Cruella Deville

John was inside his office doing his usual routine when the landline phone on his desk starts ringing.

He picked up the receiver and answered it.

"Hello, John! How are you!" A cheery voiced echoed on the other end.

John groaned 'coz he's quite familiar with the woman's voice on the other line. "Who is this?"

"This is Ella, don't tell me you already forgotten me. I miss you!" she answered.

John released a deep sigh. Of course, he will never forget the instrument of his downfall in the eyes of Catherine.

"Why are you calling me?" his voice was cold.

"I just want to say hello and I'm thinking maybe we can meet again. I wanna see you and get to know you better," she said.

"I don't want to see you again, Ella! It's best that you should not contact me. I don't want to be associated with you again. Meeting you is the biggest mistake I'd ever done in my whole life. I will be happy if you don't show your face to me anymore," he said in a hard tone.