Kill The Love!

Grace visits Catherine's house, she and Thelma were sitting in the living room talking to each other.

"Auntie, I will celebrate my birthday this coming Wednesday at my house I will be preparing some foods and special dishes, it's a dinner party. Come early Auntie at 6:00 in the evening, bring the kids and don't forget to tell Catherine. Ah, never mind I will call her myself," she said.

"Thanks for the invite Grace, we will be there!" replied Thelma.

Done talking to her Auntie, Grace was about to leave the place...

Jerome entered the door just in time.

Thelma smiled at Jerome.

"Hi...Grace!" Jerome greeted her.

"Hello, Jerome!" Grace returned his greetings.

"Grace, why don't you invite Jerome to your birthday party this coming Wednesday?" said Thelma.

Grace looked at Jerome hesitating a bit but she invited him anyways. "Jerome, you are invited to attend my birthday party held at my house this Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Hope you will attend, see you there!"