Outrageous Proposal!

Done with her daily rounds in the 4th and 5th floor. Catherine entered Presidential Suite #1 and carry out some cleaning, she should clean this suite very well cause today will be the last time she will see this room. She and John had shared many good memories in this room.

Satisfied with her cleaning, she washed her hands on the sink of the bathroom then walked towards the bed. She removed the wedding dress and the wedding ring from her shoulder bag and placed them side by side in the bed.

"Goodbye, John," she murmured softly.

She runs her fingers on the ring and caresses the dress's fabric for the last time. A single tear fell from her eyes. She doesn't want to cry anymore. Running away from John is already killing her inside. But she can't retrace her steps backward, she needs to move on forward!

She sat on the edge of the bed and checked her cell phone. She got 3 messages in her inbox all coming from John, she reads each of them with a smile on her face.