My Dear Wife!

Catherine and John were both looking contented and happy lying in the spacious bed in MysticBay Twin Tower.

They were having a celebration of sort because every creased in their relationship was already being ironed out.

They Marriage License was already granted to them by the Civil Registrars Office after submitting all the necessary requirements for the wedding. The Letter of Intent to Marry was already submitted to the Mayor's office along with the Marriage License, and the confirmation of the availability of the suggested wedding date was already set, that will be six days from today. It will be held in the City Hall officiated by the Judge of RTC Court.

John and Catherine were looking at each if in a trance.

They were not touching...just looking intently at each other's eyes.

Then they would smile if remembering something along the line at the beginning of their relationship.

"What are you thinking?" she asked.

"Thinking about us. Remembering the first time I saw your face in my old room in the hacienda. You literally blew my mind away with your gorgeous face."

Catherine smiled, her eyes twinkling.

"What about you? Why are you smiling?" he asked tenderly.

She didn't reply to his question, instead, she kept smiling.

"Answer me Catherine or I will tickle your side nonstop!" he warned her.

She grinned.

"I remember the first time we had sex. You've been gentle with me. You took my virginity the first time we meet," she murmured lost in his eyes.

John suddenly turned silent. He was also thinking of the same thing. What if he just let his men took the girls into the Police Station and leave them there? Will their love story have a different ending? Was it physical lust that binds them together right from the very start? But he already develops an intense attraction towards her the first time he kissed her lips and kissed every inch of her body. Then he discovered later on that he can't get enough of her that is why he chased her all the way into the city.

"Do you have regrets meeting me? Or did you regretted the way how things happened the first time we meet?" he asked.

"I didn't regret meeting you. It's just the way how we meet that is not right. First of all...I think it's mine and my sister's fault that I ended in that situation with you." She cut her line of thinking because if she didn't come with her sister on that heist, John must have met Caroline instead. Would Caroline and John fall in love with each other? Ouch, she felt a sudden pain in her heart. Why she was feeling jealous of something that didn't even happen?

"On my part, I did not regret taking your virginity Catherine, because if I didn't do it and send you to the prison instead we might never end like this. It's the union of our bodies, the physical intimacy that we shared that night cemented my love and attraction towards you. I won't have it the other way."

He touched her cheeks gently.

She intertwined her fingers in his. Her small hands being enveloped in his big ones.

Then she was being engulfed in his arms. She snuggled closer to his body, loving his manly scent and heat.

"If one day I would make a big mistake, can you easily forgive me Catherine?" asked John.

She looked into his eyes. "As long it's not about cheating with other women then I can easily forgive you," she replied.

He laughed. "No woman would like this ugly face of mine. You are the only one blind enough to love and marry me. Don't worry as long as I live no other woman can take your place. I'm yours forever!" then he nibbled on her earlobes.

"How about me? What if I make a big mistake in the future would you easily forgive me?" she asked.

"Same here, as long you don't cheat with a guy behind my back then I will always be a forgiving person when it comes to you," he said.

His fingers were now tracing the skin inside her blouse, then he began pinching and kneading her nipple.

Catherine moaned. Her hands slowly went down to the waistband of his underwear and cupped his manhood, his member sprung to life! He groaned.

"You like it when I touch you down there?" she asked him in her sultry voice.

"Yesss...very much!" John's eyes were already darkening with desire.

Then she rubbed her hands on his manhood, not contented she inserted her fingers in his underwear and grab at his erection, stroking it several times. Then her fingers made an up and down movement still grabbing his rigid manhood, giving him intense pleasure.

"Ahhhh, love it Catherine!" he claimed her mouth with his lips, sucking at her tongue. John's hands were now caressing the inside of her thighs just below the 'V' of her legs.

Catherine moaned. Then his fingers skimmed above her mound, teasing her, tormenting her.

When he cupped her crotch she already felt the fire of desire pulsating heavily in her belly. When his fingers sneaked inside her underwear, a moan escape her lips. His middle finger entered her wet core and he was rubbing her the same way she rubbed him.

Their desire and passion for each other were getting more intense while they were at the highest peak of touching and pleasuring each other's private parts. The intensity and the speed of their stroking and rubbing on their genital finally reached the highest peak, giving them their big 'O' in just a matter of minutes.

After reaching their climax, they stared at each other's flushed face, grinning from ear to ear.

Full of love, they whispered sweet nothings to each other.

"I love you so much, John!"

"I love you more, Catherine!"

John embraces her ladylove from behind spooning her. "I will have my face fix with surgery after our church wedding. I want you to see my original face every day, not this ugly face," he said.

Catherine runs her fingers on his scars to the point of caressing them. John closed his eyes, loving the way she caresses his face.

"I will support you whatever that makes you happy, John," she said.

"I want you to be proud of me. I am tired of hiding behind the mask all the time. I want my old face back, even if I can't have 100% at least 70% of my original facial appearance will be restored then I will be happy and contented."

She looked into his eyes and see the endless suffering in there. "Ugly or not, I am always your number one fan!" she smiled sweetly at him.

Thirty minutes later...

They rose from the bed and went inside the bathroom for a quick shower. The supposed to be a quick shower lasted for one full hour, with Catherine's moaning and John's panting and grunting can be heard even outside the bedroom's door.

Done with their lovemaking and shower, they emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later completely energized.

Fully clothed, John brought Catherine outside the main entrance of the flat to show her that her password and her fingerprints that she uses to enter in the MysticBay Twin Tower can also be use in John's own flat from this moment onward.

"My home is now your home my dear wife, Mrs. Catherine Fuentes!" he said, kissing her forehead lovingly.

She grinned and jumped joyously into his open arms.

Later that night, John reluctantly brought Catherine back into her home in Cavite City along with the wedding gown and the wedding ring. He was waiting for that final day that she will never have to leave his side ever again.