
741 Meeting New Allies

The next day, I'm here in Arturo. The kings said that we're going to have a meeting here with the permission from Fabio.

Harold, Carmen, Bernard, Toni, and Luna are here as well. Still, even with how good her Future Sight is, I don't think it's a good idea to have Luna here. Though it was Luna herself who said that she wanted to come.

From Varadis, Old man Henry, Julia, and the future king, William, are coming. Though he might not be a king in the future if old man Henry decided to stay after reaching master level.

Looking at his level, he does concentrate on cultivating and try to reach the next level as soon as possible instead of getting stronger. Even at the expert level stage, other expert level mages feel much stronger than him.

Well, if it's him, his political power is much stronger than his magic power. In fact, even if he just staying alive and continue his job instead of fighting, that would be great.

From Consenza, Lynn, Claudia, and Celestine are here. And we asked them to bring some master level mages that helped us in the lawless country before.

It might be dangerous to bring master level mages who are former members of the cult. But Celestine and Veronica are both also former members of the cult. And we're confident that we can defeat them if they tried to do anything. It has been proven during the battle in the lawless country.

Of course Claudia sent some people to protect the kids. So even if the master level mages are not there, the kids can still be protected.

...They don't actually need protection from outside attack. Claudia has made it so that place is safe from the cult.


The only protection the kids need is protection from themselves in case they tried to do harm to other people. If they continue thinking that normal city is the same as the lawless country, they won't be able to live peacefully.

As from Tatrama, Albert, Marie, Mustache, Alan, and Lana are here. So this kingdom also brought kids here. At least Luna has friends to play with.

In fact, those three are the only kids here. And they are seated close to each other. With Julia behind them acting as their guardian while Marie will participate in the discussion.

Those three children are children of royalty. So they know a thing or two about politics. They won't cause trouble during the discussion.

Then, there's also Yuria and Patricia from Rygis. Those who have joined the alliance are here.

There are some other people who might be the newly joined members from smaller countries. I guess I missed a lot of things because I have been staying in Monsters World for a while. They are looking at me curiously.

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Since it's the first time I used portal to bring them in, they were shocked. I was also shocked when Albert and the others told me to bring them in. Good thing Victoria can tell where the clones that were given to those new members.

As for how, Victoria herself doesn't know it. She just thinks of where the clone is, and the location will be connected to my mind. And I can open a portal there.

"It's Magic World. The only explanation needed is because it's magic."

That's what Victoria told me when I asked.

Those new members just joined. And it's a good time as well for Albert to see if they are really saying the truth that they're going to fight the cult or not.

Then lastly, it's us. Me, Angela, Kayla, Wendy, Candy, and the others are here. We don't belong to any country even if we live in one. Derek and Randy joined us here. Though Derek also looked at the other master level mages from the lawless country. Maybe he wants to go over there?

We started with the introduction to the smaller kingdoms. Including Rygis.

Those smaller kingdoms joined because they have fought against the cult in their territory. And it was timely when someone from the alliance came over to visit. With just some messengers.

Though after their visit, they left and return back to those countries with soldiers and fought the cult. With the same goal in mind, to destroy the cult, those smaller countries joined. Or maybe coerced to join. I don't know.

I heard that those smaller kingdoms have something that they can trade to other countries. Like Rygis and wind magic stones. They have other rare objects that can be found in their kingdoms, and trade it to the alliance.

Unfortunately, they don't have master level mages. Unlike Rygis. But seeing how they have some expert level mages with them, I guess they are quite good.

And after the introduction by the smaller kingdoms, the four kingdoms also introduce themselves before the discussion finally started.

"And so, we're going to discuss about everything we have found so far. Including the hidden place that they used to deliver their supplies from," Fabio, as the host of the meeting, announced the beginning of the discussion.

"I have something to ask. Who are those people?"

One of the king from the smaller kingdoms pointed his hand at me and asked the other kings about who I am.

I am someone special. I am the only reason that we can fight against the cult so far. Though I think that will be informed to them later.

Since they just joined, they must not know about all of my achievements. And they will be informed about all the ongoing event and the past events that is related to the cult that happened so far. They need to get up-to-dates with the current news.

"They are... We can say that they are soldiers not related to any kingdom whose sole reason is to fight the cult. They are also registered hunters. So, while we can only send our own soldiers to a fight in our own territory, they can move freely. That way, they can help other countries first instead of having other countries to send their soldiers to the fight only to be counted as an attempt to invade. For who they are, that will also be included in our discussion. There are many things that we need to inform everyone here. Especially since you only meet us today," Fabio said.

As a young king, he already has the dignity of a king. Harold is looking at him with pride seeing his growth. Though he then looked at old man Henry with envy.

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I guess Harold also want to have a long life. But if his reason is to get more women, Carmen will stop him.

...But I think old man Henry himself wanted to get more wives. I mean he has a lot of wives. But I guess he's not as controversial as Harold since there are not many rumors about him.

"Does that mean they are mercenaries? I don't think that status is enough for them to be in this place," the king who asked who I was said.

I am not suited to be here? I'm literally the guy who brought them here. Does he want to be transported into the sea?

"That's very wrong. In fact, they are more suited to be here than you are. It's best if we start the discussion so all of you will know who they are."

It was old man Henry who said that. Even if he's focusing on increasing his level and leaving most of the job to William, he's still the current king of Varadis after all.

"But they are still commoners! They are not even nobles or have any high status! They don't deserve to be here!" the king keep complained.

"Oh, first time I've seen a king acting like a king from novels. I guess the four kings are just too unusual."

That's what Victoria whispers to me. But I guess that's true. I thought that Albert was like that as well. But in my past life, hearing how much effort he do to fight the cult made me realize that not all king are the same.

That's also why it was easy for me to approach him in this life. I already know how he really is.

But I already prepared this. I know what to do in this situation.

I snapped my fingers to get everyone's attention. And when all eyes are on me, I, who stood at the very back of the room, opened a portal behind me. A portal to the Monsters World.

And everyone who looks can see the werewolves behind me standing there and being intimidating.

"What if I say that I'm the king of the werewolves? Is that okay? Mind you that each of the werewolves that you see is stronger than most expert level mages. And several are strong enough to face against master level mages. So, do I have the qualification to be here?" I asked.

The werewolves are still in the location of the destroyed base. I guess after some mages came and entered there through the portal, the werewolves just want to fight them. That's why they stayed.

The newly joined kings and leaders of their country shut their mouth. Their own bodyguard that they brought was also late to protect their king as they only reacted a bit later.

"If you care about your status so much, I don't mind. But don't bring it here. We're here to destroy the cult. Not to fight among ourselves. But if you want a fight, I'm ready anytime."

After intimidating everyone with the werewolves, I close the portal. That should be enough. Though I still feel hostility from some people.

Maybe we should have some friendly match after this so they know what kind of enemy they will be facing. That way, they know how stupid they really are.

742 First Topic is About Me

No one is looking down on me anymore. After all, I'm also a king.

It might not be a king of a territory, or even a king of groups of humans. Just a king of a monster tribe. But if I want to, I can destroy any country with just the werewolves.

Not to mention that I also have angels and vampires who are willing to help me. And maybe some elves. I don't know what the elves are doing other than staying in the village in peace though. Maybe I'll start asking them to do something.

I heard from Lina that they have started make potions. But none of them are good enough to share with us. The potions they made have some side effects to humans. So Lina told them to continue researching until they can develop a potion without any side effects.

What I'm worried most is how they know that the potions they made have side effects only on human. How do they know? And to whom are the potions being experimented on?

I'll ask Lina later. I hope she's not using her own body to experiment on the potions.

"Well, let's truly start the meeting now. I'll start with introducing you all to Roy over there. A summoner, an air mage, and also the king of the werewolves. And it's not just werewolves. He also have angels, elves, and vampires under him. And he's also our strongest hidden card against the cult."

Fabio introduced me to the other kings who are still looking at me in fear.

Don't worry, as long as you're not in any way involved with the cult, I won't do anything to harm you.


"Hidden card? What else he can do other than summoning monsters... wait. How did he have so many monsters as summoner? That's not possible! Is he both a summoner and a tamer? That will make sense."

One of the king finally realized what was wrong with me.

"Well, I guess we'll start the discussion about Roy first. Since I'm the first one to meet him, I will be the one telling you about him," Albert stood from his seat and started introducing me.

He didn't tell the others that I came from the future. No one would believe that. And he also didn't tell them that I'm an Aura user either.

Well, that's natural. Albert has never meet any of them before since I was busy in investigating and planning things in the cult's base in the Monsters World. He still can't trust them yet. So he will see their reactions.

But he did tell them that I have a slime, a werewolf, an angel, and a horse as my familiars. None of them are normal monsters though.

"How did he get multiple familiars?" one of the kings asked.

Then it's Lynn's turn to tell everyone about the Pear-y Fruit's effect. She's the one telling the others because she has a lot of that fruits.

Well, for the alliance, Consenza Empire lacked something to trade with other countries since other countries don't lack in anything that Consenza already have. That's why I suggested that she grows Pear-y Fruit in her territory and share them.

Though it's still a secret. We don't want the cult to know anything about the fruit yet. So we will only share them to everyone in the alliance.

Growing that fruit is quite difficult. But thanks to Tia who got summoned by Lina to help growing the fruit, Consenza are now able to raise it. But it's still a rare fruit. And the cult has the most summoners so we can't just give it to anyone.

But there should be at least a few summoners belong to any of the countries here. So Lynn will trade the fruit with them.

She also told everyone how and when to eat the fruits. Because it won't have any other effect other than increasing the slot for summoners to have another familiar once they leveled up. It didn't even taste that good. Even normal pears taste better.

And now, all the kings are interested in summoners. And each of them indeed have summoners under them. Though we still need to test their loyalty first.

After that, it's my turn to explain about summoners. Including how to use portal. This way, other kings will probably have a summoner with them most of the time so they can move to a safe place if the summoners with them opened a portal for them.

I will also bring those summoners to the Monsters Village so they can have a safe place in Monsters World as a transfer point. Maybe as a home for their monster as well.

I also told them how summoners are the same as tamer in Monsters World. And it's possible for us summoners to make a contract with a much more powerful monsters there.

"I see. Then, how did you open a portal to our locations directly? There shouldn't be any monsters around us," another king asked.

"Because of me."

This time, Victoria explained it herself.

It's the first time that they see a monsters with intellect. And now they know how I can be the king of the werewolves when I only made a contract with one of them.

And they know that the present given to each of them is not just an accessory that they need to be in their person at all time. They are monsters.

"Does that mean I will have a piece of monster with me at all time," the king asked.

"Well, here's a demonstration of what that piece of monster can do to you."

I grabbed a chair and walked toward Albert. The bodyguards of the other kings must be thinking that their king could be in danger. But I'm only walking toward Albert. Mustache is staring at me with a scary expression, but he knows that it's something that we needed to demonstrate.

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I swung the chair at Albert who is acting very calm. The other kings were shocked to see that I attacked Albert all of a sudden.

Then suddenly, from his chest pocket, a black slime appears. The black slime then transformed into an armor protecting Albert from the impact of the chair.

I also didn't use Aura so Albert won't get hurt. Still, with just my physical strength, I barely made a crack on the Blobbyarmor.

"Well, as you can see, that piece of monster can protect you when you're in danger. So, not only I can go to your location if you have Victoria's clone, her clone can also protect you at least from an attack from advanced level mage. But if your opponent is expert level mage, it depends on the strength of their magic. If it's master level mage, there's nothing you can do though. But at least you can survive for a while longer just by carrying Victoria's clones," I said.

We have tested how quick can the Blobby transform when the carrier is in danger. They were set so they can transform as fast as possible.

Hearing that just carrying it can protect their lives, they asked for more.

"Unfortunately, even if Victoria can create as many clones as possible, I won't give you more than one. The cult knows about portal, but they don't know that summoner can also open a portal using clones of their contracted monster. So it is something that I will use as much as possible for other things like raiding their base," I said.

With this alone, everyone already knows how valuable I am. And no one should look down on me anymore.

"Excuse me for being rude, but I still don't think he is enough to be called as our strongest hidden card. He's still just a summoner and an air mage. Only his familiars are strong. The guy himself doesn't look strong."

All of a sudden, one guy complained. He's a bodyguard for one of the king who has just recently joined us.

I heard from Albert who was whispering to himself that their kingdom was almost destroyed by the cult. But the soldiers from Consenza arrive before they were completely destroyed.

When Lynn's messenger looked at the situation and tried to annex that kingdom, the king and the survivors rejected that idea. Even though there are so little people left after all the cult members were killed.

That makes his kingdom is the weakest. Maybe that's why they couldn't accept that someone who is just an air mage and a summoner be called as the strongest.

"Even if you don't like it, it's a fact. There are more important things to discuss rather than strength. So can you just be quiet and listen? There are a lot of stories to tell. Even one day won't be enough of it. We're going to continue with this for the next few days, right?" I asked Fabio.

"That's right. For that, we prepared documents for everyone to read. But even then, we need to discuss everything. So if you want to go back to your country instead of staying here, being hostile to Roy is a very bad idea since he's the only summoner who can transport you back home," Fabio said.

"Wait! I have the slime with me! How can I go back if there's no transfer point?" another king asked.

"When we visit your kingdom, the person who gave you that slime also brought several other slimes. They should still be in your residence since they are your guests of honor. I don't think there will be any trouble for you to return. Oh, by the way, Roy will give you another slime other than the one that will be with you at all time. Place it somewhere safe that he can use as a transfer point in your place," Fabio said.

There are far too many things to explain so I returned them back to their home. But Fabio gave them the documents needed for them to keep up-to-date with recent events. We will continue the discussion tomorrow and probably for the next few days.

For now, the meeting is over. The kings needed to cool their head down first with all the information they received today before they can read the document.

I asked Fabio about the documents and he said that it doesn't report about anything too important in case someone is secretly a member of the cult. We still need to confirm their purpose in joining us after all.

743 Talking About the Cult

The first meeting was about introduction. The newly joined members need to know everyone in the alliance.

I heard that there were some countries who refused for some reason. Those countries are still being watched by the spies to see if they are related to the cult or not.

I heard that the circus will go to a country that rejected the alliance soon. But I feel like I will be too busy to join them. I'll just leave it to everyone there. There are other clowns who can perform well albeit the fact that I'm much better than them.

...Man, I miss performing in front of an entire audience.

By the way, the fact that the circus members are also functioning as agents for the alliance to interact with smaller kingdoms is written in the documents given to each representatives in the alliance. So by now, everyone must have learned about it.

Even if the documents are neatly written, there must be a whole lot information that everyone need to process. Though I didn't read it.

Everyone was given. Including me, Angela, Kron, and even the bodyguards of the kings of the smaller countries. But I didn't read it.

My job is just to fight. Though if there's anything important I needed to know, Kayla will inform me about it. I already asked her to just tell me anything important that I might need to know about if there's any.

Yesterday, after the first meeting was over, Kayla read the entire documents. But she didn't tell me anything after she finished reading. So I guess there's nothing really important for me to know.


Which mean the documents didn't include the location of the place that Sonia scouted. I wonder where it is.

Also, last night, I entered Monsters World and waited at the destroyed base to see if there will be any other cult members who entered the portal to go there. The result, there were none.

I waited with the werewolves who have gotten bored and started sparring among themselves. But no one was coming.

I checked with my Divine Vision just in case, but within the range of my vision, there's nothing strange at all. Other than the occasional monsters who came and got themselves killed by the werewolves.

Which mean by now, the cult already knows that their base in Monsters World is already gone. There's not even some tamed monsters there.

We have destroyed one of their source to get powerful monsters. I don't know if there are other bases in Monsters World or not. But my guess is that there are several more of them.

The destroyed base was too far from the sea. But they somehow managed to tame a King Orca and several other sea monsters. So there should be at least a base here close to the sea. I asked some werewolves to scout near the sea just in case.

I also thought that there might be some master level mages who would camp outside for days, weeks, or even months, before they return back to the base. That's why we can't leave that destroyed base alone yet.

Today is the second day for the meeting. And like yesterday, I brought everyone back to Arturo. some of the kings and the bodyguards seem to be tired. Must be because they were up the whole night reading the reports.

"Well, we have finished the introduction yesterday. So it's best if we start our discussion for real this time. What we're going to discuss first is about the cult. Does anyone have any question from the documents you have received?" Fabio asked.

So it's just a question and answer session. I'm bored. Even Angela is sleeping. Maybe she should just left and train by herself.

Since I'm free, let's just read the documents I received. In the end, I need to read them.

The first page is about the cult first. The enemy. Maybe it's to make everyone aware the challenge ahead. Instead of about our alliance and the goal of our alliance, it started with the cult.

The question is mostly about the kings' curiosity about the so-called Evil God. Or what's called as the True God according to the believers.

"Then, anyone knows about the cult's real intention? About their faith, their God, or anything at all related to the cult?" Fabio asked.

I guess this is the real goal for having the cult mentioned first in the meeting. For Albert to use his lie detection ability to see if any of the newcomers are lying or not.

Fabio even asked them one by one about the cult. I don't need to see their reaction since Albert will just tell me about it if he finds any liar.

I just read the documents instead. Apparently, they didn't write anything about the Evil God was a human who killed Aura users to extinction. Or maybe I haven't read that part yet.

The wrote that there are factions inside the cult. But even though they fought against each other, they still believe in their True God.

It's also written that Celestine and Veronica were members of the cult. The master level mages from the cult that I brought here were shocked.

But they understand after hearing Celestine's explanation about different factions. Without ever being told what factions they were in before.

"Derek, do you know about Celestine and Veronica?" I asked Derek who is seated close to me.

"I don't know them personally. But I have heard that the big butt factions and big boob factions both had amazing representative. Seeing them here, I guess they were right. I also heard that the faction leader from each side were missing. I guess they joined you guys," he said.

Everyone heard what Derek said. And obviously, they started looking at Veronica's butt and Celestine's boobs. Those two have gotten used to it so they ignored them.

"Wait, is that man also a former member of the cult?" one king asked.

"Yes. I helped him with his revenge and he's going to help us with our mission. Don't worry because we have confirmed all the former cult members' loyalty. And it's not toward the cult or the Evil God. And having more master level mages would be great to increase our strength," I said.

Then I introduced those who were former members of the cult and have reached master level in their magic.

...I just pointed my finger at them and tell everyone that they are master level mages. I don't remember their names other than Derek.

"Oh, and the bodyguard of the representative from Rygis is also a master level mage. She's the only master level mage here who wasn't a member of the cult. Though her granddaughter was one. And we have put her in prison," I said.

"What?! I thought that she was someone's daughter! But she's a grandma?!"

Yeah. That's the obvious reaction that someone would have after seeing Patricia. I mean she does look like a kid.

Once she told me that her height never increase even when she was young. So as she increases her level, her appearance became younger and younger. And that made her look like a little girl.

She said that when she gave birth to her child, her appearance was a bit older than she is now. I guess she hadn't reached master level yet at that time.

Now the attention is turned to the former members of the cult and the master level mages. Patricia included.

"We have this many people reached master level? Don't you think that we can win easily then?" one optimistic king asked.

"Actually, there were more of them that we encountered. Most of them are dead though. And the rest have been captured. I don't think they will join us or leave the cult," I said.

"...Does that mean we will lose?" he asked again.

I didn't answer because Fabio stopped me from answering. I guess he wants to show everyone how capable he is even though he's only been a king for a short time.

"I believe everyone has read the reports, right? Then everyone knows that the cult is planning for world destruction. Maybe it will not just about the world. But the system as well. Killing kings, queens, emperors, and everyone in high position so they are free to do whatever they want. We have confirmed it with the cult members we interrogated. So, if we win, we can protect the world. If we lose, we all die. Even if you joined the cult, you will still die in the end. If you're thinking of joining hands with the cult, I suggest that you don't," Fabio said.

I see. They didn't mention why we know about the cult's real goal to destroy the world. I mean who would believe that I came from the future thanks to a slime from even distant future who witnessed the destruction of the world?

Though it did seem like these people were being coerced to join us. I guess they did experienced what the cult did to their own country. That's why they were willing to join us in the first place. And none of them actually thinking to join the cult. That is a good news.

Albert also told me that none of the people here were lying. None of them are related to the cult directly. But I guess we still need to investigate more about the people in their country later.

And the discussion progressed.

744 The Greatest Invention

The discussion continued to the 4th day. I have been taking everyone to Arturo and back four days in a row. But it wasn't as bad as that time in Monsters World where I have to open a portal for hundreds of people, fight, then open more portals, and more fighting, in just one day without much rest.

By the way, in the destroyed cult's base in Monsters World, I heard from Shelia that someone was just returning back after taming hundreds of strong monsters. But the werewolves were much stronger than them all. And Shelia killed the master level mage who was also a tamer.

That means we're right to have them stay there. There might be more coming, so it's a good thing that the werewolves stayed behind.

I also opened a portal to that place every two days and gave everyone food and new information from this side. Just to make the agents who stayed behind to not feel bored.

I also checked other places like the villages we raided and the lawless country. I brought some agents back so they can report it to us directly in the meeting. While the rest will return on their own.

That's right. Just walk on your own. Or maybe fly.

It has been a while since the discussion began, but Sonia still hasn't told us where the she had been. Is it another lawless country? Or maybe some sort of country that we have no idea of its existence about? Or maybe both? Or maybe neither?

But the only reason we haven't talked about it must be because we're still safe. The cult is probably still hasn't prepared anything to attack anyone yet thanks to the destroyed base.

They must be thinking that it's because of some powerful monsters. And those monsters are there waiting for more of them to come. They didn't connect the monsters to us on Earth because they still have no idea that our summoners can use portal as well.


So there's a high possibility that they will attack Monsters World first. Going to the destroyed base, and see all werewolves that seem strong and trying to tame them.

But we have proven them that our werewolves are stronger than their master level mages. we have defeated several of them. So they will have to send more master level mages if they want to get the werewolves.

But is it worth it to fight the werewolves and tame them?

I don't know. But the cult must have know by this time that conquering Monsters World is not easy. And they're going to destroy both this world and Monsters World in the future. So they will probably develop their strength first.

Possibly, they will get as many master level mage first before they start doing anything. But I could be wrong.

We're currently talking about what each agents in the villages I raided before found. Some of them seem to be useful.

The kings that recently joined still have a lot of questions. But Fabio, Albert, and the others who have been with me for so long, answered all the questions patiently.

"So, there are multiple people in the cult that are called Archbishop. And the one who wears a mask seem to be the big boss of the Archbishops who appointed those fake Archbishops just for shows. There are various theories about why he did that. But the most likely one is that each fake Archbishop is leading a group who made their own beliefs. Just like the factions that Veronica and Celestine lead before. And in case those group of people cause some trouble, the soldiers will fight them and they will think that we will stop after we think that the Archbishop is the highest position and they are not related to other factions."

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Fabio summarized everything that we have found and discussed today.

That seem likely. This way, if a faction act like the good guy, once another faction acted like the bad guy, the good guy faction won't be suspected even though they should be on the same side. So there only be one faction that will fight us.

But isn't it already too late by this time to think about that? Maybe they have done so for a long time already. And we just found out about it.

But I guess the cult didn't expect that we would found out about it very soon. And they might not know it yet.

Hmm... but several of the Archbishop has been captured and killed. So they will obviously know about it soon. I guess we just have to keep our eyes open to any incoming attack.

The discussion then continued to Sonia. And we started introducing Sonia to everyone.

This is a ghost. Ghost can teleport. Ghost relay messages. Ghost is very great!

Is what I will say if I'm the one introducing Sonia to everyone. But I'll just let the king do it.

In the Blobbies that were given to the kings at first, there's a small amount of Sonia's soil which will allow her to teleport to their location.

This means that Sonia will get even busier. Maybe I shouldn't have killed her harem right away when I first met her. They could be a great help to her.

But I also never thought that Sonia will be used this way. And I have never heard of her making a complaint about how busy she is. I guess she can still handle it.

"I will try my best to relay messages as fast as possible, but it would be difficult if I have several people contacting me at once. But I might not be needed as much anymore thanks to Marie's invention," Sonia said.

Wait, what? A new invention? Is that why she brought along those things when I brought them over?

When I brought them to Arturo, Marie asked me to also bring her inventions. It's looks like black hand mirror with a lot of mechanism inside it.

"Huhu... It's finally here! The era of phone is here!"

All of a sudden, Victoria shouted.

We haven't told them all that Victoria came from another world. But she's acting weird now.

So, those black mirrors are phones, huh? The thing that made Victoria so happy.

Marie showed the phones and demonstrate it in front of everyone.

"I made this thing called a phone. In which you can call or even send a text message to another person whom you have registered in your phone," Marie said as she demonstrate it.

Then she played with the so-called phone. The mirror suddenly turn bright. But there's no more mirror. In fact, there's something that is called screen by Marie.

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Then she touched her phone, and after a while, she puts her phone on her cheek. With one side close to her ear and the other side close to her mouth.

Soon after, a weird sound was heard. It's ringing over and over again. And the source is from Albert's pocket. Of which there's another phone stored there.

Then Albert took out his phone, touched it, and do the same thing as Marie putting the phone on his cheek.

"Marie? Yes, we're connected."

Okay. By this time, even Angela who lacked interest in the meeting and mostly just sleep or secretly cast small magic to train her magic control, is extremely interested with the invention called the phone.

This way, we don't have to use Sonia for relaying message anymore. And Sonia can focus on spying on the enemy while being invisible. That would be great.

Though everyone will still have Sonia's Soil with them just in case they are in an emergency situation and can't reach their phone for some reason.

"We can use it not just for calling other people who have phone. But also to send messages."

This time, Marie wrote a simple text and showed what the text is to everyone. It's just a simple greeting.

Then she tapped her finger on the phone and Albert's phone is ringing again. This time, it stopped after one ring.

Albert then showed the message on his phone to everyone. He gave his phone to Mustache who walked around and showed the screen to everyone. And the message is the same that Marie sent.

"This is amazing! What a great invention! King Albert, your wife is a genius!"

There's also a Black Slime with me who acted so proudly. She's not the one being praised though.

"I actually able to made this for a while already. I just need to make sure that each phone will only be able to be used by the owner and not anyone else. Now, each of the representative here will be given one phone. And I will give them to other people who have been in the alliance for a long time already. I couldn't create more since the material is rare. You just need to use it like how you use magic item. Imbue your Mana into it. The first time you do it, the phone will be activated and it will register you as the owner. And no one other than you can use it. As for making a phone call and sending messages, you need to have other people's magic who have phone as well to register their contact. You just need to have the two phones touching each other while the owners are sending Mana into their phones at the same time,"

Marie then gave us instruction on how to use it.

This is great. But can this thing work to connect this world and Monsters World? If so, this thing is way too amazing.

But it means that Marie's life will be in even more danger if the enemy knows that she's the only one who can create phone. Well, Mustache will protect her. And even Lana is as strong as regular expert level mage now. In normal case.

When she's angry or her emotion is provoked, she might be as strong as master level mage.

This also means that those twins whose mother have the same problem as Marie did during her pregnancy, will have one of the kids be exceptionally powerful when they are young.

With how the treatment is already known, there might be more powerful babies in the future.

Still, having twins is already rare as it is. And having the same symptom as Marie did is even rarer. So I hope it won't be a trouble in the future.

Anyway, phone is great! Phone is amazing! I want ten of them! Maybe more!

745 How Amazing a Phone is

It's great. Apparently, Marie had created a whole lots of them. And they will be given to some high-ranking agents and me, who will give them to whoever I find trustworthy. Maybe the monsters.

Marie just said that the production is limited so that the others won't ask for more. So other than one phone for the king, they will be given one or two more so they can give them to their trusted attendants whom they brought here. Their bodyguards.

It might be the wrong decision though. After all, their bodyguard should be with their king almost all the time. So they don't really need a phone.

But it might be a good idea as well. Since if their king is in trouble, and they can't call for help, their bodyguard will be the one contacting the us for help. Though contacting Sonia is easier since she can just teleport to their location, and check on the situation herself instead of being told what to do.

No matter, phone is the greatest invention of this world. And almost everyone in Victoria's world have these thing in their pocket? And even more advanced than this? I guess her world is just too advanced.

How to use it is simple. It's just like using any other magic item. Pouring mana into the phone. And the phone has registered its owner's magic so they can only be activated by the owners. That's great.

"And there's no battery at all. It can last for years or maybe decades without having the need to be charged. Magic is great."

That's what Victoria said as her fingers quickly tapped on the phone while the others are still slowly learning. Is that muscle memory?

I guess even after more than a thousand years living in this world, far longer than the time she lives in her previous world, she still remembers how to use a phone because she used it every day.


And it was made to be very similar to the phone in her previous life. One that she is familiar with since I heard that there's many different types of phones.

The weight is not that heavy. Even kids can lift them easily. And it's quite durable that it won't break easily after falling on the ground.

...Though if I squeeze it hard enough even without using Aura, it will break. I need to carefully take care of it so it won't break since it will be bad if I don't have other people's contact information anymore.

Registering other people's contact information is by recognizing the differences between each people's mana. That's great. Even I just know that each people's mana have their own characteristic. And even after we leveled up in our magic element, it will stay the same.

Anyway, we exchanged all contact information with everyone here. Even Angela, Kayla, and the others are exchanging contact information with all the kings and their bodyguards.

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I feel like some of the kings are targeting my girls. Though they can protect themselves so I don't need to worry.

Then I looked back at the children who are attending this meeting. Especially at Lana.

She has a phone in her pocket. She saw me looking at her and just smiled while putting her finger in front of her lips saying that it's a secret.

I see. They gave Lana a phone since she already can use magic. That's why Alan and Luna didn't get any.

And Lana didn't exchange information with the others since it will be troublesome if they know that a child who wasn't supposed awakened her element yet to be able to use a magic item. She's special indeed.

She then walked toward me to whisper something.

"Father said that I will give you com... comtak... "Contact information" right, that! Later after you brought everyone home."

After saying that, she returns back to her seat. The others were watching us, but none of them were suspicious since it's already known that I'm the doctor who helped Marie gave birth to the twins. Though it's just about me being a genius doctor. Not a doctor from the future.

I guess for her, it's too difficult to remember the word "Exchanging contact information" so she can't say it well yet.

After we finished exchanging contact to everyone, Marie continued her explanation.

"You can test calling someone or texting someone on your own later. I will tell you another thing that your phone can do. Other than for calling and texting, you can also use the third function that I made. It's called forum. And instead of being private like the messaging function, it will get everyone able to see and reply to what everyone says."

I checked my phone and do as she says. There's a forum, and there's a greeting from Marie there. I can even see the name of the one who wrote it. And after hearing her explanation, I quickly replied it with another greeting from me. and everyone can see it.

This is great. This way, I don't need to think about to whom I should send the text to. And when I need to deliver a private message, I can use the normal messaging option. Or just simply use Sonia again.

Fortunately, Sonia can have her own phone. But it will be troublesome if she carries it everywhere since it will be suspicious if anyone is seeing an unknown object floating around.

We just told Sonia that she can keep her phone somewhere safe and teleport to her phone's location when she's going to use it.

"It's a shame that the phone has no camera and many other options. But this is good enough," Victoria said.

So, this thing can have the broadcasting tool like the camera and can act like a TV screen? Maybe in the future. Marie said that the technology to make that is still not something that we can do at the moment.

But still, this is great. Even in the future, I have never heard of anything like this.

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Probably if Lana survived her birth in my past life, and Marie was healthy, we wouldn't be suffering as much as we did in my past life. They might be the most valuable asset we have to fight the cult.

Then Victoria told me that we could have a drawing function and mapping function in the future in the phone. That would be great.

But the future is the future. We can leave it to Marie and Victoria's idea about how to make the phone is better. We need to focus on the present. And what the phone can do is already much better than we expected.

"...I guess this is it for today's meeting. I don't think anyone can focus on what we're going to discuss after this. So let's just take this time to test how the phone work instead and focus on the meeting tomorrow," Fabio said as the host.

"What if we just take the phone, and continue our discussion from our own country? I don't think we need to have a meeting when we can discuss from far?" one king asked.

"We can't do that yet. We don't know if your phone can send a signal to another distant country. I think it's possible. You can test it later after you return to your country. For now, you can check and call or text each one in your contact list. We need to see if there's any error before you can bring them back," Marie said.

"Then how about we make it more interesting?"

When we thought that it's over and we're just going to stay here playing with our phones, Albert suggested something.

"After a few days, I can tell that there are still many of us who don't believe at some points in the discussion. Like how Angela is called as the strongest in the continent, or that there are master level mages here. So how about we go to the arena and watch whoever wants to fight to see how strong they are? Anyone can challenge whoever they want. It will be interesting, right? After all, we have only been talking about the cult, what they are, what they have done, and what we have done to them so far. Don't you think that it's best to know more from action? Let's let those who wants to fight to fight," Albert suggested.

...After the tournament, he became addicted in watching more fight. But his job prevented him to do it. So he suggested it to everyone.

And in Arturo, there's also a new Arena that was recently build. The popularity of a competition is soaring after the tournament.

Well, testing what our phones can do while enjoying the fight is not a bad idea.

Everyone agrees to it. Especially the kings' bodyguards. Just to see who has the strongest mage in their country. Though I think I will get challenged. But I will have to refuse.

Or maybe this is the stage that Albert prepared so I can show everyone what I got, and why they call me as the strongest hidden card. If that's the case, that mean Albert has decided that everyone here can be trusted. And that is great.

"We can't just use the Arena here. Roy, go bring Kayla, Celestine, and other earth mages to somewhere far and build the venue there," Fabio said.

"How about we do it in Monsters World? There's already an Arena there and it's quite big. And you can challenge the werewolves or other monsters there if you want," I suggested.

For some, this will be their first trip to Monsters World. So this is a good experience.

Yesterday, we have informed those kings that they should bring their summoners with them as well. So if those summoners want even stronger monsters or smarter monsters, they can explore Monsters World. It will be great for them to experiene this world.

Everyone agrees. So I opened a portal for everyone so they can enter Monsters World.

746 Friendly Match

"So this is Monsters World. This place is where the monsters who are allying themselves with us live, right? Seems like a poor village. But I guess that's natural since there's no need for money to live here. And everyone here is a monster, so they can just find their own food."

That's one of the kings' reaction after I brought everyone to Monsters World.

We're going to have a friendly match. To see how strong everyone is. At least one representative from each kingdom will fight once. To see the differences between them.

Of course we will fight as well. Especially Angela and Kron who seem to be bored from the meeting. They are excited to fight.

They shouldn't though. The fight shouldn't be anything great. But I guess it's much better for them than being in a meeting.

By the way, Derek and the other master level mages from the lawless country also received a phone each. After a few days, they agree to join us in the fight against the cult. And Albert has confirmed it.

This is a great news. I guess making the meeting longer will get them to learn something new. And the things they learned made them decide that destroying the cult is a good idea.

This is something to be celebrated over. We have more master level mages!

I think Angela and the others are more interested in fighting them than the bodyguards.


In Monsters World, we entered the Colosseum. I asked Kayla, Angela, and Celestine to make the Colosseum bigger. This way, the audience will be safe and won't get hit by stray magic.

Even if there's a magic coming here, it's just us here. I can easily protect everyone. But having a bigger arena for the fight is a good idea since we have master level mages as well. Maybe they're interested in fighting.

While waiting for the Colosseum to be renovated, which only take a few minutes, my phone vibrated. It's good that I can set it so that it won't ring. But the vibration is still too strong. I'll just set it so it won't vibrate or ring when I'm on a mission. Or wind mages will notice the vibration.

There's a new message. It's from Albert who is watching the earth mages renovating the Colosseum with the others.

[Have you exchanged contact information with Lana?]

That's the message I got from him. Which I replied with a negative response. There are still many eyes here.

[Roy, I feel that everyone can be trusted. And everyone agrees that we can conduct investigation in their countries to see if there are any cult's influence in their territory. Everyone here won't spread our secrets. So you can tell everyone your secret. About the fact that you're an Aura user.]

Just that? Not about the fact that I came from the future?

I heard from Marie's explanation before that this communication device is not perfect yet and someone might be able to read our private text messages. That's why Albert didn't write anything about coming from the future. Just that I'm an Aura user.

The old members of the alliance are busy texting with each others and make a phone call with each other. Including me. While the new members are feeling amazed by the earth mages renovating the Colloseum quickly.

The Colloseum then finished, and we entered it. All of us are in the audience seat in the same side so we can watch the Arena.

Meanwhile, I have just finished bringing back some werewolves from the destroyed base who might be interested in the fight. I let Arin and the vampires stay there. They are more interested in drinking blood than fighting.

I also left some angels who can fight well over there. They can help each other in case there's a fight.

All my familiars are here. And the elves, angels, and the werewolves quickly filled the audience seat once the Colosseum is finished.

"Wow. So big! And they built it so fast. And those monsters belong to our alliance?" one king asked.

"They followed Roy to be exact. And as long as Roy is fighting the cult, they are in the alliance," Albert replied.

"What if he quits? Will those monsters leave as well?"

That king seems to be quite pessimistic.

"He won't. It's because he's the one who started this alliance and he's also the first one to notice about the cult and their intention. Don't worry about him. If there's anyone who hate the cult the most, it would be him," Albert replied.

That's right. I hate the cult and will do everything I can to destroy them completely.

Then I introduced my other familiars to everyone. Including Ray.

In the last few days, he has been staying in this world. I asked him to get as many horse monsters as possible to join us if he can. And I feel like he agrees with me.

And just yesterday, after meeting, I had Kayla rode a pegasus. And that horse obeyed Kayla's order well. Ray must have instructed it to obey Kayla.

This mean that we will have our own rides. Each important mage from the alliance will have one horse during the war. Since it seems like we can't just let anyone has a wild horse monsters at any time. They are still monsters after all.

I also still haven't feel that we can be reassured with the horses. So we will at least ride them when it's necessary.

This will also be included in the meeting. Probably tomorrow. For today, the meeting is already over quite early so we can be here.

I guess a friendly match is still part of the meeting.

The werewolves are looking forward for the match. I think that no matter how boring the match is, they will be able to enjoy it.

Some angels and elves also became like that after living together with the werewolves. I guess their feelings are contagious. Though the elves doesn't want to fight at all.

The match soon begun. With two bodyguards of different kings facing each other.

I guess this might be a good match as an opening. Let's heat things up!

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"Victoria, teach me more about forum,"

I'm going to use the forum function in the phone. And I asked Victoria who knows more about it to teach me.

Once I finished posting what I wrote, everyone's phone started ringing or vibrating. And they looked at their own phone at the same time.

[I'm going to bet on the black-haired man. Anyone?]

Soon after, the forum began quite busy. It's also a good way for everyone to get used to this new device.

The amount I bet wasn't much. I just do it for fun.

Almost everyone then did the same. And not a single person bet a lot of money. Its just for fun after all. And to get used to the phone.

The referee is one of the werewolves. He has been refereeing many times so he's an expert at it. Though it's just battle among the werewolves. But it's fine to have him be the referee.

I can ask Kron since he has experience in it, but it seems like he's more interested in fighting today. Maybe he will get his turn later.

The two in the arena noticed that their phones were ringing. They looked at it for a while, then they set their phone into silent mode.

As expected, having a phone in a fight will be distracting. And there's a chance that they can get destroyed as well.

Though if they put it in their pocket and get destroyed, there's a high chance that they won't care anymore. After all, they would probably be dead because there's a magic that can get that close to them.

"Victoria, can you store our phones and cover them with armor so it won't be destroyed? We do fight melee after all. We have a higher chance of getting our phones destroyed," I said.

"Square boobs!"

Victoria then put my phone and her phone around my chest as she transformed herself into an armor. But it does look like I have a square boobs. I don't like it.

"Just put them on my pants' pockets. One on the right and one on the left. Then cover them with Blobbies. Having them sticking on my chest kind of disturbing me when I'm in a fight," I said.

Good bye square boobs. It's nice knowing you.

The battle started. The two who are fighting are both earth mages. It's kind of interesting to see two people with two same knowledge about magic fighting each other. They are equal in strength and technique. Amateurish.

The fight continues and finally the guy I rooted for lose. I lose a bit of money but I don't care. And everyone had a good time.

Well, not really. Some of the kings realized that they are weak. Especially the kings of the two bodyguards who were fighting.

That is not enough to face the cult. They are still weak. They even had a problem facing opponent of the same level.

They even know more about it since they witnessed Kayla, Angela, and Celestine built the Colosseum with their earth magic. They are still far from those three even though all of them were expert level mages.

Well, that's the first match over. Let's continue, shall we?

747 My Disciple Will Fight

The fight continues. Seeing the fight, the werewolves then even entered the stage on their own and asked if there's any mage who want to fight them.

Well, it was interesting. So we let it be. Even though it was supposed to be just the representatives testing their strength.

"Albert, what about Shirley? She hasn't finished with her job yet?" I asked Albert who sat next to me.

Albert's sister, Shirley, is busy. That's why she hasn't even joined the meeting even though it has been a few days.

Before the meeting, I asked Albert whether Shirley wanted to come as well or not. She would, but her duty at the moment made it impossible for her to come. That's why she's not here.

She was in another kingdom. Or should I say to kingdoms.

There's a territory, or two, in Tatrama near Consenza where two small kingdoms are in control of. And they are constantly fighting against each other.

Shirley is over there. She told Albert that she's going to try and make those two kingdoms stop fighting. But I guess it's too difficult.

She brought several people with her. Each are strong enough to defeat expert level mages. So I guess she's safe and she won't be in any danger.


Well even if she is, she can contact Sonia. Or if she has a phone, she can call Albert. Albert has told me that she already got herself a phone with Albert's contact in there.

I wonder why she wants to stop the war herself? She can ask someone to help her and they will stop fighting easily once they were shown how powerful we are.

If she's here, she and Mustache can act as the representatives from Tatrama and show everyone how strong Tatrama is. But I guess just Mustache alone is enough.

While I was thinking about that, I am playing with my phone and changed Miguel's name to Mustache in my contact. I don't want to forget who I'm talking to. It's good that we can change the name in the contact however we want. Especially since I often forget names and only remember their characteristic. Though I don't think we will have more phone owners anytime soon.

"Shirley is still busy. But she said that the two sides are willing to negotiate soon. She will be the mediator so she will be busier. It's a shame that she can't be here, but if that's what she wants, she is free to do it," Albert said.

Albert believed in Shirley's capabilities as not only a powerful mage, but also a princess with political knowledge. He is sure that she can bring result. Whether it's a positive result or a negative result, it would be great for her.

Though I wonder what negative result can come from trying to stop a fight between two countries. It should be good that someone tried to stop the fight. But if the negative result is something like the two countries joined together and cooperating to conquer the world, that's no longer just a negative result. That's a devastating result.

But if they are weak, that's just idiotic response. Not even a result at all.

While I was thinking so, the match is over. There's a bodyguard at an expert level mage who actually managed to defeat a werewolf. He is good. But he's not that good yet. He needs more training.

I thought that werewolf who just lost was someone who focused more on espionage mission than fighting. Then why is he here? Does he want to fight now?

I guess that means the mage is not that good then. The werewolf he's facing is just below average in fighting among the werewolves. And he got injured while fighting as well.

The match is over. Then two angels fly toward the stage and healed the two fighters. It's also to show how much healer we have to other countries thanks to the angels. And they're not just healer. They're also fighters and mages. they can fight with weapons or with light magic.

Some angels started using sword and even bow and arrow. Some even uses axe. As long as they feel that they made the right choice, that's fine.

The phone keep vibrating wildly after the match. In the forum, I can see that it's extremely active with so many people started gambling. I started to worry about the future if the kings got addicted to gambling no matter how low the bet is. Even though I'm the one who started it.

"Hey! The one named Roy! Come fight me if you dare!"

Suddenly, one bodyguard asked someone called Roy to fight him. Come on, Roy! Come and fight him!

Oh, that's me.

I think it's too soon for me to fight. But I guess it's fine.

"If you want to fight my master, you have to defeat me first!"

I know that loud voice even though she tried to tone it down. Jewel wants to fight first.

Not because someone is challenging her master. But she's also interested in fighting mages from other country. She's just using me for her convenience.

I guess I won't fight. But it's around the time that our side will be challenged or will challenge someone. Maybe even Angela will challenge me again.

"You? Fine. If he's your master, then you won't be much either. I'll defeat you in an instant and then I will defeat your master. This will show who is the strongest one here. I bet I'm even stronger than the master level mages," he said provocatively.

...Did he forget that I'm a summoner? And I can just call any of my four familiars and he will have to fight them all. All by himself.

Where does his confidence come from? He even said that he's stronger than the master level mages.

Maybe he's as strong as Kayla and the others. Though I doubt that's the case. I guess fighting Jewel will show us how strong he is.

...Which is not that strong.

He's a lightning mage. But even though both him and Jewel have reached expert level in their lightning element, Jewel's lightning is much stronger.

And as someone who have learned magic control and many other knowledge from the future, from the past, and from her own experiences, receiving lightning magic attack from someone weaker doesn't do much damage to her.

He cast a simple lightning magic, and Jewel just blocked it with her hand after predicting where he will shoot his magic. Then as Jewel cast her own lightning magic, the man also tried to block it. Thinking that it won't be much.

But his prediction was wrong. The magic didn't target where Jewel was pointing. Instead, it came fom above.

And there he is. Struck by a lightning and got paralyzed. And he lost instantly.

"This is why I love idiots," I said.

Someone who doesn't know how weak he is, got himself slapped in the face. Though in this case, struck by lightning.

Us from the four big countries just watched it ended naturally. It was as expected. The result couldn't be any more obvious.

But for the others, they were too shocked. They would never expect that the gap between them and us is too large.

Maybe if he chose Carmen as his opponent, he might win since Carmen is a water mage.

Well, not really. Carmen still had more experience than most expert level mages. And she can just quickly cast her magic before her opponent cast one.

I guess the gap is just too big.

In shame, he left the stage and return back to next to his king.

"Alright, since we have got this far, for the next fight, it's fine if you want to fight one on one, or one against a group, or a group against a group. We don't have to watch a one on one fight the whole time we're here," I said.

"Since I won, I want to fight again. Whoever wants to challenge me can come!"

Jewel herself announced that she will fight again.

Many Angela and Kron showed their desire to fight, but they are patient enough to wait for the other kingdoms to send their representative to fight.

Then one of the bodyguard who is wearing sunglasses asked me something.

"Excuse me, can I ask an angel and a werewolf to fight with me?"

"Sure. Only if they want to. Don't force anyone who doesn't want to fight," I replied.

He then asked an angel who is willing to join him in a fight. And when he asked the werewolves, everyone is willing. So he picked two of them.

"Jewel, if you want, you can also ask someone to be in your party," I said.

"No thanks! This will be good for my training as well!" she replied.

As expected of my disciple. She's willing to take four enemies at once.

The forum in my phone became quite busy. Not only about the betting, but also about how it might be unfair facing four enemies at once. Though those people who complained were betting for the four.

I obviously put my money on Jewel. I now she can win. And she hasn't shown anyone here about her beastform magic.

One mage, one angel, two werewolves. Facing one girl who can transform.

The others who were just watching casually became interested in the match. Though it's obvious who will win. There's no way Jewel will lose. Though it might take a while since she has four enemies.

748 Showing Great Leadership

Five people on the stage. One against four. But the match hasn't started yet.

The bodyguard of a king from another kingdom is discussing his strategy to the other three.

I can't hear him from here. But from the look of it, he has managed to convince the three monsters to obey his command.

That alone has proved his power. He should be someone with a position to lead a group in a fight. Or war.

I glanced at the king he's protecting. The king brought three guards with him so there are still two other protecting him. One of them is actually his wife he said. That's not bodyguard then. That's the queen.

Three people from a small kingdom, and all of them are expert level mages. Small it might be, that kingdom should be something special.

Albert has confirmed that everyone attending the meeting, Kings, Empress, president, bodyguards, and other people they brought can all be trusted. All of them want to destroy the cult and are willing to cooperate with us in it.

Though the biggest problem we currently have in this alliance is that no one believe that I'm the strongest one here. That must be the reason why Albert suggested for us to have a friendly match.

Later, I will fight. And I will show them who I really am. An Aura user. And I will defeat everyone I fight. If possible.


We also have several master level mages who hadn't had their turn yet. I might be the one facing them. Though I don't think that's the case since Angela and the others seem interested in them.

I don't think anyone among the master level mage is as strong as the cat-man or the Archbishop in that village with slave trading as their business. So it should be fine. We won't lose.

Well, for now I'll just watch my disciple fight.

The guy whose name I forgot, has finished discussing his strategy to the other four. And from the look of it, it seems like the other monsters told him about Jewel's beastform to him as well.

I forgot his name. Or maybe he wasn't introduced to the others since I only hear the kings introduced themselves and not other people they brought. But he has something that is different from other people. His sunglasses. So I wrote his name in my contact as Sunglasses.

He wore them because he's blind. He can't see. But he uses air magic to determine other people's location.

He's an air mage! Just like me!

Airy also confirmed it. That guy has noticed Airy's presence. So his king must have known about her existence as well. Though since it's already known that I'm a summoner, he might be thinking that Airy is my familiar. But she's not.

He's an air mage, but he got to his position without using it. I'm sure of it. So he must have other element he's excel at.

Well, before the match started, I'll give him something then.

"Wait! Don't start the match yet!"

I'm curious. He could convince an angel and two werewolves to follow him in such a short time even though he's neither a summoner or a tamer. If he could be stronger, that would be beneficial for us.

I'm going to give him a rifle. That will help him to get a bit stronger. And his air element should have reached expert level as well. The same as Sara and I.

I jumped to the stage and approached Sunglasses before opening a portal and grabbed a rifle and hand it to him.

"A gift to an air mage. It's called a rifle. I'll show you how to use this," I said.

I'm acting like a professor here. Well, I am a professor.

"Feel the air around you so you know how to use it. First, put the bullets inside like this. Then, compress air inside the barrel, and release it to shoot. Simple, quick, but only has limited use depend on how much bullets you have."

I taught him how to shoot the rifle and how to reload. He understood it instantly.

I made some Blobbies to be his targets for practice. Although his accuracy is bad, it was good enough. Comparable to the student at the university.

It wasn't difficult to teach him how to shoot even though he's blind. He can sense everything with air magic. Any slightest movement can be sensed. And if there's someone invisible like Airy or Breezy, he can sense them since there's an empty space where there's no air can pass through. Or more like air was somehow entering an empty spot, then suddenly leaving that empty spot. Which means that something is breathing over there. Neither Airy nor Breezy need to breathe. They still do it though.

After he felt satisfied enough with the rifle, I left and returned back to my seat where other kings are watching at me.

"You're teaching him how to shoot and gave him a rifle? Is that okay for your disciple?" Lynn asked.

"Jewel prefers it this way. She enjoys fighting someone at their full strength. That way, she herself can improve. Though it won't be the first time she's fighting someone who can shoot. And Sunglasses must have other element he's confident in to be able to get into his position. Jewel will surely enjoy the match this way," I said.

The kings then started asking about me, about air element magic, and about the rifle. I told them that only air mage can use them. The guns that Albert and Marie had should be something that best kept secret. It's far too dangerous for other people to know.

A weapon that anyone, even toddler, can use is dangerous. So it should be kept secret.

The match started. The angel is wielding a sword and not a spear like most angels.

The angels have a treasury full of weapons from monsters they defeated. And now that they have learned that they are more suited with other weapons, many angels started testing what kind of weapon suit them most. Though for Graham, he's still using a spear.

Graham said that the archangel from before is going back to his home so he can convince other angels to join us. I hope he can get them here.

The angel surprisingly is the first one to attack Jewel. But Jewel dodged it and about to cast lightning magic when two werewolves approached her. She dodged them again and about to counter when Sunglasses shot his rifle at her.

Unable to dodge, Jewel transformed into half-rhino and protected her own body with her thick skin. Or maybe it's half-triceratops. I'll just call it half-rhino.

She fought the four of them in that form. And Sunglasses shoots at her with the rifle while preparing his other magic. Ice magic.

Feeling overwhelmed since they stopped her from using lightning magic, Jewel turned into a triceratops to protect herself. Now, she would only receive little damage when attacked.

And in that form, Jewel can calmly prepare her magic. Her endurance is high so she just need to endure the opponents' attack.

But the werewolves are strong enough to leave a huge mark on her triceratops' skin. Still, she endured it.

That is amazing. The group cooperation is really good even though it's the first time that they working together. Usually, it was just werewolf with another werewolf. Or angel with another angel.

Add one person to be the leader, a very capable person at that, and everything changed.

It wasn't just me. Kayla and everyone watching were amazed with the fight.

While the new members of the alliance were amazed by Jewel who can transform into a very powerful triceratops and can even use earth magic even though she shouldn't have it, we who knew her the longest were amazed by Sunglasses.

We have been in many battles. Many lives were lost. And we know that if there's someone with better situational judgment and can give proper command, there would be less casualties.

Kayla as the smartest would think of a plan beforehand, but during a fight, she couldn't do much.

If Sunglasses are willing to be taught air magic, like how to made his voice louder, he can be a great general in the future. He just need more experience in a large scale battle. That's what we're thinking.

But in the end, he's losing. Jewel is stronger and has more experience than him. But we can't just laugh at his effort. He was just too good.

The rifle became useless after Jewel transformed, so he threw it away. He made the floor slippery, but Jewel's used her control of the earth that she learned to make foothold and charged at Sunglasses.

But as he was about to get hit, the werewolves and the angels blocked Jewel's charge. She stopped right in front of Sunglasses who was about to shoot ice magic at her.

He made a mistake. When he had just threw his magic, Jewel transformed back into her human form which is smaller. Avoiding the three monsters and shock Sunglasses with lightning magic.

He lost his consciousness. And the monsters no longer have their leader, so the battle became easier for Jewel.

She finally won. It took a while since the angel was also responsible for healing the others instead of just letting the werewolves heal by themselves. But Jewel is the winner in the end.

If Sunglasses' learned magic control, has more use of his air magic, and has just a bit more experience, it would be Jewel who lost.

But this is also a great lesson for him. He could be stronger and help us even more. So maybe I should remember his name. Or not. Sunglasses already stuck in my mind.

749 Sunglasses is a Prince

Several angels then come to the stage and healed everyone. Including Jewel.

It was a fine match. Even though it was clear for me that Jewel would win, Sunglasses did his best and received everyone's recognition.

He's someone we need in battle. By letting him take command, we might be able to reduce casualties and defeat more opponents. He could be a great commander.

The question is whether he can only lead a small group of people, or lead an entire army.

And with phone in his hand, or even using Sonia as messenger, he can relay order instantly. And the army doesn't need to wait until someone come to relay his message.

Still, he needs more experience. Let's give him a chance to fight in the next battle. He can act as the commander.

If he shows great capabilities as the commander, then that would be amazing.

Jewel and Sunglasses returned back to the audience seat. I praised Jewel for er victory, while Sunglasses walked to his king and apologized for his loss.

"I'm sorry, brother. I lost even though we outnumbered her," Sunglasses said.


"Don't worry. It was great that you can make a team from a group of strangers. And they are monsters at that. And it was a good show. Now we know how vast the difference of our experiences and strength are. While we only focused on our own territory, they have fought against the cult everywhere. I guess this is a good time to announce it to everyone. You don't mind if we do this, right?" the king asked Sunglasses.

"Yes. I have no problem with it."

What is it? Everyone here can hear them clearly.

It seems like Sunglasses is a prince. He's the brother of the king. And the king has prepared to announce something. But Sunglasses seem to reject that idea until now.

His other guards, the woman who is the queen and another person, also agree with something that they are talking about.

Meanwhile, I tried to remember the king's name and his kingdom.

If I'm not wrong, his name is King Gunther from Panthero Kingdom. Small kingdom near Varadis.

From the discussion, and also the introduction in the documents that everyone received, Panthero was a victim of the cult.

The cult tried to subdue the kingdom and even block them from asking for help from their neighbor, Varadis. They succeeded.

But the mages that the cult sent were weak. Just some expert level mages and most of them were advanced level or below.

After years of battle, famine, poverty, and many deaths, Varadis finally started to check on other kingdom. That's when they noticed that there's a blockade stopping them from entering.

Under William's order, advised by old man Henry, Varadis entered Panthero's territory without permission. And they finally noticed the situation.

It was during the time that I was staying in Monsters World so I missed it. Though the cult members were only at expert level at most. So with Julia's help, they helped Panthero to end the war.

Unfortunately, many people had died. And there were too many things to do.

Varadis promised them to give them help while also informing Panthero about things that happening outside of Panthero.

They conclude that the cult was trying to take control of Panthero as a way to invade Varadis before trying to invade other countries. And Panthero agreed with the alliance there.

But seeing from the interaction between Sunglasses and his brother the king, it seems like they have other ideas.

Though if it's about strengthening our alliance, that would be great. Not only Sunglasses. But the king's wife, and the other guard, are also at expert level. I guess that's why after so long, their kingdom can still survive under the cult's invasion.

Then that king, Gunther, asked for everyone's attention. Except for the monsters who just don't care. They even started the next fight by themselves since it seems like it's going to take a while until we finished with Gunther's announcement.

Oh, wow! I have memorized his name! As for Sunglasses, I still don't know his name yet though.

"Excuse me, I'd like to announce something. It has been in our mind for a while. But now, we have agreed on it. King Henry, I'd like to give you my kingdom. It would be best for the citizens if they are under you," Gunther said.

Oh, that's it? He's going to give up his kingdom to old man Henry?

There's a heated argument with other kings. Saying things like being irresponsible or calling him coward. But seems like it's not just him and the people he brought who agree. Other important people in his kingdom also feel the same.

"I'm sure it won't be any worse than it currently is. I can't promise the citizens to give them food and shelter after so many battles. But if the kingdom is gone, and it's under Varadis' control, I'm sure that the citizens can prosper. At least much better than it currently is. I rather have that than give them empty promise.

"And since Varadis have fought against that cult much better than we have, the citizens will feel safer as well. We have thought it through. And we agreed. But we also need to be sure that the alliance have enough strength to fight. That's why I wanted Rudy, our strongest mage, to test your strength. Fighting against the disciple of the strongest person here is a sure way to confirm the alliance's strength. And with Roy able to use portal everywhere, he can send people as soon as possible during emergency."

Oh, they have think it through. Well, it's also up to old man Henry to decide.

I don't think that's a discussion to have in this place. So I let the two sides from Varadis and Panthero to discuss it back in Arturo. Fabio and Toni joined as mediator.

While we still here because there are still matches to see.

At least at this time, the other kings already understood what Gunther was talking about. I guess they're all kings who think deeply about their citizens. That's nice if it's true.

For now, everyone enjoyed the match. Wendy fights. Candy fights. Another bodyguard fights.

And then when Patricia wanted to Derek, I got a call from old man Henry. Their discussion is over.

And I only realized that the phone can reach the moon. Or Monsters World.

"Damn, I forgot to test it! But I guess it's okay now. Marie, the phone can reach the moon. I don't think we will have a problem contacting anyone," I said before I grabbed old man Henry and everyone back to Monsters World.

The decision was Panthero will be under Varadis. But old man Henry decided that Gunther will be a noble of Varadis and given that territory.

With that, old man Henry received three powerful mages. One of them is Sunglasses.

I know his name is Rudy, but I like calling him Sunglasses.

"Hey, I know you're blind and use air magic to check your surrounding. But I have a question. Is there a time when you remove your sunglasses?" I asked.

"Hmm? Usually, it's just when I want to wash my face or when I sleep. Other time, never," he said.

"Then I will call you Sunglasses from now on. I have terrible memory so you have to put up with it," I said.

"...Do I have the right to refuse?" Sunglasses asked me back.

"Ask Mustache," I replied while pointing at Mustache.

By the way, Sunglasses will participate in more fight from now on. While the other two expert level mages from Panthero, will focus more on protecting the kingdom. So they will be busy with the entire Varadis and not just Panthero anymore.

"Sunglasses, you can continue watching the match and gauge everyone's strength. With your leadership you've shown us before, I have high hopes in you. It will help you grow stronger as well just by watching," I said.

He then watched the match as I told him to. Especially now. Patricia fighting against Derek. Both of them are master level wind mages.

Both of them are old. But it doesn't matter. Master level mage have longer lifespan than average person after all. And they are perfectly fit to fight.

"Sunglasses, what else can you do with your air element?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just for breathing and detect movement. I just somehow got it to expert level while improving my ice element," he said.

If he's just cultivating but somehow get stronger, there might be another air spirit at where he's cultivating. Maybe if we have two air spirits at the same place, our cultivation speed will get faster.

"Alright, listen to me. I'm a professor in a university teaching air elements. Watch this. I'm making Air Barrier. The two people fighting are master level wind mages. Their wind are strong enough to destroy everything and kill everyone here. But even though I'm just an expert level air mage, I still can protect myself and everyone behind me by using Air Barrier. I'll teach you more about air magic. Including various type of gases. Air element is seen as useless, but if you use it well, it can be used for crowd control. I can also teach you about magic control. It will help you with your ice element as well. Sit, watch, and learn."

The fight started. And I just teach Sunglasses about air element.

It's great that he's a quick learner. He's even eager to use what he learned and wanted to fight again.

750 How Sunglasses Can Play with His Phone

The match between two master level mages, Patricia was victorious. It's simply because she has slight advantage in magic control. She learned it earlier than other master level mages.

Magic control is also something that everyone needs to learn. So instead of writing it down on paper, we will send some people to other countries and teach mages over there in how to use magic control.

It's easier than just giving them some notes about it. After all, there are many questions to be asked.

But this is only for later. We still have many things to discuss after this. And I don't think anyone will be able to focus on learning magic control when they have so many questions about the alliance.

And for this mission, Wendy and some agents who taught in universities or introductory school will do it. They will go to other countries and teach mages over there about magic control.

At this point, their explanation is much better than me. Though I will just focus on Sunglasses here since he's an air mage.

Maybe there are other powerful air mages as well. But I'll check on them later. Probably much later since we have a city to destroy.

Sonia hasn't informed us yet about the location of where she was before. But I think it's safe to say that the cult won't do anything big at the moment. That's why she hasn't informed us yet. Though I believe Albert and other kings from big countries have learned about that place and have sent some agents to scout that place.

I just need to wait. And when the time comes, I will fight.


After Patricia, Randy challenged a master level mage.

In previous battle, he had problems fighting master level mages. Although he was winning, it took him a lot of time and effort until he finally won. So he wanted to test his strength against a master level mage.

I told about him and the opponent he's facing to Sunglasses. To let him know about our strength and weakness. He needs to sense the fight since he can't watch it.

Though I will teach him about magic control later. Though after seeing how he can quickly learn how to shoot a rifle with compressed air, I think he will learn about magic control pretty easily.

That's why I focus more on the people instead of magic control. So I don't need to introduce everyone to him again.

"Why are you telling me about everyone?" he asked.

"You know the reason, right?" I replied.

Sunglasses ponder for a bit before he replies.

"You want me, someone who had just entered the alliance, to lead? Is that right?"

"Nice guess. You're correct. We have fought many battles against the cult. But there are too many casualties. A fight between mages is just by simply letting them use any magic they want to use. There's no coordination at all. But if there's a leader who can take care of that, that would be great. You have shown us how well you are at leading three monsters you just met. Although you lost, that doesn't mean you're weak. It's not just me who think about you well. Albert, Fabio, Claudia, and old man Henry also think so as well," I said.

"...Shouldn't it be Empress Lynn instead of her aide?" Sunglasses asked.

"Let's ignore her. Many of her achievements is thanks to Claudia. For her to recognize you is hundred times better than Lynn. Though she's still a good Empress at least," I said.

"Alright. I'm not close enough to any of you so I don't know. But is that one match enough to conclude that I could be a good leader?" he asked.

"At least strategically. You almost overpower Jewel in her strongest form and render her lightning magic useless for a while just after seeing her match once. And when you volunteered, you didn't even know that she's a beastform mage. You're quick to adapt and can make a sound strategy. You just need experience," I said.

In many of our previous battle, it was usually me who made the strategy. And it mostly consist of me going in alone and the rest can do whatever they want. So it's not really a strategy.

And other than me, it would be Kayla.

She's smart. But her knowledge is more about everything instead of strategy at war. She has decent amount of knowledge in it, but to put it into action is a bit too much for her.

That's why we need someone like Sunglasses.With him around, we should be able to do more with less casualties. I hope that would be the case.

And now, the matter about long-distance communication is over. We have phones that we can carry anywhere. So he can... wait!

"Wait! You have received your phone, right? You're blind. But can you see the screen on your phone?" I asked.

"No. I only followed what everyone is talking about. And when operating this thing called phone, I asked someone else to help me. I can't read anything in it," he said.

Now that he mention it, although his name on my contact is already Sunglasses, I don't think he has tested the forum yet.

"Marie, can you make one phone customized for Sunglasses?" I asked Marie.

"I can. But now that you mention it, I have another idea. It might work. Theoretically, it's possible. You just need to pour your mana into your phone like how you activated it. Then you focus on the text, contact, or the forum. It should be possible for blind people to read the text since it's connected to mana, and redirect it to your mind. Though he will need to spend more mana just to operate it. Try it," Marie said.

So, we can use phone without having to touch them? That's nice.

We tested it and it actually possible. I don't need to continuously tapping on the screen to type something. Just focus on my mana, and what I'm trying to convey is written.

I tried sending it to Sunglasses, and he tried to redirect the text on the phone to his mind with magic. This is totally amazing. I don't know how many times I have praise it already.

20 Extremely Special Beaches Around the World




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"Oh, I can tell that you're writing a list of names of your harem. So those girls are your lovers, huh?"

"You really can read it without seeing it. That's nice. Let's test it more so if you have any need for upgrade, you can tell Marie. By the way, can you tell who is who?" I asked.

"That one is Angela, she's Kayla, she's..."

He guesses everyone correctly. I guess he also have a good memory to remember people's name.

"I don't know any Sophie or Lina here. I guess they're not here," he said.

"You're correct. Lina is my maid and a summoner. In fact, the elves here had their queen contracted with Lina. But since Lina is my maid, the elves still obey me. As for Sophie, she focused more on being a doctor. It's not related to the cult, but it's important for doctors to know what she learned. From me. I'm a doctor as well. Well, you will know more about it later. This place is also a stage for us to reveal more about ourselves. Or maybe just me," I said.

"You have a secret outside of what's written in the documents?"

"It won't be a secret for long. I have never met any of you before, but now, I feel like I can trust you. And for you to trust me, I will have to reveal my secret. Well, it will be known later. Don't be surprised," I said.

"Alright. I can't wait."

Sunglasses... this guy can use Mind's Eye.

It's not something that only Aura user can use. So it's normal for anyone to learn it. And combined with his air magic, he can check more of the surrounding.

Maybe because he's blind, he tried to heightened his senses. That's how he got Mind's Eye. I'll tell him about it later.

Using Mind's Eye, one can know the exact location and even find the differences between different people even when they close their eyes. That's why they can tell who is who.

But they still can't see. So they don't know what's written on the screen of their phone. Unless they used the method Marie taught us.

I tried using Mind's Eye as well, and that's the case for me. I know that there's a magic in the phone, but I can't tell what it is.

Well, at least I know that he's amazing. And with his Mind's Eye, he could be a good shooter with a gun.

It won't be possible for him to see too far in the distance. But his range should be good enough to see anything in the Colosseum here.

That's basically just the average vision of average person. So he should be good enough with that much distance since he's blind.

I continued teaching him about many things and introduce him to everyone who was fighting to tell him what they are excel at.

And now that everyone has fought, it's finally time to show them how strong I really am.