. I already gave Sam a lot of treasures so it should be fine to not go diving for a few months.

Only Victoria and I will go there. Sonia won't come with us since an hour delay is too long. In exchange, we left one Blobby in the house. If anyone has important message to give me, they could just destroy that Blobby. Victoria will notice that the Blobby in the house is destroyed and will inform me about it. Then I will open up a portal and return as quickly as possible. Though Sonia said that she will visit us in Monsters World from time to time. Especially during night when everyone is asleep.

As for meal, I stored some in my room which I will grab when I'm hungry. And Lina said that she will make some meal and left them in my room once a day. I don't have to cook my own food then.

I finally reached the empty island and opened up a portal directly to where the dragon's skeleton is.

"…this skeleton is as overbearing as usual. Are you sure that the one who killed this dragon is no longer here?" I asked Victoria.

"Yes. If such monster is still here, you would have noticed it, right? Javier also said that this place is safe."

Well, if Javier said so, then it should be fine. Hearing it from Victoria is quite doubtful knowing that she lost her memory.

"Are we going right away?" Victoria asked.

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"No. First, tell me what kind of monsters you and Javier thought would be good for my next monster. I want to have a clearer idea of what type of monster they are."

"I see. I'll tell you what Javier and I discussed. But it was just a suggestion, so if you find a better monster, you should make a contract with it."

"I understand."

From what Victoria said, it seems like there are several monsters that they thought would suit me. They already know that I wanted a monster with intellect, right? That means the monster they suggested should be able to understand our language.

"Alright, first, since you loved to go diving, I suggested a mermaid. A sea monster with human upper half, and the lower half of a fish."

"Hmm… I don't think so. I think that Fishman I fought is better since without lower half of a fish, it can also survive outside the water. Though I don't know much about mermaid's ability. Can they live outside the water?" I asked.

"Well, since the upper half is that of human, they should be able to. But for moving on land… I heard that they have magic to transform their lower half into human legs, but I'm not quite sure."

"Then mermaid is rejected. I think I will fight more on land than underwater. Though I will consider mermaid for my third monster. Next!"

It's useless to have a mermaid monster, since all the battle I fought is on land. Maybe if they can use magic to transform their legs like Victoria said, it would be good. Well, if I encounter them in this exploration, I will consider it.

"Then… next is minotaur. Minotaur has the lower half of a cow or a bull, the body of human, and the head of a cow or a bull."

"The head of a bull? How's their intellect? Are they as smart as human or as smart as a bull who will charge at everything?"

"…next is-"

"So, they're stupid monsters and you suggested me to make a contract with them!?"

"Well, your monster doesn't have to be smart, right? Why do you want a smart monster anyway?"

"It's easier to give them order. For monster that lack intellect, giving them simple order is easy. But if they are given more complicated order, they might not know how to do it. That's why I want a smarter monster." I said.

"I see… then Minotaur is rejected. Next is Centaur. A monster with the human upper half, and horse lower half. You might also be able to ride them as your steed."

"Riding a monster, huh? Tell me more."

"Well… not much that I know about them. They are extremely mobile in flat area, but terrible in mountain. As for fighting, I heard that they mainly use spear as weapon."

So, they are monster which is good for riding, huh? But only on flat area. Hearing that they have a horse lower half, I can kind of understand. But to use a spear as weapon…

"Since I mostly use a spear as well, our characteristic might overlap, so another no from me." I rejected centaurs.

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"That's your reason? But yeah, I can agree. It will be weird if the centaur and the rider both use spears. And you're also good at running after all."

"Running is always an option for me! That's why I have to be good at it!" I said proudly.

"Yeah, yeah. Next is… vampire. They look like human but they have a bat-like wing. They have a sharp fang and drink blood. They are quite strong. Though I never met one before."

"…so, this time is a half human and half bat? You really like half human that much, huh? Half fish, half cow, half horse, now it's half bat?"

"Since you wanted monsters with intellect, we thought that those half human monsters would be a good idea. So, what about vampires? Although I said they have similar feature with bats, it's only the wings." Victoria asked.

"They seem to be interesting. I'll consider it."

Victoria then about to talk about fictional vampires from her world, but I stopped her. What can I gain from learning about fictional monsters? Real monsters are here.

For now, I'm considering about vampires. They might be good monsters to make a contract with. But they drink blood, so they might ask for my blood. I'll think about it later.

"Then lastly, is werewolf. It's a-"

"Let me guess. A monster with the upper half of a human, and lower half of a wolf." I'm trying to guess what a werewolf is.

"No! What's with that!? That seems creepy! They are indeed looked half human, but not like that. Instead of having half body, they are closer to human like vampires, but they can transform into a wolf. If they are big enough, you might be able to ride them."

"Really? Tell me more!"

"Well, they have three forms. First is their human like form, but they have wolf ears on top of their head instead of human ears. Second is wolf form which is basically a wolf. Third is… like a wolf but can stand and run on two legs, and instead of a paw, they have human like hands with sharp nails."

"…aren't they just human with Beastform element like Ian?"

From the characteristic that Victoria said, there's not much difference between werewolves and humans with Beastform element.

"Yeah, but their human form is much stronger than average human. They are monsters after all. Javier said that in the past, he saw a battle between a wolf Beastform mage against a werewolf. The werewolf won by a landslide without even transforming from their human form." Victoria said.

Whoa! I know from Ian that Beastform mage are already strong since they need a body which capable of handling their beast form. But a werewolf can defeat such mage, they must be really strong.

And their transformation might be useful. They can be my ride, or run in the wild freely while other people will think that they are just wolves. This one stole the top spot from the vampires.

"Alright then, we'll go look for these Werewolves. I'll make a contract with the strongest werewolf here!" I proclaimed.

So, my target has been decided. A werewolf. A powerful one that I hope can help me in many ways. This will be interesting.

Chapter 207 - Crossing The Ocean

"You sure about getting a werewolf?" While we were still discussing in front of the dragon skeleton, Victoria asked.

"Yeah. They're strong, right? Even Javier agreed. That mean their strength are quite remarkable."

"Yes. I heard from him that even the weakest werewolf alone is enough to give trouble to an Orc Emperor. Though the Orc Emperor is not the mutated one like the one you fought." Victoria said.

"Ah… right, mutated monsters are much stronger, aren't they? Maybe if I found one while looking for the werewolves, I should make a contract with one."

I remember how much trouble that Orc Emperor gave me before. Although that one was mutated thanks to the cult, I can still imagine how strong normal Orc Emperors are. If the weakest werewolf able to fight Orc Emperor, what about the strongest?

I'm also much stronger than I was back when I fought that mutated Orc Emperor. And I want a monster at least as strong as I am. A powerful Werewolf should be a good option.

"What about Vampires? They are capable of using magic, you know?" Victoria asked.

"Really? Then a Vampire it is!"

Hearing that they are capable of magic, I quickly change my mind.

"But vampires only active at night. They are nocturnal creatures who rest during the day." Victoria continued explaining about vampires.

"Then a Werewolf! Why do I want a monster that can only be active at night? I will also fight in the day, you know?" I said.

"Nah, I'm just asking. Anyway, my first thought has always been to have you make a contract with either a Vampire or a Werewolf. Anyway, either of them has hierarchy. So, either Vampires or Werewolves have a leader in their group."

"Can they be reasoned with? If possible, I want to negotiate with the leader of the Werewolves."

"Negotiate to do what?"

"To raise an army of Werewolves. We need more allies to fight against the cult." I said.

"Well, you can only see about it later. I'll tell you where it is, so go there quickly. I think it should take a week to go to where the Werewolves are."

"You should have told me that sooner so we won't waste time! Let's go! Where are they located?"

"That way."

I quickly run to the location Victoria pointed. Good thing it's not where the Monkeys' location is. Wait, are those monkeys good enough to be contracted? Hmm… I don't think they were smart enough to communicate with from the time I saw them. Let's focus on the Werewolves.

Just after an hour of running, I see something weird.

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"Hey, Victoria…"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"If we continue going straight, we will be at the sea. Don't tell me…"

"Yes. The location of where the werewolves are is across the sea."

"…and to cross the sea, I need…"

"A week. But with your speed, you should be able to get there in three or four days." Victoria said calmly.

"That's too far! Is there any island I can rest on mid-way? Or you want to say that I should go there without a rest? That's impossible!"

"…everything is for the sake of getting a powerful monster."

"…let's try it. After that time fighting that Fishman, I think that my swimming speed is faster than my running speed. And every time we find an island, you'll leave a Blobby in that island. That way, if I don't see any other island on the way, I can make a portal to that island and camp there."

After deciding what kind of monster I want to make a contract with, I don't want to change it anymore. Werewolves seem to be great since their wolf form is big enough for me to ride. Although I might be faster than them, it's still a good idea to ride a wolf.

And so, after reaching the beach, I only stop for a while just to take off my clothes. They will be an obstruction if I want to swim fast.

And then, I dived into the sea. Luckily, there are no monsters in the area where I dived in. I want to see if there are a lot of treasures in this world, including under the sea, but for now, contracting a monster is more important. I'll go treasure hunting another time.

I only swim close to the surface. It's because the water pressure is lesser and in case I'm being chased by a monster, I can quickly escape to the surface. Then I'll just run on water and find a safe place to escape to.


What the hell is this? I have been swimming for twelve hours straight!

After swimming for twelve hours, of course my body would get exhausted. Especially since there are a lot of unknown monsters in this world. The worst thing is that, I see no island in sight. There are no places for me to rest.

Should I go back to human world? If I do that, when I return to this world the next time, I will probably go to that dragon skeleton again.

I can't do that. I have decided to get stronger, and I will! It's just… I'm lacking motivation.

I thought that I would be able to safe the world just by letting Albert know about the future, but that's not enough and I have to continue taking care of everything. I need something to motivate me.

If I don't do this, I'll die. No, that's an example of bad motivation.

If I don't do this, everyone die. That's even worse motivation.

Argh! I'm too tired now and all my thoughts turn negative in an instant! I need rest!

Think happy thoughts! Think happy thoughts!

Can't do that. Too tired.

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I can only see the water below me getting shallower and shallower.

Wait! The water is getting shallower! That mean there should be an island nearby!

After thinking that there might be an island nearby, I swim even faster. Using my Divine Vision to its full strength, I can finally see an island!

My speed is getting faster and faster. The island that I could see as blur even with my Divine Vision, slowly becoming clearer. And my speed didn't drop at all. In fact, I think it's getting even faster.

I guess this is me. I'm lacking motivation, but what can really motivate me is the prize in front of me. As long as the prize is unknown, there's no such thing as motivation coming from me. I'll do everything normally.

Should I tell the others? They might give me more reward.

…no that's a bad idea. They would end up abusing it. I'll keep it to myself.

"…Roy, you suddenly getting faster. Is there any island in sight?" Victoria suddenly covered my ears and speak to me.

"Yes. I can finally rest now."

"…are you the kind of man who become extremely motivated with the prize in sight?" Victoria asked again.

…SHE KNOWS! I just found out about it, and she realizes it at once! I want to keep it a secret, but now she will tell the others!

While I was thinking on how to answer that, a helping hand arrive at the right moment.

"I HAVE ARRIVE! Wait, we're swimming?" Sonia suddenly appear and get confused when she noticed I'm swimming.

"Oh, hey Sonia! How's it going on the other side?" I asked Sonia instead of answering Victoria's question.

"Oh, they're doing fine. Today, they're just doing some light training, and then we went to play with the kids and shopping. Jewel is your disciple so it's alright if we used your money for her, right? Anyway, right now everyone is asleep. They are too tired from having fun today. As for tomorrow, our plan is to do some quests from the guild so we can build a clan faster." Sonia explained what the others did today.

I'm so jealous! While I'm exhausting myself swimming, they are having fun! And Sonia said that my money is for Jewel, but I believe everyone is using it! It's my money! Not theirs! They should have gotten a portion of my income since I told Sam to share it with the others!

Ah, whatever. As long as Victoria doesn't tell the others about my weakness, a little sacrifice is nothing.

"It's okay. Jewel is still feeling reserved around us, right? I hope with that bit of money, she will open up more." I said.

"Sonia! Tell the others quick! Roy's weakness is that he only become motivated with the prize in sight! Other than that, he won't be too motivated in doing anything else! Tell Albert and the others fast! To make him stronger, we have to get him motivated!" Victoria shouted.


And after she said it, Sonia smiled and disappear! Even though it took her a while to travel between worlds, she doesn't mind travelling back just a few minutes after she arrive!

But I still have another secret weapon!

Although I become more motivated with the prize in sight, that depends on what is the prize!

I'm rich and strong. My way of fighting is too different than anyone else. It would be difficult for even Albert to find something that will interest me.

I thought of that as I finally arrive on the island. Luckily, the island is empty. I quickly transformed about eighty Blobbies and turned them into a shelter and a bed. Not caring about Victoria asking me about my motivation anymore, I went to sleep right away.

Today is a long day.