Horny VIP Client!

Reba eyed Catherine appreciatively while she was sitting in front of her in her office.

"Catherine, you are in charge of cleaning the Presidential Suite #1 right?"

"Yes Maam," answered Catherine right away.

"We have a VIP client today for that specific suite, he will arrive in the late afternoon. I want you to clean that room thoroughly, free from dust, change the cover, etcetera and make sure the room is well stocked with essentials, okay?"

"Yes, got it Maam!" she answered energetically.

"We always provide a personal assistant to our VIP clients on suite #1, so this time you will be this client's beck and call the entire duration of his stay, in short, you will become his personal assistant and assist him with everything. Make him happy and satisfied with our services so that he will keep coming back to book the rooms in our hotel and in return he would easily recommend us to his friends and family circle. Can you do that?" asked Reba.