
761 They are Strength-Seekers

"So, what is this fruit?"

After they decided to surrender, we no longer fight. They know that they are no match against me. Even if they can use magic, it's too late since they are too close to me. I can stop them before they cast any magic.

So I asked them about the fruit that I stole from one of them. Because after seeing this small red fruit the size of a grape, they are able to use magic in this place where magic should be blocked.

Should I call it Magic-y Fruit? Or is it Grape-y Fruit?

"We just call it fruit. We don't know the name. But after eating one, we can use magic for a few minutes. The more we eat them, the longer we can use magic. But they are so rare that we don't have much of them anymore," the one acting as the leader said.

Now that I'm looking at them with my Divine Vision, other than a well-trained body, in the pocket of their clothes, they only have one or two more fruits.

And after checking the village, I can't see any. Those in the pockets are the last it seems.

I checked the fruit in my hand. There's no seed. You can swallow it whole. Well, chewing it first is obviously better. Don't choke on your food.

After eating them, the effect is not instant. Only after a while they can start using magic. But it's still quick enough.


Anyone other than me would let down their guard and got defeated by the magic of the master level mages.

"Alright, let's talk about the fruit later. Are you guys villagers here? How long have you been here?" I asked.

All of them hesitated to answer. I wonder why?

"Answer his question!" Shelia forced them to speak.

"Yes. We're villagers here. We have been living here for a hundred years at least," the leader said.

Over a hundred years? No wonder they look much older than the master level mages I usually met. But if it's that long, they might know something about the city where the cult is hiding.

Or maybe not. The cult might have built that city after these master level mages stayed here.

As for the reason why they're here, I think I know why.

"Can we really tell them everything?" one of them asked the others.

"What else can we do? They're stronger than us."

"Yeah. I thought that there shouldn't be anyone else stronger than us physically. But I guess we're wrong. It has been so long since we go to the outside world. I wonder how strong the people are out there?"

"Weak. They are physically weak. In fact, you are already the strongest people if you decided to go out since master level mage is quite rare. And it's difficult to find even one person who train their body since everyone is focused on magic."

They were quite surprised to realize that I can hear them whispering to each other. Then their expression light up.

"You can hear whisper from far. Have you surpass the limit of human?"

"Oh my God! Is that what it is? You two have exceeded the limit of human?!"

As expected. These people, after reaching master level, they tried to make themselves stronger. Physically.

From what I've heard, it's near impossible for anyone who have reached higher level in their magic to learn Aura. So it's likely that they will never learn Aura.

Even then, they are much stronger than any humans I've faced in close combat. Not as much as the cat-man though.

They are strength-seekers. And they felt that their strength reached the limit. And seeing how they fought us before, they must have learned to fight together instead.

What a muscle-headed old people. Though I don't think they will ever get any stronger than this.

"Let me guess. You reached master level in your magic element, and thought of training your body so you can be the strongest. That's why you all come here and built a village. Am I right?" I asked.

"Well, it was me first. Then the others came one by one. So we built a village and live together here. All of us thought that if we could increase our strength, we will be the strongest. But it seems like it's not enough," the leader said.

So he became the leader because he's the longest one to be here. I guess that's natural.

In the end, they are just people who are obsessed with strength. Let's see if they know about the cult or not.

"You might have been here for more than a century, but does anyone know about the True God Cult?" I asked.

I called it True God Cult because that's what the cult is calling themselves. And seeing their reaction after hearing the name should let me know if they know about it or not.

It looks like they genuinely don't know about the cult. So I guess they are safe and not related with the cult.

"I think I've heard of it. Someone calling himself a priest tried to recruit me to join a cult or something. Though I don't know if that's the same cult as you spoke. Is there anything about it? Are you somehow trying to recruit us? If joining can make us as strong as you are, then I'm interested," one woman said

The rest also agree to join the cult if they can get stronger.

"Fortunately, I'm not. I just asked you about it to see your reaction. It seems like none of you are involved with the cult. That's good. Because that cult's goal is to destroy the world. Also, I called that cult Evil God Cult or Evil Cult. Because they are evil."

Then I explained more about the cult and the fact that we are in the middle of a war.

And these people... they look excited instead after hearing that there's a huge war between the alliance of the kingdoms in this continent, against a very secretive cult.

"It's finally time to show our real strength! I'm not satisfied enough with my strength, but this is the best time to act!"

"I haven't used magic for so long. Even before, I failed to do it. I guess I'll try to remember all my magic again."


Yup. They're all crazy. But now, can I get them to join us?

"So, which side do you want to join? Because if you want to join the cult, then I will kill you right here right now."

I let out a killing intent enough to stop them from being excited.

They all stood still and just looked at me in fear.

"Umm... will we ever be as strong as you are?" someone asked me.

"Nope. Never. Watch this."

It's better to show them how strong I really am than having them hope that they can be as strong as I am.

I pulled out the sword from the walking cane. Then facing the forest, I swung the sword down vertically.

The ground split because of my attack. To show them the difference between us.

"...Amazing. I can do that but with earth magic. Yet he did it without magic. You didn't eat that fruit from before, right?"

"Nope. I didn't eat it yet. I'm interested in it so I want someone I know to appraise it. Maybe it could be useful in the future. And since I know someone who is good with plants, I can ask them to grow more of this later," I said.

"Okay, that doesn't explain how you can do that. We have been training here for a long time but doing what you did is simply impossible. Tell us how."

That's what I intend to do. Since I don't think that they are with the cult, it's fine to show them my face.

I remove the Blobbymask covering my face and everyone was shocked with how young I am.

"My name is Roy. I'm an Aura user," I said.

"...Aura user?"

Yup. Everyone is confused. I guess they didn't read any children's stories here. Or maybe they forgot since they have been here for a long time without leaving.

"I'll explain more if you're going to join us fighting the cult. But even if you don't want to join either side, I need to bring you somewhere first," I said.

"What about her? Is she an Aura user as well?" a woman asked me about Shelia.

"No. She's Shelia. A werewolf. I'm a summoner and she's my familiar," I said.

"She doesn't look like a werewolf at all. Is that your human form?" one man asked Shelia.

"Yes," Shelia replied.

For now, I'll just introduce Shelia as my familiar. Victoria can't transform here. And I think it's fine if I don't tell them that Ray is also my familiar. They will think that he's just a horse. A not very normal horse.

"So, you can't make us stronger, but you want us to join you?" the leader asked.

Is strength the only thing they care about? That might be useful though.

"Do you guys know that there's at least one stage above master level?"

And now everyone is curious. I'm sure they are interested now that I mention it. I can at least bring them to meet Albert soon.

I need to get Angela and the others to come as well for safety reason. They are ten master level mages whose physical strength can be compared to a trained werewolf. Not Shelia. She's way stronger than other werewolves.

762 Ten Master Level Mages as New Recruits

"T-there's a stage beyond master level?!"

These people who seek strength above all else and even stayed here for a long time for it look excited. They finally heard something that they have never heard before. The fact that there are people who have reached a stage beyond master level.

As for me, well, I was lucky to met one. Timmy. And his two harem members who died and turned into ghosts were able to teach us some lessons before they disappearance. So we know more than most people.

Though if the Evil God was truly someone who have reached the stage beyond master level, and have some disciples to teach, the cult might have several mages beyond master level.

Though from the look of it, seems like they didn't made the information public to the small fries. That's why none of the cult members we fought so far were impossible to defeat.

Difficult to defeat? Yes they were. Some of them even injured some of our strongest members like Shelia. But it was still possible to defeat them. And that's what happened to them.

If my guess is correct, then the real Archbishop, the one that Veronica and Celestine knew who could be talking to the Evil God directly, is already at that stage. That's why he can just appoint someone to be an Archbishop and let them roam free.

But what if there's a pope above him before the Evil God? The fight ahead seems to be harder and harder now.

Well, we just need to get stronger, find someone strong to help us and get them stronger as well, and defeat the cult before they get as strong as they were when they destroyed the worlds in my past life. Maybe before even I started participating in the war back then.


Now that I think about it, we managed to fight decently at that time. I guess our side is pretty strong with Angela as the vanguard back then.

And now, we are much stronger already. But we realize that the cult could be hiding their full force even now.

Well, that's why I want these master level mages to join us right now. They might have been here for a long time and even forget how to use magic. But they are still strong people. And they have good teamwork as well. Though from now on, they probably need to learn to fight against human being rather than monster.

"Yes. I met one, and killed him. He's also an Aura Master. It was hard to kill him but I managed to do it in the end. And we managed to get two ghosts to teach us about magic so we can reach that stage one day. They were dead, yes. But they turned into ghosts so we can still chat for a while before they disappeared. So, do you want to learn magic from us and join us?" I ask them again if they're going to join us or not.

"I'm in!"

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After the leader shouted that he will join, the rest also agree to join. Seems like I was right to offer them the chance to get stronger.

"But you do know that you will risk your lives by joining the war, right? And the opponents have been increasing their magic for a long time. They could be stronger than you all. Well, not physically at least. So, do you still want to join?" I asked.

"Of course it's natural to risk your life to get what you want! Even more if the world is at stake. There's no way we would let them destroy the world. But is it true that they are really trying to destroy the world?" the leader asked. Still not convinced that someone actually trying to destroy the world.

"I'm the proof. I'll tell you later. I have someone I need to introduce to you. Get yourself ready and then get out of this place to somewhere you can use magic. Shelia will come with you. I also have something I need to prepare so I take my leave first," I said as I jumped on top of Ray.

Then I come to Shelia's side to tell her to kill anyone who tried to escape before leaving.

It didn't take long before I leave the magicless area and opened a portal to Albert's location.

There's no meeting with other countries today, but they are still doing it with their phones. I also checked the forum after I entered Albert's place.

"Albert, ten master level mages who trained their bodies in the magicless area said that they're willing to come after I beat them up. I'm going to bring them soon," I said.

"...So you went to the magicless area, found ten master level mages, beat them up, and get them to join us? Do they truly want to join us?" Albert asked.

"Once I told them that there's a stage beyond master level, they were so excited about it. They don't even know about Aura user. I think they are not with the cult but I can't be one hundred percent believe them. That's why, as usual, I will bring them to you. I also need to get Angela and the others to come as well for safety reason," I said.

"Alright. Bring them to the Colosseum in Monsters World. We might need to test them. If they truly seek strength, then Angela is the best example for them to see how strong our strength is. They need to see how strong we are first," he said.

So while he's getting ready and even use the forum in the phone to tell the others, I grabbed Angela and the others who wants to see the ten master level mages.

...In the end, everyone who was here before during the friendly match are here. Except for the monsters who think that there won't be a fight.

"Whoa. This is Monsters World where summoners can go to?"

"Damn it! If only I didn't try to increase my summoning level to master level, I could have gotten at least one extra familiar after eating that fruit!"

"Hahaha! Shame on you! I'm a tamer and I'm happy to know about this world. Also, didn't your familiar died fifty years ago? You can still find one monster to make a contract with. Maybe a leader of a tribe like Roy's. That way, it would be better than just getting five random monsters."

I haven't asked them, but it seems like there's at least one summoner and one tamer. Well, isn't that great?

"Oh, Harry! Is that you, Harry? My nephew?!"

Huh? One of the ten master level mages shouted excitedly at old man Henry.

"You're... No way! Are you Great Aunt Halley?"

Wow. Old man Henry is related to one of them? And she's his Great Aunt? Interesting.

"Great Aunt? Are you Harry's son then? No wonder you look so similar," the muscular woman asked.

"Yes. Harry is my father. The previous king of Varadis. And I'm the current king of Varadis, Henry."

Who would have thought that this would be a reunion?

But at least we know that one of the ten is related to a royalty. It should be easier for us to convince them to join.

"Oh, a king. Maybe there's someone here related to the king of Kalman? I'm not a royalty, but the king there was a good friend of mine. Though he died before I left," a muscular old man asked.

"I'm sorry, but Kalman kingdom was destroyed in a war around eighty years ago. And it became my territory now. I'm the king of Tatrama, Albert. Nice to meet you," Albert said.

"I see. My friends tried to bring peace to the kingdom. But other nobles wanted to fight instead and he ended up being poisoned. So I killed a lot of them before I started training. I guess it's no wonder that the kingdom is destroyed."

If he's already a master level mage at that time, then I guess it's normal.

Don't bother with a friend of a powerful person. It's as simple as that.

And the nobles of the destroyed kingdom didn't know that rule. So they died in the end.

"Okay, is there anyone else related to a king or some important people in the past? You have been out for about one century. You must have missed a lot. Oh, Shirley. You're not busy anymore?" I asked Shirley whom I haven't met in a while.

"No. I took care of my job. And I'm here to test my strength with a master level mage since I missed the last match," she said.

"Well... that's for later. Is what I like to say. Those master level mages heard you and now they are interested in a fight. I guess we'll fight first," I said.

And so, a woman, one of the ten fought with Shirley. She is stronger than most master level mage. Even more with her physical strength.

But since she can't use destructive magic because Shirley keep interrupting her, and she never learned about magic control, she ended up losing.

And that loss only make all ten people became more interested in joining. Especially seeing how an expert level mage defeating a master level mage. which should be impossible in their time.

Well, this make things easier. I guess they are just people who seek strength. Show them how strong we are, and they will join. Simple.

763 Another Village

Not just Shirley. We also let the others to fight the master level mages.

And hearing that there are fight, the monsters started gathering. And some master level mage who are still going to train their physical strength asked the werewolves to fight them. Without magic. Only pure physical strength.

It was interesting. They could fight almost equally against the werewolves without using magic. Maybe after they got defeated by us, they learned how to fight against human-sized enemy.

Though they did it with those shabby knives. I'll get someone to make them weapon later. If I give them Blobbies, the weapon created will have low durability. And after a few clash, those Blobbyweapons will be destroyed.

I can use Blobbies just fine since I can cover them with my Aura. But those master level mages can't.

While they take a break and some other people and monsters want to fight, we told them about many things. Including what an Aura is.

"I was told that it would be difficult for older people who have gotten accustomed with magic to learn Aura. Especially if their magic level are high. So I suggest that you don't try to learn Aura. But if you want it, I can only tell you to keep doing what you're doing and train your body. If you're lucky, you can probably learn Aura. But if you want to progress with your magic and surpass master level, I suggest you don't try to learn Aura. You can still train your body, but focus more on your magic."

That's the only advice I can give to them who are still looking to learn about Aura. But I guess I don't need to to worry.

After their loses against expert level mages, they realized that they still don't know everything about magic. Forget about the stage beyond master level. They want to learn magic control first.


And their current goal is to defeat Angela. Our strongest mage.

Angela herself is willing to accept their challenge. So it's a win-win situation since Angela can keep growing stronger. Though I think that Angela will never lose.

It's not just Angela who is willing to fight them. The others also agree to accept their challenge.

And when someone from the ten master level mages challenged other master level mages we recruited, the fight was close to equal. Because the new recruits learn more about magic control than the ten of them. But those ten managed to keep up with their physical strength.

For any normal master level mage, just being hit by a small magic by a master level mage will knock them out. Though they had barriers on so it takes time until the magic can hit them.

But for these ten people, even after their barriers are broken, it needs more than ten hits until they got knocked down. What a crazy bunch of people.

"So, are there only ten of you?" I asked after we told them everything and they decided to join us. Albert has confirmed that they can be trusted so it's great.

"There were more. But once in a while, there are strong monsters that we can't handle with our physical strength. And it was too late for us to eat these grapes. So some people were killed. That's only in our village. Back in the past, we had a rivalry with another village in the magicless area. But it has been decades since we met so I don't know their fate," Halley, old man Henry's great aunt, said that.

"So there could be more than one village over there. Do you know where it is? I'd like to check. Maybe they would come and help us," I said.

"I don't think you need to do that. Unlike us who want to get stronger by living there, they are those who escaped to that place. They are also master level mages, but they did crimes and being chased by other master level mages before taking refugee in that place. Maybe they have left. Anyway, they are the kind who would betray you without batting an eyelid. If you want, I can tell you where they were. But I still won't recommend you to recruit them," Halley said.

Well, I guess I'll go there and kill anyone I see then.

"I will still go there. Maybe if they're no longer there, they have gone somewhere else. If it's to the kingdom, it will be bad. Even worse if they join the cult. Albert, I'll bring everyone back now. Get ready since I might come to your location at any time later. As for you guys... where do you want to go?" I asked the ten master level mages.

"I'll go back to Varadis. It's been a long time since I've been there and I'm curious on everything I missed. And I may not join the fight. If Henry is truly a good king like what everyone said, it's best for him to increase his lifespan by reaching at least master level. I'll be his personal tutor while also learning magic control from his daughter," Halley said.

"As for us, well, it seems like we don't have any place to return anymore. We'll go to Cassau with Angela and the others and learn more about everything we missed before we decide our own goals," the leader of the ten said.

"Okay. Here are your phones. Everyone will register their contact on your phones before I return you all home. And this is Victoria's clone. I call it Blobby. If you have this with you, as long as you are not in a place where magic is restricted, I can open a portal to your location. And this is Sonia's soil. If you have this with you, you can call Sonia. She's the ghost over there," I said.

They have been introduced to the everyone. Including Victoria who was just an earring when they met.

They are master level mages, so they probably could sense Victoria before. But she was too small and weak so they didn't think much about her. They only thought that my presence was weird.

They are good. I have some magic weapons that they could use. Maybe I'll give them those weapons instead of making weapons for them.

After they learned how to use the phone, I brought everyone back to Earth. With Halley joining old man Henry and the other nine people going to Cassau.

Oh, by the way, I have opened several branch of clothing stores in other places. The girls I brought back from Monsters World are happily working there. And they made me richer.

Though I think most of the money is going to Sam. Well, she's doing her best so it's fine.

Even if she got more money, she has a huge business. She no longer stays next to my place. She has an entire mansion for her and her husband in the capital now. I heard that Ruby visits often.

She spends money almost as much as she gained them as she keeps looking for some more business to expand. While I spend money mostly on stuffs I needed. Though my money is also being used by the girls.

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It doesn't matter as long as she didn't do anything bad with the money she made.

Yesterday when I met her, she was pregnant. And she only found out about it after I told her and her husband, Jeremy. The appraiser that Albert assigned to me who worked for her and in the end, they got married.

That will be the heir of a successful merchant. I'm sure with the right upbringing, he will be at least as successful as his mother in the future.

Anyway, after I brought everyone back, I returned back to the magicless area. And from where the village of the previous ten people was, I move to where they told me the other village is.

Riding on Ray, it didn't take much time for us to get there. Still with Shelia in her human form and Victoria as my earring.

"I see it. That's the other village here."

The village is almost gone. Only the remains of the building that hasn't been taken care of for a long time is there. I'm sure this place has been abandoned for a long time already.

"There's a faint scent of a human," Shelia suddenly said.

"Follow the scent. Maybe we could find something," I said.

I couldn't see anything, but Shelia can somehow smell something. So after following the track to where the scent lead us, I finally see something.

A human. And it's not a stranger.

He's the agent who was supposed to be investigating the city that is being surrounded by the magicless area.

"Hey! Wake up!"

He's still alive. But his heartbeat is getting weaker.

I treat him with first aid since I can't get him out of this place right away.

"Damn it. We'll stop the investigation here. Let's go back and get Kayla to treat him," I said.

One thing for sure, we might be quite lucky. He still has his phone. So maybe whoever did this to him don't think that it's not anything special. Just a weird black mirror for them.

Let's get him healed first and ask him how he ended up this way. As for the other agent, I can only hope that he's doing fine.

764 A Weretiger Knocked Him Out

I need to make a decision here. Should I bring this agent out of this magicless area from the closest location to where we can start using magic, or we should go to the opposite side of it?

If we go to the closest place here, there's a chance that we might get found out by someone. Or maybe something. I don't know yet about who this agent was fighting before.

Seeing from his injuries, most of them were from blunt object and few scratches from sharp object. My guess is the opponent was a monster. But if there's a mage who wanted to test his or her own strength on the agent by hitting him and slashing a weapon at him, then it's a human. But it could also be a monster.

Monsters would be easier to handle. We can just kill them. Even if they are contracted monsters to a tamer and the tamer will notice that their monsters were killed, we can just disguise ourselves as a monster.

But if the enemy is human, this person might retreat as soon as whoever it is noticed our presence.

What if we try to escape to the center of this circle of magicless area to where the city is, and someone is blocking us? Even if they are not blocking us, as soon as they notice our presences, they could quickly retreat or fire a signal to the sky to alert the others.

If it's someone else, they would be killed. But if it's me, I would kill them instead. And if they realize that they are weaker than me too soon, they will retreat and alert the others.

I guess my only option is by going to the opposite side. It's much safer to go there.

For Ray, carrying three people on his back is easy. And we left the magicless after a while.


I instantly opened a portal back to Cassau. Back home where Kayla is.

When I enter the portal, everyone is in the dining room. Including the nine master level mages who are being introduced to the kids since one of them is in Varadis. Seems like they can get along with kids quickly. Or maybe because they haven't met a kid for a hundred years.

"Kayla, heal him," I said after I cleaned a table for the agent to lay on.

"Who is he?" one of the nine master level mages asked.

"An agent who was supposed to be investigating the city in the center of the magicless area. I found him injured and unconscious in the village you told me about," I said.

Kayla then healed the agent. While someone is watching her curiously. He's someone who has reached master level in his healing element. A master level healer.

"Oh, that is quick. So with magic control, you can heal someone faster. And if you learn about human's body, you can just focus on the injury alone instead of healing his whole body. It's faster and more efficient. Though for me, healing everyone in an instant is faster. But if it's to heal a single individual, I guess this is the best choice to do it," he said.

"That's right. Though I can't regenerate missing limb like a master level mage yet," Kayla said.

"That's true. I can only do it after I reached master level in my healing element. But even then, it needs me to use magic on the patient for weeks just to regenerate a single thumb. But if I learned magic control, I think it can be done faster," he said.

So it's true that a master level mage can regenerate lost limbs. But it needs weeks for a single thumb? I guess I will continue keeping my limbs intact.

"What about death? Can a healer revive the dead?" Angela asked curiously.

"Obviously no. If you are dead, then there's nothing we can do. That's it," the master level healer said.

"What about consciousness? Can you wake him up with healing magic?" I asked after seeing that Kayla has finished with the treatment.

"No. In the end, healing magic is only for healing. We just need to wait until he wakes up," he said.

But I don't want to wait. Let's quickly wake him up then.


I shouted while also pinching his arm. With the pain and the shout, he should be awake soon.

"AAAAAH! I'm awake! Where is this?"

Yup. Pain is the simplest way to wake someone up.

"I found you in an abandoned village in the magicless area. Covered with injuries. Tell me what happened."

He then quickly checked the surrounding. Other than the nine people he doesn't know, he recognize us all. Seeing that I can speak about it in front of the nine people, he realized that they are not enemies.

"Can you bring me to His Majesty? I'll say what I've seen there," he said.

I have texted Albert that an agent that was sent to investigate was injured. It was back when Kayla was healing the agent.

And just as the agent said that, my phone rung. Albert is calling me.

"What happened to him?" Albert asked.

"He's awake now. I'm bringing him to you right away. He said that he's going to talk in your presence," I said.

"Okay. Bring him in."

With Albert's permission, I opened a portal to his location. I guess now I don't need Sonia to contact the others before I opened a portal to their location.

Not just me and the agent entering. Everyone also entered including the curious nine master level mages.

There, the agent told us what happened.

They were being careful. But in the end, they are still newly promoted expert level mages. They didn't expect to encounter a master level mage there.

Of course they did act as planned. Pretending that they were hunters doing a request by a noble. And it worked. At least the agent thought so.

They told the master level mage that they were being chased by a monster in the magicless area.

The master level mage was suspicious at first. Especially seeing two hunters acting polite since hunters are usually rough people. But the two just told him that seeing someone walking around casually near the magicless area, that man shouldn't be anything normal.

So the man brought them to the city. At least pretended to.

All of a sudden, a monster came and attacked them. Only the agents. Not the master level mage.

The two tried to kill the monster while the master level mage just watching. He might be a tamer.

The monster was a weretiger. Like a werewolf, but this time a tiger. I guess that's how he got the bruises and scratches.

Hearing the enemy is a weretiger, Shelia became interested with the story. As for me, I'm curious to see if that weretiger is willing to join the cult or being forced.

I'm interested if there are a tribe of weretigers that can possibly join us in the fight. But I won't expect too much of it.

Anyway, one of the agent got knocked out by the weretiger. This guy tried to save him, but the weretiger was too strong. So he chose to run away. Hoping that the fainted agent would wake up and continue with the mission alone while he's distracting the weretiger.

And that's how he ended up in that place. Seeing how the injures were bad but not life-threatening, that weretiger must have played with him with no intention to kill him.

"So, how did you figure out that he's a master level mage?" Albert asked.

"He said it himself. And he was too calm when we detected his presences. I assume that's because he noticed us beforehand," he said.

The weretiger didn't destroy the magic items in the agent's body. Like the phone, Sonia's soil, or Blobby.

"What about the Blobby?" Albert asked me.

"Hmm... I can connect to my clones over there. So we can assume that they don't know about m clones," Victoria said.

"Once he wakes up and noticed that we are separated, he should contact me or His Majesty. But I haven't received any text from him," the agent said.

That means that he might still be unconscious. Or his phone is in someone's hand.

The agent then tried to call the other agent. But no one picked it up.

"What will you do when the phone was ringing while it's in someone else's hand?" I asked the agent.

"There shouldn't be any problem. I made the phone so they won't ring or even vibrate if someone else other than the registered owner is holding it. And the agent must have set it to silent mode since he's on a mission," Marie said.

Then it's still safe at least.

"Well, I guess it's about time I investigate it myself, right? I'll stop checking on the magicless area and go to the city then. After two hours of nap. If the agent contacted you before I leave, tell me," I said.

Before, it was a cat-man. Now, it's a weretiger. Maybe next is lion.

Shelia can't wait to go there, so she asked my permission to go there by herself. It's only a few hours of run for her from Cassau. But I still lent her Ray so she can get there sooner.

By the way, when my familiar is inside the magicless area, I won't be able to summon them to my location. I can't even open a portal there. So I told her to be careful since I can't save her when she's inside.

Also, when my familiars is inside the magicless area, although I felt that the connection between us is lost, they are still my familiars. So I can't make a contract with another monster while they are still alive. And I will know if they die since the contract will be broken. Though it's good that I can know that without having my familiars died.

765 We Won't Save Him

After taking a nap, I got a text from Albert to meet him before I check on the missing agent's condition. So I opened a portal to his location and hear what he's going to say.

"The agent is still alive at least. He contacted my phone and let it on so I could hear his conversation with other people there. But it was just for five minutes since someone suddenly come and he stopped the call," Albert said.

So that guy is still healthy enough to call Albert. But maybe the act of calling Albert made a reaction to a master level mage's magic detection and so he needed to stop it before they realized what happened.

"There was someone over there who was trying to heal him. So he talked to him while also talking to himself. He stopped the call when he heard that someone was coming so I don't know the full detail. But I will tell you what he said before the call ended," Albert said.

At least we have a new information that could be important before trespassing into the enemy's territory.

When the agent fought the weretiger, he pretended to not have enough mana. He was a good actor so he pretended to be in panic and even started throwing stones at the weretiger before he lost his consciousness. Though he missed because he was panicked. But even if he didn't miss, some stones won't do any harm to a monster.

"Throwing stones? Is that stone what I'm thinking?"

There's only one thing that an agent who was trained to be calm at all time to do. It's to not let panic set in and make an error in his judgement.

So the stones that he threw, at least one of them, is a Blobby. And I can just go there directly if needed. And instead of opening a portal to the agent's location, I should go to where he threw the Blobby at. It should be safer this way.


"Most likely. He was with someone so he can't say everything. But there's no need to tell anyone about throwing stones. So he must be talking about Victoria's clones."

But he was fighting against a weretiger before. Or should I say getting himself beaten up by one?

If I open a portal there, the weretiger could be there already. Though Shelia seems to be going his way. She wants to fight him.

A werewolf against a weretiger. Using animal comparison of a wolf and a tiger, a tiger is stronger individually. Usually at least. From what I know.

If they fight inside the magicless area, the weretiger might have the advantage over Shelia. So Shelia needed to fight it outside the magicless area.

Right now, she's still on the way to the magicless area. Ray should have taken her there soon. But somehow, she's still only on the way. I know that from telepathy with her.

(Shelia, where are you?) I asked via telepathy.

(I'm fighting some bandits. They think that I'm just a weak woman since I'm still in my human form. I let Ray leave since I want to fight by myself. You can summon him to your own location)

I guess that's to be expected of her. Since she loves fighting, there's only a few times that she get away from a fight. And those were because I ordered her to. So when a group of bandits approached her, she will stop.

At least it's good that she's not in the magicless area yet.

(After you finish with the bandits, just wait for me there. I'll use portal to get through the magicless area as soon as possible. I have asked Ray to meet up with you)

After I finished talking with Shelia, I looked at Albert again.

"Is there anything else I need to know? There should be more than just throwing stones, right?"

Then Albert told me everything else that the agent said before the call got ended.

It was just a five minutes call, so he couldn't just tell us everything. So we had Sonia with us to compare both their view of the city.

The agent was located in a church in the city where he was being healed. Since it's a church, it must be worshiping the Evil God.

"Yes. There's a church in that city. When I looked at it from above. If it's a church, it should be that place. It was right next to a place where they keep their monsters. Though I didn't see any weretiger before," she said.

"And it's also possible that they started patrolling because they saw you in the city. That's how they meet the agents. Maybe Roy should wait a few days before going there," Albert suggested.

"So I need to wait more? I guess I will have to explore the magicless area again. We sure love to delay everything," I said.

Not just this mission. But also back then when we were planning for the tournament. It took a while until we could finalized the tournament and proceed with it.

The agent over there regained his consciousness while the master level mage was carrying him to the city so he could see a bit before he entered the church where he got healed. Of course the master level mage pretended to be weaker than master level.

It was most likely true that it was him who sent the weretiger to split the two agents. Once they split up, he brought one of them to the city to interrogate. Under the guise of trying to get to know the agent better.

The agent sensed that there are several mages surrounding the church when he entered. And when he called Albert with his phone, he sensed that some people including the healer in front of him reacted.

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Though it was lucky that the healer is not a master level mage since it was the master level mage who noticed that it was the agent who used magic.

"What do you think, Roy?" Albert asked.

"I think that they also want to recruit the agent to join the cult. He's an expert level mage, right? And the cult who have lost so many people are in need of powerful mage. And if they fail to recruit him, he will be killed. I don't think he will betray us, but if the cult have someone who can brainwash him, it would be dangerous," I said.

"I don't think there's a need to worry about it. He will commit suicide if someone is trying to approach him like that. You've seen the inside of the agents' mouth, right?"

As Albert said, I've seen it. Similar to the cult, they have something in their mouth. And it's not a magic item that will explode once activated like the cult does. Because if it was, then I would have killed them thinking that they might be from the cult.

Those were poison. And they just need to bite the small container and drink the poison if they want to kill themselves. So if anyone approached him and try to brainwash him, he would drink the poison first.

I wonder who suggested such things. To think that they prepared it in case of being brainwashed.

The question is whether the agent can tell if the people around him can use brainwash magic or not. Because if he couldn't tell, he won't notice that he has been brainwashed.

Though if he's wrong and think that other mages can brainwash him, he will just kill himself in the end. So that's fin. Though it won't be good for us as well since we will lose one capable agent.

"Since we're delaying my investigation to that city, does it mean we will let him die?" I asked.

"I hope that won't be the case, but yeah. Everyone realized the importance of what we needed to do. Everyone is risking their lives in the fight against the cult. So we will just wait until further contact with him. Let's wait two days before you go there if there's no more contact. By that time, let's assume that he has been brainwashed and manipulated," Albert said.

I guess we need to be strict like this. It's for the greater good.

It's great that there's no one here want to play as a hero and tries to save everyone. We're all gathering here to save the world. Not to save every single person we see.

If such person exist here, he would come to save the agent even by himself. And he will ruin all our plans.

If someone ask, I will say it again. We don't need heroes. We need warriors.

Let's just get every leader of a country in the alliance get the credit. There's no need for a single individual to be worshiped as hero. Even me who is the strongest or Angela who everyone thinks as the strongest mage.

All we need to do is to destroy the cult. Though maybe we can let someone be the target of everyone's respect. But I'm sure it won't be me.

"Then I'll go and tell Shelia about it. We will investigate more about the magicless area and see if we can find the weretiger. We'll check the abandoned village first. I'll contact you later then."

766 Found More Fruits

"So we're not saving him?"

As soon as I reunited with Shelia, I informed her that we won't save the agent who got knocked out by the weretiger. She looked sad after hearing it.

"Don't worry. You just want to fight the weretiger, right? For now, we will check on the abandoned village where the other agent was found. If there's still a trace of the agent there, maybe you can find where the agent was when he fought the weretiger. But we will just focus on the magicless area and not leaving it. Let's hope that we can get the weretiger in the magicless area," I said.

If Shelia wants a fight, then she can have it. I will help. It's for her to get stronger after all.

Maybe we can stay inside the magicless area and find the weretiger. Then we will lure it to the other side of the magicless area so we won't get closer to the city inside, while also letting Shelia and the weretiger to fight however they want.

"Shelia. If we find the weretiger, we will lure him out of the magicless area so you can fight freely. Let's get you to fight in Monsters World as well. Maybe the weretiger is forced to be under contract. If it's a tamed monster, then the cult also won't be able to take it back as well," I suggested.

"Alright. That's a good idea. Let's do it then," she said.

"But we won't chase it if it goes into the city. We will just continue in the magicless area," I said.

Even in her human form, she is still a werewolf. So she still has her amazing sense of smell, which was proven by how she found the previous agent in the abandoned village before I could see him with my Divine Vision.


Then we ride on Ray's back together and return to the abandoned village. It still look the same as a few hours ago. I guess no one was here.

"There's no other remaining scent here other than ours from before. I'll go check where that guy was found. There should be a remain of the weretiger if that monster attacked him physically," Shelia said.

"Don't get too far from me. When my scent is getting fainter, return to my side," I said to her before she leaves.

I checked the village to see if there's anything here. I'm not as detailed as an agent in investigation, but I still can do more than average person at least.

There are several buildings in this village. Former buildings since they were never maintained at all.

Everything here was built with logs. So only wooden building. And all the logs have become rotten. That's how the buildings crumbled. The support became so weak after so long.

There's nothing here. It has been abandoned for decades it seems. And the most likely location they go to is the city in the middle.

I don't think I will find anything else here.

Oh, wait! I see a fruit on a tree here. That's the fruit that looks like a grape and allow someone to use magic in this place.

After I brought the ten master level mages to the Monsters World, I also asked them to give the elves those fruits to see if the elves can grow them. and the elves' response was positive.

It might not be much, but this could be useful. Because there are other places where magic can't be used.

We are still appraising it to see if there are other effect of the fruit. But from what the master level mages, there is no side effect at all.

I guess it's fine to eat it now then. It's just one.

The duration on how long I can use magic won't be long. Just a few minutes if I only eat one. But that could be life-saving minute.

I ate one and after a few second, I feel that I can use magic again.

I tried using air magic for breathing, and then I threw Victoria away and summoned her back here using portal.

It's weird that I opened a portal only for an earring, but it's fine. Although the earring doesn't have legs, it can still move like a slime. I guess that's because the earring is originally a slime.

"Was it necessary for you to throw me?" Victoria asked.

"No. But it's faster than if I put you somewhere and get away from you. If we find anymore fruit, you will eat it. I think that you eating that fruit is more effective than me eating that fruit in this place. But let's find out more if we find any," I said.

If Victoria consume the fruit, then during that short moment, she can transform into something else. Though I need to tell her directly what she needs to transform into since we can't use telepathy here. We need both of us to eat the fruit if we want to use telepathy.

Also, I need Ray to eat one as well. He can be faster if he can use magic.

The more fruits we have, the better. I guess it will be fine since the elves are breeding it. It won't be long until we can eat them. I hope.

Now, where is Shelia? Oh, she's still in my sight. Since there's nothing else to see here, let's follow her.

"Ray, let's go."

I put Victoria earring back on my ear again and then jumped on Ray's back to look for Shelia.

"Shelia, did you find it?" I asked.

"I found a scent that I don't recognize. Maybe it's from the weretiger," she said.

"Weretiger should also have a good sense of smell, right? When you find it, just stay still and don't get any closer. Let it chase after you and lure it so we can trap the weretiger and bring it to Monsters World," I said.

"I know. But it might have transformed into a regular tiger form. If you see any tiger, it might be the weretiger," she said.

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Oh, right. That's also a monster. So instead of staying in its weretiger form, it can change into a regular human form or a regular tiger form.

Though so far, I didn't see any other human or tiger in the area. And so, while Shelia is following the trace, I keep checking the surrounding to see if there's anything else to find.

We found three more fruits. So I had each of them given to each familiar here.

Ray can now run faster and even run in the air. I guess he used magic for it. Unlike me who can use Aura to run on air.

Well, Ray can't use Aura. He can only share Aura that he contain.

Victoria said that he's like a portable charger. He can't use it on himself, but he can share his Aura and magic to others.

Next is Victoria. As I expected, she can transform in that few minutes. And after the duration is over, her form will be the last form that she transformed into.

"...But why a nose ring?" I asked.

"Moo and I will answer your question," she said jokingly.

"Quack!" I quacked like a duck.

"That's not a moo so I won't answer," she said.

Now what? If I find another fruit, I will put it on my nose. Unless I'm going to risk getting my nose wounded by pulling the ring out forcefully. Even if she didn't pierce my nose, it's so tight that I'm sure I will lose my nose if I pull it forcefully.

I hope we can find another fruit before we encounter anyone.

As for Shelia, I told her to keep it in case she needs to fight a weretiger or other creatures in this magicless area. We don't know if we will find it or not.

After walking a while, I found another fruit. So I put it on my nose and now I have an eyepatch. It's better than a nose ring, but why?

"Arrrr... you seriously asking me that?" Victoria asked.

Why the accent though?

Well, an eyepatch doesn't bother me much so it's fine. And it's also useful if I want to trick my opponent. Making them think that I have a blindspot when I can still see fine even if both eyes are closed.

I can use Divine Vision at all time now because I'm riding on Ray. Although he can't share his magic he can still share his Aura and charge mine. So I don't need to worry about headache if I use Divine Vision for too long.

"The smell is getting closer," Shelia said.

I used Divine Vision and I can see a male human in the forest. He also seem to have noticed us since he's downwind. Our scent is being carried by the wind to his location.

"Shelia, this is enough. He noticed us and started to follow us. Let's slowly get out of this magicless area and lure him out. If possible, let's bring him to Monsters World. There you can fight however you want after we ask him some questions," I said.

Shelia with a smile on her face followed me out of this place. She can't wait for the fight.

767 Luring the Weretiger Out of the Magicless Area

"Did he find us already?" Shelia asked.

I used Divine Vision to see behind us and see the previous man was following us slowly. He's not chasing us quickly. Just using the same speed as us to make us think that no one is following us.

"He can see us and is now following us. Just like you, his human transformation seem to be really good. If he didn't notice us with his sense of smell, I would never thought that he's a monster," I said.

Back when he noticed us, it was because he was downwind. Our scents were being carried by the wind to his location. So he knows.

I'm sure it was because of the smell and not because he saw us or because he heard us. We're making sure that we're in a hidden spot and not making any sound at all. So it must be the smell.

And there's no human who can smell another creature from far away. Unless they are Aura user who learned Aura ability that let their sense of smell get stronger. Or maybe a beastform mage.

But beastform mage can't use magic here. And unlike Victoria, they can't just transform into their beast form or hybrid form before entering the magicless area so their form will stay. It somehow doesn't work that way for them.

I know that because one of the ten master level mages who joined us is a beastform as well. Though it was not his beastform that has reached master level. It was his taming element. And he also has an element that only reached expert level even after cultivating so long. That's why he gave up on it and only focus more on his physical strength.

I don't know what animal he's transforming to. He didn't even used it on the match against the werewolves. He only used his physical strength to see if he could be on par against a werewolf.


The result was quite surprising. They were equal. Though the werewolf still won in the end.

That tamer asked the werewolf if he wanted to be tamed. But the werewolf refused. Unless it's my order since I'm the king.

There's no need to tame our own ally. It won't increase the number.

Anyway, that tamer who was also a beastform mage entered this magicless area for the first time in his animal form. But when magic was blocked, he returned to his original human form. Different from Victoria who stayed in her last form she used before she enters.

So, even if beastform mage who transformed into an animal with a great sense of smell is here, his sense of smell will be the same as average human's sense of smell since magic can't be used.

So, the one chasing us must be a monster that can transform into a human form. And since Shelia said that his scent is similar to the scent that remained in the abandoned village, he could be the weretiger we're looking for.

He followed us while we're moving slowly. We're pretending that we don't know that someone is following us.

And when we left the magicless area, the weretiger finally make his move.

He increased his speed and stopped in front of us to block the way.

He must be thinking that he can kill us easily if he can use magic. But he's wrong.

As soon as he appeared in front of us, I quickly opened a portal to Monsters World, grabbed his head, and throw him into the portal. Then we entered as well.

...We have been going to the Colosseum in the Monsters World so many times in the past few days. I'm sure the werewolves are excited to see that Shelia will be facing a weretiger.

"...You noticed me and luring me here?" the weretiger asked.

As soon as I threw him into the portal, he transformed into his weretiger form mid air and landed perfectly on his feet even though I tried to get him land head first. He's just like the cat-man. Or maybe even better since he's a real weretiger.

Shelia might have some problem fighting him.

"Are you a monster who is under contract with a mage from the city inside the magicless area?" I asked.

"Why ask when we're going to fight?"

"Just to see if this will be a deathmatch where we have to kill you or we can get you out of there and you can live however you want. Though if you're under contract, I guess it's normal for you to stay in that magicless area," I said.

Since he's in magicless area, he doesn't have to obey his master's order and can live freely.

Maybe there's even a village full of monsters under contract who stayed there so they don't have to obey someone's order.

"I thought that I could defeat you in an instant so I don't need to stay out for too long. Right now, the one who forced me to be under him realized that I'm out and ordered me to come to him. But he doesn't know where I am so it's fine. He will soon order me to kill anyone I see though. Or at least capture someone. Just like one of the two hunters I found today," he said.

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"I see. They are my comrades. And that's why we're investigating about you. I guess a fight to the death can't be avoided. So, if you hate your master, tell us everything you know. As a reward, we will try our best to fulfill your wishes. I'm sure I can grant you your wish if you wish to die in battle. If you want to be free though, I can do that. But it will take time," I said.

"Alright. He's trying to force me to fight soon. Stop me so we have time to chat."

I used the cane and drew a circle around him. Then I activated the barrier. This should be enough to last an hour at least. Though that depend on how strong he is.

I also called Albert and brought him here. This way, we know if the weretiger is speaking the truth.

And the weretiger tried to say everything. While trying to break out of the barrier I made.

Tamed monsters, just like summoned monsters, can use telepathy. And I think that the previous master level mage that the agents met should be at least expert level tamer. So he could contact the weretiger all the way here even if he's not a summoner.

But telepathy works both way. The master can give order to their monsters via telepathy, and the monsters have to do it. But for the monsters, they can decide if they want to contact their master via telepathy or not. Though if the master force them to speak, the monsters will speak.

Once in a while, I also hear Shelia's and Graham's report when I didn't summon them for a while. Hearing what they're doing and what they found in Monsters World. And I don't need to be the one contacting them first.

The weretiger told us that there's an entire village of weretigers in the magicless area. But when he got tamed, he entered the magicless area so the master's order doesn't need to be obeyed. And it will be suicidal for the master to enter magicless area and confront the weretiger even if he's a master level mage.

So, even though the weretiger is tamed, he still live freely as long as he's inside the magicless area.

And after he got tamed, he told the other weretigers to leave the village and leave no trace so he won't be able to chase after them in case the master ordered him to get them.

He knows that he can't disobey the master. But once in the past, there was a weretiger who got tamed. But that one was lucky to lure the master to the magicless area and kill him.

Anyway, the weretiger is now living alone in the wild and only roam in the magicless area unless his master is killed. Though he left the magicless area once in a while when his hunting ground has no more prey. As for the city, he doesn't know much about it. He only obeyed his master's order.

"So, you don't need to fight to death, right? We can just return you back to the magicless area and you can wait there until your master die. We also have a mission to kill anyone related to the cult which your master seem to be in. So sooner or later, we can kill him. I know I can because I'm already stronger than any average master level mages. And even if he has monsters with him, I have werewolves here who are following me. They are not tools. They are warriors," I said.

"Well, that would be great. But I also want to fight a werewolf and see who is the stronger one. I can't fight my instinct, you know. But I'm going to fight with the intent to kill. So don't hold back!"

Sigh... is every monster with were in the name of their species love to fight so much? Can't we all live in peace?

"Shelia, this fight might be hard for you to win if you hold back. Go all out from the start. If I see any one of you is close to death, I will intervene," I said.

Well, the match can't be stopped. So we'll just watch them fight, I guess.

So many people loves to fight. I only love winning. Not fighting. I wish we can win without a fight.

768 Tiger Versus Wolf

"...And now what? We can't really fight until the barrier is broken. I can break it with my strength. But are there other things you want to ask him? If not, let the fight begin," I asked Albert.

Even if the weretiger doesn't know what else he can say, there's still time until the barrier I made to be broken. I'm quite strong after all. And I used quite a lot of Aura thinking that the weretiger can break it if it's any weaker than it is now.

"Then I'll ask some more questions. Do you remember where your previous village was? And how long ago was it when you got tamed and asked your fellow weretiger to run away? Were you also the strongest weretiger in your tribe?"

Albert asked several questions at once. And they're not related to the cult at all.

"Oh, and answer everything as fast as possible. We don't know if your master will notice that you're being interrogated and he will order you to tell lies. And to make it quick, I will tell you that if you're alive by the time the match is over, I'll bring you back to the magicless area where you can wait there without obeying anyone's order until I kill your master. I will even have someone bring you food so you don't need to go out of there," I said.

The weretiger said that he was out of the magicless area today because he found the agents. He was told that it was his job to kill anyone suspicious.

And that order actually forced him to fight the master level mages. But he said that he saw them before he was tamed and knows that those mages were training to get themselves stronger, so he wasn't suspicious of them at all. And that's why he never fight them even when he knew that they are in the magicless area.

If I could get one of them to bring food for him, he won't attack and he also doesn't need to leave there to look for food.

The weretiger then answered everything quickly and honestly.


"Do you remember where I started detected your presence? My village was close to that place. I think it has been so long since I got myself tamed. But it's still less than a hundred years ago. And yeah, I was the strongest in my tribe. So if my master told me to kill them, they can't fight back," the weretiger said.

I guess he's afraid to be forced to kill his own kind. Though maybe like the werewolves, if he needs to fight, it should be by mutual consent. To see who is the stronger one. Instead of being forced for it.

"Then about the agents. Why did you let him live in the end? He didn't die and we ended up here because of it," Albert asked.

"I thought he's already dead. He was too weak and his breath was too faint. And I have no interest in weaklings," he said.

After that, Albert asked him more about himself and about weretigers in general. And finally, it's time for the barrier to be down.

"It should be time. You can stop banging on the barrier since it will be down soon. I guess you can't since this is your master's order. Well, because this is my familiar's wish to fight you, have a good fight. I'll return you back to the magicless area once the fight is over," I said.

Then I brought Albert back to his place. There's no need for him to watch the fight.

"Graham, heal him and recover his stamina once the barrier is down. I want a fair fight myself," Shelia said to Graham.

"Hah! I like you, Wolf Girl! Let's have a good fight!" the weretiger said.

Graham just sighed and waited for the barrier to be down. Shelia is in front of him just in case the weretiger is trying to attack Graham instead. But the weretiger said that she doesn't need to be concerned about it.

When the barrier breaks, the weretiger instantly rushed toward Shelia. And Graham acccuratelly cast healing magic and stamina recovery magic on him before leaving the stage.

The wolf and the tiger are facing each other. And I just want to return back to the mission. But I can't since the weretiger could be useful for us.

If I could kill his master, he might even join us. And then we can look for where the rest of his tribe are and get them to join us.

If we offer them a fight against the werewolves, they might be interested to join us. And if we added their anger toward the cult since the cult tamed their strongest werewolf, they will be even more interested to join.

Imagine werewolves, angels, vampires, and weretigers fighting together. No matter how big their army of monsters that they worked so hard to tame are, there's no way they could win against us then.

Well, the weretigers are just possibility. Even if we help them, they might not want to join us in the end.

Oh, the weretiger can also run in the air. The way he fight is similar to how a werewolf fight. But he's stronger physically and is more flexible. Shelia's attack didn't hurt him much except for her slash.

And the weretiger also have self-regeneration ability. Is every race with were at the front of their name like that? Maybe I should look for more of were-something race to help me fight the cult in the future.

The weretiger is better at everything. From the speed, power, and even punching speed, kicking speed, slashing with claws, and transformation, he was better than Shelia.

His tiger transformation is bigger, but it didn't cost him his speed. Instead, he became faster. Now I know why the cat-man chose a cat as his transformation. Maybe because he met one before.

The only thing that made the fight equal so far was because of experience. Shelia has more experience in fighting than the weretiger. Including losing a fight many times even if they were just a spar.

Using her experience, she dodged the weretiger's attack and try to counter. But her counter attack kept being blocked or dodged by the weretiger just by his own physical strength.

And they both looked really happy right now.

They both got to fight someone strong. And the weretiger also can forget about everything else including how he's just a contracted monster and focus on his fight.

And the audience is cheering for both of them. Why not just Shelia? They are mostly werewolves though.

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"...It's like watching two mythical beasts fighting," Victoria commented.

Mythical beast, huh? Is such creature exist? Well, the abyss horse, Ray, might be one of them. After all, one can only see it at their death. Unless they have died and somehow got revived like me. Though in my case, time also got rewound.

...It's been two hours since the fight started. Can I just go home now?

Even Albert has contacted me many times asking me who won. But it still hasn't ended!

Sonia who is no longer busy moving around thanks to the creation of phone is also here watching the fight. She is so free now.

I like to rest, but one of them might die if I look away. So I can only watch it.

Next time, how about I destroy the Colosseum?

But I can see that the werewolves will rebel. They will no longer respect me as their king.

I might have stopped them from having another deathmatch. That tradition is bad for them after all. But if I stopped them from enjoying a fight, I will lose their respect. And I will no longer have an army of werewolves I can order around.

They will probably still fight if I offer them a fight, but they won't listen to my order.

That's something that must be avoided. So I can only watch.

Both sides are now exhausted. They have been fighting for so long after all. So we can see the end soon.

They can no longer run on air, transform, or using long distance slash. So it's just a brawl.

Anyone watching will think that the weretiger is winning thanks to his physique. But Shelia is not losing at all.

Finally, the weretiger who saw Shelia let down her guard made a mistake. He made a big swing for a finishing move. But that's what Shelia predicted.

She wasn't totally exhausted. She's reserving her stamina for her last attack.

And when the weretiger made that mistake, Shelia blocked it, and slashed her claws at the weretiger's chest.

It's a fatal wound that will kill him if not treated.

Seeing that the weretiger can no longer fight, I stopped the fight.

"The weretiger can no longer move! The winner is Shelia! Graham and all the angels, quickly heal both of them!"

I don't want to lose the weretiger yet. I will bring him back to the magicless area and see if we can recruit him or not.

769 Given a Mustache as a Proof

After the weretiger was healed, he then instantly tried to attack Shelia again.

No way I will let him do that.

Even if he might be stronger than me, I'm the better fighter. So I blocked his attack, and sweep his legs. Making him fall on the ground easily.

"Just so you know, I became the Werewolf King even though I'm not even a werewolf because I'm the strongest and I was the one who defeated their previous king. You could have won against the strongest werewolf if you attacked her at her weakest after her victory over you, but there's no way you can defeat me," I said.

"...Yeah. But in the end, this is my master's order. To kill anyone suspicious in sight. So even if you bring me back to the Magicless Area, I will still fight everyone. Except if I don't consider them to be suspicious before he gave me the order. So other than those strong humans in that village and my own kind, I will continue trying to kill everyone," he said.

"Don't worry about trying to kill me. I'm much stronger than you. Now, let's get you back to Magicless Area."

While restraining him with Blobbyrope, I opened a portal back to near the Magicless Area again. This time, Shelia is too tired and need some rest. So I didn't bring her with me.

Riding on Ray, it didn't take long until we returned to the place where we met the weretiger.

"My old village was nearby. Though I don't think anyone is living there. Anyway, what do you want me to do?" he asked.


"Here. A clone of my Black Slime. Your sense of smell is good, right? If possible, I want you to find the other weretigers and show them this. Memorized the smell of the Black Slime and told them that anyone with that smell is not enemies and don't attack them. Also tell them that I can bring them to safety. Though that also depend on you as well. But if they want a place where they can fight werewolves, not to the death, I can bring them there. I'd like you to join us fighting against the cult, but I will wait your answer until after I kill your master," I said. Though I think that I will be the one who found his tribesmen first.

Even if the other weretiger come to the village and help us for a while, they might still be obeying this one since he said that he's the strongest. So we can only confirm if they want to join or not later after I kill his master and he became a free monster.

Though I still don't know if they truly desire for a fight or not.

But if they really want a fight, they will end up fighting the werewolves every day. And during big time such as war, they won't be in any condition to fight because of it.

Maybe if I also became the Weretiger King, they will obey me to not fight too much.

Though I think it's good for the angels to improve their healing magic.

"Then I'll go and find my kin. And if you find any, you need this," the weretiger then plucked one of his cat mustache and give it to me after I released him.

A mustache. A single strand of a weretiger's mustache. He gave it to me. Though it's more like he tried to punched me since he's still under his master's order.

"This is a mustache. I know Mustache but this is the first time someone presented me with a mustache. What should I do with this mustache?" I asked.

"It's proof that you have defeated me in a fight. And I acknowledge you as someone stronger than me. If you find any weretiger, just show this to them and tell them it's from Borsce," the weretiger said.

"Borsce? Who's that? Why would someone be named Borsce? Why not just Bors or something easier. Why would anyone always make difficult name for me to remember?"

I complained while dodging his attacks.

"That's my amazing name! Showing that strand of hair to other weretigers will tell them that I have acknowledged you as someone superior. This will make it easier for them to hear you," the weretiger said.

"Alright. I'll tell them that it's from Borsce. But I will just call you Tiger. It's easier for me this way," I said.

"...Whatever you want. You need to leave quickly so I can't find your trace. If I can still track you, I will have no choice but to keep looking for you," Tiger said.

That won't be a problem for me.

After saying farewell, Ray ran at full speed away from Tiger. Now we're going to look for other weretigers. Though my main mission is still to investigate this Magicless Area.

I checked the former village of the weretigers. Even if they leave, if they have feelings to their old homes, they may be there.

Unfortunately, the timing is not right.

When I got there, I see some traces of humans' feet. Most likely those weretigers were roaming this place in their human form since normal humans wear shoes.

"But it proves that they came here once in a while. Just the timing isn't right. Maybe I should have bring at least one werewolf here with me to track the weretigers," I said to myself.

"Gotta catch every single one of 'em!" Victoria shouted on my ear. She's a little earring again now.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"I mean we're collecting monsters, right? So I just feel the need to shout it loud. It's just like usual. References from my world. You don't need to care," she said.

"I care because you were shouting next to my ear!"

But yeah, we're trying to see if we could find more monsters to gather as our allies. We're targeting intellectual monsters who can speak and can communicate with us.

Now that I think about it, the cult might have done the same as well. Maybe some monsters feel the same as the cult and wanted to destroy the world so they're working together.

But in my past life, when I was killed by a monster, I saw the cult were bringing various type of monsters. Not just one. So I guess they might not be the same at all. Or they haven't used their full force yet.

The more I fight the cult, the more I don't understand them.

If they even built a city and have already gathered a lot of people, why would they, in my past life, only started the fight much later?

Whatever. As long as I can just destroy the cult, I don't need to know the answer.

"Well, today has been a long day. Let's go back home today and rest. Too many things happened today," I said.

We started this mission in the morning. I brought two agents so they can investigate the city in the middle of the Magicless Area while I investigate the Magicless Area.

Then, I found ten master level mages who trained their bodies. They are about as strong as average werewolves even without magic. And they joined us in the fight against the cult.

Then when I returned to the Magicless Area, I found one of the agent injured badly and returned back home.

And we learned that the other agent was being taken into the city and was being healed by the healer in there. Which most likely to be related to the cult.

Then after I took a nap, I was told to rescue him after two days in case he can learn more things by himself. Though it's highly likely that he would have died by that time. Either he was killed by the cult or he killed himself with the poison in his mouth.

Next, I found a weretiger. Lured him out of the Magicless Area and brought him to Monsters World to fight Shelia after we asked him what he knew.

He doesn't knew much about the cult. But we learned that there's a tribe of weretigers inside the Magicless Area.

Why would a strong and powerful race of weretiger live in that place when they can do many things outside there? I forgot to ask Tiger.

If they were originally from Monsters World because their ancestors were a summoned monsters, then we might be able to learn about the other weretigers in Monsters World. And we can recruit more allies.

It all happened in one day. It's no wonder that my mind is in a mess.

Let's get home and take a long rest before going back there again. And by tomorrow, I will probably forget many things that happened today and just focus on what I need to do. It will be just like usual.

Whatever. I'll write down everything that happened and tell Albert using my phone.

Now, it's time to sleep.

770 The Mustache Doesn't Work

The next day, I started looking around the Magicless Area again. And soon I found several weretigers hunting on some monsters. Probably for food.

"A human! A human is here!"

Thanks to Shelia who have rested enough after her fight with Tiger, we found the weretigers quick enough.

But it is to be expected from the tribe of monsters whose strongest member has been tamed by a human. They can't trust a human easily. So they are surrounding me.

Despite Tiger told me that they are the race that prefer to fight one on one, all of them are surrounding us. Just shows how much they hate humans.

"What do you think, Shelia? Can you defeat them all? Just asking. We're not here to fight anyone," I said.

"Well, as long as none of them were as strong as Tiger, I can win. But with this many opponent, it will take time if I do it alone," Shelia said. She called him Tiger because I called him Tiger first.

Some of them even have bigger size than Tiger. But I didn't feel as much pressure as Tiger gave. I guess they are just big. Though maybe they are at the same level as Jack and the others.

I'm sure they can get along with the Werewolves since they both love to fight. But again, I don't want them to try to kill each other.


Let's see if they are willing to hear us.

"Excuse me! Can you bring us to someone in charge? I have this. Borsce's strand of mustache. He gave it to me because he thinks that I can help you out," I said.

The weretigers looked at the hair in my hand. Some of them come closer and smelled it to confirm if it's truly Tiger's mustache.

"The smell is really Borsce's. No doubt about it."

"But that's a human! What if they forced Borsce to tell them everything? And he had no choice but to give him the strand of hair because of it? Let's just kill them right here right now!"

"What about the woman? She doesn't smell like a human."

"Who cares! Kill them both!"

TIGER! I thought it would be fine if I just show them this mustache! But their hatred toward humans is so big that they can't be stopped by a single strand of a mustache! I need the entire mustache!

If I bring Mustache here, maybe that will work. Wait, no. He's Flamboyant Mustache. Not Borsce's Mustache. Should I call it Borstache?

"Shelia. Show them that you won this mustache fair and square," I said.

"I didn't won that mustache! I won against Tiger!"

Even though she complained, she still fought the weretigers.

I told her to make sure that she doesn't kill anyone. Even by mistake. Just to show them that she's strong enough to match against Tiger.

Well, the weretiger's physical abilities are still better than a werewolf's. But this is Shelia. She's already far stronger than the previous Werewolf King.

Instead of fighting them all by herself, she made sure to dodge their attacks and only fight back when it's just one opponent. Attacking that one several times and make them fall on the ground.

And this is still a Magicless Area. So the weretigers are unable to use their regeneration magic.

Though I see some of them have the fruits with them. The fruit that will allow them to use magic in this place. But they haven't eaten them yet.

Shelia also had some fruits. We found more of them on the way. I thought that they might be useful later so I gave them to her.

Well, she hasn't eaten those fruits as well. She's still fighting the weretigers with punches and kicks.

"Target the man! He might be the boss!"

Knowing that they can't defeat Shelia easily, they started aiming for me.

But it was easy for me. I just need to swing the sword-cane in my hand to keep them away. As for those coming from behind, Ray will kick them.

In the end, everyone is fighting.

As an Aura user who doesn't need to use magic, I have the greatest advantage. But it's annoying when the job is to not kill anyone.

"They are too strong! Eat the fruits!"

Now the weretigers have eaten those fruits. And they transformed from their previous human forms which they have, to a half human half tiger's form. They are serious in trying to kill us.

"Hey, hey! Are you serious? We just told you that we're here because of... that weretiger who was said to be the strongest weretiger. Do you really want to fight us to death? Just know that she's stronger than him. And I'm stronger than her. So if you really want to kill us, then we have no choice but to kill you," I said.

There's no need to give them mercy if they want to kill us. So it's best to kill them.

Some of them started hesitating. There's no way they would risk their lives in a battle against someone stronger than their strongest member.

"What should we do? If what he said is real and Borsce was really gave the mustache willingly, then they might be our way out of here. We don't need to wait until Borsce's master come here and kill him."

"But what if he lies?'

"Then Borsce's life is already forfeit. Even if we can't use magic here and he's being surrounded by all of us, we still unable to wound him. Even that woman only received light wound while she knock some of us out."

"But is he even a human? I heard that they shouldn't be this strong. And he's already stronger than us. Do you think that we can win even if we transformed?"

Well, I'm just stalling for time though. If I stall for time long enough so that the fruit's effect is over, they can't transform until they eat another fruit.

Some of them who have eaten the fruits have transformed. But some who have eaten were still haven't transformed. I just don't want to make my problem increase. And it is easier to defeat them in their human form.

"Did you all forget who we are? We are a battle race! So what if what he said is true or false?! He's here! And we have a fight! Is there a need to hesitate any longer?!"

Well, there it is. I really am surrounded by a battle-crazed people, huh. They were monsters though.

"Okay then. You can fight her while I just watch. Wait for her to transform as well. Then wait until she can't use magic again so it will be a fair fight. That's okay, right?" I suggested.

With this, the weretigers were no longer surrounding me. And again, there will be a match. I should have brought some more werewolves with me.

While Shelia transformed, I jumped down from Ray and sat on the ground while leaning my back on the tree. I also checked the surrounding to see if there are other weretigers here. Seems like everyone is here because we have been fighting them for a while.

I guess I don't need to look for them anymore after this.

Let's just sit here and watch another match between a werewolf and weretigers.

And as usual, Shelia is winning. And the weretigers no longer care about whether Borsce send me here or not.

Interacting with monsters is weird. Simple, but weird. I just need to give them what they want. Unless they are stupid. Like these weretigers.

Interacting with other humans though, is hard. Give them what they want, and they may ask for ten times of what they really want.

I guess I'm just not good at socializing in general.

The fight keeps going and Shelia started to get exhausted. It was just yesterday that she exhaust herself from fighting. Now she will do it again.

"That little werewolf... she felt familiar."

One of the weretiger, still in his human form, an old one, approached me and started a conversation with me. I guess I'll just talk with him so I won't get bored.

"Have you met werewolves before?" I asked him.

"Yes. A long time ago. Around a few hundred years ago probably. I forgot how long it was. But it was around the time that people like you, Aura users, still exist," he said.

"...You're old. So what about it?" I asked. He also knows that I'm an Aura user. Unlike other weretigers. They don't know it.

"We became good friends. Or maybe rival. We just fight every time we meet. But we respected each other. I won most of the time I fought him so I can tell that despite the fact that magic can't be used, she's far stronger than that werewolf even when he's using magic. I can believe that she defeated Borsce," he said.

An old friendship between a weretiger and a werewolf. Knowing their pride, I can expect the werewolf to also think that he's always the one who won every time they met. So I can't confirm if this old weretiger really won most of their fights or not.

Hmm? Wait. I think I might know the werewolf he's talking about.

"Do you remember that werewolf?" I asked.

"Yes. His name was Doraqulay. A weird name for a werewolf," he said.

I think I remember that name. Or maybe not.

"Ah! That's the name unfit for a werewolf! That's the name of Grandpa Werewolf!" Victoria shouted.

"What a weird earring you have."

I ignored the old weretiger's comment as I remembered that it was really Grandpa Werewolf's name. Maybe. But with Victoria here to confirm it, I'm sure of it.

"I know that werewolf. He's her grandpa," I said while pointing at Shelia.

"Really?! Then I will stop the fight. I want to know more about my old friend. And maybe it's true that you can help us out of here," he said.

I guess the negotiation can be done sooner if he's in charge. This is nice.