FairyTale Romance?

Sunday, a day off for Catherine.

Her whole family was invited by John into the Infinity Jade Tower with the intent to meet her mother.

John instructed Ramon to fetch Catherine's family from Cavite City back to Infinity Jade Tower.

Up there in the 15th floor, John was waiting for his visitors to arrive. He already ordered assortments of sumptuous dishes as well as mouthwatering desserts for the entire family.

He also brought chocolates and more toys for the kids. He planned to have Catherine stays with the kids in the swimming pool area while he and his future mother in law will talk sincerely in the living room. He needs to talk with Catherine's mother alone without the kids' noise and chatter hovering around their conversation.

Then later in the afternoon, he will bring them along into the MysticBay Twin Tower to see his flat there. He wants to make a long lasting impression on his future mother in law's mind, to show to her that he is more than capable of taking good care of her daughter and that also includes her entire family.

The list of activities was already lined up for them. Kids will be swimming in the pool, he and Thelma will have a heart to heart talk in the living room...

Then they will eat lunch two hours later.

After that, he will urge Catherine to bake a chocolate cake while her mother is watching and her mother can even take part in the baking process.

Then they will watch a movie in his mini theater.

At 5:00 PM, they will travel to MysticBay Twin Tower to witness how beautiful the sunset there~while they watch the marvelous sunset display from the 20th floor of the condo.

If there still enough time, he can bring them all to the mall or anywhere they want to go.


Back in Cavite City...

Catherine's family was already getting ready for Ramon's coming, as he informed them that he was already on the way to their house, a little bit late because he was stuck in the heavy traffic along the coastal area.

Catherine was excited along with the kids, the little ones feel like they were going to an adventure. However, Thelma was surprisingly quiet on the corner.

"What is bothering you, Mother? What are you thinking?" asked Catherine. She noticed her gloomy demeanor earlier while they were starting to dress for their outing today.

"Catherine, tell me honestly...Is this John your Sugar Daddy---? How old is he again?" asked Thelma.

She laughed while addressing her mother's question. "Mother, he is only 27 years old, how come he will become my sugar daddy? Sugar daddies are mostly old men with the age bracket of 50 years old and above."

Thelma stared at her. "How come you meet such a wealthy guy like him in the village? Rich men don't stay in the village, they belong to the big city attending to their businesses. When and how exactly the two of you meet? Can you tell me how?"

She sighed. Her mother is getting curious, but she can't tell her when and how she meets John, if she knows her mother will throw a fit and might protest against the wedding, she can't afford that. Her mother is a bit old fashion, there are some things they might not agree with. She has to conjure up a story that is believable for now.

"I meet him in the wet market in the city near to our village, Mother. I used to sell fish and vegetables there remember?"

Of course, Thelma knew that! Her daughter was doing all she can just to earned money way back in the village for their survival. But it feels like a fairy tale romance story, a poor girl meeting a wealthy guy in the village, which is just pure fantasy and seldom happened in real life. "Seriously Catherine, don't lie!" she said trying to scold her daughter.

Catherine groaned. "Mother, why are you being so stingy!? I'm going to marry John because I love him. The rest does not matter."

Thelma sighed.

"Please Mother, I want you to accept John for what he is. Give him a benefit of the doubt."

The older woman felt that her daughter was hiding something from her, she will get the bottom of it.

"And one thing more Mother, I want to tell you something about John's appearance, he got into an accident seven years ago. An identified criminal killed her fiancee and carved knife wounds on his face, he got ugly scars all over his face. That is why he had to hide his face by wearing a face mask all the time especially meeting other people or going outside. If he will reveal his face to you, please don't act like you were scared or shocked by his ugliness. In spite of his ugly appearance, John is a type of guy who is gentle, kind, generous and has an affectionate soul. I can't ask for a better husband than him."

Thelma grumbled. "John is ugly---yet you are willing to marry him? Jerome is handsome and also a good man, then why you will marry John and not Jerome?" she was in for a debate.

Catherine rolled her eyes. "Mother I know you like Jerome for me, but please I beg you, do not ever mention Jerome in front of John. Do not hurt his feelings. It's John I want to marry and not Jerome, please respect my decision."

The older woman remained silent. "Fine. I will treat him nicely for you. But if I find something not good in the way he acts, speak or reply to my questions then I might not approve him for you."

She hugged her mother. "Thank you, Mother!" Knowing that her mother was willing to meet her halfway was enough for Catherine for now.

Her iPhone rings.

It's Ramon calling...

"Am coming within five minutes, Catherine, get ready..."

"Yes Ramon...were ready for your coming," she said, then ended the call.

Catherine typed a quick message for John, telling him that if her mother asks him where they meet for the first time, just tell her they meet in the town of Mandresa's wet market, she was selling fish and vegetable during those times, she hit send button right away. It's important that John and her story will be in the same context so as not to anger her mother ~ if they were caught lying it might lead to conflict later on.

She is adult enough to marry, out of respect for her mother that brought her out to this world she has to make sure her mother will feel good and at ease with her chosen husband.

Ramon finally arrived at the house and the kids' eyes grew bigger when they saw the car. They get inside the car with excitement on their faces. Catherine sits in the front seat, while her mother sat beside the kids in the backseat of the car.

Thelma was silent, her eyes roamed around the insides of the car. It's her first time riding a luxurious car of it's kind. The more she was feeling curious about how her village born naive daughter able to meet such a wealthy businessman?