
Chapter 391 - Calling Two More Monsters For Help

We are in the middle of a fight against an artificial master level mage. And Spot is currently using his strongest attack, his non-elemental magic breath attack, on the mohawk girl.

Unfortunately, as far as I can see, it doesn't have much effect on her. She's there in the sky taking hit while still look calm. Even though we are in the sky and she's supposed to have difficulty breathing.

I even used air magic on her so there are no gases around her mouth and nose. But seems like she doesn't know that another effect after the experiment is that she doesn't need to breathe anymore.

Maybe because she treats it like normal, she never thought of it as the effect of the experiment. Or maybe because she was experimented again after the Professor received the Black Slime's.

No matter what, this Professor need to be taken care of quickly before he made another artificial master level mage. Maybe there are already several of them in the cult. Or even if they are not an artificial master level mage, just the body of the experimented subjects like Mohawk is enough to give me, an Aura user, a problem.

Spot's attack stopped, and Mohawk continues falling down from the sky. Though I won't let her drop to the ground.

"I think I received some damage," Mohawk said.

You have to! If not, I will be in despair since everything we did to you is not working!

This is just one enemy. Who knows how many other the professor has?

At least I need to show everyone how to defeat this one so everyone can expect how powerful they are when we encounter more of them in the future.

This thing that that Professor created, with both amazing physical and magical abilities, we have to find a way to defeat it. If not, everything we planned will come to naught.

During the tournament in a few months, we have to think that the enemy will send more Mohawks. Probably.

Even using my Divine Vision, I can't see her weakness. Maybe it's her heart just like normal people, but piercing her heart has proven to be difficult.

"I can't use magic with this collar on," Mohawk said calmly.

Oh, no! She's going to rip the collar apart! I have to prevent her from doing it!

Again, I used Victogun to shoot rapidly toward Mohawk's hand so she can't touch the collar on her neck, but I think her pain resistance has increased now. Probably because she has gotten used to taking hit.

This is bad! She's taking off the collar!

"Get away from her! She's taking off the collar!" I shouted.

Even though we tried hard to prevent her to do that, she's still managed to easily grabbed the collar, and rip it off from her neck.

For me, it's easier to use Victoria and transform her into a key to release the collar. But I can also do that. That's why the collar is useless against people with extraordinary strength like me, or even Shelia. Though she's a werewolf and not a human.

Mohawk then prepared her magic as she falls down from such great heights. She doesn't care that she's falling and unable to do anything about it, and just casted a powerful lightning magic at us.

Quickly, I opened a portal to each of them, Veronica, Shelia, and Spot, and had them get inside the portal toward my location. Behind me to be exact, so I can protect them.

I'd like to transport them all somewhere else, but my summoning magic doesn't work that way. Only my contracted monsters or clones of them toward my location, or vice versa. Which mean I have to get those three come to me, before I used portal to move away.

But I can't do that since the enemy's lightning element magic is too fast is too strong. But at least we have discussed on what to do in case any of this happen before the fight.

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Veronica would create barrier using her wind magic on the surrounding area, Shelia in front of her, and Spot will wrap himself around the two. Meanwhile, I will be in front of them protecting them from the magic, as I used what I practiced for months. Cutting through magic.

This will be the first lightning element magic that I will cut. Can I cut it?

No, that's wrong. I have to believe that I will cut it.

With Victoria as my katana, I raised her high with both hands gripping on the handle. And when I think the timing is right, I swung it down vertically as strong as possible. Since Mohawk is also right in front of me, beyond her lightning, it's possible to hit her if I attack in a straight line.


I shouted hoping that my attack will reach the falling mohawk girl.

Meanwhile, I did it. I split her lightning apart. Though it didn't hit me, her lightning was about to return as one again behind me. Luckily, Veronica put her barrier. Though Spot got hit lightly on his tail, and it was burnt.

I don't know how much damage he took. I need to focus on killing the enemy first.

My slash attack continues, and hit Mohawk's right arm. Her right arm separated from her body as blood coming out from the below her shoulder. She no longer has her dominant hand. I know because she has the habit of moving her right hand before her left.

"Oh? That was not magic. And that's not projectile from your air magic as well. What was that?" Mohawk asked.

From our time fighting, I realize that she's full of curiosity. Should I try using distraction on her? That won't work unless I have something that can kill her in one shot.

That last slash was a miss. She narrowly dodged it and just sliced her right arm. If I used it again and she noticed it, she will be able to dodge the next one.

She's wary of me now. I need to use that attack again later. Maybe close combat is a better choice here. I hope she won't have any time to use her magic when we're so close since I won't be able to dodge it.

Though I won't go that close to her like the time I restrained her. This time, I used my Reizpear as my main weapon. With its range, when she's about to cast magic, I should be able to react if I noticed it early.

Which mean I have to focus my Divine Vision only on her and I can't watch my surrounding. I need to at least have Elsie here to watch the surrounding.

And just Elsie is not enough. I need another powerful ally. Lina's other contracted monster, Sunny.

"Elsie! Sunny!" I shouted.

Lina who is watching from the TV in the capital should realize that I'm thinking of getting the two monsters over here as well. I opened one portal to where Lina is, and Lina summoned her two monsters and let them enter the portal.


"On it!"

Spot quickly flew toward where Sunny and Elsie falling from, and they safely landed on Spot's back.

Sunny then transformed into a huge sunflower that she no longer needed Spot's help to reach this height. And Elsie jumped on top of the flower head to help with Sunny's aim.

"Elsie, aim! Sunny, shoot!"

Elsie will control where Sunny is aiming, and Sunny will shoot her light beam.

Elsie will also look at the surrounding while I'm focusing on Mohawk. We don't know when someone will come after all. We made quite a ruckus over here.

Waiting for Spot and Sunny to use their powerful beam to attack, Veronica, Shelia, and I attacked Mohawk non-stop. This time, we only attacked her from one spot so it's easy for me to protect them.


Spot and Sunny's combined beam are targeting Mohawk. But now that her collar has been taken off, she can protect herself with magic.

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And her lightning magic can produce a barrier that can protect her from Spot and Sunny's combined attack.

…master level mage is a cheat! She is a cheat!

Just how much differences between expert level mage and master level mage? Even advanced level can still defeat an expert level mage.

But now, one expert level mage, one Aura user, and four monsters, are still not enough to defeat her. Though I still managed to cut her arm off.

… wait, what the hell is that black sphere above Mohawk? Is that lightning fully concentrated in one spot? Is that even possible!?

Oh, no! She's throwing it toward us!

But good thing the target is just one thing unlike her previous lightning attack.

"Victoria! Give me a Blobby!"

As soon as I get a Blobby from her, I threw it to the sky, right above a forest far from us. There shouldn't be any humans over there.

The black sphere is coming, and this time, I don't need to cut it. Instead, I opened a huge portal in front of me, connected to the Blobby I just threw.

The black sphere falls toward the forest, as I was about to attack Mohawk since she's letting her guard down after that big attack.

But I can't do that.

"Roy! Dangerous!"

I heard Shelia screaming after she's looking at Elsie. What's the danger?

It's coming from the area where the black sphere is as it's about to touch the ground.

This… I need to protect everyone!

I gathered everyone in Spot's back with Sunny returned to her small size, and had Veronica put a barrier protecting us. I also stand in front of everyone to protect them just in case.

The black sphere hit the ground, and it exploded. But that's not the worst part.

From the explosion, numerous lightning spread from over there and spreading like fire everywhere. Even toward us who are far from the explosion!

"Embrace yourself!" I shouted.

Being attacked by numerous lightning is not funny. I'll die no matter how strong I am. I have to be quick and slash every lightning coming this way.

One, two, three…

Ten, eleven…

Twenty, twenty-one…

It keeps goes on that I lost count. Some of my slashes were too late and my hand got burnt lightly from the lightning, but if I stop, the others will die.

After a whole ten minutes of slashing the lightnings, it finally stopped.

And my heart is almost stopped as well seeing Mohawk is already on the ground with a calm expression despite her right arm is cut off.

How do I kill her?

Chapter 392 - The Battle Ends

Now, the mohawk girl has landed on the ground. She is free to move with her extraordinary speed from various experiment conducted on her now.

"Alright, Veronica, Sunny, Elsie, keep your distance. The only ones allowed to fight close range against her are Shelia, Spot, and I. Though she is still quite amateurish in close combat, her physical strength is above mine. Be careful," I said to the others.

Veronica, Shelia, Spot, Elsie, and Sunny nodded. Sunny is now in her small flower form, while being carried by Elsie. Sunny will shoot at Mohawk from distance with the help of Elsie as her aiming support.

Then I continued, "Jewel, Sophie, and other lightning element watching the TV, learn Mohawk's lightning magic. As for the others, see if you can find a way to defeat master level mage with extraordinary physical ability."

I told everyone watching TV to look carefully. But… is it still working after that many lightning strikes me? Though I managed to cut all the ones approaching us, it might affect the Camera.

When I asked Sonia through the TV, Sonia appears and told me that it's still working. Good.

Now, let's analyze the enemy again.

Her magic is so powerful, but so far, they are not something I cannot cut. Her physical ability is extraordinary from the various experiment she received, and she's stronger and faster than I am. But she's inexperienced in fighting with her body.

Next is her inner organ. Although she was thrown high to the sky and have trouble breathing, it was as if she doesn't need to breathe in the first place as she's still has that calm demeanor. Even after I cut her arm off, she's still not panicked. My various type of gases doesn't work on her.

And her fall to the ground, I don't see any visible injury outside. But several of her bones are fractured. At least I know she's taking damage.

She said that the Black Slime experiment was only conducted on the Professor, but that Professor might have taken some part of the Slime from his body, to infect her. Or maybe it's something that naturally spread. Since she was very close to the Professor, she got infected by the Black Slime from the Professor.

In any case, Mohawk herself doesn't realize that she's similar to the Professor with some part of her inner organs were already infected.

I was about to start fighting again when she started to speak. I guess we will use this chance to recover our stamina.

"Huh? So it's you, Veronica. I thought you were dead. Turns out, you just betrayed us. Am I correct?" Mohawk asked.

Veronica didn't answer, and just looked at me.

"Just answer her questions and delay the fight as much as possible for now. I'm thinking of a plan," I whispered to Veronica.

Veronica then nodded, and she replied to Mohawk's question.

"It has been a while since we last met. And I still don't know what I should call you. Can I call you Mohawk like he did?" Veronica asked.

Let's ignore them as I'm planning to continue the fight.

"I will call for help when the time arrives. I will prioritize in having the expert level mages come first. If there's anyone unavailable, contact me through Sonia. And Sonia, tell the agents in Cassau to not let anyone approach this location. From the previous attack, there should be many people curious about it. Some of them might have left the city to see the situation," I said.

Veronica and Mohawk still chatted, but I guess it's difficult for the introverted Veronica to continue talking. She's already out of topics.

"By the way, don't you feel any pain from your right arm? It's gone, you know?" I asked as Veronica doesn't know how to continue the conversation any longer.

"Yeah, this is the first time I got injured. Usually, in every mission, it would be over with just one magic. So, I never really got injured. It's slightly distracting. I guess this is pain," Mohawk said as she looked at her missing right arm.

"I'm curious, can you feel pain or not? Just because you are slightly distracting, it doesn't really mean that you feel pain. You know, I'm sort of a professor myself," I said. Though I'm a professor in air magic and not in research.

"Hmm… how do I prove it?" Mohawk asked.

I suppose it was because she's experienced too much in being used as guinea pig. That's why when I asked for her cooperation to research if she can feel pain or not, she didn't refuse it.

"Let's see… that was your right arm. If I do the same to your left arm, how do you feel?" I asked.

Did I just trick a gullible person that I will cut off her left arm after cutting her right arm? Yes. Do I feel guilty? No.

"Maybe the distracting feeling will change from my right to my left. Or maybe both right and left will feel the same," Mohawk said calmly.

"Let's try it, shall we?" I said as I move forward to slash her with Reizpear.

"Please, don't. I don't know what to do if I also lost my left arm," Mohawk said, but I don't care.

I still continue regardless of what she said. Good thing because of the conversation, she lets down her guard a little, so I can approach her.

I swung my Reizpear from my right to left so I can cut her left arm, but my intention is actually to target her heart.

But thanks to her ridiculous speed and reflexes, she jumped back as my Reizpear only scratched her left arm and the left side of her body slightly.

But my attack is not over yet. I stopped swinging Reizpear, and pulled it back, and then I thrusted it toward her body. She was jumping, so she couldn't dodge it. But she was quick enough to use her lightning magic to create barrier and protect herself from my attack.

Though my attack should have damaged her considerably.

Seeing her got blown away, the others started attacking her. And I also called for help.

"Celestine! Julia!"

I didn't call for Carmen since she's a water element mage. It will only cause more damage to us if she plays a part here.

Celestine quickly build a wall surrounding Mohawk with only one opening, where Julia instantly uses her strongest fire magic to attack from that opening. This will damage Mohawk more than just if she received the fire magic.

Veronica and I also helped, with both of us make the fire bigger.

Unfortunately, Mohawk's barrier is too powerful for us. But even if it's her, there's no way she can handle the heat.

And then, Spot and Sunny go to another side of the wall, where they shoot their beam magic toward. And as the beams got closer to the wall, Celestine made another opening.

This time, her barrier can't handle it and it broke.

It's working! She took the hit! Now, for the finisher… huh?

"Roy! What are you doing! Quick kill her!" Celestine shouted.

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"…no. There's no longer any need to continue fighting. Cease your magic. We're done," I said.

The others are curious because they don't think it would end so easily. Only Elsie and I can see what's going on.

And then, Celestine broke down the wall covering Mohawk, as we can see her body is crumbling.

"…what the hell is going on?" Julia asked.

"Most likely, because her power came from experiment and not through cultivation, her body finally can't bear her own magic anymore. I saw this happen when she tried to make another barrier after you all broke the previous barrier. She failed and got her body destroyed instead," I explained.

As I was about to attack her before, I see that her body is cracked and crumbling. It was as if she was a stone that got hit over and over again.

"…is this over?" Veronica asked.

"…Mohawk, can you still talk?"

I asked Mohawk because I know she's still alive.

"…what happened? I can't move. I can't use magic."

She still talks as usual. With her calm demeanor. It's unthinkable of how much pain she should be receiving, but unable to express. Just prove how evil the Professor is.

"Your body can't handle the magic and your enhanced strength as it crumbles. No wonder the Professor desperately desire the Black Slime. He wanted to create perfection. Experimental subjects who will be able to endure his crazy experiment," I said.

"Is that so? I lost?"

"Yes," I replied.

I have no other questions to ask her. And I don't think it's good for the others to see her dying. I'll just kill her right away then.

"Wait! Don't kill her yet! Albert said to transport him here so he can ask something. And Russell also said to bring him as well. He wants to try undoing her brainwashing," Sonia said.

I guess there are some questions he wanted to ask.

I opened two portals, one to where Russell is. He's with old man Henry who entered the portal with him.

The other is to the capital where Albert is. Not just Albert, but everyone else who was watching entered the portal as well.

"Kayla, see if you can heal her enough to last Albert's questions and Russell's attempt in clearing her mind," I said.

Damn, I'm tired.

Such enemy and there will be more of them coming? What a pain.

I lay down on the ground as I used calming gas to clear my mind. And Sophie then come over as she let my head rest on her lap.

Not just me, Veronica, Shelia, Spot, Sunny, and Elsie are all tired. As for the other two who came late but very helpful, Julia and Celestine, the two are witnessing Albert's question curiously with the others.

At least I can say job well done. Though I hope I won't fight another master level mage in the future.. Artificial or not.

Chapter 393 - Undoing The Brainwash

Mohawk is unable to move. Her body started crumbling. Her legs can no longer support her, and she's unable to use magic anymore.

"How did that happen?" Jewel asked.

"Most likely, it's because she used magic beyond what her body can handle. Since she was too powerful, she would usually only use magic once to defeat her opponents. But this time, not only she used two powerful lightning magic to attack. She also needed to maintain her barrier for a long time. Which is why her body can't handle the power inside her anymore. Not only she can no longer use magic, her body also started crumbling," Kayla assumed. It's amazing how she can think of that answer after just one look.

And Kayla is also trying to heal Mohawk. Not that we want Mohawk to stand up again and continue our fight. I deemed it to be impossible. We just want Kayla to delay her destruction so Albert can ask her questions, and Russell can try to release her from her brainwash.

"So that's what happen. I think you are right. In the end, being an artificial master level mage will never be as good as the real thing," Mohawk said.

"You can still talk? Then, I have some questions to ask you," Albert said.

"Hmm… I can't release her brainwashing yet. I think in this condition it's best to not release it," Russell said before Albert interrogate Mohawk.

"Mr. Russell, nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you from Roy and old man Henry. What do you mean by you can't?" Albert asked Russell.

"Well, part of the brainwashing is to make her not feel any pain. All kind of pain, no matter in which part of the body it is, the source of that pain comes from the brain. And she lost the feeling of pain in her brain through brainwashing. I can try to release the brainwashing but if I do, she will probably die from shock due to the pain before you ask her anything. It's best to ask her right away," Russell explained.

"You can undo the brainwash?"

Suddenly, Mohawk seems interested in something. Which is quite rare.

She was also interested in a few things during our fight, but I can see that her heart is beating faster knowing Russell can release her from the brainwash.

"I don't know. I can only try," Russell said.

"Then, I want you to do it. There are many things that I wish to remember, but the Professor lock those memories away. Those things still lingering in my mind even after all this time," Mohawk said.

"But you will die soon after."

"Not that it will change anything though. Even if you didn't release her from the brainwashing, she will still die from her body crumbling down like that. She will die anyway. But there are some questions that she needs to answer first before Russell tried to do it. If you answer it honestly, there might be a chance for him to release your brainwash before you die. Now, answer Albert's questions," I said to the mohawk girl while I'm still laying with my head rested on Sophie's lap.

I told her that so they can hurry with the interrogation. I'm tired, and I still need to return them back to their home later. I just close my eyes as I listen to Albert asking Mohawk questions, and Mohawk answering him.

Though, Celestine grabbed the camera strapped on my chest with Blobbies, as she pointed it toward Albert and Mohawk so the others who are still at their home watching the TV, will know what Albert is asking about.

We were glad that we can defeat the artificial master level mage despite the difference in strength. She is much stronger than us even though we outnumbered her. But if she gained her level not through experiment and through cultivation, then we have no chance in winning as she can fight back. Though I hope the real master level mage won't be as strong as her physically at least.

Well, even if they are not strong physically, it will still pose a problem for me to approach them.

Oh, Albert is asking Mohawk if she knows of anyone in the cult who is at least as strong as her, or maybe stronger. I'm curious as well. If there are many of them, it will be difficult for us to commence our plan during the tournament.

Though if the cult only decided to send their weaker members, we can commence our plan during the tournament. And what I meant by weaker members are those under master level mage. I can take care of several expert level mages at once now. But just one master level mage, that will be difficult.

Albert continues asking Mohawk about everything he wants to know, and some questions that I haven't asked her yet. I was just too focused in delaying instead of questioning her back then.

Though, even when everyone is relaxed now that the fight is over, there's one person who doesn't look well. It was Angela.

So, while everyone is focused on Albert and Mohawk, I called her over.

"Angela, what's wrong?" I asked.

"…she was too strong. I don't think I can defeat her. Can we really win against the cult now that the tournament is getting closer?" Angela asked.

I also want to know the answer. But I can't show her that we are weak. For Angela, she needs confidence that she can be stronger than anyone. I can't tell her that we can't win against the cult if they have many others master level mage.

I believe that once she reached expert level mage, she should be able to handle a master level mage. We need her to become stronger than anyone.

Since this is a serious talk, I raised my body and stand in front of her as I put my hand on her shoulder.

"We can. But we need your help. In the past few years since after returning to the past, I think I have spoiled everyone too much. After this, when I return to the Monsters World in search for the angels, I want you, and everyone else who is interested, to come visit the Monsters World as well. But I won't guide you this time. You will have to get stronger on your own. Find strong monster, enter dungeons, and desperately fight against an enemy that is stronger than you and win. You need experience. Are you still willing to get stronger?"

"…I will. If I don't, there will be more victims. Isn't that why you wanted to destroy the cult?" Angela asked.

"Not me. I don't think about other people. I started this because I was thinking of myself. I want to live in peace, so I thought of destroying the cult," I said.

"Well, whatever. I'm not that smart anyway, so I will think that you did it for the good of everyone instead," Angela said. I think her spirit has recovered now.

Not just Angela, I also want everyone to get experience. They also need to do it alone and not in group. They have been spoiled too much by spending times, even when exploring dungeons, with other people who are about as strong or stronger than they are. Which restrict their growth.

In this case, I think the one with the most experience in our clan is Kron.

Even now, he's still exploring the world to gain experience and get stronger.

I guess that's it. From now on, we will act separately until before the tournament. I just hope nothing serious happen during their journey to get stronger.

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Albert has finally finished asking Mohawk questions, and it's time for Russell to try and undo the brainwashing put on her. But if he can do it, there's a high possibility that she will die from the pain of her body crumbling.

I guess it's my turn now.

"Kayla, keep healing her for a while longer. I will use pain relieving gas to make her not feeling much pain once her brainwashing is undone. Russell, do it now," I said.

Actually, I don't want to hear what she wants to know after her locked memories returned after she was released from the brainwash. But I have no choice since I'm the only air mage here and she might have some important information after the brainwashing is undone. I should have brought Sara here.

Mohawk's expression which was calm all the time, changed into a pained one. She can feel pain again now. And despite I'm using pain relieving magic, it's impossible that she can endure the pain of her body crumbling. And this is also the first time I've seen someone whose body crumbles.


Mohawk screamed in pain. Even her scream is louder than Jewel's voice. It must be really painful.


Oh, wow! She remembers her name. Next must be her dying message. This is something that I experienced many times as a doctor with dying patient. And I always hate it. Which is why I'm reluctant to approach her now.

And obviously, like many other dying patients I had in my past life, her hand is reaching out to someone she can trust. In this case, it's me again. Why!?

"Please! My village! In the border between Arturo and Varadis! My first mission after the successful experiment is to kill everyone in my home village! Please, bury them all! The location of my village is not known by many, so none of them have been buried!"

Yeah, of course this happen. Jena will ask me to do something difficult. Though I am more powerful and more resourceful than my past life, so I can do it. But it's still a pain.

After telling me the location, she finally lets out her last breath.

"Father… I'm sorry that I killed you…" Jena said before she stopped moving.

"…at least we know that Russell can undo the brainwashing," I said casually.

"How can you say something like that after what you witnessed?" Julia asked

"I'm a doctor. Listening to patients' dying message is occupational hazard. Since old man is a doctor as well, I thought you are one," I said.

"She is one. But even though we are doctors, we never have to face dying patients since we are royalties," old man Henry said.

"Must be nice then. Let's go home now," I said.

Sigh… now I have to go to that village and bury some dead people.

They haven't become zombie yet, right?

Chapter 394 - Digging Graveyards

One day has passed after the battle against Mohawk. I mean the mohawk girl, Jena.

I am now completely healed, and about to go to a certain village. Toward Jena's hometown where she massacred everyone after her the Professor successfully experimented on her.

It's her dying wish to have everyone buried. Though if she was not being brainwashed, I would never do this.

Many are wondering why I did this even though this is very not like me. Well, the answer is because of my regret in my past life.

I was a mediocre doctor, but I still had many patients visiting me. And some of them didn't make it. They left me with dying message that I could never fulfil.

But now, I have the power to fulfil someone's dying wish. She's not my patient, and in fact, she was my enemy. But I will try to fulfil her wish.

After her brainwashing got undone, she said her name and her wish in front of other people as well. That mean even if I don't go, someone else will go in my place because of their own kindness. That's also my other reason why I go. I'm surrounded by many kind people.

Well, another reason is because the Professor told Jena to aim at her village. It might just be a test from the Professor to Jena after being brainwashed, but there might be other reasons as well. that's why I'm going to investigate it before returning to Monsters World and search for an angel.

As for the others, Albert and the kings are discussing again about our next move after realizing the possibility that there might be other master level mage among the cult. Veronica and Celestine were there with them as well to tell them again what they know about the cult before they betrayed them.

The other girls are at the base preparing to go to Monsters World to explore by themselves. They said that they will move separately other than those who choose to stay like Sophie and Lina.

Well, Lina can just send her monsters to go. But Sophie, she's doesn't really like fighting. That's why she chooses to stay at home to protect it.

That's fine since she's an advanced level now. At least she's not as bad as the spoiled rich kids who only cultivate with a lot of resources, but don't have any experience in fighting. And she's focusing on becoming a doctor more than a mage anyway.

Right now, I'm on top of Spot's back near the border between Arturo and Varadis. I'm looking for the village that Jena said. She said that it was within Arturo's territory, but the country never knows about it. They survive on their own and with some merchants who are passing by from time to time.

When Harold heard that, he doesn't know what to say since it was way before he was being swapped.

And the kings probably discussing about villages within their territory which were abandoned as well. I don't care about that since it's not really related to the cult.

"Spot, I saw the village. It's over there," I said while pointed where the village is.

"Like I said, I can't see where you pointed your finger at when you're on top of my head!" Spot said.

"Oh, right. Sorry. A bit to the left, and you should be able to see it soon," I properly guided Spot this time.

We reached the village in just a few minutes of flying. Of course we went there after using portal to Varadis first.

The village is… abandoned.


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It smells really bad as many corpses lying all over the place and not being taken care of.

I looked all over the village and didn't see anything worth mentioning. I guess that Professor only wanted to test Jena's strength by sending her here.

This was her hometown and she was forced to follow his order to kill everyone here. Including her own family.

Seems like the cult also knows about some villages that the country abandoned. That's why they targeted this place. Took Jena from this village, experimented on her, and get her to kill everyone in this village.

"…this is so cruel," Victoria said.

"Should I say as expected of the cult? Anyway, we now have the item needed for finding where that Professor is. Albert and the others will decide what to do next. Though I doubt we will do anything anytime soon. Probably we will only raid the lab right before the tournament. We will let them decide our next move," I said.

I Use air magic to filter the air so we don't have to smell the stench. This makes breathing easier.

Even after their death, no one has ever taken a step around here. That's why Harold is trying his best to fix everything so he can prepare what he should do after he returns to the throne. But we need to destroy the cult first before he can return. Or at least just those in Arturo.

I dug many graves and buried all the corpses that I found one by one. It's not that bad since I can move very fast.

I guess that's everyone. As for the smell, it will disappear one day.

"We're done here. Let's go back," I said.

"Where?" Victoria asked.

"Where the kings are holding the meeting. I need to return them back after all," I said.

When I opened a portal to the meeting room, I sensed the atmosphere turned serious.

"…let's leave and return again later," I said.

"Wait! Don't just leave after you come! Our discussion is not over yet!" Albert shouted.

"I'll be back once the discussion is over," I said calmly.

"Just stay here. It's not like our next discussion is something serious," old man Henry said.

"I don't trust you after seeing the atmosphere," I said.

When I was about to step back, the ground and the wind are pushing me into the portal. It's Celestine and Veronica's doing.

I guess I can't escape from this place.

"Fine, I'm here now. Now what?"

"I want to ask you what is in that village," Harold asked.

"Nothing. Just dead people. Some are burnt from the lightning magic Jena used. Only few corpses still have their whole body intact," I said.

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"So no one knows the existence of that village. I'm a failure of a king," Harold said.

"At least you can become a good example of what a king shouldn't do for your successor," I said calmly.

After chatting for a while, they returned back to the discussion.

"So, everyone agrees to delay the tournament again?" Albert asked.

"But how?" Lynn asked

"The fake king is asking us about the technology for the TV. And we will install it in every country before the tournament. We will say that there's an error during the installment so we need to adjust it and it will take a while before that happen," Albert said.

"Hah! And the screens in Melk were installed in one night. Make a better excuse," I said.

"Hmm… bandits stole the TV during the delivery," Albert suggested.

"That's better, but after the tournament, do you think the fake king will believe it since he must have collected information about strong people in Tatrama?"

"…we'll think of a better way. There's still few months time before the tournament begin after all," Albert said.

"Just add a new rule saying each country will have two teams. That way, it's normal for them to think that the delay is for training purpose. To search for good candidates for the second team. That's easy, right?" I said.

"I see… that does sound like a good idea. We will adjust the rule again and see if the fake king will agree," Albert said.

Is this why it takes so long for their discussion? Thinking of a way to delay the tournament?

Just ask lazy person to do that. They are good in making excuse. Even more if they are lazy but smart at the same time.

"Then, next is about the lab," Albert said as he takes out the compass pointing toward the lab of the cult.

"What should we do? Raid that place?" Harold asked.

"Wait, it's been a while since I gather you all here, but you only talked about this now?" I asked.

"We have many questions to ask Celestine and Veronica," Albert said.

I guess that's fine then.

That mean I have to wait here more. I should have brought something so I won't get bored.

In the end, we decided to raid that place later before the tournament.

Even if there's a possibility that the Professor will escape long before then, we will still raid that place.

After all, we lack power. Even if we raid it now, there will only be casualties among us. It's best to do it later after everyone has gotten stronger.

And I took a nap most of the time during the discussion. I just heard the result after they woke me up.

"It's over now? Let's go back. Tomorrow, many of us in the clan will go to Monsters World. Including the four expert level mages we have. Try to not have any problem that needs our help during our time there," I said.

Finally, I will return to search for the angels again.. I hope we can reach an agreement just through conversation and not battle.

Chapter 395 - Giant Shadow In The Sky

The day after meeting with the kings, I entered the portal to the Monsters World along with everyone who wants to raise improve their strength. All of them want one thing. Which is the power to defeat those who are stronger than them.

Those who entered with me including; Kayla, Angela, Jewel, Candy, Wendy, Veronica, Celestine, Julia, Carmen, Fabio, Kron, and Lina's two monsters, Sunny and Elsie.

When I asked Kron if he wants to come with us, he happily agreed. But as he had never entered Monsters World as much as the others, I told him to go with a group in the first few days before splitting up.

And that's the case with Wendy as well. She took a break from teaching and decided to join the others in pursuit of strength.

The two will group up together with Candy.

As for Julia, Carmen, and Fabio, they will go together with Kayla. Those three have never entered Monsters World, so Kayla is the best person to guide them.

And since Carmen and Julia are both expert level mages, it should be easy for them. I don't know about Fabio though. But I think he's quite powerful for his level.

As for the rest, Veronica, Celestine, and Angela will go on their own right away. And Jewel will go along with Lina's two monsters, Sunny and Elsie.

I'm kind of worried that Elsie is not in our base, but I have tasked several werewolves to watch the base along with Sophie and Lina back home. They agree easily knowing that they will be eating Lina's cooking.

I guess that's everyone.

"Alright, we're off. Lina, if anyone needs anything, open a portal and let Sonia in into Monsters World. We can't wait several hours for her to arrive if it's urgent," I said.

"Okay. And you too, Master. Don't force yourself. If the archangels refuse to be your contracted monster, and fight is unavoidable, just retreat if you can't handle it," Lina said.

"Don't worry. If it's really impossible, I will give up and find other monsters to make contract with," I replied.

After everyone entered the portal, I entered lastly and closed the portal. Now, they can only depend on themselves to survive. Though I will open a portal to their location once a day and bring them some food. After all, some monsters here are too poisonous to eat.

Probably not once a day. Every three days might be good since I can bring them three days' worth of food every time for each of them.

As for the candidates for the tournament in other countries, there are other people training them than Celestine and Julia in Consenza and Varadis. The two expert level mages can concentrate in getting stronger. After all, just the artificial master level mage has proven to be too much for us.

Worse of all, we don't know if there are other artificial master level mage again, and they are even better than Jena. Which mean no matter how many times they used their magic, their body won't crumble. That will be our nightmare.

"Okay, everyone, we will split up from now. Like I explained before, since we can't communicate through Sonia, in case of danger, I gave you several small Blobbies. Make sure you keep one of them safe at all time, and when you are in danger, destroy one of them. That way, Victoria will notice and I will come to you as fast as possible," I explained.


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"This sure is convenience," Julia said.

"Yeah. Though not as much as Sonia since we can just relay a message. If it's like this, Roy will not know what kind of danger we are facing. It will be too embarrassing if I called him just to say that I'm starving," Kron said jokingly.

"If it's just food, you won't have much trouble. Especially if you find beast-type monsters. Usually, they don't have poison. You can eat them," Shelia said as the original inhabitant of this world.

Shelia herself said that she wants to go alone. Though I will summon her if I'm in danger. And when I meet the archangel, she told me to summon her right away. If the archangel is as strong as Spot said, it will be a huge increase in our strength.

After telling them to be careful, we each travel to different locations. With me making another portal toward where we were last time we are in search of the Angel's Sanctuary.

"Roy, after the business with the archangel is over, I'm splitting up with you so I can get stronger on my own," Spot said.

"Okay. Are you going back to where you were born?" I asked.

"Most likely. If my parents are still alive, I might be able to ask them how to get stronger even more. Though I don't know if they will still accept me or not since I have been gone for a long time," Spot said.

"Alright. For now, let's continue our search. I will depend on you for this, Spot. I will just use Divine Vision once in a while to spot the Sanctuary instead of using it all the time," I said.

We flew with me on Spot's back in high speed. We're still looking for where the Sanctuary is.

It's a pain that there's a place that keeps moving all the time. Not just the cult headquarters, but this Sanctuary as well.

In the cult's case, only the people moving around. Not the whole place. But the Angels' Sanctuary, it keeps moving since it's above the cloud. The wind keeps blowing the cloud and it won't stop moving.

"Man, there are a lot of monsters here. Way more than before," I said.

"At least I won't get hungry. Just by opening my mouth and many of them entering it at once," Spot said.

"Yeah, right. Oh, what's that?"

While flying in the sky, I can see a shadow of a huge monster above me. It was so huge that it covers the sun.

"Hmm… that's a monster? Wait, a dragon!? Let's escape!" Spot shouted.

A dragon? Will that dragon be interested to be my contracted monster? And why is Spot afraid of the dragon?

As I look with my Divine Vision this time, I can see that… the dragon is much bigger than I thought. It was many times the size of Cassau!

"…Spot, is dragon dangerous monster?" I asked.

"Not just dangerous! They are famous to attack anyone that they don't like. They don't like if someone getting close to them, they don't like if there's something in their sight, and they don't like many things! If any of us are considered as something that dragon hate, we will be doomed!" Spot said.

I never thought that dragon would be such difficult creature. But can they be my contracted monster? I think they will be more powerful than archangel.

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"I know what you're thinking. But don't ever make a contract with a dragon! Someone who tried it in the past failed and they got eaten instead. Rather, many summoners who entered this world in search for a powerful monster, tried to make a contract with dragons. And they are all die trying," Spot said.

"Seriously!? I guess that explain how the knowledge about summoners able to enter this world is forgotten. Let's descend and find somewhere to hide. If that thing finds us, I'll use portal to get us out of here," I said.

Can't be helped. Let's forget the idea of making a contract with the dragon…

Wait! I have a better idea!

"No, Spot! Let's face the dragon," I suggested.

"Are you crazy!?" Spot shouted angrily.

"No. I have an idea…"

I told Spot and Victoria about my idea. And they agreed to it easily.

"That… sounds good. Wait, I'll turn smaller first so it will be easy for me to enter the portal later," Spot said as Victoria is excitedly jumping on my shoulder.

While preparing to go and face the dragon, I asked Spot about what he knows of them.

There are various dragons, and from the characteristic of the dragon that I saw with my Divine Vision, Spot concludes that the dragon is called a Kaiser Dragon. The biggest dragon with gigantic body harder than metal.

They are actually quite smart and capable of communicate with, but they are easily infuriated by many things. Just like the effect of my infuriating gas.

Which is why, my strategy is to get close to his nose, and use calming gas in full power.

That time, it failed to shows any effect to Jena, but I'm still expecting something to happen to the dragon. Even if it won't make a contract with me, as long as we can establish good relationship, that will be good.

I hope it will work.

Although Spot is afraid, he still charged to the front of the dragon's face. It was huge. Even Spot's real size is nothing in front of this Kaiser Dragon.


A loud voice coming out of the dragon's mouth as it takes a deep breath.

"Roy! We're being sucked in!" Spot said.

"No, shit! Just how powerful is its lung alone!? Spot! Try to endure it!" I said.

Since the dragon is taking a deep breath, it's a chance for me to use the calming gas.

I created the calming gas in front of me as it keeps being sucked by the dragon. We are more than twenty metes in front of the dragon, but we still get sucked in.

I hope the calming gas will have an effect before we enter its mouth.

Chapter 396 - Kaiser Dragon

"Spot! Can you move back faster!" I shouted.

"I'm already using all my power! This Kaiser Dragon's lung is too powerful! Roy, prepare a portal!" Spot shouted back.

"Aaaah! We're going to get eaten!" Victoria is panicked.

Did I overestimate my air magic again? I shouldn't have tried it. I'm just wasting my mana here. This way, I won't be able to fight the angels if we meet them later.

The sucking power of the dragon is too strong. Despite inhaling so much calming gas, there's no visible effect on the dragon. It still looking at us in anger. Should I add happiness gas?

Let's do that. When someone is happy and calm, everything else won't matter to them.

We still get closer and closer into his mouth. The smell is really bad. And just one tooth of the dragon is about as big as Spot's head. We're going to die like this.

I guess it's time to escape. Let's look for the Angels' Sanctuary next time. We still have a few months left before we take actions.

"Spot, we're lea- wait a minute. The dragon's mouth is closing."

When I was about to tell Spot that we're leaving, the Kaiser Dragon's mouth is closing and we're no longer being sucked in.

"Spot, keep your distance ahead of the dragon. Let's see if it's already calmed down and we can communicate," I said.

"…Roy, you're crazy if you think that you can communicate with a dragon. But let's try it!" Spot said.

We take a distance from the dragon as we finally able to see its whole face. And we need to get so far away just to be able to see its whole face!

"Hello! I come in peace! Can you talk?"

Oh, it has been a while since I said that word.

"Who… are… you…?"

Unlike before, the voice this time is much slower. I guess the dragon is being careful to not kill us accidentally. Unlike before when it said 'Kill!'.

Let's introduce ourselves first before we get to know about the dragon.

"My name is Roy. An Aura user and summoner. This little thing is a Black Slime, Victoria, and the Serpent I'm riding is called Spot. Nice to meet you."

"Hmm… Aura user… been… a… while…" the Kaiser Dragon said slowly.

You talk too slow! Must be difficult being big.

"And… Black… Slime… Not… Javier…?" the Kaiser Dragon asked.

"Wait, you know Javier?" I asked.

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"Old… friend…"

"Oh, I see… well, actually, this Black Slime was Javier. There's a story as to how it became Victoria," I said.

"Tell… me…"

Well, if this dragon is an old friend of Javier, he must have met Javier less than a thousand years ago. After the Black Slime was given a name. Let's tell this Kaiser Dragon about Javier, and everything we can say to it.

Turns out, this Kaiser Dragon is a male, and his name is Alejandro.

Alejandro has been friend with Javier long before they have their own names. Just Kaiser Dragon and Black Slime. Their last meeting was Javier telling him his name, and giving the Kaiser Dragon the name Alejandro.

We told Alejandro about the truth of Javier, humans world, and the cult while I still using my magic to make Alejandro inhale as much calming magic as possible.

"So… that's… what… happened…" Alejandro said slowly.

"Umm… you can speak normally. No need to be so slow," I said.

"Understood. Anyway, the Monsters World is going to ruin because of the cult? If it was anyone else who said that, I will think that they are crazy. But if it's you who knows Javier, then I'll trust you," Alejandro said. This time, he speaks faster than before.

"Then, will you help us? I'm a summoner, but if you don't want to make a contract with me, it will still be helpful if you can help us," I said.

"…no. I can only act normally now because of your magic that makes me calm. After you stopped using your magic, I will return to be in bad mood again. After all, the source of my current mood is still here," Alejandro said.

"Hmm? You said that the reason you changed is still there? And you know it? Why won't you make it go? It should be easy for you, right?" I asked.

"I can't do it alone. And I keep scaring other who approaches me, so I can't ask for help," Alejandro said.

"Then, I'll do it. What should I do?" I asked.

What is it that makes a Kaiser Dragon, someone so powerful and big that can eat Spot even in his original size whole? It must be something dangerous.

"My back is itchy," Alejandro said.


"Like I said, my back is itchy," Alejandro repeated his words.

"…that's it?"

"Just look at my body! You should be able to see why I'm in constant bad mood all the time! I even hear rumors about me being the scariest monsters in the last few thousand years even though the reason is because I can't scratch my own back," Alejandro said.

His body? Well, even with my Divine Vision, I can't see everything since he's too big. But if the reason is that his back is itchy and he can't handle it, then…

"Your limbs are too short. And your neck won't help you look at your back. It's also short. Rather, compared to your body, everything else about you is much smaller," I said.

Short arms, short legs, short tail, and short neck. All those combined and it's impossible for him to scratch his back. And he had it for thousands of years already?

Just how big is the tick on his back?

This time, I used Divine Vision to see his back. Just the range that I can see. And I was surprised to see that his back has become an ecosystem with many monsters inhabiting it.

"…Alejandro, you have become a living ecosystem. There's a forest on your back, water source, probably from the rain, and monsters living on your back," I explained to Alejandro what I can see with my Divine Vision. And that's not everything on his back.

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"What!? Oh, I heard about Aura users a little from Javier. He can't help me since he has no power, but I still listened to him talking about everything he experienced as a summoned monster. You are strong, right? Then I want to ask you to take care of everything on my back and scratch it," Alejandro said.

So, in the end, I still have to scratch his back?

Well, at least I won't get bored looking for the Angel's Sanctuary all the time. I can take my time defeating monsters on Alejandro's back.

"What do you think, Spot?" I asked.

"If it's just defeating monsters, as long as none of them are as strong as a dragon, I should be able to help," Spot said.

"Then, let's stop our search again today and spend the rest of the day clearing up his back. It's weird to see so many trees rooted on his back," I said.

It should be painful for Alejandro since living beings are living on his back. But he only feels itchy?

"That's the case. We will help you defeat the monsters and scratch your back. And then, will you help me destroying the cult?" I asked.

"Yes. Though I will not make a contract with you. I'll just be like Spot and help you whenever I could," Alejandro said.

"But how will you help us? I don't think my portal is big enough for you to fit in. You won't be able to get into my world because of your size. Can you change your size like Spot?"

"No. But I can use magic. You can just open a portal big enough for my magic," Alejandro said.

"That might be a good idea. But what kind of magic can you use?"

"Highly destructive magic," Alejandro said.

With his size, probably what he meant by highly destructive is something even bigger than Spot's breath attack. Now I'm interested.

"Other than that, I can use Dragon's Intimidation. No one able to stand still when they feel my intimidation. And many has fainted from it. It should be useful for you," Alejandro said.

"Yeah, that might be good. Can you try it on me now?" I asked.

"Sure. But because of your magic, I'm too calm. So the effect is lessened by a lot," Alejandro said.

"Alright. Spot, Victoria, brace yourself," I said.

And then, Alejandro used his intimidation.

I feel intimidated by it. My body and my mind are telling me to get away as far as possible, but I endure it with using Aura and my will to protect myself.

It's over. I endured it, but the two monsters didn't. They both fainted and now we're free falling from the sky.

I quickly run and grab Victoria who falls from my shoulder, and quickly wake Spot up.

"Spot, wake up! You're falling!"

After using various means to wake him up, he finally awakes as he looked up to the sky in fear.

"Roy, try to not get his help as much as possible," Spot said.

"…yeah. That was too powerful, but it might be useful. Next time, I'll tell you to escape before he did it again," I said.

And that was Dragon's Intimidation when the power is lessened since I make him calmer. Just how powerful is his real power?

Anyway, to get his help, I need to clean his back from the monsters and everything that shouldn't be on top of a living being. I guess one day will be too difficult for it.

It hasn't been long, but let's ask the others if they want to come.

Chapter 397 - We're The Dragon's Backscratchers!

"So, what should we do?" Victoria asked.

"Cleaning up Alejandro's back obviously," I said.

"But how?"

Hmm… the monsters here might be good for training. Maybe I'll get some other people to help us. As for the forest, maybe we need either Sunny or the elves. Or we can just ask Julia to burn everything. Though I don't know if Alejandro's back can take it.

I think he can. After all, it's been so long since this ecosystem was built behind his back and he's still alive. I believe he can endure fire. Though I'll ask Sunny first if she can do it.

"For now, let's take a look around his back," I said.

"Okay. But he's very huge. As expected of a Kaiser Dragon. I can't even see where his wings are," Spot said.

Now that he mentioned it, I also haven't seen Alejandro's wings. And with a body this size, a flap of his wings should be enough to create a wind as powerful as a hurricane. We will be blown away if that's the case.

"Let's move carefully as to not get blown away by the wings," I said.

This time, I no longer use air magic to make Alejandro calmer. Which mean I can't talk to him any longer or he will just get angry and try to kill us again.

We look around the back of Alejandro. And when we feel it's quite windy, we figure that that's where his wings are. Let's avoid that place. I also didn't see any monsters here. I guess it's normal since no monsters dare to live around Alejandro's wings.

"Wait, what's that?"

I spotted something near the place where Alejandro's wing is attached on his back. They are stones. Wind element magic stones.

"…they should be magic stones with high quality. Let's grab them and give them to our wind mages later," I said.

Thankfully, using Aura to stick my feet on Alejandro's back, I don't have to worry about being blown away.

But this sire is incredible. How come on the back of a living being, a whole ecosystem was made? There is even a forest. And since it's on Alejandro's back, the trees must have obtained nourishment from his blood. No wonder he's complaining about being itchy for so long.

Even humans get disturbed just by mosquito bites.

I am standing on Alejandro's thick scale on his back. With my Divine Vision, I can see red and white under me. It's Alejandro's blood and bones. Since we're on his back, I think it's his spine.

Well, let's ignore his anatomy. We're here to clean the forest and the monsters. We're the Dragon's Backscratchers!

After making sure of the locations of Alejandro's wings are, I opened a portal to everyone who is coming to this world and told them about what happened. I ask them if they want to come and be the Dragon's Backscratcher.

Seems like they all have split up. Other than Fabio who is with Carmen, and Jewel who is with Lina's two monsters.

"…no. Anything but that name," Kayla said.

"I agree with Kayla. Well, I think I find a good location myself. And since that's the back of a dragon, I don't think I can use my earth magic freely," Celestine said.

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Other than those two, there are many other who refuse to take part in being the backscratcher. It must be because of the name.

I told the wind mage that being close to Alejandro's wings should be a good place for them to cultivate. And they happily entered the portal.

"We'll be staying here for a while, but we won't help you cleaning the monsters and scratch the dragon's back," Veronica said.

…and in the end, the ones helping me are Shelia, Jewel, and Lina's two monsters.

"Sunny, can you uproot every tree here?"

I asked Sunny, in which she replies with a nod.

"You have gotten that much stronger, huh? That's amazing. I'll be counting on you for the forest. Let us take care of the monsters," I said.

We can divide the job in two since Alejandro's pair of wings separated the forest to the one on the upper half, and the one on the lower half.

"Shelia and Jewel, you two take care of the ones close to his head. Over here. As for me, I'll take care of the ones close to his ass. Sunny will start uprooting the roots of the trees from here while Elsie will protect her. Alright, Spot, Victoria, let's get close to his ass!" I shouted the command.

"Don't say it like that! It feels like we're wiping his ass!" Victoria complained.

I ignored her complain as I walked to get past the strong wind made from Alejandro's wings. I can see Angela, Shirley, Veronica, Wendy, and Kron already started cultivating with the magic stones from here.

Good luck, everyone!

I passed them all and enter the forest on the lower back side of Alejandro.

There are many monsters on Alejandro's back, and most of them are flying monsters. Though there are some beast type monsters as well. I guess they will climb up on his back whenever he's resting.

But if there's so many monsters here, I guess he never dip himself into water. If that's the case, the monsters here won't survive.

Well, his back is good for training purpose. I'll tell him to do it later after everyone's training is over. For now, let's defeat those monsters as soon as possible. That way, we can continue our search for the angels sooner.

Though if there are any good candidate to be my next summoned monster here, I will stop searching for the archangel. Probably until I reached advanced level in my summoning element.

"Roy, the monsters here are not as strong as those on land. I want to try and fight them alone," Victoria said.

"That might be a good idea. Spot, let's split up as well. It will be done faster that way," I said.

"Okay. Should I destroy the trees while we're at it?" Spot asked.

"Hmm… I think it's fine. just be careful and not damage Alejandro's back any more than it already has," I said.

"Yeah, I don't want to feel his intimidation again," Spot said as he left.

"Victoria, good luck," I said to Victoria and leave this place to her.

Just as she said, the monsters here are not as strong as the monsters on land in this world. She might be able to handle it herself.

Wait, I just improved to advanced level in my summoning. Did she get another new ability? Maybe that's why she wants to test it here. Well, even if she didn't get any new skill, that's still fine. After all, there's no one else that I can trust more than her.

I trust many people, but she's the number one. Unless it's related to her hobbies of course.

It took some time until I managed to defeat the monsters in the area. Let's check on Spot and Victoria.

For Spot, he has done well as usual. I don't have to worry about him.

"Let's check on Victoria. or do you want to help the others?" I asked.

"No need. Since it's their training, I don't think it's a good idea to bother them with my visit," Spot said.

In the area he manages, there are many trees that got blown away. The trees have fallen from Alejandro's back. I don't know where they will land. I hope it's not where the werewolves and the elves are living.

We checked on Victoria, and she's also doing well. Though not as well as us, it's fine since she can't receive damage.

And there's only one monster left that she needs to defeat.

It's a cyclops. A big humanoid monster with one eye.

Victoria turns her two hands into swords as she keeps slashing them at the cyclops.

And as the finisher, she stabbed the cyclops' eye to kill it.

"Bravo! In swordsmanship, there are still many things I can learn from you. And I don't think you have taught me dual-wielding before. Teach me when you have time, will you?" I asked.

I learned how to use weapons from her. Although I mainly use spear now, I practiced in everything else as well. But I haven't learned about dual-wielding from her.

I have used dual-wielding before, with one hand holding Reizpear and the other hand is wielding Victokatana. But I haven't learned any technique yet.

"I can teach you some later. Is everything over?" Victoria asked.

"We just need to take care of the forest. Once all the monsters and the trees disappear, if Alejandro still feels itchy, I will turn you into a rake to scratch his back," I said.

"…we're really becoming the Dragon's Backscratchers, aren't we?"

Since we're done here, we take a walk on Alejandro's back. I think we're going to the direction of his bottom.

As we got closer, I noticed that even though there are still a lot of empty space down there, there are no monsters there. That's weird.

"Spot, did you finish everything over here?" I asked.

"No. I saw that there's no monsters here, so I turn around. But it's… ow! I can't go any further!" Spot suddenly said as if he's afraid of something.

"Me too!" Victoria also unable to move further down Alejandro's back.

"What's wrong you two?" I asked.

"Don't you remember about the Dragon's Dung Flower? Well, there's no flower here. But we're closer to the source. That's why we can't get any closer," Victoria said.

That mean we're getting close to his ass? Well, even I don't want to get closer. But… maybe they will be useful.

No! I can't just enter it and grab them as if we're mining! And I don't want to collect those that have fallen to the ground!

Let's not talk about this to Albert. If we do, he will ask me to get as many as we can.

"We'll go back to where the others are and see if Sunny have finished clearing the forest on the upper back. And do not mention anything to anyone about this. I don't want Albert to ask me to collect… you know? Just don't," I said.

Victoria and Spot both nodded after hearing it.. Now, we return to the upper back.

Chapter 398 - I Won't Collect Them!

When I return to the upper half of Alejandro's back, Jewel and Shelia has taken care of every monster here. They are awesome.

As for Sunny and Elsie, they are busy taking care of the forest. Sunny is using the trees near her as nourishment, and when they are shrinking from Sunny absorbing them too much, Elsie used her tentacles to pull them out.

I can see from where the trees were supposed to be, blood is coming out. I guess I'll call Kayla later after every tree have been cleared out so she can heal Alejandro.

Although the monsters have been taken care of, clearing the forest will take some time. So, we decided to take a rest here tonight. Though Sunny is still not tired at all and can continue absorbing the trees. Or maybe it's because she's absorbing the trees that she doesn't need to rest.

In any case, I can leave it to her. She will tell me once she's done with this part so she can go down on the lower part of Alejandro's back. Let's try talking with Alejandro now.

"…Roy, you do it alone. I don't want to meet him unless I have to," Spot said. It's rare for him to not be around me. But I guess Alejandro's intimidation still scares him.

"Okay. You can get some rest. Victoria and I will meet him," I said.

"…I'll pass this time. I'll stay here instead. I'll give you some clones to bring just in case," Victoria said.

…I guess Dragon's Intimidation is too scary. And that was not his full strength!

Anyway, since it will still take time for Sunny to finish everything, I'll have a chat with Alejandro.

This time, instead of flying in front of him, I walked on top of his head. This way, he won't be able to kill me by sucking me into his mouth like before.

"Alejandro, can you hear me?" I asked.

"Who's that!? How do you know my name!?" Alejandro was surprised.

"It's me, Roy. Or do you want me to stand in front of your eyes instead?" I asked.

"Yeah, do that. I don't like it when someone is talking next to my ears," Alejandro said.

I guess I can't escape from being in front of him. Well, at least he's not as hostile as before.

"Hey, can I call you Andro? That's sound easier for me," I asked.

"Oh, a nickname? Sure!" Andro said.

"Okay. Andro, we have cleared the monsters on your back. And some of the trees are still there, but we're currently taking care of them. I brought some of my friends to help. I'll introduce you to them later," I said.

"Oh! No wonder my back feels a little lighter. I'm still itchy, but it's better now," Andro said.

"At least you won't have any problem with staying in constant bad mood again. Once we cleared everything, you will help us, right?"

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"No," Andro said without hesitation.


"Well, I asked you to scratch my back. Once the itches are gone, only then I will help you," Andro said.

"Fine. That's the promise anyway. Well, since my friends are taking care of your back, let's have a chat, shall we?"

"Okay! It's been so long since I have someone I can talk to," Andro said.

Well, with how he keeps being in bad mood over itches on his back, it's no wonder he scares off everyone that approaches him.

"Anyway, when was the last time you dive into a water?" I asked.

"Never. There's no lake fit enough to hold my body, and the sea water is just awful," Andro said.

"…no wonder there are many living beings on your back. And how does Javier talk with you if you have never stopped flying?"

"Well, even before he became contracted monster, he has been staying on my back for who knows how long," Andro said.

"Then, how did you two get separated?" I asked.

"That day, after he told me his name from his master and gave me a name, it's raining and water enters my eyes. I shook my head like usual, but I only realize that Spot forgot to stuck his body on me when I saw him falling. That's the last time I saw him," Andro said.

…that's ridiculous. Whose fault was it? Andro for shaking his head, or Javier for forgetting to stuck his body to Andro?

In any case, I don't think I want to think that the last time I will interact with someone so close to me will be over just like that. It's too sad.

"So, you have been flying all this time and you never landed once in thousands of years?" I asked.

"Well, the last time I landed, I broke my own legs due to my weight. That's why I keep on flying,"

…his life is full of inconvenience.

"About your meal, you just suck in every monster in front of you?" I asked.

"Right. That's why when you are in front of me, I thought of sucking you in since I was hungry."

"What about now?"

"There were some birds in front of me. I'm not hungry anymore," Andro replied.

When he said birds, I don't know how big they really are for him to not feel hungry anymore. But at least one of the sources of his bad mood is gone. There's only his itchy back left.

"Anyway, there's something around the base of my wings. What are they?" Andro asked.

"Oh, it's probably from my friends. They are wind mages whom are currently cultivating their magic to improve. Seems like doing it next to your wings makes their progress increases a lot more. Do they bother you?" I asked after explaining about Angela and the others cultivating with wind magic stones on his back.

"No. Instead, the feeling was rather pleasant. I like it," Andro said.

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"Good! Then, the next time they tried to cultivate again, I'll bring them here. Don't worry, they are all good guys. I'll introduce you later after I scratch your back," I said.

"I can't wait to meet everyone. It's been so long since I had friends," Andro said something sad.

We continue chatting for a little longer, when I noticed that it's already dark.

"Andro, I'll go check on the others. We will spend the night on your back, so don't just suddenly change trajectory all of a sudden, okay?" I said.

"Sure. But since the forest has been cut, don't you need a shelter?" Andro asked.

"Don't worry. Victoria, the Black Slime, can make a lot of clones of herself. We can use them as our shelter," I said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow."

In the end, this Kaiser Dragon is just one lonely dragon who have been alone all this time. Although he doesn't have much to talk about, he's a good listener.

I told him about everything I experienced from my previous life to after returning. It's fine, because I don't think that even if the cult members can enter this world, they will be able to find Andro easily. And I have told him to not trust anyone I haven't introduce to him.

Which mean I have to bring everyone in my world as well. I'll go tell Sonia tonight to inform the others.

"And that's the case. Make some free time tomorrow for me to bring you here," I said to many open portals that I opened. Thanks to increasing my level in summoning to advanced, I can open more portals and make them open for much longer. Victoria also able to make even more clones now. Though I don't think she has any new ability.

"…this time a Kaiser Dragon? With the size even bigger than the capital?" Albert asked.

"Yeah. I'm lucky to have meet him while searching for the angels," I said.

"…at least we have another powerful ally. But you didn't make a contract with him?" Albert asked again.

"He said it's fine to let him help like Spot did. Though I can only open a portal for him to use his magic. It will also be troublesome if a Kaiser Dragon suddenly appears in our world. That will only alert everyone instead because of his size," I said.

"And how's the backscratching progress?" old man Henry asked.

"For now, Kayla is currently healing the spot where the trees were. She will continue tomorrow after Sunny cleared up the rest on the lower back," I said.

I wish we could have more healer among us. That way, Kayla won't have to carry the burden of healing everyone alone.

"By the way, that's a dragon, right? I want to ask you something important. Is the effect similar? Your new friend, the Kaiser Dragon's dung, and the Dragon's Dung Flower?" Albert asked something that I wanted to hide.

"Even if you're asking, there's no way that I will go there to collect some poops! Why don't you do it on your own tomorrow!?"

"…at least it's working. That might be useful as well, you know?"

"I know! But do I want to know? No!"

After chatting for a little longer, I closed the portals.

Even after healing, we will still have to scratch his back.. Well, I don't think that will be a problem.

Chapter 399 - The Dragon Is Afraid Of My Friend

Sunny and Elsie has cleared all the trees on Andro's back. And Kayla also has healed the wounds. It's time for the scratching part.

"Well, since you're the only one who can do it, you should do it. We won't be able to help," Kayla said as she rested on Andro's back.

Since I'm going to introduce everyone to Andro, she will stay here until I finished scratching his back. Well, first, I need to know which area is itchy the most. Let's talk with Andro.

I run to Andro's head and asked him about it.

"Andro! Which part is the itchiest part? We have taken care of everything else. And the wounds are all healing now," I said to Andro.

"Oh? No wonder I feel my back is lighter. Well, there are many parts that feel itchy," Andro said.

"Yeah. Wounds that are healing are itchy. But which part? If I just scratch everything but you still feel itchy later, it will be annoying to go back and forth," I said.

"And how can I point where it's itchy? With my finger? Are you mocking me?"

Oh, right. His limbs are too short for his giant body.

"Hmm… give me a minute," I said.

After that, I go back to Andro's back, grabbed a paper and a pen from the base along with Sonia.

"What's wrong, Roy? I thought you will introduce everyone together," Sonia said.

"I'll introduce you to Andro first. I'll explain later," I said.

I put the paper on the flat area on Andro's back. I'm going to draw his body.

Hmm… now that I have drawn him, he is more like a flying turtle than a lizard. I guess it's just my imagination that all dragons are lizards with wings. Some of them actually turtles with wings. Or is he tortoise?

And then, on the paper, I draw squares with numbers in it. From one, to a hundred. Ten squares horizontally, and ten squares vertically. That's the position of Andro's back that he will tell me if they are itchy.

From one to fifty is above his wings, and the rest are below his wings. It will be easier for him to explain where it's itchy.

"…so, you want me to relay his message to where he feels itchy the most?" Sonia asked.

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"Yeah. Please do it for us. Since once he feels better, he will be our most powerful ally so far. Though we can't bring him to our world," I said.

"Sigh… fine. Let's meet him," Sonia said.

After finished the drawing, I show it to Andro. I stick the paper on Blobbies so Andro can see it better.

"Here's the picture of your back. And this is Sonia, my ghost friend. You can tell her the number of the location that you feel itchy. She will relay the message to me," I said.

"Oh, a ghost! Ghosts are scary," Andro said.

"You're a fricking dragon! How come you're afraid of a ghost!?" I shouted.

"Don't worry about it, Roy. It's once in a lifetime moment for me to feel more superior than a dragon. Let him fear me," Sonia said.

"…Andro, she's our reliable ally. With her help, we can communicate easily no matter the distance. Especially since the war is coming. Although for her, it will take some time for her to travel between two worlds. I think you won't see her that much, but I hope you try to get along with her," I said to Andro.

"I'll try to not get scared. For now, it's number 7," Andro said the part that he feels itchy as he looks at the paper.

"Understood," I replied as I quickly run toward the location marked number 7.

With this, it should be done faster rather than scratching everything but not knowing if he really needs that part scratched or not.

"Roy, that seems useful for human as well. Numbering part of your back," Victoria said as I transformed her into a rake.

"Yeah, but I don't need to. I have been using you all this time to be my backscratcher," I said.

"…turns out, I have been a backscratcher for a long time," Victoria said.

After that, when I Andro feels that the part I scratched with the rake is no longer itchy, Sonia would appear and told me to go to the next part.

Sometimes, I need to scratch it just a few times. But other times, I have to scratch it a lot of times.

Andro is really strong. Even if I use all my power, without using Aura, his back won't even get wounded. And when I use Aura, instead of pain, Sonia would appear and relay a message from him saying to do it like that.

…I guess my training for today is by scratching Andro's back. It helps improving my strength.

"Roy. He said that the last one is number 94," Sonia said.

"That's the last one? It's faster than I thought. I guess numbering his back works well," I replied.

"Oh, and he's no longer that afraid of me now. I guess my time being more superior than a dragon will be over soon," Sonia said as she disappears.

Well, if Andro became too attached to her, that will be a problem in a way. After all, we need Sonia the most among us to communicate with each other. Although I can use portal, I don't know of a good time to suddenly open a portal to the kings. Who knows if they are in the middle of a meeting with someone we can't trust?

If she's staying here for too long, it will be difficult for us to communicate. Well, I'll think about it when I have to later.

After I finished, I go to where the others are resting at the moment and tell them to meet Andro. I also told those who are cultivating to stop for a while today to meet Andro. After all, those wind elements mage will probably meet him more often than the rest of us.

"Wait! Kron is breaking through!" Veronica said as I was about to get Kron.

"Really? I guess we'll delay the introduction for you guy. Alright, the wind mages will stay here to protect Kron just in case monsters appear. The rest will meet Andro with me now," I said.

I can't believe that we will have another expert level mage now! And it's Kron. I thought that it would be Angela or Wendy. But this is fine. Since Kron loves to go on adventure on his own, his chance of survival will increase now. And now, he can go to even more dangerous place. And if he meets some expert level mages from the cult, he will be able to take care of them on his own. This is a nice surprise.

After I gather everyone, I put them all on Spot's back. We will ride to the front of the Kaiser Dragon instead of walking on his head. It's easier for him to see us all this way.

"Andro! Hey! How is your back?" I asked.

"Never been better! This is the first time in thousands of years that I feel so good," Andro replied.

"That's good to know! Anyway, here are the people I'd like to introduce you to… why are you all so quiet?" I asked everyone riding on Spot.

"…well, I know that we are on a dragon's back. And the size is even bigger than the capital. But seeing him in front of me like this is… too intimidating," Kayla said.

"That's right. It was really crazy when Roy said that he wants to talk with the dragon at first," Victoria said.

"Don't worry. He's a nice dragon once you get to know him. Also, he hasn't used his Dragon's Intimidation yet. That alone can make even Spot lost his consciousness," I said.

"Right! Want to experience it yourself? Then I'll—"

"Stop right there! Do not attempt to use it again when everyone is here! And now that I'm not using my calming gas, the effect should be much stronger than before! We all will fall to our death if you use it again now!" I interrupted Andro before he finishes speaking.

"I see… I guess you will never feel my full intimidation then," Andro said.

"I hope that's the case. Well, these are my friends. There are some who are still around your wings since one of them is breaking through. I'll let you meet them later. Anyway, here they are! King, king, king, empress, queen, queen, princess, prince…"

"Wait! Are you going to introduce us just like that!? Introduce us properly!" Albert complained.

"Then introduce yourself! Andro is our friend now, so you can't be afraid of him!" I shouted.

"Though I am still a bit afraid of your ghost friend…" Andro said, but I choose to not listen.

"Just at least make sure Andro knows your faces!"

This time, they each introduce themselves to Andro properly. Although some of them have been staying on his back for a while, this is the first time they see his face.

Some of them are still frightened by him, so those who can endure his presence better introduce the others who are too scared to talk. Though after everyone introduce themselves, they can finally talk properly. Especially after knowing that the dragon is afraid of the ghost. And they know the ghost better than the dragon.

With this, I can send any one of them here so Andro can protect them just in case. Now we have a moving fortress.

Hmm… will he allow us to build one on his back? That seems difficult. Maybe if it's just tents, it should be fine.. Or else, he will complain about itchy back again.