
Chapter 272 - Cassau Magic Academy's Entrance Exam

During the time Roy is watching the practical exam, this is what happened with the two other members of Wolf's Crown who take the entrance exam in Cassau.

Kayla and Jewel went together to take the test, and they entered separate classroom for the written exam. There are about one thousand people who take the entrance exam for Cassau Magical Academy, but the number of people who are accepted is just three hundred of them. Just 30% of the exam takers.

From those one thousand, about thirty of them are among the participants of the training camp who live in or near Cassau. Those thirty, other than Roy's clan members, are in the know of the tournament ahead, and aiming for the title of the strongest. Though, only half of them still remember the real goal of the tournament. To fish out the cult members from their hiding spot, and to motivate more people to get stronger for the future war.

Dean has sent a letter formally to Albert, and Albert has formally accepted the tournament. Now, they are already sending invitation to all magic academy in the kingdom to join the tournament.

While Dean is in the capital, Albert also contacted the dean of the capital's magic academy, who is actually a participant in the training camp as well, to cooperate. The dean of the capital's magic academy has agreed to join. Now, they only need the agreement of several other magic college so the tournament will take place soon.

But as the magic academies never have any competition among themselves while the magic academy at the capital always claimed to be the best academy in the kingdom, most academies will agree to participate in the tournament to take the title.

As for the venue, it will take place in Cassau as the founder of the tournament. And Albert will 'officially' watch the final of the tournament. He's planning to watch other matches as well by utilizing Roy's portal.

Back to the exam, Kayla and Jewel both have finished their exam and reunited at the entrance of the campus. Both of them gained a lot of attention, but they just ignored those who attempting to get close to them. And those who forces the girls are punished by the girls.

"Jewel, which exam will you take?" Kayla asked Jewel.

"Master said that Beastform mages are very rare. I can easily pass the test just by informing the examiner that I have Beastform element. So, I guess I'll watch you take the test and then go to Master's place. He must be bored. Which one will you take, Kayla?" Jewel asked.

"All of them. Starting from healing, earth, and then light. Passing more than one test will give more chance to be accepted. If one can pass only one element, but that element is a common one like my earth element, and they can't pass other test, they might be failed to be accepted since there would be other people who passes multiple exam. You're fine since you're a Beastform mage. But if there's another Beastform mage, your chance in being accepted will be lower. It's better if you take the lightning element exam as well. I'm going for healing first, then earth, and lastly is light element." Kayla gave a suggestion.

"I see. You're right. I'll inform the staff that I'm a Beastform mage first, and take the lightning exam. After that, I'll watch your tests. I'll see you on the beach for your earth element exam then." Jewel said as she left to inform the staff and go to the lightning element exam takes place.

Cassau's academy's district is connected directly to the beach, but the beach there is a place that Roy never step his foot since there are many other beaches more beautiful and quieter than this away from the city.

As for healing element exam, it takes place in the biggest hospital located in academy district, Cassau University hospital. It's located right next to the medical school which Sophie is currently taking exam at.

And as Kayla arrived at the hospital, he met Sophie.

"Sophie, has your test ended?" Kayla asked.

"Yes. I've been waiting for you here. Come on, I'll take you to the exam ground. It's inside that tent next to the hospital."

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Sophie brought Kayla to the exam ground, and once they entered the tent, they saw multiple goblins being restrained, and wounded. Seeing those, Kayla has predicted what the exam is going to be.

"Oh, it's you!"

Suddenly someone spotted Kayla and Sophie, and hurriedly walk to the two.

"It's been a while! I thought you won't go to college!"

"Garnet? It's been a while since the stampede in Melk. You're the examiner?"

The one Kayla meet is Garnet, the healer who participated during the stampede in Melk.

"Yes! After that stampede, I quickly graduated and became a hunter in another city. Then, I quit being a hunter and decided to teach healing magic in college. Since you're here, and your healing magic is better than mine, I think you can pass easily."

Garnet brought Kayla to a cage with a goblin in it. Sophie also watched from the side as she's interested in seeing the test.

"The exam is for healer to heal wound. This might be a little gory, but it's the least we expect of a healer."

Then someone who is also a female examiner, approached the cage and casted Wind Slash toward the goblin inside. The goblin lost its arm as it was cut very cleanly.

 "…do you remember Roy?" Kayla asked.

"Roy? Isn't he your boyfriend? Are you still together?" Garnet asked.

"Yes. If it's him, he can connect the separated limb back together with his surgery. He's also a medical student, and magic college student, while being an assistant professor as well there. Since you're also teaching at the same college, you might meet him quite often. He's terrible at remembering people's faces and names, so you need to tell him first who you are then." Kayla said.

"What? You mean he's the…"

"Done. The wound is healed. Did I pass?"

Before Garnet finished speaking, Kayla already casted healing magic to the goblin and healed the wound. Though she can't connect the lost limb or regrow one, the healed area is very neat unlike what other healers can do.

"So fast! And it's very neat as well! Back then, your healing magic is already shocked me. And now, it's shocked me even more! You have improved by a lot in these past years, huh? It's easy to see that you did as requested. What are you going to do now?" Garnet asked.

"I will take the other exams for my other elements as well. Then, see you later." Kayla said her farewell as she left the tent leaving Garnet behind with the wind mages who cut off the goblin's limb.

"Yeah… there's no doubt that she will be accepted. That was so fast that I couldn't see when she finished her magic." Garnet said to the other examiner.

"…I saw it, but I still don't believe it. She already prepared her magic while she's talking, and the healing process is too fast almost like in an instant. She will undoubtedly become the best healer in the kingdom at least. Even I can't do as good as she is even though I'm already advanced level." The other examiner said.

"Ah! Professor think so too? Even back when she was still intermediate level, she was already exceptional during the stampede. If not for her, there would be many more casualties in Melk. I think it's pointless for her to attend college."

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The other examiner is actually the professor of healing element. Without a doubt, Kayla will be accepted right away since the professor herself saw Kayla's magic.

"You knew her from the stampede? After we finished the exam, I want you to tell me more about her. And her boyfriend Roy as well. I know that we received two new staffs, but I never thought that Roy is also a student in both magic school and medical school. I'll treat you to a meal as a thanks." The professor said.

Meanwhile, Kayla and Sophie are already at the beach, and reunited with Jewel who had just finished her lightning element exam.

"How's your exam?" Kayla asked.

"It was easy! If Sophie tried it, she will also pass easily!" Jewel said.

"Haha. But I'm not interested in it. I'll just be a doctor and help Roy. I don't want to participate in the tournament." Sophie said.

"What a shame… if you entered magic academy, then most of the members for the world strongest title from this kingdom will be filled with the members of our clan."

The three proceed to the earth element exam location as they chatted along the way. The next test is easy as well. one just need to use earth magic to protect themselves from the wave created by a water mage.

While others have some part of the sand wall crumbled, Kayla's sand still stand still very strong without crumbling at all. She passed another test easily.

"What's next? Light element?" Sophie asked Kayla.

"Yes. I think that would be the easiest one." Kayla said.

The three entered the next location for light element test. And the test is the easiest one so far just after air element test. This one also has a high rate of success.

One just need to maintain their light for thirty minutes, without the light turned dim. The light's brightness needs to be able to illuminate a room. If the light dimmed before the time limit and unable to illuminate the whole room, then they would fail.

Anyone can enter the room, but only one person can try it at a time.

The test is easy since those who have light element can illuminate their room or house every night used to illuminate the room. Those who failed are mostly those who rarely used it. That's why the success rate is almost as high as air element exam.

And as usual, Kayla passed the test as well.

Then the three went to explore the campus ground.

"Jewel, what's your lightning element test?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, I just need to strike as many steel rods as possible. Easy, right?" Jewel said.

"Hmm… I guess you struck them all, right?" Sophie asked.

"Right! If it's you, I bet you can do it as well. And even better than me!"

The three continue exploring the campus, until they finally go to Roy's location to accompany him since they know how easy that guy feel lonely.

Chapter 273 - Don't Cheat, Angela!

While Those in Cassau are taking the entrance exam, the same thing happened in the capital as well. Angela and Shirley have been transported to Roy's mansion in the capital. And they are not alone. Ian and Ruby were there as well. Ian will be the butler of the mansion.

Shirley actually can just live in the palace along with her brother the king, but she would prefer to live with her best friend, Angela. That's why the two asked Roy to live together in his mansion. And it's not like Roy will live there anytime soon.

"Good luck, you two. I will pray for the best to you two." Ian said to the two girls as they left the mansion.

"Especially you, Angela. Make sure you answer the question very very carefully. Don't be in a hurry to finish the questions you don't understand. Just finish everything that you know first, and do the rest later. Just take your time, okay?" Ruby said worriedly.

"You don't need to worry about me, Ruby. Just enjoy the capital while we take the test." Angela said proudly.

Hearing that, Shirley got suspicious of Angela. She then grabbed and touched Angela all over her body, and even flipped her skirt and shirt.

Meanwhile, Ian gentlemanly looked away from the event happening in front of him.

"Whoa! What are you doing, Shirley!?"

"Hmm? What are these? Cheating sheets? Are you going to teach during the exam?" Shirley asked angrily.

"Umm… Roy said that I will surely pass this way. If I write down everything that should come up during the exam on paper, and hide them with me for the exam, I will surely pass. Please don't take them?" Angela pleaded.

"No. You can't cheat during the exam. No matter what, cheating is bad. And Roy is a bad influence. Don't cheat during the exam. Everyone studied hard for the exam, and I won't forgive anyone who cheats!"

Shirley is angry. Rather than toward Angela, her anger is directed toward Roy who advised Angela to cheat.

"Hmm? We still have time before the exam started. I have something to discuss with Roy first."

Shirley then entered a room where Roy put a Blobby in, and tapped on the Blobby. It was still morning, and Roy was woken up by Victoria who shakes his body during his sleep, and told him that there's an emergency with the Blobby in the mansion. Roy then quickly open a portal, and saw the angry Shirley in front of him.

"Umm… princess? Is something the matter?" Roy asked.


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"Well, you told Angela to cheat, huh?" Shirley asked.

"Oh, that… I thought I did something bad to anger you. I never asked her to cheat, you know?" Roy said calmly.

"Really? Because there are multiple cheating sheets hidden all over her body. You said that it wasn't you who taught her to do it?"

"No, but I predicted everything. I know that if I told her to study, she won't understand a single thing. But if I told her to write cheating sheets, she will have to wrote everything that she thought they would appear during the test. Unknown to herself, what she's doing is called studying. I told her to hid the cheating sheets under her clothes, but I never told her to peek on them. Now, if she sees any questions that she learned while making those cheating sheets, she will know the answers. It will increase her chances to pass, right? I also predicted that if it's you, you will find those cheating sheets before the test, and will throw them away. What I didn't predict is that you will call me here." Roy explained.

"Oh, I see. You're right. Sigh… Angela is actually smart, but she needed to be taught in a roundabout way. Alright, you can go home."

"Now, you must have understood that you have to keep her mind on those cheating sheets, right? If not, she will forget everything she learned. Her socializing skill is high and she can remember people's name unlike me. But on studying, her memory is way worse than mine. Good luck."

Roy return back home as if he's escaping. And since he's already up, he has no choice but to go to the campus earlier.

As for Shirley. She told Angela that she can't bring those cheating sheets with her. Angela keeps complaining the whole time to the campus.

As for Shirley, she knows that she has to keep Angela's mind only to those cheating sheets. If her mind wanders off somewhere else, everything that she learned will disappear.

'What a troublesome friend I have! How is such girl can become a legend in the future? Well, her magic is exceptional. But her intellect is questionable on things other than magic and battle. She's also has great fashion sense, and easy to talk to. Don't tell me that Roy has been doing many things for her in this life? And now, it's my turn to babysit her? …I'll ask Roy to write the manual on how to work with her. Sigh… I thought I already know everything about her.' Shirley thought.

Shirley tries hard to keep talking about cheating, and they finally reached campus right before the exam started. Shirley sighed in relief that her work is done. Now, she can only pray for Angela's success.

When the exam is over, the other students quickly went for the practical exam for their test, but Shirley is still sitting on her seat worried about Angela. And then, Angela approached her.

"Shirley! It's amazing! I know most of the answer for the exam! I must be a genius! This way, Roy can no longer make fun of me!" Angela said proudly as if she's waiting until only the two of them remain.

Hearing that Roy's plan succeeded, and Shirley's hard work on keeping Angela's mind on track paid off, she let out a happy smile as she hugged Angela.

"That's great! You're awesome! Roy will praise you a lot when we return! Let's return later tonight so you can receive his praise as soon as possible!" Shirley said happily.

"Really? Ehehe…" Angela smiled shyly.

No one knows that in Roy's past life, back during the stampede on Melk, Angela lost her best friend. Someone whom Roy doesn't know in both lives. And After her best friend died, that's when she decided to study harder, work harder, and cultivate harder than anyone else. That's how she became a legend.

But now, that tragedy didn't happen. Angela is now blessed with a lot of friends to watch her back.

She might not become smarter like the Angela in Roy's previous life. But after everything that happened and what Roy told her, she can focus more only on becoming stronger. And in this future, she will become even more powerful than the Elemental Master in Roy's previous life.

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…but she will still need someone to guide her.

Then they heard a knock, and someone entered the room they're in.

"Your highness, it's me." The woman who entered the room, kneeled in front of Shirley.

"It's you from the training camp! You're a professor here? You can raise now." Shirley recognized the woman as someone who participated the training camp. She was one of the summoners who was taught by Roy.

"Yes. And the dean is also someone who participated the training camp. His majesty told us that you're taking exam here. He said that it's fine to not do anything. I'm just here to show myself." The woman said as she stood back up.

Her name is Rinne. Professor who is responsible in summoning class, and ice element class. Since she will teach Shirley and Angela, she shows herself to them. Though during the training camp, it was those two who taught Rinne about ice magic.

"You're a summoner, right? Are you going to ask Roy's help once your level increase?" Angela asked.

"I am a summoner indeed. But I won't ask him for my next monster. I will create a party with me to explore that Monsters World and find a good monster. We will still ask him since he said that will send us a Werewolf to guide us." Rinne replied.

"I see. Well, are you an examiner for the exam?" Shirley asked.

"No. I left the exam to the other professors. It should have started now."

"Thanks for coming. We'll go take the test right away. You can go back to your work. From now, just pretend in front of everyone that you don't know me. For you and the other staffs, I'm just a student here who is a princess. Just treat me like the other students. Probably to not make it suspicious, slightly treat me better than the others."

"I understand. I wish you luck for the exams." Rinne said. Then she left the two and returns to her work.

"I guess now it's time for the other exams. Which one are you going to take?" Shirley asked Angela.

"Everything. You?"

"Same here. Let's go and surprise everyone. Once we show them our power, I hope no one will bother us anymore."

Back during their walk to the campus, many people tried to stop them. But Shirley was occupied only on making Angela focus on the cheating sheets.

Those people are either men who take fancy on those two, or some noble's children who knows that Shirley is a princess. But Shirley just ignored them all, and Angela keeps begging for her cheating sheets. And then, after the tests are over, no one dares to go after them.

The entrance exam this year was marked as the day where two exceptional students of the academy take the tests. A princess, and a monster who destroyed everything. But since she was too pretty to be called monster, she was called as an angel. Angel of destruction.

If Roy is here, he will ask, "Where's the Elemental Master?"

Chapter 274 - Entrance Exam Is Over

"Hmm… Victoria, is there any other card tricks to do?" I asked Victoria.

"There are many, but I'm not that interested in watching them before. I guess that's it for now. How about using something other than a deck of cards?" Victoria suggested.

"You mean two decks of cards?"


"Three decks!? That's a lot!"

"No! I mean like juggling with knives or balancing yourself on top of a huge ball. There are many other clown tricks that you can do with your physical ability. Just think of them yourself!" Victoria is pissed.

Right now, I'm still waiting until the exam is over. After that ten people who passed, there are some other people who also tried the air element exam. But those people come individually, and not because someone asked them to go together just like the first batch. At least they were all good mannered. I hope most of them get accepted.

Since it was boring, I decided to wait while practicing new tricks for my future performances. Victoria taught me several tricks she saw in her world.

"Fwah! That's fifteen minutes! I passed!"

There's only one person who is taking the exam right now. And he just pulled out his head from the water just right on time.

"Fifteen minutes and three seconds. Are you sure that you're an air mage? The others before you are much better than that. Even the shortest was seventeen minutes." I said to the examinee.

"I'm always bad in air magic. That's why I never cared about it. I only take this exam so I have more chance in being accepted." Said the boy who is about the same age as me.

"That's because you move around too much. The more you move, the more air you needed. If you stop moving, you should be able to hold for much longer. Probably twenty minutes or more."

Air element doesn't need much mana. It's normal for someone with air element to be able to breathe underwater for one hour. The reason for it to be just fifteen minutes needed to pass the test is because if the mages have other elements, they would unconsciously store some magic so they can use their other elements that they thought are more important.

I can hold for much longer from the start since my other element is summoning, which I rarely used at first until I can open a portal. And since Victoria was with me at all time, I don't need to summon her. That's why I can focus my magic only on my air element. And because I often went diving, my lung capacity has increased as well. I could stay underwater for the whole day! Awesome, right?

"Yeah, but I don't like water." The examinee said.

"What do you mean you don't like water? Do you have rabies?" I asked.

"No. I just don't like it."

What's with that ominous reply? Don't tell me…

"Hey, when was the last time you took a bath?" I asked.

"…I think I'll leave for the other test now. Thank you very much." He tried to escape.

The man's name is Alfonzo. I can see it from his tag.

"Alfonzo, dunk your whole body into the pool. This is an order. If you fail to comply, I will fail your test under hygiene problem." I said.


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"What's with that!? It's not like people have to bathe to live, right?" Alfonzo protested.

"You're right. But even if you pass the test, there will be no professors who would allow you to enter their class. Alright, I will still pass your test, but I will report about your hygiene problem. Even if you have good marks in your other tests, you might not be accepted. Good luck."

Alfonzo left the venue angrily.

In the entrance exam, the more practical test you pass, the more chance you have in being accepted. Of course, if you pass only one element, but you pass with an excellent record, you will be accepted as well even if your writing exam is terrible. But that doesn't stop these examinees to take various tests. Unless they are extremely confident with one element. Or they have a rare element. Like Jewel's Beastform.

As for Angela, I know she can pass just from the practical exam. But she still needs to pass the writing exam as well or I will scold her harshly once she returns.

As Alonzo about to leave, he stopped. I can see that there are three beauties coming this way. Though they are not here for the test. They are probably just here because they know I'm bored.

He must be thinking of getting closer to them, but I won't let him do that.

"Excuse me, ladies! I know that you're here for the tests, but please don't go this way. The examiner is a rapist who will attack any girls in sight. But if you still insist on coming, I will accompany you. I will make sure to protect you from that beast." Alonzo said.

"The beast here is you! And stop flirting with my lovers or I will fail you for real this time!" I shouted angrily.

The three beauties that have just arrive are Kayla, Sophie, and Jewel.

"What!? Lovers? That's impossible! Why do you have lovers while I'm still single? And it's lovers! Which means all of them!?"

"Only two. The other one is my disciple."

This guy is annoying. If he is a cult member, I would have killed him as soon as I saw him. Unfortunately, he isn't. Though I can make him look like one. Should I?

"There's no way that's right. After all, they are way above your level. That's impossi-BUAA!"

Alonzo was about to wrap his arm around Kayla's shoulder. And Kayla obviously doesn't want that so she kicked Alonzo in the nut. The Nutcracker is here!

"Don't touch me." Kayla said.

"Urgh… that's hurt. But I'm fine! My physics is much better than average people after all!" Alonzo said as he quickly stood straight up even though he was just kicked in the nut.

"How about your mentality? Girls, I will introduce you to this guy. His name is Smelly, and he never takes a bath at all." I said.

"Ewwww, disgusting!" Sophie said.

"Urgh!" Smelly groaned.

"Ah! Kayla's shoe just touched him!" Jewel shouted.

"Shit. Disgusting. Roy, can I clean my shoe here?" Kayla asked me.

"Here's the towel. As for water, you can scoop it from the pool with Victoria." I said as I hand her a towel and Victoria who has transformed into a bucket.

"Guh! Is bath really that important!?" Smelly complained.



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Sophie, Jewel, and Kayla answered respectively.

"Uuuu… I'll remember this!"

…this is the first time someone said that just because he never takes a bath.

"He never takes a bath? That's just disgusting." Kayla said as she's cleaning her shoe.

"I think it's best for you to return back home. The people who takes the air element test here are… exceptionally annoying." I said.

"You're right. I will go home now. What about you two?" Kayla asked the other two.

"I'm going as well."

"Me too!"

The three who have just arrived, left so quickly. I blame it on the annoying exam takers.

It seems like I will be alone again. Well, it's fine. I have Victoria to help me learn more tricks.

After waiting for a little more time, there are only few people who takes the test. And finally, it's over. I can go home now.

After dinner, Victoria told me that the Blobby in the mansion in the capital is sending a signal just like this morning when Shirley complained about Angela's cheating sheets.

When I opened the portal, it was only Shirley and Angela who wants to return. Ian and Ruby choose to stay in the capital.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Roy, listen to this! I took the exam, and I understand the answer to a lot of questions!" Angela said happily.

I know the reason how she can pass. I took a glance to Shirley and we made an eye contact. I understood it clearly.

"That's great! You will pass for sure!" I know that she will pass easily just from her practical exam. There's no way the school will refuse her once they see what her magic can do. But I will still praise her.

"Now, you can no longer make fun of me for being stupid! I'm so happy today! How about tomorrow we book a restaurant? My treat!" Angela said.

…that must my money she's about to use. Is there any way for these girls to not use my money? I guess I'll let her do what she wants. For now.

While I was feeling dejected, Shirley approached me.


"What is it, Shirley?"

"I can finally understand the difficulty of being a parent."

…yeah, if we look at it from the side, it looks like I'm the father and Angela is the daughter who seeks to be praised from her father. Unlike Lina's feeling of love, Angela's feeling is more like a kid who wants recognition from her parents.

"…you'll get used to it." I said.

"Is this why you let her go to the capital with me? You want me to take care of her? If she's alone, you will refuse to let her go, right?" Shirley asked.

"You're right. It's good to have you here. She can take care of herself, but she would always use magic as the first resort in case something happened."

"Sigh… I'll try my best. Please tell me more on how to take care of Angela. I never knew that you did so many things to her."

"I'll write you the manual later. For now, congratulations on taking the tests. Without a doubt, everyone here will be accepted."

Chapter 275 - Kings' Meeting

Everyone passed the test easily, but there's an even more important event happening than everyone's entrance exam.

Back to two years ago, after the kingdom stopped several Stampedes that happened around the same time, Albert has prepared many things so he can report this to the other kingdoms.

Back when after Roy and the others just saved Candy as they are trying to kill every cult member who tried to attack Angela for trying to breakthrough, they found out from interrogating the twins they interrogated that in a city in another kingdom, kingdom Arturo, there's a recruitment for joining the cult. After hearing that report, Albert decisively sent out some of his trusted agents to spy on said kingdom.

The result was… they found nothing. The cult hides their existence well in that kingdom, and probably hides even better than the cultist in other countries. And that only makes Albert feel suspicious.

He didn't tell Roy yet about this since he's still hasn't found any evidence at all. And there's no point in telling Roy at the time. They were not as close as they are today, and at the time, Albert still hasn't fully trusted Roy yet. He believes everything Roy said about returning from the future, but he truly able to trust Roy after he helped Marie delivering her babies. Ever since then, as long as he doesn't detect any lies from Roy, he would believe in anything he says even if they are just speculations from Roy's terrible memory. If it's a speculation, it's Albert's duty as the king to find out if the speculation is right or wrong so he can protect the kingdom.

Then, the Stampedes happened. And Albert used his sister, Shirley, to inform the citizens of Melk first, that the reason for the Stampede in Melk is because of the Evil Cult. By preparing a speech, and Roy's excellent acting skill, the people believed Shirley.

After that, the information of the Evil Cult was spread so quickly since Albert has prepared to do it before the Stampede. He regretted that he has to sacrifice a lot of innocent lives for this, but the result is that everyone in the kingdom realized their existence.

Once Albert finished cleaning up the aftermath, he asked for a meeting between the leader of four countries in the continent.

It is the continent of Ileri. There are many countries in this continent, but only four of them has the biggest territories. The others are just minor kingdoms that mostly stay under the radar.

The four major countries are Tatrama Kingdom in the south, Arturo Kingdom in the east, Varadis Kingdom in the North, and finally, Consenza Empire in the north.

And in the center of the continent, there's a rich city that doesn't belong to any of them. Not even a part of any minor countries as well. That city is a neutral city which must never be a part of any countries because of an agreement in the past. It's called Lenko city, which is led by a Mayor which regularly changed every ten years.

And whenever a major incident happens, and one of the leaders of the major countries asked for a meeting, it will happen in this neutral city of Lenko.

And the meeting which Albert asked for after the Stampedes, commenced in this city.

In the meeting which is only attended by the leaders of each major countries, Albert informed about the existence of the cult. And he used his lie detection skill to see if any one of the leaders here is part of the cult or not. And the result is… none of them are. Not even the king of Arturo kingdom which the recruitment for the cult should be take place at.

The four leaders then proceed to continue the discussion, and agreed to help each other in case they find any clues about the cult. And they also discussed other things.

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Now, over two years have passed. And Albert asked for another meeting. This time is to inform the other kingdoms about the tournament and the goal behind this tournament.

Shirley and the others are taking the entrance exams in the capital, but Albert is away from the kingdom. He's already in Lenko to wait for the other three's arrival. He's there with Miguel, and several other people as his bodyguards.

"Welcome to Lenko city, King Albert."

The one who greeted Albert is Gilbert, the mayor of Lenko city. A huge over two meters tall man. He kneeled in front of Albert.

"No need to kneel. Our position is considered to be equal even though you're just a Mayor." Albert said.

"I know. I just want to know the feeling of doing it. And I don't like it. That will be the last time I will ever kneel." Gilbert said.

"…I don't hate that kind of personality. Have the others arrived yet?" Albert asked.

"No. But they will soon."

"I see. By the way, you're free to join us for this meeting, you know?" Albert invited Gilbert.

"No need. We, people of Lenko, doesn't care about the life outside this place. No matter what happened between other countries, it won't matter to us." Gilbert said.

"Shame. I thought of you as a friend."

"You just think so because our name is almost similar. The difference is just 'A' and 'Gi'. You said it two years ago."

"Okay. By the way, is there anything strange in this city? Are there any newcomers from outside?" Albert asked.

His goal in coming early is to see if there are cult members in this city. If there are, it will be dangerous since four leaders of major countries will be here.

"No. We don't accept outsiders. We still let people in the city, but before dark, we ask them to leave. We don't care even if they have to sleep outside or there are monsters outside. The only way for outsiders to live here is to marry one of the people here. I didn't join your meeting last time, but I thought something bad is happening. That is why I told the people to not get married anytime soon. And those who have left the city in this two year, they are no longer considered as the citizens of this city anymore. Only the leaders of four countries, or their representatives, and their associates, are allowed to enter. But only when a meeting is scheduled."

"I see. That's harsh, but still a good idea. What's coming is something very dangerous. I hope you, and the future Mayor of this city, will continue to protect this city. You can go back do what you're doing now. I want to take a walk in this city and look around. The meeting will only start in two days after all." Albert said. He never senses any lies in everything Gilbert said.

"Okay. Enjoy your walk."

Gilbert leaves Albert.

Albert and his bodyguards then enter their mansion in the city. Each country leader has one mansion for when they have a meeting in this city. And each one is located similar to the location of their countries. And Albert's mansion is in the southern area of Lenko city.

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Albert let his guards to rest, while he and Miguel will walk around the city. He wanted to make sure that no cult members here.

He kept surveying the city until it's time for the meeting. He didn't find any cult members in the city. But he's not Roy who can see through things, so he's not so sure. At least with his glib tongue, he thought that he would be able to find someone. But so far, anyone who talked to him were not members of the cult.

And then, it's finally time for the meeting. Albert, as the one who suggested the meeting, arrive first.

He's inside of the largest building in the city, which only used each time a meeting occurs. There's only a waiting room for each kingdom, and a big meeting room with round table and four chairs around it. And a representative of their country can only have one bodyguard entering the meeting room. And of course, the one standing with Albert is Miguel.

Among the four leaders, he's the youngest person along with the Empress of Consenza Empire. But no one among these four people think of others as lower than themselves. Everyone is a leader of a country after all.

The second one who come after Albert is the Empress of Consenza, Lynn, and her female bodyguard.

"Hello, King Albert!" Lynn said as she raised her hand as a greeting.

"Hello, Empress Lynn." Albert did the same.

"The other two haven't arrived yet?" Lynn asked.

"They will be here soon."

Just as he said that, someone arrive. This time, he's alone without his guard.

"Hello, King Albert, Empress Lynn. Let's ignore the last person and start quickly." The newcomer greeted the two as he raised his hand.

"Hello, King Harold. We can't do that. We need to wait until the last person arrive." Albert said as he raised his hand in greeting.

"Hello, King Harold. You need to be patient." Lynn said as she raised her hand as well.

The newcomer is King Harold. The king of Arturo Kingdom. A bald man with tanned skin.

And finally, the last person arrives.

"Sorry I'm late! Let's start the meeting!"

Without any greeting, the last person, King Henry of Varadis Kingdom, enters the room and take a seat right away. He's the oldest one here. His hair has all turn white. He's also alone like Harold without bringing a bodyguard.

Albert, Lynn, and Harold ignored Henry's impoliteness and take a seat at their own seats.

And thus, the meeting begun. While three of them noticed that one person is an impostor. Since that person didn't do the secret signal as everyone agreed.

Chapter 276 - The Meeting Continues

"Other than trading, we barely have any other connection with each other. And there's also the fact that some people believe in their own country's supremacy. Thinking that their country is much better and much stronger than other countries. And that's led people especially in the border to keep having conflicts." Albert said.

The meeting has already started, but despite there's an impostor acting like the real leader of a country, the meeting continues normally.

The other three know that one person is an impostor, but there's nothing they can do at the moment.

"So, you want to ease the people, huh? How?" Lynn asked.

"How about those people do it themselves? I'm proposing for us to held a battle tournament between the strongest of each country. The winner will be crowned as the strongest. It's that simple." Albert said.

"A battle tournament! That's a great idea!" Harold agreed to the idea right away.

"Easy, King Harold. Albert hasn't finished telling us everything." Henry said.

Then, Albert continues.

"Before that, what can you all tell me about the search of the cult that I had told you two years ago?" Albert asked.

"I don't know about any cult, but I received a new information about some kind of organization being active in the empire. And there are some Stampedes happening around the empire as well. I don't know if they happened because of that Evil Cult or not. We're still investigating it." Lynn said.

"There's nothing happening in my kingdom! I have told my people to eradicate anyone suspicious for being involved in a dangerous organization. There are many killings, but I don't remember how much of them died." Harold said.

"Aw, Harold! You're such a tyrant! As for my country, I received no information about any organization or cult. I'm still working on it. Though, I don't think there are any traitor around me. If there are, they would be dead already, or will die soon." Henry said.

Albert listened carefully to the report from the three leaders and make sure that he didn't miss any lies. Especially from the impostor.


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"I see. So, no one has found their location yet, huh? That mean we just need to prepare ourselves. Previously, it was Stampede. Who knows what strategy they will use next time? That's why I'm proposing for a tournament. With the title of being the strongest as a reward, people will work harder to be stronger. And they can protect the country if there's any danger like the Stampede or the cult doing something even crazier. And if we promise them more rewards, there will be even more people motivated." Albert explained.

"Sigh… I'm too lazy for it. But there's an unknown danger ahead, so I think I will agree to that. What a pain…" Henry sighed.

Then, the four of them had a discussion about the tournament rules. And Albert also told them about the kingdom-wide tournament between universities as a test for the world-wide tournament.

The meeting is over once everyone agrees to sent their representatives, and decided on the location. Further discussion about the tournament will be held again after the Tatrama Kingdom tournament between universities. They will hear the report about the tournament from Albert, and decide if they will follow the same format or will make new rules.

"It's over, right? Then I will return now. My people will be happy to get a chance to beat up some people from your countries! Ahaha!" Harold said and he left the meeting room.

"Well, as he said. It's over. So… sigh… fuck!" Albert cursed as soon as he knows that Harold left.

The room is soundproof. Once you left the room and the door is closed, no one outside can hear anything that was said inside the room.

"I guess Arturo Kingdom has been taken over then." Lynn said.

"He's good. His personality is the exact replica as the real Harold. But not just that he forgot the secret sign, he also called us Kings and Empress. This cult is too dangerous to be left alone." Henry said.

"I was also suspicious of you, you know? Old man Henry. You said so many lies after all. Well, let's take this somewhere else. If we stay here for too long, he will be suspicious. You know the drill, right?" Albert said. Then he left the room with Miguel.

After him, Empress Lynn and her bodyguard left as well. And finally, King Henry left.

Two years ago, Albert make them promise to remember a secret sign for them just in case an impostor trespassing the meeting. Although back then, Albert was still too young and seems impatient. He's also suspicious of many things after hearing about the future from Roy. That's why he told them to do the signal no matter what during the next meeting.

Now that he has grown up a bit, before the meeting, he regretted what he did. It was too embarrassing for him. Even when he greeted Lynn the first, his face is red while Lynn has a teasing smile pasted on her face.

But when Harold enters the room, he was lucky to get the others do the signal as he said.

The signal is simple. Those who brings their bodyguard just need to raise their hand and greet the others politely. Being polite is not something that these people do. The four leaders of each country are getting along well. They will be polite when it's in public, but in private, they all just good friends despite Harold being easily annoyed.

Then, those who are not bringing their bodyguard will act impolite and curse at each other. As for between those who bring and those who aren't bringing bodyguard, they will ignore each other until the meeting started.

Henry didn't bring his bodyguard since he wanted to tease Albert for the signal, but seeing Harold didn't do as instructed, he was actually panicked during the whole meeting. So, instead of cursing Harold, he just kept quiet. That's also why Albert was suspicious of him.

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But during the meeting, Albert knows that Henry is the real one because of his lies.

Henry is an old man who's already a king since Albert's father's reign as the king of Tatrama. And because of the relationship between the four countries are good, Henry quite often visited Albert's father in the past. And he and Albert get along really well. He's also getting along with Shirley as well.

It was back when Henry became so busy that he might not be able to visit anymore. He said that he will visit Albert soon who treats Henry as his grandfather. But Albert already able to detect lies at that time. So, Albert knew that Henry was lying, and told Henry naively how he can detect lies. Henry then apologized, and told him to keep his power as secret no matter what except for the people he can truly trust.

That's why Henry knows that he can just tell lies to Albert, and Albert can deduct the truth from Henry's lies. And Henry only told lies during his report. Because instead of those who said only lies, those who mix the truths and the lies are even harder to trust.

Those who only spoke lies can be trusted to only speak lies. But those who mix the lies and the truths cannot be trusted in which one is a lie and which one is true.

After they all left, the four of them stayed in their mansion. But there's an ancient magic tool in the mansion of each four leaders. It can only be activated by a drop of blood of the royalties. This is a secret only told from a parent to their child. Outsiders don't know this secret. And even if they do, there's nothing that they can do.

The ancient magic tool will open a door to a passage that will lead the royal family to a secret meeting place. The building of this secret passage has been agreed by the first leader of this city and the four country leaders.

Albert entered his mansion, and bring Miguel to his chamber.

"Don't let anyone enters this room no matter what. Tell them I'm tired and need some rest. But if they say it's something important, give a signal to Sonia. I'll be taking her with me so if she sensed a signal coming from you, I will return right away. I gave a signal to her this morning to return to this world for a while in case something happened. She should already be in this world. Let's call her first."

After telling Miguel to stand guard, Albert tapped on the ring on his finger. And soon enough, Sonia appears.

"It was you who gave the signal? I have been waiting at home, you know. Good thing I'm not bored since Daniel is with me." Sonia said.

"Sorry, but this is important. There's a chance that a whole kingdom has been compromised. I'm going to a secret meeting and introduce you to important people. I will give them a ring each so they can contact me." Albert said.

"…are all those people all kings?"

"A king and an empress. If you want, you can also tell Roy about this and the content of our meeting later."

"Okay. But I don't think he's that much interested in it. He will just say that it's your responsibility as the king and told you to do everything yourself."

"…I guess you're right. Let's go."

Albert poked his index finger with a needle, and dropped his blood on the magic tool. Then, without any sound, a passage is opened on the floor. The king and the ghost then entered the passage.

Chapter 277 - Secret Meeting Of Kings

"Sorry I'm late. Thanks for waiting." Albert said to the three people who are already inside the secret meeting room.

The three people are King Henry, Empress Lynn, and her bodyguard, Claudia.

"First, is it really okay for me to be here?" Claudia asked. She's worried because she's not a royalty. She's just Lynn's aide.

"It's better for you to be here. Lynn is a terrible without you by her side. Rather, if you're not here, I will ask her to return and bring you back here." Albert said.

Lynn was not as terrible as Albert said. But when she took Claudia to be her aide, she became a much better leader which can't be compared to before. Lynn trusted her, and the other kings also decided that Claudia is easier to talk than Lynn. That's why Albert and the other kings also trust her. Of course Albert trust her because of his ability.

"I think it's good that you're here. That fake Harold's reaction when he's talking, it was as if he doesn't care who you are. The real Harold would try to talk to you at all time. Even during a serious meeting. That's just proofing that he's a fake Harold. This one doesn't even look at you." Henry said. He's the oldest and the wisest among the four leaders.

"This fake Harold seems to know the content of our meeting two years ago. And he also knows the real Harold's personality and acted really well. But the fact that he doesn't focus on Claudia one bit is disturbing. This will be our main discussion now. But first, I want to introduce you to someone."

Albert tapped his ring and Sonia appears in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, king and empress, I'm Sonia. A ghost." Sonia introduced herself to the people inside.

In the passage, Sonia thought that Albert bringing her would shock other people inside. That's why she suggested to wait with Miguel until Albert called her.

"A ghost? I didn't know that you're a tamer, Albert." Henry asked.

"I'm not. Sonia doesn't belong to anyone. She's actually…"

Albert told the other three about who Sonia is and how she can be here without anyone taming her.

"So, we can communicate with each other as long as we have that ring?" Claudia asked.

"That's right. But it's not the ring. It's the soil inside of the ring. I will give Old Man Henry one, and Lynn one."

As soon as Lynn received the ring, she threw the ring toward Claudia without hesitation.

"Claudia, take care of it for me."

"I understand."

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This is a normal event with Lynn and Claudia. Albert has witnessed it a few times.

"You really trust Claudia that much, huh?" Albert asked.

"I am. With all my life."

Hearing Lynn's answered proudly, Claudia has a happy expression on her face.

"Well, I guess that's fine. Now, about Harold. Does anyone know anything regarding Arturo Kingdom?" Albert asked.

Everyone was silent. No one heard anything from that kingdom. Even the spies they put in Arturo never returned.

"…let's think of it as the worst-case scenario. Arturo has been taken over by the cult. As for the real Harold, he's either had been killed, or he's being restrained. Somehow, they can get information from the restrained Harold." Albert said.

Claudie raises her hand. She has something to say.

"Um… everyone knows that King Harold has a thing for me, right? Though I don't want to accept his feeling." Claudia said.

"Of course you shouldn't! You must always be with me! Don't ever go to his or anyone's side!" Lynn shouted.

"I know, your majesty. Well, actually, he used to send me bunch of love letters and invitation to be his aide and wife. He started it about four years ago. He even asked me to be his fourteenth wife which of course, I refused. But he's still sending his letters almost every month." Claudia said.

"Fourteenth wife? He already had thirteen of them? Well, I know someone who had a harem, but not that much. Still, depend on how he encounters other girls in the future, he might even surpass that number." Albert mumbled to himself while thinking of his friend.

"Actually, that was the first time he sent me a love letter. A few month ago, he asked me to be his twentieth wife." Claudia said.

"Reject him! I haven't even married, and he's married six times in four years!? Kill him! Burn him alive!" Lynn said angrily. Though it was a common sight for everyone here to see Lynn sulking.

"Lynn, first, he needs to be alive first for you to kill him or burn him alive. Anyway, Claudia, you're telling me that he's still sending you a letter until a few month ago and then he stopped?" Albert asked.

"Yes. The last letter was three months ago. But after this meeting with the fake him, I think he's actually sending me a secret message. Especially since in his last letter, he said that he finally gave up on me even after saying that he won't give up so many times. I even brought that letter with me. here."

Claudia put the letter on the table, and Albert read it.

"Hmm… I see. I don't get any secret message from this letter. Maybe you will find it in the previous letters. Can you check on them?" Albert asked.

"I will once we return."

"Once you figure out the secret message, if there's any, contact me Via Sonia. It might take a while for her to visit since she's currently busy." Albert said.

As he said that, Sonia interjected.

"I will be busy in the next two months so during that period, it will take time until I arrive. But after that, I will come as soon as possible." Sonia said.

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"Oh? Your study is almost done? That's good." Albert said.

"Wait! A ghost studying? Is there a school for ghost?" Henry who has been quiet for a while asked.

"More like a ghost town. The ghost over there are more experienced than me. they can even lift heavy object. As for me, I can barely lift this letter." Sonia said as she pinched the paper in Albert's hand and lifted it.

"I think this should be enough. I have a more important information to share. If we stay too long here, that fake Harold might be suspicious. I have something important to tell you. It's about the friend I have. He's the one who has a harem. He's actually the man who told me about all of this."

Without hiding any secrets, Albert told everyone here about Roy. About his special ability, and the fact that he come from the future. Then he also told them about Javier and Monsters World.

He can't afford to keep a secret if he wanted a cooperation. A cooperation between kingdoms will be difficult if one side keep too many important secrets. There are many things that should be keep as secret, but some things are better said to gain others' trust.

"Wait! You have twin children!? And your wife was fine after that!?" Henry asked.

"Yes. It was a risky move since that's the first time anyone actually tried it. But Marie is strong and decided to have both babies. Don't worry, Old man Henry. Once he's spread the knowledge of the treatments, no one will suffer the same thing that your niece experienced." Albert said.

Harold's niece had a pregnancy similar to Marie. She was pregnant with twin children. After giving birth to one, the other child died and she also died. That's one thing that he regretted, and the reason why the development of medication in Varadis is much more advanced than in other countries. Most of Roy's knowledges as a doctor are from books written by a Varaditian doctor in the future.

"If we have the chance, I want to meet him." Henry said.

"He's a lazy man, but I will bring him no matter what in the world-wide tournament."

"Being lazy is fine. As long as they are smart. If they are smart and lazy, they will still try their best in working, especially to prevent them to work more. If they are stupid and lazy, there's only doom in front of them. I think your friend is a smart and lazy man." Henry said.

"Yes, he is. I will make sure that he can meet you and Lynn at least once no matter what. We can have him come here right away, but I think it's best if I bring him instead." Albert said.

He still keeps Roy's portal as secret. Although he thinks it's fine to tell those here, it's best if Roy can show it to them.

"I want to see him too! Ask him if the future me is still a perfect beauty or even more perfect!" Lynn said.

"Your majesty, you have never been perfect. If you want to be perfect, you must do your duty yourself without involving me." Claudia said.

"Don't worry! I know what you want! You also want to ask him about the future you, right? I will ask him as well."

Although the topic has changed, the mood turns brighter after Lynn acted as usual. She might not be as good as others in leading her country, but he's best in brightening the mood like this.

"Ahaha. I will make sure that you can meet him. I guess that's it. For now, be wary of anything that enters and leaves your country. Especially if it's coming from Arturo. And never ever reveal anything we discussed here to anyone. The meeting is over. You can go back to your mansion." Albert said.

Then, Lynn and Claudia left the room as they still bickering about.

"I guess I need to work hard even in this old age, huh? I want to be a smart and lazy man. Albert, let's save the world together." Henry said.

"Yeah. We will do it no matter what. It's either we win or we die." Albert said.

"…isn't it obvious? After all, if we lose, they will destroy the world and kill everyone." Henry said as he teases Albert for saying something obvious.

"…I think I get why I can get close to Roy easily. He has similar personality as yours."

Chapter 278 - Roy The Swindler



Crash! Crash! Crash!

"Stop doing it! I'm awake now!"

It was the morning a few days after the entrance exam. The result of the exam will be out later, but I was forced to wake up early because there's a ghost who just learned to touch objects, and she keep dropping plates and cups on the floor.


"I said stop it! I know you're happy since you can touch and lift some objects now, but that doesn't mean you are allowed to destroy everything! You're just like a kid wanting for attention." I shouted at Sonia who keeps dropping plates on the floor.

"I am indeed wanted to get your attention. I'm returning back to the Monsters World now since Albert's business is over. I'm here to inform you that." Sonia said.

She has returned yesterday saying that Albert has some important business that needed Sonia's assistance. I don't know what it is, but I think there's another annoying matter happening. And soon, Albert will ask for my help. I hope he can take care of it himself instead of asking for me to do it.

"I see. Thanks for telling. But was it necessary for you to destroy all the plates and cups here?"

"That's not everything. There are still a lot of these. See? I'm smashing another cup."


Sonia dropped another cup to the floor to proof that there are still other cups in my room.

"Enough already!" I shouted.

"By the way, why is your room has too many decorations?" Sonia asked curiously.

"Back then, I used my room as a warehouse whenever I go outside by connecting my room with portal. So, there are many things here. Obviously, the girls didn't like it. So, I take them all into the storage room. Then, my room become empty. Though I'm fine with living in an empty room, the girls didn't like it. So, the girls decided to decorate my room with plates, cups, jars, and paintings. You're the ghost of this building so how come you didn't know?" I explained.

"I made your room as a forbidden ground. I won't enter there unless for something important. Anyway, I'm leaving now. Can you open a portal there so I can get there faster?"

"So that's why you're waking me up, huh? Fine. Just leave quickly."

I opened a portal to the Monsters World, connecting to a Blobby that is being carried by a Werewolf who accompanying Sonia to the ghost town. That Werewolf is carrying a necklace with the soil from under this building so Sonia can follow her.

But as I opened the portal, I see the Werewolf. She's sleeping. Naked. And I'm totally awake now.

"Alright, you can close the portal now, or I will tell Victoria and the others about this."

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I quickly closed the gate not because of Sonia's threat. Yes. I'm doing it because of my own will.

But still… looking at them directly is much better after all. No clothes to restraint the body so I won't see the weirdly shaped parts. I like them no matter what, but if I have to choose, seeing them naked directly is much better.

Anyway, I'm no longer sleepy. While It's still early in the morning. Even Lina has just wake up.

Since Albert has just finished an important business, if it's related to the cult, he will contact me. if not, then there's nothing to do. Which is a blessing.

I guess I'll do my daily training earlier than usual.

Even after three years since returning to the past, I never skipped daily training unless I'm busy. Though the time that I did the training varies. Sometimes it's early in the morning like this, and sometime during the afternoon since I usually just wake up at that time.

After I return from my training, everyone already wakes up and the breakfast has been prepared. Other than some people who are in the capital. Like Angela and Shirley since they are waiting for their result. And Shelia is also here since she said she wanted to have Lina's fried chicken. I think it's because fried chicken is the first delicious meal that I have given her.

After breakfast, it's time to go to the campus for the exam takers. It's finally time for their result to be posted.

I have no doubt that everyone, even those in the capital, will be accepted. If not, I will question the examiners.

And now, since the Introductory School has finished awakened all the students' magic, I guess soon it will be the time for them to have the explosive device in their mouth. What a weird ritual.

I think I'll go patrol the academy district today and see if I can meet Kayla and the others.

I will have as much fun as possible while killing some cultists!

I won't do much in public, but I will find any cultists hiding in empty alleys and kill them.

I left the house and quickly find two people in an alleyway. What a perfect coincidence.

"Victoria, I found two people." I told my accomplice, Victoria.

"Are they strong?" She asked.

"Neither of them reacted when I get this close. They are either good actors, or weaker than expert level mages."

"Okay. We'll do plan A like usual."


We have been doing this every time I see new people in the city who has explosive devices along with Victoria. At first, I just killed them directly. But now, thanks to Victoria's strategy, at least I can have fun doing it.

…not the killing part. Having fun killing people is a mental illness. What I meant by having fun is the process before the killing.

…that still makes it sounds like a mental illness.

Anyway, it's time to put Plan A in action!

I walked into the alleyway, and intentionally colliding my shoulder to one of the guys walking there. Then I fall to the ground.

"AAARGH! You hit me! Argh! It's hurt! You just broke my shoulder! Argh!"

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Plan A, involve me intentionally colliding with the other party, pretending to be in pain as if I broke my bone, and asked the other party money for healing. Of course, I will ask for money and still kill the other party.

Victoria said that it's one of the common strategies of swindling in some short of fictional story in her world. As expected from that weird world! Even swindlers have some incredible strategies!

I can see the two men are confused, and angry. One is about to attack me, but the other stopped him and whispering something. Probably something like don't attract too much attention and just give me what I want.

"Tsk! The shoulder that hits me was your right shoulder! But you're holding your left shoulder!" The guy I collided with protested.

"That shoulder is fine! But this one is because of falling! Now pay for compensate my broken shoulder! Argh! It's painful! Argh!"

How is it? My acting skill has been progressing well since I have been doing this for some time.

While the guy I collide with is angry, the other guy stopped him.

"It's okay. I'm a healer. Here, Light Heal! Now your shoulder should be healed and you don't need any compensation, right?" The other guy who is actually a healer used healing magic on me.

What the hell? I was too shocked since there has never been any healer among the cultists I killed. I guess there will be some eventually. But now what? He just healed me so I can no longer ask him for money.

I guess I'll do it the old way.

I quickly get up from the ground, transformed Victoria into a sword, and slashed the neck of the healer. He needed to be killed first just in case.

"What!? You-"

Before the guy I collided with completing his sentence, I already made my move and slashed his neck as well.

"Tsk! How would I know that one of them is a healer!? Let's throw this people away before anyone notices!"

I open a portal to the basement of my home. That's where Sunny should be at the moment. She will enjoy absorbing these two's blood as nourishment. What a scary flower.

"Let's go for the next one… I guess we will delay our patrol. Wendy is here."

I looked up at the sky and waved my hand to show Wendy where I am. And I'm right that she's actually looking for me.

"Roy! Something happened to Kayla and the others! You have to go to the campus right away!" Wendy said as soon as she descended.

"What level is the problem? From one to ten. One is where the girls can just ignore it, and ten is where the only solution is to kill everyone involved. Beyond that, running away is the only option."

"…the difference from one to ten is too drastic. Anyway, it was Kayla who asked you to come. She said if it's you, you might be able to use this as a chance." Wendy said.

"A chance for what? I guess I have to go there to check on the situation then. What a pain… It's just the day when the result of the exam is posted. What would happen during the school year?"

"Everyone will be focused on the tournament once it's announced. No one would bother on other things by then." Wendy said.

"You're right. I think that's the only thing I'm looking forward for the school year. Let's go. They should be waiting for me."

Since the common sense of this world make people think that air element is too weak and unsuitable for combat, the chance of the students diligently going to my class will decrease once they find out about the tournament. They will prefer to take other classes, subjugating monsters, or cultivating.

If my guess is right, then we can use this chance as Kayla said to announce the tournament. For now, let's take a look at the problem the girls are facing.

Chapter 279 - A Conflict Already?

I arrive quickly with Wendy at the courtyard. I don't have to hide myself even when everyone sees me descending. They just thought that I'm a wind mage.

I look at the commotion and see Jewel is arguing with a man while Kayla is watching from behind her. As for Sophie, she's on the way here after seeing the result in her campus. She must have made an appointment with Kayla and Jewel to meet here. But never expected that there's a commotion.

The man Jewel is arguing with is… the one who said that he will call his papa. The fake air mage who wanted to take the air magic practical exam. And why is there an old man behind him? Don't tell me that's his papa?

Is his papa a noble? Or a rich man? It's annoying that I faced too many similar templates like this. Why does having money make you an asshole? Why can't you just be an asshole even without money? I respect those people. Though I might kill them if they are too much of an asshole.

Wait! I think I remember his name! Let's try to remember.

First, he's a boy. That makes him his parents' son.

Second, his parents probably spoiled him rotten. That's how he instantly depends on his papa.

That should be enough for a clue. His name is Hisson! It was because he is his papa's son!

Wait! It was the papa who named him. So, it should be Myson! No, it was Mason! I remember it!

"Huhu." I leaked out a laugh for remembering his name.

"What is it?" Victoria asked.

"Nothing. Just some detective game."

If I told Victoria, she will make fun of me. Let's just stop the commotion.

I was about to go there, but I see that Dean is also coming. I'll just go with him then.

"What's going on here?" Dean asked.

He looks around carefully and see that there are two sides making a ruckus. And one side has Kayla behind her.

Seeing Kayla, I'm sure Dean has decided which side he will support. But I think it's a good chance to let this be for now.

I approached Dean but I didn't do anything yet since I don't know the whole story.

"It's her! She's the one in the wrong! How could she be accepted just because she's a Beastform mage? That's a discrimination toward other mages who took multiple exams!" Mason said.





She must be really angry since her shouting has returned. Well, I'll allow it this time. She's trying to protect Kayla from this asshole after all.

Then, Mason's papa approached Dean. Since he's Mason's papa, does that makes him Mapapa?

"Dean, I'm a Duke in charge of another city. My power might not be much here, but… you know, right?"

Oh! Mapapa is trying to bribe Dean! I think I heard that Dean is not someone who received bribes. Even more, Dean is already connected with the king himself. Why would he let a Duke disrespect him?

I'll better suggest an idea to Dean.

"Dean, it's a good chance to inform everyone about the tournament. The sooner everyone knows, the more motivated they will be to get stronger faster before the tournament." I whispered.

"You're right. Let's do that."

Dean ignored Mapapa who is angry because someone who is not a noble is disrespecting him. Oh? That fire mage examiner who examined Wendy is also here with Mapapa. Well, bad guys will always stick together with similar people.

"Jewel passed the lightning element exam with an excellent result. The best one we had since I first assigned as the dean of this university. But if that's what you want, I can arrange it so that only one of you will be accepted, while the other will leave. The two of you have to fight in the arena. The winner will be accepted. How about it?"

A tournament? I suppose that's a good idea. Dean can gather everyone in the arena, and tell them about the tournament after the fight. I should tell the agents here to spread the news to everyone. The staffs, the students, and probably some people with influence in the city that can spread rumors fast. Like inn owner or bar owner.

Jewel accepted the duel right away, while Mason asked for the rules of the duel.

"Anything other than killing is permitted. If you kill your opponent, it will be counted as your loss." Dean said.

That's the rule that we're going to use for the tournament as well. Using magical tools are permitted as well. and seeing how Mason asked that question, he must have a lot of magical tools to use.

Hmm… I keep saying to everyone that we need to get stronger. But I haven't told them that it's fine to get magical tools. The one that I often see being used ais Kayla's wand that allow her to gather soil and shape it into anything she wants. As for the fishnet stocking, Sophie never talked about it. But I often see it being worn by someone who is going for a quest. I'll ask Sam to get some magic tools later.

Well, now everyone is going to the arena. They are interested to see a battle. And the agents I asked to inform other people also doing well. There are many people entering the arena and the arena is filled to the brim. Some people even can't get a seat so they are standing. They need some kind of entertainment to talk about.

Mason is preparing himself and I can see he is wearing a protective magic tool. He's wearing a robe that can reduce the damage taken to the owner from magic attack. I remember that robe is quite a common sight during the war. Maybe I should get one as well?

As for Jewel, she's ready as she is. I just gave them a single advice before she enters the stage.

"Jewel, don't finish the fight too fast. Let him cast a few magic."

"Master, didn't you always say to take care of everything as quickly as possible?" Jewel asked.

"Yeah. But this is just a show. And we have more benefits this way since we're about to tell everyone about the tournament today. It's better to entertain everyone" I said.

"You're going to tell it today?" Sophie asked.

Sophie and Kayla are here as well as Jewel's seconds.

"Yeah. We're using you and that guy to make a show about what to expect in the tournament. Jewel, I know you can win easily, but still, be very careful."

"Understand, Master!"

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Jewel confidently enters the arena.

As for me, I have a seat prepared near Dean. We will be sitting close to Mapapa since I want to threat him as well later.

The one who will be the referee is Wendy. The other professors are too lazy to do it, but they still want to see the match.

I ignore how Mapapa keeps complaining about something. He even dared to threat Dean. Well, he won't dare to do anything ever again soon.

"Both duelists, you can enter the stage. The fight will begin after I give the signal. The rule is no killing. Everything is permitted. Any questions?"

Oh! That's much better than when Grandpa Werewolf just say begin.

"No." Jewel said.

"I have a suggestion. How about other than leaving, the loser must follow the winner's order?" Mason asked Wendy. He's being stupid right now.

"…you can ask Jewel for her agreement. Not me. I'm just here to be the referee." Wendy said.

"Fine. I agree. Of course, it works if you lose as well, right?"

"Haha! I won't lose! Let's just begin the battle!" Mason said confidently.

How could he win? He's someone who couldn't even pass any one of the exams. He even faked being an air element mage just so he can at least get one exam passed. He thought he can outsmart me. But he doesn't know that he needs to be smart first to do that.

As for Jewel, she has improved a lot. Her physical weakness improved thanks to her Beastform magic. And her lightning element, although it's still weaker than Sophie's element and still in intermediate level, she can even fight an Orc General evenly.

She doesn't have any magical tools unlike Mason, but she is more experienced in fighting. Unless Mason has some kind of powerful attacking magic tools, it's impossible for him to win.

As for Mapapa, he keeps complaining about the treatment his son received. Should I keep his mouth shut then?

…I guess I shouldn't. I want to see his expression once I told him that we have even more powerful backing than Mapapa and his status.

"Alright! If there is no more question, we will begin the fight soon. Mason! Are you ready?!" Wendy asked Mason.

"I am ready." Mason said.

"Jewel! Are you ready?!" This time, she asked Jewel.

"READY!" Jewel shouted.

"Then… the duel begins!"

…damn! That's one way to start a duel! Kron will be the referee for the tournament, right? I'll ask Wendy to teach him how to start a fight then. Maybe I should ask her to be the referee as well?

Anyway, the duel has begun. Everyone is excited because it's rare for them to have some kind of entertainment.

…I think it's good that I don't see Mason's mother here. If she's here, I have to call her Mamama.

Chapter 280 - Announcing The Tournament

The duel begun, and I'm totally not interested. Especially since I know who will be the winner. But since she's my disciple, I'll just watch her fight and evaluate it later if needed.

I'm not really a proper mage according to the common sense of this world. So, if it's a magic battle, there are many other people who are better at evaluating how Jewel fights. But I still need to have some dignity as her master.

…to hell with dignity. She fights, she won, and that's good. For me, result is everything. The process, as long as it doesn't hurt yourself or other people important to you, it doesn't matter.

Her opponent makes the first move. That Mason started with a fire magic.

Hmm? Is that even a fire magic? I know I shouldn't compare it with Angela, but even the first time that she casted a fireball, back when we just became a party just the two of us, her fireball is already bigger than that. And she's just a beginner level who hasn't learned magic control yet.

And yet this guy, he seriously thinks that he's worthy to be accepted? And he's shamelessly agreed to a duel with that weak magic and just supported with a magic robe to protect himself?

Well, at least he will be a good laugh for everyone here. And those who are in the similar level as that Mason will be glad to not act like he did and embarrass themselves.

For now, let's see how Jewel reacts.

Jewel easily dodged the weak magic but she still didn't make other moves. She's just standing there and watching the opponent. And she has the dissatisfied expression knowing that her opponent is too weak and won't be enough for her to get stronger.

If it was me, I have many ways to embarrass him in public. But it's Jewel's moment. And she's not like me who will go out of her way to embarrass her opponent, and kill him at a later date while no one is around.

Whoa, that makes me sound really evil. Well, anyone who becomes a burden to me have to die. That's what I decided. Either I have to face them directly, or waiting until I have the chance. Though I mostly did the waiting since I don't dare to go face the enemies unless I know that they are weaker than me.

But… lately, I faced the enemies more often than waiting. I guess I have changed. It's the change that I don't want. Let's stick to being a coward again from now on.

The opponent keeps casting Fireball, and Wind Slash at Jewel. But they were all easily dodged by her. And this… makes the audience bored. Even some of the audience, who is just beginner level mage and not a hunter, are able to do what Mason did. So, they are disappointed to see the level of his performance. To think that someone this weak is complaining about not getting accepted. That's just ridiculous.

Seeing the audience, Jewel looked around and finds me. She's asking with her eyes if she can just finish her opponent quickly.

I nodded at her and she returns her gaze toward the enemy.

Jewel transformed into a rhino. Not the hybrid transformation, but the full transformation.

Her transformation shocked everyone since no one would have thought to transform into a rhinoceros. Most Beastform mages would transform into a flying animal. And transforming into a land animal is considered stupid.

But not for Jewel. She considered the rhino's thick skin to be very useful and that's how she decided to transform into a rhinoceros.

And not just that. While she's in her rhinoceros form, she casted a lightning magic as well. It's one of the most useless magic according to common sense of this world, Lightning Armor.

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It's considered as useless because no one fights close quarter combat.

Lightning mage can cast this magic after they reached intermediate level. But no one would think of using it.

And now, everyone will watch how a body clad in lightning is very useful in a fight. A rhinoceros body though.

Kayla charged toward Mason while ignoring all his magic despite being hit. She's already much stronger than a normal rhinoceros…

When she gets close to Mason, Mason finally stepped aside to not get hit. But he was too late.

Even though Jewel missed him, her lightning clad body gave a shock to Mason.



Why does she have to shout whenever she's transformed? Was it because rhino is a loud animal? I don't know that. I have never encountered a rhino before. I don't even know if rhinos still exist or not. For animal to survive in the wild, they have to be able to fight against monsters. That's why I'm doubtful if they are still exist. Most people only ever seen rhino from picture books. If they still exist, that mean the place they live in must be far from any monsters and very safe. I want to go there someday.

Mason got slightly paralyzed, and this time, he can't dodge Jewel's next charge.

This time, the audiences' excitement is at its peak. It's their first time seeing someone uses Lightning armor like she did. And they can't wait for her to hit Mason.

"Ah! Wait! I giv-"

Before Mason finished his sentence, Jewel already hit him. She didn't strike him with her horn, but she lowered her head so her horn is in between his legs. Then, using her neck, she lifted him up and throws him to the audience seat.


Mason flew beautifully in an arc toward… my location. No, it's near me where Mapapa is.

Well, the duel is over. I should do my part now.

Mason crashed toward Mapapa, and that annoying fire magic professor. They are sitting next to each other after all. And there's no way they can use magic to stop his crash. He's Mapapa beloved son.

Only this area worried about Mason's condition and Mapapa's. the other areas shouted for Jewel's victory.

"The winner is Jewel!" Wendy announced.

Let's wait for a while until the people calmed down.

I approached Mapapa, annoying fire magic professor, and Mason in between them.

"Don't move or I kill you. Before any of you decide to do or say anything stupid, listen to Dean's announcement soon."

On the sitting fire magic professor and Mapapa, I put my hands on their shoulder as if I'm their good friend. But I'm holding a Blobbyknife on each hand as I threatened them while placing them on their necks.

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"Do you know who you're threatening? You won't be able to leave this place alive." Mapapa said.

I also see some people who I presumed to be his bodyguard about to attack me. But they are wary of the knives pressing on Mapapa's neck. As for the fire magic professor, no one cares about him.

"Believe me I will still alive. As for you, even if I kill you, it won't be a crime. Now, listen." I said.

We see Dean raise from his seat, and about to say something.

"Congratulation, Jewel. You are worthy to be a student here. As for Mason, as promised, you will have to leave. More importantly, I have an announcement to make. It's about College Battle Tournament!" Dean announced.

Everyone is confused about what he said. As for me, I'm curious why the name is so simple. Was it Albert who suggested the name? So that I can remember the name of the tournament?

"I know all of you are confused so I will explain. This is a tournament between all the colleges in Tatrama Kingdom! Several students from each college will be selected to participate in the tournament. This is the first time a tournament will be held! And we can finally know which college is the best among all the college in this kingdom!"


The audience got even more excited from the announcement.

"I have proposed it to his majesty King Albert, and he agreed for us to held the first Battle Tournament! And we will prepare a reward for the strongest team! Does our college have what it takes to be the strongest?!" Dean asked.


"Good! I deliberately let these two duels, so you can experience what kind of fight that will happen in the tournament. But that was slightly disappointing because one side is too weak. But you did really great, Jewel. I'm proud to say that you're our student."

Oh, Jewel's face is so red right now. She's embarrassed. That's my cute student you're praising, Dean.

"There is a reason why his majesty agreed to my plan. It's because of the Evil Cult. Many people must have heard, or even involved in the Stampedes that happens two years ago. And it was that Evil Cult who did it. His majesty said that we need something that will motivate everyone to get stronger. Which is this tournament! Not just it will tell which college is the strongest, it will also tell who is the strongest student! With that in mind, I wish that only the strongest one will participate. To do that, those who are willing to participate will fight like what you see before to decide who will participate. The rule of the tournament will be decided at a later date, but we can still decide who is the top mages among you. The detail will be explained later. Let's aim to be the strongest!"

I heard a lot of chatters. Some regretted that they didn't choose to attend college, some regretted that they have already graduated, and obviously, the students are excited.

As for me…

"You heard that? Dean has made a direct contact with the king. And because of his majesty, I was asked to teach here. Both Dean, I, and some other people, have direct connection with his majesty. If you want to use your status, I will use his. If you do anything that will cause hindrances for the tournament, like bribing your way in to let your weak-ass son to be accepted, or do anything that cause me trouble, I can kill you. And it won't be considered a crime. Are you still trying to act tough?"

The two shook their heads. As for Mason in the middle, he's sweating bucket. I don't care about his injuries. He can just die. That's a terrible thing to say as a doctor.

"Good. I have memorized your faces. If something happened, it will be your fault. Don't ever cause me trouble again. The one this bastard tried to flirt with is my girlfriend. And I won't forget it."

I released the two and leaves the arena. There's nothing else for me to do.

As for Mapapa, he hurriedly told his people to leave this city. And that fire magic professor, he's thinking of quitting. At least Wendy won't have any problem with that guy anymore.

Now, with the tournament announced, I don't think there will be many air mages who wanted to take my class. They will choose other classes and use their spare time to practice. Though I still need to give lecture at least once a week.

Sigh… school will start next week. I have put my schedule to only teach in Monday. And then I need to arrange some time to teach the doctors about medical treatments. I'm so busy.