On My Own

Agnes was in the sink, cleaning and slicing the ripe mangoes and putting the slices in the platter.

Catherine was watching Agnes with fondness in her eyes. She was feeling sad cause Agnes is finally leaving her tomorrow for a trial run to see if she can manage the business on her own. She was feeling a bit apprehensive that she might still be lacking in many things when it comes to managing the stores. Her confidence is dropping at an alarming rate. It's used to be so easy because Agnes was still guiding her step by step on the daily routines of running the shops. But tomorrow it will be different because she will be on her own...

'"I'm afraid, Agnes," said Catherine.

"Why---?" Agnes was looking at her face intently.

"Because you're now leaving tomorrow. I'm feeling nervous that I might not be able to handle everything on my own," Catherine's voice quivered.