
Chapter 309 - Punishment Time

It's time to meet old man Henry. And princess Julia should be there as well. Then I also have to get Celestine here with portal. Sonia has told her why I had her return back to Cassau this morning. It's all because of old man Henry.

I know that the truth will be revealed soon, but not this soon. Now I have to face the rage of two expert level mages. Or three if Veronica joined.

…I guess I can just call Celestine later after being scolded by princess Julia. That way I can endure being scolded in a one-on-one instead of those two going at me together.

Right! Let's do that!

And since Victoria is away, there's no one else who will scold me.. Let's go!

I have to get there on foot since Spot is away with Victoria. I hope no one will notice me. Good thing it's already late.

With Air Steps, I approached the king's chamber, and landed on the balcony.

"Come in."

Just as soon as my foot touched the balcony, princess Julia called me in. She's an expert level mage so she can detect my presence as soon as I entered her range. And I have watched her from before that she's been waiting for me to arrive.

"…excuse my intrusion." I said politely.

Then, I was greeted by a princess with expression of anger on her face.

Well… here we go.

"I told Sonia so you will come with Celestine. Where is she?"

Eh? So, she's the one who told Sonia to inform Celestine?

"Umm… it's fine. I will still be scolded again later so I come here first, and then go get her later." I said.

"No. Bring her here right now!" Princess Julia said in anger.

…oh shit. There's no escape. I have no choice but to use portal to get Celestine.

Hmm… wait! Princess Julia hasn't seen me using portals yet! Once I show her my portal, she will be too shocked to continue talking. Then I should be scolded by Celestine only!

Let's do it!

With princess Julia and old man Henry watching, I opened a portal to call Celestine. Since old man has seen it before, he's not really surprised. But as usual, princess Julia's expression is something interesting to watch.

I was slightly satisfied when I looked at princess Julia's expression, but it all changed into a despair once I look at the other side of the portal.

There, Celestine is standing with a fierce expression. It's as if she's ready to kill me at any moment. But that's not the reason for my despair.

The reason for my despair is… everyone else is there! Kayla, Sophie, Candy, Veronica, Jewel, Lina, and even Shirley and Angela who were supposed to be in the capital of Tatrama were there!

With Celestine in the lead, everyone entered the portal. Afraid that there will be more people coming, as soon as everyone that I see through the portal entered, I closed it quickly.

"Roy. Do you have any explanation?" Celestine asked.

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"…I'm just a coward. That's the only explanation I can give."

It's true. I'm a coward and always have been. Although I'm getting stronger and sometime my confidence gets me thinking that I can defeat everyone, my default personality is that of a coward.

I'm afraid of the cult. Afraid of what the future of the children who joined the cult will be. So, killing them is better than letting them be. That's my thought as a coward. Though if my head is clearer just a little, I can just ask for old man's help as soon as I noticed those orphans with explosive devices in their mouth.

Although he agreed to help me by asking his friend, I still think what would happen if I didn't ask for his help.

Oh, well. Let's accept their scolding for now.

"It has been a while, your majesty. If you don't mind, we'd like to give Roy a scolding before we introduce ourselves. Is that okay?" It was Shirley who asked old man politely. Since she's well acquaintance with him, she acted as the leader.

"Ah! Oh, it's been a while, Shirley. You can just call me old man like before. As for his scolding… Roy, make it so I won't hear you. I still have some works to do."

…and I have no ally right now. Well, it's all my fault. Let's do this!

"You asked me to return since your next targets are children?" Celestine asked.

"I'm sorry."

"And you even think of killing them?"

"I'm sorry."

With Celestine as the vanguard, everyone started to scold me. The others are scary, but the scariest ones are my own lovers. Kayla, Sophie, and Candy. As for Celestine, she's not my lover yet. And Lina, she just smiled and not saying anything. That's still scary. Victoria still hasn't returned yet. And Shelia doesn't know anything about this. She's in the Monsters World at the moment.

"Let's go to your punishment right away." This time, it's Kayla who spoke.

"I'm ready to receive your punishment!" I said.

"First, bring us all to a wide and empty area." Kayla said.

Then, I opened a portal connecting to the empty island where we get to know Spot before. I still have a Blobby there.

Everyone entered there. Including princess Julia. But the old man is too busy so he just waved his hand.

"Don't use your Aura to protect yourself. Endure everything with your body."


Before I could react, Kayla's kick hit me in the gut.

"You will receive on hit from us each. Whatever hit you, don't protect yourself with Aura." Kayla said.

…is this the day I die?

After Kayla's kick, it was Sophie's punch. After that, it was Lina's gentle slap. This one doesn't hurt at all. After that, it was Candy. Her punch struck my gut. Continued with Jewel knee to my nose. What a ruthless disciple. Should I be happy since she followed my teaching, or angry because she used it on me?

And… that's the physical punishment. The rest are… magical.

Started with Shirley who freezes my feet to the ground, then ice spikes from both Shirley and Angela. Hey, Shirley… that's two attack from you. Although the tips of the spikes are dulled, they still hurt.

After that, Veronica used her wind magic to blow me to the sky. Since I'm can't use Aura, I fell down to the sea really hard. It was painful.

"Julia, do you want to hit him?" Celestine asked princess Julia as soon as I returned back to the shore.

"Um… I think that's enough of a punishment?" Princess Julia said. You're an angel.

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"Then that mean I got one from you. Now I'm allowed to hit him twice." Celestine said.


Without any warning, I suddenly got blown away to the sky once again. This time, it's because the ground was raised with Celestine's magic. And as I was about to fall to the sea, the earth under where I should fall raised from under the sea, and hit me back to the island. That one hurts me the most.

Knowing Celestine's adoration toward children, I do deserve that. But I hate it! I wasn't even allowed to use Aura to protect myself, so some of my bones are cracked. Then, Kayla approached me.

"Tell me where your broken bones are. They will be healed, but other wounds will not."

…since it was too painful to endure the cracked bones, I have no choice but to agree. I just hope old man can help me find a healer later.

Kayla healed my bones, and that's all. I'm still bruised all over my body.

"…you're all scary." Princess Julia said after witnessing my punishment.

Yeah, this is also the first time that they are truly angry at something. I guess children are off-limits from now on. I will never think of killing children again.

"Your punishment is over. I'm not satisfied, but let's go back." Celestine said.

While my body is still in pain, I opened a portal and we all returned back to old man Henry's chamber again. Though this time, Victoria and Spot were there.

"Welcome back." Victoria said.

"Roy! What happened!? Was it the cult!?" Spot asked me worriedly.

If I said I was being punished, since the others are not Aura users or used to be one, Spot might attack them. I guess I can't say that to him.

"I fell from the sky." That's the truth though.

"That's why you should just leave flying to me. Although you can do it, I'm better, faster, and safer." Spot said proudly.

"…I'll do that next time. Well, my punishment is over. Old man, these are my friends."

"I'll introduce everyone." Shirley said.

Since she's close with old man, I let her introduce everyone.

"I see. Nice to meet you all. Now, I will tell Roy about the orphanages… I guess everyone want to listen as well. So be it."

Hearing that old man is about to inform me about the orphanages, everyone listened carefully.

"They are normal orphanages. The ones in charge just don't care since all they need is feeding the orphans until they have awakened their magic to leave the orphanage. Until then, they just need to make sure the children are not starving. That's all. The three orphanages just let the orphans by themselves. That's why the orphans are easy targets. As for other orphanages, the caretakers are doing a good job. No one in the management of the orphanages are related to the cult. They properly guide their orphans to get proper jobs." Old man explained.

"What about the person who paid those bad guys to put explosive devices into those orphans' mouth?" I asked.

"I haven't found out anything about them. You're going to investigate it now, right? Can you do it? With those injuries?"

"…do you happen to have any healer… oh? Thanks, Kayla. I guess I'm okay now."

When I want to ask for a healer, Kayla healed me. I guess this mission is more important.

"This time, we're going with you. We have quite a number, so we can split up." Kayla said.

I guess I won't be alone again.

"Well, that's the case. Old man, if I find anything, I'll inform you about it. We'll be leaving then."

I used portal again to get everyone outside the gate. I hope we can find all trace of the cult.

Chapter 310 - Splitting Up The Works

"So… why are you following us?"

We left the city and right now, we're outside of the gate at a location where I marked with a Blobby. I used portal to get there with everyone, but there's someone I didn't expect to follow us. It's princess Julia.

"So that's how it feels to travel with portal. It's so useful! Anyway, I'm here to help you. This is my kingdom, so I thought that it's best for me to participate. Although we're allies, I don't want to leave everything to other people. Especially those from other kingdoms when this is mostly the problem of my kingdom." Princess Julia said.

That's… the total opposite of me who wanted to leave everything to other people. She's a diligent princess. And she's also an expert level mage.. She's probably much stronger than other mages here, but much weaker than Veronica and Celestine since those two have learned magic control.

"It's the problem of the world though… alright then, we'll split up into three teams. One will go to the hut where I found the thugs who were hired to put explosive devices inside the orphans' mouth, and another is to look inside the city for anything suspicious. Then the last group will look outside the city if there are any hiding spots like that hut." I explained the plan.

As for the group, the first group that will attack the hut will consist of Victoria as the leader since she knows where it is, Celestine who is extremely angry at them, Shirley, and Lina who will be there with Elsie and Sunny. Elsie can watch the surrounding if the person who hired those thugs will appear or not.

As for those patrolling the city to look for anyone suspicious, smarter people will do that. They are Kayla, Jewel, Candy, and princess Julia who knows the layout of the capital.

The third group will be me, Veronica, Angela, and Spot. The four of us are strong and can fly. We can cover a lot of areas together.

As for Sophie, she will return to Cassau

Actually, I can do it alone or with Spot. But since they are angry at me, I can't just tell them that I don't need them.

…sigh. On one hand, I want to get as much help as possible. On the other hand, I don't want these girls to do this. Just what exactly do I want? I thought that I want to live a peaceful life while letting other people do everything. But it seems like they have become part of my life now and I don't want to see them suffer in guilt for acting toward the children.

I need to be more selfish and ask the others for help more often. Just like how I'm worried about them, they are also worried about me.

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"Three groups, huh? The capital of Varadis is the biggest city in the continent. I have been to other capital city, but ours is the biggest. I don't think just three groups are enough." Princess Julia said.

"You're right. Well, the three groups are just us. I will add another group."

After saying that, I used portal into Monsters World. Right where Shelia is.

And noticing that it was a portal instead of just summoning her directly to my side, the other Werewolves quickly getting ready and entered the portal.

"They are Werewolves. They will be the fourth group which will act separately. They will be split up since it will be faster that way. Shelia, can you track the smell of these explosives?" I asked Shelia.

"Hmm? They are those things that got attached into the inner side of the bad guys' mouth, right? It will be difficult, but if we get closer to them, it should be easy." Shelia said after I handed her some explosives. Shelia then gave those explosive devices to the other Werewolves so they can recognize the smell.

"That's fine. Some of you will roam inside the city, and some will roam outside. Those who are outside the gate will need to be in your wolf form. And those inside will need to hide your ears. If you find any, kill only the adults and let those who are young be. Don't kill the young ones."

"Understood, my king! I will obey your order!" Shelia said as she kneeled.

It's the sight I only seen a few times. She would do that and call me king when she notices how serious I am with the order. If it's other order, she will still obey me but she won't kneel.

"Good. Now, go!"

The Werewolves then quickly leave. Seems like they know who will be outside of the city, and who will get inside since I see half od the Werewolves who came already transformed, and they split up. As for Shelia, she chooses to go inside the capital.

Why did I send the Werewolves? It was because if there are any witness watching them killing, no one will be able to find them since they will already be back to their home world. Then, those who were tasked with the mission inside the city will be able to freely do what they want. They can just blame the Werewolves for their actions. Both Kayla and Jewel already understood my intention.

"Wait! You're a king? A Werewolf King? Are you a Werewolf?" Princess Julia asked.

"No. I'm a human. But I'm stronger than their strongest fighter, so I became their king." I said.

"So, you're a king of all Werewolves?"

"No. Just their tribe. By the way, Shelia, the female Werewolf who kneeled toward me first, is my summon. I don't know if there are other Werewolves tribe. But if there are, I don't think they will bow down to me. Not until I prove my strength first." I said.

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"By the way, if our job is inside the capital, you don't have to get us out first." Princess Julia said.

"Can't do that. You also need to be wary of the guards. If they noticed something happened when no one entered the gate, they will think that the culprit is someone from the inside. And I noticed that some of the guards are too lazy so it's easy to trespass into the city. You are the princess, you want to know that too, right? Which one can be trusted, and which one you cannot trust?" I said.

"I suppose you're right. Well, we're off. Good luck all of you!" With the princess in the lead, the other three followed her.

I don't know yet what her elements are, but if she's confident she can enter the tightly guarded city, then I guess it's fine. As for the other three, I don't need to worry. Kayla is the smartest, and Jewel is my disciple who follow my way of thinking. And not to forget that Candy was an agent. She's good at sneaking in.

"Roy, what should we do after we killed all those thugs?"

It was Celestine who asked.

"I don't know if all of the thugs will be there at the same time. And you can ask Lina if Elsie saw something suspicious. There might be a chance that the one who hired them will appear. Be careful since we don't know if that person is an expert level mage or not. Since this kingdom is almost fall to the cult, and with how many cult members inside the city, it's hard to believe that there's no expert level mages at all here to supervise everything." I said.

And there's a chance that it might not be just one. That's also why I separated the three expert level mages. Even though I can fight evenly against an expert level mage, there's no shame in having an expert level mage with me.

After confirming their mission, Victoria and her group leave. Which only leave us who will patrol outside the city.

"So, what is our mission?" Angela asked.

"We will go further. The Werewolves are taking care of things closer to the city so we don't need to check around that area. I made our group the strongest on purpose as well so in case they needed reinforcement, I can send you to them with my portal. We will ride Spot and see the surrounding. If there's anything suspicious, we will check them. It's that simple." I told them my plan.

"Hmm… so…" Angela looked confused even after telling her my plan. That's as expected of Angela.

"You just need to go where I told you and kill whoever I told you to. No need to think of other difficult stuffs." I said.

"I guess that's easy. Though, I don't think we're the strongest. I get why Veronica, Spot, and you were chosen. But why me?" Angela asked.

"Unlike everyone else, you are the most balanced fighter. You're not that smart in other areas, but in a fight, you're a genius. You don't have any obvious weakness as well with your four elements in advanced level." I said.

"That's right. And whenever we had a spar, sometimes the only way I can win is just with brute force since I'm higher leveled than you. Otherwise, you are the most versatile combatant we have."

It was Veronica who spoke. Angela would often ask the two expert level mages for a sparring session. Which end most of the time with the expert level mages' victory. But lately, whenever they fight, Angela almost never seem to be at any kind of disadvantage other than having weaker magic. Which causes problem for both Veronica and Celestine.

I can say proudly that other than me, the secret weapon against the cult will be her. That's how highly I think of her.

Chapter 311 - Iron Maiden

"So, how many people were there in the hut?" Shirley asked Victoria who has been there before.

"There are about thirty of them. Seems like that hut is being used for their hideout and where they rest. There should be about five people guarding that hut, so the other twenty-five can rest. That's what I found when I look around with Spot. All those people we saw this morning are there. No need to ask Roy since he won't remember. This morning, there are just about ten of them. I suppose thirty is all of them." Victoria explained.

Victoria was investigating it together with Spot during the time Roy received his punishment. She thought of marking them with her clones, but seeing all of the people she saw this morning are inside the hut, there's no need to mark all of them.

."That's good. If all of them are in there, I can just kill them all in one go." Celestine said.

"…I don't think that there is any need for me and Lina to be in this group." Shirley said.

"We're here just in case there are other people approaching the hut, or if there's another similar hideout nearby. Master must have thought that since he hasn't seen everything around here, he wants me to have Elsie at look the surrounding area." It was Lina who spoke.

"By the way, when we were punishing him, you didn't hit him hard. Why?" Shirley asked as they were still on the way to the hut.

"He's still my Master after all. And he has said it many times that he's a coward. Shouldering the burden of the world alone just because of his memory from past life must have taken its toll on his mind. Even more when he's a coward. Though we can't just forgive him easily. He almost tried to kill children. That's unforgivable." Lina said.

"I guess you're right. Even the mission to meet the kings is going to him. At least it's good that his memory sucks. If he has a good memory, he will probably do many other jobs. Who knows what kind of conspiration were there in the future?" Shirley said.

"Whatever it is, for now we will focus on this mission. I'll summon Elsie to watch our surroundings."

Then, Lina summoned Elsie in front of her. She didn't summon Sunny just in case they need an escape route so she can used portal and return back to Cassau.

Around them, there are some Werewolves, in their wolf form, running around. The four girls are not attacked because all the Werewolves know who they are. They are their king's precious friends.

"Victoria, is their hideout we're going is over there?" Lina asked Victoria while pointing toward the direction they were going.

"That's right. is something the matter?" Victoria asked.

"That hideout is being attacked by wolves. Probably the Werewolves who transformed. And there seem to be one especially strong mage in that hideout." Lina said.

"What!? We must hurry and kill them all before giving them any chances to escape!" Celestine said as she runs on her own toward the direction Lina pointed.

"How many people are there?" Shirley asked.

"Hmm… Elsie saw thirty-one. One more than what Victoria told us."

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"Then that one is probably the guy who hired them. And since the Werewolves are in trouble, that one is most likely an expert level mage." Shirley said.

Shirley and the others would sometimes spare their time by sparring with the Werewolves. Sometimes, they asked the Werewolves to just fight in their wolf form. That's how Shirley knows how powerful they are in their wolf form. Although not as powerful as their Werewolf form, they can still cause trouble to Shirley.

And since there's one mage who can cause trouble to a group of Werewolves, that mage must be stronger than an average advanced level mage. And probably has reached expert level. That's what Shirley thought.

"Is there any Werewolves nearby?" Shirley asked.

"Hmm… Jack! Come here!" Lina called Jack who was nearby.

"Huh? You're the king's maid. What's wrong?" Jack approached Lina and asked.

"Why are you not in your wolf form? Anyway, go and tell other Werewolves to surround that hut over there. Make sure that no one escapes. That place is one of the hideouts of the bad guys we're trying to kill. Let Celestine takes care of the strong mages, while the Werewolves can take care of the others." Shirley said.

"You're not my king, but since you're his friend, I'll tell the others to do as you say." Jack said.

Then he transformed into his wolf form, and easily passed Celestine who's going the same way. But when Celestine noticed that a wolf is going there, she quickly jumped and rode on the back of the wolf. She will arrive faster that way.

As for the reason why Jack was not in his wolf form despite Roy telling him to, it's because he thinks that there's nothing to worry about. His sense of smell is great and other than Roy's friends whose smells he already familiar with, there are no other people.

"We should be quick as well. Let's go!"

Then the Shirley and Lina run toward the hideout, with Victoria clung onto Shirley. Elsie also followed from behind them. It looks just like a scene in a horror story. Two girls being chased by an eyeball monster.

When they reached the hideout, the see many people died. Most of them died with spikes stabbing their bodies from the ground.

"This must be Celestine's magic. Is everyone of them died?" Victoria asked.

"Not all of them. Let's get rid of the rest. As for Celestine, they are a bit distance from here. Seems like that mage is really an expert level mage. Let's take care of everything here so we can meet her quickly. Though I don't think she will need any help." Lina said.

Thus, the girls started cleaning up the hideout. And once they were done, they look around to see if there are some kinds of secret they can get.

While Shirley and the others cleaning up the hideout, Celestine is fighting an expert level mage.

"Huff... so you're still alive, Lady Celestine. I used to worship you more than even the True God himself. But once I reached expert level, I got recognized and got promoted."

The expert level mage was indeed a cult member. And that person was a former members of the big boobs faction who worshipped Celestine. And Celestine herself recognize who the mage is.

"Zoe, you're a woman with huge breasts as well. I still wonder why you worshipped me?"

"The bigger the better!"

The expert level mage Celestine faced is a woman named Zoe. Although hers were big, they were not as big as Celestine.

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"So, why would you pretend to be dead, and then return and fight me? Have you betrayed the cult?" Zoe asked.

"I have. There's something I want to protect. Being in the cult makes me unable to do that. And now, you're aiming for what I want to protect. No mercy to you." Celestine said calmly.

The angrier she is, the calmer she appears. That's how Celestine is at the moment. Her anger is at its peak.

"Something you want to protect? Don't tell me that it's children? Hah! Once they grown up, you will kill them anyway. Why would you protect something so fragile?"

"The reason doesn't matter. I will kill you right here right now!"

"Try it, you bitch!"

Zoe casted a huge fire toward Celestine. She's an expert level in her fire element, and she's proud of it.

But her mistake is that Celestine is much stronger than in the past. Celestine in the present has learned magic control after joining with Roy.

If she's just an average expert level earth mage like in the past, she will still get hurt despite the defensive magic she has. But this Celestine is different.

Celestine create a barrier with earth magic. Multi-layered. Her speed in casting magic is extraordinary. Even though the fire approached her quickly, the barrier protected her in time. Celestine receives no damage at all.

"Is that all? I guess that's all I can expect from you. Now, it's my turn. Die!"

This magic is something that she learned from Victoria. Along with Angela and Kayla who were earth mages as well.

From the ground, something like a coffin. It's called Iron Maiden. A torture device from Victoria's world, where someone will be trapped inside the coffin with spikes all over inside of the cabinet, and will stab whoever trapped inside.

Zoe never thought that the magic will appear from behind her, and she got trapped inside easily. Her scream echoed inside the Iron Maiden, as she died in extreme pain.

"I'll thank Victoria for this idea." Celestine said.

Just as she was about to return back to the enemy's hideout, Shirley and Lina approached her.

"Is it over?" Celestine asked.

"There's nothing worth-mentioning in the hideout. How about you?" Shirley asked back.

"There you go. I don't know if she has anything with her."

Celestine calmly opened the Iron Maiden, and the girls can see a corpse of the expert level mage unable to leave since her body is stabbed.

"…I guess we're done here. Let's check if she has anything we can give to Roy. Now, we should join the Werewolves and look around to see if there is anything suspicious nearby. The Werewolves were just ordered to kill, and not for looking for clues."

Victoria volunteered to check on Zoe's corpse. The corpse is all red from the spikes of the Iron Maiden, and there's nothing of importance that she carried. So, they left and joined the search with the Werewolves.

Chapter 312 - Defeating Three Expert Level Mages Easily

"Hmm… there are still some Werewolves who roamed around here. Let's go further."

While we were riding on top of Spot, I checked the situation to see where we should check. And since there are still some Werewolves nearby, I asked Spot to go further away from the capital. If it's within one or two hours of travel with carriages from there to the capital, that should be a good hiding spot for the cult.

"Are we going to split up there?" Veronica asked.


"Then, I'll just get off here. I'll inform you through Sonia if I find anything." Veronica said, and then she jumped off of Spot's back and fly to the opposite side. She must be thinking of going to the other side..

"Then I will go as well! Good luck you two!" Angela also did the same.

With this, we can cover more areas.

"What about me? Will it be better if the two of us split up?" Spot asked.

"Then, let's do that. If you find anyone suspicious, like human is walking around in the night, or guarding some location, contact me through Sonia right away before attacking them. You know how to do it, right?"

"I know! I have seen it multiple times!"

After that, Spot continued flying to the same direction while I take off and started running around. Although running in the sky is faster, since I need to look closely, it's better if I run on the ground.

I look around the mountain area where I dropped off from Spot. There are some caves here, but most of them are occupied by some monsters. I don't need to care about the monsters now., but the humans.

Since it's close to the capital, if there are any humans who camped nearby, they are suspicious. But they might just be a normal travelers or hunters as well. Then, I just need to check their intention in camping there.

…though I haven't found anything. Well, other than some monsters who started chasing after me. But they are much slower than me so I don't need to care about them.

I wonder how the others are?

The group who will return to the city should be able to pass the guards easily. Although they can't fly, with Candy there who was a special agent, she can lead the others to find a way to enter the capital. Or maybe the princess herself knows a secret passage to enter the capital.

Maybe they used the ruckus caused by the Werewolves who trespassed to enter the capital. In any case, entering should be easy.

But what if they find something suspicious? I don't think any cult members inside the city would cause a ruckus inside the capital before taking down the country. They were so close in getting the country.

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And even if there are some problem, they should be able to take care of themselves. Kayla, Jewel, and Candy have experienced sparring with expert level mages. Even Candy has fought one in a real battle back during the stampede. His name was… let's just call him the Mayor.

Though that fight ended with me who finished him, that was still a good experience for her.

And there's also Princess Julia who is an expert level mage. With so many Werewolves in the capital to help, there should be no big trouble appear.

As for those investigating and destroying the hut that was used as the hideout of the thugs who were hired by the cult… that was a long sentence. That place should be easy for Celestine to take care of alone. Especially knowing how angry she is. I wonder if her offer to be my lover in the future still okay?

Though I think the one going to the hideout will have some problem. And they might be the one asking for a reinforcement first. Once they call for help, I will go to Angela or Veronica and ask either one of them to help.

Oh? I found someone. Let's check on them.

There are some people, sheltering inside one of the caves under a hill. Three of them. All females? Maybe they are a party of hunters. Just like the one in Cassau, that… whatever. That party full of women.

Though when I checked further with my Divine Vision, I didn't see any of them have Hunter Card with them. I guess they are not hunters then. And they also don't have explosive devices inside their mouth. That's just make them more suspicious.

Let's see… the three of them are quite beautiful. Two of them have huge breasts and the other one has huge ass. Are they candidates to succeed Celestine's and Veronica's thrones? To be a leader of a faction? And they are all expert level mages?

Let's just be careful. Since they are not children, I guess it's fine if I kill them.

But how do I kill three supposedly expert level mages?

Well, they are inside a cave without anyone guarding the entrance. They must have high confidence in their presence detection ability. Or is it that they don't trust each other? And they are on guard with the other members?

In any case, I just need to destroy the hill they were under, and make them caved in inside that cave. Unless they have one earth mage, it will be difficult for them to escape.

Good thing the top of the hill is far from their range. I run on air and get there, while the three under the hill still can't detect my presence.

If Spot is here, destroying this hill should be easy. But I can do it as well.

I transformed some Blobbies into a hammer, and strike the hill over and over again. The sound should have reached the three inside the cave, and they must have felt slight earthquake from me pouncing from above them. But by the time they reacted, the hill is destroyed and they got trapped in the cave.

Seems like one of them is earth mage as they are still safe inside the cave. With her magic, it was easy to make a way out.

But I won't let them leave.

Just as soon as the way is opened, I was already in front of the newly made passage, and entered it.

The three of them noticed my presence when I stand in front of the passage. That mean the three are expert level mages as I expected.

If it's outside, there's nothing I can do to them other than escaping, but inside a closed space, there's no way they will use their magic randomly. That will be my advantage.

With my full speed, I entered the half-destroyed cave through the newly made passage, and instantly brandished my Blobbysword toward the earth mage and killed her in an instant.

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"What the! Who are you!?" One of the women asked.

"I am Nin- oh right. I forgot to put my disguise. I guess you all will die tonight." I said.

Then, I quickly slashed at the other woman who is about to attack me and killed her in an instant.

I need some answer, so I can't kill all of them. I guess the last one will be kept alive.

The last one is a fire mage. I quickly used air magic to change the properties of the gases in the surrounding into a non-flammable one, and then using sleeping gas to make her faint.

But I guess that didn't work against an expert level mage. Or maybe she's also an air mage? I guess hitting her is the right way to knock her out.

I kicked her in her gut and broke three of her ribs. While she's in pain, I used portal to grab one Magic Restriction Collar from my room in Cassau, and put it on the mage.

"Ugh… who are you?" She asked.

"I'm the one asking questions here. Why are you with them despite one of the women I killed is from different faction? You and that one on the ground are from big breasts faction, while that dead lady is from big ass faction. Are you candidates to be the next leader?" I asked

"How did you know!? Don't tell me that there's another hidden faction in the cult!?"

Whoa, I'm right. They are indeed from the cult. That was still surprising even though I expected it.

"For now, go to sleep. I will interrogate you later."

I knocked her out with a chop to the back of her neck. I don't know if using sleeping gas will work on her, so that's the best solution.

"I guess I'll use portal to move her to old man's chamber. Since he's inherited his ancestor's love to big breasts, this should be okay, right? Let's show her cleavage more and write him a message before sending her."

The message was written on a paper though. Not on her chest.

It says to keep her for a while until I return.

After sending the cult member, I was about to continue exploring when suddenly, Sonia appears.

"Roy! Kayla and the others inside the city need reinforcement!" Sonia said.

I thought the one who would call me first would be Victoria. but turns out, it was Kayla.

"Alright, I'll send Veronica right away." I said.

"Not her!"

"Not Veronica? Then, Angela? Or maybe Spot?"

"Not her either! Get everyone! There's a chaos inside the capital! The rest cult members in hiding noticed that they are being targeted! Kayla and the others are fighting against two expert level mages, and there are some cult members who hide monsters in the basement of their house! The city is in chaos! Go back with everyone, including the Werewolves!" Sonia explained.

…what the hell?

Chapter 313 - Meanwhile In The Capital

Meanwhile, the four girls who were tasked a mission inside the capital entered the capital easily after bypassing a sleepy guard. Kayla easily build a stairway to pass the tall wall right next to the sleepy guard, and while the other guards are not paying attention to their direction.

Candy is the first one to notice the sleepy guard, and with Jewel's help to watch when the other guards are not paying attention, they easily climbed the wall.

"…I guess we have to increase the security. Maybe increasing the number of guards for more shifts so no one will be too sleepy to guard the gate."

That's what the princess of Varadis, Julia, said as soon as they entered the capital.

"Think about it later. Although we have the most freedom in this mission, that doesn't mean we can take it easy. Even though you're a princess, we won't treat you as one since this mission is important." Kayla said to Julia.

."Wow, you're so strict. That's fine though. Anyway, it's the first time we met. I'm Julia."

"I'm Kayla, she's Candy, and this one is Jewel." Kayla introduce everyone in the group to Julia.

"Are you the girls' leader?" Julia asked.

"Not really. Well, Candy was a former agent for the Tatrama Kingdom. She told me before that whenever she's on a mission, it's best to not talk to her about any topic unrelated of the mission so she can concentrate better. As for Jewel, she's so loud that it's best if she's not talking right now." Kayla said.

"…that's a unique group of friends that Roy has. Anything else I need to know?" Julia asked.

"Not really. Well, other than both Candy and I are Roy's lovers, and Jewel is his disciple. Although officially Jewel is his disciple, we all have learned everything he knows."

"Wait, who's there!?"

While they are talking and checking around the surrounding to find anything suspicious, Julia sensed someone's presence hiding behind a wall. Since that presence is hiding instead of walking in the middle, Julia thought that might be an enemy and not the patrol guard.

"It's me, Shelia."

The one who came out of hiding is Shelia, Roy's summoned monster.

"…princess, next time you sensed someone's presence in hiding, don't shout. You might alert other people resting in their houses. You can sense that there are normal citizens resting in their houses, right? What do you sense when you shouted?" Kayla asked.

"…nothing. Seems like the ones around here are all sleeping already. But you're right. Sorry about that." Julia apologizes.

"Anyway, what are you doing here, Shelia?" this time, Kayla asked Shelia.

"I smelt you while I'm nearby. I thought that it's best if I go with you guys. Sooner or later, the other Werewolves will cause ruckus. We have found several people with the smell of that explosive devices around and killed them. But there are still a lot of those smell. I think you might need someone to help you find them." Shelia said.

Over the time she has become Roy's summon and lover, she is also someone who has received his teaching as well. And unlike other Werewolves, she's much more obedient and can restraint herself from having a good fight. Although when she ended up fighting, she had the most fun. She's the second strongest melee combatant after Roy.

"Thanks for that. If we can't find anything today, Roy will have more job tomorrow." Kayla said.

"True that."


Then, the group move with Shelia in the lead, leading them to where the smell of the explosive devices the thickest.

"What do you mean by that? Aren't you here to help him so he won't work too much alone anymore? Even I can figure that." Julia asked.

"Unlike Roy, we have no way of seeing through things. We can only depend on our own eyes and judgements to find something or someone suspicious. Add Shelia's smelling sense to that, however much we can do, it's not enough to match what Roy can do alone. That's just how good his eyesight is. Even if we take cares of what we find here, when Roy returns, he can find more by himself. In the end, the reason he asked us to be the one in charge of the capital is so we have more knowledge of the layout of the capital. Then we can deduct by ourselves where the suspicious location that maybe Roy's eyes haven't reached yet and inform him about it later so he can see it for himself."

Kayla explaining the reason why they were chosen. And she even knows why the Werewolves were sent into the capital as well. It's to cause ruckus.

But for princess Julia, she was more dumbfounded by one thing that she just learned.

"Wait, so he can see-through our clothes as well? That's his ability?" Julia asked.


"And you're fine with it?"

"We're used to it. He was also a doctor in his past life and present life. Having see-through vision helps him to see if someone have some kind of disease. And with the knowledge of the future, he might be able to cure some illnesses that in the present, there's no cure for them yet."

"But he can still see me naked."

"…yes, he can."

"…I should have hit him real hard in that island. Maybe burn him alive." Julia said in regret.

"So, your element is fire? The one that has reached expert level?" Kayla asked.

"Yes. I have two elements. The other one is the useless air element, so I can just concentrate in improving my fire element." Julia said proudly.

"…that's stupid."


"Ignorance is bliss, they said."

"What a shame."

Kayla, Shelia, Candy, and Jewel, said some remarks that can be put as insult toward Julia. Even Candy and Jewel who were supposed to be quiet can't help but say something about it.

"What do you mean by that? What about air element is so good that you think it's a shame to not train in it? It's just for helping me breathe in all kind of environment. Other than that, it's basically useless!" Julia complained.

"No, air element is not useless. There are no useless elements, only people who don't know how to utilize them. Roy has two elements. Summoning and air elements. Both have reached intermediate level, and he became stronger thanks to that. If you're curious about air element, you can ask him later." Kayla said.

"Air element can make me stronger? You must be joking." Julia sneered at Kayla's remark.

"Enough. We're here. That building is where the smell of the explosive devices concentrated the most." Shelia said after they have arrived.

"This place… it's the mansion of the prime minister. Sigh… even the prime minister is related. Just how close we were to get taken over?" Julia sighed.

"Now, what to do? If there is at least one expert level mage inside, that person would detect our presences as soon as we get close. Should we just mark this place and discuss it later with Roy?"

It was Candy who asked for suggestion. If she was still working as an agent, she would find no trouble in risking her life just to get one information. But since she has been with Roy and the others, she's no longer intent to risk her own life. She knows how much important her life is to Roy.

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"For now, how about…"

"Watch out!"

Before Kayla spoke about her strategy, Julia warn her and the others about an incoming attack. It's just one huge Ice Spike flying toward them which easily dodged by the girls.

"Damn! This person hasn't move at all when we're in range, and just suddenly attacked us out of nowhere! This one is a guard in that mansion. And an expert level mage. Be careful." Julia shouted.

The girls then ready for battle when the expert level mage approached them.

"So, it's our princess. What are you doing here?" A man in guard uniform approached Julia and the others.

'For now, let's be careful to not let him know our intention' is what Kayla about to tell Julia. But it was too late.

"The prime minister is involved with the Evil Cult, right? I'm here to bring justice!" Julia said.

"…you're stupid."



"Even Angela knows when to shut up."

Kayla, Shelia, Candy, and Jewel insulted Julia for real this time.

"Huhuhu… princess, you're gonna die here for knowing our secret!" The man said.

"…and there's another idiot who couldn't keep a secret." Kayla said.

Since the enemy is just one expert level mage, she thought that it would be over if they work together. But Kayla noticed that there's another person who casted a fire magic toward them from the same direction the first magic was used to attack them.

Kayla quickly made a multilayered Earth Wall to protect everyone.

"Huff… so, you are closer to us and attacked first. In case we survive, you had someone else further than you to attack us. You're not that stupid after all, huh?"

Although Kayla appear composed, she's actually panicked. There's no way they could defeat two expert level mage who can work together.

So, Kayla quickly made a decision. If it's Roy, he would do the same. Protecting their own lives first before defeating the enemies.

"Shelia! Howl!" Kayla said to Shelia.


A Werewolf howl can be used to call reinforcements. But it's so loud that it will alert everyone nearby. They can no longer be discreet anymore.

Kayla and Candy quickly prepared for a fight. As for Jewel, she escaped.

Jewel understood that someone have to call for reinforcements. So, she was about to contact Sonia when suddenly, a Werewolf were blown away in front of her after attacked by several monsters. That monsters did not appear from outside, but from under a basement of someone's house.

Thinking that there are too many powerful enemies in the capital, Jewel quickly told Sonia to have Roy get everyone.

As for the Werewolves, even those outside the city will enter the capital after they hear Shelia's howl.

There will be a war inside the capital of Varadis. That's what Kayla, Jewel, Candy, and Shelia thought.

Chapter 314 - Saving The King

If I had known that things are going to turn this way, I wouldn't have asked Veronica, Angela, and Spot to split up.

Two expert level mages in the capital? And there's a chaos?

Now that I think about it, I don't think I saw old man Henry when I used portal on his chamber. He must be busy protecting the capital. I hope he is well-protected by someone he can trust. In this moment, if one of his children who has joined the cult approaches him, his life will be in danger.

What about the monsters hiding under some houses? I should have checked from the ground instead of the sky as expected. There are some areas that I haven't checked, so those monsters must be appearing around that part of the capital..

But… there are no monsters being held near the castle. I've been looking around there for a while, and I know there's nothing worth mentioning. Maybe I saw some monsters, but those are either tamed or contracted as the owner's summon. But if what Sonia said is true, the monsters that being released are neither tamed or summoned. And they were being hidden deep in the basement.

"Sonia, tell the old man to hide somewhere safe alone first. I'll open a portal directly toward Spot, then Veronica, and Angela. Tell me once he's in a safe location. I'll have Veronica and Angela transported to his location. After that… what about the Werewolves? Shelia is inside the city. If Kayla told her to howl, the other Werewolves would hear it." I asked.

"She has howled. That's what Jewel told me." Sonia said.

Does it mean that princess Julia, Kayla, Candy, and Shelia are together, while Jewel contacted me? Must be so.

If Kayla decide to have one of them escape, that mean they are possibly in danger. And it's two expert level mages. I hope princess Julia can hold them back.

After Sonia disappear, I opened three portals right away. With how much magic power I have, I can open several portals simultaneously. But it used too much magic, so I limit it to three. The location where the portals are connected, is where each of my groups that got split up before go.

The three of them entered the portals, with Spot reducing his size to easily enter the portal, and asked me what's going on.

"Roy, why did you call us? Is there something happening?" Angela asked.

"Trouble in the capital. Angela, you help Kayla and the others right away. Veronica, you will protect the king with Spot. Now, we wait for Sonia to return telling us he's in a safe spot. I'll open a portal to where Victoria is."

Just as Victoria and the others with her, who are fortunately not separated, entered the portal, Sonia appears. I don't have time to tell Victoria's group what happened. I'll tell her later.

"Roy, the king is safe but not safe. He's surrounded by his guards and he is being put together with his children in the audience chamber. You can't open a portal directly there." Sonia said.

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"Then change of plan. I will go to old man's place with Spot, while Veronica and Angela will be transported to Jewel's location. As for Victoria and the others, you will return to the capital from different location. I'll open a portal to the inn Celestine and I stayed in. Ask Sonia what happened. Good luck!"

Without letting them ask me questions, I told them where to go. Sonia will inform them what happened, and they can decide what to do by themselves.

I opened two portals, and let them leave first.

"Spot, let's go as fast as you can to the castle." I said.

"So, we're raiding a castle?" Spot asked.

"Hmm… that's right. Let's go!"

With the others already in the capital, the situation hopefully won't get worse. I don't know if the people can get to safety. Or even if the guards can protect them.

Seems like having the Werewolves entered the city is a miscalculation. Though if thing didn't go this way, the whole kingdom won't know how close they are to get taken over.

Oh, right! There's another thing I can do! Let's call Sonia again!

"What is it this time?"

Sonia appears in front of me while we are in the sky.

"Tell Albert the situation, and have him prepare our allies to get here. Those who were in the training camp. Have them disguise themselves so no one knows that Tatrama Kingdom is unrelated to the situation."

"So, more reinforcements, huh?" Sonia said.

"Maybe. Tell him that I will only open a portal if the situation is too dangerous for us alone to make our move. So, it might be a false alert. Also tell him that I might send old man to his location."


Even though I said that it will turns dangerous, I hope it won't turn that way.

I can see the castle now, and there are too many people inside the audience chamber. Why is no one fighting instead?

"Spot, don't go too fast now. Stay floating here. I want to see the situation." I said to Spot who instantly stopped.

In the city, I can see Jewel in hiding, and some Werewolves fighting. The citizens are panicked, and locked the door. But the battle sometime destroyed their houses. I think casualties are unavoidable.

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I can't see Kayla and the others. They must be fighting outside the range of my Divine Vision. What a huge city. Though Veronica would help them soon.

The biggest problem is for the citizens, the guard, and everyone else to know which side is the good one. The one we're fighting is the cult member who should have been staying in the capital for a while. If they interact with the people regularly, they will be seen as the good side. But our side has the princess.

Sigh… there's no need to think about them now. The old man's life is more important.

In the audience chamber… everyone other than the king himself has explosive device inside their mouth. The king is trapped, but it seems like those people has no intention to tell the old man as he's still acting calm.

There are some guards who are not cult members as well, or I hope that's the case. But the closest one to old man Henry who sat on the throne are his children. A son, and a daughter. But they seem to be wary of each other. I guess even cult members don't know of other members in the cult.

"Spot, let's just barge into the chamber. You will slam your body to the one on old man Henry's left, and I will go to the right. After that, we will protect him."

With Spot's speed, even expert level mage won't realize what hit them. If there are any expert level mage here, I will let Spot fight them as I protect old man.

Spot smashed the wall of the castle and charge through everything, and as we are right in front of old man, I jumped to the right while Spot moved to the left. Both of us easily knocked down the two beside the old man. But the room is still filled with people from the cult.

"Your Majesty! Who are you!? Why are you taking his majesty as your hostage!? What is your demand!?" One person who seems to be a noble in high position shouted.

And then, everyone getting ready to fight. From what I see, it looks like there's only one person who is experienced in a real fight. It's one of the guards. Fortunately, or unfortunately, that man doesn't have explosive device in his mouth.

'Roy, thank you for saving me. Everyone here is the ones that you told me have explosive device in their mouth. Seems like they can't wait any longer to take control of this kingdom.' Old man Henry said to me in a whisper.

'Yeah, but how do we escape from this place? We're surrounded. The only thing I can do is to not let anyone kill you. By the way old man, do you have any ideas?' I asked the old man.

'Leave it to me.' Old man said calmly. I guess he has a plan to save his own life now that I'm here.

"Hey! All of you, shitty bastards who thinks of taking over this kingdom! Do you think I don't know that you are all members of the cult!? I'll tell you what, you are too late to act! This man here is my reinforcement! Don't you know that I have been discussing alliance with other kingdoms? He's the one who was sent to find any traitors in my kingdom and kill them all! Even if you are my own children, my own blood, there's no mercy to those who betrays the kingdom. Kill them all, Joy!"

Old man shouted to tell everyone what our plan will be. I guess Joy is what my nickname will be in this kingdom. But…

"What the hell, old man! You want me to kill everyone here!? Are you crazy!? Can't you see how outnumbered we are!?" I shouted back to the old man who gave me difficult job. Why does things always turn bad whenever I'm involved?

"This much is nothing though. Look at this." Spot said.

Then Spot takes a deep breath and… I guess the next move is predictable.

I jumped and grabbed the old man to protect him from Spot's breath attack which killed more than half of the people here. His breath attack continues toward the mountain area where I was before, and destroyed it.

…I guess this job is doable.

Chapter 315 - Why Won't You Just Kill Yourself?

Now the members of the cult have decreased to less than half thanks to Spot. His breath attack is about the same strength as his child. I guess he's still holding back.

"…my castle…"

"Old man, things like castle can be rebuild. But people's lives are…"

"You killed about half of the nobles here, and some of the people you killed are my children."

"…all of them are members of the cult who are thinking of betraying the country. But that was Spot's fault, not mine."

I blamed Spot instead. Spot also hasn't asked for my permission before attacking. This is why I'm worried in letting him join us since he's not contracted with me, and although he follows whatever I say, he thinks of me as equal.. Not as a master and servant. Monsters without contract are too difficult to handle despite their intellect. Next time, I won't greet any monsters I encounter again.

"And that wasn't even my full strength!" Spot said proudly.

"Sigh… that was a wrong move I made. I shouldn't have provoked everyone here and told you to kill everyone. I'll just retreat to a safe place. Take me to Albert. And also, if there are still some people here who doesn't have explosive device inside your mouth, go put these Magic Restriction Collar on your neck by yourself. I will bring you with me to safety. Just leave the rest to Joy here and his monster friend!"

After telling me that he wants to go to Albert's place, Sonia who he asked to come appear in her invisible mode. Only I can see her though. Maybe Elsie as well. And Sonia who understood what old man Henry said disappear and should be informing Albert right now that he's having some guests.

As for me, while we were talking, I hid my hand on my back, grabbed several Magic Restriction Collars through a portal. Since there are about five guards who don't have explosive devices, I grabbed seven. Maybe I will find use for the other two later.

Then, I pointed at the five guards and told them to step forward.

"Put it on yourself. That's the only way I can guarantee your lives when everyone here is trying to conspire against me." Old man Henry said to the five people I picked.

"…you said it like you're the bad guy, old man." I said.

"Even if they are my own children, they choose to destroy what I tried to protect. Those disrespectful bastards need to receive their punishment." Old man said.

As the guards put the Magic Restriction Collars on themselves, I was prepared to open a portal. I don't care anymore if it was being seen by the others since everyone here will die anyway. But there are two people who somehow tried to grab the collars and put them on themselves.

"Father! I don't know anything about conspiracies! Please let me live!" Said one man.

"I was forced to come here at this time! Father, please spare me!" And another woman added.


Knowing what old man intended, I threw another two collars for his two children. Seems like these two realize that they have no chance against Spot. By the way, the other people here are still frozen stiff from Spot's attack, and can't react properly. I guess none of the people here are expert level mage.

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I need to quickly get rid of them all and go help the others.

I open the portal, and kicked in the seven people, while old man walked by himself. I don't care about the others reaction, and after I closed the portal, I quickly take out my Reizpear and killed the closest ones to me first.

At this time, Albert should have prepared the reinforcement. And they all should be those who were in the training camp. I don't really see him.

"Spot, you just need to kill the ones who are trying to run away. You are way too strong to fight in this place. The whole castle will be destroyed, and I will be blamed for it if you attack like before. At least you don't need to use your breath attack." I said to Spot.

"That's a pain, but I will do it. Being human is too complicated. I'm fine doing it, but I need to let loose from time to time." Spot said.

"…you should have said that sooner."

Let's just kill everyone here first.

Some people are still trying to escape, but they are bitten to death by Spot, or he slammed his body to those people trying to escape. Aren't these people nobles? They should at least be experienced in using magic, right? But they must be extremely spoiled that they have no need to raise their own hands.

Those people are easy to defeat, but there are some guards, and other nobles who are actually experienced in using magic in a battle. They are the problem here.

"The monster is too strong! Kill that man first!"

One of the nobles shouted, and he also casted a magic to attack me. He's right though that I am weaker than Spot. But that doesn't mean I'm easy to kill.

Well… I was easy to kill. In my past life. But not anymore.

With my Divine Vision, I don't need to look toward the person behind me who tried to cast a lightning magic. I dodged before his magic completed, and the lightning magic hit another noble instead. Then I stabbed that person's neck with Reizpear.

But this number is still too much for me alone. I guess using Blobbyguns is the best option here.

I snapped Reizpear to pieces and pocketed them, then I transformed some Blobbies into two guns, and shot Blobbybullets toward the nobles who hasn't prepared their protection. Though some of the nobles are wearing magic equipment to protect themselves, so after shooting them and the bullets didn't pierce them, I change my targets before other people hide behind those with protection.

…there's something that have been stuck on my mind for a long time. Doesn't Reizpear sound like it's a pear instead of a spear? I'm really suck at naming.

Now, everyone except for the twelve people who have some kind of protection spell have died. I think one or two of them are old man Henry's children.

Since they are using protection spell and unfamiliar with magic control, they can't cast multiple magic at once. Should I wait or should I tried to pierce their barrier?

"Shit! How did you know that we're members of the cult?" Someone asked.

"Instead of asking me that, why won't you kill yourself with that explosive device inside your mouth? It was put there so you can kill yourself before leaking any information, right? If you can't risk your own lives, you shouldn't have joined that cult and put those dangerous stuffs inside your mouth." I said.

After I said that, some people realize that there's no way out and kill themselves by exploding their own head. But some people are too afraid to kill themselves it seems.

"Let's assemble and build a plan to fight back!"

One of them gathered the rest of them, and they hide inside someone's Light Barrier. Probable the barrier of the guy shouting.

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I just let them since if they are together, it's easier to kill them at once.

But what the guy said next turns the hope of those people into despair.

"All of you, we have no chance of winning! If you don't want me to kill you, go explode your own head!"

"What!? I thought we are going to made a plan!"

"The plan is to not let any information of the cult leaked! If you won't kill yourself, I will kill you!"

Now, I don't have anything else to do, right? That guy will kill the rest.

Sigh… I can't just wait here for them all to die. I need to go save the others. I should break that barrier and kill them all. Or maybe I'll take them to Albert just like the people from before? Let's grab some more collars then.

"Hey, those who doesn't want to die can wear these collars and old man Henry might forgive you later. I don't know. But at least you will live a bit longer." I said.

Hearing what I said, two people quickly tried to leave the barrier, but that guy killed them before they leave.

"If any of you move, I will kill you!"

Sigh… it's a pain in the ass. I guess I'll just kill him first.

I transformed the Blobbies into a sniper rifle, and repeatedly shot the barrier at the same spot which will go directly to his head if the barrier is broken.

If he dodges, well, at least the barrier is broken. And I might hit other people instead. Whatever, they are all bad guys.

Seeing that there's a chance of living, the rest of the cult members attacked the guy together while I tried to destroy the barrier.

Other than the guy who threaten the others, there are five people left. Those five attacked the guy together, and that guy finally died while also managed to kill three people. Leaving only two people left. A man and a woman.

What is this? Some kind of survival game where they have to kill to survive? Well, this world is like that in the first place.

"Congrats on choosing to live. Put these collars and pluck out the explosive devices from your mouth. Then I will bring you to old man." I said.

"…who are you to my father, the king?"

Oh? She's his daughter? Whatever, the rest is up to old man and Albert who's there.

"I'm his new friend."

Then I opened a portal and kicked the two people inside. Albert and old man were surprised to see there are more people, but I ignore their reaction.

"I need to help Kayla and the others. Find anything you can through them and discuss among yourself your next plan." I said.

I'm not interested in what they can find other than the identity of the Evil God himself. I just need to do things and they will think of our next move. As long as it will end with the cult being destroyed, I'll help them as much as possible.

Now that the old man is safe and everyone here has died or captured, I will help Kayla and the others.

Chapter 316 - I'm Already Used To Fight Expert Level Mage

The king has been saved and there are no other cult members left in the castle. Maybe they are al fighting outside.

It seems that those who are not too strong or experienced in a battle chose the easy way, which is attacking the king directly, while the other cult members choose to fight.

Now the question is… do we need reinforcement here?

The Werewolves seems to be doing fine even though they are outnumbered. They are a race that loves battle after all. Maybe it's best to let them be.

But that doesn't mean the reinforcement are not needed. Let's open a portal one more time and ask Albert and old man Henry for their opinion.

"I think it's best if we sent some people specialized in espionage mission to walk around and find evidences of the cult members' wrongdoings." Albert said..

"Yeah, you have killed all the nobles in the castle. Looking through their mansions is a good idea." Old man agreed.

"Now, how many of you are best in espionage mission? One, two, three… eight. I'll send you these eight people to find some evidence of the cult."

Albert then ordered the eight people to enter the portal. I also gave them some Blobbies to disguise themselves. And the eight people quickly move on their own accord to different directions.

"Do you need anything else?" Albert asked.

"Hmm… what about you, old man?" I asked old man Henry instead.

"There will be many things that I need to take care of. At least I hope the rest of my surviving children are not related to the cult." Old man said.

"Then, I guess I'll get princess Julia to find her siblings while I take care of whoever she's fighting. Old man, is there any safe house in the capital?" I asked.

"There's one right behind you. Through the wall where you and Spot destroyed when you enter, you can see that big mansion with green roof. Oh, wait. It's dark so you can't see it. It's the…"

"My Divine Vision can see through the dark as if it was day. I can see which one has green roof." I said before old man finished his sentences.

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"…that's one convenient ability. If none of my children left related to the cult, please protect them." Old man said.

"No thanks. That will be princess Julia's problem. Not mine." I said as I closed the portal and leave the castle with Spot.

"You heard that, Spot? We're going to princess Julia first. It's that way." I said as I pointed toward the direction where princess Julia is.

"I can see her as well. Just like you, I can see through the dark as well. Deep under the sea, it was much darker there. Though there are some monsters that can emit light." Spot said.

That was interesting. I haven't seen any monsters when I dive even during the night. I guess I need to go deeper then.

In any case, we need to check on the princes and princess first. Though I don't remember much about their appearances, they should live in the castle as well, right?

There are no other cult members, but there are still people inside the castle. Since I have entered the castle several times, and I don't see anyone having a reaction when I arrive, I don't think there are other expert level mage among them.

Well, they are alive at the moment. Let's quickly go to where princess Julia is.

Princess Julia is fighting against an expert level mage. As for Kayla, Candy, and Shelia, they fight the other expert level mage.

Princess Julia is fighting evenly against her enemy. As for Kayla's group, they are pressuring their enemy. They work well together.

"Spot, you go and kill that mage who is fighting Kayla and the others. I will help princess Julia." We split up after that since the fights happen in different location.

As for Angela and the others, they are busy fighting the monsters. How come no one notice that someone keeping some monsters in their houses? There are many things here that needed to be fixed by old man.

Oh? Jack and some other Werewolves are having difficulty against someone. Maybe that one is another expert level mage. They are still fine, so it's best to leave them be for now. And Celestine is going their way as well.

I approached the expert level mage princess Julia is fighting, and before he noticed me, I used my Blobbyrifle to shoot him to death. When the bullet entered his range, he was distracted from the fight. But the bullet is too fast for him to react, so before he could put any kind of barrier, the bullet pierced his left eye and entered his brain before exiting from the back of his head.

I was aiming for his forehead though. So, he could move a bit, huh? Maybe there will be even stronger expert level mage in the future that we will fight.

"Roy! Thank god you're here! Kayla and the others are in trouble, let's help them quickly!"

Before princess Julia could run, I grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"They are fine. But the old man's life was threatened. That's how I came here late. I was saving your father first. Anyway, he asked me to protect the rest of his children who are not involved with the cult. But I don't know any of them, so I want you to do it instead. By the way, be careful. I only know that they are not a cult member since they don't have explosive devices inside their mouth. It any of them were like this guy, an expert level mage who doesn't have explosive device inside his mouth, your life is in danger. Just be careful. By the way, old man told me to get his children to a safe house. It's that one over there." I pointed to where the mansion that old man said that it was a safe location.

"…first, I thank you for telling me this. Second, thank you for saving my father. Third, I hate you because of what you can see with those eyes of yours. And lastly, that safe house my father told me is my own house that I bought secretly even from him. And he dares calling it his safe house?" Princess Julia said in anger.

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What's that about hating me? Did Kayla already tell her? I want to see her reaction though. What a shame.

"It seems that whatever you do in the capital is seen through even without my Divine Vision. Though your strength is still unknown to the old man until recently. Just go quick and save your family. Leave the rest to us." I said.

"I want to help more, but one of my siblings might be a future king. Please save the kingdom."

"Ah! Before you leave, how popular are you?" I asked.


"I mean does everyone in the capital knows your face?"

"…yeah they do. I think that's the case. Why ask?"

"If you find any civilians, you will need to calm them down. That's all there is to it. Though it seems that the people here choose to lock themselves in their own house, that doesn't mean all of them are inside. There might be some hunters who thinks it's best to leave their house and fight the monsters, or civilians whose house is destroyed and need to find a safe place. You're the princess, I'll leave them to you." I explained.

After saying that, I left before she could ask anything anymore.

I run toward where Kayla is, and I see the expert level mage is easily being swallowed by a huge floating serpent. That… is a nightmare. I mean I remember clearly before I died that my arm was eaten by a monster. And then there's a monster swallowing a person whole while that person is still alive.

I can see well how that person entered Spot's throat. I guess even an expert level mage can enter panic when being eaten alive. That mage forgot how to use magic.

By the way, Victoria is here as well. she must be here since Celestine and the others can take care of themselves, and she need to inform Kayla's group of what's happening. She can also be used as a shield during the fight. No wonder they can have the upper hand while fighting an expert level mage. Though in the end, Spot finished everything.

"Kayla, Candy, go kill the monsters roaming in the capital. As for the mages, Shelia, tell the other Werewolves to show their Werewolf form and only kill those who have the scent of the explosive devices. There are also hunters fighting the monsters. You can play along as one of the monsters."

Shelia obeyed my order and will tell the other Werewolves that they don't need to hold back anymore. This way, the cult members will be dealt by the Werewolves, and the rest of the monsters will be defeated by us and the hunters.

"What about you, Roy?" Kayla asked.

"Let's see… seems like we have the upper hands against the monsters since there are a lot of hunters helping around. I'll check around to see if there are anyone who needs help. Victoria, stay with me. I gave too many Blobbies to Albert's spies that entered here."

"Albert is helping as well? That's good." Victoria said as she stuck herself on my shoulder.

"Not really. The spies' job is to find any evidence of the cult in the capital. Old man Henry is also safe with Albert in Tatrama. For now, I need to make sure that no one escapes the capital."

Seems like the war will be over soon. Let's just kill the rest of the cult members who are hiding. I also need to find those basements where the monsters are being kept.

Anyway, what about the orphanages? Seems like the orphans who have explosive devices in their mouth are too scared too move. Maybe I'll use this chance to get them to Russell telling them that it's a safe place. Let's just do that.

Chapter 317 - The Night Continues

Let's kidnap the orphans first before helping the others with the capital. Since the king is already in a safe place, we can take our time. At least I don't think there will be anyone else here that can threat us.

"Sonia, inform the others that I won't join them in the fight yet. I'll be kidnapping all the orphans. I hope the orphanages haven't been destroyed yet."

I asked Sonia to relay a message to the others who are fighting.

."Sure. Where are you taking them?" Sonia asked.

"Russell's village." I replied.

"That's King Henry's friend, right? The one who will erase the children's memory about the explosive devices? I suppose everyone will agree then." Sonia said and then she disappeared.

Just erasing their memories? Is that what old man Henry told her? I guess he doesn't want the fact that Russell is brainwashing the orphans to leak.

It will also cause more problem if the truth is known. I should be quick then.

First, I need to get some help. Let's open a portal to Albert's place.

When I opened the portal, I can see that the people with explosive devices that I delivered to that side are being restrained. Albert must have conducting interrogation at the moment. But what about the guards without explosive devices?

"What is it, Roy?" Albert asked.

"I want to use this chance to kidnap the orphans and bring them to Russell. I'll have Russell cooperate with me and tell the orphans that they are being taken to a safe place since the capital is in chaos. I need old man's help." I said.

"How's the capital?" This time, old man Henry is the one asking.

"It's going well. At least from my view. I don't think there are other strong people left in the capital. I can leave the rest to the girls, the Werewolves, and the hunters here." I said.

"Hmm? What Werewolves?" Old man asked.

"Old man, he's a summoner. And unlike other summoner, he entered Monsters World and made a contract with the monster there. The monster he made a contract with after he fulfilled their condition is a Werewolf. Which ended up turning him into the Werewolf King." Albert explained.

"…seems like there are many other things that you haven't explained, huh?" Old man looked at me.

"Do I really need to tell everything? It's not like it was important at the time I was explaining." I said.

"Fine. Have you talked to Russell about this?"

"Not yet."

"…then I will go. Albert, take care of my children here. Put them into the dungeon and make sure none of them escape." Old man said to Albert.

…that's not taking care at all. that's imprisoning them. Taking care, and putting them into the dungeon, has different meaning.

Hmm… maybe it's the same. Well, whatever.

"And also, I will bring two guards that I brought with me here. As for the other three, let them return to the capital and help with the others." Old man said.

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"Are they clean?" I asked.

"Yes. They will be by my side along with some of my trusted people from the past." Old man said.

"What about those people? Why weren't they there in the castle with you before?"

"…there are monsters appearing in the capital. How would I know what kind of problem they are facing? I believe they must be worried about me since I disappeared. I'll be with these two going to the castle while you go and find those orphans."

Old man said as he entered the portal. Followed by the five guards.

I also said goodbye again to Albert. Though I might meet him again later.

"What about Julia?" Old man asked. That's the first thing he's worried as soon as he returns back here.

"I told them to grab her siblings and bring them to the safe house. She was quite angry that you made the house she bought secretly as your safe house." I said.

"I'm the king. It's obvious that I know a lot of secrets." Old man said proudly.

"But you never realized that the person who was closest to you is betraying the kingdom…"

"Enough of that. As soon as you found the orphans, what will you do?"

"I'll gather them in one location and put them to sleep. Then I will grab you as well to go to Russell's village. I didn't give him Sonia's soil before since I wanted to keep it as secret. We can't contact him through her, so I'm thinking of sending Victoria first. How about it, Victoria?" I asked Victoria.

"Sure. I will inform Russell, and then you can open a portal to me to return. Or if you need me, just summon me back her." Victoria said.

Now that she has agreed, I open another portal connected to Russell's village and send her there.

As for old man Henry and the guards, he told three guards to help the civilians, and the other two to follow him back to the castle. I think he's going to ask for help from his trusted men.

"Now, where should we go?" Spot asked.

…that's the biggest problem I have right now. I don't know what Spot need to do that is very safe.

Should I ask him to get rid of the monsters? He might not hold back and destroy everything. Even that attack from the castle must have made everyone to be wary.

"…aren't you hungry?"

"Not really."

I asked just in case he wanted to leave for a while to fill his stomach. But I was wrong.

"Hmm… I don't think there's much you can do. You are a big help, but I want human problem to be solved by humans." I said.

"Then, what should I do? I'm fine with just wrapping myself around you without doing anything, you know?" Spot said.

Tell that to me from the start!

"Then, you can do that. I will ask for your help when we're in deep trouble, or when we need to travel somewhere very fast." I said.

"Just call me if you need help." Spot said as he turns small and wrapped himself around my waist like a belt.

…just in case, I need to get even stronger than Spot. Let's set that as my goal.

Then I run toward the orphanages where the orphans have explosive device in their mouth. Even those that I just kidnapped this afternoon.

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They are panicked, but seems like the orphanages are still safe. That's obvious knowing that there's no benefit in attacking an orphanage. Unless the caretaker is a corrupt person who saved all their money in the orphanage.

I put them all to sleep. Even the caretaker. Then, I gather everyone in one orphanage so I can bring them with old man Henry later.

As for the caretaker… maybe it's best to kill them. Let's throw them to the street and hope that a stray monster killed them. Like a stray Werewolf or something. Of course, no one would know that the Werewolf was under my order, right?

Let's go to the other orphanage. I think it's fine to not go to the orphanages without any orphans who have explosive device in their mouth. The three orphanages are the worst orphanages in the capital. That's what I've seen so far. Maybe other people will just think that the three orphanages are destroyed terribly and the orphans escaped to the slum or somewhere else.

There are more than fifty orphans that I need to transfer. They are all sleeping in one big room in one of the three orphanages. Now, let's get old man Henry.

I have been using portals too many times today. Let's find old man normally now. Who knows if I need to use portal again after sending him to Russell's village?

Right now, old man is at princess Julia's mansion with his children. He must have finished talking to his men and is waiting for me.

"Old man! Princess! It's me! Let me in!"

The door to the mansion is locked, so I knocked on the door and shouted loudly to call old man Henry.

"Don't shout! What would happen if someone heard!?" Princess Julia said.

"No one heard it. Old man, it's time. I have gathered all the orphans. Let's go." I said.

"That was quick. As expected of you."

"And princess, do you have any accessories with you?" I asked princess Julia.

"What accessories?" She asked back.

Instead of replying, I look all over her body and find a bracelet with Sonia's soil in it. Kayla must have given it to her before. She's quick to notice things that I forget.

"That bracelet. Tap on it."

"Like this?"

Just as she did as I said, Sonia appears in front of her.

"You called?"

Sonia noticed that the one calling for her is princess Julia, and realizes that it was just a test.

"You can call her and told her a message that you need to deliver to other people. She will relay it for you." I said.

"…this is just like the children story I read. You rub the magic glass shoe, and a genie appears to grant you one thousand and one wishes." Princess Julia said.

What is that? Children story exclusive only in Varadis Kingdom?

"Julia, we'll be leaving now. As for you, my other children. Stop disappointing me. I don't want to have my children get killed by him again." Old man said as he pointed at me.

It was Spot's fault though.

In any case, he and two guards, along with some people I don't recognize but they seem to be the people old man trusted, entered the portal. He will ask for Russell's help himself although Victoria has told him the story.

As old man entered, Victoria also returned. Now, I can't use portal much anymore. But the fight is almost over. Most of the cult members are killed, and the monsters are easily defeated when the hunters cooperate together. Although there were some casualties, at least none of them are among my friends and lovers.

Let's just aim for the cult member now. It's cleaning up time.