
Chapter 448 – After So Long, I'm Back To The Hospital

The next day, I opened a portal to the palace first to get Albert and Marie. Along with the twins.

"Hey. What's our schedule?" Albert asked.

"You asked me as if I'm your assistant or something. What do you want to do first?" I asked back.

"For now, let's have Alan and Lana play with the other children first," Marie said.

It's been a while since they played with the other children. Not counting the time we were having our feast in the monsters village.

The twins unable to contain their happiness to be able to play with other children. After all, although they are happily living with their parents in the capital, it's nearly impossible for them to play with other kids. Unless there's other noble's kids about the same age as them.

Although there were some, most of them didn't stay in the capital. And only visited from time to time when Albert invited them. And he did that a lot to see if they are people he can trust or not.

"Roy, look! I can make many things with my ice!" Lana shouted as she built a sofa made of ice.

"Hmm… that's amazing. But since you're here to play with the others, there's no need to use your magic. Just play with everything around you, okay?" I said to Lana.


As soon as I said that, she and her brother run to the park to meet with other children who are already playing there.

…It will be dangerous if I let her use magic whenever she wants. Good thing she did it indoor.

"…you will be a good father in the future. Unlike me," Albert said.

"It took a long time for her to not call me "Pleb" anymore though," I replied.

And to make it worse, I need to act and speak in a way that will make the twins trust me. Because we don't know if any one of them inherited Albert's ability to see through lies. I hope at least Alan inherit that ability since he will be the king in the future.

Though the future king is playing with mud along with other children outside.

"Lina and the others will watch over them. Now what?"

"How's the vampires?" Albert asked.

"You want to meet them? They are in that building. I told them that they can explore the city while being guided with Kayla or the others. But they seem to be unable to hold back their excitement," I said as I looked over the building they're in and see them getting dressed nicely.

Well, the vampires always dressed nicely. But their dress was too formal to go out. They will be seen as if they are nobles instead.

Well, some of them are indeed nobles. Vampire nobles. Though it's best to get them dressed as a hunters or just normal people so they don't cause problem.

"Let's meet them first," Albert said.

I guided the king and the queen to the next building. All of them already know that Albert and Marie are the king and the queen and be as respectful as they can.

"I brought them to a bandit extermination last night. They did well to not kill anyone. But they seem to love the taste of human's blood too much. As for the bandits, I put them in an empty island," I said to Albert.

"What will you do to them?" Albert asked.

"This might sound crazy, but I think it's best for the vampires to have a human ranch. Specially made for them so they can raise bandits or criminals for their blood. Maybe a jail is easier to say," I said.

"Hmm… I'll think about it. We'll see what happen after one month," Albert said.

We can't really decide whether the vampires will be good to work as a warden or not. Well, that is obvious. They only stayed here for one night.

As for the bandits, well, maybe killing them will give them salvation.

Man, we're here with vampires who drank the blood of humans, but I'm the cruelest one. That's just show how superior I am to them.

After seeing the vampires, it's time to go to the hospital. I didn't use portal since they want to walk around. They put on disguises by using Blobbies I gave them so they can walk around incognito. And we stopped many times before finally reaching the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital, Dean greeted us. Since he saw me with two unknown people, he instantly recognized them as the king and the queen.

"Umm… what should I call you two with?" Dean asked as he's wondering if the two want to stay incognito.

"Don't worry. We will remove our disguise once inside. You can call us by our titles or our names," Albert said.

After that, Dean brought us to the deepest part of the hospital. Where no one should go wandering about. Even the staffs in the hospital, only some who are allowed to come and go.

Of course I already have the permission. Other than me, it was Sophie who has the permission. They think that she's my assistant.

And now, she even in the lab trying to find a cure to a disease that I told her about. Since I was busy with other things, I can't do it myself. It's good to see her being helpful.

Though the main reason we're here to day is not her. We just greeted her and continue walking even deeper.

And inside, we see several people being experimented on.

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It might look as if we're trying to do something evil like the Professor from the cult since we do human experiment as well. But these people are criminals on death sentence. They agree to prolong their life for medication purpose. So, it's not like we force them to be our lab rats.

Still, some of them died. That's why only doctors with strong mentality, are allowed to work on them.

…basically, mad doctors. I'm included in the list. And Dean as well. Although he didn't show it to public, he's that kind of guy who will do various experiment for the sake of humanity.

"…tell me your progress," Albert said.

"So far, we found five different blood types. For now, we call them blood type 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. But there might be more. Using the equipment we have, we can tell those five blood types. But there are still some that we can't tell. Like Roy's blood. Which mean we still don't know what type of blood he can get," Dean said.

"Then, if he's wounded badly and in need of blood, he can't recover?" Albert asked worriedly as I'm the strongest one against the cult. I'm feel honored.

"That bring us to the next experiment. Victoria said that it's possible for a patient to get blood transfusion from their own blood. They will donate their blood weeks before surgery, and the doctors will use it. It's still in the testing though," this time, I'm the one explaining.

"That's right. For Blood Type 1 to 3, it's safe to transfuse blood from the person to themselves. But 4 and 5, there's some side effect. We don't know if there's some sort of mutation in their blood, or it's because of the blood type. That's why we will need more people to experiment on," Dean said.

"And the blood saved is in a bag?" Albert asked.

"Yes. And it's being stored in a certain box that will help us to make sure the blood can still be good as long as possible," Dean said.

"Roy. You wanted the vampires to get money so they can buy some blood? What if we lack blood in the future? Those blood bags will be useful in the war," Albert asked me.

Dean was confused because we're talking about vampires. I'll tell him later.

"Not now. Just an idea at least. Once we figure out more about blood transfusion, we can publicize our work and get more people to donate their blood. That way, we can get more. The cult might learn about this as well, but it should be fine," I said.

I mean that even if the cult learned about blood transfusion, during the war, most of them will die before getting blood transfusion. At least I'm going to make it happen that way.

And we also need to test if people with the same blood, but with different magic level can be safely have blood transfusion. There are many things that doesn't exist in Victoria's world that we have to learn from scratch. But at least Victoria's knowledge from her world helped us a lot.

"And you said that the higher magic level the mage is, the more delicious their blood for the vampires. You're going to charge them a lot of money to get the blood of an expert level mages, right?" Albert asked.

"I will also ask them to donate their blood. At least those with me. In case they are wounded in the future and Kayla's healing unable to heal them as they lost a lot of blood, they can get their own blood transfused into them. Probably, I will ask them to donate blood at least once a month," I said.

With blood transfusion, we can have higher chance of survival in the war. Even if we loss a lot of blood, we will be able to recover. But I hope the knowledge about this will spread to other doctors faster.

Marie also asked Dean about the equipment to test blood types and see if she could make an even more advanced equipment. And she even thinks of something to appraise people's magic level.

…why didn't I think of it?

Anyway, once our business here is over, we returned home. Seems like the experiment is going smoothly so far.

And since I'm someone who will fight at the frontmost area, undoubtedly, I will be the one who will need a lot of blood. I hope they can find my blood type soon. Or at least find a way to tell that it's fine if my blood can be transfused to my body later.

This is an important experiment that we have to succeed no matter what. Not only will it be great during the war, having blood for surgery will increase the chance of survival for the patient.

And this time, it's something I discovered. Not from the knowledge of the future, but from me.. Even though it's mainly from Victoria's knowledge, at least I can be proud that I'm the one who discovered this method in this world.

Chapter 449 – Registering Two New Hunters

Now that the matter about blood transfusion has progressed, I hope we can see the result soon and we can start transfusing blood to other people. And after Cassau University hospital has started doing it during surgery the survival chance of the patients has increased greatly.

The hospital now has become the most advanced in performing medication. Even old man Henry, the king of a country which was said to be the most advanced country in medication, started sending some doctor he can trust to learn here. And he would sometimes come over as well.

Hearing suggestion and advice about our research from his country, I hope the doctors here can see the result quickly.

Though I think that someone in the cult should already know about blood transfusion. Specifically, the professor who created the artificial master level mages.

If it's him, he should have done something similar since he's involved in human experiment.

He did it to innocent villagers the cult kidnapped. As for us, we did it to prisoners on death row.

…can't say that we're good as well since some of them ended up dying. But thanks to their sacrifice, we made a lot of progress.

Though Victoria asked why the blood type is numbered instead of named. It's not like we have found all blood types.

And why is the blood type in her world is named A, B, C, D, and O? Wait, there's no C and D? But why after A and B, it's O?

At least we have found a way to differentiate between three blood types. And with Marie's help in creating better equipment, we should be able to progress even faster. Though for now, it's best to tell the others that they should donate their blood and saved it for emergency. At least they need to do it in their free time.

But Marie and Shirley rejected the idea. Albert also disagree to have them donate their blood.

"We are from the royalty. If someone is playing around with our blood, it might be used for something bad. Even if the hospital and Dean can be trusted, we don't know if anyone will raid the hospital and look for the documents for the research. At least, I want only Roy to take our blood. As for the place to store it, build a new box for our blood in the palace," Albert said.

"I agree. Also, even if the blood transfusion worked, it will be a problem if the royalty got blood transfusion from commoner's blood. We're fine with it, but as royalties, there are things that we shouldn't do. Though it should be fine for Shirley," Marie said.

Being a royalty is difficult. But why is Shirley fine then? Will she leave the royal family like Celestine?


At least they should get their blood taken regularly. About once a month.

Well, we need to see how long can blood be stored first. If it's less than a month, we need to take blood every two weeks.

Since we're talking about blood, what if we leave the job of taking blood to the vampires? They are experts in taking blood.

Obviously, the reason is that they are vampires. Not only they will take our blood, they will also drink it for themselves if they are not supervised.

After transporting Albert, Marie, Alan, and Lana back to the capital, I asked what the vampires were doing.

"We went on a shopping spree!"

Arin said happily. I can see her wearing new clothes, just like any other girl in the city. And she donned a lot of jewelries as well.

Other than her, the other vampires also the same. Just how much did they spend my money? I'll get them to work soon enough.

"Do not wear too much jewelries outside, or you will be targeted. You should be fine, but you will cause trouble to me if people attacked you too often. Keep it in your place. And you can only buy those things today with my money. Next time, you will use your money," I said.

"Does that mean we're going to work?" Arin asked. And the other vampires also interested in listening. I guess they are more interested in human's blood than clothes and accessories.

"Thirty is too much. You will be spread into several groups tomorrow, and register at the guild to be hunters. Have you picked who you want as your guide?" I asked the vampires.

And the vampires then started moving. They gathered around the girl they want as their guide. Most of them are surrounding Kayla.

"Kayla, are you fine with that much?" I asked her.

"It's fine. I can think of something," Kayla said.

"Okay. Then… the two male vampires who doesn't have a guide will be with me tomorrow to register. You two have problem with this arrangement?"

I asked the only two male vampires among thirty of them. Arin didn't bring over the male whom she had charmed. And these two are from the drowned vampires who want to come.

The two looked at each other and obeyed. It's been a while since I'm doing something with only men.

The next day, the three of us entered the guild. The two vampires then registered and become E- rank hunters.

"Alright. Next is to pick a mission suitable for your rank. Your rank is a measurement for your effort. The higher your rank is, the more mission you can take. That's why you can't take the most difficult mission yet," I explained.

"Why? We should be able to finish even the most difficult mission on the list. I mean, it's just several Goblin Emperors. They don't seem strong," one of the male vampires said.

These two are Vampire Marquises. They are those who were supposed to lead the army when the king and the dukes are fighting me. Hearing what they said about how they can easily defeat several Goblin Emperors, show just how powerful they are. And since the monsters in that world are far stronger than in this world, it should be easier.

"Just do it in the proper step. If you go for the high ranked mission right away, instead of raising your rank, you will end up labeled as suspicious instead. And you won't ever be able to raise your rank," I explained.

I didn't know much about it at first, but since I am the leader of a clan, I should learn about the rules of being a hunter. That's how I ended up knowing things that I have no interest in.

Instead of taking the mission to defeat Goblin Emperors, we grabbed mission to defeat wild boars. The two vampires feel dejected at how easy it was.

We left the city and I told them to find the boar themselves without my help. They can do the job on their own as their real strength is even stronger than normal S-rank hunters.

And before noon, the two have defeated ten boars.

"…it was too easy," one of the vampires complained.

"It is. Anyway, you have your reason to come to this world, right? So, which vampire do you fancy?" I asked directly.

"What!? How do you know?"

"It's obvious for me. You two are the only males who willingly want to come and live in this world. As for the female vampires, most of them are interested in the fashion. But I doubt that's the case for you two. Although you two bought clothes as well, they are clothes for blending in on this world. Not for showing off. You two came here because the girl you like are here, right?"

"Not me. I'm here because my sister wanted to come here. And I started to think that this world is a nice one," one of the vampires said.

Which mean only one male vampire is here for the girl he likes.

"Anyway, you have seen how much they love the things in our world. Whoever you wanted to woo, or if you want to give your sister everything she wants, you need money. It's to get her clothes and accessories. The more money you have, the more likely that girl will fall for you," I said.

Seeing how the amount of my money reduced by more than half yesterday, those vampires must be happy to be able to buy things that they can't have in their world. I still have a lot of money, but I need the vampires to not waste my money anymore. That's why at least I want these two vampires to work hard and get rich.

But seems like only one of them wants to go to where the girl he likes goes. As for the other, it's for his sister. Well, I can just say that it's because his sister might want things to buy in this world. That's easy.

Hearing my explanation, the two vampires become highly motivated and quickly returned back to the guild to get another quest.

We keep doing it until the guild is closed at night. And by that point, the two vampires already reached D-rank. It's the fastest rank up in history.

Once they reached S-rank, they can get more money from just one mission. And when they are rich, I will ask them to pay the money the vampires owe me.

This is the real reason why I go with these two instead of with the other vampires.. They are easy to manipulate.

Chapter 450 – ID For The Vampires

After the two male vampires became hunters, the other vampires also become hunters as well. though none of them raised their rank to D in one day other than the two male vampires.

In the end, the girls love shopping more than taking request. They would only go on a quest when they emptied their pocket. Or in this case, their card. Since the money is saved in Hunter Card.

Though I still keep some changes in my pocket. Just in case I need it. But I can use portal, so it's not really necessary. It's because of a habit since before I died.

Anyway, with this, the vampires won't have any trouble getting money.

…maybe they will. After all, their spending is too much. I don't think they would be able to pay back my money at all. That's why at least if the two male vampires become B-rank hunters, they can get a lot of money from just one mission and I can get a share from them.

Though D-rank mission's reward is still too little. I guess I'll get more money after they reached B-rank first.

Anyway, now that they have become hunters, are they vampire hunters? Or hunter vampires?

The next day after registering the vampires as hunters, they take mission on their own. I didn't go with them. Or at least that's what they think.

I make sure to keep watch on them at all time to make sure that they won't attack humans. Other than bandits and criminals.

It was easy to persuade them to not kill humans just by telling the female vampires that humans make clothes. But I still need to watch over them in this one month. They will be our important allies against the cult.

As for Eve's summoner, one of Albert's agent, she moved to this city for a month. And she lives together with the vampires. For being the only human among vampires, she sure has some guts.

As for the male hunters, after giving part of their money to their loved ones, one to his sister and one to his crush, they go out for another quest. They do separate solo quest hoping that they can do more mission with more reward.

Seems like I won't have anything to do with them soon. But I need to make sure that their addiction to human blood won't be a threat to the people living here.

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Ah! Now that I think about it, I forgot about the bandits!

It's been two days since they got captured and transported to an empty island. They haven't eaten or drink anything at all. I guess I'll kill them. There's no reason to keep them alive.

I used portal to the empty island to see that some of them have died. Well, I'm sorry about that. But I'm going to kill the rest of them anyway.

During this hard time when we have such an obvious enemy, they come together and planning something terrible. They want to use this chance when the country is too busy with the cult and attacked cities and villages until none left alive. I've witnessed that many times in my past life.

This time, I have power. I won't be powerless again in front of such situations. Unless Albert decide to build a human ranch for the vampires, or have something for them to do, I will kill them.

Alright, that's over. Now, the island is empty again other than some prison cells. It's good for when we capture other enemies.

As for the corpses, I threw them into the sea so they can be used as fish foods. At least they are useful for something.

Now, back to watching the vampires.

There are thirty of them. It won't be good for the hunters if they keep taking quests. I guess I should give a suggestion to Albert so they can be separated. Maybe I'll ask Hill in Mellian or Oleg in Melk to take care of them. If I told the vampires that they are my friends, I doubt they will dare to do anything to them.

"Sure. I'll have Sonia inform Oleg and Hill about the vampires so they can prepare a place for them," Albert said that night after all the vampires returned from their quests. They have been resting happily and chatted a lot with the girls about their experiences.

"No need for that. They should have enough money in a few days for them to find their own places. Since I'm an advanced level summoner, the clones that Victoria can make has increased in number. Putting one Blobby on each vampire should be easy. In case they break the rule and started attacking people, I will find them. Though I need to hear about such incident first, so it might be too late by then. But at least it's good enough," I said to Albert.

"I see. Well, at least keep Arin and Carrie in Cassau. As for the rest, they are free to stay or leave. I'm thinking of creating a village just for them, but if they like living in the city more, I won't do it. I'm thinking of preparing their special ID that tell the guards of the city they will be staying that they are vampires. And the vampires need to inform the one in charge that they will stay in that city even if it's just one day," Albert said.

"That's a good idea. I guess I'll let the vampires stay for a little longer before letting them go freely. At least until you have prepared the identification for them."

"Oh, what about you?" Albert suddenly asked me.

"What about me? What do you want to ask?"

"Aren't you going to spar with Angela? I'd like to watch it. When will it happen?" Albert asked.

"…do you want to die that much? Do you think that watching us fight won't harm you in any way? You're the one who witnessed her fighting against the vampires back then. If you want, I will prepare a front row seat just for you."

I know I only heard about it, but from what they told me about Angela's magic, it was so powerful. I don't know if I can win or not.

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It's just a spar? It won't risk anyone's life? I truly hope that's the case. But I don't know how powerful her magic is.

Angela has grown much stronger. And so am I. So, this is basically our first-time sparring using our new strength. Neither of us know how powerful we are. Though I'm in a better situation because I fought the Vampire King and can calculate how powerful my attack is.

As for Angela, she hasn't found any opponents that she can go all out with. That's why she requested for a sparring session.

Talking about sparring, I was reminded again back then when we were just students in Introductory school. Back then, she would throw a fireball on my nether region. I hope that won't be the case again.

"…Please put on the camera on each of you so we can watch it. Of course if both of you agree to it," Albert said.

"I'll ask Angela first. Though the camera might be destroyed during the fight, so don't expect too much. Anyway, the fight should be in five days. We will fight in Monsters World," I said.

"Understood. I hope you two can learn something from your sparring. You two are currently our strongest combatants. And don't get injured too badly. I don't want something happened to any of you," Albert said.

After that, I returned back to Cassau. It's night so the vampires won't go out. Though some of them are patrolling with the guards they started to get along with in hope for a sip of blood from any bad guys they found.

Albert has informed the guards and the one in charge of Cassau about the vampires back after we went to the hospital. They were shocked and scared, but they have started to open up with the vampires and allowed them to go with them patrolling the city.

I heard that there were some thieves that the vampires have caught. They were unconscious when the vampires drank their blood, so it should be fine since those thieves won't notice it.

"How is it, Roy?" Kayla asked me as soon as I returned home.

"Albert will do something about the vampires. Like giving them some sorts of identification and they have to report to the one in charge of the city. It should be fine, right?"

"So far, they are doing good. I think they can be trusted. But let's watch over them for a little longer. How about your preparation for the fight?" Kayla asked.

"What preparation? We're just sparring. Don't say it as if it's something huge," I said.

"It is something huge. The only Aura user, against the only multielement expert mage. It will be something," Kayla said.

Multielement. That's what Kayla called Angela's element. Since all four of them have combined into one, Kayla gave it a name. And she made it easy for me to remember. Good girl, Kayla.

"You might be able to watch it from home. Let's get to sleep since there are more things for us to do tomorrow. Like vampires and vampires," I said.

Few days passed after that, and it's time for Angela and I to fight. There's no important event during that time. And soon, the two of us will fight.

There's no need for a winner in a spar, but I hope that if there's any, it will be me.

Chapter 451 – Everyone Is Hyped For Our Spar

Somehow, Angela allowed for our fight to be broadcasted. At least only to those with us. We won't let it shown to everyone in the world after all.

I hope the cult doesn't know yet how to hack the signal and watch our fight. If so, our secret will be leaked. Though I don't think it's possible unless they have a genius and someone from another world like Victoria.

As for a genius, they have the professor. He must be thinking about how the TV and the camera works ever since their first appearance in public during the tournament. Though I don't think he will understand what a radio wave is. Even I don't. Only Marie understands it. But if someone from another world told him about it, he will be able to do it.

Also, it seems like the news spread within us about the spar. Everyone would ask me if I'm prepared, or can they go watch it. It was too annoying.

Why is someone trying to hype up the fight? It's only a spar!

We will only try to attack each other without thinking of hurting the others. That's what a spar is. Don't hype it up!

In the end, those who are close to us will watch it from TVs. Including the four kings.

Well, I hope this will be a good lesson for everyone to learn. After all, Angela's magic is one of a kind. What was it called again? Oh, right. Multiememem. I mean multielement.

…Good thing I didn't say it out loud. That was too embarrassing if anyone found out I can't say it correctly.

It is now one day before the sparring that everyone is getting hyped about. Though I think they will be disappointed by my performance.

Well, I'm looking for a good place to fight while flying on top of Andro's head.

"You're going to fight Angela? Why?" Andro asked.

"Not fighting. It's sparring. She recently grows much stronger and needed someone she can test her magic on. And since she thinks that I'm a suitable target practice, she asked me. Though if it's a one on one fight, I have the advantage. But if it's one against many, she is more powerful. Well, we can only tell how strong she is after the fight," I said.

"Don't worry, Roy. You are strong as well. I know that. Not many can endure my Intimidation. You and Angela are the two who can. Wait, that mean she's about as strong as you are, right? I take back my word. You might be injured during the fight," Andro said.

"Like I said, it's a spar! Not a fight!"

"Doesn't matter. Either one of you could get injured after all. So, should I fly lower? Andro asked.

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"That's right. Just low enough for you to fly without hitting anything. I don't want you to broke your limb from your own weight. Keep flying while I'm looking for a place for our spar," I said.

The reason I asked Andro instead of Spot like usual is so I can use Andro's Intimidation to keep monsters away from the place Angela and I will fight.

I don't want to have other things like weak monsters to be in the way of our spar. It will be too troublesome since I they will be obstacle.

I know it's just a spar, but I don't want to be the loser just because there's a stray wild boar obstructing me.

As for Angela, well, she can burn everything including the boar. She should be fine against many opponents at once.

Against Angela… although I said that I don't need preparation, I'm doing it right now. What a hypocrite.

Well, it's not like I want to fight near a lake or any water. Because even if I swim in it, Angela might be able to freeze the whole lake over.

Trees are fine. they can be used for hiding spots. So, the forest is a good idea.

But we might end up fighting mostly in the sky. So, even if there aren't any trees, it's fine.

For now, I want a place without any water in sight. At least within the radius of 10 kms.

"Found it. Here should be fine," I said after finding a good location.

It's a huge forest, and the closest water source is a river. And it's not that deep, so it should be fine.

"Should I use it here?" Andro asked if I want him to use Intimidation in this place.

"Not yet. Go a bit to the left. Closer. Closer. There. You can use it here. This will be where we start the spar. Though we might end up going everywhere, but this will be where it begins," I said to Andro.

"Alright. I will use my full strength with my Intimidation here. Endure yourself," Andro said.

"Give it your best shot!"

Because I need Andro for his intimidation, Victoria doesn't want to come with me. Even though she doesn't really feel it as much as Spot did, she doesn't like the feeling of being intimidated. That's why I left her at home. She's with Arin chatting about whatever it is. I hope she won't bring Arin or the other vampires to join her in her hobby.

Andro then used his Intimidation at full strength from the middle of the forest. And I can see many monsters are running away. Some of them collapsed, but I can kill them later.

But his Intimidation was too frightening. Even my legs are shaking because of it. I wonder how the cult can kill him? Just how powerful were they after conquering our world?

"Nice one. I'll go and kill the fainted monsters. After I can stand straight," I said.

"I wish you two the best then. I won't be able to watch you, but at least I can make sure no monsters near me can approach you," Andro said.

"Thanks. Still, I wonder why her instinct is telling her to fight me? If it's magic, she should practice it with other expert level mages. I'm proficient in close-range combat, while she's good at long-range. We are not compatible. Just one magic hit me and I would lose already," I said to myself while looking at the place we're going to fight in.

"Maybe she has that much faith in you? I don't know since I'm just your new friend, but isn't she the one who knows you the longest?" Andro asked.

"Well, the only thing I can do is to not disappoint her then."

Now, what do I do? Should I borrow Sophie's fishnet stocking? I don't want to wear it.

Maybe I'll get a magic cloak like the bandit leader's use? I still have it in my room.

That might help. And with the cloak, I can hide my hands inside. Which will make Angela confused.

…nah, I won't wear it. If I'm going all out, I need to lessen the weight on my body as much as possible. I might fight while only wearing my pants tomorrow. Though Victoria will be my armor. She's light and have high endurance.

I guess this is it for the preparation. There's nothing else I can do.

I bid my farewell to Andro before returning back to Cassau. Everyone is getting prepared in the base with a huge TV so everyone can watch it. Just why is everyone so hyped about a sparring?

"Welcome back! Did you find a good place?" Sophie asked after greeting me.

"At least it's a good place to start our spar. I don't know if we will move somewhere during the fight. Where's Angela?" I asked.

"She's taking a quest from the guild. She said that it's boring to just wait and want to do some quests as a warm-up," Sophie said.

"Well, I guess I should do something as well. It's been a while, so I guess I'll go diving and get some money," I said before leaving the base.

It's been a while since I went diving. Way before I started training in Monsters World to raise my level.

Another reason is that because Angela is taking a quest on land, I need to do something that will not bother her. And fighting underwater monsters will help the fishermen be safe and they can catch more fishes.

Though since I have looted a lot of treasures nearby, I think I need to go further and deeper.

And since I'm going diving, it's easy if I bring Spot with me. He's faster than me.

He brought me much further than where I used to dive. We even passing by his child who is protecting this area of the sea.

As Spot is a Sea Serpent as well, I don't need to cast Air magic on him. I only needed to use it on myself as I found ship wreckages and started looting the unopened boxes. I transported them all to Sam's warehouse directly so her subordinates can take care of it. This should be enough to cover all the spending by the vampires.

Just like that, the day passes and it's the day for the spar. We scheduled it during the night when everyone is not busy so they can watch it.

…They hyped our spar because they are bored.. Just another thing that humans would do.

Chapter 452 – The Day Of The Spar

The next day, I was woken up by Angela in the morning. Despite Candy is sleeping next to me and the both of us are naked, Angela entered my room without a care. Though it seems that Victoria is quick to react as she turned into a blanket to cover us both.

"Roy! It's the day for the spar! Wake up!" Angela shouted.

"Hnn… the spar was scheduled later in the evening. Not in the morning. Let me sleep a bit longer," I said.

Because of her shout, Candy is awake as well. Though I think she has been awake before I do.

"Angela, can't you wait a little longer? The both of us are naked here," Candy said.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know you're here!" Angela said.

"I thought it's already common for everyone here to know that Roy would sleep with someone at night. Thanks to Victoria, you didn't see something that will embarrass you. The spar will be later in the evening. How about you warm up with me first? Let's go after I have breakfast," Candy said.

"Okay! I'll be waiting!"

Angela left my room after that. She seems to be impatient to start our sparring session right away.

Well, today, I also need to watch the vampires for a bit. Although they seem to be able to blend in, it's best to keep watch on them for now.

"How can she enter the room of a man who has many lovers so easily? Didn't she know that we might do something that might scare her for life?" Candy asked.

"What thing? What will scare her? She's a romantic person who is looking for the right man, so she of course has quite the imagination. The spar today makes her so impatient that she forgot about everything. I hope she can find the right person that can stop her from being wild," I said.

"What about you? Why won't you be her lover?" Candy asked.

"Like I said, she's looking for romance. And I can't give her that," I replied.

"But if she's the one asking, you will agree, right?" Victoria asked.

"Obviously. By the way, you sure are used to seeing my night activities now. Is voyeur your new hobby?" I asked Victoria.

"Although I write amazing stories, I still write some normal stuffs of relationship between man and woman. I don't always write about relationship between men, you know?" Victoria said.

"Yeah, yeah. Candy, don't get injured in the warm up. Angela is too excited today, so she might use stronger magic because of it," I said to Candy who is rising from the bed.

"I know. You can sleep a little longer," Candy said as she's getting dressed and left my room.

"Wait! I'm coming too!"

Seems like Victoria wants to watch Angela and Candy warming up.

Well, even if Victoria sees what Angela can do, it doesn't mean that Angela will use the same magic later.

Maybe Angela would even use something totally new? She has that capabilities after all. It might be a difficult fight, but I doubt either one of us will be injured badly. It's just a spar after all.

After sleeping some more, I woke up during lunch time. And there's a feast in the dining hall.

"…It's just a spar, so how come it became something to celebrate?" I asked Lina.

"It's not just a spar. It's something that you and Angela will use everything you have in. So, I prepared nice meal for you two. Enjoy them," Lina said.

Just what is wrong with everyone? Well, not that I would reject delicious meal in front of me.

Angela also seems to have returned from warming up. And when I look at Candy, it seems that she got slightly hurt from training with Angela. Though she has been healed by Kayla, I can still see the remains of the injuries inside her body. Just how much did they fight?

After lunch, Angela drank a lot of mana potions and said that she's going to rest in her room. Did she spend too much magic just for training?

"Candy, what did you two do? It's not just a warm up?" I asked Candy.

"Well, I wanted to test my full power as well. But it seems that she's way stronger than me. Don't worry, I'm fine now," Candy replied.

"That's good. Next time, try not to injure yourself in training. You are precious to me," I said.

"…Roy, even if you think that it will just be a spar, don't think of it lightly. Angela will go all out later. Accept her intention well, or you will be the one who got hurt," Candy said.

Seems like she knows that Angela won't hold back. I'll keep that in mind.

Maybe I need to find a bigger place. 10 kms radius seems to be small now.

After lunch, Sonia suddenly appears in front of me.

"Roy. Kron is calling for you. He's in Bernard's mansion," Sonia said.

Kron? That's rare for him to call for me. In fact, it has never happened before.

As for being in Bernard's mansion, after the battle against the vampires, Kron and Fabio ended up becoming good friends. And he said that he will help Fabio and King Harold for the time being, until they recapture Arturo back. I don't know how long that is, but with Kron at their side, I can rest easy.

As I arrive at Bernard's mansion, I was greeted by a fist from Kron.

"You little fucker!" Kron shouted.

I easily caught his punch and asked him what's wrong.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm just jealous!"

"Why are you jealous?"

"Various reason!"

"And you're venting it on me?"


…I don't get this guy sometimes.

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"Sure, sure. Throw your punches as you like. I will block all of them though," I said.

While being watched by the royalties of this kingdom, Kron keep venting his anger by attacking me. as long as it's just physical attacks, it's easy for me to stop them.

"Anyway, what happened?" I asked again after Kron is tired.

"You're going to spar with Angela, right? Kron asked once as well, but he lost miserably. I guess when everyone is hyping up your spar, he thinks that he's weak. That's why he's angry," Fabio explained.

"…that's stupid," I said.

"It's okay. I'm calm now. Sorry for troubling you," Kron said after he calmed down.

Of course that was thanks to me using calming gas on him.

"So, what's wrong? I doubt that's the only reason you asked me to come, right?" I asked them.

"You're going to broadcast your fight, right? Make sure that the camera won't bet broken at all time because of your fight. I want to watch how powerful you two are," Kron said.

"That's it? Like, seriously? Just why is everyone hyping up about this spar? We did a lot of sparring even before this, but it never became this big," I asked.

"No matter what, it has become too big among us. Just show us what you got. This will make other people who watched it feel more motivated to get stronger. Isn't that what you want?" Harold said.

"…fine. Though I don't know about the camera being destroyed or not since I will focus more on the spar than the camera. If that's all, I'll be going home."

Basically, everyone wanted to watch this more than the previous tournament. When I say everyone, it means our allies.

I heard that not only the kings. Those who they can trust also received TVs and can watch them. Including in Mellian and Melk.

Isn't it too much for just a spar? And Angela will go all out? Is she going with the intent to kill?

Sigh… I need to lay on the bed until tonight to set my mind in the right mindset for the spar. Seems like I can't be as relaxed as I thought I would be.

I only come out of my room for dinner, which is just a light meal since I'll be moving a lot. They are filling, but not enough to make my stomach full. Still, perfect to eat before battle.

"Angela, are you ready?"

Angela was also staying in her room resting after her training with Candy. She has a serious expression on her face.

"I'm ready," Angela said.

"Then, we'll be leaving. Don't get your hopes up thinking that it will be an intense battle," I said before opening a portal for the two of us to enter.

But other than us and Victoria who can't be separated from me, Sonia also entered the portal.

"You're going to watch us fight? Be careful not to die," I said.

"Don't worry. I'm a ghost. And the only thing that can hurt me is your Aura. As for that, don't forget that even if I look like this, I used to be an Aura user as well. At least as long as your attack is not targeted at me, I can easily dodge it. I'll be invisible most of the time, so don't mind me."

After saying that, Sonia then disappears. But I can still see her. Though I'm pretty good at ignoring, so it should be fine.

We are in the forest that I checked yesterday. And now that I looked at the surrounding again, there are no monsters nearby. Thanks to Andro's intimidation.

"Roy, are you ready?" Angela asked.

"Shall we?"

And with that, the sparring that everyone hyped up too much is begun.

Chapter 453 – The Spar Started

Angela's expression turned serious as the spar was about to begin. 

Man, just looking at her, I can tell that she's strong. At least at the moment, she's stronger than that mohawk artificial master level mage that I fought before.

Well, at that time, that mohawk was underestimating us and didn't use her full strength. So, before she knew it, her body can't take any damage anymore.

But Angela is different. There's no opening at all. I feel like if I get closer to her, she will keep her distance using flight magic.

…isn't this a totally unfair match? She's even faster than me!

The only thing I can do to get close to her is using portal. That should be easy if I opened a portal on the Blobby she has.

But this is a spar, so let's not do that. Though if I managed to stick a Blobby on her, it should be fine if I opened a portal there.

Well, since she's serious, I should be serious as well. I guess this is why everyone told me to be careful. They know that Angela will think of it as a real match.

And it will be disrespectful if I didn't treat it as one as well.

Well, for those watching, don't blame us if the cameras are broken during our fight.

Maybe I should have asked Sonia who is watching to carry one? She can grab a light object after all. It should be easy for her as she's the only one who can watch this fight without being afraid of dying.

I grabbed my Reizpear, and transformed Victoria into my armor. Just with enough gap for the camera on my chest to see in front of me.

The fight has started. There's no need for a signal. We both know that, but neither of us make a move.

We can't go on like this, so I made the first move.

I'm in a normal stance of spear-wielding, with the tip of Reizpear is aimed at Angela since the start.

I clenched the shaft of the spear strongly so I can push it forward with the slightest movement at the right moment. Even though we're facing each other, I'm still going to use a sneak attack.

She's a powerful mage, so if I use magic, she will know it right away. But that's not the case if I use Aura. There's no way for her to know that.

I looked into her heart to see when is the right time to attack. I'm going to attack her when she's the most relaxed, in between her heartbeat.

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Although she's just standing there, she's not relaxing at all. Still, she's just a human. She will have a single moment when she's relaxed even during this tense atmosphere.

That's the same for me as well, though with Victoria covering my whole body, I doubt Angela can tell when I am relaxed.

I need to move my hand as fast and as strong as possible, during that moment.

And that moment is… NOW!

In a gap between her heartbeats, I pushed my spear forward as strong as possible, and use my Aura and will to push my attack forward. This way, even if my spear can't reach her, my attack can still reach her.

This should be perfect. A one hit kill. With just one attack, Angela will be defeated.

In fact, I used a lot of power enough to kill someone. Even a powerful monster with strong defense.

But that's not the case with Angela.

Somehow, she can react quick enough to block my attack. She raised an Earth and an Ice Wall at the same time. And not just that, she also jumped sideway to dodge my attack.

The thrust I throw managed to break the double layer wall down, and it scratched only on Angela's shirt as she managed to dodge it.

Even though I should have caught her by surprise, she managed to dodge it. As expected of a genius. Not only she's a genius in magic, she's a genius in fighting as well.

But I can't be relaxed yet. Her attack is coming!

She casted several fireballs at me, but I'm faster than her attack.

Although I'm slower, my attacking speed is faster. It's because I am trained for it, while she needs the help of wind magic to make her faster. With this speed, I can move Reizpear fast enough to slash at all the fireballs she throws.

But those are just distractions as she used Wind Slash at me. A normal Wind Slash is already faster than a Fireball, but her Wind Slash is much faster than normal.

I can't pull back my spear in time to stop the Wind Slash, but I still have Victoria.

My left hand which is covered by gauntlet, transformed into a katana as I slashed on the Wind Slash.

In just a short moment, we exchanged attacks. I managed to hit her clothes, while she couldn't even put a scratch on my Victoriarmor.

But does that mean I'm the winner? No. In the first place, as a mage, she has more advantage than me.

Should I summon Shelia and Graham? I shouldn't. This is a spar, and I'm the one she asked. The only time I use my summoning magic is when I need to use portals. Not to call my familiars.

After I slashed her Wind Slash, I ran toward Angela in hope to close the distance. But as I explained before, she's faster than me and can maintain the distance to her advantage.

Maybe because she saw my thrust from before, she can tell at what distance my attack can be dodged. She's about a few steps farther than when we started, which mean she can dodge it now if I use the same attack with the same speed.

What a scary girl. She noticed that with just one exchange. And how she maintained that same distance is annoying.

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Still, that attack was not my fastest attack from the distance. Don't forget about my Victogun.

"Sigh… someone in full armor wielding a gun? In my world, that doesn't make sense at all," Victoria said as the katana on my left changed into a gun.

I heard that they are from different era. Armor and a gun. Maybe the armor that I had her transformed to. There are other types of armor after the inventions of guns, but for my fighting style, the older version of armor from her world is most suited.

Now that I'm also an advanced level air mage, I can compress more air in a smaller space. Which mean the bullet I shot will be faster than my thrust. before

Although the damage is weaker, it's still a fast attack. At this distance, Angela shouldn't be able to dodge it.

As I shot the bullet, Angela didn't expect it at all as she's slow to react. But she's still a powerful mage as she casted a quick Wind Shield to protect herself from the bullet.

But with her being busy with protecting herself from my shot, there's no way she could concentrate on attacking me, right?

I was wrong.

Even though she's using her wind magic to move and to defend herself, she can still use other magic at the same time to attack me as the ground under me turned sharp and several Earth Spikes about to pierce through my body.

Just how powerful is she now?

With my quick reaction, I managed to dodge them all. But I purposely didn't jump high to the sky.

Although being in the sky means that she won't be able to use her earth magic, it will still be disadvantageous for me to fight in the air since she's faster than me. Being in the ground is much better.

Once I'm in the sky, I bet that she won't let me come down at all. That will be bad.

That's why I prefer to be on the ground despite the danger of her earth magic.

As I was about to shoot her again, I was blocked by a huge Ice Wall.

The Ice Wall in front of me then get closer to me, and the shape changed from just a normal wall, into a sphere that surrounds me. I'm being locked inside this igloo.

The weird thing is, it's not cold at all! In fact, it's the opposite! It's freaking hot inside here!

This must be what the others told me. About how her ice magic can be hot, and her fire magic can be cold.

This is dangerous as I won't be able to react quickly later. What if the wind is cold or hot when she attacks me?

For now, I can endure this heat. It's not as hot as it was when I was in the volcano. But I need to get out of here quickly before she depletes my energy.

Breaking the igloo was easy, but I need to break it somewhere Angela won't be able to react. Good thing I can see her through the igloo.

I can see where she is, but I didn't destroy the wall in front of her. I destroyed the wall on the opposite side instead. She won't be able to attack me right away, but she can gain her distance.

Still, I have portals with me.. But for now, I won't use it until she's totally not prepared for it.

Chapter 454 – The Waiting Game

As soon as I got out of the igloo, Angela trapped me again. This time, I'm inside an earth dome. And it's also hot in here.

"Sigh… does she really think that she can beat me if I'm trapped inside?" I said to myself.

"Roy, don't be overconfident. It's hot in here, so she's going to deplete your energy. What will you do now? If you go out again, you will be attacked again," Victoria asked.

"For now, nothing," I said.


"Although we spare a lot in the past, and she gained a lot of experiences fighting various people, there's one type of enemy that she has never experienced fighting against. Someone who won't do anything. I'm being trapped? That's right. I can escape anytime I want, but I will stay here for now. She has experienced fighting against Kayla who is smart. And she's trying to win against me by using traps. She needs to know that I can provoke her just by doing nothing. Sonia, I know you're here. Don't tell Angela about what I just said. She needs to understand it herself," I said to an empty spot. I know that Sonia is there, but she didn't reply.

Angela has become much stronger. But she needs to know that there are many kinds of opponents that she will fight. And I will provoke her by not doing anything.

She's wasting her mana on depleting my energy, but did she forget I can use portal? Maybe that's what she's waiting for. She might have realized that the Blobbybullets that I shot before are still there for me to transfer to with my portal. But I won't do anything for now.

The other watching can also learn a thing or two from not doing anything. It's good since I can rest as well.

Inside the Earth Dome, I transformed Victoria into a bed and a blanket. Angela won't know that I'm using this chance to rest. She should have used brute force even more instead of letting me rest. As for the heat, I can survive the heat in a volcano. This much is no problem.

I guess this is something she needs to improve on. Any heat coming out of her magic outside fire magic, won't be as hot as when she's using fire magic. She will only waste her own mana doing this.

I don't care if the others who are watching are angry at me for not doing anything. It's their own fault if they think that the battle will be intense the whole time.

We have two cameras. One is on me, and the other is on Angela. As for those who are watching, they put two TVs side by side. One will broadcast it from my point of view, and the other will be from Angela's point of view.

It must be weird for them to see one screen is dark, while the other only shows a picture of this Earth Dome I'm in without moving. I know because I can see Angela is looking here.

Do I really just need to rest and not do anything? That's right.

I can also do the same thing like before. During our first exchange.

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I can wait until she's relaxed and attacked her out of nowhere. This time, she really won't expect it since she can't see me inside the dome.

Maybe she's waiting for me to use portal? She can sense magic after all.

But that's not my problem. I can rest here with my Aura. Though I won't use it all the time since I need to save some energy.

I mostly depend on Victoria. But a blanket in this heat? At least there's a bed.

I can also use portal to grab some water to drink, but if Angela noticed that I used magic without escaping from this place, she will know what I'm doing.

So, I just do nothing. Nothing until she started realizing something is wrong.

I'm a patient man. In fact, it's my dream to not do anything in a peaceful world. Not doing anything in this place is something easy for me to do, so that's exactly what I'm doing.

As I keep waiting, suddenly something is changed. The heat is gone. It's back to the normal temperature again.

I guess Angela has realized what I'm doing as she doesn't want to waste anymore mana. But fifteen minutes is quite long for her to realize it, right? I should be proud about it.

But I'm still trapped in this Earth Dome. Though she doesn't need to use her magic anymore to maintain this dome.

I can see her sweating. She must be stressed from not seeing my reaction at all for fifteen minutes, and keep being wary at all times. That will only tire herself out.

I guess it's about time for me to go out. And I do it in a similar way like our first exchange.

I stand in my stance, preparing to thrust at her. But I only have my right hand on the spear, as my left is changed into a huge shield.

The purpose of the shield is for me to break through the dome and charge at her. Even though she stepped back and get more distance than before, as long as I caught her unprepared, she will still get some damage.

It's waiting game for both of us. But since she can't see me, I'm at advantage. Still, the two of us have a lot of pressure just by waiting.

Angela is sweating a lot more, but I don't care. Though my mind will be distracted easily if it takes too long.

Let's use calming gas for a bit.

And as soon as I used it on myself, Angela jolted. She reacted just from that little bit of magic.

Come on, Angela. I know that this shouldn't be how you fight. But doing something like this won't do you any good. Just use your magic instead of waiting. You're much better in brute force than strategizing.

Maybe she realized that a long battle is disadvantageous for her, she changed her fight. She made the Earth Dome shrink to capture me.

Now that she used magic on the earth, I don't think I can destroy it easily. But I still charged forward anyway.

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With a huge shield to charge through the dome, I destroyed the wall.

I also changed the grip on my spear into a back hand. It's to throw Reizpear at her.

That's right. Although I can thrust my spear and the attack can get farther with my Aura and will, there's a simpler way to attack from distance. By throwing the spear.

As soon as I see her in an unobstructed view, I threw the spear away like a javelin. Reizpear flew forward in a low altitude, but the power is enough to reach Angela before it hits the ground.

Angela never expected me to throw my weapon away. And as it was infused with my Aura, it has power to break through the barriers she hastily puts.

But on the last second, she used Ice Armor to stop the spear. Only the tip of Reizpear reached her arm, and only grazed the skin. She bleeds, but it's not something that she will have a trouble over.

Another thing she didn't expect is that right after I threw Reizpear, I transformed Victoria into a whip and threw it. The whip follows the path of the spear, so it won't be stopped by the barriers she puts.

The whip reached her, and I had Victoria to wrap it around waist before pulling Angela to me.

"Endure it," I said to Angela, as I throw a fist at her gut.

My punch was strong enough to break three of her ribs, but this is not a punch to finish the fight. Just a punch for a warning.

As she falls in the ground in pain while holding her stomach, I shouted at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Trapping me? That's not how you fight! Just because you got stronger, you think you can fight smarter? Use brute force! That's what you're good at! Don't think too much and fight however you like!"

This is something that I keep in my mind for a while since the fight started. Although I used calming gas before, it's something that won't get off of my mind.

Why would she do something that is so unlike her? Keeping her distance was fine, but trapping me? Did she think she get smarter after breaking through?

Probably after breaking through, she has sparred with several other people. Those I know are just Shelia and Candy. And because she keeps winning, she became overconfident and tried to use the same thing that she did on them to me.

That's a big mistake.

If I'm just another mage, that might be the correct answer. But I'm an Aura user.

"If you still fight like this, I'll finish you right now! What's your answer!?"

She slowly stands up while holding the place I punched her, and looked at me.

"…sorry. Seems like I'm not myself. I'll fight you for real from now on," Angela said.

"Good. Come!"

This is where the real fight begins. I need to keep Angela in her place. To make her not being overconfident anymore, I have to defeat her.. I will no longer think of this as a normal spar anymore.

Chapter 455 – The End Of The Spar

Now that Angela will go all out for real this time, my chance of winning is lowered. Though I hope the depleted mana and her broken ribs will help me win it, but it seems that it won't.

Angela used Ice Armor tightly around the part where her broken rib is. That should reduce her pain. But is she okay with the cold? Maybe it's not cold at all for her.

If I want to, I can win the match easily back then before she goes all out. Back when she's only trying to trap me and do whatever it is she's planning.

But I can't do that. If I did, Angela won't be able to see how powerful she is. She will not use her usual way of fighting.

Using her head means that she's getting smarter. But if doing that makes her growth pace slower, I won't let her.

As someone who asked her to get stronger, I have responsibility to make her strong enough so she can survive against the cult.

Like several others, Angela doesn't really need to join me fighting the cult. But because of just one meeting, everything changes.

I know that she would fight the cult willingly in the future if I let her be, but I told her my story and the future as well, and she decided to help me. I won't let her good intention goes to waste.

"Are you coming or what?" I provoked Angela.

"Prepare yourself, Roy," Angela replied.

"Says the unprepared one who got her ribs broken."

Without a care that I'm an expert in fighting close combat, Angela flies toward me while shooting several magic. And they are all of different element as well. Fire, ice, wind, and earth.

I can slash the fire and wind to stop them, but for the ice and earth magic, even if I slashed them, unless they are destroyed completely, the pieces will still continue going my way and hit me. Though with Victoriarmor, they don't mean much. Still, they are magic. It's best to not get hit at all.

Reizpear is now on the ground because I threw it, but I attached a Blobby on it so I can get it back anytime I want. For now, it's best to fight Angela first without grabbing it.

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With Victoria as my katana as well, I charged forward and slashed it at Angela, but she stopped it with her barriers. This time, she's really going all out as she doesn't care how much mana she's wasting. But what about the time I was trapped? Did that not amount much at all? She didn't deplete much mana as I thought it should be? Seems like I'm the one underestimating her.

But I can still attack continuously. If my attack is stopped, then I can just attack again until the barrier is broken. But as I was about to swing the katana for the second time, Angela disappears from in front of me.

She's not above, but below. She's burrowing herself into the ground. Did she think that my attack can't reach there?

Well, I don't know about it myself since I never attacked the earth. But there's a first in everything, right?

I slashed my katana on the ground while it was imbued with Aura and my will. The result? The ground is splitting. While it was not as powerful as Celestine's magic that split the earth, I can still reach Angela. Because I'm focused the attack on her alone.

Still, her movement underground is like a fish in the sea. She's not as free as in the sky, but she can easily move and dodge my attack.

Seems like she enters the ground so she can rest for a while after getting her ribs broken. But I won't let her. It was her own mistake that makes her injured. Should I enter the ground?

While I was thinking about entering the ground, the ground is rising. And from it, a golem was created.

It was not as smooth as the golem that Kayla created during her match against Angela, but this is still an earth golem that a powerful expert level mage created. Seems like fighting on land is a mistake. I should have fight in the sky from the start. She also won't be able to use magic to trap me.

Well, I guess that's that. I need to take care of this golem first if I want to defeat Angela who is currently catching her breath.

Still, an earth golem is no match against an Aura user. I destroyed it in an instant to see… there are ten more of them.

Just ten? She should be able to use more. I guess she doesn't want to use too much as she has more magic to test. But this is not enough!

I defeated all ten golems easily, and slashed on the ground again to attack Angela. But Angela seems to have rested enough to calm her mind, and rise from the ground.

Hmm… this is bad.

Angela appears with both her hands in front of her, and attacked me instantly. Using magic of four elements at once. She's thinking of finishing the match sooner and use her finishing move.

I got the feeling that this is not something that I can slash. Even if I slashed it, I can only stop one element as the other can still reach me. I need to block it.

I transformed the katana into a big shield imbued with my Aura, and blocked the magic. But even if I used all my power, I still got pushed back.

After her attack stopped, I quickly shoot at her with Victogun. She dodged it, but as soon as the Blobbybullet misses its target, I used a portal to appear behind Angela.

The bullet I shot wasn't that fast, so once it was dodged, I opened a portal to where the bullet is and Angela is within my arm reach as I threw another punch at her. My punch destroyed her Ice Armor, and broke more of her ribs.

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No, it wasn't me who said that. It was Angela.

Right after I punched her, she used her fire magic to cover the area we are in with fire. This is not something I can dodge and cut.

The magic I can cut is something that is thrown at me, not something that can stay in place like this because even if I cut it, the fire will not be extinguished right away and can still grow back. Though if it has a source, I can cut it. But the source of the fire is Angela herself, so I need to defeat her if I want to escape.

Worse of all, the fire that touched my body was frozen and turned into a hot ice. I'm instantly being covered by a blazing ice. Although I have Victoriarmor, it wasn't enough to stop the heat. And it's hotter than when I was being trapped.

I guess we reached the climax of the fight. Since Angela is too injured to test more of her magic, she wants to finish it right here.

I feel like my skin is melting, but I don't care. I need to defeat Angela quickly.

But as I was about to finish her, the match is over. Angela can no longer stand as she fainted from the pain of getting hit.

I just got her twice, but the match is over. I guess I punched her too hard.

Still, although the fire has gone, the ice isn't! Still able to be maintained even though the mage has fainted? Talk about a cheat.

This just proves that Angela is on another level. Though I still defeated her.

But since the hot ice is only on Victoriarmor, and didn't reach my body at all, I can get them off of me easily. I just need to get Victoria transformed away from my body.

The ice separated from Victoria and dropped to the ground. They even burned the grass. Ice burning the grass? Talk about magic.

"Sigh… she has way more potential than that, but she started it in a wrong way," I said as I picked Angela up. The sparring session is over and the winner is obvious.

I don't feel sorry at all to those who were hyped from the spar. But it's still a good lesson for them to not be overconfident just by reaching new level of strength.

"I'll be going to the hospital to operate on her broken ribs. I'll take Sophie and Kayla with me," I said to the camera. This way, Sophie and Kayla will be ready to go.

Though if it's the two of them, they should have prepared to leave from the start since they know that someone will get injured.

I thought that since it's just a spar, the injury won't be this bad. It was supposed to be Angela testing her power with me as her guinea pig, but we didn't get to see her use everything.

Still, that fire around her and how it froze around me to burn me alive was a good one. No matter who got hit, the ice will be stuck on them for a long time.

And the golem as well. She needs to learn more from Kayla on how to create a smoother golem with smoother movement. Once she did, she can summon golem to do the fighting. Though I doubt she will like that. But it's good enough to support her.

Now that the spar is over, the surgery will begin. She's going to be fine. After all, I am the best surgeon in the world.. At least for now.

Chapter 456 – Her Change Of Heart

"How is it?" Sophie asked me as I was checking on Angela's body with my Divine Vision.

"She fainted because of the pain. I punched her too hard for her to endure. I guess no matter how powerful your magic is, if you are not used to pain, you will still end up losing with just two hits. It's no wonder that the so-called Evil God is afraid of Aura users. They can't take damage. Although in the war we will fight mostly mages, we need to prepare about the monsters they will use and have our body well-protected," I said.

"But it's not like we can just start training our body now," Kayla said.

Before I said anything, I turned the cameras on me and Angela off so that no one can hear us. though I will still tell some people about it.

"The Blobbies I gave you should be able to turn into a flexible armor that won't hinder your movements. Learn to transform those Blobbies at will. If your Blobbies aren't enough to form into some sort of protector, tell me so I can give you more. I can't tell this to everyone because everyone will want it. Also, have Sam to gather as many protective equipment as possible to give to everyone. Something light and easy to move in for mages," I said.

I thought that a mage should have more advantage against an Aura user who fight in close range. But because of Angela's blunder of not fighting in the way she used to, I can win with just two punches. Although those punches were not at my full strength, it was still strong.

If we fought monsters that fight in close combat during the war, we will lose. Even the Artificial Master level mage I fought, the mohawk girl, had a stronger body than most mages.

I told everyone to train their body, but the most that they did is to train their speed and stamina. Not endurance of their body. But as long as they keep the fight from distance, they should be able to win.

I don't want them to focus on other strength. They can continue practicing their magic. Probably, by improving their barrier magic, or have them use magic to create armor like Angela did.

"Angela is fine if you cast healing magic on her ribs and her inner organs around this area. She doesn't lose any blood at all. Just a good rest and she will recover quickly," I said while pointing on the area where the ribs are broken.

"No need for surgery? Then why are we here?" Sophie asked.

"I'm panicked, okay? If the strongest mage among us got injured too badly, I can't calm down," I said.

With that, there's nothing else that Sophie and I could do. But if there's something I forgot…

"Ah! I forgot to bring Sonia back with us. Well, she can travel here on her own. It should be fine," I said.

"But it will take time, right?" Sophie asked.

"But it should be fine. Kayla, if you're done, we're going home."

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After Kayla finished healing Angela, I carried Angela back and let her rest in her room. I also see other people who watched, and they told me that they learned a lot.

Just what did they learn? The sparring session was over too quickly in a disappointing way. Angela could be much stronger than that, but she chooses to fight different way. Well, at least now Angela knows to not use the same method of fighting, unless it's against an opponent who is clearly weaker than her.

Her strategy is good for capturing the enemy, but not good for a fight. Though if I'm not being covered by Victoriarmor, I might be the one losing the spar in the end. Getting burned by ice is a painful way to lose. Not just for the body, but also for the mind.

And element with the property of another element will make anyone who is unprepared lose their mind while screaming in pain.

If Angela used that last magic from the start, I would never be able to get close to her at all. The chance of victory is zero.

Now that the spar is over, I will have to return to watching over the vampires for the next three weeks. After that, I need to prepare for the raid. Though I can have the others watching over the vampires. I doubt they will break the rules after seeing how much fun they have in this world.

Although the extremely hyped spar is over, I'm not tired at all. I even managed to get some rest during the spar. I guess I'll find something to do.

I'll just watch the vampires who are helping the guards keeping the city safe. Seems like Arin is also helping them today.

"How is it? Have you adapted to this world?" I asked Arin as soon as I reached her. We're on a rooftop of a building.

"Pretty much, yeah. It's a good place," Arin replied.

"What about your desire to drink blood?"

"It's not bad. We even received blood bag from the hospital thanks to you. Although drinking it directly tastes better, it's still good enough for us. Though I want to ask you to get some blood form stronger people," Arin said.

"Can't do that. Unless they are near their expiration date. I guess the closest time you can have one is in a month after someone donated their blood," I said.

I have told our friends about the benefit of donating blood. And some of our expert level mages have done it right away after I told them. Once the expiration date of the blood is discovered, there will be more blood for the vampires to have. Though we can't let them drink any blood donated by our friends until they are near expiration date.

As for the blood of the royalties, the vampires won't get a taste of them. Albert said it's just in case someone is trying to do something with the blood of royalties.

"That's fine. At least we can use the expiring blood to good use. Though I hope they won't taste bad," Arin said.

"By the way, there's a thief entering that shop. What do you want to do?" I said to her while pointing at the shop the thief entered.

"I didn't notice that. I'll knock him out and drink his blood. Oh, there seems to be rumors spreading in the city about vampires. Not a bad rumor though. It's just about us drinking blood of bad guys," Arin said.

"If the people can accept you, you might not need to live in hiding anymore. I'll try to have Albert get his people to spread more rumors about vampires around the kingdom. This way, once you are truly needed, you won't have to hide yourself about being a vampire. Well, that might take a long time so be patient," I said.

"Don't worry. At least I enjoy this life. I'll be leaving first. I have a thief to catch," Arin said as she flew to where the thief is. I don't think he's a powerful mage, but even if he's powerful, I doubt he can do anything to Arin.

After walking around in the night, I returned back with my portal to my room to see that Angela is there waiting for me.

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"You need to rest more. You just had your ribs broken," I said.

"Roy. Do you think I can be as powerful as me from your past life? I think even though we're the same person, we have different reason to grow stronger," Angela asked.

"You're worrying about that? That Angela doesn't exist in this world. And you're already much stronger than when I witnessed her power back then. Even if you have different reason to grow stronger, that's not a problem as long as you still want to get stronger," I replied.

"…I was too proud with my new strength that I thought I can do other things. But I guess fighting the normal way is what you like most, right?"

Liking her way of fighting? I never thought of that at all. I said that because I know she is much more powerful if she used magic normally. No need to think much about plan or strategy, and use brute force to break through everything. That's the simplest and easiest way to fight.

"Rather than the way of fighting that I like, I like the Angela who fight that way. You are best in using brute force to defeat your enemies and I like that. Kayla is best at using her brain and I like that. The others also the same. Lina's cooking, Sophie's desire to learn medicine, Candy's way of thinking as a former spy, and everyone as well. Do what you're good at and what you want. From our spar, I can tell that even though you are trying to trap me, you don't look like you wanted to do it. That will only make you weaker," I said.

"I see. Sorry about the spar. I'm not myself at the time," Angela said.

"Get some rest. You need it. I don't know what happened with you that make you think you're not yourself, but I hope you can solve it. Good night," I said.

"…good night," Angela said before leaving my room.

Now, it's just Victoria and me.

"What?" I asked Victoria who is watching me.

"You know why she's here, right?" Victoria asked.

"I'm not that dense. Of course I know. Though I don't know how she changed," I said.

"Then, what's your answer?"

"The same as usual. I won't make a move, but if she does first, I'll accept her."

"Sigh… you know that she has fallen for you. Why won't you be the one confessing if you're going to accept anyway?"

I know that Angela has somehow fallen for me. Though I don't know why.

She was someone who is long for romance. I know that back when I first become Kayla's lover. And she should have known that I'm not a romantic man at all.

"Anyway, she knows that I won't make a move on her. I guess she's still sorting her mind before she can be forward with her feeling. I'll wait for her until then. Though if she ended up going with another man, that's fine as well as long as she's happy."

With how close we are to war; I don't want to have my mind occupied with trying to get another woman to be my lover. If she confesses, I'll agree. If she won't confess, I won't do anything.

I need to destroy the cult until I can be at peace. No matter how many women I have, as long as the cult exist, I won't have a peace of mind.

"…your trauma is so severe," Victoria said.

"…you're right."

Chapter 457 – Vampires' Graduation

"Congrats for your graduation!"

That's what Albert said as we are celebrating the vampires' graduation after one month of trial living in this world.

There were no rule-breaking vampires at all. In fact, they are pretty obedience. I guess that's to be expected of the vampires who lost against us.

Though as for the vampires that the Vampire Queen brought, it was because of her that the other vampires obeyed the rule. She must be really enjoying the time in this world. At least it's much better than living in Monsters World is what Arin said. There is little to no culture in that world.

In this past month, many things happened.

After my spar with Angela that ended up rather quick for something that everyone is so hyped about, we sparred normally. Not where we're trying to defeat each other, just one where she will use new moves on me.

Seriously, had she used all these moves at that time, I would have lost. But it's great seeing that Angela is returning back to her normal way of fighting. At least if she's alone, she must never try the same thing again. Unless it's against an opponent who is clearly weaker than her. And if she's with someone else, like Kayla, Shirley, or the others, she is free to trap the enemies.

Other than me, she also asked the other to spar as well. Though after sparring with the others, she left somewhere to train. She's still in this world. Not in the Monsters World.

And I heard that she's in Mellian taking difficult quest from the guild from Hill. But now that we're celebrating the vampires' graduation, she's here after I contacted her.

As for the others, we are training normally. Sometimes, we took quests from the guild or from Albert and the nobles. I Didn't forget that we are a clan.

There were some missions which were difficult for even A-rank hunters to complete. But for us, it was easy even when I'm not participating. And taking requests from the nobles mean the reward is huge. I'm getting richer again. Though the vampires are still haven't paid their debt. But at least the two male vampires are already B-rank hunters and should be able to pay their debt soon. That was extremely quick.

Some vampires decided to try living in another place during this one month. I brought them to Melk, Mellian, Tatrama's Capital, Consenza's Imperial Capital, Varadis' Capital, and also to Arturo where Bernard's mansion is.

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I told them to only move within those area since the influence of the cult are bigger outside of those area. Especially in Arturo.

They not only go there for sightseeing. They also took requests from the guild from time to time. And they helped the guards who have been told that they are vampires to keep the peace.

Some of the vampires even managed to capture some cult members. And those cult members exploded their head when they are captured by the vampires and have their blood drained. But it was okay for the vampires since they can just regenerate their own head.

Then, the vampires told me that they don't want to suck the blood of the cultist. Because even though their blood tastes delicious, the blood used to regenerate their lost head was much more than the blood they can get from drinking the blood of those who exploded their own heads.

Even though they said that, they still drink a lot of blood. At least enough for them to gain some weight. In fact, I was surprised to see that they can still gain some weight. I thought it was something magical that won't let them gain weight after drinking a lot of blood. But I guess overdrinking blood can still make them fat. Though since they can manipulate blood, it was no problem for them to lose all that extra weight.

Other than that, what we found about the blood was interesting. In the right place, the blood that we have drained and put into the blood bag, can stay for three weeks and still be able to be used. Though I don't think they can last for too long. Maybe thirty or forty days. But at least that's a good discovery. As for the taste, the vampires said that they are still good after three weeks.

And I also used my own body for the experiment. Although no one else has the same blood type as I am, and it hasn't been discovered yet by the researchers, we tried to infuse my own blood that has been taken, to my own body. And it worked! It was a crazy idea, but it's something important to me.

As someone who will most likely bleed a lot since I'm fighting in close range, this discovery means a lot for my survival. Maybe in difficult situation, I can decide to be more reckless rather than escaping. Though I still prefer to escape.

"Well, aren't they lively?"

After Albert giving the speech, he and the other kings approached me.

"What are you going to do with the vampires?" I asked them.

"For now, we will ask them what they want to do. We also asked some individual vampire if they want to come to our country. Trying to befriend them will benefit us a lot," old man Henry said.

"So that's why you're sending them to different country? Well, if you think that's good, then it's fine."

"Yeah. But we will respect their decision. We will ask them what they want in this banquet," Albert said.

The main reason why we did this banquet for the vampires' graduation is because the vampires wanted to wear the fancy dress that they bought. They don't have any reason to put on those dress for daily lives. And if they wore those dresses, they might cause trouble instead since they are not from nobility.

But it's not only the vampires who are wearing fancy dresses. The others also do the same. Oleg, Hill, and even Kron.

As for Oleg, he brought his family with him. That's why he can't afford to wear his usual clothes. His wife nagged him to wear something fancy. His wife is happily showing off her dress to the other ladies. As for their children, they are playing with Daniel and the others.

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Everyone here can be trusted. That's why even though a commoner's wife is talking with the queen, it was fine. Though in any other event, such thing will be punished harshly.

Well, it's just the usual for us.

After the banquet proceeded for a while, everyone is gathered around the vampires. Albert is going to ask them what they want to do.

Some of them want to stay in Cassau, but some want to go somewhere else they like. Some wanted to travel around the continent. But they are all agreed on one thing. They will help us in the war against the cult.

At first, some of them doesn't want it. But now, all of them want to fight the cult. Maybe I can ask Arin to go back to her world and get more vampires with us.

"I'll go whenever my master is going," Eve said. She's the only one who has a master. And seems like the two are getting along well.

"Carrie and I will stay in Cassau. We even applied to be a member of Roy's clan."

The Vampire Queen and the Vampire Duke from the opposing party, ended up becoming best friends. Just how did that happen? I missed a lot of things.

When I asked Kayla, she said that because Carrie is not originally Arin's subordinate, her point of view is different. Most of Arin's subordinate are not her friends. They are just her subordinates, and treated her as a queen. But that's not the case with Carrie, so Arin liked being with her.

"Tonight, I want to announce my wedding. I know that many of you will be busy, but you are all invited to my wedding," One of the male vampires said.

…isn't he the one who stays here because of his sister? Not because she's trying to woo another vampire? How did he ended up becoming the first to get married between the two?

When I asked Kayla, she said that the other vampire was rejected. But he stands back up again and now is targeting another vampire. Seems like they progressed better with his current target than with his previous crush.

Well, as long as he won't cause any trouble, it's fine. I think the two male vampires have also started enjoying their lives in this world as well. Especially since most monsters here are much weaker. They don't have to worry about their own safety, and as long as they don't break the rules, they can live peacefully. Though they still love drinking blood and that's why they agreed to join in the war.

After the banquet is over, I transported all the vampires to where they want to go, and get the guests back to their home.

Five days later, we attended the vampire couple's wedding. Although some of them are busy, they can still watch the wedding live from TV while doing their work.

When I asked Arin, it was the very first vampire wedding. Vampire doesn't have the tradition of getting married. They choose their partner and that's that. I guess this is a breakthrough for the vampires to really coexist with humans.

Though it's a marriage between vampires. Maybe one day there will be a marriage between human and vampire. But looking at the difference in our lifespans, it will be difficult.

Well, at least I'm not busy with the vampires anymore. Now, I can focus on my preparation for the raid. And the date for the raid has been set. One week before the tournament.

After the lab is destroyed, during the tournament, the cult will make a move.. I hope things will go well.