
He turned his head into the direction of the toilet and saw the driver getting out of the restroom. He released a deep sigh of frustration!

Damn stupid driver!

The driver slid into the driver's seat and starts the engine and soon enough they were speeding back in the highway. They stopped at the first drive-thru motel that they passed by...unfortunately the guard on duty said that the motel was full.

They drive ahead looking for a vacant motel...

The driver saw that his taxi was running out of fuel. "Dang! I'm running out of gas! We need to refuel!"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Jerome swore again, he was now throwing daggers at the driver, if he had a knife he already murdered the stupid driver! Next time he should bring a weapon with him!

The taxi driver parked at the nearest gasoline station and the service boy pumped fuel into the gas tank.