
~~Day 3~~

Early morning Ramon called Catherine.

"Cath, good news!"

"What is it Ramon?" excitement in her voice.

"Sorry I was not able to call you last night because we are busy digging. We follow your suggestion and we got a message from John himself that they are alive and trapped in the tunnel."

"That's good!" she exclaimed in jubilation.

"Thanks to you, Cath!"

"Please don't thank me it's just a small contribution on my part. Ramon, what is the latest update there?"

"We are still digging but we already covered a lot, we are heading to their location."

"Ramon, how many workers are currently digging the tunnel?" asked Catherine.

"About 300 workers in total. We focus on this current crisis, we divided the workers into 3 shifts to work around the clock."

Catherine was silent for a while in deep thoughts.