The Other Guy

Catherine handed her resignation letter to the restaurant manager, Jerome.

She remembered her first day in the restaurant. Jerome has been very accommodating, helpful and gave her orientation regarding the restaurant's rules and regulation. He taught her everything how to handle and serve customers in a pleasant and proper way. Then, later on, he starts becoming her annoying suitor. Besides John, he is the next guy that she becomes closer with in a friendly way. But she makes sure, there will only be friendship between them.

Jerome eyed her with a worried frown on his forehead. "Catherine, why are you doing this?"

"Huh?" Catherine's eyebrows knitted together.

"I'm asking why are you resigning from your job here in the restaurant?"

"I'm going to apply for a new job," she casually said.

"But why---? You don't like your job here?"

She sighed. She's not in the mood for explaining anything to him. He's sounding more like a mini-John every f*cking day.

"I like my job here...but---" She halted in the middle of her words.

She hesitated to continue further. She saw the pain in Jerome's eyes.

"Are you resigning because of me? Because I courted you?"

Catherine looked him in the eye. "Jerome, it's not all about you. I have my own reasons, please don't ask me anymore. I don't like explaining..."

"But you are walking away from me. You are getting out from my reach, am afraid I can no longer keep in touch with you if you apply for work far away from here."

What the f*ck! Wow, was he John's twin? Lol...these men are really possessive.

Catherine didn't say another word. Why Jerome suddenly became so overly dramatic as if she was going to migrate into the moon?

"What is the problem? Do you want a salary raised? I will ask our employer to give you a salary raise. Did the other workers gossip behind your back? Please tell me about the reason why you are resigning?" he asked in a pleading voice.

"I'm gonna miss you!" he quickly added.

She rolled her eyes. "Lol, calm down. I just want to resign. Don't worry we keep in touch. You can continue calling and texting me anytime you want. I won't be angry anymore. Besides, am applying for work at a nearby hotel, am not really venturing out far," she smiled at him in a friendly way.

Jerome's gloomy face brightened up instantly. He was worried earlier that she was trying to get away from him. Catherine was the first woman that really catches his attention, she was everything that he desired in a woman. Through the years, he was so focused on his work to provide financial assistance to his family in the province that he never had a girlfriend ever in his entire single life. He just doesn't pay any attention to any girl, they don't matter to him. But Catherine was different, when she came into the restaurant and in his life everything changed, his dull life became colorful. The job in the restaurant that used to be boring suddenly become exciting every day.

He was the eldest out of five children of a farmer couple in the province. His parents cultivated a piece of land that wasn't their own. Life in the province is hard especially nowadays that the earth was getting warmer due to global warming and planting crops for a living is no longer something that anyone can entirely depend on for a living. Sometimes his father's corn crops will be ruined by drought or too much rain. He decided to continue studying in the city supplementing his studies with various jobs available, like being an errand boy in a grocery store, working as a fast foods crew and many other menial jobs just to finish a two years course of Hotel and Restaurant Management. He originally wanted to be a lawyer but it's too much expensive so he opted to choose two years course instead and graduated with flying colors to the delight of his poor parents.

Jerome already manages the restaurant from day one when it was still on its infancy period, his employer gambled on his undeveloped skill, yet it pays off in the long run. From their first customer, their first seven tables, their first renovation and so on, he was the main contributor to the restaurant's phenomenal growth throughout the years. In short, this restaurant is his baby.

Now looking at Catherine, he found his second baby.

"So, you will go on a date with me this Sunday?" he asked, hopeful. He was able to visit her in her home a few times already but she never goes out with him on a date. He wants to experience what it feels like to have her attention solely directed at him, talk with her about her life and things in general.

"Yes," Catherine replied without hesitation.

"I will meet you in the town's plaza at 1:00 PM in the afternoon. Is that okay with you? We can go to church first and then go to the nearest mall or anywhere you like."

"Yes. No problem. I will be there."

Jerome watched her face adoringly~if there is something he can do he would try to really stop her from leaving the restaurant. For two months that she started working in the restaurant, he was already getting used to her alluring smile, her sultry voice, and her beautiful face. She captivated him with her charm, without even doing anything. His day won't be complete without having a glimpse on her charming face.

"Tomorrow is your last day. I will have your salary ready."

"Thank you, Jerome," she stood up and about to leave his office.

" more thing Catherine, please don't change your sim card. I don't want to lose communication with you," he pleaded.

"Okay, your request granted," she smiled at him and finally exited the room.

Jerome stared at the closed door. Catherine will be a big loss to their restaurant. She is a natural crowd drawer, especially with boys and men. But it's better this way that she will work on another establishment so that he can court her freely without anybody gossiping about them. Pursuing her will be her focus in the next few days. It's just a bit sad that he can no longer see her every day.