Mysterious Client

Grace scrolled down on her cell phone's contact.

While Catherine was watching a soap opera in the 25 inches flat screen TV inside her cousin's room. She caught a glimpsed of her cousin's furrowed brows.

"What are you doing?" she tried to take a peek at her cousin's mobile device.

"Nothing. I'm just browsing through my client's contact list. I have one valued client who no longer uses our services for the last ten months. This particular client of ours is the favorite of my ladies because he usually gives big tips, a very generous guy! He was inactive now, I consider it a big loss for my business."

Catherine observes her cousin's dismal look.

"You mean to say, he already stops using your girls? Maybe he found other services that are much cheaper than yours," she suggested.

Grace shook her head. "No. I don't think so. We are the most discreet when it comes to secrecy in these types of services. Our girls are clean, hardworking, sexy, pretty, and they serve our male clients well."

"Maybe his extracurricular activities are found out by his wife? Maybe he got married? Maybe he lives in another city far from here. Maybe he encountered an accident and died. Maybe he found another hobby to waste his valuable time with. How about he already turned into a priest, hahaha. There are lots of many reasons," said Catherine.

"You can be right, maybe he really changed for good and his appetite for sex is already a thing of his past. Do you want to know why I like this client?"


"This particular client of mine is a slam dunk type of guy. You know what is a slam dunk type of guy?"

"Yes, I want to know..."

Grace ceased staring at her mobile device and looked at her cousins face.

"He typically uses our girls for quick sex, typically his session would only last 2 hours maximum. He will do vaginal but strictly no anal sex, no kissing, no touching on other body parts, and no caressing. He performs a missionary type of sex position only and no other position. He will just enter the girls for a few times and when he is finished he doesn't initiate a conversation with my girls. He will just do his deed and after getting satisfied, he will just leave without saying a word but left big tips in the bedside table. He doesn't hurt or does BDSM with my girls. He always uses a condom. He is one of my girls top favorite client. So,'s indeed a big loss for us. "

Catherine was amazed by the huge and interesting information her cousins had just revealed to her.

"Who is this guy? What is his name?"

"His code name is Mr. X. As for his real identity only my Boss...Madame Butterfly knows him."

Catherine patted her cousin's arms. "I'm sorry for your loss, Grace. Don't lose hope yet. Maybe one day he will just call you again and orders one of your girls services."

Grace smiled at her cousin. "The thing I like about him the most is the frequency of his transaction with us, he will order our services sometimes two times a week and it's a good income for our girls. Hope you have a Midas tongue, cousin."

Catherine frowned. "Huh? What is a Midas tongue?"

Grace laughed. "Have you heard about Midas touch? Everything he touches turns to gold. I hope you also had a Midas tongue, everything you say will come true."

She laughed. "Silly cousin, I don't have a Midas tongue for sure, so don't count on it. So tell me more about him. He seemed to be an interesting guy."

"Nothing much to say about him because he is a complete mystery to all of us. The fact that he doesn't speak to any of the girls then he must be really a discreet type of person. You know what is his only way of communicating with the girls...?"

"What---?" asked Catherine.

"Inside the room, a cell phone was in a standby mode beside the bedside table. He usually texts the girl if he wants the girl fully clothed or naked when he arrived in the room. Usually, he will instruct the girl to shower first and be ready for his coming through his text messages. But there is one strict requirement he wants for the girl, he wants the girl to be loud and he likes loud moaning while he enters our girl. That certainly turns him on. So, Catherine, you should practice moaning aloud because it's a major turn on for guys," said Grace grinning.

Catherine laughed along with her cousin. "Hmmm...odd type of guy. So, where they usually conduct their rendezvous? In a hotel or somewhere private?"

"He had this private place where he will send for the girls. The room is dark with a little dim light that only a silhouette can be seen. You can't see a person's face, this guy uses a dark face mask, he wants total secrecy. He usually instructs the girl to be lying in bed ready for his arrival. So the deed with him entirely done with the lights turn off, which the girls like as well. Majority of my girls doesn't like having sex with a stranger with lights on, they always prefer lights off. It helps their mind to go numb and block anything and everything that happens inside the room," said Grace.

Catherine finds talking about the mystery guy fascinating.

"Does your male clients use a condom?"

"Yes, of course, it's one of our top requirements from our male clients, both as a safety precaution for our girls and the client's safety as well."

"What if the male clients will cheat and won't use a condom?"

"We give our girls a morning after pill contraception that they can take within 72 hours after unprotected sex to avoid pregnancy. Worst come to worst we will have an abortion for the girls, but so far we haven't encountered such kind of cases. Both parties are being careful when it comes to that kind of sensitive matter..."

"One last question cousin...had it happen before that both clients and the girl fall in love with each other, entered into a relationship and finally get married in the end?"

Grace smiled. "Yes! We have that kind of cases as well. Two of our girls ended their rendezvous in a marriage with our clients, but the males are both yeah...they found each other and created their happily ever after."

Catherine smiled as well. "But those were rare cases, right?"

"Yes. It's not actually the best place to find true love. But you know, destiny can sometimes play cupid we just don't know when will it happen, how it will happen and whom are we gonna end with."

"Cousin, am just curious why you didn't end up being one of the girls?" said Catherine joking.

"Because with the kind of face I have, no client will choose me 'coz am not pretty and sexy as you," said Grace.

"So, you show your male clients the girls' photo?"

"Yes of course. When a male client wants to contact us to use our services we will send them the girls photo to choose from. Then we set the price per hour. The place where they want our girls to go and meet them. We send rules and regulations to our clients on what not to do on our girls and some important reminders especially the condom thing. If our girls suffer in the hands of one client like suffering from bruising or other physical violence related incidents we cut ties with that specific client forever. Girls safety comes first before anything else!"

Catherine gave her cousin a thumbs up sign. "I'm glad that you take good care of your girls, cousin!"

"Of course! They were our bread and butter!" Grace smiled.