House Arrest!

With a crushed spirit and a very troubled mind, John walked to his room and picked up his phone to call Ramon.

"Yes, Boss?" answered Ramon.

"Ramon...listen carefully, Catherine was now inside the elevator heading down, don't let her go! She just caught me kissing another woman in my pool. She might run away again this time! Brought her back to her workplace safely, okay!?" he barked his command.

"Okay Boss, copy!" Ramon answered and scratched his head, the call ended. Ramon was swearing profanities in silent. Just when they already found Catherine, why is this happening? He can't understand why his Boss fucked up this time, why? He immediately sprung into action and walked towards the elevator's entrance. OMG! This is a major setback for the lovers who just recently reunited. He must not let Catherine get out of his sight tonight.

John went inside his bathroom and stripped his wet clothes, he exited the bathroom and walked to his closets, he changed into dry clothes.