Let's Swim!


Catherine's rest day.

She was thinking about what to do today? She was terrified because if she's alone she kept thinking of how John was meeting those women behind her back. The jealousy lingers in her mind and it made her miserable every day. She hides her sadness inside every time she was around with the crew and in John's presence.

In John's presence, she was the smiling Catherine.

When she was alone in her room, she was a miserable woman, eaten by sadness, insecurity, and jealousy.

If only it could be easy to hate John, but no matter how hard she tried she can't bring herself to hate him. She's at the lowest level of her self esteem. Now that John is already good looking, he can have any woman he likes. He now became an irresistible magnet to women, he is a complete package, good looks and wealth. He can easily replace her anytime. She knew she doesn't have to entertain those negative thoughts it will only make her suffering more painful.