Enrollment Part 2

"You got lucky this time little red." As the steam started subsiding and disappearing, the silhouette of To-qe also started appearing for everyone to see, as he stood there with the Great Sword on his back and the white steam coming out of his body many people got the impression that he looked like some kind of berserker.

Loming who was watching this scene was angered knowing that his illusion was broken by this brute of a guy, he wanted to go forward and just fight it off with him but a hand blocked his path from doing so "Don't make any more trouble you two, the gate is about to open and anyone that make more fights than they should have will get kick out here, losing their right to enroll."

Loming knew what the disciple was talking about was right and that he wasn't kidding when he said that so he turned around letting his sleeves flapped around in the wind and left a few words when he left with the 2 men he was with "Watch your back out there."

To-qe snorted in response hearing what Loming had said and also turned around to leave that place, the disciple there looked at the 2 who was walking away and thought to himself while instructing the onlookers to form a line ---- The trials will be worth watching this time around, there are many hot-blooded people this year, should I invite senior brother Yong? ----

The onlooker settled down rather quickly when they were instructed, the others who had their companions and people with started talking about the earlier fight and of course the "Three Trials" that they would have to passes in order for them to become a proper disciple here.

"Did you hear that they change the last year's trial this time around? I heard that there were a lot of deaths last year a person who was there said that it was caused by a newcomer that had a powerful bloodline."

"Is that so, then will the "Magical Beast Hunt" taken out this year? Or will they take out the "Death Hike"? I want one of those two to be taken out because they cause the most casualties each year."

"No they won't will keep those trials for us to undertake, but the easiest trial this past hundred years that they had been doing was taken out and changed to something new, I don't actually know what it is but I heard that it would be something that had something to do with combat."

"What? Didn't you say that they changed it because there were many deaths last year? Why did they add something that can add to the body count?"

"I'm not that sure but they say that the Academy doesn't want to half-ass the trials so instead of making it easier they made it harder in order to filter out the weak one and the people that have the talent for it. I don't have any problem with that, I will take the top 10 people and attract the eyes of the teachers and become a personal disciple."

"Stop talking trash, I will be the one to take it, you don't have the capabilities so just seat down here your only throwing your life away if you go and take this trial."

While the others were about to start another fight, one person who was shorter than the other present was making his way through the crowd as if he was running after someone, the young man was short but that was because he was young about 12 in age.

"Line up and maintain order, the registration is about to start don't be hasty and form 10 lines, to make things faster this year only people that have the strength of 4th level Body Refinement and above can participate this year, also be warned that the people that can become an inner sect disciple have been updated to a person that had entered the 3 main Classes." At this moment, a shout came from above attracting the gazes of many people.

Sounds of displeasure sounded out in the crowd because of the announcement, a sudden announcement happened at this moment and that announcement made many people that were below the 3rd level of Body Refinement unable to go through the trial and the requirement to become an inner sect disciple was also raised a real higher than it used to.

This made an uproar, but another shout of announcement came after the last one, this time the person that was behind the voice had a much aged voice than the first one "Young one's keep quiet, I will make this simple, for those that have a problem with this sudden announcement then leave here now, if you don't have the strength that we require then we don't need you, go to the "Dual Dragon School" if you don't want to be here, that is all for those that have the strength continue forward."

The simple and straightforward announcement made the people who were causing an uproar to become quiet, people that only have the strength of 3rd level and below started leaving for those who have the strength of 4th level Body Refinement and higher didn't move from their position.

Many were still upset by the sudden change in the rules of the enrollment in the academy but for those that were upset they didn't have the courage to speak up, because the voice that just spoke was something infamous around the Green Forest City.

The voice that came from the academy rarely appears and it only does so when things in the front gate gets rowdy to certain extent, there was one time in the past that someone shouted back and that young man exploded then and there, there was also a time when there were some that didn't follow the instructions of that voice and got their arms broken.

Many complained when this happened that even some influential people in the City came themselves, but all of these people were met with disregard by the academy and just gave them a cold shoulder, some were angered so they started a commotion in the academy grounds, but when those people came out their arms were also broken the same way the young people had their arms broken.

Because of this stories and the authenticity that it held in the City, no more young people tried to disobey the instructions of that aged voice as they were afraid to get their arms broken and explode without warning.

This kind of thing should've made the academy's fame to fall short and even close down from getting people of power as an enemy, however against everyone's expectations the academy lived on and gained even more fame from this event.

Many youths thought that the academy was only showing their strength, this attracted many people, many youths to go and enroll to them and now after 200 hundred years the people had not forgotten about it, although they do not know whose voice it belonged to it didn't stop others to fear it and even revere once it showed up.

The disciples that were floating up in the air turned their gaze from the sky to the youths that were preparing to line up, they started giving out instruction to them and after a while, the order outside the front gate returned to normal.

The gates started opening for the youths who have been hoping for it to happen all watched as it open for them, their eyes glittered from excitement.


Please Read: This novel has a history that it already had even before the main character of our story reincarnated, please note that. (I am mentioning this because a friend of mine said that this chapter mentioned something totally unrelated to the main character. Everything that is mentioned in the story have a connection in the future, no matter how little that it may be would still have a part in the future part of the story.)