Escape Route!

Caroline runs her hands through her messy hair. She was all dirt especially her long hair from so much crawling inside the tunnel, although her hands were protected by gloves that were free from bruises and cuts, yet they were painfully throbbing as of this moment.

They were taken into the living room of the house and were given refreshments by the owners.

While Greg was talking to his friend, discussing their next escape route. He suggested that Caroline must be taken by another vehicle just in case their escape will be detected by the law enforcers who are after them. There will be more Police car patrolling the highways and conducting checkpoints.

It has been decided that they will stay for the night for much-needed rest.

The owner of the house turned on his television set to see if there's flash news regarding the shooting that took place in the hideout. Fifteen minutes later, the TV show was interrupted by a piece of flash news showing the hideout being flattened out by flames due to the explosives hurled by the police enforcers who raided the hideout, their mission was shoot to kill if the lawbreaker won't surrender voluntarily. It's been confirmed that the leader was able to escape with two of his men. There is no mention of the woman with them. Among the injured were two Policemen and eight suspects were killed on the spot.

Later that night, Greg and his men were talking about their next move. They have to go somewhere far away if they want to continue living. They have to migrate to other cities or provinces and live separate lives, it's best for all parties involved.

Inside the room where Greg and Caroline have been resting for the night, they can't sleep, still traumatized about what had happened with their daring escape earlier, they just narrowly escape death!

Greg embraces his girlfriend tight.

"That was close, I thought we will never get out of that house alive!" mumbled Caroline, her voice trembling.

Greg released a deep sigh.

"The chase still not over. That is why we have to live separate lives for the meantime. I want you to go somewhere safe. I will just contact you when I already find a safe hideout for us to stay. For now, I have to go back in Visayaz to my relatives there to hide from the authorities."

Caroline wanted to cry because she doesn't want to be separated from her boyfriend, but now is not the time to go dramatic and behave like a cry baby. Greg doesn't need a weak girlfriend right now, what he needs is a strong woman.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Where you will be staying?" he asked.

"In my family's house in Cavite city. Catherine and my family were already living there. I can stay there in the meantime. But promise me that you will send me text messages of your whereabouts from time to time. I will be so worried about you," she fought back her tears.

"Don't worry babe, we will be reunited again soon!" his voice was shaking.

"I'm afraid that we might never see each other again," she buried her face into his chest.

Greg rubbed her back. "Don't say that. We will meet again, just don't change your number so that I can contact you anytime. If I found a safe place for us in the Visayaz region, would you be willing to live with me there? I will no longer sell illegal drugs. I will change for the better, then we can finally start a family of our own."

"Yes! I'm willing to go anywhere with you even if it's to the ends of the earth. I will follow you wherever you go," she was near in tears now. It seems this is their last night together.

Greg kissed her forehead lovingly. "Hold on tight babe and be strong for our love. We will overcome all this."

She wiped the lone tear that fell from her eye.

"Let's sleep now, we will travel early in the morning tomorrow." Greg wrapped the blanket around their body.


The next morning...

Caroline and Greg woke up early at 4:00 AM in the morning. They ate some bread and sipped hot coffee.

Two vehicles were needed to accompany them with their escape to the city. The first vehicle will have Caroline aboard bound to Cavite City. While the second vehicle will bring Greg and his two men into the city's port to board a private cargo ship bound for Visayaz.

Greg and Caroline hugged each other tightly before they parted ways.

Caroline fought hard trying to block her tears from falling. Greg kissed her forehead for the last time, he and the men boarded the car that was assigned to them.

The vehicle that brings Greg and his companion go first ahead of them, she waved goodbye at him, he waved back at her and blew her a kiss.

Greg needs to test the water first, to see if there are Police checkpoints along the highway.

Thirty minutes later, Greg called her to give her a go signal that it's safe to travel on the same highway because there were no checkpoints. But he warned her to avoid the highway near the area of the shootings because the Police visibility was still heavily focusing on there to gather more evidence and to track the leaders escape route.

The second car containing Catherine was now moving smoothly into the highway. Caroline was praying hard that Greg will reach the Visayaz region safe and sound. Although it's painful, she rather wants that they were apart thousands of miles away from each other than to see him dead his body riddled by law enforcer's bullet. She understood that Greg has to let go of her just to ensure her safety.

The whole drive was long, boring and lonely. The driver was kind enough to play instrumental music on the car stereo to cover the awkwardness between them. They didn't even attempt to facilitate a conversation, they were just contented with each other's silence.

After a long drive, they finally reached the vicinity near Cavite City and got caught up in heavy traffic along the coastal area.

Nevertheless, at 5:00 PM in the afternoon they found the address of the rented house of Caroline's family.

Caroline thanks the driver for his help and urged him to spend the night with them, but he refused politely saying he will sleep in his brother's house in Pasay City because his brother's family were already waiting for him there.

She waved goodbye to him, he waved back. Then the driver steered the vehicle back into the street and vanished around the corner.

With heavy steps Caroline walked towards the door, her backpack hung heavily on her weary shoulder, her hands clutching at her cell phone. Her separation with Greg was already making her so sad and so empty inside.

Caroline bit her lip while knocking at the closed door...