Wrecking Ball!

Done cleaning the kitchen...

The lovers donned their swimming attires and go in full swimming mode for one hour. John would caress Catherine's body in a subtle way every chance he got. Displaying hints of suppressed desires, promising Catherine of a mind-blowing lovemaking session later in bed.

Catherine loves it, his touches never feels to ignite passion and desire in her body, she can't get enough of John and he can't get enough of her either. Their lingering touches on each others body left them wanting for more.

They were a ticking time bomb waiting to explode on each other.

John wanted to ravage Catherine right there in the middle of the swimming pool but he restrains himself from doing so, there are still some important issues he needs to talk with her.


Getting tired of swimming they get out of the pool and took a shower separately and changed into dry clothes.

They spent their time in the living room, sitting down in the sofa staring at each other...

What now?