What is happening?

Left, right, breath in, breath out. I am finishing up my regular jogging routine. This time I came to the park right by my house but I did drive here so I might call it being a little lazy. But whatever I don't really care considering I jog for my health and I enjoy the feeling of blood pumping inside my veins. I start doing my after stretches to loosen my muscles more and get more airflow through my body. "Urrr, It feels so good." As I am stretching, I hear an extremely loud thump and then the ground quivered. "What was that?"

It didn't feel like an earthquake. I looked all around me but I don't see a smoke, a fire, or screaming. Must've been my imagination. I continue my stretches and finish up quickly.

"Thump!" The ground quivers even more intensely. "Okay I know I heard and felt that one. What the heck is that?" I observe my surroundings again. Nothing weird. I start walking to my truck. I see it across the way. A good old white truck. I look at the other park goers here. Some old people, a few college aged kids working out like me, some families playing at the park.

I look up to the sky and smile. It is a good partially sunny day today. Perfect weather. I start walking towards my truck and wave at an acquaintance of mine running by. "Hey Jen! You almost done? I am heading home now."

As Jen jogs towards me on the trail she looks at me and smiles. She has one headphone inside listening to who knows what. She was kind of cute, I'd say above average. Some pretty light brown eyes, black shoulder blade length hair in a ponytail, average c-cup breast, and an alright butt. She does have a nice fit body with curves in very good places. "Hey Deren! No I am not even close to finished, I just got here I have to get my blood pumping more before it could even be considered a work out! I have to get the desk sitting from school out of my system before my next class this evening. Have a safe ride home." After slowing her pace a little she spoke all that.

"I understand that, haha. Shame I could have taken you out on a date if you were done." I smile at her only for her to smile at me, "Ha-ha Deren, I just might take you up on your offer sometime." She jogs past me and smiles back at me as I watch her leave. She has a very good butt, "Man, woman are awesome." I am glad I worked my body out to have a great physic and have naturally good genetics. I am a little lucky with women. My blue eyes contradicting my slightly darker skin from some hispanic heritage is a big help not even including my 6 foot 1 height and dark black slightly curly, slightly straight hair. I turn and walk towards my truck. "THUMP!" The sound this time was extremely loud and the ground shook extremely hard and I literally fell onto the floor as did every other park goer, Jen included who falls onto the floor and drags a little considering the speed she was jogging.

Honestly It was a little funny to see but I am not going to laugh, I've been taught better manners. I yell at her considering the distance now between us, "Are you okay!?" I get up quickly from the floor and jog toward her to help her up. "I'm fine I just scraped my knees and hands a bit!" While going over I am looking around. Is the US under attack? Are those bombs? I don't see anything around, no fires, no smoke, no sirens, no screams, nothing indicating anything weird. Everyone around was getting up slowly. The old people fell off whatever they were seated on and the kids fell down. Everyone was floored. Luckily no one seems seriously injured. I reach Jen. "Need help getting up?" I extend my hand towards her. "Yeah, I'd appreciate that." She reaches for my hand and grabs it while I start helping her up. "I've been feeling those tremors for a little while I thought it was in my head at first. Maybe it is a earthquake coming?" Jen looks at me, "But we don't have any earthquakes here or any bad natural storms we are surrounded by mountains and protected from natural disasters like that." We start to walk towards one of the benches. "I know that's why I doubted it at first but I really felt it. Let's check those scraps of yours." She sits down and I check her hand then her knee. It shouldn't be that bad considering she could walk fine.

"Besides some ripped yoga pants and a little blood it looks fine but you should disinfect it with alcohol so it doesn't get infected in my opinion." Her black yoga pants were a little ripped at the knee and it just looked like minor road rash that drew a little blood. "Okay, thanks Deren."

I look at her then my truck and back at her, "I have a first aid kit in my truck if you want it now Jen. I even have a band aid for you too." She smiles and sarcastically says, "Okay, Doctor Deren. I'll let you take care of me." I smile and wink at her before getting up and jogging to my truck.

Everyone at the park is looking around trying to figure out what is going on. Can't really help any of them since I don't know what is happening either. I reach my truck, unlock it, and grab the first aid kid in the second door under the back seats. I like having a truck with 5-6 seats, I can haul things and carry around people and even better it is 4x4 and lifted a bit. I start jogging back with the First aid kit. "BAMN! THUMP!"

A horrible explosive sound erupts from what felt like everywhere and the ground shakes violently for a few seconds. I fall hard onto the floor and cover my ears with my hands, though it doesn't help much because they are ringing loudly and the noise already passed. It just hurts a ton, feels like my eardrums almost exploded. I get up to see things in disorder. Everyone was on the ground again, some light poles in the park are on the floor and slanted. Even the sun protection above the playground is half fallen not to mention the playground. As my ringing ears calm down I hear crying sounds and calls for help. Damn this time people got hurt! I stand up quickly, I guess now it was my turn to fall hard, that's what I get for laughing at Jen earlier. I look back and see some cars crashed into each other though lightly. It shook so violently as to move the cars?

I run towards where Jen is only to see her on the floor and the bench half out of the ground. What the hell happened for things to start coming out of the floor. "Sorry to sound repetitive but are you okay?" Jen looks up at me in slight panic, "What the hell is happening Deren!? My ears are ringing and things started moving violently throwing me onto the floor!"

I stare at her for a little with a slightly annoyed expression, "I don't know what's happening. Let me apply first aid to your wounds and then go help some people. They got hurt. We can figure out what is happening afterwards." Care for the people I know first then everyone else. I don't know why but I have always been like that. I clean the wound and then put on bandaids. "Come on Jen let's go help some people and clear them away from everything we don't know if it is going to happen again." She nods in agreement and we run toward the playground. Children first after all they are the future, then I will help the seniors considering they are weaker, then others. Unless of course an immediate situation happens then those people are priority.

We run and I hear a lot of crying and yelling. Water is leaking upwards like a sprinkler from the now tilted water fountain. There is dirt all over the place. Jen chimes in, "It's like an explosion happened here but there isn't anything burnt or anything that could represent a bomb." I look around and run toward some kids stuck in the playground. "I'll go this way, you go that way and help who you can!" I reach the kids. There are 6 kids here 3 in top of of the playground structure holding on to the bars trying not to fall. 1 is climbing out of a fallen slide. 2 are stuck under the climbing tower made of ropes. All crying no less. "Mommy! Daddy! Nana! Granny! Wahh!"

I go toward the 3 on top since they are in the most danger. I don't know if another tremor will happen again. I get under them, "Let go one at a time! I'll catch you! It isn't safe up there." One of the kids looks down at me with tears in his eyes and then calms his friends down before telling the little girl to let go first. This kid has some leadership potential. The girl drops and screams a little on the way down. "I have you!" I catch her and twirl her around to lose momentum. I put her down, "Run to the open ground I don't know when another tremor will happen." The little girl looks scared but listens and runs towards the open skies while yelling out mommy and daddy. "Next!" The kid looks to the other kid and that kid lets go or the railing. I catch this kid too and tell him the same thing but he runs off looking for his grandma instead of listening to me. I'll deal with that kid later this kid is priority right now.

"Let go!" The final kid let's go and I also catch him. That thing was up 7 feet into the air. I know they won't do much damage to the kids should they fall but I have to be careful. "Go to the open area away from anything above you." This kid looks at me, "After I help the other kids here." I smile, well at least I have some help now.

We free the kids from under the ropes and get the one by the slide to safety too. I look at the leader kid, "Make sure everyone stays in the open area so nothing falls on you guys again."

"Okay, help find our parents please." I smile at them and they all stay there. I look around the playground and see some parents running toward their kids in the opening with some injuries here and there. I look to where they were at and it looks like all the parents and grannies were pinned under the giant sun protection sheet and were held down by the two heavy poles. Jen seems to have helped them.

I run out and see some seniors who need help. "KABOOM! THUMP! ERRR!" Suddenly the ground violently shakes again and my ears are ringing intensely again. I cover my ears and keep my eyes open. I see the rumbling tossing the bathroom out of the ground and any other man made structure that is inside the ground. All this stuff is launched into the air. Including the road, lights, traffic lights, buildings. I watch mass destruction in the distance as the city all starts to fall from the air buildings and all. "Holy crap!" I see explosion in the distance. Fire, destruction, death. This feels like the apocalypse or Armageddon I don't know!