Too Much Wine!

Sunday...Town's Plaza.

John's Armored Range Rover car was already parked near the Plaza.

Past thirty minutes already, still no Catherine in sight. John was getting impatient. What if Catherine changed her mind and no longer wanted to see him? No, it can't be! He was very excited for this day, he already planned and prepared everything for this meeting with her. He kept glancing at his Rolex wristwatch.

Unable to wait any longer...he called her number.

"Catherine, where the hell are you?" his voice a little bit louder. He was not used to waiting for someone.

"I'm coming. Right behind your car, John," she answered.

When Jhon looked at the back of the car, Catherine was approaching the car from behind. John grinned, unable to hide his smile. Just the mere sight of her makes his world come alive.

Ramon got out of the car and open the passenger door for Catherine. Then he remained to wait outside the car, giving Catherine and John some privacy.

Inside the car...

Their eyes meet.


John looked at Catherine...

Catherine stared at John...

No one is saying anything.

John cough a little wanting to break the ice between them...

"Aren't you going to greet and kiss me?" asked John. His eyes boring into hers.

Catherine tore her eyes away from his face and fixed her gaze outside the window instead.

John was not bothered by her lukewarm reception of him. Now that she was a few inches away from him, the happiness and excitement he felt for her were overflowing inside him. His intense feelings for her were still the same as before, nothing changed.

He reached for her face and was about to kiss her on her cheeks but she ducked just in time and avoided his kiss. His lips landed on her hair.

"I said no touching and kissing John!" she reminded him with a glare.

John sighed a little bit. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry," he said. "I want to take you somewhere...," he added.

"W-where?" she eyed him wearily. Not expecting they will go somewhere.

"To my home. I want you to see my house," he said. He just have to convince her to go with him--or else--all his preparation for this special meeting will go naught.

"But, we can talk here. We don't need to go somewhere far," said Catherine in protest.

"Don't worry, it's more or less one hour and fifteen minutes drive to Makati City. After you see my house we will be back here in no time, I will personally send you home safe and sound." He hopes his words were convincing enough.

Catherine was having an internal debate, how can she trust John? She knew of his great appetite for sex, he might pounce on her inside his home.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to come to your house," there was a hint of fear and worry in the tone of her voice.

John looked at her face intently.

"Don't worry, no touching, no kissing, and no sex, I promised you that," said John in a solemn voice.

Catherine stared at his eyes, wanting to know if he was telling the truth or not. Can she trust him? After careful deliberation, she agreed. Besides, she was curious where he lives. This might be the best opportunity to know a little bit of the person who took away her virginity and innocence.

"Okay, but we won't stay long in there, I still have to work tomorrow," she finally agreed.

"Yes of course," he smiled in triumph.

He tapped the window to signal Ramon to get inside the car and drive.

A few minutes later, the car was already running smoothly along the highway.

John kept glancing at Catherine's poker face.

While Catherine kept her gazed glued to the window, ignoring John altogether as if he didn't exist.

John didn't mind. He was already expecting Catherine's indifference to him.

If he has to crawl on his knees just to reach and enter the window of her cold heart, he will do it. There is no way he will just give up on her. He was her first in everything and he wants to be her last, he wants to keep it that way.

At exactly one hour they reached Makati city...

Another fifteen minutes of navigating the crowded streets, the car finally stopped in front of a 15-story building.

John got out of the car and opened the passenger door for Catherine.

She got out and stared at the building in front of her, awestruck!

"Is this your h-home?" she asked.

"The whole building is entirely mine. I have a flat on the 15th floor. That is where I live," said John and guided Catherine into the entrance of the building. The guard on duty greets his employer and his companion cheerfully.

"Good evening Sir, Maam!" said the guard.

"Good evening," replied Catherine.

John gave the guard a quick nod to acknowledge his greeting.

They entered the building, some offices and stores were still open. People were coming and going out of the building.

John guided Catherine inside the empty elevator, careful not to touch her. He pressed the 15th-floor button.

A few moments later...The elevator stopped at the 15th floor. John and Catherine exited the elevator. John entered his flat using his fingerprints and password on the home security system near the entrance door.

Catherine was silent all the time, just observing everything around her with open curiosity.

The moment the door to the flat opened and the moment it closed behind her, Catherine was thrown into a world so vastly different from her own world, beyond what she can imagine. Inside the flat, all her eyes can see were endless display of wealth and luxury trappings that she can only see in magazines and movies. She tried hard not to squeal in delight, she tried hard not to be impressed with John's wealth and power. But she was thoroughly amazed beyond words!

The living room was classy and spacious. Her eyes landed on the cream-colored sofa, wide flat screen TV, a glass cabinet filled with decoratives figurines and exotic artifacts, expensive paintings hanging on the wall, all of them completed the picture.

"I will give you a whole tour of my flat after we're done eating our dinner, Catherine," he said.

John went into the dining room adjacent to the kitchen.

Catherine's eyes almost popped out from her socket. Such home like this only existed in her dreams and in the movies and soap operas she saw on TV.

The dining table was decorated with flowers and fine china utensils. A bottle of wine was already propped up on top of the ice bucket. Five types of dishes were already served on its palatable and delicious state in the center of the table; crispy skin salmon, chicken veggie stir fry, spicy stir-fried pork, sauteed vegetables, and broccoli cheddar soup. A dessert of red velvet cake was displayed on a golden platter ready to eat.

Catherine sat down on the chair opposite John.

They began eating in silence. John keeps glancing at Catherine's face, he dreamed of this scene a thousand times before, eating in his dining room no longer alone but surrounded with Catherine's lovely presence swarming around him filling his heart with delicious liquid warmth engulping his senses, and now it's finally happenning! He was so damn happy right now!

"How's work?" he asked her, wanting to initiate a conversation with her.

Catherine answered. "Fine," without looking at him.

Even if there's lots of food on the table, John notices that she's not eating much. He decided to discontinue eating, maybe she finds his presence a little bit intimidating that is why she only eats a little.

He opens the bottle of wine and pours a half full in his glass. He stood up holding the glass of wine in his hand. "Catherine, I will check something in my office. Eat plenty. I'll be back in a while."

Catherine nodded. When she saw John already gone out of her sight she continues eating in a much faster pace now that she was free of his stare.

John heads to his home office and began checking on some papers that needed his attention.

Fifteen minutes later...he was done.

When he went back to the dining room and checked on Catherine, he was stunned to find her already sipping wine in her glass, her eyes were smoky when she looked up at him, she looks a bit drunk and tipsy. OMG! when he checked the bottle of its contents, it was nearly empty! This specific wine was his favorite because if he drinks it moderately it can help his mind stay alert, but if he drinks too much it can make him feel sleepy and he will be knocked out for a few hours.

"My goodness Catherine, why did you drink so much wine?"

Catherine looks at him with a dreamy eyes.

"Theee wwine iss niiice JJJohn, I thhhink I drunkkk allll of it...hehehe," she said grinning slurring in her words. She put her empty glass in the table and was about to stand up...but her body swayed and she nearly stumble on her feet but John was quick enough to steady her arms.

He sighed. He shouldn't have left her alone!

"You're drunk Catherine," he murmured softly. When she leaned on his body for support, her body was pressed to his instantly, her breath was hot on his neck and when she tilted her face upward, their breath were intertwined. John's eyes instantly narrowed with desire, he was on the verge of kissing her lips but he controls his urges.

"For someone who talks too much about no touching, no kissing, and no sex, you seem to be asking for it, Catherine," he whispered into her ear huskily, fighting the desire to nibble on her ears.

"Doonntt...yyyooou...daaarrree!" she said in an audible voice as if fighting the urge to sleep.

John can't resist the temptation though...he gently wrapped his arms around her and pressed her body close to him in a tight embrace and kissed her forehead.

They stay that way for a few minutes...he savored every second of it. Loving the way her body was molded perfectly into his.

Was it five minutes...?

Maybe ten minutes or more, time flies too fast, John would love to freeze the time and just continue holding her like this forever.

It's clear that she can no longer walk on her own, no other way, he has to carry her. He already violated two of her conditions, no kissing and no touching, and the last condition? No sex of course, he smirked, just looking at her lovely inviting plump lips that is made for kissing, fire already starts to ignite between his groin, fuck me! he groaned inwardly. He was already in the state of salivating and drooling just holding her supple body intoxicated by the wine, he was going crazy of wanting her so bad! He closes his eyes and controls his arousal with everything he had.

He lifted her body gently and carry her into his bedroom.

Inside his room, he gently tucked her into his bed. He covered her body with his blanket.

"Sleep for a while Catherine..." he whispered into her ears.

Catherine's droopy eyes open a little..."Nnno touuchhing, noo kissssing aand nnno sexxx okayyy?" she said slurring, then again closed her eyes.

John chuckled, amused.

A few moments later, her gentle breathing signaled that she was already sleeping.

John continues to stare at her beautiful face.

He skimmed her face with the back of his fingers. "Sleep well, my love..."

He rose to his feet and call Ramon in his cell phone to inform him that there's plenty of foods left in the table.

He placed his cell phone in the bedside table and lay down beside Catherine in the bed.

John spent almost two hours just staring at her, memorizing each lovely feature of her face. From her forehead, well-defined eyebrows, cute nose, dimpled cheeks, and kissable lips. He yearned to kiss each of those delicate features but he prevented himself from doing so.

His overwhelming feelings and love for her filled his heart and mind with absolute gladness and a total sense of belongingness.

When he detected that she was about to wake up, he left her side and pressed the button of the remote control, the curtain parted ways in the middle revealing the glass wall, the view outside was more spectacular during the night, all the lights of the city's building, skyscrapers, business establishments came to life and the millions of stars shining above the sky made a fusion of impressive breathtaking display of light, so magical that will leave anyone breathless.