Cry A River

Catherine arrived in the city the following day. Her cousin was already waiting eagerly for her.

She hugged her cousin Grace who is 5 years her senior.

"I'm glad you finally decided to migrate here, cousin! Don't worry I will help you find a job, a much better high paying job, that's it." Grace led her cousin to the sofa in their living room.

She had observed that her cousin's house isn't that big but it's ten times better than their old nipa hut in the village, Catherine told herself.

"I prepared some snacks for you, here, eat some," said Grace. "I already told the owner of the room for rent that you will occupy the room, it was already reserved for you and your family. After you have eaten, we can check the room because you haven't seen the inside of it yet."

Catherine nibbled on the pastries a little bit slower, taking her time. If everything is okay and the room is sufficient enough, she will give the owner a six months advance rent and hunt for jobs in the coming days.

A few minutes later...

Catherine and Grace were currently inspecting the room for rent. The room was much bigger than their nipa hut, it got one toilet and bathroom combined, and a small room for sleeping quarter. The cemented floor was wide enough for sleeping, just spread a mattress and you will be good for the night. The whole room looks like recently cleaned, no dust and cobwebs were found inside. It's miraculously well maintained.

Catherine smiled upon seeing that the roof of the room got a ceiling that doesn't have holes on it unlike their nipa hut that when it rains it pours inside. She liked the room the first time she had seen it, it was painted with white and it looks homey. It already got some cabinet for storing clothes. There's a sink beside the toilet that serves as a small kitchen area.

"What do you think, Catherine?" asked Grace.

She smiled. "I like it. I will take it. Is it wise if I deposit six months advance?" she asked excitedly.

Grace shook her head. "No need to deposit six months advance, three months advance rent is good enough."

"Okay," she said. "Can we go to the owner now and made a deposit so that my family can finally move tomorrow?"

Grace gave her a questioning glance. "You have no money good for three months advance, or you already have?"

Catherine smiled. "I have the money," she said cheekily.

Her cousin brow's furrowed. "W-where did you get the money? The last time we had a talk, you said you don't have any savings and that you will borrow money from me. I do have some savings that I can lend you off, you don't have to worry about the rent. I will take care of it myself until such time you can get a proper job."

Catherine hugged her cousin. "Thank you cousin, you are so kind. That's why I love you," she said. "But I don't really have to borrow money from you. I got my own money to pay the rent in advance. Come, let's go to the owner now. I want to rent this room, it's cozy," she smiled brightly. She walked hurriedly towards the door.

"Wait...just want to ask this, where did you get the money...Catherine?"

Her steps halted near the door. Then she sighed and faced her cousin. "I will tell you everything after we pay the owner the advance rental, okay?"

Grace agreed.

After paying the advance rental, Grace brought Catherine to her room. She was really curious about how her dirt poor cousin was able to save some money out of the blue.

"Now spill the beans, Catherine!" said Grace eager to know all the details.

Catherine sighed. She doesn't want to reveal her horrific ordeal with John to anyone ever again but it seemed her cousin won't let the matter drop anytime soon, she will keep pestering her for the details for sure. Well, she got no choice, she has to tell it her own version.

Catherine inhaled air and starts recounting the story...

"Desperate for money, Caroline and me stupidly robbed an old house in the middle of the jungle near our village. It so happened that the owner was there during the time of robbery along with his three bodyguards. Of course, we got caught. To save my sister and myself from being thrown into jail, I made a bargain with the owner. I seduced him and gave him a mindblowing sex session that he won't forget. He must be very impressed with my skill, he devoured my body two nights straight. We have sex from morning to night. Then, when he finally sent me free, he gave me lots of money a total of P150K for my services. That's the end of the story."

Grace's mouth closed and open without saying a word...she was debating if what she just heard was just a joke or for real?

"Are all these true?" asked Grace, she examined her cousins face. Was Catherine exaggerating? Is she telling a lie or telling the truth? Which is which?

Catherine made an oath with the sign of the cross. "I'm telling the truth so help me God," she said. She just lightened up and improvised the story a bit so that her cousin won't feel extreme pity for her.

Grace was processing slowly every words she heard from Catherine. Then she sighed. "Well, that was an interesting piece of a story you had shared to me, cousin. Are you okay with everything that happened to you?" she asked with deep concern echoing in her voice.

"Psychologically, emotionally, and physically, are you okay Catherine? That's what am trying to ask," said Grace.

Catherine shut off her eyes, was she really okay inside? She's not okay, but she has to overcome the trauma and learned to live with it. All these time she's been handling her ordeal with a brave face. But right now, she wanted to cry.

"Can I use your bathroom?" she said. She wanted to cry a river inside the bathroom.

"Okay, go ahead," relied Grace.

Once inside the bathroom, Catherine runs the water and started crying. The truth was that she was really afraid and deeply saddened by what had happened to her way back in that old ancestral house. Did she like what happened to her? No! Of course not! But in spite of what happened between her and John, she was still thankful that he turns out to be not a psycho or else if she met somebody else with an evil intent, not only she was r-aped repeatedly in a brutal way but her lifeless body might be already thrown into some ditch in a far away place just like what she always saw with r-ape victims in news and TV. If she has to choose between John or another stranger, she chooses him as the lesser evil. He just took her virginity and innocence, he did not take her life. He allowed her to live another day.

A knock can be heard from the door.

"Catherine, are you alright? What take you so long in there?"

She heard Grace's worried voice coming from the outside of the door. She splashes some cold water into her face and dried it with the clean face towel she found inside.

When she finally came out, Gracie hugged her, rubbing her back softly.

"If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm always here for you, okay? Don't suffer alone. I'm all ears to hear your worries and problems and you can tell me everything."

Catherine hugged her cousin back, deeply touched by Grace readiness to share her burdens.

"Thank you, cousin! You're an angel sent to me from heaven above," she said feeling grateful.

"Stop crying now, let's go shopping! I want to cheer you up," said Grace. "I will send you off in the bus station myself at around 5:00 PM. By the way, when are you going to bring your mother and your siblings here?"

"Probably...tomorrow night," she answered.

"Okay. Now that's settled. Let's get ready for shopping!" Grace exclaimed.

Catherine smiled brightly at her cousin. The fulfillment of her dreams to migrate into the city was now coming near to completion. She can now breathe easily.