55. Wonderland Chapter 10

Omen's POV

"What are you thinking?"

I glanced up to see Mike staring down at me. It seemed my mind drifted off somewhere else while polishing my sword. Mike sat beside me as I continued polishing.

"I'm thinking about my ability to split my soul."

Mike stiffened. "… Part of the reason you have it is that you fractured your mind out of insanity before you died, isn't it?"

"That's right," I siphoned through my newfound memories to confirm what he said. It still felt odd to look at these memories. They didn't feel like mine, but they were mine. "I'm not thinking of my power as a by-product of what happened in the past. I think that it might have a use for the future."

I glanced at him. He looked puzzled at my words. I shook my head while smiling wryly.

I have always wondered why I had so many powers. Based on other Guardians' physic, except Mike, I should only be able to hold some of the elemental powers. Mike could hold both dark and light powers because he was made to be the Master of the Library. However, what about me? What is my role? I'm just as powerful as him, but it would not make sense for a mountain to hold two tigers. Even if I had stayed next to him, it would have posed an issue in the future.

"Anyway, this is something that I would have to think for myself. The purpose behind my powers, only I could understand. It's the same for you too, Mike. Now that the Library is gone, you will have to start from scratch too."

Mike stared at me in surprise. "Omen… you seemed to have changed."

"Of course! After experiencing so much, why would I not? You should consider what future you want to create when all this is over." I put away the cloth and kept my sword in my inventory space. Hopping up from the bench, I turned to Mike with a carefree smile. "I hope it's a better Library with many possibilities for the future."

His eyes widened as he stared at me speechlessly. Seeing that he didn't reply for a while, I chuckled before walking to my room to rest.

Shiro asked me quietly as I walked away.

I answered confidently.


3rd person's POV

Xerxes leaned against the doorframe as he watched the young Guardians interact with each other.

"Young lady, do you think we were ever like that too?"

Without looking at the scene, Sharon smiled as she sipped her tea. "Of course. And Xerxes, drop the formalities when we are alone."

"You know that is difficult, youn- Sharon. I still don't see what you see in an old man like me."

Sharon rolled her eyes. "We are both old. It has been two hundred years since we became self-aware. It's about high time you accept that I love you."

Xerxes turned around to look at her. Sharon boldly stared at him while wearing a miff expression. "I. Love. You. Just accept it."

Old man Xerxes shrugged his shoulders helplessly before coming towards his lover to give her a peck on the cheek. "All right, if that's what my love says."

"Say it back, dammit!"

"…I love you, too." Xerxes held his laughter while pinching her nose. "Still adorable as ever."

"And still as annoying as ever."

The two lovebirds shared a sweet kiss before breaking into worried smiles. It was hard for them to know whether they could live tomorrow. Yet, for the sake of everything, it was either do or die. There was no in-between.

This war… would decide the fate of everything.