Missing You!

When John woke up the next morning he got a nasty hangover. He went inside the bathroom and splash water on his face.

Back on his bed, he opens his mobile device and typed 'good morning', he then sends it to Catherine. Then he types some more messages...

"Miss you!"

"Wish you were here!"

"Eat your breakfast"

"Enjoy your day"

"Take care of yourself always!"

John sends them one by one with a smile on his face.

He knew without a doubt that Catherine already changed her sim card that was the reason why he can no longer contact her. But he was hoping that one day she will remember to attach the sim card he gave her, then she will be able to read all his messages, to let her know that he was thinking of her day and night.

Once he will be back in Makati City where his business headquarters was located, he was planning to hire a private investigator to help him find Catherine faster.

He will go crazy if he can't find her soon!

Tomorrow, he and his bodyguards will finally go back to the city. His two weeks vacation in his hometown was finally coming to an end.

It was such a nice vacation, refreshing to his soul. The biggest highlight of his vacation was meeting the adorable thief who stole his heart. He grinned.

Remembering the first time he laid eyes on her face inside his room. He was mesmerized by her refreshing beauty. Then and there he knew he got to have her, owned every inch of her body and soul. His instant attraction towards her during those moments now become a full-blown obsession.

He was able to taste her...all of her in just a matter of few days...and he was craving more of her, and now that she runs away from him, he was determined to chase her to the ends of the earth.

He typed "I love you so much Catherine!" ten times and send them to her number.

After done with typing. He opened her photos and scrolled on them one by one. Her smiling face filled the entire screen. He loves her two dimples on her cheeks, every time she smiled her face shined like the stars in the night, it illuminated even the darkest corner of his soul.

A knock on the door disturbs his fantasizing on Catherine.

"Boss, time for breakfast," Ramon's voice echoed on the other side of the door.

"I want to eat my breakfast in the balcony," he said.

A moment later...

John was already eating his breakfast along with Ramon.

"Boss, you haven't installed a tracking app or phone tracker on Catherine's phone?"

John stared at his bodyguard. "I forgot to do that on the day I have last seen her. I was about to do just that on the night she and her family migrated to the city. I should have installed it before I have given her that iPhone," he said with regrets.

"Boss I will go to their village and investigate further. Maybe I can fish out some important news to what exactly the city she and her family migrated," Ramon offered.

"Okay you do that," John was feeling a bit hopeful.

In the afternoon, John spends most of his time roaming in the entire hacienda discovering more nature's wonders hidden in the land he inherited from his mother. In the corner, a cluster of bamboo trees as high as the coconut trees dotted the land a few meters from where they were standing. He's going to miss this place so much! But he can always go back here once a month perhaps? This place especially the ancestral house contains an abundance of treasured memories between him and Catherine.

Lol, even if he was staring at natures beauty surrounding him, his thoughts always come back to Catherine, he thinks he was going crazy. Damn! He misses her already! Misses her womanly scent, her smile, her young sensuous body that never fails to satisfy his carnal desire.

Suddenly the rain starts pouring in the middle of nowhere, John and his bodyguards scrambled to find a shelter. They will get soak with rainwater if they will keep running towards the ancestral house that was fifty meters far ahead from their current location. They saw banana trees a few meters ahead, they dashed towards it and finally they had found their temporary shelter, they huddled together under its wide green leaves, they waited for the rain to stop.

When they were back in the ancestral house at 5:00 PM. Ramon was already home, he waited for them in the balcony with hot chicken soup, rice, pork stew and fried fish tilapia prepared palatably in the table.

John and the bodyguards change into dry clothes and they eat together in the balcony.

After the two bodyguards were already done eating, they left the table.

John eyed Ramon with a questioning glance a little bit excited for his news.

"Boss, based on my findings, majority of their neighbors mentioned of a cousin residing in Cavite City. I think that is the city where Catherine and her family migrated to. Just my opinion. I can't be sure 100% though," said Ramon.

John was satisfied enough even if he knew that Cavite City is a wide place to hunt for one woman. But it's a good starting point already. In the coming days, he might be able to discover more methods in finding Catherine more efficiently and effectively.

"Good job, Ramon!" John said. "Get ready for tomorrow, we will be living for the city at 9:00 in the morning. I want to be in Makati City by 7:00 PM in the evening."

That night before going to bed, John texted Catherine's number with messages full of longing.

"Have you eaten your dinner?'

"Eat well"

"Enjoy your night"

"I'm going to sleep now. Wish you were here"

"I'm going back to the city tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning"

"Hope we can meet in the city"

"Can you please text me of your whereabouts, Catherine?"

"Look, you really left me all alone in the dark"

"Have I done something wrong, that is why you left me without saying goodbye?"

"Come on, please reply to my text. If there is something wrong we can fix it. I can fix it!"

"I will do anything just come back to me! Pleaseee!"

John placed his cell phone on the bedside table and prepared to sleep.

Unable to sleep...

He got his phone back to watch his and Catherine's sex video before sleeping. He went to sleep that night with passion, longing, and heavy desire plastered on his face.