47. Wonderland Chapter 2

Omen's POV

"Think you are ready to go?"

Envilia asked me when the twins returned from scouting our surroundings and told us what they had seen. I nodded my head. With her help, I was pulled back on my feet.

"So, what now? Where do we go?" After hearing from Yin and Yang, I asked Shiro, who was thoughtfully deciding on our next set of actions.

Now that I no longer held the reins in decisions, it was a funny feeling. Previously, I wanted to set ground rules to restrict them. Now, seeing my mesias operating as separate entities was kind of odd. Yet, strangely I like it. It felt like I was taking care of myself.

"We saw a tea party straight ahead. Should we go there?" Yang suggested as he pointed at the thick foliage.

Shiro placed her hand under her chin as she contemplated.

"For now, I think we should follow in Alice's footsteps. After falling into here and getting washed away by her flood of tears into the whimsical forest, she followed the white rabbit and stumbled onto a tea party. If we are to follow that, we should have a better chance of surviving and finding Micheal."

Everyone nodded their head in agreement after exchanging looks with one another. Also, to be safe, we had Shiro be the conversation starter since she was the most levelheaded one among us. Envilia and I would be the ones to guard us while Yin and Yang were the scouts.

I summoned out Corvus, which was humming lightly in greeting. The mesais placed their hands on my sword before summoning their weapons. Once we were ready, we set off with Envilia and me in front of the group to clear the way.

It didn't take long for us to get to the tea party because we heard cheerful humming and singing. It was a full-blown party with teacups and pastries flying around a few people dancing wildly. Wild was an understatement because I could not find an appropriate word to describe their dancing. Can people move their legs like that? It was like they had no bones in them.

The moment we stepped foot into their place, the party-goers turned around and stared at us.

Shiro trailed off in our minds. We had agreed earlier to speak to each other telepathically when saying important information.

It was pretty obvious to know who Mad Hatter was from their appearances. He was a man with an enormous hat on top of his head. The hat was so peculiar that you could neither say that it was distasteful nor agreeable to the eyes. On his purple suit, there were all sorts of art and craft trinkets all over it. Perhaps, if he encountered someone who had a wardrobe crisis, he could conveniently use them?

As for the blonde girl in two pigtails, she was dressed as if she was on a picnic. She looked cute and innocent with a pair of blue overalls over a white shirt and a white headband to tie up loose trails of hair.

"Ah! Visitors, how delightful." Mad Hatter commented. "Definitely Alices, judging from your… beating hearts."

His eyes twinkled strangely as he talked about our hearts. Then, he blinked, and that creepy feeling he gave me was gone, as though it had never happened. Like clockwork, he lifted his teapot and gestured to us.

"Tea? Please have some, weary travelers."

Shiro immediately stepped up and took over the conversation.

"Oh, that is terribly kind of you. But, we couldn't possibly impose on you for our sudden visit. If you would direct us the way to the village, that would be helpful."

"Well, well, leaving so soon! A cup of tea is all I require of you, travelers from afar." Mad Hatter tutted. Displeasure was evident on his face as he poured the tea into five new cups. "After all, you will need information."


"Oh! Please just say yes." The girl in pigtails suddenly spoke, her eyes pleading at us as she got up from her seat and ushered us to sit with them. "A party with just so few people would be boring. You must stay! The more, the merrier, right Hatter?"

Shiro glanced at us helplessly. There was no way to get out of their requests since we had already sat on our seats and taken the cups that Mad Hatter offered. But he was right because we desperately needed information.

However, can his words be trusted at all?

Yin squeaked in fright and spilled her tea at Shiro's warning just as she was about to take a sip.

Envilia added as she picked up a mushroom and popped it into her mouth. She shrugged at us while chewing loudly, much to Shiro's displeasure.

I replied sarcastically.

"I see you guys are really… quintuplets." Mad Hatter commented as our exchange did not go unnoticed. "A lot of eye contact and gesturing, huh?"

Out of politeness, we smiled at him.

"You know, we have someone just like you but a twin." Mad Hatter gestured to the girl beside him. "Unfortunately, she lost her twin."

He sniffled and blew loudly into his handkerchief. At the same time, the girl patted his back with a cheerful smile.

"It's okay. My younger brother is smart. He will find his way to me."

"Oh, my dear, how long has it been? You have been with me for so many tea parties after I saved you from the madwoman in the forest. Since we have these Alices from afar, why not have them accompany you to search your brother?"

"What about you, Hatter? Won't you be lonely without me?" The girl cried out.

I heard munching sounds beside me and turned my head to the side. The twins were popping popcorns into their mouths while watching the show. Seeing them eating made me peckish, so I shamelessly grabbed a few from their box. It was times like these when you shouldn't question where the popcorn comes from and enjoy the moment.

"Hehe, I, the Mad Hatter, lonely? My dear, I am never lonely. But, your place is not with me. Besides, they agreed to take you, right?"

We nodded our heads in unison at his question. It was pretty apparent that Mad Hatter was trying to push the girl our way that she was essential to our journey. Perhaps, she may even be connected to the final letter.

Plus, I remembered Hatter mentioned a madwoman…

"Forgive me for the asking."

Fortunately, Shiro read my mind.

"You mentioned a madwoman. Is she still in the forest? It would be difficult for us to get through the forest if she is around."


The Mad Hatter gave a booming laugh, so loud that he was spilling his tea all over himself. However, he did not even notice his mess over himself as he answered.

"Well, that madwoman is gone now. Last I heard, she was captured and imprisoned deep within the forest. You can see the bloody path she left behind but don't go following it, lest you want to die by her blade."

The Mad Hatter ended creepily as he added more tea to his cup. He elegantly stirred his tea after adding a lump of sugar while thinking.

"Let's see… the way to the village would be right behind me. Just take this girl beside me and head straight there. She will know what to do when all of you have reached there."

The blonde-haired girl in pigtails stood up and went to our side. Her cheerful smile never waned as she tried to befriend Yin and Yang. Mad Hatter looked up at the sky before he stood up and ushered us to the directions of the village.

"Well, go along now, Alices. You wouldn't want to stay in the forest when it's nightfall. Just go straight."

"On behalf of my siblings, I thank you, sir," Shiro said as she placed a hand over her heart and bowed. "We will take good care of your friend."

"Is that a promise?" Mad Hatter suddenly asked as he tilted his head. "Be careful of what promises you made in this land if you want to get out of here."

We widened our eyes in shock at his unexpected advice. He knowingly nodded his head before he returned to his tea party and started to pack up his stuff. The girl with pigtails began to hurry us while looking up at the sky, gradually turning from blue to orange.

I asked as we trudged along the path he pointed out to us.

<... It is likely because he had a role. Then, he didn't need one when he became a character. How about you try asking the girl's name?>


I glanced at Envilia, who gestured to the back where the girl was tagging along with the twins, still trying to get into their good books. The twins were quite guarded around her. I took a deep breath and called out to the girl.

"Me?" The girl pointed to herself, her honey gold eyes sparkling. "I kinda forgot my name after staying here for too long, but I think… it was Hes…? It was something like that. Maybe if we find my brother, I might be able to remember my name?"

Everyone glanced at each other. It was a strange name, but who are we to comment?

"Hopefully, we find your brother, Hes. We may be able to get more clues about your brother in the village."

Hes brightened up considerably and started humming out a tune while pointing out the oddities in the forest.

A green robin with muscular arms for wings. A stripey purple cat that grins at us before disappearing into the darkness. Trees shook and twisted around, with candies falling out from them. A path from the main road with red gems decorating on it.

This was Wonderland, where whatever you dreamed of could exist here. Yet, dwell too long within its land, and you could never awaken from your slumber.