
I walk around my truck and face them directly. They all snarl and charge at me while yelling. I take my .45 Pistol out and aim at them. "Headshots only haha." I fire. "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" I am so glad I practice with my guns making me a great shot. I'd say that is a perfect 400 points. I smile and holster my .45 Pistol. I made sure to kill the one with the knife first as that one was the most dangerous. I see fear in the 2 Goblins eyes and they are looking around trying to understand what is happening. I unsheathe my Katana and launch myself towards them. The first confused Goblin barely reacts as I run it through, Piercing my Katana through its heart. I watch it struggle briefly but lose strength quickly. I pull out my Katana quickly while shoving it with my shoulder and slashing at the Goblin coming to help it's comrade. I cut the stick in half and the Goblin is surprised, I slash again and cut off the arm it tried to use to protect itself. I screams in pain and horror. A Katana was made to cut through bone and flesh Goblin. Your arm will not help you at all. The the scream does cause me to pause a little.

It fall to the floor and grabs its stump with the other hand trying to stop the blue blood leaking out of its body, all while screaming in pain. I harden my eyes and resolve and thrust my sword through its skull before it gathers itself again. A cornered animal is the most dangerous.

I look around again but I don't notice anything else around this vicinity but I am sure my gunshots called the attention of other things in this forest. I should really hold off on firing my guns. I have no idea what else is out there. I notice that the blue light doesn't come out of the Goblins until after the battle is over for a few seconds. I take my .45 Pistol out and open my arms wide. I see the blue light come towards me slowly and then spit in three. Two thirds of the blue light continues towards me and the other third is shared between my two weapons.

So it doesn't matter which weapon I use to kill them with. I look towards my shovel. It didn't receive any blue light. Is it because it is maxed out or I am not equipping it? Next time I will kill with only my sword and see if the blue light only goes to weapons I use to kill them or just equipped.

Ah! I quickly focus on my clothes but nothing happens. No message or nothing. Maybe it doesn't work with clothes? Maybe it has to armor or actually defend itself from attacks? I do not want to test that theory out with my light clothes. In fact I need to change. Gym shorts and a sports shirt is not a good combination. Especially since it is getting dark and cold. As I walk towards my truck I notice things about myself.

I feel weird. When the blue light entered my body I felt it distribute itself throughout my body and I felt… Better, stronger. It was way more noticeable then when I killed those two Goblins earlier. So the blue light not only makes my weapons better but me as well. I have no idea how much I have improve since there isn't any gym around here where I can test myself. Is there a cap? How much will this improve me? Do I have levels as well like my weapons? I focus on my Katana and .45 Pistol that both glowed yellow instead of white when they absorbed the light.

[Medium Normal Katana Level 2] [Low Normal .45 ACP M1911 Pistol Level 2]

Interesting. These two are Normal but the shovel is inferior. They also haven't maxed out after leveling up to level 2 like the shovel. I guess the classification of normal is higher than inferior. And from my guess it seems there is only three High, Medium, Low as far as I know. I wonder what all the classifications are. Is there a limit?

I change into my dark blue jeans, Tactical boots, black socks, black and blue flannel, and my jacket. I also equip my holster for my .45 Pistol and reload the magazine to ten. I have 60 hollow point bullets and and 30 full metal jacket bullets excluding the magazines for my .45 Pistol and Desert Eagle. I should have bought a rifle. I look towards the city with a newly placed mountain. I doubt I can get anything from there without waking up that Rock Titan.

I clean my Katana after changing. I sharpen it and then oil it before sheathing it. I then take apart my .45 Pistol and maintain it. Once I was done I loaded it and cocked it. I put the safety on before holstering it. I walk towards the Goblins and grab the knife that one Goblin had. This could be useful. I wonder where he got it from. I check my watch. 18:46 (6:46 P.M) The sun is setting as I look up. I have to camp out. I can sleep in my truck tonight but I have to stay alert.

I should really think about my goals here. I want to head to California to check on my family but considering this Rock Titan here and these Goblins here I don't know what to expect. Nothing is more dangerous than the unknown. I could very well die before even making it close to there. It seems I have to get stronger before I head out. I know the perfect way to as well. I smile diabolically.

I can only wish you well family. I will get stronger faster so I can go to you guys. Please be safe.

I grab a water bottle from the trunk and then put the tarp on it. Gotta make sure nothing can get it bears, wolves, whatever else is out here now. I hop into my truck and put some tunes on my Smartphone. I am so happy my trucks battery is the re-charging type. I put all my seats back and make a pretty comfy place to sleep. I am happy this truck can make the insides like this perfect for sex or just plane old sleeping. I am going to sleep early. I hear some wolves howling. That howling seems different than a regular wolf. It sounds bigger and stronger. I also hear roars. The forest has come alive at night. As I am heading to sleep I see something walk in front of my truck. I pause my music. It is a big wolf. Most are average but this one is bigger than regular ones reaching around 5 feet tall on all fours and 8 feet from snout to tail. Damn what the heck is that a Direwolf? I slouch into my seat while keeping myself hidden. Going hunting has really taught me how to hide my presence. One thing after the other. It ignores my truck and walks towards the the Goblins and starts eating them. I am surprised nothing came after those gunshots. But here this thing is munching on some Goblin. I grab my .45 Pistol and My Desert Eagle. These two can kill a bear if shot in the right place. Hopefully that Direwolf, what I am going to call it from now on, eats then leaves. I do not want to fight that thing. This world has really shifted to have something like that now. It has only been a day damn it.

The wolf finishes up eating the 6 Goblins quickly and then sniffs the air. Damn! Damn! Damn! Don't smell me! I don't want to fight you yet. Walk away! Walk away Direwolf. It looks my way then continues into the forest. I am so happy I hopped into my truck when I did. I sigh and lower my guns. The rest of the night goes uneventful besides some big birds I've never seen before coming to eat the remains of the Goblins. They look like vultures but bigger and have some feathers running up its spin. Has everything gotten bigger and more dangerous?

I sleep with an eye open. Which for me was difficult considering I usually knock out when I sleep.

I wake up having to piss. Damn I knocked out completely. The sun hasn't risen yet, I check my watch 04:59. It is almost 5 in the morning. Luckily nothing happened while I was asleep. I look outside all around and once I found it was clear I step out and pee on the grass. I shake and put away before zipping my pants up. I wash my hands with some sanitizer I have and then brush my teeth. I hop back into the truck and drive for a little before parking into the woods and marking the location with my GPS phone and also with my surroundings. I should find a compass in case my phone ever dies or breaks.

I check my .45 Pistol and holster it as well as the ammunition. I never holstered it after that Direwolf and it is fine I would have been uncomfortable. Next I sling my Katana onto the left side of my waist with a belt strap and attack the cord onto my belt like a certain Metube video. Time to hunt. Let's hunt some Goblins and other monsters within my league.

I walk into the forest the opposite way from where the Direwolf went. I do not want to run into that yet. As I walk into the forest I go on full alert and observe my surroundings. It is slow going because I do not know what to expect out here. I do not have to worry about the Rock Titan because it hasn't moved since collapsing. As I am walking I start thinking I should have brought a backpack. I cannot go very far from my car as that is my water source. Now I also need a lighter. Since I am not a smoker I didn't have one at home. Eventually I will need to create a fire to cook food when I run out. I also have to keep warm. I shook my head and focused on the hunt.

After traveling through the foliage I spot a different kind of creature than Goblins. These are some mutated rabbits that look like they have grown a horn in the middle of their foreheads. Sneak up on the creatures. They're about five of them and hopefully they act the same as regular rabbits. I grab a rock and hit it hard against the tree on the other side of me. The Horned Rabbits jump and run towards me. I unsheathe my Katana and wait until the get close enough. I need to make or get a bow. Now! I swing my sword horizontally at a low height and catch three of the rabbits who were mid-air and knocked the other two back when it hit their horns. The three I caught were dead for sure considering I caught two in the face and another on the neck. The other two Horned Rabbits horns were chipped badly by my Katana. I love this Japanese Damascus steel. Would a Katana be a sword or a saber? Hmm… I don't know.

After those three were incapacitated the other two look at me angrily and charge at me. So not like rabbits. I parry one with the back of the blade and push it away and dodge the other a little too slowly creating a slice on my flannel arm sleeve. Damn I just put this on and its damaged. Now I need a needle and some thread. I jump to the one that is landing and pierce my Katana at it and barely miss with it dodging out of the way in time. I turn and place the Katana in front of me. Making sure to keep both rabbits in my vision. They charge at me and jump towards me working together. What the heck?

One of them jumps high with the horn aimed towards my head and chest area. Whereas the other jumps low and aims at my stomach groin area. I sidestep slightly tripping on my feet. But managing to chop down with only enough power to behead the first rabbit. Why am I struggling with some rabbits? I mentally facepalm. I jump back to get some space between me and this other Horned Rabbit. It looks enraged and I see its fur start to stand up and it grows slightly bigger before charging at me even faster than before. I barely dodge by a hair and it grazes my cheek. I turn around and take the opportunity to hack it.

It lands quickly and tries to parry my Katana. I add more force into my Katana and slice through the horn and halfway through the rabbit before I lost force. It twitched somewhat then passed away. That was some life and death battle with rabbits. I shouldn't underestimate anything here. I yank my Katana out and clean the blade with its fur and sheath it. I take a picture of the battlefield and the dead rabbits. I see the blue light or energy come out of the rabbits in a lesser amount than with the Goblins and come towards me. I love the feeling it give when I absorb the energy, it is like feeling immediate effects from a workout. Only my Katana absorbed some light and not my .45 Pistol, so that answers that question.

[Medium Normal Katana Level 2]

So it didn't level up again.

I grab the first three rabbits I killed and started walking back towards my truck. I need to clean my wounds so they don't get infected and I don't want my blood to be traced back to me while I am hunting animals and I am pretty sure these things have very good noses. As I walk back to my truck I spot ten Goblins surrounding it. There is also two different looking ones I am assuming is female considering her bigger breast. They don't even cover the breast I can see there black nipples. Aside from that it is still the same bald green ugly Goblins. It seems the males carry sticks but the females carry rocks. I am thinking they throw those as weapons. They are trying to get into the truck I am lucky they haven't tried searching the back yet. I take out my .45 Pistol. Time to use up a Magazine. I cannot take on eight close range Goblins and two medium ranged Goblins by myself. I kneel down and aim from 15 feet away. Long ranged Goblins first sorry girls.

I aim and fire four times before I jump out of the way and run sideways. I hit four targets head shots but there are actually three females one was not in my sight and she threw a rock at me accurately. Its weird seeing green B-cup breast swinging while they toss a rock. I take aim and continue firing at them. These Goblins don't seem as surprised by my gunshots than the previous group and are already charging at me. It seems they have some experience.

I shot three more times and kill three more accurately before another rock came flying at my face. That's like a baseball pitch for crying out loud. I dodge behind a tree. I need to get rid of that female Goblin. I hear them stepping closer approximately 5 feet away a short distance but I should have enough time to eliminate that pesky medium range Goblin. I jump out into the open and take aim quickly and fire at the Female Goblin. Headshot! That Goblin was stupid for not hiding behind something. I jump back and fire my last two shots at the closest Goblins. I break the seal of my Katana with my left hand thumb and holster my gun. The Goblin swings its stick at me and I draw my Katana as quickly and with as much force as I could. It cuts through the stick and slices the Goblins neck and the head flies off. Blue blood gushes out and some is landing on me. Gross.

I look around while holding my sheathe and blade in the other hand looking to see if there are any more survivors. Clear. I visibly loosen up I take out the magazine and reload my .45 Pistol. I go around and stab my sword through every Goblins heart. Double tap. You never know. I squat down on one of the female Goblins and clean my blade with her loincloth. I see and yup green pussy. Out of curiosity I grab the Goblins tit… "Nah Human boobs are way softer and better." The blue energy comes towards me automatically so I stopped paying attention to it and just enjoyed the feeling of improving. I go and grab the rabbits I dropped. I am going to dissect these to see the differences between these rabbit and regular rabbits. I grab the knife that one Goblin so generously brought me and start. I skin them and then gut them. They are the same except denser muscles and a horn. I checked all three and they are the same except one had some babies in its womb.

I look toward the Goblins and then my knife. Well if I am going to do something I might as well go all the way through with it. I walk towards one of the male Goblins and remove the loin cloth. They have the same genitals as we do though smaller. I take my knife and stab into the sternum and use the serrated edge to cut it open. I basically cut a Y on them like in movies when they are doing an autopsy. I open it up. A blue black heart with blue blood. They have all the same organs humans do. Liver, kidneys, lungs, diaphragm, bladder, intestines, etc.

I check the mouth and besides the horrible stink they have 48 teeth most are sharp especially the canines. The tongue is black. I stick my blade into the skull and cut it open. There brain is black but that is probably due to it being dead. I am not sure. I am happy it has been dead a while and bleed out or else it would have squirted on me. I cut open the Penis and balls but they are the same too. I check the legs and see that the bones are basically the same as well.

I go to the female Goblin after I finish with the male. Same process except I also inspect the vagina. Green labias and blue inside. Yup it is weird. The Goblin was also the same as most human females except some differences. I couldn't tell indepth what was majorly different since I am not a scientist but they are mostly similar to humans so they have the same weaknesses.

I drag all the Goblins away from my truck and place them in a pile. I check the time 12:00. So it is the afternoon. I clean myself off and clean my wounds before washing my hands a little with what I could spare and eat some of my granola bars I have and some waters. I should cook the rabbits so my non-perishables last longer. I grab my shovel and dig a bit to get dirt as a base so it wouldn't spread. I find some dry grass leaves sticks and put it in a pile in the dirt. Then I grab some of the sticks the Goblins were using and used three of them. I chop down the center top on two and pull apart a bit to make a Y shape and stab them on either side of the firepit. I then grab a rock and my knife. I never learned how to make a fire like a boy scout so I'll do it the only way I know how to make sparks. I use the backside of my knife and strike hard creating sparks. After a few tries I manage to create a fire. I then burned the stick a little to get rid of some bacteria and impaled one of the rabbits. I place it on top of the homemade split burner. I occasionally turn it.

After a while a pleasant smell comes out and I can tell it is almost ready. I look toward the giant vultures now eating the Goblin corpses and my dissected Goblins. They look towards my rabbit occasionally and then me but mostly ignore me. Seems some vulture traits carried over.

I rip off a leg and start eating, needs some salt and pepper. After I ate the entire rabbit I was finally full. Wow I ate more than I expected. I grabbed the other two rabbit and tossed them at the giant vultures who caught them mid-air and ate them in a few bites. I return to my truck and check my watch 14:03 (2:03 PM). I need to get some salt to start tanning hides so I can make things. I hop into my truck and check the GPS. It seems to still be working. There is a small passthrough town up ahead around 30 minutes maybe I can scavenge some things. I turn my truck on and back up. I then start my bumpy way toward the passthrough town. I think I'll install some floodlights if I find them and I certainly need some gasoline. Grabbing some better containers than my regular plastic ones for better storing would be a plus. So my list for things I could use and should scavenge for.


Better Gasoline containers

Floodlights for truck



Waters/ Sports drinks


Non-Iodized salt

Seasonings for food

Needle(s) and thread(s)

Spare tires

A topper for my truck

Guns and ammunition

Bow and arrows


For now these are priorities. As I am driving I see a group of five Goblins in front on the bumpy road. They have noticed me. I press on the pedal and speed up. "Screw you Goblins!" They toss their sticks and stones at me but those ain't breaking my bones! I run over the group and only one was smart enough to dodge the truck. The rest were killed. I continued driving. "Lucky Goblin." I hear the Goblin yelling and snarling at me from afar while throwing pieces of road at me. The blue energy catches up to me and some goes into my truck and it glows yellow. "What the heck my truck could be leveled up too?" I slow down and focus on my truck.

[High Normal 2018 DMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4 Level 2]

I quickly look up and smile. Awesome! I wonder what the improvement to my truck is. I'd also like to know what it is that made it be considered high normal. I happily drive and finally reach the pass through town. It is 14:36 (2:36 PM). I drive up to what is now looks like a thrown up gas station. I get out of my truck and arm myself with my two weapons. I locate the unburied tanker with the diesel and go for it. I fill both my 3 gallon plastic containers and fill my truck before I place them inside of my trucks bed and place the tarp over it to hide it. I am glad this didn't explode when it landed from being expelled from the earth. I go into the station and take a look around. All the good food seems to be gone. I look around and all the medicine is gone, not even a painkiller 2 pack is left. "Haha the alcohol is all gone too. There goes my Molotov cocktail idea. Though most on the floor here are broken." I kick the broken alcohol glass on the floor. Though beer and wine don't have high enough proof to light on fire. I find some Non-iodized sea salt though so that is two things off my checklist. I grab the five 26 oz. salts and continue looking through the gas station but I don't find different containers for gas. They are all plastic as well. I find three lighters lying around and I pocket them after testing them. I grab a bag a chips on my way out. "Why not? It is the end of the world." I walk to my truck and toss the stuff onto the truck bed. Now time to go check out the grocery store, the general store and the auto shop they have here. Well more like remnants of those. As I am about to jump into my car I run into other people again but this is not a good situation.

"Stop right there! Give me everything you have and your truck or I'll kill this 15 year old girl!" I see two teenagers, the white redheaded boy who is probably around 17 or 18 is holding a gun up to the temple of some white blond 15 or 16 year old girl. What is this? Is this for real? Or are they trying to rob me? How would he know the exact age of someone he is holding hostage.

I look at the girl who is looking like she is scared but I am not quite feeling it. This feels like a trap. I take out my hand gun and point it at the redhead boy, "Put the gun down kid and I won't kill you." I see fear come into both of their eyes and the boy swallows, aha got you. "Are you crazy?! I'll kill the girl or you might miss and kill the girl!"

"I don't really care if she dies, just know if you don't put the gun down I will fire at you and I am pretty confident on my accuracy." The girl screams and pees herself before struggling with the redhead intensely getting free and running away to hide behind a tanker. I take aim and the boy drops the gun and raises his hands. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! It wasn't my Idea to rob you it was hers!" I look behind me quickly then shift my position to where they are both in my sight. "Girl, get out her now! Or I'll shoot the kid! Get on your knees kid and put your hands on your head." The kid quickly does as told. "No, I won't come out! You're crazy! This is not how it was supposed to go! You're crazy! You could kill me!" I look behind me again. I don't know if this is really a party of two but I do not want someone sneaking up on me. "I don't care girl, I will kill this kid if you don't come out!" Come out already I don't want to waste ammunition. Suddenly I sense extreme danger and I jump forward and hear a rifle shot and a bullet hits where my head would've been. Dammit I knew it!

The kid tries to jerk up to run away but I am not letting enemies get away. I fire at the redhead killing him instantly. "JEREMY! NO! Dad he killed Jeremy!" The girl screams. I don't have a good shot here. I jump behind cover as a bullet lands where I was. "This girl is dumb considering she didn't yell out another's name and she peed herself when she felt real lethal danger and she is currently in a panic it should mean she is impulsively telling me there is one more lethal enemy or she is an amazing actor. I grab a big rock. I don't know how I picked this up so easily as it probably weighs about a hundred some pounds but whatever. The rock always works in tense situations. I throw the rock out and it gets shot. I jump out and see my target. I fire and it hit the shoulder knocking him backwards. "DAD!" The girl runs out towards her dad. I run quickly and catch up to her in a second. How did I travel 15 feet in 2 seconds? I don't know but whatever. I catch her wrap my arm around her neck and hide behind her body while aiming my gun at her head. While she can barely react and scream. " Shut up or I'll kill you. Is it funny you found yourself in this situation again? But now it is real girl. Don't shoot or I kill your daughter! Put your gun down!" The girl quickly becomes compliant and shuts up but still sobs a little. I move slowly towards the door opening of the barely standing upright building where I saw the father. Do I seem like the villian now? Well, whatever they started it.

"Okay! Okay! Don't shoot my daughter!" I have full view of the father now and he slowly places his rifle down with one hand in the air. "Throw it over towards me!" He throws it and it skids and bounces on the broken floor before I kick it away. "Is there anyone else here?!" The father replies "No! No! There isn't!" I don't know if they are being honest. I whisper into the girls ear, "Is there anyone else here? If you lie to me I will kill your father." The girl shakes her head. "I can't hear you." I say a little forcefully. Man I have really gone down a dark path but whatever this is the end of the world I expected this so I am prepared. "No there isn't anyone else here." I look toward the father and in slow motion I see the broken window besides him reflecting behind me. There is someone holding a rifle starting to aim at me. I fire and shoot the father in the head and turn with the girl in my arms. The girl barely gets to scream no before being swung around at a very quick speed. The other person fires and shoots the girl on the right side of her chest. I see the shock in this guys face before I blast his head open with a hollow point bullet. The girl drops to the floor clutching her chest attempting to breath while spitting out blood. It is barely Day 2 what the heck is wrong with people.

I see her struggling for air. This girl would've been very pretty when she was of age, though I don't think that really matters anymore. I see the hatred and pain in her eyes. I kneel down and look her in the eyes, "Just saying this is your fault for lying to me but I forgive you." I see her widen her eyes and tears start to drop down her cheeks. I bend over and kiss her forehead. "Goodbye." I stand up and search the bodies. No point in wasting a bullet. I search them all. Jeremy has a pocket knife that could be useful and… a BB gun which is useless. I toss it. I walk towards the father and score! He has a bulletproof vest. Sadly it doesn't protect the shoulder nor the head. The two places I shot him. I grab some rounds from his pockets. Only ten plus the five inside the magazine or three should I correct, he fired twice. I walk toward the rifle and go pick up the fathers rifle, This is a Muger 77-series bolt action rifle without a scope and see the girl still struggling to breath. Well these are your fathers bullets so fine. I stand in front of her and aim at her head. I see her smile. "Bang!" Goodbye pretty flower.

I walk toward the last dude and he only has the same rifle with four bullets in the chamber, no other ammunition anywhere. Suddenly the blue light comes out of everyone and rushes towards me more dense than ever before. "What in the flying fudge?!" I feel way more energy rush inside me and I improve drastically I feel stronger, faster, more agile and dexterous. I can actually see things slow down a little. A leaf falls through the wind and it looks slow enough for me to catch it. This does not spell anything good for humans, if we can even gain power from killing each other then we will be killing each other even more than we would've already.

My .45 Pistol glows yellow again as well. I focus on it.

[Low Normal .45 ACP M1911 Pistol Level 3]

I can see some difference to before in my .45 Pistol. I feels slightly heavier and the grip has become a lot more form fitting and for some reason it looks more lethal than before. I take aim and I can almost feel the gun itself. What the heck? I holster the gun but I still feel the gun. I walk into the building and low search it. On the second floor I find they're hideout. A bunch of junk food everywhere. That only has empty calories it won't help me so I leave it. Low and behold my prayers have been answered, a Military Tactical backpack. I could almost cry right now. I go to it and open it up inside is a bunch of clothes. I start pulling things out. Thongs, panties, bra's, shirts, small socks, skirts, pants. So this was the girl's backpack, "Thank you little flower."

I empty it out and continue my search inside. I find nothing I need and a bunch of useless things. I walk out only to see the giant vultures picking at the group of people. "Jesus couldn't you wait until I left?" I walk toward the girl the only one the vultures haven't touched yet and pick her up. For gifting me the backpack I am going to bury you.

After an hour I manage to dig a hole 6 feet deep with my shovel. I reach up and jump out easily. I am pretty certain I could not do this before. Is it the blue light? Probably. I grab the girl and jump into the hole again and lay her flat and cross her arms. I close her eyes and bloody mouth too because rigor mortis will set in soon. I jump out and look at her from the outside. "Umm… I hope you had a good life little flow…"

"RRRRRUUUUUPPPPP!" And that is my cue to start burying you, don't want you tooting. I bury her into the ground and am surprised as I see grass immediately start to grow over the gave. And then it is like it wasn't even there. Well an unmarked grave is fine with me. I don't know you name.

I walk back to my truck and dump the shovel in the back. The vulture already left and there are barely any bones left. They are some fast eaters.