John To The Rescue

~Infinity Jade Tower~

John was getting restless after he heard Catherine sobbing during their phone conversation earlier. He was getting worried about her, what could be her big problem? He wanted to fly right into her doorsteps and asked her personally what is her problem so that he can help her. He will exhaust all his resources just to alleviate whatever difficulty she is encountering right now, it truly breaks his heart every time he hears her crying.

He called George...

"Hello Boss," said George.

"George, what is the update in there?" asked John.

"Not much happening around here, except that I see an advertisement being posted a while ago outside the doors of the stores," explained George.

"Go closer toward the advertisement and read it aloud to me," said John.

"Okay Boss, just a moment," George walked towards the posted ad.

He began reading...

"For Sale Whole lot & Building, please contact this email address and messenger for direct buyers only!"