
"Yes, I accept." Dean answered with a nod, he didn't want to postpone the mission now he didn't want to make the mission any harder for him in the future.

[ Ding, good luck on the mission host.]

After accepting the mission Dean didn't immediately stood up, he remained seated on the floor and kept his eyes tight closed and begun absorbing the energy around him, he started circulating his chaotic void qi and let it pass through all over his meridians.

Body Refinement is a repeated cycle of heavenly running inside the body in order to make the muscles, the bones, all the way to the internal organs and this was the proper way of refining the body, the only difference in what he was doing was the direction where the heavenly qi goes.

All of his heavenly qi were circulating in his body and being directed to his void bead, his void body was centered around this bead like a core and the more he nurture it the more it will become stronger same as his body, and reaching a certain point the bead will emit a black light signifying that he had advance.

He had just made a breakthrough earlier and the he's not about to waste any more time, he inly have a year to reach the next realm and if he took for account the amount of time that he would need in order to become a proper caster and an artificer Dean needed to reach the ninth level in 6 months' time.

Although there was a way to improve his cultivation faster than now like spiritual plants and hastening the heavenly qi's circulation and aggressively making the void bead absorb the heavenly qi and reach the next level but if he did that his foundation will become weak resulting his power weaker in the future, as for the other way he didn't have that much of a resources and if he wanted to procure the resources that he needed Dean only have one way of doing that.

The enrollment of the academy will be happening in the next 5 days, a disciple in an academy like this will usually get an allowance every month that will help the students improve faster, this allowance was most likely a level "Qi Crystal" that holds a concentrate amount of heavenly qi, this was the thing that Dean was after.

---- A Qi Crystal that contains a vast amount of heavenly and those heavenly qi are going to help me advance and because the qi crystal is something that only have to absorb slowly I wouldn't need to make the qi in the air enter my meridians hastily so my foundation wouldn't be affected at all. ----

But for him to do this he would need to become a student of the academy but he didn't have time to become a helper to Gilet if focus on cultivation and he didn't want that to happen either. Gilet, based on what he knew must be an artificer that holds a high position in the academy.

---- That guy may be weird but he must have enough skill to act like that in the forging hall so he must be skilled in forging enough to be acknowledge by the others around him, and with a perfect image of an artificer in front of me I wouldn't want to let this go, so I guess I will have to make Gilet let me enroll while letting me help me in forging. ----

Thinking about this, Dean started coming up of a way to make this happen. Well he still have the choice, of using the resources or his pay he get from here to buy some medicinal plants to help him in cultivation but that would take time and he might not make it to the deadline of the mission.

As he was thinking of this a shout came from outside of his room "Dean, come out and meet me here!" Dean started standing up, he went to the door and opened it from the inside. As he opened the door the image of Gilet appeared in front of him.

Dean gave a bow and said "What can I do for you, Sir Gilet?" He said as he raised his head.

Gilet gave him a look for a while and said as a smile slowly appeared on his face "You truly are interesting kid, the moment that you came here you only said "Master" in front of me one time and at that time you were still hesitant and sounded disgusted."

Dean raised his head, and gave a Gilet a surprised look, in his head he was cursing his former self when he went there for feeling like that or the fact that he was found out. Previously he only said the words "Master Gilet" in order to get the job from him as he needed the money but it seems like he had notice his inner emotions at that time when his mind was still in a turmoil.

---- Seems like I won't be able to keep my job here. ---- he thought as he started revising the plan that he had on his head already and created a new one where he was asking Heto to reach him or learn it from the books.

But upon realizing that he already made a mistake Dean didn't keep his head down but held his head high ---- I will be fired already so why should I keep my head down when I do? ---- This was the thing that was inside his mind at this very moment.

His pride was already high even before his mind was in turmoil but now that he regained his mind and can think in a more proper and clearer manner the pride and self-confidence that he had also became higher and this pride was not letting him bow down to even Gilet in front of him.

He started waiting for the next where he would be fired at that moment but that did not happen and he didn't hear any shouting from Gilet, and instead of a shout he heard a solemn voice coming from him and a pair of eyes that look as sharp as an eagles.

"Good, I like your eyes full of pride and determination, you must think that I should be firing you now am I right?" Gilet said to him.

Dean nodded his head to him and said "Aren't you? Well if you want to make me feel guilty about it or make my life harder because of what I said at that time, then you will have to take a certain amount of time before you do." Dean clenched his fist under the cover of his long sleeves.

He gazed at the piercing eyes of Gilet and didn't break any eye contact from him, he started feeling some pressure around the air making him feel suffocated so he started circulating the chaotic void heart to calm himself down.

Gilet continued to look at him and with a smile still on his face he said "Boy, you are still young but you already have the temperament of a flame, you are both calm but fiery, steady and prideful."

Dean heard Gilet said what he just said and started being confused as to what he was saying all of a sudden, was that a compliment or something else? He didn't know what was happening at the moment.

Gilet look at his confused face and said "You are the 5th "helper" that I got from Freya and her Mother, but seems like you're the only one to make the cut of the rest, seems like the best is truly saved for last, boy follow me." Gilet gestured to follow him towards the direction of the pond in the back.