Hello Cousin!

Catherine and Grace were already at the hotel lobby waiting for John's car.

At exactly 5:30 PM, Ramon walked into the hotel lobby looking for Catherine.

Catherine rose to her feet, waved and smiled at Ramon...

Grace eyes widen. "Is he your future husband to be---?"

"No. He is the driver and the bodyguard," she replied amused.

"Oh, okay. I thought he is the one. He is handsome though," Grace grinned, drooling at Ramon's masculine body.

"Lol, he is already married. Wait until he and his wife will get a divorce. For now, he is already taken. Sorry cousin," said Catherine.

"Ladies, hope I didn't make you wait for long. I'm sorry if I did," said Ramon smiling at the two ladies.

Catherine dismissed his apology as nonsense. "It's okay Ramon. You just come in time."

"Okay, let's go. Follow me to the car ladies," he said walking back towards the hotel's main entrance, while the ladies followed behind him.

The moment Grace saw the Armored Range Rover car, she was already impressed. This is an expensive car! she thought to herself.

When they got inside, Grace eyes widen even more, 'coz the inside interior of the car is top notch, especially the seats were luxuriously covered with leather something she only sees in magazines. Catherine's future husband is really loaded!

Car quality, awesome!....checked!

She wants to see the house of the guy! Let see if he can impress her.

Catherine glanced at her cousin's face, she knew what was running on Grace's head, she smiled to herself. She held her iPhone in her hands and texted John.

"Where are you?"

"Cooking our dinner for tonight's meeting with your cousin," replied John.

"Oh, you shouldn't have..."

"I'm just kidding, I already ordered our foods for dinner by the time you two got here, we can eat right away if you ladies are already feeling hungry."


"I'm currently preparing the table, see yeah later. I love you!"

"I love you more...," she replied.

Done with texting him, she put her iPhone back into her shoulder bag.

"Where are we going, Catherine?" asked Grace.

"To MysticBay Twin Tower right there along the Manila Bay. You have seen it before, right?"

Grace nodded her head. She had seen that condominium resort type of dwellings a couple of times when it's still undergoing construction. She was dreaming of owning one condo unit in one of those expensive recidences. But sad to say she can't afford one.

"You mean to say your boyfriend owned a unit there?"

"Yes, located on the 20th floor."

"Wow, this is exciting! Cousin, I can't wait to be up there on the 20th floor and see the spectacular view from above!" she chattered merrily and shrieked with excitement.

Catherine elbowed her cousin Grace to keep quiet because Ramon was glancing at them in the rearview mirror, smirking.

Grace saw Ramon's smirk, she blushed a little bit and pursed her mouth no longer wanting to say another word. She behaved herself all the way to the Twin Tower.

When they arrived at the Twin Tower, they left Ramon in the basement parking area.

The two ladies went inside the elevator, Catherine pressed the 20th-floor button and up...up they go. Since the elevator wall was made of clear glass, Grace can see everything.

"OMG! This is awesome, ocean's view on her left side and the condo's classy and luxurious interior on her right side with each magnificent floor flashing her very eyes as the height of their ride keeps getting higher. She got to see the wonderful views of both worlds. Terrific!

"Fantastic Catherine!" Grace grinned from ear to ear.

"Yes, it's the spectacular view that really blows your mind away," she has to agree with her cousin.

Finally, their voyage ended and they arrived on the 20th floor.

They walked towards the number #20 flat, Catherine pressed her right thumb on the scanner's surface and then input her password.

The door magically opened!

"Wow! You had your own password, Cath?" asked Grace with awe and amazement.

Catherine nodded her head for affirmation.

Grace's eyes grew much bigger the moment they stepped inside the flat.

What greeted her eyes is every woman's dream. A burst of colors uplifted her mood, the subtle way the colors merged with the furniture's stylish and artistic appeal created a comfortable and feminine vibe to the whole flat.

Grace sat down on the fluffy pink colored sofa and close her eyes dreaming of the impossible dream to own a flat like this, it's beyond her reach!

Catherine smiled at her cousin's dreamy face.

She went to the kitchen and saw the table laden with a variety of mouthwatering dishes.

John was on the sink, his back facing her, he turned around to see her.

Their eyes meet.

Catherine saw that he was wearing an apron.


She slowly moved towards him...

He meets her halfway...and he embraces her and kissed her forehead.

"Your cousin is already here, right?" he asked.

"Yes, in the living room."

"Let's go and meet her," John removed the apron he was wearing and put back his mask in his face.

They walked hand in hand towards the living room.

Grace's back was facing them, she was staring at the captivating sparkling view of the blue ocean in front of her.

"Cousin, meet John!"

Grace turned around and came face to face with a masked guy who is taller than her and Catherine of about 6 inches. He has a masculine built body just like Ramon, member of the gym loving hunk, it's the way ladies describe these type of guys nowadays.

John moves towards Grace and extended his hand for a handshake.

"Nice meeting you Grace!"

"Nice meeting you too, John!"

Their handshake lasted for a few seconds.

"Ladies, what do you want to do first...tour the condo flat, talk or eat dinner?"

"We can talk and eat first in the table," suggested Catherine.

But Grace had other things in her mind.

"Catherine, can I have a talk with John first?" she said.

"Okay, I will just wait for you guys in the kitchen, hurry up with the talking, 'coz I'm already hungry," she smiled at both of them and walked away. Catherine wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation but she realized it's not ethical. Instead, she went into the kitchen and inspected the foods.