
"Just tell me my punishment I will gladly do it," she said in a sultry voice while sending him a seductive smile, beckoning him to come closer to her.

John gulped back his saliva. He stood his ground, trying to resist her seduction.

Then Catherine resumed unbuttoning her blouse, when the last button was already freed, her lacy bra and sexy cleavage were in full display for him to ogle. The atmosphere around them suddenly turned 100-degree Celsius hotter!

He was astounded and amazed by her sudden transformation into a bewitching seductress. She was always never like this, he has always been the one that takes the lead whenever they go into a lovemaking session.

But the Catherine he saw right now was in total control of her sexuality. She finally learned how to use her body to seduce a man. Catherine's discovery of the art of seduction amuses him at the same time terrifies him that she might use her charm on other men.

John shifted on his feet, the dark passion starts creeping into his eyes. If she continues what she was doing right now, he will be a goner for sure. What he sees in the situation right now is that Catherine was trying to subdue his anger by using her body to divert his attention. He smirked at her wise tactic, his eyes boring into hers.

Not yet done, Catherine leaned on the chair and stripped her jeans, until it's only her lacy high waist red panties were left to cover her modesty.

Now that's the BOMB!

He groaned! Seeing her hourglass figure and shapely legs, her soft mound that seems to peek behind the sexy lingerie, he already died wanting to touch her yet he was still denying himself the chance to do so to the point of holding back his desire trying to hold on to the last thread of anger that already dissipated a while ago.

John was now drooling at her lovely sight, he had already forgotten his anger towards her. Damn!

Catherine runs her fingers down on her brown long hair and posed sexily~meant to entice John. Then she threw him a seductive look biting her lower lip.

Fuck! John squeezed his arousal down in his thighs, while his eyes glued to her face. His body was now starting to erupt to a boiling point clamoring for release. His erection throbbed painfully between his legs. He still doesn't want to go near her, but her captivating nakedness so irresistible he wants to devour her, right here...right now!

He groaned and sighed a bit, fuck! He can not take it anymore! He might surrender anytime soon...

Catherine slowly went to his side and starts undressing him down to the last garment, he was left with his black jockey brief. She eyed his bulging erection, then she smiled at him and starts nibbling at his lips. She pushed him to sit down on the chair. Then she rides on his lap her breast facing his face, her twin peaks still confined to the bra, her soft bottom securely fastened down on his erection, she starts grinding on him in slow motion, she starts moaning, ahhhh...his hands caress her thighs up and down. Then he runs his hands to the entire length of her back and cupping her bottom.

"Slow or hard, John?" she whispered silkily into his ear, then she rubbed her breast intentionally on his face.

John's face was now buried into the valley of her breast. He groaned, then he starts licking and sucking on the exposed skin outside the bra garments.

"S-slowww..." he can barely think due to the friction of her hot core ramming down onto his arousal. He groaned with dark desire pulsating brightly in his eyes. He starts unfastening her bra and dropped it on the next chair, his tongue hungrily claimed her twin peaks with fervent desire. Catherine moaned. She wrapped her arms around his head loving the way his mouth sucking roughly at her nipples.



She continues making slow rubbing and grinding on his arousal, John loves it very much, the friction of their genitals so euphoric it makes him wants to enter her really bad! She's now grinding harder and fasterrr...

"Harderrr Catherine..."

"Yesss John..."



The time stop moving...they were both suspended in the air.

"Harderrr Catherine..."

"Yesss John...ahhh!" she rammed her core hard into his arousal, rubbing it vigorously onto his hard member to John's ultimate delight.

Their face was now contorted in bliss. They reached their glorious climax together after a few minutes of grinding and rubbing their private parts onto each other.

They paused for a minute collecting their fired up nerves.

Then they stood up together and strolled towards the direction of the bedroom. They can't keep their hands off each other. When they reached the bedroom, they jumped right into the bed and hides behind the blanket. The bed were shaking and creaking for the next fifteen minutes, heavy panting and grunting can be heard coming from John, while Catherine's nonstop moaning echoed in the four corners of John's bedroom.

Twenty minutes later...the bed was no longer creaking.