Goodbye Dahlia!

The ride towards the private cemetery for the wealthy was a pleasant one. 'Eternal Heaven Cemetery' is where you can purchase a 1 lot burial package equal to 1 million Philippine pesos. Only a few can afford. It was a 10-hectare wide cemetery, well guarded and well maintained.

Although the whole place is very expensive it has a welcoming garden vibe to it. Near the entrance, three fountains sprayed water into the air continuously 24/7 surrounded by green plants. Flowery ornamental plants scattered around the cemetery, giving it a vibrant colorful atmosphere, more like a garden. Yes, the cemetery is a big garden of flowers blooming in every corner and pathways. In this cemetery, the dead were resting comfortably in the midst of a beautiful well kept surrounding.

The whole ground was covered with Bermuda grass, anyone can sit down and enjoy the fresh air. Trees that provide shades and shelter against the hot rays of the sun dotted along the pathways, the wind above was dancing with the branches of the trees making the leaves swayed rhythmically to the direction where the wind blows.

All day long you will see families come and go, visiting their loved one's tomb bringing foods and beverages with them, it's like having a family picnic with one of your deceased family member surrounded by nature's sweet embrace.

The Armored Range Rover car parked near the lamp post.

John exited the car along with his two bodyguards. They walked towards the tomb with Dahlia Aquino's name written on the tombstone. Ramon held in his right hand the pot of flower they brought from the cemetery's entrance. He placed the pot of fresh flowers carefully into the tomb, he settled the two candles into the candle holder and began lighting it with the gold colored lighter he holds in his hand, when the candle was already burning bright, he turned around and walked away, leaving his boss alone to pay his respect and prayers to his deceased 'ex.'

John sat down on the Bermuda grass and starts wiping the dust that covered Dahlia's tombstone with his handkerchief.

"Dahlia, this might be my last visit for a while. I already found the woman who will accompany me in this lifetime. I want you to be happy for me. Of course, I will never forget you. Just that my heart was starting to love another woman again. I have kept you in my heart for many years not wanting to let you go but now it's time for me to move on. You and I can never be together again in this lifetime nor in another lifetime. Our love story ended the day you died. I'm sorry I can no longer keep my promise of loving you until my last breath. Today, I will sever my ties with you. Don't worry, I will send someone to visit you here once in a while. I want you to be happy wherever you are right now," he whispered.

He remained sitting stoically in front of her grave, no longer talking. His eyes fixed on her name written on the tombstone. Remembering so well how happy and in love they were in their 20's. Just when you think the happiness you shared with someone will have no ending the tragedy strikes in their lives, killing Dahlia and scarring his face in the process.

He inhaled a mouthful of air into his lungs and shuts his eyes, trying to block the nightmares that hunted him for the last 7 years.

Then he rose to his feet and caress Dahlia's tombstone gently.

"Goodbye Dahlia," he murmured softly.

He has to go far away from the cemetery, away from her painful memories. He refused to be tortured again by her agonizing cries and her scream of help. It's over between her and him, a long time ago, he just refused to let go.

Now he is ready to let go of his dark past...

After saying his goodbye to the woman whom he loved so dearly in the past, he felt lightheaded, as if a heavy burden was being lifted from his chest and a burst of fresh air was being pumped into his veins and every cell of his body was being repaired. Then and there he finally realized that the past has been keeping him imprisoned into the shadows for so long.

Catherine is his cure, he will spend the rest of his life seeking his cure.

He strolled towards his car that was parked nearby, feeling lightheaded and feeling like he was just reborn. He gets inside the car and opens his cell phone.

He pressed call on Allan's number. Excited to know what is the latest developments of the task he assigned to him.


"Yes Sir, good afternoon!"

"What's the update?"

"I'm currently eating here inside the restaurant where Catherine is working. She has lots of fans, male fans that is..."

John's face suddenly darkened.

"W-what do you mean?"

"She is the favorite waitress around here, she's frequently requested by male clients in the restaurant to serve foods on their table, Sir. She got lots of male admirers here."

"Okay, if you see anyone taking advantage of her, you know what to do," he said. He was not liking any of it, his very own favorite flower was swarmed with bees!

Allan chuckled on the other end of the line. "Copy Sir."

"Continue following her for one week. I will arrange for your board and lodging in the Marigold Hotel. I will call you tonight for further instruction."


The line went dead.

John was clearly bothered by the knowledge that Catherine already got many male admirers. It will be a matter of time, some guy will take the opportunity to court her. He has no idea how he will feel if one day she will have a new boyfriend. It would surely kill him inside.

A small sigh escapes his lips. He taps his fingers above his legs...a little bit tense. His mind was scanning for ideas on how to pursue Catherine in a much faster but proper way.

He was getting afraid she will be snatched by somebody else fast enough before he can even make his first move.

He reached for his cell phone and type ..."I wanna see you again for just a few hours. Miss you!" he was about to send it to Catherine but he changed his mind on the last minute. He promised to himself that he won't text her for one whole week. He doesn't want to sound like he was dwarfing her, sending her barrage of text messages daily might only annoy her even more.

He suddenly got a headache. He rested his head on the headboard of the seat and closed his eyes. 'Ahhh, Catherine, what am gonna do to win you over?' he screamed inside his head.

When they arrived back into the Infinity Jade Tower. The moment the elevator opened on the 15th floor, John immediately entered his flat and called Allan.


"Yes, Sir..."

"Are you still inside the restaurant?"

"Yes Sir, but am about to go out now. I have been staying here for a long time already. Few minutes from now, I'll be heading to Marigold Hotel."

"Wait...stay there in the restaurant a little bit more. Order a beer, tequila, soft drinks, vinegar, soy sauce or anything, just to kill time, I want you to take several photos of Catherine and send it to me right away."

Allan chuckled on the other end.

"....And when you go inside the Marigold Hotel, look for Manager Fuentes and mentioned I send you there for free board and lodging for one whole week."

"Copy Sir," he said.

John entered the bathroom for a quick shower. He got out of the bathroom with only the towel covering his lower body.

When he checked his cell phone fifteen minutes later, Allan already forwarded to him several photos of Catherine. He smiled with excitement and throws the towel in the chair and jumped into his bed naked. He straddled a pillow beneath his legs and watched Catherine's smiling close up photo.

F*ck me!

Her tantalizing eyes, dimpled cheeks, and soft red lips were making him cry of deep longing. He used to kiss her cheeks and her lips to his heart's content way back in the hacienda. But now the only thing he can do is to stare at her photo and fantasize that he was kissing her again. Shiit! He suddenly grows a boner down his legs just by looking at her beautiful alluring photo. He was instantly aroused, dammit! He closed his eyes, open his cell phone and played their sex video all night long, he was good for the night.