22. Chapter 7

Omen's POV

"Ouch! Why did you st..."

I glanced up with mild annoyance while rubbing my nose. In numb shock, I could only stared at what had happened in front of me. Virginia, Sherlock, Matty and Amyus as well as the people around us have stood frozen on their spot. Time had been paused for everyone.

Except for me.

A deep chuckle was heard from my right side.

In a split second, Corvus was in my hand and I swung. The air on my right was cut through with a swishing sound. I made a sound of annoyance when I didn't meet my target.


It was the same voice that managed to tap into my call with Mike. The one who dubbed himself to be the protégé of Dark Shadow.

The owner stood in front of me.

A man who looked around his late teens was dressed smartly in gentlemen's clothing with the vest and overcoat. A tall hat sat finely on his head. His molten gold eyes stared at me in amusement at my retort.

The same pair of eyes from the sudden ambush back at Amyus's cottage.

I scoffed at his outfit and rolled my eyes.

"For a gentleman, you sure act like a spoilt child."

He gave a grin that sported inhumanly pearl white teeth and sharp canines.

A vampire?

"I fail to see how I act like a child. Forgive my manners, I am Damon Windsor."

He took off his tall hat before he sink into a bow. Hidden among his unruly locks of hair, I saw two short ivory horns peeking out.

Ah, a demon. Even his name is the epitome of originality.

(DW3: My apologies then! I can't find a good badass name for this badass boy who looks like Tyki Mikk. (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ )

"You adopted the surname of the royalty? That explains your behaviour." I gazed at him warily.

"Where's Micheal? Guardians never work alone."

He placed his hat back on his head and searched for Mike. I schooled my features to conceal my surprise at his question.

It seemed that Dark Shadow didn't know that we were working separately now.

I gave a shrug with a nonchalant face.

"I don't know where he went. He's a lightning. It doesn't always mean we have to be together side by side."

Windsor rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Is that so? Well, never mind then. My fair lady, would you care for a dance?"

He took a bow and extended his right hand to me. It was a code. Having been in the battle before, I knew that his dance meant another thing.

I smiled sweetly at him.

"Would you mind if I powder my nose?"

Damon nodded his head politely. His eyes hiding devious, calculative thoughts.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I don't allow a lady a little privacy? And you don't have to worry about your friends. Those who are frozen cannot be hurt. But if it still worries you, we can try from there."

He directed his hand to a clear grass patch that were a few hundred metres away from the people. I nodded my head in agreement and we headed there.

"Mirror replication stage 1: All Mesias."

Four small magic circles appeared on the ground beside me, bringing my 4 mesias back to life. They were in their original elemental bodies. The golem puppet spell had not been properly perfected. When it had been used earlier, my mesias commented that the golems were really hard and inflexible to move around.

It seemed like there were a lot of spells that needed much attention. Well, that is if I had the chance to do it after this.

No Guardians survived a fight against Dark Shadow's people. Not only that, we were against a former demon King with weird powers. The odds were against us.

Who knows if I could survive after this?

"Not today." Shiro said determinedly.

"Let's finish this off." Envilia muttered furiously under her breath.

"Well, let's enjoy this dance." Yin muttered to everyone excitedly.

Her naivety made me chuckle. She really took the word 'dance' too literally. We readied ourselves. Corvus had already multiplied himself and changed into the weapons according to their preferences;

-Gothic-looking Envilia with her poison vine whip. She cracked the whip to the ground. At the places where her whip had touched, wisps of poisonous smoke rose up while what little grass was left on the ground withered away. There was a glint of bloodlust in her eyes as she eyed Damon cautiously.

-Electric blue haired Yang with his spear which was encircled by a water dragon. He gripped the handle of his spear tightly while looking forward determinedly.

-Strawberry blonde haired Yin with her daggers connecting to her wrist chains. There were short spurts of fire coming out periodically from the tips of the daggers. She readied herself in a crouch, one hand over another as she held the daggers downwards.


-Silvered haired Shiro with her silver flute. She immediately started a slow melody. Protection spells and defensive charms were staked upon each other to protect us.

"5 against 1. I can't say you're playing fair, young Guardian." Windsor commented light-heartedly.

He too summoned his weapon and changed his clothes into armoured battle wear. His choice of weapon was a thick black chain whip with black mist emitting from it. The aura from the mist was heavy and suffocating.

"The name is Omen, Damon."

Then, Yang and I charged forward in full force to strike him.

He took a step back and snapped his chain at us. Like a pouncing snake, it flew at us. A heavy aura of darkness made the both of us start to lose our momentum.

Just in time, there was a snap of a whip. Envilia's whip tangled with the chain, stopping its movement.

"Good one!" I praised her.

With the help of Shiro's song, the heavy pressure was lifted from us. Hope grew in our hearts when we realised we had a fighting chance against him.

Windsor sniggered darkly.

"Did you guys think that this is all I have?"

Darkness crept into his eyes, making them pure black. His ivory horns grew slightly longer and curved a bit at the ends. Pairing his looks with his devious smile, he really looked like the devil incarnate. The chain was forcefully retracted back from the grip of the vine whip.

He snapped it on the ground twice.

To our horror, black tendrils drew up from the ground, eating up Envilia's summoned plants. A small army of Shadows was summoned from the ground. Even worse, there were 10 Laughing Clown gradually appearing around us, silently mocking at us.

"Shyt." Envilia cursed.

"Are we going to die?" Yin squeaked out, her hands visibly trembling.

Despite the hammering in my chest, I rose one of my eyebrows.

"We will have to see about that."

[Restriction: You can only use magic only 3 times in this World. Each for 30 minutes.

System detected a previous usage of magic not too long ago. This is counted as a continuation from your second time using magic.


Time left: 10 min 09 seconds]

(DW3: A status viewer only appears when Guardians entered the Worlds and is connected to their Guardian ring. ( ̄∇ ̄) )

I cluck my tongue in annoyance when the status viewer reminded me. There was still one more way that we could use against this crowd. I nodded towards Yang.

At my cue, he commanded a huge spray of water to surround us. Yin followed up with fire, creating a cloud of dense steam that could be high enough to burn through skin. With Shiro protecting us, the steam would not hurt us easily but it would not hurt the enemies either. It was just a momentary cover.

Despite the steam, all the Shadows entered mindlessly under the command of Damon. As expected, they melted into murky puddles, successfully dwindling their numbers by half.

We were plunged into battle again.

In spite of Yin's choice of weapon, her firepower make up for it. Every time she landed a hit on a Shadow, fire erupted from within and it was no longer seen from the face of this earth.

Envilia and Shiro kept the creatures back as I prepared my spell.

"Wrath of Mother Nature: Disaster!"

The golden glow from my eyes was even brighter as the saint level spell activated.

"Are you crazy?! That's not even perfected yet!" Envilia screamed.

There was a holographic image of a ginormous woman covered in trees appeared, howling in anger and bringing along her wrath. Just like what the spell had entailed, it was a collection of natural disasters.

"To each her own."

I winked at them while the spell unfolded.

Yet, Damon was unfazed by it. Raising his hand that did not hold onto his chain, he ripped open the fabric of time and space and let the spell pass through.

"Good try."

He smiled, flashing one of his canines.

Our eyes widened.

"That already took up most of our power..." Yang murmured in quiet shock.

Then, Damon's face grew serious.

"My turn."

"Omen, behind!" Shiro cried out.

A silhouette appeared behind me. I tried to dodge but he was too quick, giving me a kick at the back. Without giving a fraction of time for me to recover, I received an onslaught of kicks and punches. Finally, he delivered a final punch to the face.

I flew to the ground hard. I wiped off blood that escaped from my mouth. I grimaced as I stood up. Despite the resilience of a Guardian's body, I still feel the pain raking through me.

Really, a demon's strength was not a joke at all.

"You don't treat girls well, huh?"

"What do you mean?" He swiped the dust off his shoulder. "I thought most wanted to be treated equally. That's just what I did."

I spat out blood that got stuck in my throat. It landed on the ground, emitting a faint glow of gold before it died.

"Fair enough."

I lunged myself at him, aiming for a punch.

Unfortunately, he caught it and locked my fist in his hand. I struggled to get it out before I used my legs to kick him. He blocked it with ease. Any attempts to release his hold on my fist was fruitless and I saw the grin growing on his face.

Sensing that I was in a pinch, I saw Yang throwing his spear towards his back and Yin threw her daggers towards him. I timed the moment it hit him and did a jump straight up in the air. I could see the confusion clouding his face until he got hit by them.

After being released from his hold, I immediately got attack by one of the Laughing Clowns.

"You guys never give your enemies a rest, do you?" I asked the Laughing Clown when we jumped a short distance away from each other to take a break.

She had a small and lithe body, unlike the one from Amyus's cottage who had a tall and well-built body.

Where do they get these Clowns from?

The Laughing Clown gave a shrug and readied herself with her weapon, a short sword.

"What's that supposed to mean? Woah! Hey!" I cried out in surprise when the Clown attacked again.

Her attacks were short, swift and deadly precise. Each meant to kill. It reminded me of how Sebastian from the Black Butler World fought with me before.

Given that I was familiar with the style of attacking, I received less wounds and could nail in a few of my attacks but the overall fight still made me broke out in cold sweat.


You only have 4 minutes 49 seconds left to use magic.]

There was a sudden adrenaline rush at the mere thought that I would die if I don't end this fight. It was as if someone within me had taken a hold of my thoughts and actions. Everything became crystal clear. I was analysing things a lot faster now.

With a calm and collected mind, I forced an opening on her. At the exact moment when I leapt back, I pointed my finger at the ground under her and released an explosive spell. The blast sent her flying backwards.

Taking this chance, I ran back to my mesias who were preoccupied with the other Laughing Clowns. The Shadows had been quickly eliminated since the immediate threat was the Clowns.

But Damon was nowhere to be found.

Ignoring the lingering danger, I quickly helped them fight against the rest of the Clowns.

[60 seconds left]

2 more to go.

[30 seconds left]

1 more.

When the countdown reached to [0 second] and the last one was down, I felt my power being restricted. Envilia, Yin, Yang and Shiro instantly returned into my body. The golems that they inhabited returned to earth.

Suddenly, a black chain wrapped around my neck. The black mist of darkness from the chain clouded my vision. I felt it slowly invade into my body. I frantically struggled and clawed at it, but instead it tightened.

Damn, I forgot... about... him.


The chain retracted when the Guardian dropped to the ground.

Like a victor savouring his achievement, the boy swaggered towards her with a smirk on his face. He crouched and gripped at her face, staring unnervingly for a while. Then, he glanced at the corpses that the young Guardian had fallen with her copies in less than 5 minutes.

"Impressive. Compared to the past weaklings, she shows promise." Damon grinned sadistically.

Omen reminded him of Kagura Lee and Micheal J. Evans. The pair that he and Countess had personally fought before. Kagura died under their hands in an attempt to help Micheal escape. Truthfully, they let him run away.

They could have easily killed him with a flick of their fingers but where was the fun in that?

Speaking of Micheal, Damon wondered how much he had grown by now. As he thought about the impending war that would come, he couldn't help but get consumed by uncontrollable laughter. When he recovered from it, his face held an unbridled maniacal expression.

"I can't wait!"