
John sat on the bed and caresses Catherine's cheek with the back of his hand. Lol, his beloved Queen was still sleeping soundly. Hmm, this can't be! They need to finish everything tonight so that they can continue with their lives and leave this horrific incident behind them. Everything must end tonight...

He runs his finger on her sexy back then he tickles her side. "Catherine wake up!"

She opened her eyes slowly. "Oh, w-what time is it now?"

"It's past 1:00 AM," he answered.

"Are we going home now?" she asked, sitting upright in the bed wrapping the blanket around her nakedness.

"Yeah in a while...," he said in a husky voice. He sneaks his hand inside the blanket and grabs her bottom and squeezed it hard a bit, playfully.

"John, please stop!" she swatted his hand away from her bare bum. She smiled at him and granted him a wet kiss on his lips.