Home Visit


Catherine already informed John earlier that she would go home to Cavite City to visit her family and she would return home during night time.

She missed her family so much!

The thoughts of seeing her family again brought excitement in her tormented heart. She plans to bring her entire family into the mall today and buy them gifts.

She entered the bathroom to take a bath, fifteen minutes later, she was done bathing.

She entered her room and donned dry clothes on her body and went to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. While munching on the sliced bread, she stared at her cell phone, Phantom no longer texted her, he just disappeared out of the blue!

Whatever...she's done waiting for his text!

She stood up and made her coffee. She went back to the chair and sat down on it. Her phone starts ringing...she got a caller early morning...it's Mike!

"Hello beautyyyyy...I misss you!" he said.

"Lol, long time no hear, how are you?" she replied.