
Chapter 290 - Alone With Celestine

Going in a straight line to the Imperial Capital mean we have to cross a desert. I heard that it's the vastest desert in the whole continent.

I think that it's right. I have been running on the desert for hours and I haven't seen any civilization at all. Well, there are some ruins that I think came from the civilization from a long time ago. But they have been gone for some reason.

Since it's a desert where no one dare to cross, I don't need to run on air anymore. I don't need to worry about people watching since no one else is around. Though I think that it's a good spot for the cult to hide, I didn't see anything related to the cult here. Well, other than the lady on my back.

I run up on the sand dune in the desert and…


I slide down the dune with using Blobbies as board. I carried a lot of Blobbies enough to not need Victoria by my side.

I run up on another dune and slide down again.


This is fun.

"Roy, I want to try that as well." Celestine suddenly said from my back.

"Okay. Then… let's do it on that dune next." I said as I pointed at the dune in front of us.

I run up on the dune, and let down Celestine from my back.

"Here's some Blobbies… you don't need them?"

I was about to give her a Blobbyboard, but she refused it.

"Roy, what do you see around you?" Celestine suddenly asked.

"Sand and more sand. And another sand. And then sand and cactus. And sand. Oh, that's a rock." I answered honestly.

"Yes. And I'm an expert level earth mage. I can easily manipulate the sand around us into a wave that I can ride. It's also thanks to the magic control you taught me. Let's call it… Sand Wave."

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Instead of sliding down the dune, Celestine used her magic to create a wave of sand. And carrying the two of us with it!

"Oh! This is amazing!" I shouted excitedly.

"During our time in the desert, I'll be the one carrying you. But only within the limit of my mana. Let's go."

Celestine is standing with a calm expression as she let the Sand Wave carry us. And since the Sand Wave we ride is sinking our feet to the ankles, we don't need to worry about falling. We just need to balance ourselves.

I spread my arm open and let the wind blow on my face. It's a rare opportunity to get carried by someone else and let the wind hit my face without me needing to do anything. Of course, I still maintain my Air Barrier only enough to not let sand hit our eyes or enter our nose and mouth.

As for breathing, I have been letting Celestine breathe with my air magic. We don't need to worry if the air is poisonous or not. I heard that some area in the desert has poisonous air but as long as I'm here, it will be fine.

The speed of the Sand Wave that Celestine controlled is not as fast as my running speed. It's not even as fast as Wendy's flight magic. But at least it's faster than any ordinary horse carriage. I'll just enjoy taking the ride with her.

"This is your first time using this magic?" I asked Celestine while we're moving.

"Yes. It's thanks to learning about magic control. If I hadn't, I won't even think about doing this. And this is also good for training as well." Celestine replied.

"I see. Well, since we're in desert, you can do whatever you want. I make sure that any poisonous gas won't enter your lung. I heard that some areas have poisonous gases."

"Thanks. I heard that too, but I think it's safe here. But just in case, please protect me."

"I will. I also heard that this is the biggest desert in the whole continent. Now that I'm here, I feel like it's true. If you're tired, let's stop and prepare to camp."

"Hmm? You're not marking the place with Victoria's clone and returning to Cassau with portal?" Celestine asked curiously.

"I won't. I might use my portal to grab something back from Cassau, but I won't use it to return. If I return, I don't think I want to travel again. Though if you want to, I can transport you back." I said.

"…no need. I'll be going with you all the way to Arturo." Celestine said.

I still don't know the reason why she insisted on coming. Though from the look of it, I doubt that it's because she finally fell for my charm and want to be my lover. But I think the reason why Victoria left me with her is because she thinks so or she noticed that Celestine has something to say to me in private.

Well, if she wants to talk, she will talk. I'll wait until she's ready.

The skies turn orange and night will follow. It's time to rest.

If I'm alone, I can go on even at night. But out of consideration for Celestine, I ask her to stop.

The Sand Wave that carried us stopped and created a huge dune. After we stopped, Celestine prepared a shelter for us without saying anything.

It's just a simple dome-shaped shelter with diameter of five meters. There's only one room and two Blobbibeds that I made.

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"You don't need a separator between the beds? You don't need any privacy?" I asked Celestine.

"No need. I trust you that you won't make any moves on me. You practically see everyone's naked bodies after all, but you still hold yourself back."

I let my desire out at night though with any one of my lovers. Well, she doesn't need to know that. But it's true what she said. If it was me before returning to the past, there's no way I can hold myself back in front of such beauty.

"Roy, there's something I want to ask you."

Finally, it's time. We both lying on our own Blobbybed as she lies on her side toward me and spoke. It must be the reason why she's coming with me.

"What is it?"

I still look up to the ceiling when I asked her what she want to ask.

"You… Roy, you don't trust me at all, right?"

So that's what she wants to ask. Whether I trust her or not. Well, the answer is…

"You're wrong. I trust you, but I trust you the least among everyone." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Celestine raised her upper body on the bed as she looked at me curiously.

"What makes you think that I don't trust you?"

"Well, I don't really get how to say it… Veronica for example? During a quest from the guild even before you built the clan, whenever we're going together, I feel like you can trust Veronica with your life, but not me. Is it because you trust me the least?"

Well, I guess that's true. Whenever we're out for a mission, sometimes, it was just the three of us. It was when I tried to show those two expert level mages the ropes about how to be a hunter. I would unconsciously move closer to Celestine whenever she's about to use her magic as if I don't want her magic to hit me. But it seems like my action burdened her heart.

"Unlike Veronica, you joined the cult out of your own volition. And you betray them for a reason as well. Children. If, one day they decided to use the children in some way, I have no doubt that you will return to them. I'm just being paranoid." I answered honestly.

"I see. I think you're right that I will return. I also liked how I destroy everything in my path. But once they assigned me to be in charge of the orphanage, I changed and I just want to protect the children. Some of them are even children that I turn into orphans myself, and I didn't feel guilty at all. As someone who was in a high position in the cult, I turned blind eyes when they decided to use a Stampede to destroy cities. I was fine. Then, when someone decided to kill some time by torturing children, that's when I felt that I had enough. You know the rest after that. Now, I want to destroy that cult no matter what. But if they decided to use children in some way to threaten me, I think you're right that I will betray you. When that time come…" Before Celestine finished her words, I stopped her.

"Enough. That time won't come. I told you that I trust you the least, but you are the easiest one to trust. As long as I can protect the children, you won't betray me. So, it's basically me trusting you because I know how to fulfil the condition to make me trust you. That's actually pretty smart of me. As for the others, I trust them unconditionally now. Which is weir. If any one of them ever betray me, I don't know how to live with myself. As for you, you are easier to think. That's just sounds rude, right?"

"No. That is good. Please continue thinking of me that way. As for me, I will always trust you. Thank you for telling me."

Just after saying that, she quickly falls asleep. She's sleeping while still turning her body this way. But her face is smiling. Which part of what I said is good for her?

I think I'm similar with her. At first, I just want to live peacefully and only think about myself. Then, other people come into my life. And I feel like my life is much better with everyone instead of being alone. I want to protect everyone.

…now I feel like playing hero just like the stories I read. I thought that playing hero is not something that I want to do no matter what, but now I keep playing hero. Just show that I also changed, huh? Is this for the better or for the worse?

Chapter 291 - Arrived At The Imperial Capital

After a good night sleep, Celestine carried us with her Sand Wave magic for a few hours. We still hadn't seen any cities yet, but I can see some people already. I think it's best to stop now.

"Celestine, there are people ahead. I'll carry you on my back again from now."


We stopped and the Sand Wave dropped and become another dune on the desert.

Seems like the place with people are actually a road toward some city. Those people are travelers.

As for the city, I can't see any at the moment.

"Hey, do you want to stay in a city or camp again?" I asked Celestine who is already on my back before we took off.

"Anything is fine. We can get Lina's cooking anywhere with your portal." Celestine said.

"Then let's continue. If I see a city before it's dark, let's stay at an inn."

"Are you sure? King Albert told you that the mission is to be sneaky, right? What if we were seen?"

"Fake beard!" I said as I used Blobbies and turned them into a fake beard on my face.

"Oh, disguise."

"As for you, you just need some light make up and wear that Blobbies underwear."

"Okay. I want to disguise myself as a man!" Celestine exclaimed.


"I just want to!"

"Then we'll stop before we enter any city."

Using Sand Wave to travel is quite slow. And the travel time from three days if I run turned into four. If we stay in a city, it will turn into five or more. But it's okay. We don't have time limit for this mission.

As for King Harold, I think it's fine. If he's still alive, the enemy won't kill him anytime soon. He is more useful alive than dead. So, even if we take months to get to Arturo, he might still be alive. Though the case will be different if King Harold is long gone.

"Roy." While I'm running in the air, Celestine spoke.


"Thank you for trusting me even for a little."

"It's the continuation from last night? Sure. If I can't trust you, I won't give you a piggyback ride." I replied.

"Are you sure it's not because of my breast?" Celestine teased me.


"You're hesitating."

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"…anyway, you know that I trust you now. And I will do my best so you won't betray me. That's simple. Is this why you want to come along with me?" I asked.

"That's just one reason, I guess. But that's the one that stuck in my mind the most ever since you took me in."

"It was Veronica who asked me to take you in. You should thank her."

"I already did." She said.

We just talked while enjoying the view as I run. When the sun is going to set, I can see a city. So, just like the agreement, we will stay in the city.

We stopped and prepare our disguise. I grabbed my clothes because Celestine said that she wanted to disguise herself as a man. At least there won't be any problem with men trying to woo her.

We entered the city through the gate. The gatekeeper just asked us our intention in entering the city, and we just said to stay the night as our goal is the capital. They let us in easily.

"Well, now that we're in a city, what should we do?" Celestine asked.

"Find an inn first, then going on a gourmet tour." I said.

"I want sweets."

"Foods and sweets then. Let's go."

I found an inn easily, and we asked for two rooms. But Celestine still want to sleep on a Blobbybed so I lent her some Blobbies.

There's nothing happening in this city. Maybe because Celestine is disguising herself as a man so no one is bothering us.

The next day, after leaving the city, we continue our journey normally. Nothing bothering us and stopped us. No bandits in sight, and we ignored the monsters except for any flying monsters that got too close to us.

Three days passed and I can finally see the Imperial Capital.

"Let's stop here and put on our disguises. Are you going to be a man again?"

"Hmm… I'll put on some make up and the flattening underwear. But I'll be a woman this time." Celestine said.

"There might be some men causing trouble, but they won't be a problem. I'll get Sonia to tell the Empress that we're here and can meet her anytime she's ready."

I called Sonia and told her that the Empress just need to give me the schedule of when we should meet and where. It's the Imperial Castle and there should be some hidden passages there. I can enter the castle easily.

After Sonia's gone, she returned immediately.

"Roy, she said that she can come anytime you want after the sun set. Claudia will be with her all the time later."

Right. I almost forgot that there will be another person with Empress that I have to meet. An even capable leader than the Empress herself is what Albert told me.

"Let's visit them during their bath time!"

"I will stay with them until you arrive." Sonia said before she disappeared.

I guess that mean I can't enter the bathroom then. I heard that during my previous life, the Empress is the most beautiful woman in the whole empire. I'm curious about her.

"Let's go. I miss the sweets in the Imperial Capital." Celestine said.

"Wait, you're from the Empire?"

"I was born there, raised there, being rebellious, left that place, and now I'm back again." Celestine said.

"…killing innocent people is not what I'm thinking when people said 'being rebellious' is. So, you actually want to go back home?"

"That too. I want to meet someone." Celestine said.

"Then you should do that first before meeting the Empress. Wait, are you planning to meet the Empress as well?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll meet her first."

We entered the Imperial Capital and find an inn easily. This time Celestine just asked for one room. Well since she's not disguising herself as a man, I think that's okay. If she's still a man, I would probably say no to staying in one room. I don't want other people to think that I'm swinging that way.

…it must be thanks to Victoria's influence. She has corrupted my mind.

Two men staying in one room is actually normal, but thanks to Victoria, I can't think of it as normal anymore.

The inn we are staying in is close enough for me to see inside the Imperial Castle. And I can see the Empress is doing some paperwork together with another woman who seems to be her aide. That must be Claudia.

And that Empress who is rumored to be the most beautiful in the Empire… is surprisingly flat and short. I mean like really flat.

It's not just because I'm travelling with someone who carried two melons all the time, but hers is really flat. And she's quite short as well. Is she still a child?

While I was wondering, Sonia appears next to me.

"Roy, I told Albert that you're already in the Imperial Capital. He also freed his schedule so once you are meeting with the Empress, he wants you to create a portal and transport him here." Sonia said.

"So, he wants to come as well. That's fine. I can also proof the Empress that my portal is amazing." I said.

Then just like usual, I'm going for a gourmet tour. This time, I followed Celestine since she's more familiar with the Empire.

She never greeted anyone here. I guess the people she knows are not among the people we encounter. So, we returned to the inn and wait until it's dark.

"Alright, it's time." I said.

"How are we going there?" Celestine asked.

"There are many hidden passages, but the Empress didn't lock her window. Maybe Sonia told her to unlock the window. We'll enter her chamber from the window. Are you ready?"

I asked Celestine who wore a robe this time. Seeing her wearing one, I transformed some Blobbies into a robe as well. Now I can cover my head with the hood and feel more mysterious.

Once no one in the surrounding is looking, I jumped out of the window of our room and run directly toward the Empress' chamber. We quickly arrive there.

I opened the window and landed perfectly inside the chamber where two ladies and a ghost are waiting.

I took off the hood covering my head and introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you, Empress of Consenza. I'm Roy."

"We have been waiting for you. Though I didn't expect for you to bring your companion with you here." The Empress said.

"She's my friend and also someone who was born here. Her name is…"

Before I introduced Celestine to the Empress, Celestine stepped forward herself and took of the hood covering her head.

"It has been a while, Lynn. I'm sorry for leaving you and everyone." Celestine said.


Sonia, the other lady, and I are confused with Celestine's words. As for the Empress herself…

"Sister Celestine!"

The Empress ran toward Celestine and gave her a big hug.


Chapter 292 - Imperial Princess

So… what the hell is going on here?

I arrived in the Empress' Chamber and introduce myself to the Empress and her aide. Then, Celestine took off her hood and the Empress jumped on her. The Empress is even calling Celestine sister. Does that mean… Celestine is the Empress' sister?

The Empress and Celestine are hugging each other so tight that I don't think they will listen to what I say anytime soon. I guess I'll just talk with Claudia.

"Well, that was unexpected. Anyway, I'm Roy. You're Claudia, right? The person whom the King of Arturo takes fancy with? Albert told me that I need you to be here."

"…right. I'm Claudia. Empress Lynn's aide. I heard of you from King Albert during the meeting between kings. It was thanks to you that we found out about the existence of the cult. Though the King of Arturo doesn't know it since King Albert told us after someone impersonate him."

I shook my hand with Claudia as we're getting to know each other.

"I see. Let me hear more about what Albert told you. Just in case he's spreading rumors about me."

"Well, he told us that you are his friend. And that you have a harem. And you came from the future as well as your Aura ability." Claudia said.

"…that's basically everything then. Should I really be here to introduce myself when you already know a lot about me?"

"Well, we don't know your appearance. And King Albert said that it will be easier if everyone has meet you at least once."

Should I call him here then? He should already be ready to come over.

"Then should I go get the other person?" I asked Claudia.

"There's going to be another person? I never heard of anything about it before." Claudia looked at Sonia for confirmation.

"Well, he decided it abruptly. I forgot to tell you about it." Sonia said.

I think Sonia is keeping it as secret from the others. Feels like after she returns from the Ghost Town in Monsters World, she has become even more playful.

"Ah, Roy. While we're at it, how about you call Victoria as well." Sonia said.

While we're watching the heartwarming hug of the two, I summoned Victoria here.

"Oh, Roy. Where is this? It looks like a rich person's room. And… what am I seeing?"

Victoria is asking about how the two ladies ended up hugging each other.

"Well, you know that the opposite attracts, right? Like magnet. That's how it ended up that way."

"…that's rude to the flat girl." Victoria said.

"Who's the flat girl!"

Suddenly the Empress who is still hugging Celestine looked at us angrily. So, she's angry when being called that, huh? I'll keep that in mind.

"Well, I guess it's time I call Albert. This will be the first time you've seen my portal, right?"

In front of the two confused ladies, I open up a portal toward the Blobby in Albert's possession. And the other side of portal is in Albert's office.

"Whoa! What is that!?" The Empress said while still not letting Celestine go.

"This… is portal that summoner should be able to use. More importantly, why are you hugging Celestine?" Albert explained and then asked the Empress as he entered the portal. I close the portal soon after he passed through.

"Don't you know the opposite attracts? Just like magnet. And you can see that they are quite the opposite when you're looking at their chest." I give the same answer as when Victoria asked.

"Who is the one with flat chest!?" The Empress looked at me angrily.

"I didn't say that you have flat chest. Since Celestine has huge breasts, the opposite is actually un-huge. Not flat." I said.

"Oh… wait…" The Empress is confused.

"What is it?" I looked at the confused Empress.


While the Empress is still confused, I looked at Albert.

"I see why Claudia is important. Who would have thought that the Empress was quite a bit… slow?" I said to Albert.

"She's not a bad leader. She's just a little slow. Now, can anyone tell me what's going on?" Albert asked.

"I'll tell you everything that I hadn't inform you yet. Lynn, can we move somewhere?" Celestine asked the Empress in her embrace.


Why is the Empress so spoiled? Just what is going on!?

Since it won't progress like this, I asked Victoria to create some Blobbisofas for everyone here. Now everyone can be relaxed. Other than Celestine who still can't let Empress Lynn off of her.

"Let's talk. Celestine, who are you exactly?" Albert started the conversation.

"I am Celestine. The eldest daughter of Consenza Imperial family. I'm someone who was supposed to take the role of becoming the empress instead of Lynn." Celestine said.

"Wait. So… that mean I have three princesses staying in my house?" I asked.

"Three princesses? Just who are you?" Empress Lynn asked.

"Someone very special. If you paid attention, you should have known about me from Albert's story." I said calmly.

"There's my sister, Shirley, and then my daughter, Lana, and who would have thought that Celestine is a princess? Wait! Does that mean the cult already has information about the Empire!?" Albert asked.

"No. I kept the fact that I'm a princess a secret. Not many people other than the Imperial Family know who I am." Celestine said.

Then, Celestine started telling us about her life story that she hasn't told us yet.

Just like she said, Celestine is the eldest daughter and the first in line to be the next empress once her father died. But the previous emperor finds out about her true nature. Celestine is actually evil.

It was about twenty-three years ago when she was just fifteen and manifested her magic that she started using her magic to attack everyone. Everyone except her sister who is nine years younger than Celestine, that she is fond of.

"Wait! You're twenty-nine years old? Celestine being thirty-eight I can understand, but you're just like a kid!" I shouted.

"Who is a kid!? And don't shout! What if a cult member is here!?" Lynn said.

The more I know here, the less Empress-y she is.

"Don't worry. My Air Barrier won't leak any sound penetrate and leave the room. So far, there's only a few cult members in the city. But none of them are in the castle. But there's one former cult member though." I said as I look at Celestine.

"Wait, sister Celestine? You…"

"…right. After father kick me out and make everyone think that I'm dead, I joined the cult. Not for my survival, but for my evil desire."

Celestine told us about how she encountered the cult. She was already fifteen and already beautiful by that age. She accidentally bumped with the former faction leader of the big boobs' faction of the cult. That leader raised her to be the next leader of the faction after she died.

"Wait! Breasts can be groomed to grow naturally into that size!?" This time, it's Victoria who stopped Celestine's story.

"Sister! I want to hear more of that!" Lynn also asked for the detail.

"Mine's already big since I was thirteen. Let me continue."

Celestine continues her story while Lynn looked depressed. Even if there's any way to grow them, it's too late already for her.

Then the story is something I already familiar with. She became the leader of the faction, in charge of an orphanage, care about the orphans, betrayed the cult, and joined us.

"When I was in charge of the orphans, I started to be reminded of when I was playing with Lynn. That's why I betrayed the cult." Celestine said.

Although I know that she said the truth, I still looked at Albert for confirmation. He nodded, telling me that everything she said is the truth.

"Are you sure that no one in the cult knows that you are the princess?" Albert asked.

"I don't think any of them know. Since I was too evil, father always make sure that I will always stay in the castle and almost had no chance in going out at all. Even for awakening my element, I did it in the castle. I haven't told anyone about being an imperial princess ever since I got kicked out. If someone in the cult knows, it's not because I told them about it." Celestine said.

Seeing how the castle is safe from cult member, I think no one knows.

"Albert, there are no cult member with any explosive devices in their mouth in this castle. Doesn't it mean that the security in this castle is much better than your palace?" I said to Albert.

"I guess you're right. Though after you come, the security has been increased a lot and I don't think there's any more cult member in the capital." Albert said.

"Well, since I'm done with what I'm here to do, I'll be leaving. Lynn, it's fine for me to kill any cult members that I found, right?" I asked Lynn.

"You already called me casually? Well, that doesn't matter. Whoever it is, just kill them. Even if they have high position, kill every single one of them in the Imperial Capital." Lynn said.

"Okay. Albert, you're going home now. As for Celestine, you can stay here with Lynn. I'll visit you tomorrow. If anything happened, contact Sonia."

I opened a portal and returned Albert back to his office. After saying farewell to Celestine and Lynn, and also Claudia who is watching, I went on a hunt.

It sure was surprising to hear that Celestine was a princess. Will she return here or will she continue to be together with us? I'll let her decide her own future.

…so, she's thirty-eight, huh? She looks not much older than thirty. Was it because she's an expert level mage? If so, I bet the girls at home will cultivate more diligently.

The girls back at home will be interested in that more than the fact that she's a princess. Well, we already have two princesses at home after all.

Chapter 293 - Cleaning Up Imperial Capital

After leaving Celestine with Lynn, I went on a hunt for the cult members in the Imperial Capital. I got permission to kill everyone no matter what their status is. But I still need to put on my disguise. Should I be Ninja again?

"Victoria, give me another disguise other than Ninja." I asked Victoria who is with me.

"Just a facemask and long black hair is enough for your disguise. If I add some breast, you will look like a woman." Victoria said.

"Just the mask and long hair then." I said.

"Okay. But, are you sure you want to kill all the cult members here? It will be too suspicious if you do that."

"You're right. I should have asked if there are some sort of criminal organization here. I'll kill them as well. Let's go back and ask."

"…it's not even five minutes since you left."

Does it matter how long I've been gone? In fact, since I only left for a while, those three should still be there. So, I open a portal from the Blobbies in Celestine's possession.

"I'm back." I said as I entered the portal and see Celestine, Lynn, and Claudia are still in the Empress' Chamber.

"Who are you!?" Lynn shouted.

"It's me, Roy. I'm wearing disguise to assassinate the cult members here." I said.

"What are you coming back here for, Roy? It hasn't been a while since you left."

Celestine asked while she's still being hugged by her spoiled sister who is actually older than me.

"It will be too suspicious if I just kill the cult members who have explosive devices in their mouth, so I want to ask if there are any organized criminal in the Imperial Capital that I can kill. This way, it will be seen as if the death of those cult members is related to the organized criminal." I said.

"Oh, you're smart! You will be much smarter if you had thought about that before you leave." Lynn said.

"And you will not be seen as childish if you just let go of Celestine."


Instead of letting Celestine go, Lynn tightened her embrace. Celestine just smiled wryly.

"Claudia, tell him."

Lynn asked Claudia to tell me about any organized crime that I allowed to kill.

"Well, there are many reports from the citizen about some gang members violating the law. Though we don't know their whereabouts are." Claudia said.


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"Just tell me about them and their characteristic if they have any. I can look for them with my eyes. Albert has told you about my ability, right?"

"…you can see through everything and see things from far or even any small things that can't be seen with normal eyes. The see-through part is a bit disturbing, but I'll try to get used to it." Claudia said as she shyly covering her chest with her arms.

"Don't worry. I'm a doctor as well. There's nothing that I haven't seen."

And I can enjoy seeing one thing over and over again and not getting bored.

"I guess you're right." Claudia said as she relaxed her stance.

"As for you, I think you need to manage your diet. What you ate is too hard to digest. I think it's fine once in a while, but I think you ate that too much." I said.

"…now that's a bit disturbing."

"Other than that, you are very healthy. Just watch what you eat and you can maintain your body for a long time." I said.

"What about me!?" Lynn suddenly asked me.

"You? Just give up. You can't grow anymore. Unless you want to grow horizontally which I won't suggest. Other than that, you're healthy as well." I said.

"That's rude! I didn't ask about my breast!"

"I mean your height. But now that you mentioned it, your breast as well."


Lynn complained. I just ignore her as I was listening to Claudia's report about the organized crime in the Imperial Capital. Seems like there are several of them. And only some has distinctive characteristic like a tattoo or some mark. I'll go after them.

"Alright then, I'll be leaving again. And I thought of giving you two these tomorrow, but today is as good as any day. So… Victoria."


As soon as I called her name, Victoria who noticed my intention created some clones of Blobbies. I gave some to Claudia, and some to Lynn. Thanks to Victoria who still go hunting monsters from time to time, the amount of the clones she created has increased by a lot. And by sacrificing the endurance of her clones, she can create even more. So, I can still have a lot of Blobbies for myself.

"This way, I can create a portal to anywhere those Blobbies are. Make sure to keep them with you at all times."

I also explained how these Blobbies are still following my order so they can automatically protect the wearer in case of danger. But can only be done once, and they will be destroyed right away. Though once they are destroyed, Victoria will notice and she will inform me. Then I can protect the wearers.

"I guess that's all. I'll be going now."

I left through the window again and went directly to a location of an organized crime that I found.

According to Claudia, these people would rob expensive stuffs from the rich, and sold them. There were no evidences where they sold the stolen objects to and where they hide them. But I found where they hide it easily with my Divine Vision.

They are hiding under a rich man's house. Probably a merchant. And good news, the merchant is actually someone with explosive device in his mouth. He's a cult member hiding in this territory. Though as for the gang members who did the stealing, I don't see anyone who has explosive device in their mouth. I guess that merchant manipulated those people to steal for him.

Well, that doesn't matter. Let's kill him and all the gang members that I see.

I've been acting too cocky for a while. I think it's best to be careful again. I'll check if there are any expert level mages among these people.

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Hmm… I think I'm safe. Then, let's kill everyone without being seen. Using a spear is difficult for an assassination, so let's use Blobbyknife. No, I think shooting them from afar is the best. Let's find a good position and make sure the silencer works well.

One, two, three… I keep shooting the gang members who are alone one by one. And if there are two or more people who by any chance are lining up, I try to kill them in one shot.

So far so good. And since the Blobbybullets disappear as long as Victoria willed it, there are no evidence in what is killing them. There is not even a trace of magic there.

After killing the gang members that I can see, it's time to kill the merchant. He's already asleep and the wall is blocking him. I can't shoot him through the window from this spot, so I moved to another spot where I can see him through the window, and shoot a bullet. The bullet this time is Victoria herself.

Before Victoria hit the window, she transformed into her slime form and landed without any sound. Then, she opened the window from a small gap. As soon as the window is opened, I shoot a Blobbybullet through the merchant's head and he died in an instant.

After that, Victoria locked the window again, and I summoned her to my side.

"Now, there's no trace of me. Not even a broken window." I said.

"I think that's too much work just to kill one man. You are too careful." Victoria said.

"Being careful is good. I can stay alive as long as I'm careful. Let's go find other cult members."

After killing that merchant, I went around to kill other cult members in the Imperial Capital along with some thugs that I see.

The next morning, there were rumors about the invisible hero who killed bad guys. That was me! I'm a hero!

Though the guards of the Imperial Capital are now searching for me and informing the citizens that I'm actually a criminal. I think it's the same as when I first became Ninja. Now I did it again, but in a different country. Will I do the same in Varadis Kingdom?

After checking if everyone's is awake, I returned to the Empress' Chamber to see that Lynn is no longer hugging Celestine.

"You're back. Are we going to continue our mission?" Celestine asked.

"You still want to come with me? I thought that you only want to come here."

"I said that I'll accompany you, so I'll be with you until we meet the King of Arturo. I also have met King Henry in the past. I don't know if he still remembers me or not." Celestine said.

"No! Why are you leaving again!?" Lynn protested.

"I won't feel safe until I destroy the cult. I'm not going to atone for my sin in killing innocent people. I'm doing everything for the future of the orphans." Celestine said.

"Well, I'm thinking of staying here for two more days. How about you return to Cassau and introduce your sister to everyone there? I'll pick you up again when we're leaving." I suggested.

"Okay. Wanna come, Lynn?" Celestine invited Lynn to come.

"Sure! Claudia, please take care of everything while I'm gone!"

"…you always asked me to do everything though." Claudia said.

Seems like she has a lot in her mind. I tapped her shoulder as I opened a portal for Celestine to return home. Then Victoria also come along while leaving some Blobbies for me.

"Now that they've gone, can you tell me the specialty of this Empire? I want to bring home souvenir for the others."

I spent the next two days buying souvenir for everyone, and then picked Celestine back to the Empire as we're about to continue our mission.

Next stop, Varadis Kingdom.

Chapter 294 - Leaving The Imperial Capital

I have picked up Celestine and Lynn who were on vacation back in Cassau. Now, Lynn has to return to her duty while Celestine will accompany me on my journey.

Damn! I missed home so much that once I return, I don't even want to go out again! But I need to go for this mission. Once the kings are able to meet each other easily by having them use my portal, my mission will be done. That's when I can truly be relaxed.

I said goodbye to Kayla and the others who are at home and told them to wait until my mission is over.

"Sister, are you leaving?" Lynn asked Celestine.

"I am."

"Sis, you don't need to atone for what you did in the past. You can just stay here with me and rule this Empire with me." Lynn said.

That's an interesting offer. If it was me, I would consider it deeply.

"I'm not atoning for my sin. Even now, I still enjoy killing people. The reason I betrayed the cult was because of the children. Being with children remind me of the past when I need to take care of you all the time. That's why I can't forgive the cult for playing with children's lives. As for killing people, I'm actually still enjoy it. I have fully embraced the evil in me. But now, instead of innocent people, my target is the cult itself." Celestine said.

Fuck! She's still evil! At least I know her evilness is not directed toward me but the cult. But what would happen once the cult is gone? The orphans would grow up already.

"But sis, I heard from Veronica that before, during your time in the cult, you were longing for a man who doesn't like you only because of your breasts. Why won't you stop fighting and find a man?" Lynn asked.

"Ahaha, so Veronica still remembers, huh? Well, I did long for a man before. But not for love. It is so I can have a child of my own." Celestine said.

Oh, so she just wanted to be a mother for real this time. Not becoming the caretaker of the orphans anymore.

"Does that mean you're no longer looking for a partner?" Lynn asked.

"Not anymore. I have him." Celestine said while pointing at me.

"…wait, me!?" I was shocked when she's pointing her index finger at me. Does it mean I have another lover?

"Yeah, I can just ask you later. I know that you are fine with me. You refused to have children until you know this world will be a safe place for your children to live in. I'm fine waiting until the cult is destroyed, you know? Then, we can have kids. I want a lot." Celestine said.

"Yeah, I want a lot as well. But is this how easy I get another girl? And now, the reason why the girls want to be with me are getting weirder and weirder!"

"You don't want to?" Celestine asked.

"I want to!" I replied honestly.

"Then let's destroy the cult as soon as possible. I promise that once I have my own kids, I will care for them more than killing people." Celestine said.


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What the hell? That makes it sound like she will continue being evil after the cult is gone. Don't tell me that I have been keeping the most dangerous person with me all this time?

"…I don't really get it, but congratulation on your engagement. Please destroy the cult as soon as possible and have a grand wedding!" Lynn said.

"Sure. I promise." Celestine said.

So… it's official? Just like that?

"…just what did I just witnessed?" Claudia who has been watching us from the start asked.

"That… everyone around me is weird. That's the truth." I said to her.

"Then please leave quickly. I don't want to witness another weird thing." Claudia said.

"Celestine, let's go!"

"Ah, which way are you going to go?" Claudia asked as we are preparing to leave.

"Through the sky, directly to Varadis." I replied calmly.

Claudie seems pondering about something. Then she opened her mouth.

"That mean you will have to cross the sea, right? Probably for a few days. The distance from the capital of Tatrama to here is not that far, but from here to the capital of Varadis is so far. Normally, it will take about three months to get there from here." Claudia said.

"Thanks for the reminder. Celestine, are you fine with the journey? Do you want to stay here or at Cassau? I can still transport you with portal once I arrive at Varadis." I asked Celestine.

"Don't mind me about the journey. I just need to stay still while being given a piggyback ride from you all the way What about you though?"

"It's just a few months. I can run even longer knowing I have your breasts pressed on my back." I said.

Since we have known each other for a while, Celestine who used to hate when a man is staring at her breast is fine with me making jokes about it. As long as she's not angry, I think it's still fine.

"That's the answer I expected from you. Let's go. Lynn, I will visit more often. See you!"

"Bye-bye sis! Come meet me more!"

The sisters waving at each other as I carried the older sister on my back and run on air to the direction of Varadis. It's still early in the morning and the sun has just risen. Not many people will look above to see someone is running in the sky, so I don't need to worry about being seen.

The little sister keeps waving her hands with a sad expression as we leave.

"Don't you want to stay a bit longer?" I asked as I run.

"No need. She's an empress now. She can't be spoiled too much. Being with the strict Claudia is much better as an empress." Celestine said.

"She's strict? I never noticed. I guess you heard about it from Lynn during your stay in Cassau, huh? Anyway, why are you still coming with me? I don't want to hear another big surprise saying that you are actually the illegitimate daughter of Varadis King or something."

"No. It's not that shocking. I was just a wife candidate for his son." Celestine said calmly.

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"Ah, I see. I guess I imagined too much. Then are you going to greet him?"

"Yes. That's the plan. As for the king of Arturo, I don't know much about him. Other than he's a womanizer like you." Celestine said.

"Hey! I'm different! He goes after women, while women go after me! Wait, since he's a king, I should expect that there are women who go after him, huh? I guess we're a bit similar."

During our journey, we keep having small chat like this. Whenever we see a town in sight, we will choose to stay in that town. Other times, we would camp outside.

Eight days later, we finally reached the coast city.

"Sea! I missed the smell of the sea!"

"Good for you. You always spend your free time diving for treasures back at home. What's our plan?" Celestine asked.

"We'll rest here for three days. I want to go diving around here. After that, we will continue our journey! Let's find a hotel with a bath. It's been so long since I took one."

"Then I have a suggestion. Go to a village in that mountain. There's a hotel with a hot spring. And because the journey to get there is difficult with the road not maintained well, it's not crowded. We can go there through the sky easily." Celestine said.

"A hot spring, huh? I never went to a hot spring before. I'm interested. I think I will get everyone stay there."

I tapped the ring on my finger and Sonia appears in front of me.

"What is it, Roy?"

"I want you to ask everyone that we're going to stay at an inn with hot spring. Ask them if they want to come." I said.

"I'M IN!"

"Whoa! You're a ghost so you're free to do whatever you want. Just go ask the others. I'm going to look at the hot spring first."

"I'll go tell Marie as well! See you later!"

Then Sonia disappear. She moves so quickly. And after her training, she can take a bath now.

Haha, a ghost taking a bath. Won't water just come through her body? When I asked her, she said that she feels refreshed after bath anyway. Weird.

In less than one minute, she returns and told me that everyone is going. Even those in the capitals. Tatrama's capital and Empire's capital. I guess Celestine will meet her sister again so soon.

With Celestine on my back, I ran in the sky and landed outside the village. I can see the hot spring, but something is strange. The hot spring is being occupied by a group of harpies. A humanoid monster with wings attached to their arms.

And other than a few villagers, no one else is there. It's a very quiet village. It must be because of those harpies.

Since it will be suspicious if we enter with just two people but many people suddenly stay in the hotel, I transported everyone before we enter the village.

Other than Albert who is busy, Ian also didn't come. He will take care of the children while we're away along with several agents in Cassau he contacted. Does he not want to have honey moon with Ruby?

Marie is also coming. Both Marie and Shirley exchanged pleasantries with Lynn and Claudia. Lynn also introduced Claudia who will join us to everyone.

With a large group of people, we entered the village. With this many people, those harpies won't be a problem.

Chapter 295 - Diamond Mine

The harpies weren't any problem at all for us. Especially since the girls heard about hot spring, they decided to do everything to return peace back to the village.

As for the Empress herself, she and her aide, Claudia who want to join as well, discussed something in private with the village chief just as soon as we entered the village.

Turns out, it has been about one month since the harpies entered this village and take control of the hot spring. The villagers can't defeat them, and those who left the village to make a request to the closest guild were killed by the harpies before they left too far from the village. And those who were about to enter the village were also killed. Making the village totally isolated from the whole world.

Good thing that Celestine remembered about the hot spring in the village and told me to go there before we cross the sea. If not, we don't know how long the villagers can survive with the supplies they have. Even the vegetables that they farmed were robbed by the harpies.

As a thanks for saving the village, we are all free to stay in the hotel. Well, their empress is here so it's not like they can ask us to pay when she's the one helping them.

Finally, it's time for us to take a bath in the hot spring… is what I like to say. Since the harpies destroyed the wall in the hot spring that separates men's bath and women's bath, I'm not allowed to join them.

"Why!?" I asked.

"Obviously, we… wait, it's just me who is protesting?" Lynn look around to see that no one else cares that I'll be taking a bath with them.

"It's fine. With those eyes of his, it means he can always look at our naked bodies every day. Even if we told him to stay outside, he will still look at us. Instead, if we let him join us, his lovers can talk to him so he will be too occupied to look around him." Shirley said.

"But it's different! Being naked on purpose in front of the opposite sex is not normal no matter what!?" Lynn protested.

"…I guess we are already too used to it by now. Also, it's not like we will let any other men join us. Well, it's your choice to let him join us or not." Shirley said.

"Then he can't go in until we leave!" Lynn.

That's how I ended up walking around the village. My eyes are still focused to the hot spring, but I'm wandering around the village as I wait for them.

…is what I want to do, but this hotel is too suspicious. Why is a building this big and fancy is in a not so rich village like this? Even the house of the village chief is many times smaller than the hotel. I always curious about this since I entered this village, but because I don't want to ruin the girls' mood, I didn't say anything to them.


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If there's a big old building in suspicious place, that mean there's something valuable either inside that building or around that building. That's what the stories I read tells me. I guess I should go outside the village to look around. But if I'm too far, I won't be able to peek on the girls.

Hmm… I can take a peek on the girls anytime I want, so I guess I'll walk around now.

I entered the mountain area, and I finally see something extremely valuables. I can see an entrance to a cave, which if I'm right, is actually a diamond mine! I'm rich!

But is it safe? Let's keep going now.

"Roy, where are you going?"

"Whoa! You surprised me!"

I was shocked to hear that a ghost is suddenly next to me. I'm too concentrated on the cave and didn't expect anyone to call out to me.

"Victoria noticed that you are moving while carrying her clones. I also feel the soil in your possession keep getting further and further. We thought that something is happening, so I come to ask you about it." Sonia said.

"Well, I was curious about how the hot spring hotel we're in, is far too big for a not so rich village. That's why I look around the village to see if there's anything valuable around here. And I found a diamond mine! I'm rich!"

"Really!? We're rich!" Sonia shouted.

"…please don't remind me that you girls keep taking all my money. At least not today. Now I don't feel like going there anymore."

"Just go there already and confirm it! It's not like we keep spending all your money until they are gone."

"But there's a huge tortoise monster inside that cave. I guess that's why no one else enters that diamond mine. Let's go back for now and discuss it with the others first. I also want to take a bath in the hot spring."

Inside the dungeon mine, I can see a huge tortoise monsters hiding inside its shell. I know that tortoise is an animal that can live for hundreds of years. And if it's a monster that big, it should be more than a hundred years. Maybe even five hundred years! Even the diameter of its shell is around fifty meters.

But that huge size is also its weakness. In an enclosed space like the mine, that tortoise shouldn't be able to move around much. If I had the others with me, that monster should be easy to defeat. That's why I suggested we take a step back and discuss with the others first.

After my bath obviously.

After knowing about the diamond mine, I returned back to the hotel where I can see that the girls are already prepared to move.

"Where are you going?" I asked them just in case.

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"Diamond mine. You can take your bath and we will go there on our own. Defeating the huge tortoise should be easy with all of us going." Kayla explained.

"I want to watch my sister fight! This is the first time for me to watch an expert level mage use her magic!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Then I guess I should refrain from going all out. Celestine, you will be the star today." Veronica said to Celestine.

…so, I guess I won't monopolize the mine on my own. I guess that's fine. This way, they will use their own money from the mine instead of getting them from me.

"By the way, after Sonia told us about the mine, I remembered about how the supply of diamond diminished from the record around a hundred years ago. The mine was owned by the Empire, so you can't monopolize the mine. Though we will reward you if you help us get rid of the tortoise." Claudia said.

"You're going as well? I thought you're just an aide that help Lynn with her duty. Not to fight." I said to Claudia.

"I'm not much of a mage. I'm still intermediate level as well. I want to see the condition of the mine. And if possible, I want to buy magic stones from you. I'm a water mage so I should be able to advance very quickly with the magic stones you got from diving. I heard a lot about you in the last hour." Claudia said.

"Just give us the money. You can contact Sonia and I will bring them to you. If you want more, you should ask Sam through Sonia. She's the one doing business. Anyway, be careful."

I bid them farewell as I entered the hotel. There's no girl with me, but taking a bath alone is fine as well. And I don't need to worry about anything. They have two expert level mages with them. Even if there's something happened, Sonia will contact me right away.

There's no one in the bath so I can be relaxed. Although the villagers wanted to take a bath in the hot spring as well since it has been a while for them to go there, we asked them to not enter for today. Not even when the village girls wanted to enter during the girls' bath time. And since I have the options, I don't want any men during my time as well.

I sunk my body in the hot spring for an hour, and then I left the hotel. I see that the villagers are still wanted to enter the hot spring so they waited for all of us to leave. They entered as soon as I leave. Though we will return later at night.

Wait, since the village has been taken over by the harpies for a while, that mean they don't have any meal for us, right? While I'm gone, I'll go hunt some monsters then. We have Lina who will cook for us.

For now, I'll go back to the mine and see the girls' progress.

Inside of the mine, I can see the tortoise is stabbed by a spike protruding from the ground. A Diamond Spike! It must be Celestine's doing. She used the diamond inside for her attack. Lynn is extremely surprised and happy to see how strong her sister is.

As for me…

"Hey, is tortoise meat delicious?"

We had a feast with delicious tortoise meat during our time in the hot spring hotel.

Two days later, it's time for me to go cross the sea.

Chapter 296 - Good Spot

I transported the others back home while leaving Celestine, Victoria, and I to continue our travel to Varadis.

"What a shame, huh? You didn't get the mine." Victoria said.

"It's not like I have to get the mine. And I think the Empire might need it more than me. Anyway, the sea is vast. I can dive in any part of the sea and I will find some treasures. Even right now, we're about to cross the sea. But I'm not going to dive. Let's continue running toward Varadis. We'll stop when we find an island to rest, or if we can find a ship on the way, we can sneak in and rest there. It's best if it's a pirate ship. We can also grab their treasures. Celestine, were there any pirates in around the area we're going to travel?" I asked Celestine.

"There used to be some. I don't know if they are still there or not." Celestine said.

"That's good enough. Let's go!"

Claudia said that it usually takes a few days to cross the sea, then about one month to reach the capital. I will try to get there in two weeks or less.

With Celestine on my back, and Victoria who wanted to tag along this time on my shoulder, I started running on the sky.

When there's no one around, I descended and run on the surface of the sea. Since the travel takes a while on ship, there's only about one ship every day to cross the sea. And we just passed the ship that going toward Varadis a while ago, so I descended.

Since there are the three of us, the conversation never stopped. But Celestine decided to take a nap on my back, and there's only two of us talking. At least I'm not bored. Though these two women would sometimes talk about something only women understand.

I continue running until I see something swimming fast under us. The speed is much faster than my running speed. Just to be safe, I ascended to the sky again.

"Roy, what happened?" Victoria asked.

"Something big and scary is swimming below us faster than me. It's safer for us to be in the sky. There's no soil as well so it will be difficult for Celestine to fight here." I said.

Celestine who noticed that her name is called, woke up. I explained to her about the monster under us.

"What kind of monster?" Celestine asked.

"Big, long, scaly, sharp fangs, mustache." I explained how the monster look like.

"How big?" Celestine asked again.


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"Hmm… about a hundred meters in length. Why?"

"That's probably a Sea Serpent. It's considered as a sacred beast by the people in the shore of the Empire. It's even called as the protector of water. That monster is why there have been no attack from the sea by other countries for centuries. Though I don't know if it's true or not." Celestine explained.

"So, it's about as old as Victoria? Maybe the Sea Serpent knows Javier."

"Are you going to greet the monster? Please don't do that. The monsters you greeted before are all weaker than you. But this one should be much stronger. Let's just flee. Go higher, Roy!" Victoria said.

"It's too late. The monster is about to jump and block us. Let's dodge it first and then escape. If this thing is a protector of the Empire, why would it attack us?"

"…I killed people for fun." Celestine said.

Oh, right. The lady I carried on my back is a really evil woman who killed people for fun. Even if she's the princess, if the serpent is the protector of the Empire, she is her target to kill.

"Let's dodge first. If we can't escape by running, I'll use portal to transport us elsewhere." I said.

The Sea Serpent jumped out of the sea very high, and it blocked us from moving forward. I was about to change direction to dodge the Serpent, but I noticed that's impossible.

"It flew!"

The giant Sea Serpent which size is over a hundred meter is flying right in front of me. It stopped while focusing its eyes on us. I can feel that it's an intelligent monster. There's no way we can defeat it. I guess I should greet it.

"Hey there! We came in peace! We just want to cross the sea to get to the kingdom as soon as possible!" I greeted the serpent as it still focused on us. I don't sense any hostility so I hope we're safe. Though I have prepared to open a portal in an instant just in case it attacked us.

But still, a Sea Serpent that can fly. Doesn't that make it a Sky Serpent? Or is it called Sea and Sky Serpent? What about on land? I don't see any legs so I think it can't walk. Maybe it moves like a snake on land?

The Serpent opened its mouth. Is it a breath attack?

"Oh, my! An Aura user! It's been a long time since I met one! A thousand years? Nice to meet you too!" The Serpent replied back.


I was too shocked to comprehend what just happened. Let's calm down first.

First, it talks! Second, it's very friendly! Third, it knows about Aura user!

Alright, I calmed down now. Let's have a small chat then.

"Well, I never expected that you can talk. I have never met any monsters in this world that can speak. Those who can are summoned from Monsters World. I want to continue our talk, but… as you can see, I'm unable to stay still while in the air. How about we find an island to rest so we can have a chat easily?" I suggested to find an island.

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"Oh, sure! It has been a while that I met a human as polite as you! I know an empty island. I'll take you there! Get on top of my head!"

Oh, God! This Serpent is so friendly that I felt guilty thinking of it as enemy! Since we have been permitted to stand on its head, I jumped there. The serpent then flies and carried us on its head.

"Oh! So fast!"

"Ahaha! This is not even my fastest speed! I can go faster, but I'm afraid that you will fall off my head!" The serpent spoke kindly.

"Don't worry! I can stick my feet on your head with my Aura. It shouldn't be a problem for me."

"Then, I'll go faster!"

The Serpent fly faster than before. Much faster than the speed it used before. I can feel Celestine tightened her grip around my neck, and Victoria make a tentacle around my arm so she won't fall off. Though even if she falls, I can still summon her back. I doubt she will die anyway if she falls.

The Serpent brought us to the direction of Varadis Kingdom. It must be so kind that after I said that I want to go there, it's considering which island is best for a chat and flew to an island in the direction of the kingdom.

If I'm a tamer, I would tame this monster right away. But I'm not a tamer so that's impossible.

We arrived at the island, and I dropped Celestine on the ground. She must be feeling better since we're on an island.

"Let's talk now! Who are you?" The Serpent asked with its head rested on the shore of the island.

"My name is Roy. And as you noticed, I'm an Aura user. These two are my companions during my journey. She's Celestine, and that one is my summon. A Black Slime named Victoria." I introduced ourselves to the mighty and friendly Serpent.

"Oh, you're also a summoner! I was also my master's summon! He's also an Aura user! I don't remember much about the world I was born since I made a contract when I was just a baby. I am a hybrid of Sea Serpent and Sky Serpent. Which is why I can fly as fast as I swim. As for my name, my Master gave me the most precious name in the world! My name is… Spot!" Spot proudly announced his name.

…that's a name for a dog. Not a serpent. What kind of master was he?

I won't say anything about his name. He treasured that name very much.

"I was just swimming around happily when I noticed the contract with my Master is broken. It was about a thousand years ago. I don't know what happened to him, and since I'm in this world when he died, I can't go back to my home world. That's why I thought that if I ever met another Aura user, I want to talk to him and ask if he knows about my master. He died a long time ago so I don't think you know about his death." Spot said.

"…no. Actually, I might know why your Master died."

If it's a thousand years ago, that's when that Evil God started to hunt on Aura users. It's easy to guess why Spot's Master died.

"Really? Please tell me!"

This might be a chance for me to gain him as our ally. Having the king of the sea as our friend will be beneficial against the cult.

But… let's just be careful to not anger Spot.. He seems to be a good boy.

Chapter 297 - Telling The Past With Puppet Shows

"Well, Spot, you're really a friendly monster, huh? Are you used to be with humans?" I asked Spot before telling him the truth about his master's death.

"Not really. I more used to killing them. The one I'm used to are Aura users. That's why I'm friendly with you. Then, while sinking most ships that tried to cross the sea and disturbed me in the past somehow, I ended up being labeled as a sacred monster." Spot said.

So, he knows that the people in the coast of the Empire worshipped him. Does that mean in the past Varadis Kingdom really waged a war on the Empire? But they were stopped by Spot. Good Spot.

"It has been so long since I met an Aura user! I was so excited seeing you running on the sea surface. And then you ascended to the sky as if you noticed me approaching you! That must be your ability gained through Aura by defeating a certain monster, right? I know that some Aura user prefer to keep their ability as secret, so I won't ask more. Can you tell me about the disappearance of Aura users? I was just a baby a thousand years ago." Spot said.

In a brief moment, I made an eye contact with Victoria. She noticed my intention and turned into her humanoid form.

"Before that, can I ask you something? Have you met a Black Slime in the past?" Victoria asked.

"Whoa! You transformed into a human! Wait, you're just changing your shape into similar to a human. You're still a slime." Spot said.

"You're right. Can you answer me?"

If Spot has met a Black Slime in the past, that might be either Javier, or any other consciousness in the Black Slime. Way before Victoria joined the party. But if Spot has met a Black Slime before, Victoria can explain things easier.

"Hmm… no. I don't think I have met any before. And if they are so small, I might have met one but I don't remember. Sorry." Spot apologized politely. He's too friendly for a monster that look so scary!

"No problem. Well, if you met, that might be this body before my consciousness entered." Victoria explained about how a Black Slime has multiple consciousness and Javier or the others might have met Spot before.

"Oh, that's awesome! As for me, I keep getting bigger and bigger. I can't transform at all." Spot said.

"By the way, I am Victoria. I used to be a human and an Aura user in the past before I died. About a thousand years ago. So, I might have met your master before." Victoria said.

"Amazing! I'll tell you what I remember about my Master! He's… well, he looked younger than Roy. But he already capable of running in the sky like Roy. His ability is… Well, he died anyway so I don't think it will be a problem if I tell you. He used a sword and when he swung it, he can slash enemies that are in the distance." Spot said.

"Oh, just like Werewolves. Maybe your Master defeated a Werewolf to get his ability. He must be quite strong then." I said.

I know from my experience from fighting Grandpa Werewolves who said that in the past, Werewolves back then are much stronger than the current Werewolves. Maybe Victoria knows Spot's Master.

"Hmm… I don't think I've heard of him. Let's ask Sonia." Victoria said.

Oh, right. We have another monster who used to be an Aura user in the past.

I called Sonia who was surprised to see a talking monster. But she got used to it soon.

"I have heard of a swordsman who can attack from distance using his sword. But I didn't really care about him since he's not a part of my harem." Sonia said.




…she only cared men who were charmed by her. I forgot about that.

"I see… maybe the man you've heard about was my Master. I guess he failed to be famous. He said that he wanted to be the strongest swordsman. But he died soon after. What a shame. Thanks for telling me." Spot said.

"Since we're talking about Aura user and the past, I think I should stay here. Roy, do you want me to call Albert?" Sonia asked.

Right, calling Albert here is a good idea.

"Yeah. And while you're at it, contact Lynn and Claudia as well. We're still in the Empire and they need to know about the monster they called sacred." I said.

Sonia leaves, and soon after returns. Telling me that Albert, Lynn, and Claudia are ready to go. So, I opened a portal twice. One to Albert's location, and another to Lynn's location.

All three of them were shocked to see the size of Spot. And his charming smile.

"Hello, King and Empress! I'm Spot!" He introduced himself energetically.

Albert, Lynn, and Claudia introduced themselves after that. Then they chatted a bit, and finally, we returned back to the real topic.

"Let's talk about how the Aura users disappeared. We don't know what started it, but someone started to…" Before Victoria continued, Spot stopped her.

"Wait, can you not make the story boring? Even if it's important, if you told me in a boring way, I'll be asleep before listening to everything." Spot said.

What the hell did this spoiled snake said!? Make it interesting? Just how spoiled was he in the past?

I looked at Albert, and he nodded telling me that Spot said the truth. He will fall asleep before the important part was told.

"What if we told you the summary? Will you understand it?" I asked.

"That's still boring."

"What do you want you oversized snake!? Do you want us to do a puppet shows or something!?" I shouted in anger.

"Oh! A puppet shows! I love puppet show! Do it!" The oversized snake shouted happily.

Roy, you're an entertainer. Do it properly.

"Alright! That's what I want as well! Let's go! Celestine, prepare the stage! I will use Victoria and Blobbies as the puppets. Albert will help as well." I gave the order to everyone.

"Wait, me too?" Albert asked.

"Obviously! The other doesn't care about Aura users in the past so they don't know how the story progress. They just care about the future. Sonia will help as well. Let's go!"

After the stage is prepared, two men, a slime, and a ghost go behind the stage. We arrange the puppets to what we want. Somehow, Albert is more enthusiastic than I thought.

"Well, this is interesting after all. Once we destroy the cult, history will say that we convinced a monster to help us by using a puppet shows. I want that written in history books." Albert said.

I also want that as well. that's why I became even more enthusiastic as well.

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The show started. It goes from how the Evil God started its hunt. From attacking Sonia and her lovers.

"Ah! You're a bad human!" Spot said angrily.

"Wait! I'm no longer a human! I'm a ghost!" Sonia said.

"So, you were a bad human, and now you're a good ghost?" Spot asked.

"Yes. Let's continue with the story."

Each time the story became too intense, Spot got angry. We made some made up sob story as well to lure Spot to be engrossed in the story, while making sure that he will help us.

"Oh! So sad!" Spot said with tears falling from his eyes.

"It is!" Lynn hugged the Serpent's beak as the two cried.

I think the story worked too well. but for Celestine and Claudia, those two knows that we made things up. But they didn't say anything.

After telling how Victoria died, we played the part when the first king of Tatrama Kingdom became a hero and a king. We add some fighting scenes and I have to say that my acting as the defeated Evil God was done very well.

Then I started telling about my past live. And then how I returned back to the past.

"Oh! You have a harem! Me too! The Sea Serpents in this area are all my children and grandchildren. I have a lot of partners!"

That's what Spot said when we told him about my harem.

"Oh, are they obeying you?" I asked.

"Yes! My children, grandchildren, and more, are all obeying me! They are good kids!" Spot said happily.

Does this mean that if we get him as our ally, we can control the sea? Albert and Claudia both are excited to hear that. As for Lynn, it took a while for her to get it.

The story is over, and it's finally the decisive time.

"So… will you help us?" Albert asked.

"I will! I can't forgive the Evil God for killing my Master! He might not be the one who killed my Master, but he killed my friends! Sonia and Victoria are my friends, so I have to avenge them!" Spot said.

"Thank you very much! With your help, our chance of winning raised a lot!"

We succeeded! The puppet shows worked! Spot is now our ally!

"If you need any help in the sea, I will help you. If I can't do it, I will send my children. Wait here, I will introduce my children to you all."

Spot then dive into the sea to call for his children.

Meanwhile, we cheered on the empty island that we received another powerful ally. Even Celestine who is an expert level mage doesn't have the confidence to defeat Spot.

I should also go get the others to introduce to Spot.

Chapter 298 - New Friends

It was just a few hours since we left the hot spring hotel and I returned everyone home, and I called them again with my portal. Bringing everyone with me to introduce them to Spot and his family.

While waiting for Spot to returns, everyone was confused by the stage made of rocks in the empty island. So, Celestine explained the importance of the stage to persuade Spot to join our cause.

"A puppet shows? I want to see!" Jewel shouted.

"No, we're done for the day. There's no more puppet shows anymore." I said.

"What a shame. Then, will you do the puppet show to the King of Varadis?" Jewel asked.

"Hmm… maybe? Depend on the person himself."

"If it's that old man, he will gladly see it." Shirley said.

If someone close to him said it, it must be right.

"Then if you are going to do it again, call me! I want to watch!" Jewel said.

"Yeah, sure. But don't expect that I will do it. I might be too tired to do it or too annoyed." I said.

It's been a while since Spot left, but he hasn't returned. So, we just chatted a bit.

I also called Shelia and the other Werewolves to get to know with Spot's family.

And after waiting for just half an hour, Spot returned along with five other Sea Serpents. Those five are much smaller than Spot.

"Oh, he has returned. He brought five other Sea Serpents." I said to the others to inform of Spot's arrival.

Spot's length is over a hundred meters, while his five children were less than half of that. The longest among the five was about fifty meters. Which is still very big, but compared to Spot, they seem so small.

"Oh, wow! There's a lot of you here now!" Spot said as he surfaced. He rested his head on the shore, and the other Sea Serpents also did the same. Is that a comfortable position for them?

"Yeah, I thought it would be great if I show you my friends."

I proceed to introduce everyone first. Including the Werewolves who seem eager to fight. Though I told them to not fight. But it seems that one of the Sea Serpent also eager to fight as well. Let's ignore them.

"Oh! You have a lot of Werewolves with you! Are you a tamer as well?" Spot asked.

"No. I just made a contract with Shelia over there, while the other followed me since I defeated their previous king. Now, I'm the Werewolf King of their tribe. They will follow me at least until the cult is destroyed." I explained to Spot.

"I also only brought five of my children here. They are the smartest among my kin. They understood human language but can't speak them. I have a lot more, but they don't understand human language. But these five are considered the elders so the others followed these five. At least one of them controlled one part of the sea. They are Wan, Tuh, Techree, Vowa, and Shicks." Spot introduced his family to us.

So… his children's name is One, Two, Three, Four, and Six? Where's Five? And why is he naming them like that? Should I ask?

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It seems like I'm not the only one who want to ask him about their names. Is this Spot's naming sense?

"None of them can speak human language, but they can understand when you talk to them… wait, what?"

While Spot is talking, one of the Sea Serpent growled lightly. Is that how they communicate? By growling?

And the growling one is the one who wanted to fight. If it's the normal occurrence, it's probably that one refused to follow us unless we are stronger than them. That's just like how I received the Werewolves approval.

"King, I think I understand what they are talking." One of the Werewolves, Jack, approached me.

"Tell me."

"That one wanted to fight. And us Werewolves are also itching for a fight. Please let us fight."

"Sigh… so that's as expected, huh? Let's wait and see. If it's a fight it wants, you will fight it. Probably not alone. It's impossible for any of you to fight it alone." I said.

"Understood. I'll tell those who are willing to fight just in case."

Jack left to inform the other Werewolves while Shelia approaches me.

"Shelia, you don't want to fight?" I asked her because it seems like she won't take part in the fight.

"No. I want to see how strong the others have become." Shelia said.



Then we heard Spot roared at the Sea Serpent.

"Spot! What's wrong!?" I asked.

"Vowa said that he wants to fight! He doesn't want to follow someone weak, so you need to prove your power! I'm currently scolding him so please wait." Spot said.

"If it's a fight he wants, then some Werewolves are also itching for a fight. If you don't mind, how about we let Vowa fight some Werewolves as a test? That way, we can estimate each other's strength." I suggested a fight.

Spot then looked at Vowa who nodded at my suggestion.

"He agreed. About the fight…"

"Don't worry. He is a Sea Serpent so it's hard for him to fight on land, right? We will only send five Werewolves who are capable of running on air. The fight will be at the sea. As long as Vowa didn't dive too deep, it won't be a problem for each side." I said

Vowa nodded with a big grin on his face. This one loves to fight.

"Alright then. All of you, you can get on top of my back. We will watch their fight from the sky while the other Serpents will watch from the sea."

With Spot's permission, we get on top of his head to watch the fight. Some who can fly or run on air prefer to go on their own.

Vowa moves with an aggressive manner and make a huge wave hit the island we were just in. he was so excited for the fight.

So are Jack and the others who want to fight. They are so excited that they have transformed to their Werewolves form. No longer a human one, but the hairy one. But Jack is the only one who has tail while the others haven't yet.




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Without any signal, the two sides clashed already. Vowa charged with a headbutt to Jack, while Jack is enduring the attack. Although he has transformed, Jack is still overwhelmed by Vowa's power.

Just with that exchange, it's obvious that Vowa's strength is much higher than Jack who is supposed to be the second strongest Werewolf after Shelia, but Jack is not alone. The result is still unknown.

I don't know how a Sea Serpent fight, so I'll ask Spot.

"Spot, how does a Sea Serpent fight?" I asked Spot right under me.

"As you can see, we fight in close range with our body. Like a body blow, using our tails to attack, biting, headbutt, and if the enemy is much smaller than us, we just ate them. For long range, we have our breath attack." Spot explained.

"Is it water that comes out of your breath?" I asked.

"No. It's like a non-elemental magic attack, I guess? That's what my master said when I show it to him."

Vowa got attacked from all side, but none of the attacks damaged him badly. Instead, he swung his tail and used it to attack two Werewolves who then got blown away back to the island. They are injured, but they can still move. I'll have Kayla heal them after the fight.

Vowa must be feeling annoyed as he finally used his breath attack. The Werewolves dodged it, but the breath attack hit the island we were before, and destroyed half of it. It's a small island after all, but the power is terrific!

"…Spot, how strong is your breath attack compared to that?" I asked Spot.

"About five times stronger."

Damn! He can destroy a whole city with one breath! So powerful!

The battle continues and Vowa seems getting tired. He also had several wounds on his body. As for the Werewolves, they are also tired. But both sides are still enjoying the fight.

I guess I should stop it before anyone dies.

I jumped from Spot's head, and run toward Vowa. I then transformed Victoria into a hammer, and swung it at its tail as it is about to hit one of the Werewolves.

The hammer hit the tail, as it's being blown back. Everyone then confused that I suddenly interrupted the fight.

"Let's stop the fight here. We'll call it your win." I said to Vowa.

"But, king!" Jack about to protest, but I stopped him.

"There are five of you, but you still unable to win after this long. I have seen enough. You have grown stronger, but not enough to win against Vowa. Take it as your loss and train more. I don't want anyone dying here." I said.

The Werewolves then stopped fighting while Vowa is still looking at me.

"I guess we lost then. You don't have to help us anymore." I said to Vowa who then replied with a roar.

"He said that he will help. As long as you allowed him to fight the Werewolves." Spot translated it for me.

I looked at the Werewolves who happily agreed.

"Sure! But next time, I won't lose!" Jack shouted.

"As long as none of you died, I will agree. Then, I'm happy to get your help against the cult, Spot." I said to Spot as the leader of the Sea Serpents.

"I'm happy as well. I can avenge my Master this way. The pleasure is all mine."

With this, we have powerful allies in the sea.

Without making any contract, I tamed the strongest monster I've ever encountered.. Seems like saying that I came in peace actually worked this time.