Runaway Bride!

Ramon arrived at Thelma's doorsteps. The older woman was shocked, she wasn't expecting to see one of John's bodyguard but she gets over her shock quickly after he gave her the brown envelope that contains Catherine's salary.

"Ma'am, Catherine left the hotel in a hurry without receiving her salary. Sir John instructed me to get her salary from the hotel and give it to you. He would also like to know where is Catherine right now because he was extremely worried about her, can you please tell me, Ma'am?" asked Ramon in a polite voice.

Thelma accepted the envelope. "Thank you," she murmured. The fact that her daughter didn't inform John of her whereabouts then Catherine doesn't want to be found. She has to keep her mouth shut.

"I'm so sorry but I can't tell you where is my daughter right now. But please tell John that she is in a good place and she got a new job. Please tell him that he doesn't have to worry about my daughter anymore," said Thelma.