Mask Reveal

John was done inspecting the entire 10 hectares of land around Hacienda La Margarita with his three loyal bodyguards.

He noticed that the ancestral house needed huge repairs, it's near to crumbling state. The once beautiful house where his family used to live when he was still young was crumbling down. Before they migrated into the city, it was once the most beautiful house in the whole town of Mandresa.

He was leaning on the balcony looking at the vast surrounding lawn of the hacienda. They used to grow sugarcane here when he was still young. Now the Hacienda has been surrounded with all kinds of trees, shrubs, wild plants and almost becoming more like an Amazon forest, overgrown bushes scattered everywhere. It became a habitat for wild birds, wild animals, and including snakes! His bodyguards' already manages to kill five snakes total in just one day!

This Hacienda had been given to him by her mother. He was thinking of finding a buyer to sell it. He was also toying with the idea of transforming this ancestral home into an Eco Resort, complete with world-class Hotel Amenities.

He realized that he doesn't have to hurry with his decision, he will have to think thoroughly and wisely what will be the best option for the Hacienda's future in the coming days.

So far his whole experience here in the hacienda was pleasant and refreshing. For once, he was away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Everywhere he looks, he sees oceans of green! The air so fresh and the day was long, unlike in the city where the time flies too fast without anyone noticing it and the pollution was a catalyst for cancer airborne diseases.

The Hacienda was a very good place for relaxation, vacation, and meditation. The atmosphere can rejuvenate and invigorate anyone's physical, mental and psychological health being. He regretted not visiting this place even just once a year. Now that he's here and discovered back its former glory, he was planning to make a visit in this place once a year until he can finally decide what to do with it.

John raised his eyes above...

The heaven was already preparing for the night to fall in the horizon giving way to the descending darkness of the night.

He went back to his old room...

As soon as he closes the door, Catherine's womanly scent filled his nostrils. He stared at the bed sheets that have not been changed since Catherine gone home, the stained of blood when he took her virginity was still plastered on the white bed sheet, he was drawn to it and slowly lay down on the bed. Instantly, her scent becomes so strong it enveloped his head and the scent traveled swiftly down to his groin, he instantly got an erection! Damn!

He opened his cell phone and swipes right into the photos, images of Catherine's smiling face appeared in the slideshow.

Oh God, why he was missing her so badly!?

He groaned.

His erection continues to throb and it becomes so rigid!

He immediately played the video of the two of them naked, he was on top of her pumping into her core with wild abandon, he played the video while masturbating, trying to relieve himself of his erection.

Fifteen minutes later...he was done with his deed.

He reached for his own clothes which Catherine had worn. He brought them closer to his nostril and again smelled her womanly scent on them.

Then his manhood began another round of throbbing and getting stiff! F*ck another erection! What the hell!?

This time he wants the real thing! He wants to f*ck the real thing!


Frustrated, he opened the door and instructed something to his guards on duty...

"Bring that girl to me within two hours!" he barked his order.

One of his bodyguards who accompanied them to Santa Monica replied..."Yes, Boss!"

The bodyguard turned around to fulfill his demanding Boss's command.

The night was still young, still 6:30 in the evening.

John opened the window of the room and stared outside...

What if his man can't bring the girl?

He will get Catherine himself!

The need to see her again, so intense, he was willing to move heaven and earth!

He waited on his bed with excitement, already imagining her body writhing in bed under him.


Catherine had just finished washing the dishes, they had eaten their dinner early as usual. She went outside and sat on the wooden bench beside the mango tree. The sky was filled with twinkling stars shining in the heavens above. The full moon was at its brightest tonight illuminating the whole village with an eerie glow.

She was mesmerized by the natures spectacular show around her when suddenly a boy walked towards her, she recognized him as the son of one of their neighbor.

"Catherine, somebody wants to see you," he said pointing at the SUV car that was parked a few meters away from their house.

Her heart skipped a beat... that was John's car! What was he doing here?

Is he here to get back the money he gave her the other night? Her mind suddenly jumps into conclusion.

No! It can't be!

Her plan for her family's migration into the city was already in motion, without the money John gives to her, she won't be able to execute her plan.

She sighed.

She doesn't want to see him again!

But his bodyguards were armed, it will be unwise to piss them off. She was afraid of what they can do to her family.

She thanked the boy and gave him some coins as a reward.

She went inside their nipa hut house and informed her mother that she will go to her friend's house for a few hours.

She changed into a decent blouse and a flowing skirt below her knees.

After exiting their house, she strolled directly towards the car, the door opened immediately and she entered into the passenger's seat.

"The Boss wants to see you," the driver said.

Catherine just nodded at him. Then the driver started the engine and the SUV car glided into the highway smoothly.

The one hour ride was pleasant and Catherine once again experiences the luxurious feeling of having to ride such an expensive car. She closed her eyes, she was dreaming of owning such a car like this someday.

She opened her eyes when the car finally entered the tall gate of the ancestral house.

She released a deep sigh. She has no plan to visit this place again, it brought so many nightmares that tormented her.

She followed the bodyguard and they entered the house. As they climb the stairs, her footsteps became heavy.

They finally reached the top of the stairway and the bodyguard knocked at the closed door.

"Boss, I got the girl!"

The door opened immediately. John's masked face flooded Catherine's vision.

"Very good!" he said to his bodyguard.

John grabs Catherine's hand firmly and pulled her into the room with great urgency. Then he closed the door behind them.

"My lovely Catherine, you're here!" he exclaimed in a joyous tone.

Catherine stared at him bewildered, not understanding his cheerfulness.

"A-are you going to get the money back, John?" she asked right away in a worried tone.

"No of course not!" he said amused.

"Then why you'd sent for me?"

He didn't reply.

Instead, he just continues staring at her innocent face, loving the way she call his name casually as if they had known each other for a long time.

He closed the distance between them and lifted Catherine's body into the bed with eager hands and a hard erection dangling between his legs.

While he was on top of her, he memorized her lovely face, tracing every inch of her face with his fingertips.

"Did you miss me?" he said.

Catherine doesn't know what to say. But she'd better humor him right now, afraid he might get angry if she said no.

"Yes," she said.

"Oh my Catherine dearest, I miss you too!" he groaned pressing his hard erection into her mound.

Catherine's breath faltered when his erection rammed into her core.

Waves of electrifying sensation overflowing into her belly. She's cursing her body for liking his advances.

"J-Jhonnn..." she moaned.

He smirked with her reaction, her body was warming up to him as minutes passes by.

His hands went down to caress her legs lifting her skirt in the process. His fingers were now entering her underwear...

Catherine stops his wandering hands. "No. We can't do that! I need to go home now!"

"Don't worry, I will send you home at 11:00 o'clock, I just want to spend some time with you," he said and continuous groping her.

She tried to prevent his hand from entering her core, but he was much stronger than her. When he finally inserted his middle finger into her core, she gasped and moaned, especially when he started fondling at the inside of her silky wall in rapid motion.

She can only moan in succession...."ahhh...ummm..."

His mouth claimed Catherine's kissable lips and engaged her in an earth-shattering kiss.

John withdraws his middle finger from her core, in just a matter of seconds he rid himself off his clothes and then poised his erection on top of her core, his shaft plunged deeper into her core, her body was wracked in violent spasm with his every hard thrust. They climaxed together after a few minutes of intense delirious intercourse.

They lay down resting on the bed with Catherine's head anchored on his chest.

"You are a sex maniac, John," she suddenly blurted out of the blue.

"Huh?" John's brows furrowed then he chuckled. "Why would you say that?" he caresses her cheek with the back of his hand.

"Because you keep touching and kissing me!" she pouted.

"I'm your boyfriend, am I not allowed some liberties with your body?" he said smiling.

"W-what? Since when did you become my boyfriend, you never courted me!" Catherine said confused.

"Technically, I'm your first boyfriend because I'm your first kiss, I am the one who took your virginity and I'm your first in everything. You understand me now?" he spoke gently.

Catherine was processing his words carefully, he was making sense but...she doesn't want to have a boyfriend at this difficult time of her life.

"Do you understand me, Catherine?" he asked her again. "Who am I to you?"

"M-my Boyfriend," she said, just to humor him.

Upon hearing her saying he was her boyfriend, his heart was suddenly jumping with joy. What the f*ck! He already got a new girlfriend! He was beginning to feel happy and thrilled with her acceptance of him.

He wants to be Catherine's boyfriend for real!

"And you are my girlfriend," he said loving the way it sounded in his ears. "Just want to clarify that I'm not a sex maniac, okay? The last time I touched a woman before you that was eight months ago. If I am a sex maniac I could bang any woman I can afford every week. You understand Catherine?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"How old are you, Catherine?"

"Twenty years old and you?" she asked him.

"I'm twenty-seven," he answered.

Catherine looked into his eyes. "A-are you married?"

He shook his head. "No."

"Since I'm your girlfriend, can I see your face now?" she asked. She's been dying to see his real look without the mask.

John was in the state of debating whether he will allow her to see his face or no. No woman has ever laid eyes on his face for the last 7 years since the biggest tragedy of his life.

"If I let you see my face, you won't change? You will still call me your boyfriend" he asked first.

Catherine saw the cloud of doubts flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah. I will not change. Promise!" she said.

"I warn you, Catherine. I'm very ugly," he said with deep sadness in his eyes.

Catherine ignored his words and proceeds to take off the mask from his face. She told herself that no matter what she will see she won't show him what she really felt inside.

When the mask was already taken away from his face. Her face can be liken to a blank canvass, no emotion.

John was looking at her face intently, looking for any sign of horror and instant dislike. But he saw none.

Catherine saw the ugly scars crisscrossing on his face, a big scar that looks like a stab wound from a knife. His face was ugly indeed. She runs her fingers through the scars, tracing each of them tenderly, then out of pity for him she kissed each of those ugly scars, she was drawn to the scars, she can't understand why...

John's tears fell from his eyes. Then he hugged Catherine tightly.

"Do you have an old photo of yourself?" she asked.

John opened his cell phone and showed her his last photo before the tragedy took place.

Catherine stared at the photo, he was a handsome young man before the scars. What happened to him must be very painful because he's been wearing mask for seven years now.

He was looking at her face intently observing her reaction.

"What---? Are you expecting that I will run away because you have an ugly face?" she asked him.

John smiled at Catherine. He was expecting she will run. But she stayed beside him and even kissed all his scar. That totally blew his mind away.

They make love again that night without John's mask. All Catherine saw was the handsome young man in the photo that he was used to be.

John was never been happier in his entire life. For the first time in his life, a woman was willing to make love to him without his mask. It was such a liberating experience.

He was deeply smitten with Catherine.