
The Next Day...

John arrived at the warehouse, it was surrounded by big trees planted strategically around the area. It's partially hidden and far from the highway. He and Ramon surveyed the whole place, it was indeed the perfect setting for his new project.

"George, have you already contacted the people who will construct the room?" asked John.

"Yes Sir, I also told them that the room needs to be finished within one week. As long we will be willing to pay them with an overtime fee then they will be able to finish it on time," said George.

"Good. Tell them I have no problem paying them extra as long they can finish the room on time. They can start construction tomorrow. I already paid the owner the advance rental so that we can start the construction right away. I want you to supervise the construction and make sure they will follow my room design up to the last detail," said John.

"Okay Sir, copy," answered George.