She Lied!

One night, Jerome visits Catherine's home.

"Good evening, Auntie Thelma!" he brought with him some street foods that the older woman and the kids love to eat.

"Thank you, Jerome!" Thelma accepted the foods with a smile of gratitude on her face.

"Where is Catherine?" he roamed her eyes around the tiny home, hoping to see the lady love that he misses very much.

"The hotel sends her on a 3 days training in Cebu City. She will be back after 3 days," answered Thelma.

Jerome was disappointed to know that she was not home and get more agitated when he knows that she will be gone on training for a few days.

"What kind of training, Auntie?" he was puzzled. Why would a company send someone with a low position such as Catherine into a 3 days training in Cebu? Was there any more capable person in the hotel fit for the training other than her?

The kids suddenly entered the door of the house and gathered noisily around Jerome.

"Yaay! It's Uncle Jerome!" shouted Lily