Chapter 5: Operation

System: User Merlin23 connected to the chat.

GuyF4k3: Hey Merlin, congrats for the hack. We're now the most wanted hacker organization in the world ;)

Merlin23: Thanks, I couldn't've done it w/o you or Signus.

Root_Omega: Congratulation to the three of you, my source inside the FBI told me they just finish setting up a special task force to take us down. This means people are going to take us more seriously now.

//Mr.H//: Shouldn't we be worried, these guys don't play around…

SignusÆternus: Don't sweat it, they've been after me for quite some time now, yet here I am. Just be careful and mask your trail, if you do that, everything will be fine.

RainbowPal0066: Merlin's the one who launched the attack, it's him that should worry about getting caught.

Merlin23: Don't worry, I'm like a ninja. I was out before they even noticed they were hacked. I never get caught.

Son_of_Cthulhu: That's what most hackers say before they get caught.

GuyF4k3: Buzzkill XD

RainbowPal0066: A bit of serious now, we're terrorist ;)

SignusÆternus: S.o.C. is right, we shouldn't let our guard down, Merlin, you should try to get inside their main server, you're our backdoor specialist after all. That way, we'll know what they're up to.

Merlin23: Already into, but as H says, these guys aren't playing. I can't even get a clear scan, when I tried yesterday, I lost a 500 device botnet in the process.

GuyF4k3: Figures, they're probably on high alert since the Time Square Hack.

RainbowPal0066: Good thing good ol' pal Rainbow thought of scanning them last week. It ain't perfect, but it could give you somewhere to start.

System: RainbowPal0066 shared a file to 6 users.

//Mr.H//: I doubt the information is still useful, they made a huge system update right after the hack.

GuyF4k3: Still, it's better than nothing. Anyways, shouldn't we be talking about the next op instead of planning how to hack the FBI?

//Mr.H//: Unless we make it our next operation...

SignusÆternus: I'm listening.

//Mr.H//: If we strike first against the FBI, we would show the world we have the upper hand. Besides, I'm sure we could find some documents to leak that would shift the public support towards us.

RainbowPal0066: That's a great plan to have the CIA and the NSA all the way up our arses before we can even leak anything. Then, it won't be long before MI-5 and Interpol get involved in the hunt.

Son_of_Cthulhu: Sure, but we might get support from the Russians, I have a contact in Moscow that would be really pleased to get his hand on a few files in the FBI's servers. If we do this right and we're careful enough, it could be our best move.

Merlin23: I'm in as long as I'm not launching the attack, twice in a row would be too risky.

GuyF4k3: Might as well put it up for a vote. I'm calling a vote for this to become our next operation, I vote yes.

//Mr.H//: I vote yes.

Son_of_Cthulhu: I vote yes.

Merlin23: I vote yes.

SignusÆternus: I vote yes.

RainbowPal0066: You guys are all crazy, fuck it, I vote yes.

Root_Omega: Vote is unanimous, I do not veto. //Mr.H// you are in charge of the operation. I will provide a complete scan of every FBI facilities for the next session. I leave the rest of the details to you.

//Mr.H//: Damn, every facility? We can't even manage to scan their HQ, are you sure you'll be able to?

Root_Omega: …

//Mr.H//: Sorry…

Root_Omega: Let us not mention it ever again. Stop making a fool of yourself, you have an operation to lead. I expect you to do so.

//Mr.H//: Sure thing boss, ok here we go.

GuyF4k3: We're waiting…

//Mr.H//: I'm thinking.

Son_of_Cthulhu: Think faster.

//Mr.H//: GuyF4k3, is there any way you can physically infiltrate the FBI?

GuyF4k3: Dude, it ain't that easy, besides I can't travel for a while.

//Mr.H//: That's what I thought, ok then that's what's gonna happen. I'll put you on scan analysis, I want you to find holes in their security and relay them to Merlin.

GuyF4k3: Fine by me.

//Mr.H//: Perfect, Merlin, on your end, I'll need you to work your magic and make as many backdoors in their servers as you can. At least one in every facility would be appreciated.

Merlin23: I'll see what I can do.

//Mr.H//: OK, S.o.C., I need you to stalk everyone working for the FBI, find out who they are, who is in their families and who their wives are screwing. When I'll say the word, leak it all, unless it's something big, then keep it for blackmail, it might come in handy.

Son_of_Cthulhu: It shall be my pleasure to ruin their lives.

//Mr.H//: RP, I want you to work with S.o.C. and hack all the banks account and FB passwords of the people he's stalking. Again, wait for my signal, then wire all the money to charity, it'll make us look like some kind of digital Robin Hood. As for the FB accounts, simply delete them all. If they have any children, hack their social networks as well.

GuyF4k3: Aren't you a bit extreme, I thought the goal was to hack their servers, not make a bunch of people commit suicide.

//Mr.H//: I want them to feel our presence, to feel like they're not safe. Anyone who quits, we stop hacking them. Best case scenario, the FBI will be understaffed and vulnerable. Otherwise, it'll still slow them down and give them a shit ton of paperwork. But you're right… RP, S.o.C., once you guys have finished hacking someone, email them a suicide hotline number ;)

RainbowPal0066: If that's all it takes to clear your conscience I'll do it, but if you want me to handle all this cracking w/o keeping their money all need some extra fund to buy some new gear.

Root_Omega: I'll wire you whatever you need.

RainbowPal0066: Nice, I'll do the math and tell you how much I need next time.

//Mr.H//: OK, now that this is solved, Signus, I'll need you to make the payload.

SignusÆternus: No surprise there. What do you need?

//Mr.H//: Something strong, I want it to steal all their data then format their hard drives. It has to be done in each facility simultaneously.

SignusÆternus: Consider it done. What will you be doing?

//Mr.H//: I'll make tons of false lead and senseless attacks to confuse them and take the heat off you guys. Meanwhile, I'll also set up a secure server to transfer the data. After the attack, each of us is going to make a hard copy of everything useful and leak or delete the rest. I'll also sen them tons of virus just to make their day worse.

Merlin23: Damn, if we manage to pull this off, we'll become the most wanted men on earth all categories confused.

GuyF4k3: I agree, it's risky but it'll be worth the trouble.

Son_of_Cthulhu: What's the timetable?

//Mr.H//: I'll make one for the next session, but we need to strike fast, so the execution date would be in around a month.

RainbowPal0066: No pressure… Anyway, I think we've done enough for now, how about we call it a day.

Son_of_Cthulhu: Agreed.

Root_Omega: I am calling this session to an end, any objections?

Root_Omega: End of session. Next session: 2018-07-03 21:30 UTC-5.

System: Root_Omega and 6 users disconnected.