
Chapter 529: I Need Her Help. Is She Free?

I rise to the sky while keep attacking the fire dragon with Blobbyguns so it will keep its attention at me.

"Hey! That's a dragon! Do you need any help!?"

While I was flying in the sky, Spot shouted. Seems like he knows how powerful a dragon is.

"You just need to keep the tortoise busy! I will also stall this dragon! Once the girl is done with whoever she's fighting, she can help either one of us!" I shouted back to the serpent.

Of course by the girl, I'm talking about Angela. We didn't speak anyone's name to keep our identities secret. Angela is too famous right now. Even though she hasn't taken any part in the tournament, because the commentators are the same twins as the commentators during the previous college tournament, they have spread the words about how powerful Angela is. At least that's what I heard from Sonia. And Jewel also told me this afternoon.

Angela saw me fighting the dragon, but somehow, she's focusing more on the monsters around her. But that's for the best.

Those monsters have high magic resistance, and quite powerful in close combat as well. Even the werewolves are having difficulties fighting them. If Angela isn't there, those monsters will attack other people.


So far, we have been doing well to reduce the casualties. But now, if Spot isn't facing the tortoise, or I'm not stalling the dragon, or Angela isn't fighting those monsters with high magic resistance, the casualties will increase and we might even lose. We can't have that when the cult's main force, the artificial master level children, aren't here yet.

No one among us want to kill children. I don't know about the monsters, but I hope they are the same as well. But if they came, having more people can stall those children until I used whatever it is that Marie created with the help of Victoria and other people.

Victoria said that it's still in experimental phase. They still need some more test before they can feel confident about the tool. That's why Victoria is still not here yet.

I wish she could quickly tell me that their tool is working so she can come here.

Though what I need to do right now is to fight this fire dragon. As for the other monsters, Shelia, Graham, Arin, and the others should be able to do something until Angela or Spot is done fighting their enemies. As for me, I have no confident of defeating the fire dragon on my own when Victoria is not with me.

Although I have Blobbies, they are different from Victoria. Victoria can alter her weight so I can hit the enemies with heavier attack. The Blobbies can do that to, but the limit of their maximum weight is much lower than how heavy Victoria can be. That's why defeating a dragon without her is just like a dream.

Well... maybe Victoria won't be needed much during the testing session of the new magic tool. I'll ask Sonia if she is available for a few hour.

"Sonia, ask Victoria if she's available for the next hour. I'm fighting a dragon and I can't win without her. Though if she's busy, tell her that it's fine to not come. I can still stall for time until Angela helped me," I said as I called Sonia who is invisible after appearing next to me.

"A dragon? Alright, I'll ask her," Sonia said as she disappears.

Until she returns, I need to distract the dragon. Also, I need to make sure that the dragon is only focused at me.

I keep shooting at the dragon while flying toward somewhere far from the battle. And even so, I need to make sure that our position won't change. With the dragon's back facing the battle where the others are. Or else, the dragon's fire breath will kill too many of us.

I think we're already far enough. I let the Blobbies return to my armor as I hold the Reizpear I have retrieved back tightly. This will be a difficult battle. But if I can win this, I will be stronger again.

"Come at me, oversized lizard!"

Although this dragon is smaller than the Giant Salamander from the stampede in Melk in the past, it's still huge. Though when I called it oversized lizard, my Divine Vision which was still active can see Gecko, the dragonic man, looked this way as if I'm calling him.

You both are oversized lizard, but I'm not calling Gecko. Just focus on your fight.

The place where I hit the dragon the strongest was its back. The one protected by powerful scales. But what if I'm aiming at its bellies? Or its eyes? Neck? Tongue?

What is the most effective attack? Magic? Slash attack? Pierce attack? Or blunt attack?

The slash attack was ineffective on its back. But maybe piercing attack will.

When the dragon noticed that I'm in front of it alone, maybe it thinks that I'm strong. So, it lets out a fire breath to attack me.

Combined with my air magic to make the fire weaker, I barely managed to slash the fire breath. Though the shoulder of my armor got burned slightly. Good thing it was my Blobbyarmor. If I don"t wear Blobbyarmor, I would get burned instead. And that Fire Breath was more like a Fireball, so I can slash it. If it's really a non-stop Fire Breath, I would be turned into ashes.

Though the dragon's attack is not over.

As soon as the dragon noticed that I can slash through his fire breath, it flies toward me. And it's fast! Faster than me at least in the sky!

The dragon slashed its claw at me as I blocked it with Reizpear. But I got blown away instead.

"Shit! It's also very strong!"

Dragon is truly a cheat. If Andro is much more fit rather than his current overweight body, he would be too strong. Even this dragon is strong. What about the Kaiser Dragon, Andro?

Unless there's a gigantic enemy the same size of Andro, I guess I will never know. For now, I need to focus on the dragon.

Stronger than me and faster than me. Though I hope I'm smarter than it. That's the only way I can hope to win.

Should I start using portal? But we're flying in the sky, so it might be difficult. For now, let's attach as many Blobbies as possible all over the dragon's body.

I threw several Blobbies toward the dragon. And I need to make sure that those Blobbies are located in the right place. Like on his chest so I can stab his heart directly.

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The dragon's arm is longer than me with Reizpear. So, it's difficult to reach its body. But with portal, it should be possible. Though I won't use portal yet.

I dodged the dragon's slash and about to get closer, but the dragon flew backward to gain its distance. Although the dragon is faster than me, when it's flying backward, I am still a bit faster. So, I can finally reach him again after the first encounter.

With my Reizpear, I aimed at his heart. His chest is not covered by scales like his back, but the defense is still pretty strong.

Still, with my full power, My spear pierced its chest. Unfortunately, just as the tip of the spear get closer, the dragon flapped its wings to fly backward again. Meaning, I couldn't stab its heart.

I pierced its chest, but with my Divine Vision, I can see that the tip was just poked its lung. And the bleeding stopped quickly, so I didn't give the dragon much damage.

It doesn't seem to have the same regeneration ability as the vampires or werewolves, but its healing ability was quite good.

I guess I will use portal to fight. The dragon won't be able to predict my attack well if I use portals.

But when I thought of that, Sonia returns with good news.

"Victoria said that she can leave the testing to Marie and the others over there. You can summon her. Though after the battle is over, it's best if you bring her back to Marie's side."

"That's great! Victoria!"

I summoned Victoria after I broke my Reizpear into pieces so I can put them in my pocket.

"It's been a while, R- A DRAGON! There's a dragon in front of me!"

"Of course there is! I told Sonia to relay a message to you that we need to fight a dragon!"

As soon as Victoria got summoned, she greeted me. But before she could finish saying my name, she as surprised to see a dragon in front of her.

"I didn't know that! Sonia just told me that it will be easier for you to fight if I'm around!" Victoria shouted.

"I just don't like how you can take it easy with the testing when everyone here is so busy. I had to travel hundreds of times in one day, but you were just watching something and take it easy. I don't like that."

Seems like Sonia is envious that Victoria doesn't look too busy. Even I am envious!

"Just get ready to fight! It's not like this is the first time you see a dragon!" I shouted to Victoria.

"Fine, fine. Though it's the first time that the dragon in front of me is trying to kill us for real!"

Well, back then, Andro just didn't care at all about us in front of him. But this dragon in front of me is showing hostility to us.

Now that Victoria is here, I don't need to worry about how much Blobbies I will waste.

Chapter 530: I'm Not the Dragon Slayer. I'm the...

"Alright, Victoria! What should we do!?"

Just as we both prepared to face the dragon, I asked Victoria if she has some sort of plan.

"Wait, you called me here but you don't have any plan at all!?" Victoria shouted.

"The plan is to defeat the dragon as soon as possible. But the how to is something I haven't prepared yet. I'll just probably end up with beating the dragon over and over again until it finally dies," I said.

"That's the only thing we can do anyway. Let's do it!" Victoria said.

"How will you two do it anyway? Even if Victoria is here, it's not like you can give damage to the dragon easily. Roy, you have experienced it firsthand how tough the dragon is. Can you do it?" Sonia who is still here asked. I suppose she's not in a hurry.

"Is that so? Roy, what have you tried with the dragon?" Victoria asked.


"Just things to do with Reizpear. Slashing it and stabbing it. But I can only give light scratches on the dragon's scales. If I can do it continuously, I might be able to penetrate its scales, but the dragon is strong in melee combat as well. It's also very fast. When I was thinking of using portals in the battle, Sonia returns and told me I can summon you," I explained.

"Hmm... slashing and piercing attack won't be effective unless we destroyed its scales. We will use portals as our secret move later if we find the battle to be harder then we thought. I guess it's obvious why you asked me to come," Victoria said.

"Right. Using drill will be effective, but the dragon won't give me the chance to drill through its body. So, it's obvious what weapon I need," I said.

Because we have been partners for a long time, it seems like we already able to read each other's mind as we spoke at the same time.

""Giant Hammer it is.""

Both of us agree to use Giant Hammer.

With Victoria who will be transformed into a hammer, I can give powerful blunt attack to the dragon.

My main weapon of choice from the start is not the spear that has self-repair magic, Reizpear. But it has always been Victoria.

The only reason I got Reizpear was because I need something other than my summoned monster to help me get my special ability as an Aura user. And since Reizpear proven to be compatible with me, I started using it more often.

But still, my main weapon is Victoria. Not Blobby, but Victoria.

She can change to any kind of weapon I want. And I even learned about using spear the first time when I wield Victoria, not Reizpear.

Sword, spear, shield, katana, broadsword, hammer, axe, gun, knife, and even grappling hook back when I couldn't fly. Victoria is a very convenient monster. Though if I told her that she's convenient, she will be mad, so let's keep it deep in my heart.

With her, I can use guns without caring about the bullets. After all, she can make clones of herself again and again, and make her clones disappear when she reach the limit of how much clones she created so she can make some more. So, I won't be run out of bullets.

To be as sharp as possible, or have a wide area to hit the enemies, or to be unpredictable. Victoria is any Aura user's greatest partner. Though I'm the only Aura user in this world and her only partner. It's just Victoria and Sonia's opinion as former Aura users.

"Hmm? Seems like Albert needs me. Well, I'll leave you to fight the dragon. Good luck!" Sonia disappear when she feels that Albert is contacting her.

She said that she needed to go all over the continent for more or less a hundred times in a day. She is the most hardworking ally that we have. If she's not with us, we won't get to fight the cult like this.

Not just her. It's thanks to everyone I met.

Now that I think I have matured a bit, I feel like an idiot to just told everything to Kayla and Angela back then. Any smart person won't put their trust on anyone they just know for a while.

But I think that was the greatest decision I've ever made even though that was stupid. Thanks to that decision, I can move forward with the help of everyone around me.

Well, if I didn't tell Angela and Kayla about myself back then, I will still go get other people's help. But I don't think we can reach this far in destroying the cult if I do that.

But it all will result with nothing if we can't defeat this dragon.

Seems like the summoner has been shot to death by Sara. But this mean the only way to stop the dragon is to kill it.

I'd like to mention that this dragon is a summoned monster from Monsters World. Which mean, this dragon is stronger than most monsters in this world. Also, even without any modification, this one is the strongest monster in this place. Even stronger than the tortoise.

The tortoise is slow, but it has good defense. But this dragon has good defense, strong attack, and very fast as well. But I won't give up.

I transformed Victoria into a hammer. The handle is two meters, and the size of the hammer head is a bit over one meter with the diameter of the area of impact is fifty centimeters. The other size of the head is a sharp pick. It's a warhammer.

"It's been so long since I'm in this form. Let's beat the crap out of the dragon!" Victoria said.

With me covered in Blobbyarmor and Victorihammer in my hands, I fly toward the fire dragon.

The dragon was still calm. Probably it judged that because it's faster than me, I won't be able to reach it.

That was correct if I don't have Vitoria with me. But now, she's here with me.

I raised the hammer as high as possible, and when the dragon saw that, it flew back a bit just so my hammer will be out of reach.

But this is Victoria. Not Blobby.

The hammer that I raised turned not only bigger, but the handle is also longer as well. It was light when I raised the hammer since Victoria made it so, but when I started to swing it down, Victoria adjusted the weight to be at its heaviest as the hammer struck the dragon.

I can't hit the dragon's head, but I hit its shoulder because the dragon moved before I hit it.

With my strength and Aura imbued to the hammer, combined with the weight of the hammer and gravity, the dragon is in pain and fall down a bit before staying in the air with the help of its wings.

Although I almost pierced its chest before, it got healed too quickly. But now I hit it with a hammer, it has a harder time to heal itself. This is a good sign.

I got Victoria to make the hammer as light as possible as I raised it to the sky again as fast as possible, and swung it down as powerful as I can with Victoria adjusting the weight again to be the heaviest.

This is the greatest form that Victoria can do combined with my strength. A hammer.

Changing its shape and weight, I can move Victorihammer however I want.

With my strength, I can do combos of raising the hammer and swing it down as fast as I can without letting the dragon escape no matter how fast it is.

Maybe I won't need to use portal anymore.

Well, this strategy is good only against big target. If it's human with defensive magic, using spear or another weapon is the right answer. Of course if I can use hammer like this every time, that would be ideal. But humans are smarter and have magic. As for monsters, it's rare for them to have defensive magic.

I keep hitting down the dragon over and over again, until finally the dragon hits the ground. There's no more escape. And now that it's on the ground, I can move the hammer even faster.

The dragon's scales are very strong. Even after I hit it over and over again, there are only a few damages on its scales. But that mean my attacks are effective. And with the dragon being on the ground, the damage is doubled since he can't be pushed down anymore.

Finally, I see cracks all over its body. The dragon's defense is being destroyed. And again, I raised the hammer and swing it down.

This time it's different. Instead of the flat area of the hammer, I got Victoria to transform it into the pick side of the hammer. With its sharp point, I can pierce through the dragon's body and killed it.

I got Victoria adjust the size of the hammer, so the pick will pierce through the dragon's heart from the back. With my strongest swing, I will kill the dragon.

"Die, you oversized lizard!" I shouted.

I pierced its heart as blood soaked the ground. I did it! I killed a dragon!

"AHAHAHA! I'm the Dragon Squasher!" I shouted joyfully.

"Isn't it supposed to be the Dragon Slayer?" Victoria asked.

"But I didn't slay the dragon! I squashed it!" I replied.

"Well, you are technically correct. Other than the finishing attack, you did squash the dragon. Let's move to the next battle. It's not over yet, right?" Victoria suggested to keep moving.

"Let me enjoy the satisfaction of being the Dragon Squasher first! Oh, don't tell Andro that I squashed a dragon. I don't know what he will do," I said.

I killed a dragon with the help of Victoria. With this, unless there are other summoners who summoned powerful monsters, the only trouble we have left for today is the tortoise.

Now that I'm free, I can help Spot kill the tortoise. Unless Spot doesn't want my help and want to kill the tortoise on his own.

Well, the sooner we kill the tortoise, the sooner we can rest. Even Spot can get tired after fighting for so long. Let's help him right away.

Chapter 531: Flying Tortoise

"Well, now that we have defeated the dragon, where should we go next? Helping the others, supporting Angela, or taking care of the tortoise with Spot?"

After we defeated the dragon, I told Victoria about where Angela and Spot are, and then she asked me which one should I help first.

I looked around at the battlefield. Angela is doing fine. Now that I have defeated the dragon, she doesn't need to worry about me. But maybe because she saw me defeating the dragon, she wanted to be the one to take care of the tortoise. So, she keeps glancing at the tortoise's location even in the middle of a fight.

"Sigh... Angela seems like she wanted to fight the tortoise. Let's go to her place, so she can leave and fight the tortoise. Although Spot doesn't have any trouble stalling the tortoise, it's not like he could defeat the tortoise anytime soon. The tortoise's regeneration ability is too annoying," I said.

Spot has destroyed the tortoise's head or its other limbs several times already. But each time they were destroyed, they would regenerate soon after. Even if it's Spot, he might still get tired.

In a way, that tortoise is much more powerful than the dragon. At least in term of defense.

The dragon has its scales covering its body. But even with my Reizpear, I can leave some scratches on the fire dragon's scale.


But the tortoise? Even after Spot used his strongest breath attack, there's not a single scratch on the tortoise shell. Even its flesh would regenerate whenever they are destroyed.

Still, if I didn't defeat the dragon, everyone will be in a huge trouble. That's why I needed to defeat the dragon first before I can help Spot.

But before that, I need to kill every enemy's summoners first. It would be troublesome if they somehow summoned another powerful summoned monster.

Now that I look carefully, seems like some of the summoners actually did summoned powerful monsters. That's why Shelia, Graham, and Arin had some trouble. Though I don't need to help them because I can tell the enemy's monsters aren't capable of defeating those three yet.

Hmm... I guess it's time to commence our plan. But first, I need to go to Angela's location so she can enjoy a fight with the tortoise.

I run toward Angela's location as she was firing several magic at once to the monsters. So powerful.

To be able to do that, one must need to have high level of concentration. But that is something that we can't really hope much from Angela. Still, she's able to do it perfectly because she trained hard for it. And maybe the fact that she's a multielement mage helped as well.

Anyway, it's time to swap.

"Hey, you really want to fight that tortoise, huh?" I asked as soon as I arrive next to her.

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"Yeah. Can you take care of things here while I fight the tortoise?" Angela asked while casting another magic at an ogre.

"I can take care of things here. And if you want to fight the tortoise on your own, you need to ask for Spot's permission. He's the one who wanted to fight that tortoise alone in the first place," I said.

"I'll ask him. Also, is the location of the tortoise good?" Angela asked.

"Good for what?"

"Far enough so that we won't get affected by your plan. That is good for me so I can defeat the tortoise on my own. I don't want to be bothered in a fight," Angela said.

Far so our plan won't be effective? If it was me, instead, I'd like to go as close as possible. Still, that's just very Angela. And for me and Angela, it's best to let her do what she wants.

"It's far enough so your and the tortoise's attack won't reach us as long as you keep the tortoise's attention toward you. As for our plan... you can just create a huge Earth Wall or something so you won't get bothered by it. It needs to be big enough for that to happen though," I said.

"That's easy. Well, I'll leave now. Good luck in this place!" Angela said as she flew fast toward the location of the tortoise.

Soon after she chatted for a bit with Spot, she raises a huge Earth Wall. I guess she received Spot's permission.

Spot has fought that tortoise for a while and repeatedly used his powerful breath attack, so it's normal for him to get tired. Especially since the tortoise doesn't seem to take any damage. And Spot also retreated to a safe distance.

I look around the battlefield while fighting. I see that everyone has gotten used to fighting in the dark. Including the enemy. There are only few source of light created by either fire from the fire type monsters, or light magic from some tamers or summoners of the enemy.

The requirements for our plan has been fulfilled. Now, it's time to commence our plan.

Everyone is in place. Whether it's on purpose or coincident, our allies are within the range.

And so, I take a deep breath and use air magic to make my voice as loud as I can. Though this time, even though it's not for distracting my enemies, it can be used as such.


The plan is quite simple. As soon as I give the signal, which is my shout, the angels who were born with light element magic will use their light magic to illuminate the whole place. Making this battlefield as bright as possible. Possibly, even brighter than it was during the day.

The angels use their light magic all at the same time. The place became so bright that no one can see anything. But because of my signal, our allies have closed their eyes and prepared for the sudden brightness.

As for me, even if I close my eyes, I can still see very well. And I don't have any problem with darkness or brightness. Even when I'm looking at the sun directly, I was fine. Even though it was weird.

Although I'm looking with my eyes, it was as if I'm not using them at all. Though I have gotten used to it since I got my Divine Vision for a long time already.

I look around to see if there are anyone from the enemies which aren't affected by the light. They will be my target.

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The light will only illuminate the area for one second. During that time, our side who closed their eyes will not be able to fight properly. That's why I need to protect them for one second.

Using Victogun, I shoot around the places where there are monsters who can still move well in the light. And after one second, everyone on our side has opened their eyes again.

It was a massacre from this moment.

Various magic was casted to the defenseless enemies.

War cry and scream of horror can be heard at the same time.

The soldiers have the face of a serial killer... wait, have they turn crazy?

I guess this is the first time they can easily kill the cult members after they were blinded by the light. Though they need to kill them fast or they will get used to their sight again. But letting them enjoy the fight is fine as well.

Well, they should know what to do. As for me, I just need to take care of the enemies who have been able to move well after being blinded.

And we also have summoners on our side who have let their monsters come out. It's a good thing that they wear something purple so we can tell they are from our side.

Now, all the human enemies have been defeated. And the monsters left are not that strong. Again, we're winning today.

"Your plan was to blind the enemies? Well, that is useful. Is that why some of you wear eye-patch?" Victoria asked.

"That's right. When I suggested to get one of their eyes used to the dark with eye-patches, someone suggested to use light magic to blind the enemies. And look at what happened! It's a massacre. There were some casualties, but the result was great. Though we don't know when the artificial master level children will come," I said.

Victoria and I chatted for a bit, and suddenly, there was a loud sound coming from behind the huge and tall Earth Wall that Angela created.

"...Is she for real?"

"What? What happened?" Victoria asked since she couldn't see behind the wall.

Before I could answer, she can see what happened.

The huge tortoise with the size of a mountain got blown away to the sky. There were holes on many parts of the tortoise. I can tell that the tortoise is finally dead. And that tortoise is blown high into the sky.

"...Victoria, can you tell me if there are any tortoise that can fly?" I asked Victoria.

"...I don't think so. Just how powerful is Angela right now?" Victoria asked back.

"...Too strong. And too awesome."

The tortoise started falling down, and it hit the ground with a loud noise. What magic can get that tortoise so high in the sky?

Whatever the case, the battle tonight has ended with our victory. Though there are still things for me to do, I can at least rest easy for the night.

Chapter 532: Sending Angela Back

"That was spectacular!"

After the battle ended, I approached Angela and give her a compliment.

It was too amazing! A tortoise the size of a mountain can get blown away by Angela high into the sky! Although I saw how she did it, I can't explain it well.

All of a sudden, the ground rise. The impact was so strong that it destroyed the tortoise's heart. The bottom part was destroyed, but some areas on the shell has holes in it. Telling me that in that short time, Angela also attacked the tortoise's shell.

Even though Spot attacked it with his breath, that tortoise didn't take any damage at all. But just as soon as Angela stepped forward, she defeated the tortoise.

If that's her relieving her stress for not being able to leave the capital at all because of the tournament, that's scary. Next time she had something she wants to do, I'll be sure to hellp her at all cost. Because if her stress increased, I don't know what she will do.

It's not just me who approached Angela. Everyone is the same. They are all wanted to see the hero who blew away a mountain into the sky.


Many people lost their friends and family because of the cult. Although I don't know what has happened with other countries, I know what happened in Tatrama. The cult has done various terrible deeds that cause the lost of people's lives.

These soldiers can be considered lucky since they have the chance to get their revenge. But after fighting for a few days, they realized that they are not strong enough.

They have heard about my power, but even when I'm in front of them, they still couldn't believe it. For them, Aura is something that they couldn't comprehend. They don't think that a human being could do what I can do.

In fact, these people think of me closer to a monster than a human being. After all, not only I fought the enemies in close range like a monster. I am also the Werewolf King who has the werewolves, angels, and vampires under my control.

That's why a human hero is needed. And however high my achievement against the cult is, it can't be me. And they finally found one.

Angela is a hero that everyone needed to know. Her magic gives people hope that they can be as good as her.

Well, I think that's impossible for anyone. But that's what I think everyone is thinking. They are thinking that if they train hard, they might be able to be as powerful as Angela.

No matter how simple my way of fighting is, they can't comprehend it. And it's probably my fault as well since I didn't particularly think of spreading the knowledge of Aura to everyone.

But when they see Angela, they think that magic is much more superior than my Aura. After all, they have witnessed Spot fighting the tortoise, but the tortoise didn't take any damage. And just as soon as Angela appears, the tortoise was defeated.

"With her on our side, victory is obvious!"

"But she's only here for today, right? She needs to go back for the tournament?"

"Why does she need to go back? This war is much more important than the tournament. I know getting a title as the strongest mage in the world is amazing, but it's not that important, right?"

"You're right. The tournament is not important at all. But all the participants from every country other than Arturo are not there just for the title of the strongest. They also needed to protect the royalties, and the citizens as well. In fact, their job might be harder since they don't know if there are any members of the cult disguising as the citizens."

"That's right. I heard that the real king of Arturo was swapped with a fake from the cult. If their king is from the cult, His majesty's life is in danger. That's why it's the job for those participants to protect them as well. We actually has the simpler job since we just need to face the enemies here. But those in the capital of Consenza need to watch out for everything."

The soldiers nearby started talking about the tournament and the duty of those who stay behind. The stupid one who doesn't know much started to learn more about the importance of the tournament.

Maybe we should inform eveyone about why we need the tournament? But I thought the kings have informed their soldiers about it. Maybe this soldier is just too stupid to understand.

Well, with the cult sending that many monsters here, we should be able to get short rest. Maybe I'll get the generals to tell the truth about the the tournament to the soldiers. And it's also good to pass the time as well from waiting. Having a chat that improve their intellect is good to make everyone smarter. Though for those who are too stupid, it's best to just give up.

"Angela, should I send you back to the capital? I don't think the cult will send anymore reinforcement anytime soon."

I approached Angela and asked her if she wants to go back and wait for her turn at the tournament.

"Hmm... what would happen if I refuse to participate? There's shouldn't be anything bad happening, right?" Angela asked.

"Well, from your point of view, how strong are the paticipants from Arturo?" I asked back.

"It's just individual battle. And I don't see anyone stronger than expert level mages on their side. Kayla, Shirley, Celestine, or even Julia should be able to win if there's no surprise. You know, I can just pretend to be weak and lost in my first match so I can go back here right away. What do you think?" Angela suggested.

"I like to agree with you, but I can't. There are other areas where the soldiers are guarding. And we don't know if the cult will only come to this place. If they go to the capital right away from somewhere I can't see, you are our hope to stop them. The tournament is just a sideshow. Though if Kayla or the other lose, I will bring them here if that's what they want," I tried to explain it to Angela.

"But I like it here... Well, it's just a few days. I'll try to endure it," Angela said.

"By the way, who is your matchup?" I asked Angela.

"We used ballot to take a number that decide our opponent. With the help of Sonia and Elsie, we know who we will face. Right on the first match, I will face someone from Arturo. It will only be at the semi-final when I can fight Celestine," Angela said.

"You don't want to fight Celestine?" I asked.

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"I am interested. But the waiting is annoying," Angela pouted.

"Just do your best over there. Once the tournament is over and Albert said that it's safe, I will bring you back here. Though if I'm in trouble, you will need to come here by yourself. Here, I opened a portal to Lynn's room. You can go back now," I said as I opened a portal to the Emress' private chamber.

It's something unthinkable for a commoner to come and go to the Empress' private chamber however he like. But it's me we're talking about.

After saying farewell, I closed the portal.

I was thinking of telling the others to rest a bit, but when I see that we have more casualties than usual, instead, I opened portals for their friends to bring them home for a proper burial. Though I told those who wants to return to the capital of Consenza that I can't bring the corpses there in case the cult members witnessed me. They can only be burried somewhere else.

I told those who left to have a one day rest. As for the monsters, only two werewolves died. I brought them back to Monsters Village to get the other werewolves bury them. I stayed for a while since I'm their king.

After the burial of the werwolves, I return back to the fake village since I can't leave for too long.

Next opponent could be harder than the dragon or the tortoise. I need to be prepared.


Meanwhile, in secret location where the cult's main base is located, the Archbishop is speaking with someone.

"How was it?" the Archbishop asked another cult member.

"We have just sent the monsters squad. We only have the artificial mages to send," the cult member replied.

"Are they ready to go?" Archbishop asked.

"Yes. They can leave as soon as possible."

"Hmm... Send them to the base nearby the capital right away. And tell them to get to the capital during the final. They should arrive right on time when everyone is not prepared because of the final. With them we can kill all kings at once," the Archbishop said.

"Understood. But do we really need to send them? I think including the monsters, we have sent more than enough to destroy a country."

"...Many times have our plan resulted in failure. And the Professor is missing as well. Even if those children won't do anything, there's nothing wrong about being too prepared."

The next wave will be the last one. And they were all the artificial master level children that Roy and the others afraid of.

The only hope Roy and the others have is the tool that Marie created with the help of Victoria. Because if that is not effective, Roy has no choice but to kill children. Something that must be avoided at all cost during war time.

Chapter 533: The Magic Tool is Done

The next few days was very quiet. There were some cult members roaming around, but they were never in a group of more than five. Just some cult members who wanted to pay a visit the fake village and never really part of the mobilizing army.

At least that's the information we received. We have tortured, charmed, and do various things for the investigation. And as a result, we still didn't find where their main base is.

"Sigh... If it's like this, our side will be too relaxed. By the time the enemy truly appears, we won't be ready to greet them," I said to myself.

It's a good thing that there are still enemies coming, but their number is too little and it's not enough to keep up our guard.

Even the generals agree with me that we have become too relaxed. We need to do something, so I opened a portal to somewhere with a lot of monsters once in a while. This way, we can let the soldiers and the monsters on our side to stay in shape for the real battle.

Over the few days, the tournament has progressed well. I heard that there's only one mage left from Arturo who will fight in the next round. That one will be defeated soon. And once all of the mages from Arturo are defeated, Albert will make a move to the fake king. That's what I heard from Sonia.

Also, the participants from our side who have lost were taken here using portal. Though not all.


Kayla lost against Celestine. Celestine's metal magic is stronger than Kayla's magic. It should be interesting to watch Celestine against Angela. Oh, wait. She goes by Celes to keep her identity secret. Though no one from the cult has ever recognize her just by covering her breasts.

And Julia lost against Shirley. I heard from Sonia that it was the most hyped match in the whole tournament even though it's not the final because the two of them are princesses. One is the sister of the King of Tatrama, and the other is the daughter of the King of Varadis.

It was a spectacular match of fire against ice. With ice being the winner of the bout.

But in the end, both Kayla and Julia were not here. They can't participate in the battle here. Though there aren't any.

Kayla's strategy and planning is much needed over there in case the cult somehow attacked the capital. Even if we're trying to stop them in this place, it's not like there won't be other cult members appearing from somewhere else.




As for Julia, she's old man Henry's daughter. She's staying there to protect old man Henry.

Which mean, Veronica can come here. So I called her here.

She was the guard of old man Henry. At least that's her disguise while the others are participating in the tournament.

But now that Julia has lost, Julia can be the one to protect old man Henry in case anything happen. And since Veronica was pretending to be weaker than expert level mage, once Julia came, no one will think much about Julia alone protecting old man Henry because she's stronger. That's why Veronica can leave.

It's great that we have someone as powerful as Veronica here.

"It's good that we don't have any battle, right? I'll just rest in one of the stone house. Call me if there's any battle. Also, bring me a lot of books to spend the time," Veronica said as soon as I transferred her here.

She entered one of the stone houses that was made by the cult back when they built this fake village. It became our base and the soldiers on our side used that place from time to time to rest or chat. But now, it has became Veronica's private house and no one dares to enter there. Except for those who knows her. Like Jewel, Sara, or me.

One reason everyone afraid of her was because she's the strongest expert level mage we have here. Though there are some other expert level mages, she alone stopped a mohawk's attack and killed him with her wind magic while other expert level mages needed to cooperate to bring down one.

Those mohawks were members of the cult which for some reason can only come to this place a few days after their group was supposed to come. Probably they arrive late because of maintenance. Like shampooing their mohawk or something.

One other reason that everyone afraid of Veronica is because they still couldn't trust her. She used to be a member of the cult. And someone at a pretty high status at that. A leader of a faction.

And when one of the generals asked her anything she knows, she said that she doesn't know anything despite being in a high position. That's why they don't know if they can trust her or not.

Though it's also the fault of the cult as well. Even among their own members, they keep a lot of secrets that other cult members with high status don't know.

But for Veronica who is an introvert, being able to stay in a house and do nothing but read to waste the time is good. And I know that even though she said that she's going to spend her time reading or doing nothing, she's diligently cultivating. She brought a lot of wind element magic stones.

Jewel and Sara were also diligently cultivating in that same stone house. There's nothing else to do anyway.

And then, the semi-final of the tournament is over. With Angela defeated Celestine, and Shirley managed to gain victory against the last mage from Arturo. Meaning the final match will be Angela against Shirley. And Celestine is willing to come to this side instead of protecting Lynn. The final will be held in a few days.

Well, with Julia, Mustache, and Kayla over there, even if Angela and Shirley will be busy, those three and the soldiers of Consenza should be able to stop the cult from hurting the kings. Except for the fake king. He can be hurt as much as possible.

Another good news! Marie and Victoria's magic tool is complete! Now, what we need to do is to use it in a real battle to stop the artificial master level children.

I opened a portal to get Victoria back here again. She helped me fighting the fire dragon previously. And after we're done, I brought her back to Marie's side after she gave me more Blobbies.

"With the time we had, we could only make two of them. Roy, you will take one. As for the other..."

"I'll transport you to Albert's side. It will be safer that way. Or do you want me to just bring the tool instead and bring you back home to Tatrama? Don't you miss Albert?"

I interrupted Marie as I suggested her to visit Albert. Her children were also in the capital of Consenza. Though only Alan stayed with him. As for Lana, she is with Daniel and the others. Being watched by Sophie.

And by using Sophie's status as Angela's and Kayla's friend, Albert can get Lana to meet Albert when Albert arranged a dinner for the participants from Tatrama.

Lana is smart enough to act, and she pretends to be a stranger with her father and brother. And slowly in the future, Albert will introduce Lana as his daughter and the twin sister of the crown prince, Alan. Her existence was kept secret because of the danger.

Just the crown prince being born, and Albert needed to experience many assassination attempts. But if the cult knows that the newborn daughter, Lana, has the aptitude in ice magic just as soon as she was born, the cult won't stop at anything to kill her.

That's why soon, after the war, when the power of the cult is declining, Albert will be able to introduce Lana to the world. He should have enough power to protect his family at that time.

"I'll go. It's been so long since I met Albert, Alan, and Lana. And I can't let him stay with my body double all the time," Marie said.

So, after I brought Victoria and Marie here, I opened another portal to get Marie to Consenza.

"Tell me about the magic tool and how to use it," I said to Victoria who is in her human form.

"It's simple. Anyway, this is the tool," Victoria said.

We are currently in the stone house where Veronica is resting. Veronica, Celestine, Sara, Jewel, and the generals are here to listen to Victoria's explanation.

Victoria put a cube the size of a fist on the table. That cube has a button in the middle.

"All you need to do is to press this button. Once you do, the box will let out a sound that only children could hear. Probably teenagers could hear it as well. That sound, with the help of Russell, and Marie, has the power to make those who hear it to feel dizziness in their brain. Use that chance to subdue the children and transport them into a room in Varadis where I left my clone. In that room, the sound will keep on sounding. But for this box, it will only let out the sound for five seconds. After that, it needs thirty minutes of cooldown until you can use it again," Victoria explained.

A sound that only children can hear? That's interesting. I'd like to hear more.

Chapter 534: Testing the New Magic Item

"A sound that only children can hear? Is there such thing?"

Jewel asked something that we're all curious about. What about adults? Is there any effect on adult?

"You know how old people's hearing turned bad, right? That's because as you grow older, some of your senses will grow duller. Even people in their twenties could have worse hearing than teenagers just a few years younger than them. Though if they are perfectly healthy, even adult can have better hearing. And since these children are experimental subjects that have gotten their physical abilities reached it's maximum potential, their hearing should good enough. It's something I learned in the past," Victoria explained.

I see. As expected from a world which is more advanced than this.

As a doctor, in my past life, I had experience dealing with old people whose hearing, eyesight, sense of smell, sense of taste, or even their sense of touch dulled. And we think that's normal. But who would have thought that people's sense can deteriorate naturally even at the age of twenty?

Though I'm lucky that I'm an Aura user. Which mean I have better senses than normal people.

"This tool, which hasn't been named yet, will make a noise only children can hear. We have experimented on it until adult can no longer hear it, so it should be fine. And if there are any adult artificial master level mages, none of you have problem killing them even if these tool doesn't work on them. We're still trying to invent something that will stop only the artificial master level mages no matter the age, but since we're in a hurry, we decided to only stop the children first," Victoria continued her explanation.


Seems like what makes the progress of the creation of this magic tool stalled for this long was because of this. Marie, Victoria, and everyone involved in the invention of this tool, were trying to make sure that only children can hear it. And if she said that it has been completed, we are safe.

"Once the children affected by the noise, it will automatically stopped their brainwashing and give them painful headache. That painful headache is actually because of hypnosis magic that will undo any other hypnosis in effect. Though it was not that strong, so the effect will be temporary. Like I said before, it will only made the sound for five seconds. After that, the tool needed around thirty minutes until you can use it again after it collect enough mana from the surrounding," Victoria said.

"Five seconds? That seem to be so short. We won't be able to do much in that five seconds. And thirty minutes cooldown? That's too long in a war. If only you could create more of this tool, we can cover that weakness. Unfortunately, there are only two of them. And one is needed at the capital of Consenza to protect the kings. We need strategy," Jewel said.

Oh, as expected from my disciple. She's smart and have started to think like Kayla. Wait, that sounds more like she's Kayla's disciple than mine.

Well, she's still a long way to go. Before we start thinking of the strategy, we need to check on something first.

"Before talking about the strategy, we need to check the effect of the magic tool on the surrounding area. How wide is the range, and if there are anyone among us who will get affected by the sound that this tool created. Let's take this outside and gather everyone. Including the monsters," I said.

Once everyone gathered, we will try testing on this magic tool which hasn't been named yet. And as courtesy, I don't have the right to give it a name. Why!?

I mean, I know that I have terrible naming sense. But why as courtesy? At least it's fine giving it idea, right?

"For now, we will call it, Noise Bomb. Until Marie decided something else," Victoria said while we're waiting for everyone to gather.

Soon enough, everyone is gathering around us. We told them to be as close as possible and make it cramped. We're so close to each other that we couldn't even able to move. Though for me, I stuck my feet on a tree with Aura. While some other mages are flying with their wind magic.

Victoria is with me, while the Noise Bomb will be activated by Jewel who is interested in it. Rather, if it only affect children, won't she be the one who got affected the most? She's the youngest here after all.

Well, that's also because if she got affected by the noise, she can stop the noise by pressing the button again. Good thing that Marie created it so it can be stopped right away after pressing it.

"Is everyone ready? If so, I will press the button in THREE! TWO! ONE! NOW!" Jewel suddenly shouted at the end.

Does she really need to shout like that for the signal? But before I could think of anything else, she pressed the button.


Surprisingly, I'm the only one who got affected by the noise. No one else but me can hear the ringing loud noise that came from that box. It's truly is a Noise Bomb. No one can concentrate when they are under this loud noise. I even fall from the tree, while the others below me avoid me instead of helping.

Even the monsters who were supposed to have better senses than humans can't hear it. Only me.

Even if there's no hypnosis effect on the noise, just this loud sound alone is enough for anyone who hears it to be in trouble.

"Oh, Master is the only one who got affected. I guess it's fine. He's also the most childish one here, so it's normal for him to be affected," Jewel said.

"JUST STOP IT!" I shouted.

"No can do, Master. This is still a test. And we need to see if the duration is really five seconds. And it's better if it's longer than that, right? Please accept to be the sacrifice," Jewel said.


"Not really. We haven't tested it in a real battle, so more testing is needed," Victoria said after she turn herself into her human form next to me.

"AAAH! WHY IS IT SO LONG!? Oh, it's finally over..." I said.

It's finally over. I think that's more than five seconds. It feels like eternity.

20 Extremely Special Beaches Around the World




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"...Seems like you're the only one affected by it, Master. How was it? Are there any side effects?" Jewel asked.

"There shouldn't be. Other than dizziness, there shouldn't be any other effect. Even the hypnosis effect will only affect those who have been brainwashed. So, for normal people, there's only headache. That's why other than dizziness, it should be safe to use even in the middle of a city. Though we need to be careful and use it only when there are no children nearby," Victoria replied instead of me.

As for me, I was there lying on the ground looking up at the sky. It was so bright.

"That's it, right? It's done?" I asked.

"No, Master. We need to gauge the distance as well. If we know how far this will affect the people, there are more things we can do," Jewel said.

"Also, since you're the one affected by it, I need to test if my clones, the Blobbies, can block the sound if you plug them into your ears. Though that will be for later. Until we can tell the range, you will suffer for a while," Victoria said.

"Why do I need to plug my ears? I can just find some place fa from here when you activate the Noise Bomb," I said.

"You're asking me that? Then, tell me anyone else here who can move faster than you. Five second is a short time. And you're the only one who can move fast enough to subdue several children in that short time. That's why you need to suffer and see if the Blobbies can be used to block the sound. Have a rest for thirty minutes as we will activate it again right away. We also need to make sure the right duration of the cooldown," Victoria said.

...And I experienced hell that day.

Telling me that the cult is unlikely to arrive today, we used the whole day to experiment on the Noise Bomb.

I know that as an Aura user, my senses are much better than ordinary humans. But for it to be used like this, I wish I don't have powerful senses. Some of the soldiers also started calling me a child because it was supposed to be only children who can hear them.

After suffering for ten more times, it's finally over. Which mean, it has been around five hours since the start of the experiment.

We discovered that the Noise Bomb is most effective when the enemies are within twenty meters range. That's good to know.

Other than that, it's not five seconds. But around six and a half second. And the duration of the cooldown was twenty eight minutes, and twenty-one seconds.

And for the first time in a long time, I feel exhausted. Both physically and mentally.

"I see. So, the result is exactly the same as what we found before coming here. Well, it's good that we double checked it," Victoria said.

...So, she already know the exact distance and duration for the Noise Bomb, but she still wants to check it again.


Chapter 535: They are Here

Unsurprisingly, I slept for more than twelve hours after the experiment. It's good that Elsie is here, so she can watch over the surrounding.

But twelve hours during a war? At least there are no strong enemies coming yet.

I heard that there was one mohawk approaching, but that mohawk has been defeated by Celestine alone. That mohawk is not a child, so Celestine can kill that one without wasting much effort.

Still, the artificial master level children are not here yet. And they probably won't just come on their own. There will be some adult artificial master level mages with them as well. Although they can be killed, if there are too many of them, it's difficult to do so.

And right now, we are discussing the what ifs with the others. What if there are too many children? What if they won't come here?

"If there are too many children, we will use the Noise Bomb where they are concentrated the most. The strategy is to gather as many children as possible in one area where the Noise Bomb will be activated. Within that twenty meters range, we will get as many artificial master level children as possible. And within that five or six seconds, Master will made them unable to move, and then Master will open a portal to where they will be caged," Kayla suggested an idea.

It's good that she has became so smart. Though I want her to be able to control her voice like this as much as possible.


Even though she's the youngest, no one thinks that she's not suited for being a strategist. Everyone agreed to her plan.

This is war. Pride is useless here.

So what if you're older, younger, a man, a woman, or whatever you are? Right person in the right place. That's what's needed to win this war.

"Also, about those children who retreated, Master can just use portal to where they are located using the Blobbies he has spread in the surrounding area to chase after them. That's the best we can do at the moment," Jewel said.

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...And she's such a slave driver. She knows that I'm her Master, right? I'm the one who taught her how to think in the first place. Although in the end she learned more from Kayla, she's still calling me her Master. But is this how she gives instruction to her Master? I'm sad.

But that is a good plan indeed. Making me move on my own gives me the chance to do anything I want without caring about other people seeing me. Just in case the Noise Bomb is in cooldown, and the artificial master level children are too strong.

"Also, during the war against the artificial master level children, I won't be able to give instruction well. It's because my ears will be plugged and I won't be able to hear anything no matter how good my hearing sense is. If you have anything you want to convey to me, talk to Victoria instead," I said.

Using Blobbies, I can protect myself from the dizzying ringing sound of the Noise Bomb. But I won't be able to listen to anyone talking as well. My lip-reading skill? Don't count on it.

Though since Victoria is here now, I don't need to mind how many Blobbies I used. Still, using two for earplugs was not enough. I need to cover my ears again with ear muffs or something that will make me completely lose my hearing.

I can still hear something, but it's just the blood dlow in my ear. And that's actually scary in a way to hear that for a long time. So, I hope I won't have to wear them for a long time.

"Though there's one more thing that disturbs me," I said while we're still in the middle of the discussion.

"What is it?" Victoria asked.

"So far, we can face the enemies here because the fake village is their destination stop before they can attack the capital. But what if the artificial master level children were told to go straight away to the capital without making a stop? They might ignore us and continue with their mission. And as we have talked before, one of the possibilities is that they won't come through this way. If that's the case, then the real battle can only happen in the capital of Consenza. That's what we need to avoid at all cost," I said.

"You don't need to worry about that."

All of a sudden, a ghost appears next to me and said that we don't have to worry about the capital.

"Has Albert finally done it?" I asked Sonia.

"Yes. Since the final is coming soon, and the participants from Arturo has been defeated, Albert subdued the fake king along with his escorts. After that, Lynn made a speech to everyone in the capital about the truth behind the tournament, and how the kingdom of Arturo has fallen under the cult's control. She asked the citizens to take refugee somewhere safe before the enemy arrives," Sonia said.

"So, the capital is empty?" Celestine asked.

"No. Albert, Lynn, and Henry are all there with the others. The final will still happen because that is a way to make sure the enemy will target the arena while the citizens will stay at the capital and will move right away to safety once there are enemies coming. They can still watch the battle from the screen that was installed, but they can't watch it directly in the arena," Sonia said.

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"...Doesn't it mean it's better for us to just stay at the capital and protect everyone rather than staying here?" one of the generals asked.

"That's impossible. We can also delay the enemy from arriving at the capital or the arena as long as possible. Also, the citizens are people. Not all of them will believe what we say. And some of them might be cult members in disguise. They will tell the citizens that Lynn was lying and they will still roam around in the capital or even go to the arena. It's difficult to get many people to believe you," I said.

I think the real battle will be in the arena and the place around it. Angela and Shirley will be tired when the enemy arrives since they were in the middle of a battle. Maybe I'll send Graham over there, so he and Kayla can heal the two of them right away once the enemy arrives. Good thing the angels have started listening to me now instead of following Graham all the time. Without Graham here, they will still follow my order.

According to Sonia, many of the citizens are staying in the capital. And only the soldiers and some hunters who didn't care about the war watched the final directly in the arena.

Though Albert and the others are there as well as the bait. But with Kayla and the others protecting them, they are in safe hands.

In case they need to escape, Sonia will contact me and have them transported using portal. Also, if the enemies are children, Marie can just activate the Noise Bomb to delay them. During that five or six seconds, Kayla's earth magic should be enough to protect them for a few minutes until I arrive if I'm not busy. And if she can protect them until the Noise Bomb's cooldown is over, Marie can activate it once again.

We talked more and more about what happened in the capital prior to the final, and more strategy we needed to do. The enemy will surely come around this time, so we finished our discussion and get everyone rested while Elsie will keep watching the surrounding.

There must be a reason why they built this village here. One of the reason is because it's right in the middle of where the cult members who will join the war are gathering, and the capital city of Consenza. Though it's unlikely for that place to be the main base of the cult.

And even if they are artificial master level mage, they will need food and water to fill themselves. Although they can get rid of those things if they somehow managed to capture Victoria, I won't let them.

After getting few hours of rest, at noon, Elsie finally sees something. And I also used Divine Vision to look at where she's looking at.

There are several people with mohawk hairstyle flying in the sky. Some of them are children. And they are really going this way. If they keep flying straight, they will arrive at the capital.

"They are coming! They have children as well! Make sure to attack them and gain their attention so they will stop here! Make sure none of them fly through to the capital!" I shouted before I cover my ears. From now on, I won't be able to hear anything.

Those artificial master level mages are varies. Not all of them are children, so the Noise Bomb might not work on all of them. But they will still work on the children, so at least we can stop the children here. As for those who are not children, we can only hope that they will die. Either by someone here, or someone in the capital.

"One of the greatest sins the cult ever did is obvious. Child abuse. Look at how they force children to have such hairstyle. We have to save those children!" I said to myself.

I think someone is saying something, but at this time, I can't hear anything. Well, I don't think it's important anyway. If it does, she will talk directly to my ear since one of the earplugs is actually her.

It's time to give lessons to the children of the cult. Mohawk is not an ideal hairstyle for children!

Chapter 536: The Noise Bomb is Very Effective

The strategy is to gain those artificial master level mages' attention and stop them before they can arrive at their destination, the capital of Consenza.

From what I can see, there are only wind mages coming. Children or adults, they are all flying on their own. My guess is that there will be more coming, but for now, only the wind mages move first because they are fast.

And seeing how they didn't fly too fast despite being an artificial master level mages, prove my deduction. Maybe the rest of the artificial master level mages will arrive soon by foot. They want to let the other artificial master level mages to catch up sooner or later. Though it's just my guess.

None of them are going directly to the fake village. They are slightly away from it. They have no intention in stopping at the fake village.

They are too far, but the werewolves, the angels, and the vampires approached them by flying in high speed toward the artificial mater level mages. Because those mohawks didn't fly at high speed, the monsters can reach them and attack them.

Unfortunately, some of the mohawks managed to pass the monsters. Though they are the adults. As for the children, all of them are being delayed by the monsters.

The monsters agreed to stop the children without killing them. But once I activated the Noise Bomb, the monsters will fight the adult mohawks.


The plan is for when the children got affected by the Noise Bomb, I will open a portal and transport them to a cage where the noise never stops. A place that Marie, Victoria, and the others prepared back in Varadis to held these children.

Actually, I can just open a portal there right away, and get the children affected by the noise. Using that place, there's no need to wait for a cooldown and the effect was longer than just five or six seconds. But as I keep saying from the start, I need to save my magic in case of emergency.

After all, if the adult mohawks or some other mohawks managed to pass us and go to the capital of Consenza, I need to move there as well to protect the others. And with the mohawks possibly spread all over the places, I will probably end up wasting my mana too much if I keep using a portal.

Well, that's why I will need to keep on using the Noise Bomb instead. Marie and Victoria actually made the boxes and the cage while keeping my ability in their mind. If I need to use the Noise Bomb while it's still in cooldown time, I can just open a portal to the cage in Varadis. Very convenient, but I hope I won't use magic too much.

In the sky, the monsters are fighting the mohawk children. And those who managed to pass them, the shooting squad were shooting at them. Although those mohawks can still block the bullets with their magic shield, they slowed down considerable. And when that happen, Veronica and some other wind mages fly toward those mohawks and to fight them.

If it's just one on one, Veronica alone is enough to defeat them. But there are too many of them, and focusing on just one enemy is difficult since she's also paying her attention to her allies who are fighting with her.




Despite being an introvert and how much she loves her alone time, she cares about other people around her. She's not just a girl with big ass. She's a kind introverted girl with big ass.

All of that happened in silent. Actually, they might be so loud, but I can't hear it at all. Though this time, Victoria helped me making sound effects of what's happening right in my ear.

"Bang! Boom! Bang! Bang! Whooosh! You will die here! Awooo! Meow!"

"Okay, you don't have to make sound effects anymore. That's actually disturbing. And who the hell is meowing!? There's no cat monsters at all in sight!" I said to the Black Slime.

"Well, thought that you will be lonely when you can't hear anything. So, I help you with saying what's happening out there. As for the meowing, that was me," Victoria said.

"Stop that! Anyway, it's time to move," I said as I fly toward the mohawks that the monsters are facing. The artificial master level children.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!"

"I said enough! You don't need to make the sound effect of my footsteps!"

Even after I said that, Victoria didn't stop. I guess she's feeling lonely after being away from me. Though I wish she knows that this is not the right time for it.

I reached where the mohawk children are flying among the "Wooosh!", and "Bang!". There are some children who are too far from the range, so I grabbed them, and threw them into the middle.

Now that all the children all within range, I grabbed the Noise Bomb and pressed the only button on it.


"You don't need to say it!"

And Victoria is still making the sound effect. I was just pressing a button though.

And after I pressed the button, all the children around me covered their ears as the started falling down since they can't focus on flying anymore. But since the monsters are here, they can help the children before they hit the ground.

I know that feeling. That feeling of dizziness that you can't do anything about. Maybe if I trained my Aura to cover my hearing instead of enhancing it, I can activate this without needing Victoria or Blobbies.

But the difference of effect to the children and to me, is that when I heard the ringing noise from the Noise Bomb, I will just get dizzy. But for these children, after the first second of dizziness, they all have blank expression. I guess the hypnosis in the sound is very effective to the children.

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By the way, I also started falling down to land on the ground when the children started falling. It's to make sure that they are all within range.

The effect is just six seconds. But no matter what kind of experiment they went through, they are still humans. And they need some time to clear their mind after the dizziness, so it should give us a few more seconds.

And that's more than enough.

As the monsters carried the children with blank expression on their faces, they gathered together so they can get them into the portal that I will open.

And when I opened the portal, the monsters hurriedly put the children inside before leaving the portal. They want to fight the adult artificial master level mages as soon as possible.

I was greeted by Russell who is ready to undo the children's hypnosis. He's saying something, but I couldn't hear him at all so I close the portal. I can't keep it open for too long, or the rest of the mohawks who sensed my portal will realize what it was.

"Why didn't you say anything when Russell was talking, but keep making weird sound like "Boom" and "Bang"? I asked Victoria who resumed to make sound effects of the battle.

"It's nothing important. Just Russell saying something like "Leave it to me". There's no need for me to repeat his words," Victoria replied.

"Anyway, you don't need to cover my ears anymore until we see other children. Although the Professor said that the experimented children were his greatest creation, there are still many adult artificial master level mages with the enemy. Some of them were managed to escape from us. At least we need to kill as many of them as possible to make things easier for those in the capital," I said.

This time, Victoria no longer covering my ears anymore. And I can hear the "Bang", the "Boom", and the "Whoosh" on my own. And there's really no one meowing.

Some of the artificial master level mages were killed. But we're not without casualties. Some of our friends have fallen as well when the angels didn't have enough time to heal them.

We planned things too rashly this time because we heard of the artificial master level children. We never thought of the adult artificial master level mages at all. We never considered them to be double the number of the artificial master level children.

We prioritize the children. That's why in this battle, many of our allies have fallen.

We can just ignore the fact that they are children and fight everyone from the start. But that means we need to kill children. That's not something that can be accepted by many of us. And we might end up fighting each other instead. Can't have that happen.

As I keep fighting the mohawks, some of them still managed to escape. We have too few of us who can defeat them. That's why they can still escape.

And the worst part was that one of them retreated back to where they came from after watching me fight.

I guess this is it. We can no longer keep the fact that I'm an Aura user as secret. And the cult will probably focusing all their strength in finding me and kill me.

Well, it was actually amazing how I can keep it as secret for this long. And I can only fight as usual. There won't be any change as I keep fighting and protecting those important to me.

Chapter 537: Using Andro's Intimidation

Now that the cooldown of the Noise Bomb is over. But we still can't use it yet since there are no children anymore here. Only adult artificial master level mages.

We have been fighting these mohawks ever since we captured the children. But we only managed to defeat a few of them, and some of them managed to break out of the encirclement. They are already on their way to the capital of Consenza to kill Albert, Lynn, and old man Henry.

Well, no matter how fast they are, they won't be able to reach the capital right away. That's why for now, I will help fighting the enemies here.

And I really want to stop the artificial master level mage who retreated when he recognized me as an Aura user. But he flied back to where he came from faster than when he was flying here. It's impossible to catch up to him, and there are no Blobbies in that area where I can open up a portal to.

It's impossible for me to stop him from reporting about my existence. I should give up on it and focus more on what's happening around me. As for what I should do after their Evil God knows that I'm an Aura user, I'll think about it later. And there are many people who would help me thinking of what to do as well.

It's also a good thing that I, who had terrible memory of remembering people's names and faces, actually memorized the retreating artificial master level mages. I mean, who can forget the face of an old man with white mohawk, white beard, and a huge mole on his forehead? I can't.

If I ever see him again, I will try to capture him and try to get any kind of information from him. Where did he go to report? Who is the person he reported to? And what kind of report was given.


If he somehow forgets my appearance, the cult won't know that I'm the Aura user. They will still know that an Aura user exist, but they won't know who the person is. Though I can't have faith in those mohawks. They are too honest. And he will try to remember me at all cost. Unless the person he gave the report to is the stupid one and didn't ask about my appearance. Let's just hope that the worst won't come.

But so what if they know that I'm the Aura user? I can just get people important to me to take refugee in a safe place. In the Monsters World. Either at the Monster Village, or on Andro's back. They will be safe there.

Still, there are many people who want to fight alongside me. So, I guess it won't be everyone. And with my portal, we can just go anywhere.

Well, not anywhere. Just the place where I installed Blobbies beforehand. Though there were many places.

Since I couldn't catch up with the retreating forehead-mole mohawk, I was thinking of fighting here a bit more before I transport to the capital. Although Sonia has reported the mohawks who break out of our encirclement, they might want to hear it from me directly. Though I need to kill the mohawks here first..

But another unforeseen situation came.

The mohawk in front of me, whose heart was stabbed by my Reizpear, didn't die instantly. And instead, he grabbed hold of my spear without letting it go, as he took a deep breath before shouting.

"This guy is an Aura user! Kill him!" the mohawk shouted.

Hearing that, some of the mohawks recognize me as a threat. Some tried to escape, but Spot, Shelia, Arin, Veronica, Celestine, Jewel, and the shooting squads led by Sara, stopped them. And some other mohawks ignored the attack from the others as they tried to surround me and kill me.

"Uh-oh. The cat's out of the bag," Victoria said.

"I expected this to happen after seeing that forehead-mole mohawk retreated. Well, I guess I need to kill them first before the next batch of mohawks are coming," I said.

"There will be more?" Victoria asked.

"Of course there are. Can't you see that the ones here are all artificial master level wind mages? There should be more coming from other elements. I thought of trying to kill those who are going to the capital first before returning here, but I guess that's impossible," I replied.

"I see. With your estimation, how long until the rest of the mohawks come?" Victoria asked.

"If they are marching without rest, they shoud be arriving by dusk. That's just an estimation, so we can't really tell when they will come," I said.

"Well, the only thing you can do now is to fight. Good luck!"

"Don't say good luck as if you won't participate in the fight! I need you as my weapon, armor, and partner!" I shouted.

The Reizpear I had in hand, was hold onto very tight and strong by the mohawk I stabbed. So, I just let it go as I used Victoria as my shield to protect me from another mohawk's Wind Slash. The mohawk I killed fell to the ground with Reizpear still pierced his chest, but for now, I won't care anymore.

The battle was conducted in the sky most of the time. But since there are wind mages among the soldier who can fly, they helped Jewel to fly as she's shooting the mohawks with lightning magic. As for Celestine, she was doing something else.

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She can't fly. And if she's in the sky, she won't be able to use earth magic as powerful as she was when she's on the ground. So instead, she raised the ground to be so high that her earth magic can hit those artificial master level wind mages.

Though right now, they are all busy, so I need to fight five mohawks on my own after the mohawk I killed informed them about me being an Aura user.

But in the end, they are all wind mages. Their attacks were only limited to wind magic as their other elements were too weak to use against me. So, they are all pretty predictable for me.

Still, fighting five mohawks at the same time is a bit too much even for me. I need to at least defeat one of them. But if I just focus on one person, the other mohawks might choose that chance to escape. Either they would retreat to inform their higher ups, or they're going to the capital of Consenza.

Five enemies at once, huh? At most, I can only use two weapons at the same time and kill two of them. But that will be difficult. Though I still have secret move. Portal.

And this portal, I won't use it to move me somewhere else. But instead, I will connect the portal to Andro's location. I had informed him beforehand, that the next time I opened a portal toward his location, he needs to use his intimidation as powerful as possible.

Our side might have some people paralyzed by fear even though I have informed them about how powerful Andro is, but at least they won't die. I hope.

As I opened the portal, the eye of the Kaiser Dragon is in sight. And Andro realizes that he needs to infuse intimidation and spread it all the way over here. I just hope that he's far from any living beings in that world.

The mohawks sensed Andro's intimidation, and got paralyzed. I used that moment when they drop their guard to kill them each with one slash as fluid and as strong as possible using Victokatana.

The effect of Andro's intimidation was tremendous. Not only the five around me, but all the living beings nearby got affected as well. Even Spot who is fighting two mohawks high in the sky. Though he received Andro's intimidation a few times, so he's used to it.

Veronica, Celestine, Jewel, and some others were strong enough to endure Andro's intimidation as they finished off the enemies they are facing. But many of us also paralyzed and unable to move. Though I don't think the mohawks will be able to focus on them and kill them. Instead, they will focus their sight on me who has just closed the portal.

What now? I killed five, but there are more coming. Oh, Celestine and Veronica are here to help. I guess I won't fight alone from now.

"The enemy is losing! Keep fighting!"

I shouted to raise the morale of the soldiers who were afraid of Andro's intimidation. And after they heard my shout, they started to stand back up again and ready to fight.

Seeing their enemies focused on me, a group of soldier managed to bring down two mohawks. This is teamwork. A teamwork where I do most of the things alone, and have the rest take care of the leftovers.

If it goes on, we should be able to clear the enemies before sunset. And we might be able to get some rest before their main force arriving.

Chapter 538: Re-learning Swordsmanship Again

Oh well, there's actually a summoner hidden among the artificial master level mages here. Although this one is not a dragon, it is still a strong monster. It's the lava monster that's similar to the lava monster that I fought back then, but this one seems bigger and stronger.

Since there are no expert level ice mages with us, the battle will be difficult. And I am currently being surrounded by the mohawks, so I can't fight that lava monster.

"Keep your distance! Don't fight too close to the monster!" I shouted while in the middle of the enemies' attack. Though I dodged them and counter attacked to kill one of the mohawks.

I feel like I have became stronger now. The artificial master level mages who were so hard for me to kill back then, I can kill them in one hit. Still, no matter how strong they are, they are still just artificial master level mages. Even if I can break through their magic shield since they are not as strong as real master level mages. At least that's what I thought.

And now that someone from the cult will report about the existence of me, an Aura user, the cult might send an assassin at the level of master level mage to kill me.

...If it's at the level of master level mage, it won't be an assassination. But it's at the level of massacre as they would kill other people as well.

Well, since I'm going to face them either way, I'll use this chance to get stronger as well. I will keep on getting stronger in every fight until I can kill even master level mage with just one attack.


Although the real master level mage shouldn't be as strong as the artificial master level mage physically, their defensive magic should be much stronger. And I need to be able to pierce through that shield.

Thanks to Andro's intimidation, we have killed more mohawks. But there are still some of them left, and some even managed to broke through and go toward the capital. Once the battle here is over, I'll get some people return back to the capital. They will prepare the battlefield near the arena. Though I wonder if Angela and Shirley's fight will still happen? It should be the day after tomorrow, right?

Using the speed of the flying artificial master level mage, they should be arriving at the capital tomorrow afternoon. And possibly, the rest of the mohawks that haven't come here yet as they are traveling on foot, will arrive at the capital in the morning of the final. That's just an estimation. Though if they follow the order to kill the kings during the final, they should be waiting for the final match to reach its climax.

Well, sooner or later, Sonia should appear and inform us of the information that Russell received in Varadis. After removing the hypnosis, he said that he will be the one asking the children of what they know. And we will know of their plan. Though that will happen only if those children that we caught know about the information.




And as the artificial master level mages are loyal to their orders, if they were told to wait to kill the kings when the final match started, they will do it.

I keep thinking of what will happen as I swung Victokatana. I have learned spearmanship from the angels, so I'm thinking of learning swordsmanship again here. Hopefully, learning both spearmanship and swordsmanship will help me get stronger. I feel like my spearmanship won't get any better. And the only thing I can do is improve my strength. That's why I learned about swordsmanship instead since I can improve my strength anytime I want. I mean anytime I can. It's not like I can do some pushups in the middle of the war.

Using any kind of weapons to slash, there's a technique to make the slash sharper and stronger. And that's what I'm learning from using Victokatana. I hope my slash in using other weapons will get stronger.

Using the spear, I can slash the enemy from further distance. Or I can grab the top half of the spear to make the slash shorter and faster. But for katana, the handle is shorter.

Using this fight, I re-learning again about swordsmanship with Victoria guiding me. She was a swordswoman in her past life, so she knows a thing or two.

"It's been a while since I teach you some skills. You want to learn them again?" Victoria asked me in the middle of a fight.

"Anything to make me stronger," I said as I slashed the neck of an artificial master level mage.

They have been experimented so their muscles are stronger, but cutting their necks is easier to do now that I have become stronger, and my move become smoother in every slash.

"That's a good slash. But you used too much power for that. Try cutting their neck without using much power and only use the technique. Although you are a much stronger Aura user than I was, if you fight me purely with sword technique, you will lose," Victoria said.

When she's teaching me, she would become serious and not playing around. Though it was me who loves to play around more.

"Can I just make you sharper?" I asked Victoria.

"No. Use the sharpness that I have now. Even if you use Aura to make it sharper, don't use it too much. You want to be able to kill master level mage in one hit, right? Learn the proper technique first. It's good that you have gotten strong enough that we have leeway for you to learn something in the middle of a fight. But you're not strong enough to defeat real master level mage," Victoria said.

"Yeah, but I need to make sure the others are safe as well," I said.

"They should be fine. Ignore them if they are just injured since the angels can heal them. And they need this experience so they can get stronger. Even if their magic levels are weaker, they need this experience," Victoria said.

She's right. But when I see three artificial master level mages attacking Veronica, I can't just stand still. I ignored the mohawks around me, and killed one of the mohawks that were attacking Veronica so she can relax a bit more.

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"Thank you, but I can need to handle them alone. Fight your own battle," Veronica said after I saved her.

"See? I told you that your friends are not weak enough for you to worry about. At this level, even if they got injured, they can still fight. And the angels' healing should be enough for them to last until the end," Victoria said.

"Right, sorry. And I even gained more of their attentions instead. Well, it means I have more practice partner. Oh, can you go help the others instead? It will be better that way," I ordered Veronica.

"...Sure," she said.

Seems like she noticed that I know she can't concentrate on the battle. She keeps watching at how the others are doing. And seeing some people fell in the battle one by one and they were getting healed by the angels only to fall again, she just can't focus on her battle. That's why I interrupted her fight so she can go help the others.

With how good she is in magic control, she can make several people fly all over the place. Even those without flying magic, will be able to fly according to her will. That's how good she is.

And now that she's helping the others, they have more mobility in the air and can fight the enemies freely. Though I need to fight more mohawks in exchange.

"Well, let's focus on our fight as well," I said.

"Yeah, sure. Now, you need to train the basic again. You keep using horizontal or diagonal slashes because there were many opponents. But the most basic attack is the vertical slash. And if you are trained well in it, it can be your strongest attack. Unlike the hammer, this time, I won't change my weight. I will keep the same weight and sharpness of a katana and you need to kill them with vertical slashes. You can dodge their attacks, right?" Victoria asked after giving me some instructions.

"Easily. They are all wind mages, so I can more or less predict how they will attack. Let's finish things here so we can fight that lava monsters quickly. Although that monster hasn't killed anyone yet, its own appearance can intimidate our allies. And there aren't many powerful ice mages with us. I'll finish this in a flash and kill that lava monster as well," I said confidently while dodging the enemy's wind magic.

"...It's good that you can dodge their magic. But do you have to do that weird footwork?" Victoria asked.

What I'm using is the ostrich's footwork. It looks like I'm dancing to Victoria, so it's weird. But this is also the only footwork I know that can close the distance with the opponents easily.

If I use normal footwork, I need to dodge the enemy's magic further and it's difficult to get close to them. But with this footwork technique, I can dodge the enemy's attack with the slightest movement, and get close to the enemy without wasting my stamina too much. So, this is the best option.

"It's the greatest footwork skill. Don't complain," I said.

"But it's embarrassing to be seen with you when you do it. It's like you are dancing in the middle of a battle. Sigh..."

Well, can't help it. No matter how embarrassing it is, winning and surviving is more important.