Plan In Motion

Early morning, John received a text message from Allan asking permission to visit his home for a few days because his firstborn was diagnosed with dengue and was confined in the hospital. He told Allan to take his time and just return spying on Catherine after his son is out of danger.

After sipping his coffee and done eating breakfast with his bodyguards in the kitchen, he went inside the toilet to take his shower.

Feeling fresh, John called Catherine 'coz he been denying himself the chance to text her and she seemed to be angry that his text was less so she also stops sending him messages.

"Hey Catherine!" he said aloud.

"Whaaat?" she replied with the same loud voice.

Then he smiled. "Miss me?"


"Okay, so I will end the call now 'coz it seems my call in not welcome."

When she didn't reply John ended his call. He waited for a few minutes hoping she will call him back, but she didn't. Looks like she really is angry!

He called her back.