Body Pleasure

He woke up first. The girl beside him was still sleeping. He smiled while gazing adoringly at her pretty face.

He rose to his feet and donned some clothes. He sauntered towards the door, opened it, the men guarding outside the door sprung to attention.

"Good morning, Boss!" the two men conveyed their greetings to their Boss.

"Good morning, guys," he returned the greeting. "Tell the caretaker to prepare a hearty breakfast, I'm very hungry," he said.

"Right away, Boss!" one of the men replied and walked towards the stairway while the other one remained guarding outside the door.

The masked guy went back inside the room and closed the door behind him.

He edged closer to the bed and stared at the sleeping woman's face. Right now, just the sight of her sleeping soundly inside his old room, brought a lot of mixed emotion on him.

For just one night a lot of things happened between them.

He walked towards his wardrobe and picked up a t-shirt, a shorts and underwear. He placed it on the pillow beside her.

He was pacing back and forth inside the room, amazed by the fresh and old feelings she had evoked inside him.

Then she stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes slowly. The sun rays already seeping through the open window, bathing her in a warm light. She adjusted her vision and saw the masked guy, standing still and intently watching her face.

The guy walked towards her and sat on the edge of the bed and kissed her forehead. "Good morning, Catherine!" he murmured in a cheerful greeting.

"Good morning. C-can I use the bathroom?" she asked in a low voice.

"Yes, go ahead," he replied. He picked up the clothes he set aside earlier and handed them to her. "You can change into my clothes," he said.

She accepted it.

Catherine arises from the bed and wrapped the towel securely around her body. She sauntered towards the bathroom. Once inside, she splashed water on her face, gurgled water in her mouth, and washed her body parts with water and soap, then she donned the clothes he gave her.

She suddenly felt very hungry! She didn't linger much inside the bathroom, she was craving for foods!

When she came out of the bathroom, her mouth watered instantly upon seeing the array of foods in the table. The guy was already seated on the chair facing the table.

The masked guy turn his head around and stared at Catherine wearing his clothes. It's the first time a woman was wearing his clothes! He had difficulty describing what he feels inside upon seeing her wearing his own clothes, but he grinned nonetheless, liking very much what he saw!

"C-can I eat now? I'm very hungry...," she said a little bit shyly.

"Yes, you can. Come here, we shall eat together," he invited her to sit down on the chair beside him.

Catherine moved towards the table and sat down on the chair.

On the table, there's a fried fish, egg omelettes, pork stew, rice, sliced bread, sandwich spread, two cups of hot coffee, a pitcher of water and two glasses.

Catherine picked up the spoon and fork and filled her plate with foods and began eating.

They eat in silence.

After eating, she sipped her coffee loving the aroma of it. She was full! It's the best breakfast she ever had for a very long time. Born from a poor family they can only afford a single bread and a cup of coffee in the morning as their breakfast staple.

"Thank you for the food," she said smiling.

The masked guy saw her smiled for the first time, his heart fluttered, she was even more beautiful when she smiles!

"I'm glad you like the foods," he smiled back. "Eat some more if you like," he said.

She starts gathering their used plates and cups. "I will wash the plates. Can I bring them to the kitchen downstairs?"

"Nah, just give it to my men outside the door. They will bring it to the kitchen for you," he said while studying her face.

Catherine arranged the plates into the tray and walked towards the door, when she opens of the two heavily built men who was guarding the door removed the tray from her hands. She gulped her saliva back down to her throat, she cannot escape! These burly men can easily catch her!

She closed back the door with disappointment in her eyes.

"Come here, Catherine," he beckoned her back into the table.

As soon as she was near him, he lifted her and deposited her into his lap.

"Thinking of escaping?" he asked, his penetrating gaze boring into hers.

"No am not. Your men will catch me easily!" she blurted out.

"Wise girl!" he said, amused. He handed her a toothpaste and a toothbrush. "You can brush your teeth inside the bathroom," he instructed her.

Catherine obeyed. He followed her inside the bathroom and they brushed their teeth side by side in front of the bathroom mirror.

The masked guy stared at their faces in front of the mirror. He looked at her closely, she was wearing his clothes and brushing her teeth beside him, it's the first time a woman has taken the privilege of wearing his clothes and brushing her teeth beside him, it's a bit symbolic! It hit his stomach hard! He felt a warm and fuzzy feeling spreading deep inside the confinement of his heart, it spreads all over his body.

She was done first and placed the toothbrush and the toothpaste in the holder beside the sink. She was about to go out but he catches her arms to stop her. He was done brushing his teeth and set aside his toothbrush.

He cupped her face firmly with his hand and his other hand sneaked around her waist pressing her body to him and he began nibbling and sucking at her lips hungrily. Then he pushed her body gently to the wall of the bathroom.

She opened her mouth wide to give him easy access. He groaned with her cooperation, then he fondled at her bra-less breast, she moaned with the hot liquid sensation his hand aroused on her body.

His fingers went down to her shorts and entered her panties, he inserted his middle finger inside her moist core, digging deeper inside her, stimulating her, all the while rubbing her folds inside, their breathing becomes labored. His manhood was hardening, it's straining hard inside his underwear.

He removed his finger from her core and pushed her underwear down from her legs. He pulled his erection from its confinement and as soon as it is freed he plunged it straight into her waiting moist core. They were breathless caused by the sudden impact of their locked bodies!

Then he stirred his erection vigorously inside her. He was repeatedly pummeling inside her folds, giving in completely to the out of control sexual desires burgeoning in his head. He claimed her mouth again and sucked at her tongue in a frenzy.

As he kept stimulating her core with his manhood, their bodies rode together to greater heights, reaching higher heavens in dizzying speed and slowly plunged back into the earth with a shudder. The intensity of their climax was spectacular, glorious and breathtaking that could rival even the most impressive fireworks display on the fourth of July.

He pulled back his shaft and inserted it back into his underwear, then he gathered back her undergarments to cover her exposed mound. He scooped her body gently into his arms and deposited her in the bed.

Then he lay down beside her. His arms wrapped around her waist possessively.

"Catherine, you know that we have great sexual chemistry together?" he said while nuzzling at her neck.

"W-what does it mean?" she asked.

"Your body and my body has this intense physical attraction towards each other," he explained.

"R-really?" she mumbled.

"Yes. You noticed that whenever I touch you, your body come alive under my touch?"

"Yeah...," she admitted a bit shyly.

"That means were sexually compatible with each other," he continues explaining.

She didn't say a word, trying to process his words. He was her first time, how would she know?

"Catherine, did you ever felt that I violated you?" he asked.

She looked into his eyes unsure what to say. She knows well the meaning of what was going on between them and the horror that comes with it, everyone knows. But in their case, the masked guy didn't hurt her physically, he had been gentle with her, although their sex was a little bit awkward and unpleasant in the beginning her body gradually adopted well to his advances and his touch.

"I don't know what to say," she said at loss with words. Everything is new to her, there is simply nothing to compare at all.

"Catherine, look me in the eyes," he urged her and she complied. "I didn't violated you, okay? What happened between us was pure sexual intense physical chemistry. Both our body wanted it. There's no violent force involved. I pleasure you and you pleasure me. I just want to establish that in your mind. I never violated you. You first offered something to me and I took the offer. There's no physical violence involved, okay?"

He wants to instill in her mind that she must know the difference between being violated and mutual sexual attraction. For some odd reason, he doesn't want her to remember that her first sexual experience with him was done through a violent act, 'coz there was never a violent force involved everytime they were physically intimate with each other.

"You understand me, Catherine?"

"Yes," she replied.

"You like what I have done to your body? You love it when my manhood was inside you? You like my touch and my kisses?" he asked. It's important for him to know what she was thinking right now.

"Yes," she answered to all his question without blinking an eye.

He grinned from ear to ear. "Good girl!" then he kissed her forehead.

He got out of the bed and retrieved his cellphone from the drawer of the table. He took photos of her wearing his clothes. Then he climbs back onto the bed and embraces her. "Say cheese to the camera Catherine, common, give me your brightest smile," he urged her.

She complied to his request and grinned to the camera as if she was having the best time of her life.

The masked guy took a lot of photos of them together in bed but the majority of it was her photos he was obsessing about. After getting satisfied with all the shots he needs, he returns the cellphone into the drawer.

"W-why are you taking pictures?" she sounded alarmed.

He doesn't like the worried look appearing in her eyes. "Don't worry it's for my personal used. It won't appear anywhere, trust me. I just want to remember you, remember us, at this particular time. We may never meet again. I just want you to know that I always remember you and everything that we shared together in this room," he said softly.

Forty five minutes later...

They showered together, then they had a steamy sex session again. They already had sex twice in the morning, and once in the afternoon.

Then they watched a comedy film on his cellphone to pass the time. Their merry laughter vibrated around the room with each hilarious antics of the main lead. After the comedy film ended he set his cellphone aside in the bedside table, then he tickled her sides and she ended up rolling in laughter beside him.

They shared a good laugh and a pleasant camaraderie the rest of the afternoon.

Today was his happiest day ever...after a long time.

It was also Catherine's happiest day ever, she never laughed this hard in her whole miserable pathetic life, nor was he.

They ended the afternoon with a lingering kiss on each other's lips and more heavy touching and petting on their body parts in the next few minutes. They were like hormonal teenagers who just discovered each other's body for the first time.

The smooching never ends between just started.