Produce Babies!

They had showered and dressed together and were now cuddling above the sofa.

"Why don't we just live in together, Catherine?" he suggested. "You know, raise children and maybe someday your mother will be able to accept me when she sees her little grandchildren."

She pouted at his idea. "Too soon for that. I don't want children yet, I want to enjoy my time with you and am still young to be a mother. Maybe when am already 25 years old, that's the perfect time to have babies, besides I want to go back to school and finish a degree for myself first."

He was silent for a while. Every time they made love they hadn't use any contraceptive method, they just have sex all the way. How come that he already pumped too many of his seeds inside her, yet Catherine hadn't conceived yet? Maybe one of them is sterile?

"Catherine, have you by any means uses a method not to get pregnant?" he asked.

She frowned at her question. "What kind of question is that?"